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Having problems working with the primary and another GitHub account on the same machine. |
Tue Aug 01 2023 18:30:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) |
clmf80c5g000108ii2i0s4ueu |
having-problems-working-with-the-primary-and-another-github-account-on-the-same-machine |
github, error-handling, ssh-keys, ssh-git, ssh-keygen |
Sometimes when we are working with multiple accounts on the same machine with GitHub we get errors where we are authorized to push and pull from a remote repository and are stuck with notifications like:
Let's make it easy in just 5-6 simple and easy steps, follow each step one by one.
Suppose you are logged in with your primary account, and also have a client GitHub account from which you need to work with them. You don't need to signOut your primary account simply open your command palette like cmd, bash, and any editor.
Step 1: Generate and setup SSH Key :
Please ensure that first you have SSH keys for both accounts, if you don't have an SSH key for the client account, first we need to generate.
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "client@example.com"
Describe given above bash command line:
ssh-keygen: used to generate SSH (Secure Shell) key pairs, which consist of a public key and a private key. These keys are used for secure authentication and communication between your computer and remote servers.
-t rsa: This option specifies the type of key to be created. The commonly used asymmetric encryption algorithm in this case is RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman).
-b 4096: This option sets the number of bits within the key. A longer key gives more prominent security but may take longer to create (a 4096-bit key is very secure and is commonly used for SSH).
-c "client@example.com": It's typically used to associate the key with an email address. In this case, you're associating the key with the email address "client@example.com."
Step 2: Adding SSH Key to SSH Agent:
Firstly, we need to start the SSH agent
eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
Describe given above bash command line:
eval: command is used to evaluate the commands produced by
ssh-agent -s.
ssh-agent: responsible for managing SSH keys and facilitating secure SSH connections.
-s: that need to be evaluated by the shell to set up the agent environment.
After starting SSH we need to add the client key to the agent:
ssh-add ~/.ssh/your-client-ssh-key
Step 3: configure ssh key to Github :
We can use any of them like Vim, nano any other bash editor. Open the editor and create a plaintext file -
nano ~/.ssh/config
Describe given above bash command line:
nano: It is a text Editor.
~: Symbol represents your home directory.
.ssh/config: Path of sub-directory where key is stored.
Host github.com-client HostName github.com User git IdentityFile ~/.ssh/your-client-ssh-key
Step 4: Configuration of Git
Open the bash editor and run these commands for the configuration your SSH key to GitHub
git config --global user.name "Your Client's Username" git config --global user.email "client@example.com" git config --global --replace-all url."git@github.com:".insteadOf "https://github.com/"
Step 5: Work with Repositories:
clone or create a new Git repository, always remember to use a custom name when specifying the repository URL.
If you want to test your configuration use this command.
ssh -T git@github.com-client
I hope this blog finds something knowledgeable for you.
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