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Autometa genome binning parameter sweep

This document will outline how to setup Autometa benchmarking jobs on CHTC or a lab server.

Getting Started

  1. Setup data directories and compute environment
  2. Configure an Autometa command for benchmarking
  3. Generate binning parameter sweep arguments file
  4. Submit jobs for configured command w/parameters file
  5. Commands used for parameter sweep against CAMI2 datasets


Compute Environment Setup

HTCondor job submissions were implemented to take advantage of CHTC's parallelized compute resources. The parameter sweep job submission (autometa_parameter_sweep.sub) references a command template ( as well as a parameters file (sweep_parameters.txt) which allows arguments (like --cluster_method DBSCAN) to be supplied to autometa-binning in Prior to job submission, a compute environment must be configured for use on the compute node.

There are two options available, either the compute node can download and run the command in a provided docker image, or a compute environment may be constructed and tarballed to be transferred to the compute node at runtime, where it will then need to be extracted and installed prior to running the respective preprocessing or binning command.

Autometa docker environment

Autometa is available on docker hub with multiple supported versions. If docker is available to you at your compute facility or on your lab's server, you may easily specify the docker image tag you wish to use proceed with configuring the command and parameter sweep arguments file.

# lines in autometa_parameter_sweep.sub
universe = docker
docker_image = jasonkwan/autometa:2.2.0

Image tags

Branches & Latest (less stable)
  • jasonkwan/autometa:latest # latest commit from main branch
  • jasonkwan/autometa:dev # up to date with dev branch
  • jasonkwan/autometa:main # up to date with main branch
Releases (stable)
  • jasonkwan/autometa:2.2.0
  • jasonkwan/autometa:2.1.0
  • jasonkwan/autometa:2.0.3
  • jasonkwan/autometa:2.0.2
  • jasonkwan/autometa:2.0.1
  • jasonkwan/autometa:2.0.0

Autometa conda environment

NOTE: This is NOT needed if the submit file uses the docker universe with a specified docker image.

Autometa's compute environment may be transferred and installed to CHTC's compute node to be used when the respective job is running. This requires additional steps in the job's command template to setup and teardown the compute environment. An example of packaging your own compute environment as well as setup and teardown at runtime and after termination of the job is outlined below.

1. Create env tarball

In the following example, I have created the compute env (autometa.tar.gz) and have specified to transfer this as an input file in autometa_parameter_sweep.sub

# Install mamba (faster and same commands available)
conda install -n base -c conda-forge mamba -y
# Create autometa env
mamba create -n autometa -c conda-forge -c bioconda autometa -y
# Create conda-pack env
mamba create -n conda-pack conda-pack -y
# package autometa env to tarball for transfer to SQUID web proxy
mamba activate conda-pack
conda-pack -n autometa

2. Point to compute env tarball in submit file

After you have tarballed your compute environment, you may specify it in the submit file.

# lines in autometa_parameter_sweep.sub
universe = vanilla

3. Setup and teardown environment within command template

Next you will need to setup add the following code blocks to the beginning and end of the command template.

At beginning
## BEGIN conda env setup
# replace env-name on the right hand side of this line with the name of your conda environment
# if you need the environment directory to be named something other than the environment name, change this line

# these lines handle setting up the environment; you shouldn't have to modify them
export PATH
mkdir $ENVDIR
tar -xzf $ENVNAME.tar.gz -C $ENVDIR
. $ENVDIR/bin/activate

## END conda env setup

Now add the following to the end of the executable file defined in the submit file (for example

# BEGIN conda env teardown
rm -rf $ENVDIR
rm -rf $ENVNAME.tar.gz
# END conda env teardown

NOTE: If you are unsure about your executable, look for the following lines in your submit file:

# line in autometa_parameter_sweep.sub
executable = ./

Configuring an Autometa-binning command for benchmarking

Templates correspond to their process and process env, for example is a template for the autometa-binning command using a conda environment.

NOTE: For more information on setting up the appropriate compute environments, see Compute Environment Setup.


Generate binning parameter sweep arguments file

The following parameters were combined to generate parameter sweep results.

Parameter Sweep Parameters Values Process Entrypoints
Cluster Method DBSCAN, HDBSCAN Genome-binning autometa-binning, autometa-binning-ldm
Completeness 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 Genome-binning autometa-binning, autometa-binning-ldm
Purity 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 Genome-binning autometa-binning, autometa-binning-ldm
GC Content standard deviation 2, 5, 10, 15 Genome-binning autometa-binning, autometa-binning-ldm
Coverage standard deviation 2, 5, 10, 15 Genome-binning autometa-binning, autometa-binning-ldm
k-mer norm. method ILR, CLR Genome-binning autometa-binning-ldm
k-mer embed method BH-tSNE, UMAP Genome-binning autometa-binning-ldm
taxonomy database NCBI, GTDB Taxon-binning autometa-taxonomy, autometa-taxonomy-lca, autometa-taxonomy-majority-vote

The sweep_parameters.txt file format

The input parameters file format should contain one set of job arguments per line. These job arguments are defined in the autometa_parameter_sweep.sub to be passed to

sweep_parameters.txt ➡️ autometa_parameter_sweep.sub ➡️

Generating parameter combinations with scripts/

--input is a path to your data directory containing one metagenome per sub-directory.

The directory structure should resemble something like this:

├── cami
│   ├── marmgCAMI2_short_read_pooled_gold_standard_assembly
│   │   ├── logs
│   │   └── preprocess
│   ├── marmgCAMI2_short_read_pooled_megahit_assembly
│   │   ├── logs
│   │   └── preprocess
│   ├── strmgCAMI2_short_read_pooled_gold_standard_assembly
│   │   ├── logs
│   │   └── preprocess
│   └── strmgCAMI2_short_read_pooled_megahit_assembly
│       ├── logs
│       └── preprocess
└── databases
    └── ncbi

With this directory structure, you can pass a regex pattern *assembly to retrieve the metagenome sub-dirs for the parameter sweep analysis:

NOTE: The --glob uses the regex value to find sub-directories on the --input directory path.

Here is an example command for the CAMI2 datasets using the directory structure shown above...

python scripts/ \
    --input $HOME/data/cami \ 
    --glob "*assembly"
    --output cami_sweep_parameters.txt

... and here is the breakdown of the search path:

--input --glob code search string Example values for communityDir in submit file
$HOME/data/cami *assembly os.path.join(args.input, args.glob, recursive=True) /home/user/data/cami/*assembly marmgCAMI2_short_read_pooled_gold_standard_assembly marmgCAMI2_short_read_pooled_megahit_assembly strmgCAMI2_short_read_pooled_gold_standard_assembly strmgCAMI2_short_read_pooled_megahit_assembly

This will allow use of queue <var> from <arglist> in submit file. e.g.:

queue communityDir,community,cluster_method,completeness,purity,cov_stddev_limit,gc_stddev_limit from cami_sweep_parameters.txt
Example output
(autometa) [erees@submit-1 binning_param_sweep]$ python --input /home/erees/autometa_runs/binning_param_sweep/data/cami --glob "*assembly" --output cami2_sweep_parameters.txt
Found 4 communities
Wrote 10,368 (2,592 per community) parameter sweep jobs to cami2_sweep_parameters.txt
Wrote parameters in the format:
communityDir, community, cluster_method, completeness, purity, cov_stddev_limit, gc_stddev_limit
PLACE the following in your submit file using these parameter combinations:
queue communityDir,community,cluster_method,completeness,purity,cov_stddev_limit,gc_stddev_limit from cami2_sweep_parameters.txt

Submit jobs using parameters

Items to double-check prior to submission

  1. inputs for executable ( match filenames transferred in *.sub file (listed in transfer_input_files)
  2. Check directories exist where stderr, stdout, and log will be written (NOTE: These will be written relative to initial_dir, e.g. communityDir)
  3. Check annotation files are in their correct location. i.e. communityDir/preprocess/<annotation_file>

Each preprocess directory should contain annotation files required as input to their respective command.

Here is one example corresponding to the autometa-binning command template:

├── 5mers.am_clr.bhsne.tsv
├── taxonomy.tsv
├── bacteria.markers.tsv
├── coverage.tsv
└── gc_content.tsv

Parameter sweep genome binning

condor_submit autometa_parameter_sweep.sub
Taxonomy pre-processing

to test an interactive job:

condor_submit -i autometa_preprocess_taxonomy_test.sub
condor_submit autometa_preprocess_taxonomy.sub

CAMI2 datasets

Parameter sweep autometa-binning
condor_submit cami_genome_binning_parameter_sweep.sub
Parameter sweep autometa-binning-ldm
condor_submit cami_autometa_ldm_binning_parameter_sweep.sub

test interactive job

condor_submit -i cami_autometa_binning_large_data_mode_parameter_sweep_w_kmer_args_test.sub
condor_submit cami_autometa_binning_large_data_mode_parameter_sweep_w_kmer_args.sub

CAMI2 benchmarking parameter sweep

specific steps for CAMI2 datasets

  1. Preprocess CAMI2 data
  2. Generate parameters
  3. Submit jobs to HTCondor
  4. Convert binning results to biobox format
  5. Run AMBER on biobox-formatted binning results
  6. Get runtime and memory usage information

1. Preprocess CAMI2 data

The CAMI2 assemblies were first pre-processed prior to performing genome-binning. This was performed on the lab server using nextflow and so the corresponding commands are listed below.

NOTE: Some metaBenchmarks workflows use Autometa modules for pre-processing.

To import the Autometa modules for use with the metaBenchmarks workflows, run:

nextflow clone kwanlab/Autometa

pre-processing generates annotations for each CAMI2 dataset. The annotations are:

  1. contig lengths & GC content
  2. contig read (or k-mer) coverage
  3. kmers
  4. markers
  5. taxonomy
cd ${HOME}/metaBenchmarks/autometa_genome_binning_parameter_sweep/
nextflow run -resume -c cami.config -profile slurm -w cami_work

This will generate sub-directories corresponding to ${params.outdir}/${}/preprocess.

2. Generate CAMI2 parameters for queue in cami_genome_binning_parameter_sweep.sub

The output directory specified in cami.config from step 1:

params.outdir = "nf-autometa-genome-binning-parameter-sweep-benchmarking-results/cami"

Transfer pre-processing results to CHTC

# Transfer directories and files to CHTC
rsync -azPL $OUTDIR chtc:"${CHTC_DIR}/."

Generate parameters for CHTC job submission

# On CHTC (rsync)
cd /home/erees/autometa_runs/binning_param_sweep
python \
  --input data/cami/ \
  --glob "*assembly" \
  --output cami2_sweep_parameters.txt

3. Submit CAMI2 parameter sweep jobs (HTCondor)

# Navigate to directory
cd /home/erees/autometa_runs/binning_param_sweep
# Submit CAMI2 jobs
condor_submit cami_genome_binning_parameter_sweep.sub

4. Formatting autometa 2 results to biobox format

Transfer autometa2 CAMI2 binning results back to server

# Transfer autometa2 results from CHTC
rsync -azPL chtc:"${CHTC_DIR}/cami/" "${OUTDIR}/"

Format Autometa 2 CAMI2 binning results into biobox format for AMBER tool

bash ${HOME}/metaBenchmarks/autometa_genome_binning_parameter_sweep/

5. Benchmark Autometa 2 results with CAMI2 submissions using AMBER

Marine GSA

bash ${HOME}/metaBenchmarks/autometa_genome_binning_parameter_sweep/
sbatch ${HOME}/metaBenchmarks/autometa_genome_binning_parameter_sweep/

Marine megahit

bash ${HOME}/metaBenchmarks/autometa_genome_binning_parameter_sweep/
sbatch ${HOME}/metaBenchmarks/autometa_genome_binning_parameter_sweep/

Strain Madness GSA

bash ${HOME}/metaBenchmarks/autometa_genome_binning_parameter_sweep/
sbatch ${HOME}/metaBenchmarks/autometa_genome_binning_parameter_sweep/

Strain Madness megahit

NOTE: Ground truth files were retrieved from the CAMI2 paper github repository:

  1. clone CAMI2 evaluation repo to get ground truths
git clone
  1. Untar megahit binning ground truth (only needs to be performed once)
cd $HOME/second_challenge_evaluation/binning/genome_binning/strain_madness_dataset/data/ground_truth
tar -xvzf strain_madness_megahit.binning.tar.gz
bash ${HOME}/metaBenchmarks/autometa_genome_binning_parameter_sweep/
sbatch ${HOME}/metaBenchmarks/autometa_genome_binning_parameter_sweep/

All AMBER outputs may be found here: ls -d ${HOME}/metaBenchmarks/autometa_genome_binning_parameter_sweep/nf-autometa-genome-binning-parameter-sweep-benchmarking-results/cami/*assembly/genome_binning/amber-output

6. Retrieve runtime information from HTCondor logs for CAMI parameter sweeps

python $script --input $indir --output cami_runtime_info.tsv.gz

CAMI2 autometa GTDB integration benchmarking

Format autometa binning tables to biobox format

bash /media/BRIANDATA4/metaBenchmarks/autometa_genome_binning_parameter_sweep/scripts/


bash /media/BRIANDATA4/metaBenchmarks/autometa_genome_binning_parameter_sweep/scripts/