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I made a robot that punishes me if it detects that if I am procrastinating on my assignments [P]. nan. Give it your credit card and have it donate every time you stop working. Making that robot was procrastinating for sure as well. amazon would like to know your location. Here’s the development process and code: https://youtu.be/YPSazrEqlxo
Lmk your thoughts!. That is cool. However, procrastinating is a great thing to do. Most of my favorite papers and projects I've worked on come from me getting up from my desk and walking around the department looking for people to have coffee and random discussions so I don't have to work. So while maybe studying is important not to procrastinate, I have never found it detrimental in the long run.. Does it give you a spanking?. Only issue is you can defeat the robot and still procrastinate. This is amazing.. Please don’t give this to my employer.. Building this setup myself for sure would be a great way to procrastinate on my thesis 🤔. How humans became slaves to their robot overlords: Genesis.. Nice work!. Amazing implementation. Nice work. Even though building that robot was definitely procrastination. 1. Bravissimo!. I need this right now. [deleted]. This is very Dystopian tech.. Haha dang thats wild.. U/savevideobot. so what if you tape the pencil to the back of your phone?. Thanks for nothing. This will never be good. In any fashion or duty, unless you submit to it. What happens if you don’t submit?. Please don't.... As long as toothbrush is in hand, you're doing good work, frand. Kids getting a job at Amazon. That's awesome dude! I love it.. What if You move away and sit on the bed with your phone?. Now you have to program it to prevent you from disabling it, and that kids is how Skynet started.. Making that was hardcore procrastination. Great way to give yourself tinnitus. There are TWO LIGHTS 😂. *Amazon wants to know your location*. Now THIS is "machine learning". Does anyone know how is the network detecting multiple objects at once? Can a network have variable output sizes for detecting more than one object?. That sound is so bad, it annoyed me with my headphones a meter away from me. Michael Reeves ain't got shit on you. Thats an amazing accomplishment. 🌌. Studying is a massive waste of time. It is glorifying the special human characteristic of being terrible at retaining information. The simple solution would be to manufacture a memory retention system within your brain that didn’t totally suck and didn’t require you to study in the first place. Should be able to simply copy the information into your head.. Lol 😂. Sal would be proud. That pen flip lmao. Keyboard?. Keyboard name? Also which pre-trained model did you use?. I think my procrastination is so strong I’d need pepper spray from the robot to truly scare me into submission. So what phones are those and is it using the camera?. At first I was reading punches.... Genious!. Pomodoro Technique, you deserve breaks. [Posted on Reddit]. https://youtu.be/TTm7RzLKHIw
You should up your flash-bang game.. Every employer in the world drooling at the idea and wondering what slow frog boil method they'll use to get there.. How’s the K8 Pro?. I was going to comment on this but I think I’ll just leave it till tomorrow.. Dope,
Although I dunno how you flicked your pencil at ur monitor like that I could never.. this shit is so stupid, hide the phone off camera also pretend yo wobble the pen all the time so it think youre doing something, waste of time but im sure amazon would love this , they already stick the camera to their trucks and measure how often drivers are distracted and arent thinking about their work.What a shitty use of AI.Its supposed to help people and not help to punish people by non stop checking up on them.. the pencil flick on the monitor man. cool project. I read “punches me”. Kept waiting for the robot punch. Disappointed.. Is this the next thing companies are gonna put in to increase work?
Sir, this is great power and you have great responsibilities that come with. Don't sell this algorithm. Song?. your brian needs breaks. it’s ok.. This was the push I needed to delete Candy Crush and Clash of Clans from my phone. This is a great idea! I'm going to implement at my office so my employees stay focused! /s. AWESOME. Now imagine all the assignments you could have done instead of building this robot. Could we say it's procrastinating?. lol plz dont show this code to the ccp. Great work, mate!. Who monitors if the robot is procrastinating?. This belongs in r/LateStageCapitalism. Me with ADHD:
"alright robot, you're going to have to kill me".. Make the robot *later*.. The pencil flip, so good.. Instead of the high pitched beeping it should play industry baby. shut up and take my money. Nice keyboard! What it's called?. I think the best way to prevent wasting time is to turn off the phone). The man created hell. You made the robot while procrastinating? XD. This is great. *Until schools have them.*. What DB tech are you using to communicate with detector?. I don't think negative reinforcement is a good way to deal with that.... Let's see Paul Allen's procrastination punishment robot.. I need this!!. I would simply turn the robot off, I am too devoted to procrastination.
I am inevitable.. Name of the song?. Good idea but blinding your eyes will probably decrease your ability to focus. Nice. But this ain't a robot and all you have done is recognize the mobile phone using a camera, not recognize 'procrastination'. I guess this is the difference between what technical specs says and what a marketing guy says.. Procrastobot. wow what a torture jail time equipment. My cat HATED that omg.. Didn't think we'd be automating doms anytime soon .... Bro can you share this app with us?. Cute but also scary! Modern-day equivalent of a whip.. Love this! Wonder how much more productive I would have been in college with this kind of tech.. I think my robot will punish other people when Im procrastinating.. Honestly how dare you make this bro. The robots existence is to punish its master from indulging in the same activity that created its own life.
The robot might interpret it as its own creation is a mistake, thus leading to a low self esteem and daddy issues.
Thus it's good that it makes you not procrastinate, as you will become more successful and be able to afford psychiatric help for the low self esteem issues and heal it from its existential dread.. what if you use the phone behind book trick?. Punishment not severe enough. Make it tase you with a projectile taser.. Sadist bot critical systems online and fully operational. A dream for all capitalists. Bruhhh. Reminds me of that old pact website, where you paid a monthly subscription to promise to visit a gym and then if you went (by tracking your GPS) it would pay you back yours + a share of everyone who didn't.
Of course people eventually abused it and I don't think it exists anymore, at least not in the same form.
Edit: looks like it shut down many years ago https://www.mobihealthnews.com/content/khosla-backed-fitness-startup-pact-shuts-down. “I PICKED UP MY CALCULATOR YOU ASS HOLE”. To the Flat Earth Organization. Capitalism likes this one trick.. sacrifices must be made for the greater good. the dragon procrastinator, our battle will be legendary. It’s called an investment. It's the good kind of procrastination: You might not be doing what you were told to do, but you're developing equally valuable skills.. They have shops that use this to tell what you're buying, so there's no checkout. They definitely could do this if they wanted.... Can your algorithm differentiate between a cellphone and a calculator?. Oh god know, please don’t make this open source. What if Amazon finds it.. I see the video, but where's the code?. what you are doing is more like taking a break. But here the procrastination would be like using your phone after solving 1 or 2 questions for 5-30 minutes while doing a set of 20 questions. It's possible that you might not even solve that set on the same day.. It always depends on the type and amount of procrastination. For some people, procrastination means doing something that’s more fun than their main task, but it’s still kind of productive and actually fun. For others, it means relieving pressure from work by doing something more mundane that gives you immediate gratification, like browsing Reddit. And that can be in total mind numbing and unproductive.. Nah dude, procrastinating is awful.. For work projects and for people who work 9-5 procrastination is like "what is that?" You don't even know.
For personal projects where there's no boss and no deadline or any immediate real life consequences procrastination is the biggest difference in performance. And really THE ONLY difference.
It goes from working on a personal project for 5 hours a day to working on a personal project for 5 min and then being distracted for the rest of the evening.
I'm pretty sure most people can't really accomplish anything worthwhile 99% of it is because of procrastination. 1% is because of natural talent/intelligence.. Your experience does not mean procrastination = “a great thing to do”. Maybe you didn’t find it detrimental but someone else might.
OP made something awesome. You made a comment to talk about yourself. 😴. No it’s supposed to be a punishment. Don't give instructors any ideas lol. That's the punishment. It'll annoy you till you put the phone down. Just the lights to the face would be easier to ignore.. This guy read 1984 and said, "Why should the government have all the fun?". You can easily build one by fine-tuning YOLO. You can read up on this, but the way these algorithms work is by guessing a bunch of bounding boxes and predicting class probabilities for each one. It's actually very straightforward to build object detectors--all you have to do is label a few images (you can even use an online image labelling software). Check out [https://github.com/ultralytics/yolov5](https://github.com/ultralytics/yolov5) for more details--given labelled data, you can probably get a model working in under 30 minutes.. Yes, PM me I can answer any algorithmic questions. I agree, most of the knowledge we had to memorize is useless over lifespan, people should be specialised in one particular subject , the school system is made so everyone ould kinda fiture out his future work but it doesnt really work that well IMO.Theres a lot of things they dont teach at school for example how to deal with court case, how to use connections to find a job, how important is CV in some work enviroments, they want to milk the students for loans... oh well.Whenever somethign weird happens just lookup moneytrail and youll find the answer.. he’s watching through the webcam 👀. Keychron K3 Ultra-slim Wireless Mechanical Keyboard (Version 2). Keyboard: Keychron K3 Ultra-slim Wireless Mechanical Keyboard (Version 2)
Pre-Trained Model: YOLO Object Detection for Python. No the phones are purely for the flashlight, the webcam in the middle is doing the CV. Watch the full video for the rig setup: https://youtu.be/YPSazrEqlxo. amazing. Keychron K8 Pro. yup. Firebase Firestone. Watch the vid I show how i implemented it. Code in description as well: https://youtu.be/YPSazrEqlxo. Haha. Vid of how I made it here: https://youtu.be/YPSazrEqlxo
Object detector code in description. Yeah. Code is in the description of the full video.
https://youtu.be/YPSazrEqlxo. [deleted]. Killed procrastination with procrastination. Haha, man, I have the same problem as OP
I'll crank out some awesome script or app no problem, but only if it feels like I'm putting off something more important
I need to figure out a way to trick myself into thinking that my day job is a way to procrastinate from something. It can from the front. Like it can see the buttons of a calculator but on the backside it’s a coinflip. Amazon is going to hit you with a PIP no matter what, may as well just embrace it. The dead can never die. The link to the object detector code is in the video description. Reddit has never been a productive use of my time.. ¿? I didn't hear anything :-/
Old deaf human 1 - Plantation owner robot 0. Oh I already took the idea you fool. Very helpful answer, I will give it a try. Thank you.. Thanks.. Cheers, I will see through it and figure out how Firebase interact with the program.. The greater good. crusty jugglers. The gooder great. Narb. I mean, in a sense you're procrastinating / putting off becoming homeless.
You're welcome :D. Awesome job.
I will see the code but it seems cameras can be detected.. Well, that wasn't there before.
But thanks for updating it.. Plantation owner robot's floppy disk: Error 404. A great big bushy beard!. I cracked the code, dawg
The trick is that while you're working, you're not taking care of your children. If I had kids, this would 110% be my #1 answer lolThe pain and excitement. nan. Upper management doesn't care.. real pros just switch to α=0.1
easy. How many of you are using p values in industry?. No one is happy with an insignificant little p. Lol RA Fisher and his arbitrary number.. I know this a meme, but remember that 0.05 is arbitrary, you can still go forward with one that is larger, there is no law that says 0.05 is the only valid one.. "trending towards significance". p=0.0499, reaching statistical insignificance.
I would say this is a false positive. What's the distribution like? Show me the data!. Just “remove outliers” and p < 0.05, boom!. p < 0.005 or bust dawg.. The fact that this arbitrary threshold is still so deeply embedded in academia is proof much of the academic research community is focused on publishing research, not necessarily publishing useful research.. Could you crunch the numbers again?. p-values are weird. They're simultaneously overrated by people who don't understand what they are and yet underrated by people who do.. ...until you learn that you can make [an experiment](https://youtu.be/tLM7xS6t4FE) that shows a statistically significant probability that dead fish can answer questions.... p=0.068
p=0.07. Sometimes you have to repeat the experiment 20 times for it to work.. Hopefully you don't need a bonferoni adjustment!!!. I'm glad there's finally some stats talk in this sub. It's usually comp sci and programming dominated.
But uh, give me a big enough sample size and I'll make you a model that shows everything is significant. Since data science is usually big data sets, pretty much everything ever is going to be p<0.000000000000.
Word of caution to folks who are new-ish to industry: Don't be the guy who presents 'highly significant' findings of p<0.05 on a data set of 1 million observations, or even a couple hundred thousand observations.
You might be able to get away with it, but eventually you're going to run into someone who can torpedo you.....!. [deleted]. As a statistician background…. This is 100% accurate in the private field. What do you use p-value for? I'm a data scientist for almost 4 years and don't understand why you need it. Dont you have other metrics such as ROC AUC, F1 (macro/micro) , losses, accuracy, MSE, L1, R2 score, ...???. Can anyone explain for someone who is only a couple months into programming? 😁. A lot of conversation about .05 being an arbitrary number but if you set your CI at 95% at least you can say that your population estimate does not include 0. Or am I incorrect?. Here is the reasoning for some P-Values and 0.05 is 2 deviations.
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/68–95–99.7_rule. [deleted]. What kinda data scientist uses p-values?
EDIT: I’m actually dead serious. What data science projects are y’all working on that uses p-values? Don’t most of us work with datasets big enough to make the use of p-values kinda silly?. I reaaly hope some day this thing is not longer used. I know nothing about the subject matter. someone explain joke plz. Oh Jesus. P value , the last refuge of people who have no fucking clue what you are doing or why.
P= 0.03 better than p= 0.24.
P=0.049 is no different than p=0.051
Moronic academics that feel special as gatekeepers are ruining the usefulness of data science.. Actually since they tested twice here you need to account for multiple testing correction and the true 0.05 false positive rate is more like 0.025.. I worked in predictive analytics at an insurance company and we would only toss variables if they were > .5 ...
Underwriters have a *gut feeling* that those variables are predictive, so we have to use them.. just include 20 variables in your model... you're welcome. 🙄. Lololol. Who the hell is out here relying on p-values in 2021?. #ReJeCTdANulL. Now that is quality product.. Better switch to Bayesian factor :). Just got through reading a whole article on this. Statistics is about measuring uncertainty. Trying to shoehorn every measurement into fitting that p value is silly.. I don’t get it :/. Oh the truth in this 😂😂😂. Am I going crazy or are these facial expressions backward? The top one is supposed to be happy and the bottom is unhappy, right? The numbers don't match.. You say that.. but tech firms still evaluate AB testing at .05 which really is crazy. We really need a more gradient approach for non-life-or-death decisions.. No one should care. Those are the same number for all practical
Purposes. But that increases the type II error. We use them in finance on credit risk models. There's certainly a decent amount of emphasis on p-values. You can get away with a high p-value variable in your model but the amount of justification required on why you have decided to include a non-significant variable just makes it a pain in the ass.. Pharma clinical trials yep. P-values, as applied to business problems, are a risk management tool. Nearly nobody in business knows how to assess risk, so they're rarely useful.. I’ve “used” them as in produced them. But quickly realised nobody gives a rats ass about them.. Tech marketing. Yes, but the higher up in leadership you go, the less anyone wants to hear about it.
An inconclusive experiment is a failure, and you've lost rapport with them.
A conclusive experiment in the direction opposite to what they've been writing in their whitepapers is likewise a failure, and you've lost rapport with them.
Just run some descriptives until you find the average that lets them say "see? I told you so!" in their next whitepaper or all-hands meeting. You'll be famous, in no time.. We use them to evaluate all our A/B tests for our video games. Marketing campaigns to determine lift in A/B tests. My experience has been that management isn't satisfied unless the p-value is less than 0.05. Same with the few times I've done regression modeling.. My team doesn't deploy a new model unless it shows stat sig improvement in an A/B test.. Plant breeding, especifically genomics, but it's usually a corrected p value. I actually prefer a small p. It’s the big painful p’s that I dislike.. It was Neyman and Pearson who popularized binary hypothesis testing. Fisher was always mindful that 0.05 was a convenient, but arbitrary cutoff. Fisher had this to say:
> […] no scientific worker has a fixed level of significance at which from year to year, and in all circumstances, he rejects hypotheses; he rather gives his mind to each particular case in the light of his evidence and his ideas.. '19 outa 20' if you wanna sound really convincing. king of statistics here to say that this is untrue. if you set alpha > 0.05 regardless of context you will be thrown in jail.. [deleted]. Yeah, the problem is choosing one in some principled way. In a lot of cases, I'm wary of giving non-stats people (or stats people with fewer qualms about data dredging) another lever to make it easy to get a green light out of their experiment so they can brag to management.. or away from
It’s misleading to apply the sentiment of a direction. If you looked multiple times you need to account for that bro. 1
There you go. How you like them datas?. p-values can be derived from many different parametric models. Usually a chi-squared, normal distribution (usually standard normal i.e Z), or t-distribution. But it really depends on the data.
Incidently, statistically independent tests for a null model will generate p-values that follow a continous uniform distribution between 0 and 1. Anything that either results in a non-null model or is not actually statistically independent (e.g. some tests are correlated so produce similar p-values more often than they don't) will produce a beta distribution. A beta distribution is just a uniform distribution that is skewed.. oops removed wrong outliers p = 0.1 now. This is the only meaningful comment in this entire thread.. would just have to adjust for multiple testing anyways. lmao. https://www.psychology.mcmaster.ca/bennett/psy710/readings/BennettDeadSalmon.pdf. P=0.069. Haha I was just going to say that!. Sorry, can you elaborate on it a bit, why would huge datasets result in all covariates being significant?. Why is pvalue a problem with bigger datasets?. no one deserves to be poor!. Hypothesis testing. Common example, evaluating the results of an A/B test experiment.. Data scientist for 4 years, yet conflates p-values with loss functions? How would you conduct a DoE using the aforementioned metrics? .... This is a statistical concept, not a programming concept. To describe it really roughly, when we analyze results of something we ask ourselves, "Can we conclude that something important is happening here? Or are these results just a matter of chance?" A P value is what we use to determine what the chances are that the results would occur - the lower the p value, the lower the chances. This means that there is some kind of important observable correlation happening, because the results are not just a matter of chance. Statisticians can determine what p value they will deem "statistically significant." A very common one is .05. If an experiment yields something less then .05 p value, they will label that statistically significant, but more than that they will say it can't be concluded that something is happening here. This is somewhat arbitrary and it is a human categorization. It doesn't have to be .05. It could be less, it could be more depending on the context. This meme is making the joke that we would consider .051 not statistically significant, but .049 would be, highlighting that this is an arbitrary distinction. Hopefully I've explained that correctly, please let me know if I misexplained anything.
If you want to learn more about this concept, which you definitely should if you're going into any data-based job, you'll want to google "p-value" and "statistical significance".. This might be more of a science/stats joke than programming.
Basically, general convention in science/stats is that p<0.05 is considered a significant relationship and, generally, neccessary for publication. So the bottom photo is just barely scraping by but it doesn't matter as long as you get less than 0.05.
0.05 is an arbitrary number, and things like p-hacking or adding new trials to try and reach it can result in false positives. Some people have suggested moving to 0.01, and some clinical research where 0.05 would be nearly impossible might be okay with higher values. But generally there is a perception that the idea that 0.05 is some holy number is a source of frustration for many.. P value measures how likely, if there’s no real effect, you would be to seemingly “find an effect” of whatever size you found in your sample. Lower is better, because that indicates it’s less likely you got a spurious result.
Many studies use the threshold of p<0.05 (less than a 1/20 chance you’d see something like X if no real effect exists), so some relatively unethical folks engage in “p-hacking” whereby they manipulate the value down to juuust below 0.05.
Really, especially in our big-data era, one should aim for p values a hell of a lot lower than 0.05. When you have X million data points, a 1/20 chance is basically bound to happen in a large subsample of them.. You really can’t say that even at 95%. Anytime you've collected data under two conditions and your hypothesis is that the two conditions won't change the data.
I.e. collecting internal body temperatures of people wearing socks vs not wearing socks where you hypothesise socks are irrelevant to body temp.. Yes. Studies funded by people who don't want to reject the null hypothesis.
"Ooops. Inconclusive. Shucks. There's just not enough data. Rats! Better keep on businessing as usual, I guess.". Its true, i hardly see it in my day to day work especially in deep learning... Very often used in product data science when evaluating the impact of product changes. healthcare is a huge one. I worked at a bank for a bit and we used them all the time as our regulating body didn't like black-box models. As a result, you're pretty much left with GLMs and well, p-values.. It's a joke man. Yes that is the joke.. healthcare always has and always will. I'm taking a regression class for my MBA and in the first class the prof complained about how the p<0.05 threshold is absolutely ridiculous and that p value should be used as a clue in the puzzle rather than the be-all/end-all cutoff. There is so much different risk tolerance across industries and sectors that it doesn't make sense to use one universal #.. What do say when it leads to a bunch of conflicting conclusions?. Oh believe me - there are plenty of folks taking a gradient approach. If you’re lucky they know just enough stats to know where they’re taking risks and making assumptions vs blindly letting an invalid conclusion guide their decision making.. Me and my homies hate type 2 error. And?. You must be new here. Clinical trials have prescribed analytic procedures though. In many cases the “analyst” is just someone with a bachelors running a SAS script. The data scientists in pharma usually work on the earliest phases of drug discovery or (more commonly) for the business side doing finance/process optimization.. if you do this, then you're the problem. This is precisely why we need more math minded individuals getting into business facing roles and then evangelizing changing directions when wrong or at the very least, admitting the data doesn't support the decision but proceeding anyways.. Not sufficiently dismissive I suppose. Too high p value? Straight to jail.
Too low p value, believe it or not also jail.. They are already on my door knocking, who snitched???. oh shit hello mr CEO of statistics. Once, on another subreddit, I said that 0.05 isn't a magical number. There is no statically significant difference between 0.05 and 0.06.
Yes, as you can guess, I was lectured on how wrong I am.. As a physicist, if your choice of p-value mattered, your experiment was shit. 0.1, 0.05, 0.01, all the classic choices are very low bars. Show me a p-value that needs writing in scientific notation!. I get what you are saying, but I would call 0.0499 „trending away from significance“. 0.051 cannot really be trending away from significance because it is already not significant. But in principle you are right, we do not know the „direction“. I only looked once! I swear! I'm a Dr.!. If you could just make those NaNs disappear, then you got yourself a Nature or Science paper. Think about it... The sample size should be enough.. And that's when they will begin to hate the name Bonferroni.. 69 lmao. Not OP, but the reason is statistical power. The more observations you have the greater your statistical power, which is the probability your test will obtain a statistically significant result from your sample assuming that one actually exists in the population. With great power comes the ability to detect extremely small effects as statistically significant.
P-values are a convenient tool for making inferences when we don't have the resources to collect giant samples, but with big data, it makes more sense to estimate effect sizes to get an idea of how much something matters rather than using a p-value to decide whether something matters.
Perhaps not absolutely everything you throw into a model would come out as significant, but with enough data, pretty much anything you could reasonably imagine to affect your outcome variable would. A p-value in most cases is testing against the null hypothesis, or 0 effect, and when you have 99% power to detect even tiny effects, you will find them, and at some point the idea of p-values becomes silly.. For a consistent estimator x̄, we have: P(|x̄ - μ| > ε) → 0 as the sample size n → ∞ , aka convergence in probabilities. As a result, tiny values of ε become significant when n is extremely large.. See my reply above.. Can you describe it further please? How do you evaluate A/B testing with p-values?. DoE?
Can you just give me an example of where pvalues are useful?. You guys are awesome for explaining this to a newbie like myself. I feel like you just gave me a sneak peek into my first data science class coming up in August haha.. Thanks for the detailed response! That makes total sense. I will pretend to read the joke again for the first time and “lol”. Lol. You're right. "I'm 95% confident...". [deleted]. Why not use effect size? It’s the effect size you need for doing any kind of cost-benefit analysis. You don’t avoid uninterpretable models by relying on p-values from linear models, you avoid uninterpretable models by fitting *simpler* models. Linear models are great for this, but not because they “have p-values”. They’re great because you can convert the *effect sizes* into units that anyone with a basic math education can understand.
So far, all the examples people have given me of the usefulness of p-values have been cases where the effect sizes should have been used.. I get it. But some things are too serious to joke about :). This is correct. P value - put incredibly simply - is just the chance that an observation was by happenstance. As a data scientist its on you to decide what percent chance you are comfortable with - .05 is just a general guideline and is certainly not a hard and fast rule. People who are new to statistics tend to fixate on 0.05 as a rule when its not.
Edit: Still find this meme funny though.. To some extent I agree, I’m a Bayesian and don’t really ascribe to NHST frameworks.
But, if you are using p-values, you need to remember what the cutoff threshold is for. Controlling your error rate. If you treat it as a continuous clue, you’re going to end up with an unknown error rate that fluctuates. AKA you won’t replicate findings at an expected rate. I disagree with this proff with p-values, but agree with his sentiment.. If the test is like 'what design works best' then you go with whatever direction the person or team with the biggest stake in the project wants to go. Like there is room for discussion on using .05 as the defining point for something that isn't 'will this drug save lives or cause explosive shits'.. i get it; it's not my type either.. Kinda yeah, did I miss anything? Lemme catch up. [deleted]. Yes that was indeed my point. Thank you for rephrasing.. Checkout the paper "Mindless Statistics" for a fun and comprehensive discussion on the matter. Also, no guidelines on how to pick the right number.. This kind of behaviour is never tolerated in Boraqua,
P hackers, we have a special jail for p hackers.
You are fudging data? right to jail.
throwing ML at all your problems? Right to jail. Right away.
resampling until you get a statistically significant conclusion? jail.
testing only once? jail.
Saying you can solve every business problem with only statistics? You right to jail.
You use a p value that is too small, believe it or not - jail.
You use a p value that is too large? Also jail. Over sig under sig.
You have a presentation to the business and you speak only in nerd and don't use charts? Believe it or not jail, right away.. p value set to 1/20?
Floating point error. That's right, jail.. [deleted]. Well said homie. That simulated binomial distribution under your fingernails is calling you a liar!. Impute the mean!. Would changing the cutoff to say 0.0005 be a reasonable method to avoid detecting minor effects? As you said though, the effect size is what we should be looking at first anyways.. Design of experiment. As for your question, anything involving ANOVA which is at the core of DoE.. Also have a look at p hacking.. You're welcome, stay curious.. Ending misuse of p < 0.05 wouldn't entail valuing p > 0.05. There's no reason to desire a larger type II error rate (chance of rejecting the null when you shouldn't have).
I don't know every case against significance testing, but the cases I've heard against it are incidental or involve machine learning and distance measures being better:
1. 0.05 still leaves 5% chance of rejecting the null in error. That's not 0%, so someone could always beg for more research, and now the implementation of your conclusions is put on hold.
2. Null hypothesis rejection is really complicated, and many people without the training can misapply it. If you're tracking multiple KPIs, you have to adjust your alpha (and the adjustment rule is just a rule of thumb). If you "peek" while the experiment is running, you have to adjust your alpha. Easy for novices to miss those.
3. Hypothesis testing relies on assumptions that can't easily be verified in reality. Especially when the variables you're testing are continuous. You have to assume the population you're studying follows a normal distribution. That's called into question sort of like how "Homo Oeconomicus" is called into question in the Economics space. I think binomial variables are a little safer to test for significance, on the other hand. You can derive variance for those rather than having to measure or assume it.
4. Machine learning is providing other ways to brute force comparisons among groups.. Goodness of fit tests. A high p-value suggests may suggest model adequacy. So if you had a small p-value for a goodness of fit test, you might need to adjust the model.. Yes and hypothesis testing is used to determine the statistical significance of the measured effect.. >You don’t avoid uninterpretable models by relying on p-values from linear models, you avoid uninterpretable models by fitting simpler models.
Yes, that's why I said we were left with GLMs. You're misinterpreting me; I said we were using GLMS *and* p-values, as in, anything that relies on a specified family of distribution. The regulating body wants to know if the population is stable? They won't accept anything other than a Chi-Squared test aka p-values because they're SAS-using dinosaurs.
> Linear models are great for this, but not because they “have p-values”. They’re great because you can convert the effect sizes into units that anyone with a basic math education can understand.
Yes, they're great because we can tell exactly why Billy Bob didn't get his loan approved, which is kinda difficult to do with a NN or a RF.
I'm not sure why you'd think I'm somehow vouching for all of this, or disagreeing with anything that you've said so far. I am not the regulating body itself, but merely someone who abides by its guideline.. do you know what the words subjective and objective mean?. Isn’t it more like the chance that a difference of the observed size could emerge by chance given that no true difference exists? So it doesn’t really say anything about the probability that what you see is random. And yeah the universal .05 stuff is really strange.. >P value - put incredibly simply - is just the chance that an observation was by happenstance.
That's just a wrong definition.... Interesting. I wonder what’s the point of running those tests at all if it’s so arbitrary.. I agree, I wouldn’t recommend pharma if you want to focus on pharmacology. But I do think its great place for those with a business/finance orientation. I mean, any big industry is good for us finance folk.. Ugh that's where I started out. Part of the grind switch from bio/clin to DS tho. oh thank god you were being sarcastic.. We have the best data scientists. Because of jail.. I'm stealing this and sharing it at work as though it were mine. Can we turn this into a poster? If I ever have to go back into the office, I’m printing this is size 50 font, plastering it on the wall next to my desk. I think it will cut out at least 60% of the questions I get on a daily basis. The real reason is that high energy physics experiments produce such an insane amount of analyses that using a higher p-value would lead to a rediculuous number of false discoveries.. Agreeing with Walter_Roberts that it makes more sense to interpret the effect size. If you still feel like you really need something like a p-value, you can put a 95% confidence interval around your effect sizes, but with big data the emphasis should be on precisely estimating your effect (getting narrower confidence intervals) rather than making binary decisions at arbitrary thresholds (p<.05 NHST).
If you are building a model rather than performing a single test, you could for example use AIC or BIC metrics to help you decide which variables to include. These will give you a number which is something like indicating how much variance you've accounted for penalized by the number of variables in your model, then compare this number among different models.. this is data analytics, not data science.
There are other ways (and more recent ones) to measure feature importance. [deleted]. That’s not how it works…. Gotcha, I did misinterpret what you were saying then. I completely understand doing what you gotta do for a regulatory body.. Its not wrong - when I said 'put incredibly simply' it should have indicated that im stripping out all nuance from the definition - but I should have expected someone pulling the 'welllll akshullllyyy' nonsense.
Put slightly less simply - but still not overly nuanced - the p-value represents the chance that the result (or any result more extreme) from an experiment, is due to chance (i.e. supporting the H0) as opposed to a true effect (i.e. supporting H1) in the data.. it's generally to pick which is best. If you allow me to pick the absolute most prime example to support why 'choosing the most statistically significant option isn't always correct'
Imagine a fashion e-commerce website of some kind. they are revamping their design. they narrow it down to two designs. The stats nerds conclude that design A raises the median size of the cart by X% and design B falls short of .05 but had it cleared it, then the nerds would also conclude that it raises prices by X%.
Well design B, from an aesthetic / design perspective is more in line with the desired "aesthetic" of the company. Maybe it's using colors that match the brand logo, or the company is about simplicity so it's an minimalistic interface idk. Anyways, the company is gonna *should* with B. Because there is something to be said about a cohesive brand image that isn't captured in statistical significance testing.
Maybe the company doesn't make as much money with design B instead of A. But a company that understands it's identity and communicates that identity will, all things equal, do better than a company that doesnt.. It’s not arbitrary. 0.05 value is 2 standard deviations for a normal distribution.. Yeah I love data science and the wisdom to which it leads.
But working with business leaders makes me cynical.. I hope they like it.. No offence, but you have no formal stats education, right?. I think you’re misreading the emotions. Bottom guy isn’t mad, he’s excited. Top guy is in pain.. Again, that's not correct. It's the probabilities to observe a value as extreme as you did given the null hypothesis is true. You might think it's pedantry but that's irrelevant.. Idk I work with a lot of stats nerds (joking..) and it makes me wonder why we waste the energy on so many tests that return (not statistically different) positive/neutral results. I was with you right up until the last paragraph where you say the company won’t make as much money, but that companies with coherent brand always do better. What is your definition of better if it’s not making more money?!
I guess you mean they do make more money overall in the long run by having a coherent brand, but not necessarily from this specific decision? It just reads a little funny to say that they won’t make more money but would do better!. I interpreted this as not needing to rely on .05 depending on the situation which then could make it arbitrary. I might have misinterpreted though.. Math minded people think of things differently. You're immersed in these rigors and structure that aren't inherently human. People are *bad* at stats.
It will gets better as older business people phase out. But we're gonna continue having this problem so long as companies do not put data based decision making as a core competency. And that requires all senior management to not only understand at least the core fundamentals but be a paragon for statistical / analytical thinking.
it's ironic that the way to a better maths based company is through better people / social management.. nope, learned all by myself. started in Kaggle mostly and never saw how this kind statistics are useful.. I'm really trying to see how this formal stats can help me in my daily job. > It's the probabilities to observe a value
"...represents the chance that the result"
> as extreme as you did
"...(or any result more extreme)"
> given the null hypothesis is true.
"is due to chance (i.e. supporting the H0)"
Literally said the same thing - you're splitting hairs that do not need to be split by pontificating over precise wording.. because the alternative is making a decision with no information or only gut information.. Yeah. The last part. You might make a brand decision that isn’t the most valuable in the short term. But the decisions in a collective of decisions around brand management can and often do provide more value than the short term financial decision.. And I was trying to see why you seem to be allergic to statistics that aren't branded as machine learning. You do you.
PS: most kaggle notebooks are done by people without an education, and therefore prone to containing a lot of sketchy stuff. You'd probably be better off with actual books.. I mean, just use the proper definition next time. It's not the probability of something occurring by chance and the last thing we need on this sub is more statistically illiterate people.. Literally ~~the same thing~~ inverse conditional probabilities:
> the chance the result would occur due to chance alone (i.e., chance of observing the result given the null)
> the chance the result did occur due to chance alone / is due to chance alone
P(H|D). And gut bacteria is no basis for government.. I’m sure there’s a philosophical analogy about in/out of bag prediction - but I can’t quite grasp it.[D] A Demo from 1993 of 32-year-old Yann LeCun showing off the World's first Convolutional Network for Text Recognition. nan. The fact that they also had to know the location of the numbers and that the algorithm was robust to scale changes is impressive for 1993
It's not like they just solved MNIST in 1993, it's one step above that. Every data scientist today is truly standing on the shoulders of giants.. awesome to see. TIL audio hasn’t been invented until 1994. And yet websites still think those obfuscated texts are a good test for robots. Anyone know who the other guys at the end are?. Man, these guys were the real engineers.. Actually, he was 32 years old when he pressed the button. He was 33 by the time he got the results back.. Never going to complain about not having a strong enough GPU again. Very cool.. Wonder what was the RAM and computing power of the system.. Many don’t know it, but before it was done such text recognition was considered impossible, just like AGI and other hard problems. I think text recognition in mail was the first successful real world application of AI.. MNIST irl. that was certainly more wholesome than the other historic computer vision video, [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VdFf3egwfg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VdFf3egwfg). But the question is: is it the validation set? 😁. Very inspiring as I remember these days. Lot of hard work and at the cutting edge.. Uh. Sorry, no.
[The CNN was invented by Hubel and Weisel in 1959, the year before Yann LeCun was born, under the name "neocognitron."](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neocognitron)
LeCun also didn't make them first.
[The CNN was first implemented by Kunihiko Fukushima in 1979](https://search.ieice.org/bin/summary.php?id=j62-a_10_658), 14 years before this video
(Reference translated is Journal of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers A Vol.J62-A No.10 pp.658-665, October 25, 1979, ISSN 0373-6091)
What Yann LeCun actually brought to the party was the modern approach to training them. He did that in 1984, not 1993.. [deleted]. Nice keeb.. u/savevideo. That is so satisfying. The first set of numbers was Yann LeCun's phone number at bell labs.. Still accurate than tesseract lol 😂. So why am I still doing captchas. Yann LeCun's tweet on who the other guys are, and who the cameraman is -
https://twitter.com/ylecun/status/1347268914263306242?s=20. Better than tesseract. But still, to this date, they cannot recognize traffic lights. incredible! pay tribute to him. So why did it take 30 years to get this far?. On some comments about possible tweaks/tricks in this video:
I have had the privilege to attend professor Yann's classes at NYU.
From whatever little I understand of him - he has high levels of integrity, and I do not see him trying some cheap tweaks and fixes...He was committed to solve a problem in the best way possible and not just for likes and hearts ☺️.
And without high level of integrity, you can't go from lab to national level in short time.
People often underestimate what it takes to be unanimously accepted as one of the godfathers of current hottest trend. This doesn't discount the effort of forefathers or future generations...
... but let's not undermine Prof's integrity and commitment by making such frivolous comments. In fact, it is only our loss, if we fail to see that.. Cant see his right hand. Outside of the CNN achievements the rest is actually impressive too, and I'm absolutely amazed that the interface is so responsive. In 1993.. I'll never understand why this didn't blow up like it should have when they succeeded in doing this. Should've been in the news all over the place for months.
AI winter my backside. What a boss!. Fukushima’s neocognitron came almost two decades earlier.. So then what took so long for it to catch on? Why did it take another 30 years if they knew the power of cnn's?. Amazing! I’ve cited Professor LeCunn multiple times and am always humbled by his work — this is why I tell students that they are standing on the shoulders of giants when they do research. Love this video!!!. Are you sure you’re a robot?. WOW !!! Impressive !. Where was the video shot?. I guess too many people underestimate what could be accomplished with a little and tons of passion and time. Agree - it was 6 years later until MNIST was even released.. I guess they had a preprocessing step to identify, center and scale each digit image before feeding into the neural network. It’s not that hard with feature engineering.. The video has lots of cuts, and the numbers never obscures an important part of the image... I suspect each of those tests had tweaking and tuning to make it work.... Love how happy they look!. I was born 1982. We didn't start hearing shit until 1995. That was an absolutely wild year. It created a real musical renaissance.. Can confirm. That's the year I got a sound card.. there is a reason why captcha is becoming obsolete. At least the text based version.
Also, captcha actually digitize books. This is why there are 2 tests, not 1. So in a sense, we were training the robots filling the captchas.. I don’t think it’s meant to filter that way. Bots usually are built with speed in mind so it recognises and fills in the blanks virtually immediately.
That and captchas are also useful for labelling training datasets manually (user input). But correct me if I’m wrong though.. It serves two purposes. It defeats 99.99% of bots, and it maps images to human inputs to train their image recognizer networks.. Unless someone cares enough about your little website to train an AI to solve your captcha they're still not a terrible idea. I don't think there are any AIs that are generic enough to solve *all* obfuscated text captchas yet.
Obviously it's not going to work for large sites but none of them use that method anymore anyway.. Am son of the guy in the chair (Rich Howard, collaborator and director of the silicon integrated circuit lab at the time). He said the guy in orange was a technician and computer whiz named Donnie Henderson.. err, Kurzweil had an OCR product in 1976: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ray\_Kurzweil#Mid-life](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ray_Kurzweil#Mid-life). Bayesian classifiers as the first email spam filter?
Not sure the year, but our lives would be completely different if it wasn’t for it.. > Many don’t know it, but before it was done such text recognition was considered impossible
By the time LeCun did this, text recognition was common at banks for scanning checks, in children's toys, and was the basis of the Cue:CAT.
You're making this up.
OCR was common by the early 1970s, almost 30 years before this.. No. You are NOT correct about Hubel and Weisel.
Hubel and Weisel did research on visual cortex in real brains (in cats) and it was awesome (they got Nobel Prize for it). But they did not invent CNNs.
You can read their paper \[1\] you don't have to be a biologists to understand most of it. From their work one can deduce what neurons in V1 do. It was later even verified that some of these neurons realize functions similar to Gabor filters, but (as I remember) that was even later then neocognitron.
It is true that their findings did *inspire* creators of neocognitron \[2\] but that's about it.
\[1\] [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1363130/pdf/jphysiol01298-0128.pdf](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1363130/pdf/jphysiol01298-0128.pdf)
\[2\] Fukushima, Kunihiko, and Sei Miyake. "Neocognitron: A self-organizing neural network model for a mechanism of visual pattern recognition." *Competition and cooperation in neural nets*. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 1982. 267-285.. And to add to this, people thought NN's were a joke until a CNN won an image recognition contest in 2012, which is what put them on the map. Before that they were obscure and overlooked.. Hubel and Wiesel, building upon the work of Vernon Mountcastle, analyzed the structure and organization of neurons in the visual cortex of cats.
Fukushima did not use convolutional layers or convolutional operations for the neocognitron, therefore it does not fit the description of convolutional neural network.
It does fit the description of deep learning though.. at least, read the title. ###[View link](https://redditsave.com/info?url=/r/MachineLearning/comments/kuc6tz/d_a_demo_from_1993_of_32yearold_yann_lecun/)
[**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/user/SaveVideo/comments/jv323v/info/) |  [**Feedback**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Feedback for savevideo)  |  [**DMCA**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Content removal request for savevideo) | [**Donate**](https://ko-fi.com/getvideo). Yes. Back then, the proportion of developers who could hand-write a new graphics algorithm in assembler or C was considerably higher, since that was often how it was done anyway. Necessity is a great motivator. The non-ML part of this problem is more tedious than difficult.. Maybe I’m misunderstanding, but isn’t the whole point of CNNs that the location of the digits doesn’t matter?. This system ended up deployed in banks to parse written checks, so I don't think it was tweaked just for these examples, but they did expect to have fully visible digits.. I have had the privilege to attend professor Yann's classes at NYU.
From whatever little I understand of him - he has high levels of integrity, and I do not see him trying some cheap tweaks and fixes...He was committed to solve a problem in the best way possible and not just for likes and hearts ☺️.
And without that level of integrity, you can't go from lab to national level in short time.. [removed]. I remember when we got sound in school for the first time there was alot of realization of where smells were actually coming from that day. Imagine if The Bends was the first sound you ever heard.. Yeah, well I was born in 72 and we ate rocks for breakfast!. Lies and slander, PC speaker was readily available on PC before soundcards became a thing.. Yeah, on a PHPBB forum I manage, the bots can get through the text-based captchas very easily. But they still struggle with simple questions like "In what State is this club based?". Not anymore. Google stopped doing that a while ago. You’re definitely correct about the captchas.
It’s no coincidence that most of the objects they ask you to recognize are cars, crosswalks etc.
They basically get free labor to help them build a giant dataset fir training self driving cars.. what would be the problem with a little delay?. As I make my living making bots and doing automation, captcha is just part of the job. Solving captcha isn’t a special thing.. “I’m not a robot” - select crosswalk, identify license plates, etc. are for training self driving vehicles and finding the house address was for google maps.
We should be paid for doing reCaptchas. However some people actually do get paid for these tasks.. That's super cool lol. Did this invention have a big impact on their career?. Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't normal font imply a "set font" rather than handwritten characters?
Still impressive but a different problem from MNIST and generally reading the messy writing of humans.. But Schmidhuber had already written the paper in 1962. > Bayesian classifiers as the first email spam filter?
You're off by about 9 years. Bayesian classifiers didn't emerge as spam filters until approximately 1996. They are currently believed to be first published by [Sahami et al in 1998](http://robotics.stanford.edu/users/sahami/papers-dir/spam.pdf). That paper describes secretly internally using the technique in late 1996, and is the earliest known published discussion. The internet at large caught on in 1999, just 22 years ago.
The word SPAM actually comes from IRC and MUDs; we had spam filters long, long before email had spam, thanks to terminal washes and things of that nature. The earliest known IRC spam filter was the `anarchy eris.berkeley.edu` stripper, which didn't work well enough, and led to the split of Jakko's original network to create eris-free net (EFnet is fundamentally named for a spam host removal.)
If you count the invention of the q-line as an anti-spam strategy, then IRC invents spam filtering in 1991. If you require message or origin testing, IRC invents it in 1992 instead.
If you're old enough, you remember when Bayesian Filtering turned spam filtering from an ongoing joke into something that actually worked. This was one of `gmail`'s early advantages.. cuecat was a barcode scanner. Never did anything resembling text recognition. Nor were there any children's toys in the 90s or before that did anything of the sort (though they might do interesting stuff to convince *children* that they could!). And check recognition worked by "cheating" — first, using a special typeface with super easily distinguished characters and uniform size and spacing, and second, [printing it with magnetic ink](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnetic_ink_character_recognition) so that the scanner didn't have to find the data it wanted among any kind of visual background. Everything except the routing and account numbers was invisible to it.. > It is true that their findings did inspire creators of neocognitron [2] but that's about it.
Uh, no, they're where that name comes from.
What specific difference do you imagine exists between the neocognitron and CNNs? They're both striding convolutions as a reduction for inputs.. I'm not sure why you believe this. Neural networks have been a big deal since the 1950s, taking down investments of half a billion at a time from the military for 70+ years now.. Has this changed really ? :) In number of engineers with these skills, certainly, in proportion of developers, this remains to be seen. Python is the syntactic sugar but who goes really in and looks under the rug ?. The assm skill was crazy back in the day! Nowadays I wouldn't use assm even with an 8bit microcontroller because I'm too lazy.. Today's software are thousands times less efficient, because of all the overhead have been added layers on top of layes don't do any real work. Think about after all the closest, cabinets, drawers, boxes, organizers and wrappers, you still get the same pair of old socks and everyone cheers: "Yeah! It works! We got the socks!", that's what modern software actually is. But thank to these overhead, this industry have enough investment to support millions of overpaid software engineers, and most important of all, thousands of billionaires.. CNN is robust to translation but not invariant to scale and rotation. Max pooling can be used to to combine detectors that trained for different scales and rotations.. Did LeCunn make a lot of money from it?. I don't doubt that his approach works, or his scientific integrity - simply that for each demo he might have loaded a different model for example (trained for different sizes or handwritten/typed text).. This thread feels like r/KenM material. At least you were born after color was invented, back in '53.. I would struggle too. Or "What is god"?. I wish I could opt out. I don’t want to train skynet lol. It greatly reduced the rate at which a bot can do whatever. With no delay something like filling out a form could probably be done thousands of times a second, but if you introduce a 0.1s delay by requiring some model to run then suddenly the maximum rate you can automatically fill out the same form is 10 times a second.
Additionally, any more hurdles will naturally mean people need to be more sophisticated to get past them and you'll filter out a lot of the lowest effort bots.. Also running a model involves computing costs. That sounds fun. You have a site or a blog?. Rich was already close to retirement at the time, so not really. Not sure about Donnie.. Yann LeCun got the turing award for it. In the wiki page (I put it at the right chapter) they state it was supposed to be "omni-font" as in reading all types of text, while *older* systems only recognized some set fonts. Note that there were already functional devices. Of course, those probably were of much worse quality than LeCun's small CNN, I just wanted to point out the person I'm responding to is full of shit.. > Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't normal font imply a "set font"
1. You're wrong
1. Kurtzweil didn't invent this either
1. The work being discussed here, the CNN, is actually from the late 1950s, from before LeCun was born. **[Magnetic ink character recognition](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnetic ink character recognition)**
Magnetic ink character recognition code, known in short as MICR code, is a character recognition technology used mainly by the banking industry to streamline the processing and clearance of cheques and other documents. MICR encoding, called the MICR line, is at the bottom of cheques and other vouchers and typically includes the document-type indicator, bank code, bank account number, cheque number, cheque amount (usually added after a cheque is presented for payment), and a control indicator. The format for the bank code and bank account number is country-specific. The technology allows MICR readers to scan and read the information directly into a data-collection device.
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2012 marked a transition though, as we then had the hardware support to efficiently train much larger models. This allowed NNs to become SOTA in many tasks and thus the explosion in interest. I learned it here: https://youtu.be/uXt8qF2Zzfo. In terms of what I intended to say, it's changed a lot. It wasn't an obvious career intially, so it caught a lot of people with a passion for it. The normal path for anyone who wanted visual output or realtime performance was to learn C and assembly. Operating systems were permissive, and memory mapping for access to video memory was either straightforward or documented well enough. Being able to do such things came with the job.. and if someone couldn't do it, that'd disqualify from a big chunk of the industry.
I think you may have been referring to necessity being a great motivator.. and its converse -- that lack of necessity is a great blocker. Yep, I would agree. Lots of people in ML would now struggle somewhat with these basic graphical operations, even though the preparatory learning and experience required for it is now much less.. I try to do and it is not pretty. Years of toil to make that one layer of cnn faster by inventing new winograd based algorithms. Working on the models are always more recognized.. I think that's really cynical. Memory safe languages are a gigantic benefit to society in terms of security and stability.
Such inefficiencies being permissible has allowed technology to flourish; a lot of programs would never have been written without being wasteful, see VS code vs Vim or Slack over IRC. IRC and Vim are nice cannot be mainstream and the only editor respectively. I don't see online web apps existing like Google Docs if everything had to be native speed fast. I've seen multiple homeless people with a card reader selling magazines, that's how cheap software has got over time that even homeless people have contactless.
Arguably the progression of technology isn't what I'd have wanted to see but it isn't all bad. You can't help but wonder why something is slow on your 4GHz multicore CPU at times though haha.. No, he was an employee at Bell Labs, the product and patents belonged to Bell Labs.
When AT&T spun off Lucent in 1996, the patents went that way but the computer vision researchers stayed in the remaining AT&T Labs, and they couldn't even sell or improve the product without having the rights to the patents.
LeCunn was an underdog for most of his life, the deep learning explosion only started happening around 2012 with AlexNet, when conv nets started getting all the attention.. Here's a sneak peek of /r/KenM using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/KenM/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year!
\#1: [KenM on billionaires](https://i.redd.it/tl38stlg70g41.jpg) | [164 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/KenM/comments/f1j7a9/kenm_on_billionaires/)
\#2: [Ken M on conspiracy theorists](https://i.redd.it/7inbjzicewo41.jpg) | [88 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/KenM/comments/fp01kq/ken_m_on_conspiracy_theorists/)
\#3: [One of my favorites over the years.](https://i.imgur.com/vjhwVXg.jpg) | [139 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/KenM/comments/hmhwzo/one_of_my_favorites_over_the_years/)
^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/joo7mb/blacklist_viii/). Automation can be a very secretive thing and very grey so I can't talk about projects or the details.. big if true. Yup, that exact sentence speaks about normal fonts, I referred to.. > However, up until 2012 they weren't very useful for most applications.
At that time, they were already in use by every call center and bank on earth, were running in every copy of Windows, MacOS, and Android, had dominated speech to text for almost 20 years, et cetera.
Between Windows and MacOS, they were in over 50% of US homes.
For color, ***The US phone system started using neural networks for de-noising in 1959, bringing their use to almost 200 million people***.
> 2012 marked a transition though, as we then had the hardware support to efficiently train much larger models.
Respectfully, this is just kind of not true.. I'm sorry, I'm not watching a 50 minute video to try to figure out why you believe that one of the world's largest intellectual pursuits was obscure or overlooked until an image recognition contest.
My expectation is that whatever the video actually said was misunderstood. Have a timestamp?. “Lack of necessity is a great blocker” - I’m stealing that. \>No, he was an employee at Bell Labs, the product and patents belonged to Bell Labs.
I would just like to point out that in other countries (e.g. Germany, France Japan), inventors of a patent are entitled to a percentage of the revenue that this invention generates.
This is not the case in the US, though.. Oh yes, sorry. I think it's not a single set font, but at least several. But I also think you're right and this was made for printed fonts, so "normal" might mean "very common fonts".. I'm not saying they weren't useful. They clearly had use cases as you mentioned.
But if you look through ML papers you can clearly see an increase in interest after 2012. And in my experience as an ML engineer, there was a similar increase in interest on the business side after 2012 as well (though often lagging behind SOTA by a few years). He says it in the beginning of the video.. I figured it's probably all printed fonts that aren't cursive or Comic Sans. You're definitely right that it's multiple, I think the limitation is just on the type of font.. > But if you look through ML papers you can clearly see an increase in interest after 2012.
ML papers still haven't caught up to their 1950s heyday, either in volume or in range. As an issue of measurable fact, we continue to reel not just from the second AI winter, but also from the first.
No, sir, today we are not inventing Lisp or Symbolics.
You keep saying SOTA. This suggests to me that you're an internet fan. Actual academics and actual industry people don't say that.
Please have a good day.. I watched the first three minutes. I don't see anything supporting your claim, or any related evidence. A timestamp would provide falsifiability, but you declined.
There is ample evidence that these were being used by industry for decades, taught at thousands of universities, being discussed by the United Nations.
Anyone who's ever seen Star Trek: TNG or Terminator 2 had seen them in the popular consciousness for decades at this point.
Every bank had been using them for check scanning for 20+ years at the described point.
There were more than a dozen instances where over a billion dollars was invested at a single time into the "overlooked and forgotten until an image contest" field.
Please have a nice day.. Clearly you haven't read many papers published in the last decade then. For better or worse, the term SOTA does show up in recent deep learning papers.... I've also definitely heard it used in my experience within industry as well. It's not super common, but that's a really weird thing to try to gatekeep on. The opening concept is conveyed from 00:00 to 5:22.. I'm sorry you keep ignoring the evidence and referring to wide swaths of time that do not seem to say what you claim.
Claims are concrete. If he actually says this, you should be able to give a timestamp. I can't find it, and doubt your interpretation.
Common sense says that even if he does say this, just looking at the contrary evidence would be enough to set him aside. Mark Z Jacobsen is also a teacher at a prestigious university, y'know? So is Scott Atlas.
If the evidence disagrees with an academic, believe the evidence. I can't even find the academic saying what you claim, and it seems like you can't either.
Please have a good day.. I was in the industry before 2012. I have first hand experience. I remember it too. If you will not take it from an MIT professor teaching the topic, then who will you take it from?. > I remember it too. If you will not take it from an MIT professor teaching the topic, then who will you take it from?
Actual history and evidence are fine, thanks. I already covered this material:
> If the evidence disagrees with an academic, believe the evidence. I can't even find the academic saying what you claim, and it seems like you can't either.
In the meantime, ***this MIT professor does not actually say the thing you keep pretending he's saying***.
Feel free to look up the two names I just gave. One is a solar crank, also an honored Stanford professor, with a habit of suing people to silence them from pointing out his mistakes. The other is Trump's medical mess (similarly Stanford.)
Want an MIT professor? Brian Josephsen is a dual-nobel winning MIT physicist who thinks climate change isn't real and sat in court saying cigarettes don't cause cancer.
If I can point to their extensive use in every corner of society, that is sufficient to demonstrate that they were not overlooked or forgotten.
***I'm sorry you're clinging to something a professor didn't even say. However, until you can be specific about where he says it, you don't get to stand on his reputation at all, this way.*** Even if you did find it, the burden of evidence would simply show that he's incorrect.
> I was in the industry before 2012. I have first hand experience.
Pressing X.
The reason I keep saying "please have a good day" is that I am trying to politely end the conversation. >In the meantime, this MIT professor does not actually say the thing you keep pretending he's saying.
Here is the actual transcript from the beginning of the video:
>PATRICK WINSTON: It was in 2010, yes, that's right. It was in 2010. We were having our annual discussion about what we would dump fro 6034 in order to make room for some other stuff. And we almost killed off neural nets. That might seem strange because our heads are stuffed with neurons. If you open up your skull and pluck them all out, you don't think anymore. So it would seem that neural nets would be a fundamental and unassailable topic.
>But many of us felt that the neural models of the day weren't much in the way of faithful models of what actually goes on inside our heads. And besides that, nobody had ever made a neural net that was worth a darn for doing anything. So we almost killed it off. But then we said, well, everybody would feel cheated if they take a course in artificial intelligence, don't learn anything about neural nets, and then they'll go off and invent them themselves. And they'll waste all sorts of time. So we kept the subject in.
>Then two years later, Jeff Hinton from the University of Toronto stunned the world with some neural network he had done on recognizing and classifying pictures. And he published a paper from which I am now going to show you a couple of examples. Jeff's neural net, by the way, had 60 million parameters in it. And its purpose was to determine which of 1,000 categories best characterized a picture.
And he goes on about the topic.. Seems like you're badly misunderstanding his story. He's talking about the MIT curriculum, not the national industry and consciousness. No wonder you tried so hard not to be specific.
The reason I keep saying "please have a good day" is that I am trying to politely end the conversation. In 2010 the view on NNs was, "nobody had ever made a neural net that was worth a darn for doing anything."
And before you start spouting off single perceptrons and calling them neural networks, keep in mind before 2012 people didn't casually call those neural networks (Where's the network?). It wasn't until 2012 with the CNN that people started to consider neural networks worth anything.. > > > > The reason I keep saying "please have a good day" is that I am trying to politely end the conversation
> >
> > The reason I keep saying "please have a good day" is that I am trying to politely end the conversation
The reason I keep saying "please have a good day" is that I am trying to politely end the conversation[D] The machine learning community has a toxicity problem. It is omnipresent!
**First** of all, the peer-review process is *broken*. Every fourth NeurIPS submission is put on arXiv. There are DeepMind researchers publicly going after reviewers who are criticizing their ICLR submission. On top of that, papers by well-known institutes that were put on arXiv are accepted at top conferences, despite the reviewers agreeing on rejection. In contrast, vice versa, some papers with a majority of accepts are overruled by the AC. (I don't want to call any names, just have a look the openreview page of this year's ICRL).
**Secondly,** there is a *reproducibility crisis*. Tuning hyperparameters on the test set seem to be the standard practice nowadays. Papers that do not beat the current state-of-the-art method have a zero chance of getting accepted at a good conference. As a result, hyperparameters get tuned and subtle tricks implemented to observe a gain in performance where there isn't any.
**Thirdly,** there is a *worshiping* problem. Every paper with a Stanford or DeepMind affiliation gets praised like a breakthrough. For instance, BERT has seven times more citations than ULMfit. The Google affiliation gives so much credibility and visibility to a paper. At every ICML conference, there is a crowd of people in front of every DeepMind poster, regardless of the content of the work. The same story happened with the Zoom meetings at the virtual ICLR 2020. Moreover, NeurIPS 2020 had twice as many submissions as ICML, even though both are top-tier ML conferences. Why? Why is the name "neural" praised so much? Next, Bengio, Hinton, and LeCun are truly deep learning pioneers but calling them the "godfathers" of AI is insane. It has reached the level of a cult.
**Fourthly**, the way Yann LeCun talked about biases and fairness topics was insensitive. However, the *toxicity* and backlash that he received are beyond any reasonable quantity. Getting rid of LeCun and silencing people won't solve any issue.
**Fifthly**, machine learning, and computer science in general, have a huge *diversity problem*. At our CS faculty, only 30% of undergrads and 15% of the professors are women. Going on parental leave during a PhD or post-doc usually means the end of an academic career. However, this lack of diversity is often abused as an excuse to shield certain people from any form of criticism. Reducing every negative comment in a scientific discussion to race and gender creates a toxic environment. People are becoming afraid to engage in fear of being called a racist or sexist, which in turn reinforces the diversity problem.
**Sixthly**, moral and ethics are set *arbitrarily*. The U.S. domestic politics dominate every discussion. At this very moment, thousands of Uyghurs are put into concentration camps based on computer vision algorithms invented by this community, and nobody seems even remotely to care. Adding a "broader impact" section at the end of every people will not make this stop. There are huge shitstorms because a researcher wasn't mentioned in an article. Meanwhile, the 1-billion+ people continent of Africa is virtually excluded from any meaningful ML discussion (besides a few Indaba workshops).
**Seventhly**, there is a cut-throat publish-or-perish *mentality*. If you don't publish 5+ NeurIPS/ICML papers per year, you are a looser. Research groups have become so large that the PI does not even know the name of every PhD student anymore. Certain people submit 50+ papers per year to NeurIPS. The sole purpose of writing a paper has become to having one more NeurIPS paper in your CV. Quality is secondary; passing the peer-preview stage has become the primary objective.
**Finally**, discussions have become *disrespectful*. Schmidhuber calls Hinton a thief, Gebru calls LeCun a white supremacist, Anandkumar calls Marcus a sexist, everybody is under attack, but nothing is improved.
Albert Einstein was opposing the theory of [quantum mechanics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Einstein#Einstein's_objections_to_quantum_mechanics). Can we please stop demonizing those who do not share our exact views. We are allowed to disagree without going for the jugular.
The moment we start silencing people because of their opinion is the moment scientific and societal progress dies.
Best intentions, Yusuf. >Thirdly, there is a worshiping problem.
Thank you. I was going to make a meta-post on this topic, suggesting that the subreddit put a temporary moratorium on threads discussing individual personalities instead of their work—obvious exceptions for huge awards or deaths. We need to step back for a moment and consider whether the worship culture is healthy, especially when some of these people perpetuate the toxicity you're writing about above.. We actually wrote a paper regarding some of the above points. Kind of a self-criticism: https://arxiv.org/abs/1904.07633
Some other points we touched:
"lack of hypothesis" & "chronic allergy to negative results"
And we discussed (without claiming always applicable) the possibility of results-blind peer review process.. Some of these are rampant in academia in general, what hasn't happened elsewhere is the spotlight (and $$$) that has been thrown at CS/ML in past few years. We see what fame/fortune does to a lot of people (outside academia) we are not immune to the lesser parts of human behavior.. This is common in academia. Still worth criticisizing if it makes any difference.. Thanks for writing this. I can strongly attest the 'publish or perish' mentality. In my experience, ML researchers seem to live on an entirely different planet revolving around NeurIPS and/or CVPR. The first thing a guy I had to work with on a project asked me was the acceptance rate of the conferences I publish at. I am not even a ML researcher. Entirely ridiculous. Most of them truly have a huge superiority complex they should address.. >**Thirdly,** there is a *worshiping* problem. Every paper with a Stanford or DeepMind affiliation gets praised like a breakthrough. For instance, BERT has seven times more citations than ULMfit. The Google affiliation gives so much credibility and visibility to a paper.
I totally agree with the premise... but, I think a lot of people forget just how easy it was to load up BERT and take it for a spin. The effort the authors put into the usability of the model helped immensely.. TLDR; politics sucks. Unfortunately, you can never escape politics, no matter which field you escape to. I started doing scientific research because I imagined the system to be a fair meritocracy. It's science after all. If you don't like politics, academia is one of the worst places to be. This is the sad truth. This is not a recent phenomenon, and it's not just ML. It has always been this way. It's just more visible now because more people are new to the field and surprised that it's not what they expected.
As long as the academic system functions the way it does and is protected by gatekeepers and institutions with perverse incentives, this will never change. What can you do? Lead by example. Don't play the game and exit the system. Do independent research. Do something else. Don't be driven by your ego that tells you to compete with other academics and publish more papers. Do real stuff.
It's very difficult to reform a system from within. Reform comes when enough people decide to completely exit a system and build an alternative that has a critical mass.. Wow, this post is making me *seriously* rethink applying for an ML graduate program.. Yes this is just crazy how hard the ML community manages to clash and tear itself apart regularly.
I follow both the physics community and the ML community and it’s quite hard to imagine physicists trash talking this hard and politicizing every aspect of their research. Ok ML has social influences but this is just ridiculous to see people pushing their political beliefs through their research ...
Concerning reproducibility and the race to publish I think it’s simply because ML is extremely competitive with regard to other fields (physics for example).. Albert Einstein was absolutely *not* opposed to quantum mechanics, by any stretch of the imagination. Saying Einstein was opposed to QM is like saying Alan Turing was against computers; Einstein was one of the founding fathers of QM.
What Einstein took issue with, was the Copenhagen interpretation of QM. Many/most physicist working in foundational QM today share his view on that.. > papers by well-known institutes that were put on arXiv are accepted at top conferences, despite the reviewers agreeing on rejection.
Wait, can someone provide an example of this?. The focus on quantity over quality is a big one. We should be focusing on quality research instead of trying to increase our publication count. Also, the focus on just throwing more data at larger models like GPT-3 is a super bad direction for the field to be going in. Rather than actual innovation it's just larger models and more data and making things even more exclusive to the large companies and labs with 1000s of GPUs and tons of funding and resources.. > If you don't publish 5+ NeurIPS/ICML papers per year, you are a loser
No, that's not true. You're only expected to publish 5+ papers every year in your 4th / 5th year Ph.D! Before then, you're only expected to publish 2-3 papers a year, and before Ph.D as undergrad or masters you only need 1-2!. I don't think LeCun was insensitive. I think he was *painted* insensitive after the fact, but what I saw was him taking a stance, documenting it, being personally attacked without any reply to his arguments, and then dismissed with "if you aren't a black woman you have no right to talk", which is ridiculous.
What's doubly annoying is that I *wanted* to see a counterpoint to LeCun's arguments, because I wanted to learn more about what the problem is and see what it was he was missing, but the counterargument was "you aren't black so you're wrong". I left that debate thinking LeCun was right and that some people do the racial struggle a disservice by being entitled and trying to blame racism for anything they don't like to hear.. [deleted]. This stuff is almost directly related to the size of the field. I started in the speech recognition field when it was a sleepy niche field. The conferences were collegial, people knew each other and their various pet projects.
The moment speech recognition became commercially viable, the conferences drastically changed. The big guns swooped in and entirely dominated the conferences, the papers had the same problems OP described, with little scientific value, just gaming the process to get a higher number nobody could produce.. In other words, humans bad.. >**Secondly,** there is a *reproducibility crisis*.
I am working on 3D Pose Estimation and I really feel this problem right now! There aren't that many datasets and most papers use the dataset "Human3.6M". Its large, but also very specific. So many projects tweak the "postprocessing" so that they account the specific setup of Human3.6M ... and so my results on "free living samples" are worse.. Money and fame.
Almost all of what you describe comes from newer people who want fame (cite me!) more than advances in science. It's because with the (somewhat justified) hype around ML in the industry, fame turns you into a millionaire.
Just wait until there is no longer money falling from the sky in this field, and all those toxic persons will simply vanish like a gradient in an MLP too deep. With them, the factual problems with reviews and reproducibility will also vanish, and things will be enjoyable and rigorous again.. Forgive me for being new. But what is this obsession with releasing new papers? Is papers seen as some way to get a salary or something? If you really wanted to do AI research, would it not be better to be payed by a private company?. You are correct, but it's not a problem for ML specifically ,it's a general problem. We are living in strange days, where it's not about what you do/publish, but with whom you are associated. We have an inflation of paper submissions, because we use it as an KPI. We have diversity issues, because we involving color, gender in our criteria to form a team. It's not about who you are, it's about what sex, color or whatever you have. We need a diversity of mindset, not of biological features. Saying you don't consider race as a criteria, makes you a racist. Insane.. I’m really disappointed with how Anandkumar acts on Twitter. For example, [she said “you are an idiot” to a ~~high school student~~ young researcher](https://twitter.com/carlesgelada/status/1248693492039053312?s=21) for suggesting that we only teach about neural nets in ML classes.
She deleted the reply but then [tweeted out another response](https://twitter.com/animaanandkumar/status/1248332790090756096?s=21), again referring to the original tweet as “idiocy”.
How someone can do things like this and be a director at Nvidia and have 30k followers is beyond me.
Edit: Apparently he isn’t a high school student, sorry for the mistake. My point was mainly that public figures shouldn't make personal attacks on young researchers, or anybody for that matter.
To put it another way: imagine if a white male researcher called a young female researcher an idiot on a public forum. Many (including myself) would find that to be unacceptable. Yet Anand seems to have gotten away with it here.. >The moment we start silencing people because of their opinion is the moment scientific and societal progress dies.
"Science progresses one funeral at a time"
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planck%27s_principle. I hope your comments about the broad, chilling social impact of this work don’t go unnoticed. Thanks for writing this up. Many of these problems exist across all academia though. The big underlying problems are our ancient, outdated ways of communicating scientific findings (separate manuscripts and prose that can only be updated by completing a new project) and the way we do scientific quality checks (an, in practice random selection of 2-3 community peer reviewers). Also, a belief in an only recently established incentive system (number of completed projects written up in manuscripts) that might increase the overall amount of completed projects, but is often to the detriment of quality and increases the amount of shoddy research and researchers in the system.
The first two problems only exist because submitting papers to peer review was the best that could exist before the digital age. The system has just not been adapted to the digital age yet because people who currently have most power did not have their formative years in this age, and either don't realise its possibilities or are dissatisfied by the ancient ways too, but know that substantial changes are better left to the new generation.
It is in the hands of the current, new generation of scientists to change the scientific system for the better, and move it to the digital age. We all realise its problems and don't have to submit to problematic practices thats improvements are overdue.. i will never voice my opinions in academia because i don't want to risk being cancelled. but i agree with majority of this post.. I totally agree with 99% of your stuff. All of them are great points.
Although I will contest one of these points:
> machine learning, and computer science in general, have a huge diversity problem
I will say, in my experience, I did not find it to be particularly exclusionary.
(I still agree on making the culture healthier and more welcoming for all people, but won't call it a huge diversity problem, that is any different from what plagues other fields)
I also think it has very little to do with those in CS or intentional rejection of minorities/women by CS as a field.
Far fewer women and minorities enroll in CS, so it is more of a highschool problem than anything. If anything, CS tries really really hard to hire and attract under represented groups into the fold. That it fails, does not necessarily mean it is exclusionary. Many other social factors tend to be at play behind cohort statistics. An ML person knows that better than anyone.
There is a huge push towards hiring black and latino people and women as well. Far more than any other STEM field. Anyone who has gone to GHC knows how much money is spent on trying to make CS look attractive to women. ( I support both initiatives, but I do think enough is being done)
A few anecdotes from the hackernews thread the other day, as to greater social reasons for women not joining tech.
Sample 1:
> There's one other possible, additional reason.
I recently asked a 17-year-old high school senior who is heading to college what she's planning to study, and she said it would be mathematics, biomedical engineering, or some other kind of engineering. She's self-motivated -- says she will be studying multi-variate calculus, PDEs, and abstract algebra on her own this summer. She maxed out her high school math curriculum, which included linear algebra as an elective.
>Naturally, I asked her about computer science, and she said something like this (paraphrasing):
> "The kids who love computers at my high school seem to be able to spend their entire day focusing on a computer screen, even on weekends. I cannot do that. And those kids are mostly boys whose social behavior is a little bit on the spectrum."
> While I don't fully agree with her perspective, it makes me wonder how many other talented people shun the field for similar reasons.
> My niece had almost the exact same opinion despite having multiple family members who didn't fit that description, including her mother! It wasn't until I introduced her to some of my younger female co-workers that she committed to being a CS major. She's now a third generation software engineer, which has to be fairly unique.
> I've talked to her about it and she can't really articulate why. I'm closer to the nerd stereotype in that I'm on the computer a lot but her mother (my sister) definitely is not. I think it's mostly pop and teen culture still harboring the antisocial stigma. I'll have to talk to her some more.
There is probably some connection with video games, in that boys overwhelmingly play games where girls do not. I don't think the games cause the disparity; whatever it is that draws boys to VGs is what draws them to CS as well
You can't blame the field for being unable to fight off stigma imposed by 80-90s movies on an entire generations.
For example, there is no dearth of Indian women in CS. (I think it is similar for Chinese people too). Both societies did not undergo the collective humiliation of nerds that the US went through, and CS is considered a respectable 'high status' field, where people of any personality type can gel in. Thus, women do not face the same kind of intimidation. This is a "US high school and US culture" problem. Not a CS problem.
> Going on parental leave during a PhD or post-doc usually means the end of an academic career.
To be fair, this is common to almost all academic fields. CS is no exception and I strongly support the having more accommodations for female employees in this regard.
Honestly, look at almost all "high stress, high workload" jobs and men are over-represented in almost all areas. Additionally, they tend to be a very particular kind of obsessive "work is life" kind of men. While women are discouraged form having such an unhealthy social life, men are actively pushed in this direction by society. IMO, we should not be seeking equality by pushing women to abide by male stereotypes. Maybe, if CS became a little better for everyone, it would benefit all kinds of people who are seeking healthier lives, men and women alike. This actually flows quite well into your next point of "cut-throat publish-or-perish mentality".. >In contrast, vice versa, some papers with a majority of accepts are overruled by the AC. (I don't want to call any names, just have a look the openreview page of this year's ICRL).
I agree with a lot of what you are saying, but I think this point is a bit unfair. I've encountered situations where 2/3 of the reviews are glowing, but there are pervasive, major errors in the mathematical descriptions of things. The paper doesn't make sense.
I think there are serious issues with getting enough competent reviewers to deal with the deluge of ML papers being submitted right now and that many reviewers, including well qualified ones, are not putting enough time into reviews.
For me to do a thoughtful review (I've been reviewing for NeurIPS, ICML, AISTATS for 6 years) takes me *at least* 5 hours per paper. I see people saying that they spend <2 hours per review. The following is a particularly egregious example of this, a professor at a world-class university *starting his reviews 2 days after the deadline*:
Because of this its becoming more crucial for the ACs and meta-reviewers themselves to make judgement calls on papers' worthiness and cannot rely so much on the reviewers.
e:formatting. Btw, this race to publish strongly encourages publication with few experimental soundness and that don't improve on nothing but rather are just telling a story that is sound ( unfortunately sound stories rarely are able to justify deep learning successes ). Then verify it by few experiments obviously discarding any of them that would disprove the initial claim ... I feel like I spent one year reading such papers to realize the field I'm working on has not advanced an inch ... Then you obviously see papers like 'reality checks' to denounce that, but still more useless paper are coming out every day.. I’d add (your post being an example, no offence):
**Eighthly**: an under appreciation of the importance of statistics. As we know there’s the CS side and statistics side of ML. The former of which are notoriously dismissive of the importance of the latter. To the point that statistics has almost become a loaded term in the mind of many from the CS side. I myself have had discussions with people here who have literally said that any knowledge of statistics is entirely useless in ML. So let’s remove the word statistics and focus on (some of) the important aspects that having a strong understanding/appreciation of statistics provides, such as the ability/realisation that understanding the subtle assumptions made in the technique(s) developed are crucially vital.
Ok some times taking a pragmatic approach rather than tying yourself in knots worrying about inherent assumptions in your technique can speed progress, but it’s also vital in understanding the limitations of your technique and where it will breakdown - not only from an algorithmic/numerical standpoint, but from a reproducibility standpoint. I’d argue this is an important causative factor in why your second point exists.. > discussions have become disrespectful. Schmidhuber calls Hinton a thief, Gebru calls LeCun a white supremacist, Anandkumar calls Marcus a sexist, everybody is under attack, but nothing is improved.
Yoshua Bengio is the liberal Canadian knight that will deliver this community.. On point no.6, *moral and ethics*:
In 2019, [Yoshua Bengio tried to promote a new set of guidelines](https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-019-00505-2 ) developed by a group of not only AI experts but also ethics experts. **You can read the declaration [here](https://www.montrealdeclaration-responsibleai.com/the-declaration)**
Unfortunately, adhering to these principles is still entirely voluntary and it hasn’t caught on. **You can see the limited list of organizations who have already signed [here](https://www.declarationmontreal-iaresponsable.com/signataires).**
Ignoring the fact there is no clear framework for holding the adhering organizations accountable, it would have been nice to see the community at least adhering on principle.
Edit: As a constructive actionable item, you can still sign the declaration as an individual practitioner, or you could advocate for the organization you work for to sign it.. https://twitter.com/adjiboussodieng/status/1277599545996779521?s=19
Another instance of accusation of misogyny and racism without any basis. Could have just asked about not citing without accusations and playing victim.. > Secondly, there is a reproducibility crisis. Tuning hyperparameters on the test set seem to be the standard practice nowadays. Papers that do not beat the current state-of-the-art method have a zero chance of getting accepted at a good conference. As a result, hyperparameters get tuned and subtle tricks implemented to observe a gain in performance where there isn't any.
PPO Anyone?
> Secondly, there is a reproducibility crisis. Tuning hyperparameters on the test set seem to be the standard practice nowadays. Papers that do not beat the current state-of-the-art method have a zero chance of getting accepted at a good conference. As a result, hyperparameters get tuned and subtle tricks implemented to observe a gain in performance where there isn't any.
> Thirdly, there is a worshiping problem. Every paper with a Stanford or DeepMind affiliation gets praised like a breakthrough. For instance, BERT has seven times more citations than ULMfit. The Google affiliation gives so much credibility and visibility to a paper. At every ICML conference, there is a crowd of people in front of every DeepMind poster, regardless of the content of the work. The same story happened with the Zoom meetings at the virtual ICLR 2020. Moreover, NeurIPS 2020 had twice as many submissions as ICML, even though both are top-tier ML conferences. Why? Why is the name "neural" praised so much? Next, Bengio, Hinton, and LeCun are truly deep learning pioneers but calling them the "godfathers" of AI is insane. It has reached the level of a cult.
I don't want to point fingers but there's marginal improvement in DQN over NFQ but the former has over an order of magnitude more citations than the latter and the difference between the two is who had more compute to test stuff and more memory to store all the 10M transitions..... I strongly agree with you on the first 3 points. For point five I think you underestimate how good 30% is, in mechanical engineering only 13% of B.S. are going to women and electrical engineering is only 12%. Not to say that we are perfect, but 30% is progress. For six I think you leave out that a large portion of research is conducted in the US. So it makes sense that people would be very concerned with the US policy and ignorant of the PRC use of the technology.
If you want to discuss further feel free to DM me, I'm literally always down to talk about the state our field and how some of it is a complete shit show.. Perhaps we need a new conference that gives equal merit to negative results. Makes publishing preprints that are not anonymous (and not shared by the author on twitter) and that makes some improvements with the peer-review process so it's less arbitrary.
I feel like by focusing on merit rather than names that would alleviate some of these issues. Perhaps open discussion could be promoted/rewarded somehow also? and additionally inappropriate conduct punished in the same way. Focus on the science and the ideas not the people. Thank you for writing this. I’ve been observing these things as well, and I think you’ve articulated them very well. I wouldn’t be surprised if a majority of those in the ML community share much of your views.. Moral and ethics should be part of the curriculum in ML education and paper discussions. If we do not educate people then it's hard to control what any company could do for the sake of profit. I still feel disgusted to have found in a research showcase presentation a database field called IsUyghur. Apparently the subsidiary research lab in China from a silicon valley company was responsible for it. Funny that the company wanted to join people together.. [deleted]. Amen. Academia and especially the ML community have a huge vanity problem - extremely arrogant, dismissive, and even unethical. I'd love to work on a solution to all of this.. Good discussion. I'm not sure what I can do to help the problem. But I will always support any effort to suppress toxicity.. Every single issue listed here is right on the money. I am an MSc student at a top uni and although I have published a few papers in top conferences, the absolute stress and mental headache of the publish and perish mentality and the broader issues mentioned here is strongly motivating me to not pursue a PhD, although I had been set on doing so for a great while.
For the first year of my masters, I was constantly reminded that I don't yet have a published paper yet, and without it (or some amazing internal references/connections) access to good research internships are rare, and without that, goes the chance to build connections and get exposure (the deepmind, Google hype that OP mentioned) that is crucial for success deeper into PhD and beyond. It's as if every step from the day you start uni must be perfectly placed, lest you be banished to academic wilderness. It also didn't help that my work was not in neural net/CV/NLP but in game theory+ML which is more niche meaning less visibility, less interesting to industry and others, and so on. Ofc, one does not and should not do research for "visibility" or "hype" or to publish only in a handful of venues skewed toward deep learning, but unfortunately this seems like the reality of our field. A great many days I honestly felt like I part of some strange cult and wondering what the hell I'm doing here. Even after publishing papers, I didn't feel this anxiety reduce by much.
I honestly loved the work I did and the advisor and peers I worked it, who were all amazing. However, the broader setting is just deeply toxic. ML grad school feels like the cut-throat, constantly selling you and your work, virtue signalling yet indifferent mentality of industry combined with poverty wage and financial struggles of grad school.
I hope that as a community, we listen and act instead of paying lip-service, accept that negative results and failed attempts are an important part of scientific research and not every paper must be SOTA to be meaningful, realize the myriad pressures grad students are under and setting the minimum threshold of success to be k papers/year at n conferences/journal doesn't make a great researcher but rather burnout or reward-hacking, stop putting certain people on pedestals, and we critically question the merits of industry dominating academia with half of top profs/departments being in their payroll in the name of some platitude.. > However, the *toxicity* and backlash that he received are beyond any reasonable quantity
There are many vocal people in DS and tech in general who think critical theory is the only lens to examine the world through rather than it being one of many. It's a real problem and makes it next to impossible to have a conversation with these people. My guess is most of them don't even realize they are engaging in a dialectic which embraces subjective truth. Meanwhile most of us are still using our boring old objective truth to examine the world and try to form reasonable arguments.. At the root of these issues ... we've all noticed an aggressive push for "social justice" in the machine learning community. This has been organized by a small number of politically motivated activists who do not represent the community as a whole, outsiders who aren't ML experts themselves. Its impact on the community has been extremely negative. This can be seen in how LeCun was recently silenced on Twitter, or how some people are now claiming [they should get more citations because of their skin color or gender](https://twitter.com/adjiboussodieng/status/1277599545996779521?s=19).. > Fourthly, the way Yann LeCun talked about biases and fairness topics was insensitive.
I understand why you might feel you have to say this, but it isn't true, and catering to that mindset is only going to provide a beachhead for future unreasonable backlashes. People who jumped on LeCun overplayed their hand, but they're still in the community, and will happily jump on other innocent remarks the second we let them think they've got a receptive audience for it. Saying that biased datasets cause problems is not a racist act, there are four lights.
> People are becoming afraid to engage in fear of being called a racist or sexist, which in turn reinforces the diversity problem.
Very big agree! We need to incentivize outreach and risk-taking.
Secondly, there is a reproducibility crisis. Tuning hyperparameters on the test set seem to be the standard practice nowadays. Papers that do not beat the current state-of-the-art method have a zero chance of getting accepted at a good conference. As a result, hyperparameters get tuned and subtle tricks implemented to observe a gain in performance where there isn't any.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to avoid this scenario (other than from a conference gatekeeper's perspective)? I've yet to see any.
If Method A is innately more able to get use out of hyperparameter tuning than Method B, then in some sense the only way to get a fair comparison between them is to tune the hyperparameters on both to the utmost limit. Abstaining from hyperparameter tuning seems like it means avoiding comparisons that are fair with respect to likely applications of interest.. Hmm, I came from a chemical engineering background, and it sounds like a lot applies to my research area (nano material) as well. I think it's a general issue for academia, and a lot of it comes from the pressure for publishing papers. When the pressure is on, things like reproducibility and integerity are just out of the window. And when everybody tries to use tricks to get paper published, you'll have to do it too if you want to keep up with the performance, it's a horrible arms race.. First of all, I don't have anything to back up my opinion/impression:
As a european, a lot of these points seem like very American patterns in general to me, more than specifically ML-related issues.
That doesn't make anything you said less true, though.. The final point is very correct. Everybody became insane. It is NOT OK to insult LeCun as if he was a nazi!. Yes, a million times of yes. As a junior researcher in this field who is going to start my career as an assistant professor, I am seriously considering quitting research and just go to industry to find a job and work in peace. What is happening right now in the ML community reminds me of what happened in the SU or China in the mid of the last century. This is essentially a kind of silencing -- I don't dare to publicly (say, on Twitter) express my opinion since I know I would easily lose my current job if I do so. Look at Yann, what happened to him in the last few days is astonishing. I understand that there is systematic racism and sexism in this country, but this does NOT mean that everything should be interpreted and explained in this way. Honestly, I feel that some of them are just playing the race/sex card in order to maximize their own utility, e.g., more citations, more visibility etc. What a shame! I never see this happens in maths or theoretical physics. It's a shame that the pursuit of pure research and truth needs to surrender to political correctness.. Quite right, for the most part.
1. There's no clear consensus for making papers publicly available while under submission. One one side, it means the research is not available while under review which kind of defeats the whole purpose of research (sharing it with everyone, and not sitting around 2-3 months). On the other hand, sharing it and making posts everywhere does compromise anonymity: even if the reviewers don't search explicitly for the paper, they 're highly likely to stumble upon it if their research lies in that area (arXiv update tweets, gs updates, RTs by people they follow, etc). I guess a straightforward solution would be to have a version of arXiv with higher anonymity, where author affiliation is revealed only after decisions (to the journal/conference to which that research is submitted) have been made. We need to think much more about this specific problem.
2. Reproducibility is indeed an issue. I honestly don't know why we're in 2020 and machine learning papers can still get away without providing code/trained models. Evaluating the trained model (which is, in the majority of ML related papers, the result) by the reviewers via an open-source system, perhaps like a test-bed specific for applications? For instance, evaluating the robustness of a model on Imagenet. This, of course, should happen along with making code both compulsory and running it as well. This may be a problem for RL related systems, but this doesn't mean we shouldn't even try doing this for any of the submissions.
3. Very true. For some part, it's the responsibility of organizers to not always run after the top 5-6 names, and include younger researchers to help audiences get familiar with a more diverse (and most times, interesting) set of research and ideas. For the other part, it is also up to the researchers to draw the line when they see themselves talking about the same slides at multiple venues over and over again.
4. This specific instance is somewhat debatable. Compared to the level of backlash and toxicity women and people of color receive online is not even close to what he did. Nonetheless, the discussion could be much cleaner.
5. I agree with the first half. I do see companies doing *something* about this, but surely not enough. Also, it's a bit sad/sketchy that most AI research labs do not openly release statistics about their gender/ethnicity distributions. "People are becoming afraid to engage in fear of being called a racist or sexist, which in turn reinforces the diversity problem. " There's a very clear difference between 'engage' and 'tone-police'. As long as you're doing the former, I don't see why you should be "afraid".
6. True (but isn't this a problem with nearly every field of science? Countless animals are mutilated and experimented upon in multiple ways for things as frivolous as hair gel) I guess, for instance, people working in NLP could be more careful (or rather, simply avoid) scraping Reddit to help stop the propagation of biases/hate, etc. Major face-recognition providing companies have taken steps to help curb the potential harms of AI, and there is surely scope for more.
7. " Certain people submit 50+ papers per year to NeurIPS." I'd think most of such people would only be remotely associated with the actual work. Most students/researchers/advisors I know who work on a research project (either via actually leading it or a substantial amount of advising) have no more than 5-6 NeurIPS submissions a year? Nevertheless, universities should be a little relaxed about such 'count' based rules.
8. "Everybody is under attack, but nothing is improved. ". It's not like Anandkumar woke up one fine day and said "you know what? I hate LeCun". Whatever the researchers in your examples have accused others of, it has been true for the most part. I don't see how calling out someone for sexist behavior by calling them 'sexist' is disrespectful if the person being accused quite visibly is. All of these instances may not directly be tied with research or our work, but it would be greatly ignorant to pretend that we all are just machines working on science, and have no social relations or interactions with anyone. The way you interact with people, the way they interact with you: everything matters. If someone gets called out for sexist behavior and we instantly run to defend such "tags" as "disrespectful", I don't see how we can solve the problem of representation bias in this community.
Also, kinda funny that a 'toxicity' related discussion is being started on Reddit. lol. > It has reached the level of a cult.
It was always a cult. It almost feel like it was DESIGNED as a cult.. Please make this an open letter that I can sign with my real name.. Welcome to the new era of science. Everybody is right and nobody is wrong.. Hey, really well put.. This is really really good. Thank you.. Can we improve the peer-review process by scrubbing the authors names and research groups from the paper? Any conflicts of interest issues can be determined by the editor.. Is maternity leave really a career ender in your country? Got damn. Where im from, you can’t even ask an employee/applicant in a jobbinterview if they are planning on having children. It is seen as discrimination, and not a valid reason to hire/fire.. Thank you for raising those important points! 100% agree 👏. I have a different take - the internet (and arguably society as more of it has moved to the internet) has a toxicity problem, but the ML community is not particularly bad.. All interesting points , though I really struggle with your mixing of first , secondly .. firstly secondly, or first second ...
Sorry, my supervisor kills me for doing it , and now I am hyper sensitive to it ! 😁
That aside, you make some very good points.. \>Schmidhuber calls Hinton a thief,
No doubt Hinton is a thief, the whole Toronto communities are thieves and gangsta.Hinton community cross site every stupid articles they write.. The good book on the topic that I believe is relevant to this post: [The Coddling of the American Mind: How Good Intentions and ](https://amzn.to/31Sp9UU)
[Bad Ideas Are Setting Up a Generation for Failure](https://amzn.to/31Sp9UU)
More people will read it during the quarantine - better :)
The generation now coming of age has been taught three Great Untruths: their feelings are always right; they should avoid pain and discomfort; and they should look for faults in others and not themselves. These three Great Untruths are part of a larger philosophy that sees young people as fragile creatures who must be protected and supervised by adults. But despite the good intentions of the adults who impart them, the Great Untruths are harming kids by teaching them the opposite of ancient wisdom and the opposite of modern psychological findings on grit, growth, and antifragility. The result is rising rates of depression and anxiety, along with endless stories of college campuses torn apart by moralistic divisions and mutual recriminations.
This is a book about how we got here. First Amendment expert Greg Lukianoff and social psychologist Jonathan Haidt take us on a tour of the social trends stretching back to the 1980s that have produced the confusion and conflict on campus today, including the loss of unsupervised play time and the birth of social media, all during a time of rising political polarization.
This is a book about how to fix the mess. The culture of “safety” and its intolerance of opposing viewpoints has left many young people anxious and unprepared for adult life, with devastating consequences for them, for their parents, for the companies that will soon hire them, and for a democracy that is already pushed to the brink of violence over its growing political divisions. Lukianoff and Haidt offer a comprehensive set of reforms that will strengthen young people and institutions, allowing us all to reap the benefits of diversity, including viewpoint diversity.
This is a book for anyone who is confused by what’s happening on college campuses today, or has children, or is concerned about the growing inability of Americans to live and work and cooperate across party lines.
\`\`\`. [deleted]. Well, I found some statements here are actually incorrect or superficial. For example, you cannot simply draw a conclusion based on a single BERT paper without much context, and do not consider a lot of confounding factors (e.g. its results are much better than others). If you just want to reason by a single example, why not look at the two concurrent papers of VAE, [one](https://arxiv.org/abs/1312.6114) from Universiteit van Amsterdam which is cited \~10K times, [the other](https://arxiv.org/abs/1401.4082) from Deepmind which is cited <3K. Can you draw an opposite conclusion from this?. Can someone point me towards anyone wanting LeCun to get off twitter? Or to anyone (other than the guy that said "fuck Yann LeCun" or something like that) attacking him? To me he overreacted wildly and Timnit didn't quit twitter before being far more harassed by his fanboys. [deleted]. Standard 90/10 split
90% Indians watching **MACHINE LEARNING AI SELF TAUGHT ENTERPRENEUR** YouTube videos.
10% actually working and studying the field with a technical understand above surface level.
And it’s no surprise which group is louder and drowns out any actual worthwhile discussions. \> Gebru calls LeCun a white supremacist
Did that actually occur? I tried to follow but don't recall that o\_O. I think the sixth point you made here is so insanely important and undervalued. I do a fair amount of researching disinformation, in particular deep fakes, and the fact that this kind of technology came from academia without any real thought about the danger it could represent is appalling. Facial recognition and other tracking types of technology fall into this same category. I understand they are cool problems and the machine learning technology behind this is truly amazing, but there has to be some kind of moral check.. Thanks for an excellent and needed post. Yes, much of this is in common with academia generally, as many are pointing out. Check out the blog post “Upgrade Your Cargo Cult” by David Chapman for an excellent and uniquely well-informed take on this issue. He discusses how any scientific field is presently marred by bad science, partly because the sciences are mostly going through rote procedural motions while missing the vital other ingredient that makes science work. So instead of science we end up with something more procedural, which marries nicely with market demands — so the result is an overwhelming emphasis on engineering rather than science. ML is a chief example of this. People aren’t left to explore the territory properly because they’re pressured to just engineer useful results with no concern as to how they arrived at such results. It’s a muddling of the research and development ends of the spectrum — a muddling which academia is doing a worse job at managing than it seemed to in the 20th century. Is an ‘ML researcher’ really a researcher or just an engineer with more academic qualification?. [removed]. Couldn't agree more. This desperately needed to be said.
Edit: On point six,David Ha, Joe Redmon and I deeply care about this issue. But, yes, more of the community needs to care about China's abuse of power.. - Points 1, 2 and 7: we need open science.
- Points 3: ignore the churches and churchgoers.
- Point 4: ignore TMZ.
- Point 8: ignore twitter.. I would suggest the following to solve some of the issues.
a)Community moderation on arxiv : We have upvotes, downvotes, comments, and ranking by hot, top, controversial on reddit and mods. This to a large extent enables reddit to be a place where you can voice your thoughts but someone can step in if a situation arises. I remember there was this huge backlash on a recent paper that talked about face detection to identify criminal behaviour. The authors were kind enough to retract their submission. Imagine if they had posted it on arxiv, was there anything anyone could have done about it?
b)Set guidelines for arxiv: Imagine you get to review a paper but find out that it is from Geoff Hinton, or Yann LeCun.. would you be able to review it in an unbiased fashion? Maybe the authors could upload a blinded submission to arxiv and reveal the names once a) they decide to stop targetting a publication b) the draft gets accepted.
c)Make Codes mandatory: The policy of code-release being optional was largely derived from the systems community where releasing the code meant revealing a lot of properiatary IPs (standard-cell libraries cost billions to model, RTL IP licenses were what earned companies money)..however even they have started gravitating towards open-source (if anyone is interested RISCV, tiny compiler by Austin Henley, JOS by MIT are great starting points) however, AI has started to go the other way, fortunately there are voices speaking out against it.
d) Make ethics compulsory: There is this famous quote by Oppenheimer after they invented the Atom bomb: "I am become death, the destroyer of worlds." AI researchers need to understand this quote applies a lot to them.
The Atom Bomb killed around 126K people (lowest estimate) in a matter of minutes..Prior to that, if someone had to kill around 126K people, they would need an army that was at least twice that size and would need to fight for at least 20 months (US lost around 6,600 people a month during the war).
Similarly, research that took around months/years can now be done in minutes/days. This is a tremendous amount of power and people who wield it can shape our future. It is thus important to focus on the "ethics" of AI rather than look at pure accuracy numbers.
e) Better metrics: Increasingly there are models that are able to beat SOTA due to their sheer size. Take BERT for example, Do you think colleges in Africa, Asia would be able to afford the compute costs? How about we rank models based on cost (in terms of power consumed, in terms of money ) and not just based on accuracy?.
f) While I might disagree with "some" of the language used by Gebru. She has a point. In an increasingly competitive world, if we choose not to stand up for those who do not have a voice, we are choosing to ignore their views and are complicit in silencing them. PhDs are toxic and cutthroat and AI research is even more so. My girlfriend was forced to walk out of a project for speaking out against harassment because the harasser was "intelligent". If people like Gebru are silenced, people like my girlfriend are the ones who will have to pay the price. I would highly recommend watching the documentary called "disclosure" on netflix to understand the consequences of ignoring someone's perspective. If Gebru hadn't spoken out against racism and the danger of facial recognition algorithms, we would still be having companies like clearview.ai mining our data for surveillance.
g) Understand privilege: This is something ALL AI (and Security) researchers need to understand. If you are a researcher publishing one or two papers in AI (or Security), you have some degree of privilege. Think about what you need to know to be a decent AI researcher today: A fair deal of programming, linear algebra, probability, good vocabulary, free time to keep up with deluge of papers in your field, a good peer group to discuss and brainstorm ideas, and finally resources to conduct experiments. ALL of this is privilege. So when someone is trying to point out an issue, maybe we can listen.. and yes, sometimes the issue may not be presented correctly or the person might use language that we cannot stomach. But the question we must ask ourselves is "What are we losing by just listening to the other person?".. [deleted]. Hit so many nails on the head it sounded like a jack hammer.. I've been reading so many insane things on the internet today. Your post made the tension in my belly finally relax. I like you.. I appreciate the directness of your points and I shall try (and, inevitably, fail) to emulate that in my response:
> **First** of all, the peer-review process is *broken*.
It's the peer review system that is broken, it's just a disconnect between the traditional methods for publishing work and the way people actually share ideas and results. Traditional publishing is dead - it has been since the internet, and the final nail in the coffin was social media. Unfortunately, most of academic science has yet to move towards a good alternative. arXiv is one such glimmer on the horizon - instead of going through a slow month or year long process to share your ideas and findings - just self publish and truly allow your work to be judged by your peers (all of them). If it's true only a fourth of NeuIPS submissions are uploaded to arXiv then I am sad it's not far more.
We need to integrate the countless new mediums of communication and visualization into how we share science. So far, it's mostly the large companies (OpenAI, Deepmind, etc) that present their work with blog posts including multimedia and even interactive visualizations. Instead of condensing everything down to an eight page static paper - we should be encouraging submissions of full multimedia websites - ideally built on a common framework to make powerful visualization tools available to everyone, automatically generate printable versions for the old timers, to enable reviewers to respond/discuss directly on the page (a la OpenReviews) and, if accepted, to base the acceptance on the submission hash to identify tampering and recognize later changes). I am not advocating eliminating the peer-review system, I want make the whole process as transparent and dynamic as possible, and integrate the newest tools and media available.
> **Secondly,** there is a *reproducibility crisis*
I agree, that's why we need a fundamentally new publishing platform where we can integrate/share code, data, and models directly (rather than occasionally linking to a disparate github repo). Ideally, the framework would have some compute behind it (maybe like Google Colab) so that all the models and code submitted can be run directly in the conference/journal submission page - imagine that: reviewers being able to interactively test people's models rather than going off of nothing but cherry-picked samples.
> **Thirdly,** there is a *worshiping* problem.
That's probably true, although I can't speak too much about it, as I'm not very involved in the politics of academic research. That being said, all enterprises will inevitably involve some icky politics and favoritism. The best we can do to combat that is make things as transparent as possible.
> **Fourthly**, ... *toxicity*
This problem goes far being ML/AI research - it has pretty much pervaded throughout all of public discourse at this point. We can discuss the problem of "toxicity" in general, which I would chalk up to our culture having not quite come to terms with the fundamentally different way we have to process information in the information age. However, overall I think AI research (and science in general) does a better job than most areas on that front.
> **Fifthly**, ... a huge *diversity problem*
I completely agree, and there are plenty of arguments for why we and all of academia has a diversity problem. You are probably familiar with most, and we don't have to get into them, but suffice to say, once again, our cultural and traditional biases and institutions conflict with a more contemporary mentality. What do we do about it? Outreach and transparency - they are slow but they work.
> **Sixthly**, moral and ethics are set *arbitrarily*
The problem here is a little unclear to me? Is it that people use technology in ways other people don't like? That seems inevitable. Is it that Western culture undervalues the rest of the world? What else is new? Don't get dragged down with the American Exceptionalists in denial as the US heads for economic and social stagnation and decline.
> **Seventhly**, there is a cut-throat publish-or-perish *mentality*.
Coming from physics research, I agree that the AI field has a dangerously strong publish-or-perish mentality. However, that also means the field is highly dynamic and garners lots of interest/funding. I'm not convinced that a field as closely intertwined with engineering and the private sector does not actually benefit from a shorter project cycle. Additionally, the barrier to entry is virtually non-existent (unlike most other sciences where researchers won't give you the time of day if you don't already have a PhD, and the equipment/expertise necessary for making progress precludes anyone outside of 2-3 groups on Earth from publishing on your topic).
> **Finally**, discussions have become *disrespectful*.
Again, that's really just a misunderstanding for the way information works in the information age. Attention is a commodity and insulting people still has a high rate of return. This will change for the better as we get a handle on how to process information in this brave new world (especially in informal settings like social media).
Thanks for the points though - it does us well to think critically about not just the "what" in research but also the "how" and "why".. Good points about ecerything except the racial diversity qouta. This post is a grab-bag of unrelated, tired (even if valid) complaints about the field.
>First of all, the peer-review process is broken.
First of all, what does this have to do with toxicity?
>Every fourth NeurIPS submission is put on arXiv.
The fact that papers are going up on arXiv is a good thing. The fact that peer-review suffers as a result is bad, and it has been raised and discussed many times but no one yet has a solution. The fact is that we don't currently have a system that both allows for fast dissemination of research and a blind review process. That it has not been fixed is not for the lack of attention or trying.
>Secondly, there is a reproducibility crisis.
Secondly, what does this have to do with toxicity?
>Papers that do not beat the current state-of-the-art method have a zero chance of getting accepted at a good conference.
This is patently false, and one of many instances of hyperbole in this post.
People have been discussing a "reproducability crisis" in ML, but... where is it? The BERT-class models in ML have been consistently reproduced. To my knowledge the best vision models have similarly had their results reproduced too. Where there's an unreproducable result, it's either been called out and the author responds, or without a response it's taken as an unreproducable result that's ignored. The biggest reproducability problem has to do with access to data and computational resources, but that's by no means the same "reproducability crisis" in other fields.
>Thirdly, there is a worshiping problem. Every paper with a Stanford or DeepMind affiliation gets praised like a breakthrough.
More hyperbole.
>BERT has seven times more citations than ULMfit
It also performs a lot better than ULMFiT. I say this as someone who thinks ULMFiT doesn't get enough spotlight in the LM->encoder sphere. ELMo also basically disappeared overnight because of BERT.
>Next, Bengio, Hinton, and LeCun are truly deep learning pioneers but calling them the "godfathers" of AI is insane. It has reached the level of a cult.
Can you explain, in concrete terms, how using an analogy of "godfather" (which I take in the meaning of a founding leading, rather than from the mafia) is "insane" and "has reached the level of a cult"? Or is that just hyperbole?
>Fourthly, the way Yann LeCun talked about biases and fairness topics was insensitive. However, the toxicity and backlash that he received are beyond any reasonable quantity.
This is the first actual mention of toxicity, and very obviously the trigger for you to rant about the field.
>Fifthly, machine learning, and computer science in general, have a huge diversity problem.
Let may state this first, and upfront, that while this problem is not unique to ML and CS, it is still an important problem that needs to be addressed. That said, it has nothing to do with toxicity (or specifically, not in the way you're talking about. You're not, for example, talking about how toxicity makes ML less diverse, you're in fact arguing the opposite) and it sounds like just another point to pad out your list of complaints, until:
>this lack of diversity is often abused as an excuse to shield certain people from any form of criticism. Reducing every negative comment in a scientific discussion to race and gender creates a toxic environment. People are becoming afraid to engage in fear of being called a racist or sexist, which in turn reinforces the diversity problem.
I have no idea what on earth you are talking about, or where you are getting into these sort of discussions.
>Sixthly, moral and ethics are set arbitrarily. The U.S. domestic politics dominate every discussion. At this very moment, thousands of Uyghurs are put into concentration camps based on computer vision algorithms invented by this community, and nobody seems even remotely to care.
You've just described... the Internet in general. Look at the front page of Reddit: it is just as dominated by US politics. Same for Twitter trending.
>Seventhly, there is a cut-throat publish-or-perish mentality. If you don't publish 5+ NeurIPS/ICML papers per year, you are a looser.
I have never seen someone publicly called a loser for not publishing sufficiently. I'm sure it's happened in specific groups, but it is not generally considered acceptable by the community. That's even putting aside the hyperbole of "publish 5+ NeurIPS/ICML papers per year".
Also, what does this have to do with toxicity?
>Finally, discussions have become disrespectful. ... Gebru calls LeCun a white supremacist
Gebru never called LeCun a white supremacist. Did you distort what she said for the purpose of fanning flames of an argument? Is that the not clearest possible example of "toxicity" you are arguing against?
The field is not without its problems, for sure. There are many issues of accessibility, diversity, and dissemination of information that need to be addressed. Most of it has to do with how quickly the field has grown, and the institutions and even social conventions that have not yet adjusted to accommodate its new size and prominence (too many qualified students, too many papers, too many new results). A related part of it is the potential misuse of the technology that we're building and researching. And for all the negativity and online arguments that have gotten of hand, one of the best parts of the field is that a lot of this is done in public, with free communication, and a lot of genuine self-criticism. Ask almost anyone in the field and they would agree that we are not doing enough to address all of these problems, even if we don't yet agree on how we can do better.
Posting a big list of unrelated, hyperbolic complaints stemming from cherry-picked examples (How many labs have PIs who don't know all their PhD students? How often do researchers publicly go after their reviewers?) for the purpose of stirring up a big flamey debate, does nothing to help. You're picking out the worst possible examples to [mischaracterize the field and the community](https://www.reddit.com/r/MachineLearning/comments/hiv3vf/d_the_machine_learning_community_has_a_toxicity/fwiikfx/). If you wanted to have an actual discussion on toxicity, you would have focused on that rather than include a load of unrelated points to make your big rant.
Signing off your message with "Best intentions" does not excuse the rest of your post. Based on your post history I think you do have good intentions but this post is absolutely not productive.. Calm down, young one, too much drama ;)
A lot has changed over the past ~5 years, and the machine learning field really raised the bar on standards imho.
Papers are no longer behind a paywall? And there's code to go with it and results can be reproduced? And open datasets to benchmark against? Ya kidding me? 10 years ago if you took latest state of the art paper and implemented it yourself, you'd find out your performance is somehow worse. That maybe some magic values were not mentioned. Or they hand-picked test sequences. Etc.
People worship Google or Stanford? Few years back, the fashion was about publishing in Nature and Science and chasing impact factors. Either way, exceptional work gets recognized, that's the best you can do anyway. Get published on merit.
So, worried about publishing by all means, marginally pushing the envelope on state of the art and mostly just tinkering with hyper parameters until you get the result you wanted? That's just what academia has been about the past 40 years. It's an issue worth addressing, sure, but it is not recent and not unique to any given field.
As for the rest.. about sexism, biased datasets, Twitter scandals or democratizing AI.. That's just the scandal of the day. In the end, opinions are like farts.. everyone has them, but maybe it's better to keep it to yourself.. > Thirdly, there is a worshiping problem.
i agree about the godfathers portion.
however the worship of publications from places like Google or DeepMind is unfortunately very well-founded.
if you look at most university papers, they are training over 1/100th the amount of data industry papers use (for good reason). as a practitioner it just isn't worth your time to look for other papers unless you're chasing the last few basis points.. I used to write "j'accuse" shit like that, then decided to lower my sodium intake. I love the cliques that can form in certain fields in academia. It’s like extremely smart people that never left their high school personality behind. Main reason why I left: I couldn’t take being called an idiot and my research trash for nothing other than my institutional affiliation and my PI. Forget that shit.. Are you not contributing to the problem? Many of the threads you started on this subreddit just report on big names, rumors and other shit-stirring. Your points are not even exclusive to machine learning anyway, and could just as well apply to any other area of academia.. I’m sorry but you have now transgressed against the Twitter clique so I’d expect quite a bit of pushback on some of these points from them.
Once the counter pushback begins that will then be considered harassment and this thread will be binned. 3..2..1.... > Albert Einstein was opposing the theory of quantum mechanics
How is this salient?. I agree with some of your points. But this part:
“**Sixthly**, moral and ethics are set *arbitrarily*. The U.S. domestic politics dominate every discussion. At this very moment, thousands of Uyghurs are put into concentration camps based on computer vision algorithms invented by this community, and nobody seems even remotely to care. “
Seriously? So you want this community to stay out of the ongoing BLM stuff and at the same time Uyghurs is the politics that we are supposed to talk about? Aren’t you having double standards here?. Why is it that you are upset that your politics are not being spoken about?
It's machine learning not political science.
I think your points have the same smell as the part you said about demonizing those who do not share other's views.
Imagine me being a trump supporter in the ML community.. Its the same thing man we are all just being silenced; so we can focus on the science.. Anything we’re doing right?. >People are becoming afraid to engage in fear of being called a racist or sexist, which in turn reinforces the diversity problem.
>Gebru calls LeCun a white supremacist
Certainly you'd agree that misrepresenting an interlocutor's arguments falls pretty squarely in the disrespect category? It's part of why minorities are afraid to speak up about such issues, thus fueling the diversity crisis. There's a common perception that those who talk about racism/sexism receive acclaim and support from those in power. This has not been my experience (nor for anyone else I know). There is very little to gain from speaking up aside from the hope that the other person will treat others better in the future. In terms of what the speaker loses, well, she's already had her words misrepresented, and now runs the risk of being labeled "aggressive" and "hard to work with" in the backroom conversations that we all know run academia and industry alike.. Just chiming in, I totally disagree with everything said here.
1. Peer review is not broken, it’s just stupid. Move the conferences to invite-only and get rid of the proceedings. ArXiv is fine for publishing.
2. Only if you care about these sorts of papers. Most papers that aren’t just incremental nonsense still have robust theory.
3. Hero-worship gives researchers something to aspire to and is a good thing.
4. LeCun did nothing wrong. In fact, the particular instances isn’t even a good case of ML bias because it just shows the model prediction failing embarrassingly badly. Fixing it requires conventional improvements, not “fairer” datasets and certainly not engineers with a different skin color.
5. Women are prejudiced against ML. That’s their bigotry, not ML’s.
6. Yes, the officially sanctioned research of the American Empire is excessively focused on the Empire. Why do you think the Emperor pays you?
7. I will agree with you on this point.. [deleted]. I have no idea how to solve most of these. And yeah, a lot of the social problems are really fucking bad. But I made a post a bit ago on an idea that I had for a new journal, as an experiment to try and solve some of the issues with reproducibility and name recognition worship. It'd be a whole thing to set up, but if I got some support from folks here, I'd be willing to go through with it.
I love Machine Learning. I love the theory and the applications. And a lot of the people are really cool. I want to do what is in my limited power to help.. I grew up wanting to be a scientist but became disillusioned by the idea when it became clear that the problems you mentioned were ubiquitous in modern science.. Most of these points apply to research in any other field as well (just replace some names) and it’s outrageous!. I'm bored while waiting for a job. If anyone has a paper they would like me to try to reproduce, please send it to me and I'll give it a shot.. This sounds like Academia in general and nowadays Society even more generally. I mean, look at how aggressive people are even here on Reddit with perfect strangers they disagree with for all sort of petty matters. Most people are tribalized, frustrated, echo-chambered and do not know how to debate rationally without starting to insult or demonize others.. Agree. I think this happens anywhere. Outside of academia, there are some ways to control bad things. Do you have any suggestions on how to resolve? Realistically. Maybe one must be content to proceed a small step at a time. But a precise and detailed proposal is needed.. About the space taken by large companies (your third point), I have to say that in my personal experience I've moved in just few years from models I could easily train on even my laptop to models that need a big infrastructure. And since I'm not in a big player team, I have to wait for my experiments in the queue of some shared supercomputer. This is deepening the gap between the research carried out at public structures and the private large companies.. Indeed, it also happens in computer vision.. Thing is there is lots of half knowledge revolved around machine learning. I include myself to it but always try to respectfully make claims or ask questions. Everyone is a data scientist these days simply because it is so overhyped. And there's lots of narcisissm and envy from both experts and beginners. I'd say this contributes a lot to this toxicity.. I come from IT and the culture of worshipping is really funny and not going to last. You're not all Einsteins, you're building on the great work as a group, hiding good work to protect discrete innovations is silly and people should be satisfied to be lucky enough to participate in an amazing day and age. I'm excited about the possibility of working with more diverse researchers too.. There is only one (two) problem with the so-called AI: a lot of money (power).. Wow where can i read more about the reproducibility crisis? Do authors later and come out and admit that they overfit to the test set or anything ?!?!?!. Tuning HPs on test set is a standard practice now: when did this happen? Am I missing something?. Can anyone send a journal paper example showing that "Tuning hyperparameters on the test set seem to be the standard practice nowadays. "?. One explanation of the “BERT” issue mentioned above is that we all know how popular something is and there is an avalanche effect.
If we didn’t have this information, and consumed research by reading a journal issue whose papers had varying levels of citations we might be more likely to discover diamonds in the rough. Kind of along the same lines as the problem of social media feeds as echo chambers.. not much more to say other than:
Carpe Jugulum. And above all.. everybody knows that doesn't work. Just like Reddit.. All of your points are valid and this belongingness to anything top-notch and premiere has been very toxic for me. I am right now in an okayish college but I am eager to work with top research labs in my country. Apart from bigger personality cults, researchers who have accomplished something slightly good also have their own mini-cults which is very hard to cross barrier for students like me.. One point not mentioned much in your list: how bad is plagiarism in ML/DL? Are there any movements/organisations to prevent/resolve issues related to this?. And unfortunately some Data Science teams inherit that toxicity.
Here are some some elements that can help:
* place everyone on the same level
* promote diversity
* reward inclusivity and support between teammates. There is a huge toxicity problem in the field indeed -- credit assignment is at the top of the list (and I am not talking about the credit assignment problem in artificial neural networks...).
As a scientist/researcher/professor in the field myself, I have witnessed a wide variety of issues ranging from the unethical rejection of papers from conferences such as NIPS/ICML and the very broken ICLR to the exploitation of "noise in the review system", where researchers just keep submitting the same paper across conferences until they sample the right set of reviewers who will accept their paper, to plagiarism (and more commonly, "idea plagiarism").(With respect to ICLR, the concepts behind OpenReview are good in theory, and I understand its ideals, but it is implemented poorly in practice, in my opinion. Ultimately, this creates what I call the "wall of shame" for papers that have been rejected, making it difficult for graduate students and researchers to overcome the bad reviews received -- and this is made worse b/c the reviewers are kept anonymous and thus not held accountable to their poor reviews).
Ultimately, what has been created in the field in many ways is what I have called for many years the "deep learning rat race", where accomplishments are often just outperforming a benchmark by a percentage point or two. Furthermore, the review process is not being held to higher standards (often attributed to the increasing deluge of submissions that place a tremendous burden on reviewers and conference staff), leading to situations where some actually reject a paper and then "copy" the idea for themselves (with no citation at minimum -- again, the "credit assignment" problem as noted above) in their own work (and if the copier comes from a prestigious lab, the original source/proposer gets overshadowed since they do not have the prestige of name that comes with Stanford or Mila, for example).
I could go on further and add plenty of details and "war stories" to accompany some of the issues I have raised above (and this does not even address the many other problems pointed out in the OP's post). But, in essence, I think that what the machine learning community, at large, really needs is a drastic "culture change" across all levels (ranging from the newcomers to the famous/established) addressing problems that plague the field such as "publish or perish" and "idea plagiarism" (prominent in the famous/big labs especially) as well as reviewing quality in conferences.I often find much better reviewing (in general, there are exceptions) in journals as opposed to conferences, where at least the researcher is given reasonable and useful constructive feedback that can be used to improve the paper and address issues in the work (if they are addressable). Conferences have, especially recently, become a disappointment for me, more than usual, given that the reviewers will not even read the rebuttals me and my students carefully craft to abide by the very strong constraints on word/character limits while still addressing issues from reviewers that are actually address clearly in the very text of the paper (of course, this assumes reviewers read the whole paper -- which is unlikely, given that so their plate is quite full with many, many reviews overall). Until we induce a deep cultural shift in the field of machine learning and truly address its "old boys' club" like scheme (where only those coming from the prestige get their work recognized), the field will only progress more slowly.
I will mention though (for fellow professors that share my silent agony), that part of this change comes from within our own labs. While it is slow and more challenging to change our institutions, instilling a strong and healthy culture and set of practices in one's own lab is key to inducing the cultural shift I wish would happen across the field globally. If you hold your students to rigor and credit assignment, build lab comradery (starting by knowing the names of your students, at the very minimum) and supporting your students whenever you face often cruel and unethical rejections, and never let your own work slip due to the many frustrations and issues from the field, I believe your lab can contribute to a brighter future.. Re your final point: my opinion is that discrimination is indeed disrespectful. Your 5th and 6th points even mentioned that there is a huge ethics and morality problem in ML research, that certain groups of people are left out. Meanwhile calling out someone who hold discriminative views is important such that people are aware of these toxic opinions. That said accusing someone of being a thief is bizarre, but white supremacy, racism, and sexism are problems that research community indeed should consider themselves to fight against.. I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:
- [/r/hackernews] [The machine learning community has a toxicity problem](https://www.reddit.com/r/hackernews/comments/hm96uf/the_machine_learning_community_has_a_toxicity/)
- [/r/patient_hackernews] [The machine learning community has a toxicity problem](https://www.reddit.com/r/patient_hackernews/comments/hm9d23/the_machine_learning_community_has_a_toxicity/)
*^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*. This kind of "science" is imho for the classic Academical research field.
But this is now in the process to die. Regarding AI, most of research is done in the IT industry. Nothing the old, obsoleted and often pretentious Academic planet knows.... Re-hashing old work and claiming it as new by re-naming. 90% of the authors don't even do the literature survey right, what is the point of having 100s of people on your team?. Great post. Wow I'm fucking glad someone wrote on this issue. I just want to point out how it extends in all its ugliness to NLP publications (especially now thanks to BERT). NLP is now getting fuller and fuller with people who do not know linguistics or langauge and do not want to work on those skills whatsoever because they don't matter, and who instead simply make models that push the state-of-the-art up a notch and get published. This abuse is extremely facilitated by newly emerging ML methods. People have even gotten into the habit of hiding and shielding their codes from others who want to use or develop the code or replicate results.
And many avoid talking about this because apparently bringing it up is 'toxic' but a blind eye is turned toward those who actually do this.
I am incredibly sad to be in a field where I have to rush to learn patch-up skills in boot-camp style and compete on numbers rather than quality of results.. Wow! Hitting the nail on the head! Absolutely agree.. Sounds like....every academic field ever.. >However, this lack of diversity is often abused as an excuse to shield certain people from any form of criticism. Reducing every negative comment in a scientific discussion to race and gender creates a toxic environment. People are becoming afraid to engage in fear of being called a racist or sexist, which in turn reinforces the diversity problem.
It is not minorities and others responsibility to put you or your worldview at ease when deciding to call an act racist, because racism is alive and real as plenty of people have witnessed nationwide. It is only important to discern if their comment is *invalid* or *valid*.
Ironically you say:
>The moment we start silencing people because of their opinion is the moment scientific and societal progress dies.
Yet it seems like in arguing for "best intentions" what you are advocating for them *is* silence.. I'm working on technology that will ensure that marginalized and under-represented members of the public will appear equally often in any context. I can't get into all the details, but basically it involves taking percents like 0.05 and multiplying them by 10 to get 0.50 or fifty percent. That gives us equality. ;). If Gebru sees racism and Anandkumar sees sexism, are those not opinions they should be able to discuss? Do they deserve to be silenced because their opinions are not acceptable?. Well stated. But i dont see anything that will drive meaningful change.
It does sound like folks at deepmind and stanford are the best place to start lobbying, though.. Some of these observations are applicable to academic research as a whole, it is not just in ML/CS.. take my 🏅. I'm gonna sound super elitist. But sadly all that you describe is par for the course whenever a discipline expands beyond the breaking point of easy availability.. This is a good post and you're right, but there's one criticism I have:
>**Sixthly**, moral and ethics are set *arbitrarily* ... At this very moment, thousands of Uyghurs are put into concentration camps based on computer vision algorithms invented by this community, and nobody seems even remotely to care.
The way I see things, there is no such thing as evil knowledge. It's all just knowledge. The techniques, in a way, are there to be discovered whether we explore them or not.
What's happening in China is horrifying and I'm sure a lot of us care. I just think you have to aim your ire in the right direction, though, which is at the people doing evil things with that knowledge, not the people uncovering the knowledge.. Nothing from preventing you from creating your own far more accessible and more openly governed peer review journal except laziness.
The issues with institutions that run conferences and journals may be real, yet for some reason the broader "academic" community around many topics not just ML would rather complain and continue to pedestool institutions and select people rather than actually pool communities together and build your new forms of more resilient and democratized credability.
You're also conflating your point by going off on politically correct tangents concerning workforce demographics with assinine assumptions. "Going on parental leave during a PhD or post-doc usually means the end of an academic career".. uhm what? Do some research before you just repeat talking points. Edward Witten took quite a few years in an entirely different field before becoming one of the most signifigant theoretical physicists quite later. The reality is that woman prefer holistic lives generally and on average personality wise would rather live with more balance than sacrifice tremendously for narrow achievement in science. It's also true that men don't do enough generally to help raise their kids, so that number may well be slightly less skewed in time, but this number is always gong to be skewed so long as signifigant biological differences between sexes.
I don't know how reddit is so retarded that a thread like this shoots up into outerspace upvote territory with so little substance or useful insight.. Totally agree! Paper acceptance has more to do with affiliation than anything else, and the quality has dropped significantly.
The stuff coming out of FAIR has been garbage for years. (I haven’t seen as many deepmind papers I was critical about.)
When are we going to admit we have a naked emperor on our hands and start dealing with it?. ML/AI are particularly problematic. In some respects it is closer to literature than other branches of CS. There is little to no rigor possible. There is little deep understanding of what models do. The quality of a paper is judged by its coolness. With so little objectivity possible it amplifies all the inherent political problems in academia. Combine that with companies like Google using AI/ML publications as PR, a means to give them an image as something other than a giant hoarder of all our data. Also, combine that with the deterioration of the academic student-mentor model into paper and grant factories due to changing expectations. Then you have a system that is not fair, objective, fun or particularly useful.. T O X I C I T Y. [deleted]. Hey. Do we not all think the cause of a lot of this is the amounts of money that fb and google are paying to “researchers”? They’re not actually contributing to the bottom line, so they have to justify that compensation some how, and production of accepted papers seems to be how they do that.
In the rest of machine learning, we do not call it a major accomplishment and submit a paper for publication every time a model converges. We just call it a day at the office.
But for some reason, if a neural net is involved.... You make some good points. I definitely do NOT agree with everything you said tho. Welcome to science, baby. You didn't know?. Ummm.... no, sorry. You’re someone desperately trying to make minuscule accomplishments sound like significant achievements.
A poster is a poster. It doesn’t mean your paper got published, or that anyone thought it was significant or novel. It’s just a poster, that people may or may not look at for a few seconds on the way to a talk. Although, at 4 minutes, what substance could there be in such a talk?
The point you’re reinforcing is that standards in this field are a joke.. Good points for the most part, but those are not all the same problem. And most of them are not new problems. It is probably possible to improve the structures to help to some degree.
But my own belief is that those problems will exist as long as humans rule the earth. Sometimes when reading lists like this, I hope that actually isn't the case for too much longer. I am optimistic about the potential for AI to succeed humans.. This whole argument required an astronomical amount of intelligence to generate a very stupid argument.
AI: “Adjacent to Intelligence”
Fuck that community.. Your fifth point is fucking stupid, lmfao. "However, this lack of diversity is often abused as an excuse to shield certain people from any form of criticism". Nothing to back it up. oh so NIPS and ICLR is gamed too....its my dream to get a paper in there. now feels pathetic with people getting 5 papers are feeling like shit about themselves. 100% agreed. It irks me when really interesting research by less well-known researchers that can spark great discussion is posted on this sub and there are only 1-2 comments discussing it while at the same time a post about a random tweet by an ML celebrity garners 300-500 comments.. [deleted]. I don't deny that there is a worshipping problem, but I'd like to offer yet another hypothesis for why papers from Google/DeepMind/etc are getting more attention: Trust.
With such a huge number of papers every week, it's impossible to read them all. Using pedigree is one way to filter, and while it's biased and unfair, it's not a bad one. Researchers at DeepMind are not any more talented than elsewhere, but they take on more risk. When DeepMind publishes a paper, it stakes its reputations on its validity. If the results turned out to be a fluke it would reflect badly on the whole company, leading to bad press and a loss of reputation. Thus it's likely that papers from these organizations go through a stricter "quality control" process and internal peer review before they get published.
I am guilty of this myself. I regularly read through the titles of new arXiv submissions. When I see something interesting, I look at the authors. If it's DeepMind/Google/OpenAI/etc I take a closer look. If it's a group of authors from a place I've never heard off, I stop reading. Why? Because in my mind, the latter group of authors is more likely to "make up stuff" and have their mistakes go unnoticed because they didn't go through the same internal quality control that a DeepMind paper would. There's a higher probability that I'm reading something that's just wrong. This has nothing to do with me worshipping DeepMind, I just trust its papers more due to the way the system works.
Is what I'm doing wrong? Yes, it clearly is. I shouldn't look at the authors at all. It should be about the content. But there are just too many papers and I don't want to risk wasting my time.. I would really like this and would support such a measure! I think the idea is great and you should create such a meta-post.. Programmers: "I am a strong independent human and don't need no God."
Also Programmers: "All hail [insert scientist] and [insert YouTuber] and [insert podcast guy] and [insert electronic musician], they are my gods!"
Humans are wired to worship, whether we like it or not.. Totally agree with you on this. "problem" is not a good word for this since it implies it can / should be "solved", you can't (and should not) restrain people from admiring other people. On top of this, there has been a politically motivated push to rewrite ML history, like by renaming NIPS to NeurIPS (weirdly, no one had a problem with the name until 2018) or denying that the fathers of deep learning (LeCun, Hinton, Bengio, Schmidhuber, and a few others) were all white males. As part this narrative, the role of Fei Fei Li has been reimagined as much more than it was. Her claim to fame is to have been head of a lab at a time when Stanford created the ImageNet dataset. She has not invented anything.. > chronic allergy to negative results
As someone who just finished a graduation thesis this month about a noise-attenuation neural network (autoencoder) applied to microcontrollers... My results couldn't have been more negative, quite literally, and yet I am still presenting it based on the fact that it is also worthwhile to publish negative results, fully knowing it won't have that much appreciation.
And yet, to my surprise, my negative results were celebrated by the council. I am very confident of the value my work brings to the world yet I just had this idea that people supposed to evaluate my work would just not get it when I told them that I exhausted every possibility of trying to make something work and yet it didn't and all I have to prove is "don't do what I tried because it doesn't work no matter the configuration".
Universities and professors should dedicate more time to let students and future PhDs know that proving something doesn't work is just as important to the world as the opposite. Thankfully I think this is becoming more self-evident as time progresses.. No authors from google or deepmind. Not worth reading.
/s. > Some other points we touched: "lack of hypothesis" & "chronic allergy to negative results"
This oh so much this. I loved the synflow paper exactly for not being this (it lays down a hypothesis, shows the results, makes a prediction and shows it pans out) but ironically all the authors in that paper where not in ML departments. So you’re saying... he plagiarized your work? /S. Sorry for dumb question, but what would results-blind peer review look like?. The problem with negative results in this field is that they are even harder to verify than positive ones. >we are not immune to the lesser parts of human behavior
Ironically, this arrogance feels like one of ML's biggest problems.
>Some of these are rampant in academia in general, what hasn't happened elsewhere is the spotlight (and $$$) that has been thrown at CS/ML in past few years. We see what fame/fortune does to a lot of people (outside academia) we are not immune to the lesser parts of human behavior.
Just posted some data on some of the problems in academia:
Graphs of parental incomes of Harvard's student body:
#Who benefits from discriminatory college admissions policies?
the advantage of having a well-connected relative.
At the University of Texas at Austin, an investigation found that recommendations from state legislators and other influential people helped underqualified students gain acceptance to the school. This is the same school that had to defend its affirmative action program for racial minorities before the U.S. Supreme Court.
And those de facto advantages run deep. Beyond legacy and connections, consider good old money. “The Price of Admission: How America's Ruling Class Buys Its Way into Elite Colleges — and Who Gets Left Outside the Gates,” by Daniel Golden, details how the son of former Sen. Bill Frist was accepted at Princeton after his family donated millions of dollars.
Businessman Robert Bass gave $25 million to Stanford University, which then accepted his daughter. And Jared Kushner’s father pledged $2.5 million to Harvard University, which then accepted the student who would become Trump’s son-in-law and advisor.
Selective colleges’ hunger for athletes also benefits white applicants above other groups.
Those include students whose sports are crew, fencing, squash and sailing, sports that aren’t offered at public high schools. The thousands of dollars in private training is far beyond the reach of the working class.
And once admitted, they generally under-perform, getting lower grades than other students, according to a 2016 report titled “True Merit” by the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation.
“Moreover,” the report says, “the popular notion that recruited athletes tend to come from minority and indigent families turns out to be just false; at least among the highly selective institutions, the vast bulk of recruited athletes are in sports that are rarely available to low-income, particularly urban schools.”
Any investigation should be ready to find that white students are not the most put-upon group when it comes to race-based admissions policies. That title probably belongs to Asian American students who, because so many of them are stellar achievers academically, have often had to jump through higher hoops than any other students in order to gain admission.
Here's another group, less well known, that has benefited from preferential admission policies: men. There are more qualified college applications from women, who generally get higher grades and account for more than 70% of the valedictorians nationwide. Seeking to create some level of gender balance, many colleges accept a higher percentage of the applications they receive from males than from females.
White Americans' anti-affirmative action opinions **dramatically change** when shown that Asian-American students would qualify more in admissions because of their better test scores and fewer white students would get in for just being white.
At that point, **when they believe whites will benefit from affirmative action compared to Asian-Americans, white Americans say that using race and affirmative action** ***should*** **be a factor and** ***is*** **fair and the right thing to do**:
>Indeed, the degree to which white people emphasized merit for college admissions changed depending on the racial minority group, and whether they believed test scores alone would still give them an upper hand against a particular racial minority.As a result, the study suggests that the emphasis on merit has less to do with people of color's abilities and more to do with how white people strategically manage threats to their position of power from nonwhite groups. [http://www.vox.com/2016/5/22/11704756/affirmative-action-merit](http://www.vox.com/2016/5/22/11704756/affirmative-action-merit)
Also, Asians are somehow treated as *more* privileged than white Americans:
>white applicants were three times more likely to be admitted to selective schools than Asian applicants **with the exact same academic record**. Additionally, affirmative action will not do away with *legacy admissions* that are more likely available to white applicants.
"Legacy admissions":
The majority of Asian-Americans grow up with first-generation immigrant parents whose English (and wealth) don't give them the same advantages as "privileged," let alone what's called "legacy"
#Stanford's acceptance rate is 5.1% … if either of your parents went to Stanford, this triples for you
In any other circumstance, this would be considered bribery. But when rich alumni do it, it’s allowed. In fact, it’s tax-subsidized.
Worse, this “affirmative action for the rich” is paid for by everyone else. As non-profits, these elite universities – and their enormous, hedge fund-esque endowments – are mostly untaxed. Both private and public universities that use legacy admissions are additionally subsidized through student aid programs, research grants, and other sources of federal and state money. In addition, as Elizabeth Stoker and Matt Bruenig explain, alumni donations to these schools are also not taxed and therefore subsidized by the general population. They write, “The vast majority of parents do not benefit from the donation-legacy system. Yet these parents are forced, through the tax code, to help fund alumni donations against their own children’s chances of admission to the elite institutions they may otherwise be well qualified for.”
If legacy preference “shows a respect for tradition,” as supporters of the practice argue, that tradition is inherited aristocracy and undeserved gains. It is fundamentally against the notion of universities as “great equalizers.”
It promotes those who already have wealth and power and diminishes those who do not.
It subsidizes the wealthy to line the coffers of the richest universities.
In other words – elite education is predominantly for the rich.
And because these institutions disproportionately serve as feeders for positions of wealth, power, and influence, they perpetuate existing social and income disparities.
Yet these schools ardently try to claim that they are instead tools for social mobility and equalization. You cannot have your cake, eat it too, and then accept its cupcakes through legacy admissions. Children of alumni already have an incredible built-in advantage merely by being the children of college graduates from elite universities. They are much more likely to grow up wealthy, get a good education, and have access to the resources and networks at the top of the social, economic, and political ladders.
Legacy admission thus gives them an added advantage on top of all of this, rewarding those who already have a leg up at the expense of those who do not have the same backgrounds. William Bowen, Martin Kurzweil, and Eugene Tobin put it more succinctly: “Legacy preferences serve to reproduce the high-income/high-education/white profile that is characteristic of these schools.”
Right now we have the worst of both worlds. We have a profoundly unfair system masquerading as a meritocracy. If we are going to continue to subsidize elite schools and allow them to have the outsize impact that they currently do on our national economic, political, and social institutions, we need to start to chip away at the fundamental imbalances in the system. Step one: Get rid of legacy preference in admissions.
https://www.forbes.com/sites/joshfreedman/2013/11/14/the-farce-of-meritocracy-in-elite-higher-education-why-legacy-admissions-might-be-a-good-thing/, https://blog.collegevine.com/legacy-demystified-how-the-people-you-know-affect-your-admissions-decision/, https://twitter.com/xc/status/892861426074664960. Love your username. (Not a Bernie fan personally, but I know taste when I see it.). [removed]. I agree it's common but it definitely shouldn't be the norm. It's probably a large reason why PhD students are so stressed during those 4 years.. I think it's a problem in CS academia. My wife works in education, and they have different problems (social science reproducibility & weak results). But not the same level of jockeying, machismo, broken peer review, etc... And seemingly more self aware of the problems of weak results.
Machine learning people buy their own hype, which is a big part of the problem.
What about working in industry?. Not only this, but by most metrics, BERT showed much better results than ULMfit, in a practical sense (wider sets of results against more applicable/watched tasks, some basically-SOTA).
There is a (IMO, I would argue, appropriately) big bump in citations for 1) showing that something can work *really* well and 2) showing that it has broad applicability.. YES, a thousand times YES.
The current situation is a bad one and you can hardly expect to solve real problems with the research process of today.
I forcefully went independent after my PhD lost funding. I completely burned out and with all sorts of psychological damage -- maybe the best thing that happened to me because it got me out of hell. I can research real problems now not being pressured just to write papers, albeit it's harder without any community. Not that I had an active advisor or other staff to help.
Another thing I have a problem understanding is why such intelligent people tolerate this bullshit. It would be very easy to reform the entire research process with the skills and knowledge this community has.. [deleted]. Completely agree. Modern science is antithetical to doing actual science.. As a current PhD student I can totally relate to this! The more and more I go into my PhD the more I realized how I hate the way it works in academia. Although I really really love doing Science and i find it so exciting...!. This essay is good and helped clarify the problem of politics for me, would recommend. [Politics is the mind killer](https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/9weLK2AJ9JEt2Tt8f/politics-is-the-mind-killer)