Google Sheet will create and upload data to the following BigQuery tables.
Table name | Comment |
ga4_documentation_events | Event documentation |
ga4_documentation_parameters | Parameter documentation (only parameters that are used in Event documentation will be uploaded) |
ga4_documentation_bq_settings | Advanced Settings Google Sheet |
ga4_documentation_annotations | Annotations |
In additon to the setup described on this page, there is also an Anomaly Detection Setup. Much of the setup there is similar to what described here, but it's documented independently.
Anomaly detection flags Events or Parameters with significant spikes or drops that aren’t explained by session fluctuations. New Events and Parameters are flagged independently. This helps you identify if something is broken or has changed.
- Create 2 Scheduled Queries
- Create 2 Logs Router
- Create 2 Cloud Functions
- Create 1 Cloud Scheduler
To get the final documentation result in BigQuery, we need to run 2 scheduled queries. These queries will create 5 different tables.
All scheduled queries have this logic:
- If events_fresh_ table exist (GA 360 only), query only this table including today.
- If events_fresh_ doesn't exist, query events_ table until yesterday.
- If yesterday doesn't exist in events_ table, query events_intraday_ (if the table exist), between yesterday and today.
- Else query events_intraday_ only for today.
- If yesterday doesn't exist in events_ table, query events_intraday_ (if the table exist), between yesterday and today.
- If events_fresh_ doesn't exist, query events_ table until yesterday.
- Replace your-project.analytics_XXXXX with your project and data set
- Rest of the settings are done in Google Sheet in the Settings and Advanced Settings sheet.
Scheduled query | Comment |
ga4_documentation_events_and_documentation_status | This query creates 3 Tables:
ga4_documentation_parameters_and_documentation_status | This query creates 2 tables:
- Scheduled queries should use On-demand Repeat frequency
- Do NOT tick the checkbox Set a destination table for query results. That logic is handled within the SQL query.
- Decide if you need to specify Location type (Ex. Multi-region and EU).
- Click Save.
The complete setup works like this:
- If changes are made to the ga4_documentation_events table, a Cloud Run Function will automatically run some scheduled queries.
- When Cloud Scheduler is run by a defined time, a Cloud Run Function will automatically run some scheduled queries.
The concept we use for this setup comes from a blog post on Simmer by Simo Ahava, but it differs slightly.
We are going to create 2 different Logs Router:
- ga4_documentation_events_update
- ga4_documentation_parameters_update
This will kick off queries related to events.
- Go to Logs Router, and click the CREATE SINK button.
- Give the sink a name, ex. ga4_documentation_events_update.
- Choose Google Cloud Pub/Sub topic as the destination.
- From the list of available Pub/Sub topics, click to create a new topic.
- Create a Topic ID, ex. ga4_documentation_events_update.
- In the Build inclusion filter, copy the filter below, but replace analytics_XXX with your Dataset ID.
This will kick off queries related to parameters.
- Go to Logs Router, and click the CREATE SINK button.
- Give the sink a name, ex. ga4_documentation_parameters_update.
- Choose Google Cloud Pub/Sub topic as the destination.
- From the list of available Pub/Sub topics, click to create a new topic.
- Create a Topic ID, ex. ga4_documentation_parameters_update.
- In the Build inclusion filter, copy the filter below, but replace analytics_XXX with your Dataset ID.
- You have to create 2 Cloud Functions, 1 for each scheduled query.
Create these 2 Cloud Functions:
- ga4_documentation_events_update
- ga4_documentation_parameters_update
Both functions are identical, except for the configId.
Go to Cloud Functions, and click Create function.
- Configuration page
- Keep environment as 1st gen.
- Give the function a descriptive name.
- Choose Cloud Pub/Sub as the trigger type.
- Select the Pub/Sub topic you created in the previous chapter as the trigger.
- Check the box Retry on failure.
- Click Save to save the trigger settings.
- Ignore the Runtime, build, connections and security settings accordion and click Next to continue.
- Code page
- Keep Node.js as the runtime (choose the latest non-Preview version).
- Click package.json to edit its contents.
Add the following code:
{ "name": "sample-pubsub", "version": "0.0.1", "dependencies": { "@google-cloud/pubsub": "^0.18.0", "@google-cloud/bigquery-data-transfer": "^3.1.3" } }
- Select index.js from the list of files to activate the code editor.
- Edit the Entry point field on top of the editor to be runScheduledQuery.
- Copy-paste the index.js code below into the editor.
- Change the projectId value to match your Google Cloud Platform project ID.
- To get values for region and configId, browse to scheduled queries, open your scheduled query, and click the Configuration tab to view its details.
- region value should be the Google Cloud region of the Destination dataset, so click through to that to check if you don’t remember what it was.
- configId is the GUID at the end of the Resource name of the scheduled query.
const bigqueryDataTransfer = require('@google-cloud/bigquery-data-transfer');
exports.runScheduledQuery = async (event, context) => {
// Update configuration options
const projectId = 'REPLACE-THIS';
const configId = 'REPLACE-THIS';
const region = 'REPLACE-THIS';
const d = new Date();
const year = d.getFullYear(),
month = d.getMonth(),
day = d.getDate();
const runTime = new Date(Date.UTC(year, month, parseInt(day), 12));
// Create a proto-buffer Timestamp object from this
const requestedRunTime ={
seconds: runTime / 1000,
nanos: (runTime % 1000) * 1e6
const client = new bigqueryDataTransfer.v1.DataTransferServiceClient();
const parent = client.projectLocationTransferConfigPath(projectId, region, configId);
const request = {
const response = await client.startManualTransferRuns(request);
return response;
The purpose of the Cloud Scheduler is to run a daily update of the queries to get last seen, daily count and the latest documentatin status for Events & Parameters.
- Go to Cloud Scheduler, click Create Job.
- Define the schedule
- Name: ga4_documentation_events_and_parameters_update
- Select Region
- Description: Cloud Scheduler for GA4 Documentation solution
- Select a Frequency that runs the scheduler 1 time per day. I'm using **\30 8 * * *, meaning the scheduler will run 08:30 every morning.
- Configure the execution
- Target: Pub/Sub
- Select a Cloud Pub/Sub topic; ga4_documentation_events_update
- Write something relevant in Message body, ex. ga4_documentation_events_and_parameters_update_schedule.
- Configure optional settings
- Leave Retry config as is, or set Max retry attempts to 1 just in case.
- Click Create
To test the setup, simply go to the Google Sheet, select the 📈 GA4 Documentation Menu at the top of the sheet, and select BigQuery -> Export Event & Parameter Documentation.
This will run a BigQuery query using Apps Script. If this is completed without errors, you should now see 5 new tables in BigQuery:
- ga4_documentation_events_and_documentation_status
- ga4_documentation_events_daily_counts
- ga4_documentation_events_and_images
- ga4_documentation_parameters_and_documentation_status
- ga4_documentation_parameters_daily_counts
The following BigQuery tables will be used in Looker Studio:
- ga4_documentation_events_and_documentation_status
- ga4_documentation_events_daily_counts
- ga4_documentation_events_and_images
- ga4_documentation_parameters_and_documentation_status
- ga4_documentation_parameters_daily_counts
- ga4_documentation_annotations
- ga4_documentation_bq_settings
- Most of these field are also described in the Google Sheet documentation.
- This query will generate the table: ga4_documentation_events_and_documentation_status query
Field name | Type | Comment |
event_group | STRING | Event Group. Used for event categorization. |
event_name | STRING | Event Name |
event_method | STRING | Type of tracking/data collection method. Implementation, Google Tag Manager setup etc. |
event_type | STRING | Type of event. Standard, custom event etc. |
key_event | BOOLEAN | Is the Event a Key Event |
key_event_counting | STRING | How is the Key Event counted (event/session) |
event_description | STRING | Event Description |
event_comment | STRING | Event Comment. Additional information about the event |
event_gtm_comment | STRING | Comment related to Google Tag Manager or GA4 setup. Ex. name of Tag in GTM that tracks this Event |
event_documentation_status | STRING | Documentation in Google Sheet is joined with GA4 BQ data. Status can be: Documented and Data, Documented no Data and Not Documented |
platform_web | BOOLEAN | Coalesce of Google Sheet and GA4 BQ data. Is (or should) Event Name (be) tracked in the Web platform |
platform_android | BOOLEAN | Coalesce of Google Sheet and GA4 BQ data. Is (or should) Event Name (be) tracked in the Android platform |
platform_ios | BOOLEAN | Coalesce of Google Sheet and GA4 BQ data. Is (or should) Event Name (be) tracked in the iOS platform |
event_count_total | INTEGER | GA4 BQ data. Total Event Count |
event_count_web | INTEGER | GA4 BQ data. Event Count for Web platform |
event_count_android | INTEGER | GA4 BQ data. Event Count for Android platform |
event_count_ios | INTEGER | GA4 BQ data. Event Count for iOS platform |
event_edited_time | DATETIME | Time when Event was edited in Google Sheet |
event_uploaded_to_bq_time | DATETIME | Time when Event documentation was uploaded to BQ |
event_last_seen_date_total | DATE | Date showing the last date the Event was "seen" overall |
event_last_seen_date_web | DATE | Date showing the last date the Event was "seen" in the Web platform |
event_last_seen_date_android | DATE | Date showing the last date the Event was "seen" in the Android platform |
event_last_seen_date_ios | DATE | Date showing the last date the Event was "seen" in the iOS platform |
event_first_seen_date_total | DATE | Date showing the first date the Event was "seen" overall. |
event_first_seen_date_web | DATE | Date showing the first date the Event was "seen" in the Web platform. |
event_first_seen_date_android | DATE | Date showing the first date the Event was "seen" in the Android platform. |
event_first_seen_date_ios | DATE | Date showing the first date the Event was "seen" in the iOS platform. |
- This query will generate the table: ga4_documentation_events_and_documentation_status query
- As standard, data older than 365 days will be automatically deleted.
Field name | Type | Comment |
event_date | DATE | Event Date |
event_name | STRING | Event Name |
event_count_total | INTEGER | Daily Total Event Count across web and apps |
event_count_web | INTEGER | Daily Event Count for Web platform |
event_count_android | INTEGER | Daily Event Count for Android platform |
event_count_ios | INTEGER | Daily Event Count for iOS platform |
- This query will generate the table: ga4_documentation_events_and_images.sql
Field name | Type | Comment |
event_name | STRING | Event Name |
event_image_documentation | STRING | URL to image |
- Most of these field are also described in the Google Sheet documentation.
- This query will generate the table: ga4_documentation_parameters_and_documentation_status query
Field name | Type | Comment |
event_name | STRING | Event Name |
parameter_group | STRING | Parameter Group |
parameter_display_name | STRING | Parameter Display Name |
parameter_name | STRING | Parameter Name |
parameter_scope | STRING | Parameter Scope. EVENT, USER, ITEM |
parameter_type | STRING | Parameter Type. Custom Dimension, Custom Metric etc. |
parameter_format | STRING | Parameter Format. String, Currency, Standard etc. |
parameter_disallow_ads_personalization | BOOLEAN | NPA (Non-Personalized Ads) |
parameter_example_value | STRING | Parameter example value |
parameter_description | STRING | Parameter Description |
parameter_gtm_comment | STRING | Comment related to Google Tag Manager or GA4 setup. Ex. name of Variable, Data Layer Name etc. |
ga4_config_parameter | BOOLEAN | Parameters in Google Sheet that in the Events Sheet is added to the "fake" ga4_config Event Name will get this flag. These are global parameters that don't belong to a specific Event. |
parameter_count_total | INTEGER | How many times have the parameter been seen across Events and all Platforms |
parameter_count_web | INTEGER | How many times have the parameter been seen across Events and the Web platform |
parameter_count_android | INTEGER | How many times have the parameter been seen across Events and the Android platform |
parameter_count_ios | INTEGER | How many times have the parameter been seen across Events and the iOS platform |
platform_web | BOOLEAN | Coalesce of Google Sheet and GA4 BQ data. Is (or should) Parameter (be) tracked in the Web platform |
platform_android | BOOLEAN | Coalesce of Google Sheet and GA4 BQ data. Is (or should) Parameter (be) tracked in the Android platform |
platform_ios | BOOLEAN | Coalesce of Google Sheet and GA4 BQ data. Is (or should) Parameter (be) tracked in the iOS platform |
parameter_last_seen_date_total | DATE | Date showing the last date the Parameter was "seen" overall |
parameter_last_seen_date_web | DATE | Date showing the last date the Parameter was "seen" in the Web platform |
parameter_last_seen_date_android | DATE | Date showing the last date the Parameter was "seen" in the Android platform |
parameter_last_seen_date_ios | DATE | Date showing the last date the Parameter was "seen" in the iOS platform |
parameter_first_seen_date_total | DATE | Date showing the first date the Parameter was "seen" overall |
parameter_first_seen_date_web | DATE | Date showing the first date the Parameter was "seen" in the Web platform |
parameter_first_seen_date_android | DATE | Date showing the first date the Parameter was "seen" in the Android platform |
parameter_first_seen_date_ios | DATE | Date showing the first date the Parameter was "seen" in the iOS platform |
- This query will generate the table: ga4_documentation_parameters_and_documentation_status query
- As standard, data older than 365 days will be automatically deleted. You can change this in the SQL.
Field name | Type | Comment |
event_date | DATE | Event Date |
parameter_name | STRING | Parameter Name |
parameter_scope | STRING | Parameter Scope |
event_name | STRING | Event Name |
parameter_count_total | INTEGER | Daily Total Parameter Count across Web and apps |
parameter_count_web | INTEGER | Daily Parameter Count for Web platform |
parameter_count_android | INTEGER | Daily Parameter Count for Android platform |
parameter_count_ios | INTEGER | Daily Parameter Count for iOS platform |
Field name | Type | Comment |
events_exclusion | STRING | Events that should be excluded from queries. Events comes from Exclude Events from SQL Query in Settings in Google Sheet. |
parameters_exclusion | STRING | Parameters that should be excluded from queries. Parameters comes from Exclude Params from Query in Settings in Google Sheet. |
ep_day_interval_short | INTEGER | Number of days to query for Events and Parameters (e.g. last 1 day). Value comes from Day Interval Short in Advanced Settings in Google Sheet. Declared in query as day_interval_short. |
ep_day_interval_extended | INTEGER | Number of days to query the first time to get some event & parameter count data. If you have lot's of data, cost may occour if you are selecting a long period. For anomaly detection you need at least 28 days of data. Value comes from Day Interval Extended in Advanced Settings in Google Sheet. Declared in query as day_interval_extended. |
ep_delete_event_count_after_days | INTEGER | Event & parameter daily count data older than this will be deleted. Value comes from Delete Count Data After Number of Days in Advanced Settings in Google Sheet. Declared in query as delete_event_count_after_days. |
anomaly_day_interval_short | INTEGER | Number of days to check for anomalies (e.g., last 1 day). Value comes from Day Interval Short Anomalies in Advanced Settings in Google Sheet. Declared in query as day_interval_short. |
anomaly_day_interval_extended | INTEGER | Number of days to query the first time to get some session count data. Value comes from Day Interval Extended Anomalies in Advanced Settings in Google Sheet. Declared in query as day_interval_extended. |
anomaly_days_before_anomaly_detection | INTEGER | Minimum number of days of data collected before running anomaly detection. With standard deviation model, 28 days (as minimum) is recommended. With day of week adjustment, 56 or 84 is recommended. Value comes from Minimum Number of Days before Anomaly Detection in Advanced Settings in Google Sheet. Declared in query as days_before_anomaly_detection. |
anomaly_day_interval_large | INTEGER | Number of Days for rolling statistics (e.g., last 90 days). Value comes from Rolling Statistics Interval in Advanced Settings in Google Sheet. Declared in query as day_interval_large. |
anomaly_delete_anomaly_data_after_days | INTEGER | Anomaly data older than this will be deleted. Value comes from Delete Anomaly Data After Number of Days in Advanced Settings in Google Sheet. Declared in query as delete_anomaly_data_after_days. |
anomaly_day_interval_new_events_params | INTEGER | Number of days to check for new events and parameters. (e.g. last 1 day). Value comes from Number of Days to check for new Events or Parameters in Advanced Settings in Google Sheet. Declared in query as day_interval_new_events_params |
anomaly_stddev_model_setting | STRING | Standard Deviation model can either be 'standard' or 'dayofweek'. dayofweek = adjusted for day of week. standard = not adjusted for day of week. Value comes from Standard Deviation Model Setting in Advanced Settings in Google Sheet. Declared in query as stddev_model_setting. |
anomaly_stddev_multiplier | FLOAT | Multiplier for standard deviation. Standard deviation for events and parameters. Scale goes from 1 to 3. Default setting is 3; lower sensitivity, fewer false positives. Value comes from Standard Deviation Multiplier in Advanced Settings in Google Sheet. Declared in query as stddev_multiplier. |
anomaly_events_explained_by_sessions_threshold | FLOAT | If an event anomaly is reported, and should have been explained by changes in sessions, increase the number. Decrease the number for the opposite scenario. Value comes from Events Explained by Sessions Threshold in Advanced Settings in Google Sheet. Declared in query as events_explained_by_sessions_threshold. |
anomaly_parameters_explained_by_sessions_threshold | FLOAT | If an parameter anomaly is reported, and should have been explained by changes in sessions, increase the number. Decrease the number for the opposite scenario. Value comes from Parameters Explained by Sessions Threshold in Advanced Settings in Google Sheet. Declared in query as parameters_explained_by_sessions_threshold. |
- This table is created when you upload Annotations from Google Sheet to BigQuery.
Field name | Type | Comment |
annotation_time | DATETIME | Time when annotation was added |
annotation_added_by_email | STRING | Email of the person who added the annontation (if available or not redacted) |
annotation_category | STRING | Annotation Category; GA4 Change History, GTM (Web), Marketing etc. |
annotation_description | STRING | Annotation description |
annotation_ga4_gtm_info | STRING | Info/API ID's from GA4 or GTM |
annotation_uploaded_to_bq_time | DATETIME | Time when the annotation was uploaded to BigQuery. |