Labels are components used to show text. A label displays text which is specified by the Text property. Other properties, all of which can be set in the Designer or Blocks Editor, control the appearance and placement of the text.
Color for label background.
If set, label text is displayed in bold.
If set, label text is displayed in italics.
Point size for label text.
Font family for label text.
Reports whether or not the label appears with margins. All four margins (left, right, top, bottom) are the same. This property has no effect in the designer, where labels are always shown with margins.
If true, sets text of label to html format else it is plain text format. Note: Not all HTML is supported.
Label height (y-size).
Label width (x-size).
Text to display on label.
Left, center, or right.
Color for label text.
If set, label is visible.