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Exercise 5 - Using Redux in our Todo app

In this exercise you will learn to:

  • Implement reducer and action in the Todo app.
  • Connecting redux state and dispatching actions in a container component.
  • Implement a React lifecycle hook.
  • Dispatch actions for creating initial todo items in the lifecycle hook componentDidMount.

Reminder: Todo app spec

Here's the spec for our todo app as discussed in the previous exercise, for reference.


  • There will be an h1 header for the name of this glorious app
  • There will be a sub-header with slightly emphasized text stating how many total tasks there are and how many of those are completed.

Adding a task

  • There will be a textbox where a user can enter the description of a task
  • There will be an "Add" button which will add the task to the list of existing tasks/todos.

Listing todos

  • There will be a list of todo items. Each todo item will consist of:
    • A checkbox with the description of the todo
    • An delete button which will remove the todo item permanently

  1. App. Will contain the header text and the sub-components.
  2. Summary. Will contain the total number of tasks and show how many of those are completed.
  3. AddTodo. Will contain the textbox and Add-button.
  4. TodoList. Will contain the list for all todo items.
  5. TodoItem. Will contain a checkbox that marks a task as In Progress or Done, and a Delete button.

5.1 - Moving the initial Todo list to Redux

At the moment we create a list of dummy todos in App.jsx. The goal now is that Redux will own all state and operations that mutate that state in the application, primarily the list of todos.

✏️ The easiest solution for now is to just cut the list from App.jsx and paste it in as the default state in todosReducer.

Now the state exists in Redux but we have yet to connect that state to our React components.

✏️ Create a new file TodoListContainer.jsx.

Let's write it out step by step.

  1. ✏️ Import React and the magic glue from Redux to connect the state with the component. We also need our Component that knows how to render out the todo list:
import React from "react";
import { connect } from "react-redux";
import TodoList from "./TodoList";
  1. ✏️ Next, we create the Container-component:
const TodoListContainer = props => <TodoList {...props} />;
  1. ✏️ Now for the Redux magic to select what React props we want to map to what Redux state. Remember, the TodoList expects an todoItems prop of type array that contains instances of Todo class instances.:
const mapStateToProps = state => ({
  todoItems: state.todos
  1. ✏️ Next, we connect the TodoListContainer and the mapStateToProps together. Note that we just pass null as mapDispatchToProps because we don't have any functions to connect yet. You can leave the parameter unset/undefined if you want.
export default connect(
  1. ✏️ Finally, we have to use the TodoListContainer component in our App instead of the TodoList component. Open App.jsx and import and use TodoListContainer instead of TodoList. Since the TodoListContainer component now takes care of loading the list of todoItems, this prop can be removed. Using this component should be as straight-forward as <TodoListContainer />.

✏️ Make sure the list of todos still renders in the browser. ✏️ Keep Redux dev tools open in Chrome. Use the State and Tree modes and verify that the todos node in the state inspector now has the list of todos.

Your App.jsx will now look like this:

import React from 'react';
import Summary from './Summary';
import TodoListContainer from './TodoListContainer';

import './app.css';

const App = () => (
  <div className="app">
    <h1>My Todo App</h1>
    <Summary todosCount={5} completedTodosCount={3} />
    <TodoListContainer />

export default App;

Your todosReducer.js will now look like this:

import Todo from './Todo';

const defaultTodos = [
  new Todo(1, 'Wake up'),
  new Todo(2, 'Do the dishes'),
  new Todo(3, 'Fold clothes'),
  new Todo(4, 'Browse Reddit')

const todosReducer = (todos = defaultTodos, action) => {
  switch (action.type) {
      return todos;

export default todosReducer;

Your TodoListContainer.jsx will now look like this:

import React from "react";
import { connect } from "react-redux";
import TodoList from "./TodoList";

const TodoListContainer = props => <TodoList {...props} />;

const mapStateToProps = state => ({
  todoItems: state.todos

export default connect(

5.2 - Initial data by dispatching actions

Now that we have moved initial state to Redux, the next goal is to implement the whole Redux chain: Dispatching an createTodo action that is received and handled in the reducer and then added to the list and displayed in the GUI.

Remember this one-way data flow:

The first step, so we can slowly get familiar with Redux, is to dispatch one createTodo action for each initial todo we have hard-coded into the reducer so far.

✏️ Create a new file todoActions.js. :pencil2: Create the createTodo action:

export const createTodo = description => ({
  type: "CREATE_TODO",

✏️ Open todosReducer.js and add a new case that handles the CREATE_TODO action type. :pencil2: Implement the case for CREATE_TODO. Make the new state be the existing list of todos plus the new one contained in action.description. You can use the code examples in exercise 4 if you're stuck (but please try first).

❗ Remember to avoid modifying the existing state/list of todos. You want to create a new list containing copies of the items plus the new todo item.

... your solution should look something like this:

const todosReducer = (todos = defaultTodos, action) => {
  switch (action.type) {
    case 'CREATE_TODO': {
      const newTodoId = todos.length + 1;
      return [
        new Todo(newTodoId, action.description)
      return todos;

Dispatching actions when a component mounts

The last thing is that we must dispatch actions from an React component when it initially mounts in order to get the todos created. To do that, we need to make use of React's lifecycle hooks.

React components have various lifecycle hooks. From the React docs:

These methods are called when an instance of a component is being created and inserted into the DOM:


An update can be caused by changes to props or state. These methods are called when a component is being re-rendered:

shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState)
componentWillUpdate(nextProps, nextState)
componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState)

This method is called when a component is being removed from the DOM:


The most used hook is componentDidMount. Dispatching actions from this method is the recommended way to fetch initial data and do whatever else is needed to get the component up and running.

Remember that we want stuff related to how things work in Container-components and stuff related to how things looks in plain, dumb, Component-components. That means we want to implement componentDidMount in TodoListContainer.

Lifecyle methods can only be implemented in React class components and not in pure components (because a pure component is just a plain function which cannot have additional functions (well functions can have additional functions on them in JavaScript, but thats beside the point - in React context we must use a class component)).

✏️ Refactor TodoListContainer to be a React class component instead of a pure component:

import React, { Component } from "react";
import TodoList from "./TodoList";

class TodoListContainer extends Component {
  constructor(props) {

  componentDidMount() {}

  render() {
    return <TodoList {...this.props} />;

But how do we get the createTodo action we made earlier into componentDidMount so we can dispatch it? By using mapDispatchToProps.

✏️ Import the createTodo action from todoActions.js and connect it using mapDispatchToProps.

import { createTodo } from './todoActions';

/* ... */

const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => ({
  createTodoItem: description => dispatch(createTodo(description));

export default connect(

Now we'll get this function available as the prop named createTodoItem and we can simply call this function with a description to create new todos.

Full TodoListContainer at this point. Please write it out yourself and don't copy & paste:

import React, { Component } from "react";
import PropTypes from "prop-types";
import { connect } from "react-redux";
import TodoList from "./TodoList";
import { createTodo } from "./todoActions";
import Todo from "./Todo";

class TodoListContainer extends Component {
  constructor(props) {

  componentDidMount() {
    this.props.createTodoItem("Wake up");
    this.props.createTodoItem("Do the dishes");
    this.props.createTodoItem("Fold clothes");
    this.props.createTodoItem("Browse Reddit");

  render() {
    return <TodoList todoItems={this.props.todoItems} />;

TodoListContainer.propTypes = {
  todoItems: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.instanceOf(Todo)).isRequired,
  createTodoItem: PropTypes.func.isRequired

const mapStateToProps = state => ({
  todoItems: state.todos

const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => ({
  createTodoItem: description => dispatch(createTodo(description))

export default connect(

You should now see the same list of todo items render in the browser with no errors. It may not look like much progress in the GUI, but who cares about that, right?! As we all know, the important stuff is what happens in the dev tools 😆

❗ Remember to remove the default todo items in todosReducer and make the default state be an empty array again.

✏️ Open Redux dev tools and inspect the left-hand panel. It should now contain 4 CREATE_TODO actions (or however many actions you dispatched). :pencil2: As you select each action (while in the Diff mode), notice how the main panel shows how the state changed when that action was received and reduced in the store. This gets more interesting when we start editing individual properties in exisiting objects and other more complicated operations. :pencil2: Switch to Action mode and see that you can inspect the action that was dispatched in detail. :pencil2: Click actions in the left-hand panel and note the small Jump|Skip buttons to the right in each list entry. Click Jump and see how the GUI now shows how the app looks while in the state up until that point.

Pretty powerful debugging tools and extremely useful for understanding how state changes impacts your application 💪 😍

✏️ Play around with Redux dev tools and the different modes and inspectors. See what it can do and show you.

Speaking of dev tools, now that our app has grown a bit, let's give React dev tools another try.

✏️ Open React dev tools in Chrome. Expand the Component Nodes in the main window a bit. Note how you can see each component as it appears in code, with correct props as they appear in code. :pencil2: Find the TodoList in the tree and select it. Inspect the right-hand panel and note that you can inspect the props it receives in detail. This is very useful when you just want to inspect all props the component actually receives at runtime, and what values they are.