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A snakemake pipeline for the analysis of ChIP-seq data

Snakemake Miniconda


Snakemake pipeline made for reproducible analysis of paired-end Illumina ChIP-seq data. The desired output of this pipeline are:

  • fastqc zip and html files
  • bigWig files (including bamCompare rule)
  • bed files

Content of the repository

  • Snakefile containing the targeted output and the rules to generate them from the input files.

  • config/ , folder containing the configuration files making the Snakefile adaptable to any input files, genome and parameter for the rules. Adapt the config file and its reference in the Snakefile. Please also pay attention to the parameters selected for deeptools, for convenience and faster test the bins have been defined at 1000bp, do not forget to adapt it to your analysis.

  • Fastq/, folder containing subsetted paired-end fastq files used to test locally the pipeline. Generated using Seqtk: seqtk sample -s100 read1.fq 5000 > sub1.fqseqtk sample -s100 read2.fq 5000 > sub2.fq. RAW fastq or fastq.gz files should be placed here before running the pipeline.

  • envs/, folder containing the environment needed for the Snakefile to run. To use Snakemake, it is required to create and activate an environment containing snakemake (here : envs/global_env.yaml )

  • units.tsv, is a tab separated value files containing information about the experiment name, the condition of the experiment (control or treatment) and the path to the fastq files relative to the Snakefile. Change this file according to your samples.

  • rules/, folder containing the rules called by the snakefile to run the pipeline, this improves the clarity of the Snakefile and might help modifying the file in the future.


Conda environment

First, you need to create an environment for the use of Snakemake with Conda package manager.

  1. Create a virtual environment named "chipseq" from the global_env.yaml file with the following command: conda env create --name chipseq --file ~/envs/global_env.yaml
  2. Then, activate this virtual environment with source activate chipseq

The Snakefile will then take care of installing and loading the packages and softwares required by each step of the pipeline.

Configuration file

The ~/configs/config_tomato_sub.yaml file specifies the sample list, the genomic reference fasta file to use, the directories to use, etc. This file is then used to build parameters in the main Snakefile.

Snakemake execution

The Snakemake pipeline/workflow management system reads a master file (often called Snakefile) to list the steps to be executed and defining their order. It has many rich features. Read more here.


Samples are listed in the units.tsv file and will be used by the Snakefile automatically. Change the name, the conditions accordingly.

Dry run

Use the command snakemake -np to perform a dry run that prints out the rules and commands.

Real run

Simply type Snakemake --use-conda and provide the number of cores with --cores 10 for ten cores for instance. For cluster execution, please refer to the Snakemake reference. Please pay attention to --use-conda, it is required for the installation and loading of the dependencies used by the rules of the pipeline. To run the pipeline, from the folder containing the Snakefile run the

Main outputs

The main output are :

  • fastqc : Provide informations about the quality of the sequences provided and generate a html file to visualize it. More information to be found here

  • bed : Provide information generated by the MACS2 algorithm for the locations and significance of peaks. These files can be used for direct visualization of the peaks location using IGV or as an input for further analysis using the bedtools

  • bigwig files : Provides files allowing fast displays of read coverages track on any type of genome browsers.

  • plotFingerprint contains interesting figures that answer the question: "Did my ChIP work???" . Explanation of the plot and the options available can be found here

  • PLOTCORRELATION folder contain pdf files displaying the correlation between the samples tested in the ChIP experiment, many options in the plotcorrelation rules can be changed via the configuration file. More information about this plot can be found here

  • HEATMAP folder contain pdf files displaying the content of the matrix produced by the computeMatrix rule under the form of a heatmap. Many option for the computeMatrix and the plotHeatmap rules can be changed in the configuration file. More information about this figure can be found here.

  • plotProfile folder contain pdf files displaying profile plot for scores over sets of genomic region, again the genomic region are define in the matrix made previously. Again there are many options to change the plot and more information can be found here

Optionals outputs of the pipelines are bamCompare, bedgraph and bed files for broad peaks calling.