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Tear Drops

built-with-python built-with-love

MIT license discord invite

A discord bot wrapped around the theme of tears and crying. In concept, the idea is absurd but that's more of a reason to make this. :) The bot uses tears as an economy and you can "cry" to get daily credit tears.

NOTE- It is recommended that you add your own discord token while running the bot. [The token provided in the bot is a 'mock' token and might not work after some time]

Hosting the bot on your own machine:

  • NOTE: To replicate this bot, you will need a bot token. Go get yours at (If you need help with this step, feel free to ask for help in our the py-awesomescripts server).
  • Clone this repo using git clone
  • cd into the bot folder.
  • Add obtained token into the file line-1. token = "your token"
  • Install module:
      python -m pip install
  • Install requirements from requirements.txt
      pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Run the bot using: python
  • Enjoy! (don't forget to add your own bot into your discord server by generating an invite link from the discord developers application page in OAuth2 section and choose application and check Oauth2 section)
  • You may do bug-reporting or ask for help in the AwesomeScripts server or on the SupportServer... or just open an issue on this repo.


  • python 3
  • discord(rewrite branch)
  • asyncio(inbuilt with python3.4)
  • sqlite3
  • wolframalpha
  • wikipedia
  • requests
  • sys

TODO- This isn't complete yet, more functionality will be added in say like a week or so