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464 lines (338 loc) · 14.7 KB


1.3.0 (2021-08-06)

  • Feature: Simplify usage by supporting new default loop and making Connector optional. (#100 and #101 by @clue)

    // old (still supported)
    $proxy = new Clue\React\Socks\Client(
        new React\Socket\Connector($loop)
    $server = new Clue\React\Socks\Server($loop);
    $server->listen(new React\Socket\Server('', $loop));
    // new (using default loop)
    $proxy = new Clue\React\Socks\Client('');
    $socks = new Clue\React\Socks\Server();
    $socks->listen(new React\Socket\SocketServer(''));
  • Documentation improvements and updated examples. (#98 and #102 by @clue and #99 by @PaulRotmann)

  • Improve test suite and use GitHub actions for continuous integration (CI). (#97 by @SimonFrings)

1.2.0 (2020-10-23)

  • Enhanced documentation for ReactPHP's new HTTP client. (#95 by @SimonFrings)

  • Improve test suite, prepare PHP 8 support and support PHPUnit 9.3. (#96 by @SimonFrings)

1.1.0 (2020-06-19)

  • Feature / Fix: Support PHP 7.4 by skipping unneeded cleanup of exception trace args. (#92 by @clue)

  • Clean up test suite and add .gitattributes to exclude dev files from exports. Run tests on PHP 7.4, PHPUnit 9 and simplify test matrix. Link to using SSH proxy (SSH tunnel) as an alternative. (#88 by @clue and #91 and #93 by @SimonFrings)

1.0.0 (2018-11-20)

  • First stable release, now following SemVer!

  • Feature / BC break: Unify SOCKS5 and SOCKS4(a) protocol version handling, the Client now defaults to SOCKS5 instead of SOCKS4a, remove explicit SOCKS4a handling and merge into SOCKS4 protocol handling and URI scheme socks5:// now only acts as an alias for default socks:// scheme. (#74, #81 and #87 by @clue)

    // old: defaults to SOCKS4a
    $client = new Client('', $connector);
    $client = new Client('socks://', $connector);
    // new: defaults to SOCKS5
    $client = new Client('', $connector);
    $client = new Client('socks://', $connector);
    // new: explicitly use legacy SOCKS4(a)
    $client = new Client('socks4://', $connector);
    // unchanged: explicitly use SOCKS5
    $client = new Client('socks5://', $connector);
  • Feature / BC break: Clean up Server interface, add Server::listen() method instead of accepting socket in constructor, replace Server::setAuth() with optional constructor parameter, remove undocumented "connection" event from Server and drop explicit Evenement dependency and mark all classes as final and all internal APIs as @internal (#78, #79, #80 and #84 by @clue)

    // old: socket passed to server constructor
    $socket = new React\Socket\Server(1080, $loop);
    $server = new Clue\React\Socks\Server($loop, $socket);
    // old: authentication via setAuthArray()/setAuth() methods
    $server = new Clue\React\Socks\Server($loop, $socket);
        'tom' => 'password',
        'admin' => 'root'
    // new: socket passed to listen() method
    $server = new Clue\React\Socks\Server($loop);
    $socket = new React\Socket\Server(1080, $loop);
    // new: authentication passed to server constructor
    $server = new Clue\React\Socks\Server($loop, null, array(
        'tom' => 'password',
        'admin' => 'root'
  • Feature: Improve error reporting for failed connections attempts by always including target URI in exceptions and improve promise cancellation and clean up any garbage references. (#82 and #83 by @clue)

    All error messages now always contain a reference to the remote URI to give more details which connection actually failed and the reason for this error. Similarly, any underlying connection issues to the proxy server will now be reported as part of the previous exception.

    For most common use cases this means that simply reporting the Exception message should give the most relevant details for any connection issues:

    $promise = $proxy->connect('tcp://');
    $promise->then(function (ConnectionInterface $connection) {
        // …
    }, function (Exception $e) {
        echo $e->getMessage();
  • Improve documentation and examples, link to other projects and update project homepage. (#73, #75 and #85 by @clue)

0.8.7 (2017-12-17)

  • Feature: Support SOCKS over TLS (sockss:// URI scheme) (#70 and #71 by @clue)

    // new: now supports SOCKS over TLS
    $client = new Client('socks5s://localhost', $connector);
  • Feature: Support communication over Unix domain sockets (UDS) (#69 by @clue)

    // new: now supports SOCKS over Unix domain sockets (UDS)
    $client = new Client('socks5+unix:///tmp/proxy.sock', $connector);
  • Improve test suite by adding forward compatibility with PHPUnit 6 (#68 by @clue)

0.8.6 (2017-09-17)

  • Feature: Forward compatibility with Evenement v3.0 (#67 by @WyriHaximus)

0.8.5 (2017-09-01)

  • Feature: Use socket error codes for connection rejections (#63 by @clue)

    $promise = $proxy->connect('');
    $promise->then(null, function (Exeption $e) {
        if ($e->getCode() === SOCKET_EACCES) {
            echo 'Failed to authenticate with proxy!';
        throw $e;
  • Feature: Report matching SOCKS5 error codes for server side connection errors (#62 by @clue)

  • Fix: Fix SOCKS5 client receiving destination hostnames and fix IPv6 addresses as hostnames for TLS certificates (#64 and #65 by @clue)

  • Improve test suite by locking Travis distro so new defaults will not break the build and optionally exclude tests that rely on working internet connection (#61 and #66 by @clue)

0.8.4 (2017-07-27)

  • Feature: Server now passes client source address to Connector (#60 by @clue)

0.8.3 (2017-07-18)

  • Feature: Pass full remote URI as parameter to authentication callback (#58 by @clue)

    // new third parameter passed to authentication callback
    $server->setAuth(function ($user, $pass, $remote) {
        $ip = parse_url($remote, PHP_URL_HOST);
        return ($ip === '');
  • Fix: Fix connecting to IPv6 address via SOCKS5 server and validate target URI so hostname can not contain excessive URI components (#59 by @clue)

  • Improve test suite by fixing HHVM build for now again and ignore future HHVM build errors (#57 by @clue)

0.8.2 (2017-05-09)

  • Feature: Forward compatibility with upcoming Socket v1.0 and v0.8 (#56 by @clue)

0.8.1 (2017-04-21)

  • Update examples to use URIs with default port 1080 and accept proxy URI arguments (#54 by @clue)

  • Remove now unneeded dependency on react/stream (#55 by @clue)

0.8.0 (2017-04-18)

  • Feature: Merge Server class from clue/socks-server (#52 by @clue)

    $socket = new React\Socket\Server(1080, $loop);
    $server = new Clue\React\Socks\Server($loop, $socket);

    Upgrading from clue/socks-server? The classes have been moved as-is, so you can simply start using the new class name Clue\React\Socks\Server with no other changes required.

0.7.0 (2017-04-14)

  • Feature / BC break: Replace depreacted SocketClient with Socket v0.7 and use connect($uri) instead of create($host, $port) (#51 by @clue)

    // old
    $connector = new React\SocketClient\TcpConnector($loop);
    $client = new Client(1080, $connector);
    $client->create('', 80)->then(function (Stream $conn) {
    // new
    $connector = new React\Socket\TcpConnector($loop);
    $client = new Client(1080, $connector);
    $client->connect('')->then(function (ConnectionInterface $conn) {
  • Improve test suite by adding PHPUnit to require-dev (#50 by @clue)

0.6.0 (2016-11-29)

  • Feature / BC break: Pass connector into Client instead of loop, remove unneeded deps (#49 by @clue)

    // old (connector is create implicitly)
    $client = new Client('', $loop);
    // old (connector can optionally be passed)
    $client = new Client('', $loop, $connector);
    // new (connector is now mandatory)
    $connector = new React\SocketClient\TcpConnector($loop);
    $client = new Client('', $connector);
  • Feature / BC break: Client now implements ConnectorInterface, remove Connector adapter (#47 by @clue)

    // old (explicit connector functions as an adapter)
    $connector = $client->createConnector();
    $promise = $connector->create('', 80);
    // new (client can be used as connector right away)
    $promise = $client->create('', 80);
  • Feature / BC break: Remove createSecureConnector(), use SecureConnector instead (#47 by @clue)

    // old (tight coupling and hidden dependency)
    $tls = $client->createSecureConnector();
    $promise = $tls->create('', 443);
    // new (more explicit, loose coupling)
    $tls = new React\SocketClient\SecureConnector($client, $loop);
    $promise = $tls->create('', 443);
  • Feature / BC break: Remove setResolveLocal() and local DNS resolution and default to remote DNS resolution, use DnsConnector instead (#44 by @clue)

    // old (implicitly defaults to true, can be disabled)
    $tcp = $client->createConnector();
    $promise = $tcp->create('', 80);
    // new (always disabled, can be re-enabled like this)
    $factory = new React\Dns\Resolver\Factory();
    $resolver = $factory->createCached('', $loop);
    $tcp = new React\SocketClient\DnsConnector($client, $resolver);
    $promise = $tcp->create('', 80);
  • Feature / BC break: Remove setTimeout(), use TimeoutConnector instead (#45 by @clue)

    // old (timeout only applies to TCP/IP connection)
    $client = new Client('', …);
    $tcp = $client->createConnector();
    $promise = $tcp->create('', 80);
    // new (timeout can be added to any layer)
    $client = new Client('', …);
    $tcp = new React\SocketClient\TimeoutConnector($client, 3.0, $loop);
    $promise = $tcp->create('', 80);
  • Feature / BC break: Remove setProtocolVersion() and setAuth() mutators, only support SOCKS URI for protocol version and authentication (immutable API) (#46 by @clue)

    // old (state can be mutated after instantiation)
    $client = new Client('', …);
    $client->setAuth('user', 'pass');
    // new (immutable after construction, already supported as of v0.5.2 - now mandatory)
    $client = new Client('socks5://user:pass@', …);

0.5.2 (2016-11-25)

  • Feature: Apply protocol version and username/password auth from SOCKS URI (#43 by @clue)

    // explicitly use SOCKS5
    $client = new Client('socks5://', $loop);
    // use authentication (automatically SOCKS5)
    $client = new Client('user:pass@', $loop);
  • More explicit client examples, including proxy chaining (#42 by @clue)

0.5.1 (2016-11-21)

  • Feature: Support Promise cancellation (#39 by @clue)

    $promise = $connector->create($host, $port);
  • Feature: Timeout now cancels pending connection attempt (#39, #22 by @clue)

0.5.0 (2016-11-07)

  • Remove / BC break: Split off Server to clue/socks-server (#35 by @clue)

    Upgrading? Check clue/socks-server for details.

  • Improve documentation and project structure

0.4.0 (2016-03-19)

  • Feature: Support proper SSL/TLS connections with additional SSL context options (#31, #33 by @clue)

  • Documentation for advanced Connector setups (bindto, multihop) (#32 by @clue)

0.3.0 (2015-06-20)

  • BC break / Feature: Client ctor now accepts a SOCKS server URI (#24)

    // old
    $client = new Client($loop, 'localhost', 9050);
    // new
    $client = new Client('localhost:9050', $loop);
  • Feature: Automatically assume default SOCKS port (1080) if not given explicitly (#26)

  • Improve documentation and test suite

0.2.1 (2014-11-13)

  • Support React PHP v0.4 (while preserving BC with React PHP v0.3) (#16)

  • Improve examples and add first class support for HHVM (#15 and #17)

0.2.0 (2014-09-27)

  • BC break / Feature: Simplify constructors by making parameters optional. (#10)

    The Factory has been removed, you can now create instances of the Client and Server yourself:

    // old
    $factory = new Factory($loop, $dns);
    $client = $factory->createClient('localhost', 9050);
    $server = $factory->createSever($socket);
    // new
    $client = new Client($loop, 'localhost', 9050);
    $server = new Server($loop, $socket);
  • BC break: Remove HTTP support and link to clue/buzz-react instead. (#9)

    HTTP operates on a different layer than this low-level SOCKS library. Removing this reduces the footprint of this library.

    Upgrading? Check the README for details.

  • Fix: Refactored to support other, faster loops (libev/libevent) (#12)

  • Explicitly list dependencies, clean up examples and extend test suite significantly

0.1.0 (2014-05-19)

  • First stable release

  • Async SOCKS Client and Server implementation

  • Project was originally part of clue/socks and was split off from its latest releave v0.4.0 (#1)

    Upgrading from clue/socks v0.4.0? Use namespace Clue\React\Socks instead of Socks and you're ready to go!

0.0.0 (2011-04-26)

  • Initial concept, originally tracked as part of clue/socks