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The repository contains the best versions of my solutions to LeetCode problems


Complexity chart


Number of operations for complexity

$f(n)$ $n = 10$ $n = 10^{2}$ $n = 10^{3}$ $n = 10^{4}$ $n = 10^{5}$ $n = 10^{6}$
$1$ $1$ $1$ $1$ $1$ $1$ $1$
$\log n$ $\approx 3.32$ $\approx 6.64$ $\approx 9.97$ $\approx 1.33 * 10$ $\approx 1.66 * 10$ $\approx 1.99 * 10$
$n$ $10$ $10^{2}$ $10^{3}$ $10^{4}$ $10^{5}$ $10^{6}$
$n * \log n$ $\approx 3.32 * 10$ $\approx 6.64 * 10^{2}$ $\approx 9.97 * 10^{3}$ $\approx 1.33 * 10^{5}$ $\approx 1.66 * 10^{6}$ $\approx 1.99 * 10^{7}$
$n^{2}$ $10^{2}$ $10^{4}$ $10^{6}$ $10^{8}$ $10^{10}$ $10^{12}$
$2^{n}$ $\approx 10^{3}$ $\approx 10^{30}$ $\approx 10^{301}$ $\approx 10^{3010}$ $\approx 10^{30102}$ $\approx 10^{301030}$
$n!$ $\approx 10^{7}$ $\approx 10^{156}$ $\approx 10^{2568}$ $\approx 10^{35660}$ $\approx 10^{456574}$ $\approx 10^{5565709}$

Complexity notations

Notation Name Sign Meaning
$o$ Little O $<$ Less than
$O$ Big O $\leq$ Less than or equal to
$\Theta$ Theta $=$ Equal to
$\Omega$ Big Omega $\geq$ Greater than or equal to
$\omega$ Little Omega $>$ Greater than


Title Solutions Time Memory Notes Beats Time Beats Memory
1 Two Sum Python, Java $O(n)$ $O(n)$ - 99.78% 88.62%
2 Add Two Numbers Python, Java $O(n+m)$ $O(1)$ - 99.36% 95.33%
3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Python, Java $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - 100.00% 91.50%
6 Zigzag Conversion Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
8 String to Integer (atoi) Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ RegEx 94.55% 100.00%
9 Palindrome Number Python, Java $O(\log_{10} n)$ $O(1)$ - 95.52% 100.00%
10 Regular Expression Matching Python $O(n*m)$ $O(n*m)$ DP - -
11 Container With Most Water Python, Java $O(n)$ $O(1)$ Two Pointers 98.13% 91.81%
12 Integer to Roman Python $O(1)$ $O(1)$ - - -
13 Roman to Integer Python $O(1)$ $O(1)$ - - -
14 Longest Common Prefix Python $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
15 3Sum Python $O(n^{2})$ $O(1)$ Two Pointers - -
19 Remove Nth Node From End of List Python, Java $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
20 Valid Parentheses Python, Java $O(n)$ $O(n)$ Stack 99.78% 94.20%
22 Generate Parentheses Python, Java $O(2^{n})$ $O(n)$ Backtracking - -
26 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array Python, Java $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - 100.00% 85.81%
27 Remove Element Python, Java $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - 100.00% 85.12%
30 Substring with Concatenation of All Words Python $O(n*k)$ $O(m*k)$ - - -
36 Valid Sudoku Python, Java $O(n^{2})$ $O(n^{2})$ - 100.00% 97.10%
38 Count and Say Python $O(2^{n})$ $O(2^{n})$ - - -
42 Trapping Rain Water Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
48 Rotate Image Python $O(n^{2})$ $O(1)$ - 99.29% 98.14%
49 Group Anagrams Python $O(n * m * \log_{2} m)$ $O(n * m)$ - - -
50 Pow(x, n) Python $O(\log_{2} n)$ $O(\log_{2} n)$ BinPow - -
53 Maximum Subarray Python, Java $O(n)$ $O(1)$ Kadane's 100.00% 93.17%
54 Spiral Matrix Python ? ? - - -
55 Jump Game Python $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
61 Rotate List Python $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
62 Unique Paths Python, Java $O(min(n,m))$ $O(1)$ DP / Math - -
68 Text Justification Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
70 Climbing Stairs Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ DP - -
71 Simplify Path Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
72 Edit Distance Python, Java $O(n*m)$ $O(n*m)$ DP 92.85% 91.32%
73 Set Matrix Zeroes Python $O(n * m)$ $O(n + m)$ - 97.19% 53.65%
74 Search a 2D Matrix Python, Java $O(\log_{2} (n*m))$ $O(1)$ Binary Search - -
78 Subsets Python $O(2^{n})$ $O(n)$ - - -
79 Word Search Python $O(n * m * k)$ $O(k)$ DFS 99.72% 93.26%
80 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II Python $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
82 Remove Duplicates from Sorted List II Python $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
86 Partition List Python $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
88 Merge Sorted Array Python, Java $O(n + m)$ $O(1)$ - 100.00% 83.33%
89 Gray Code Python, Java $O(2^{n})$ $O(1)$ Math 96.07% 97.95%
91 Decode Ways Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ DP - -
94 Binary Tree Inorder Traversal Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
95 Unique Binary Search Trees II Python $O(n^{2})$ $O(\log_{2} n)$ DP - -
96 Unique Binary Search Trees Python $O(n)$ $O(1)$ DP, Math - -
98 Validate Binary Search Tree Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ DFS - -
100 Same Tree Python $O(n)$ $O(H)$ - - -
101 Symmetric Tree Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ DFS, BFS - -
104 Maximum Depth of Binary Tree Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ DFS - -
108 Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree Python $O(n)$ $O(\log_{2} n)$ - - -
109 Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree Python $O(n*\log_{2} n)$ $O(\log_{2} n)$ DFS - -
111 Minimum Depth of Binary Tree Python, Java $O(n)$ $O(n)$ - 99.77% 94.85%
112 Path Sum Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ DFS - -
113 Path Sum II Python - - - - -
114 Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List Python $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
124 Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
125 Valid Palindrome Python, Java $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - 99.31% 92.66%
126 Word Ladder II Python - - - - -
127 Word Ladder Python - - - - -
129 Sum Root to Leaf Numbers Python $O(n)$ $O(h)$ DFS 97.50% 95.89%
136 Single Number Python, Java $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - 100.00% 93.84%
141 Linked List Cycle Python, Java $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - 100.00% 95.88%
150 Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
151 Reverse Words in a String Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
155 Min Stack Python $O(1)$ $O(n)$ - - -
165 Compare Version Numbers Python $O(max(n,m))$ $O(n+m)$ - - -
168 Excel Sheet Column Title Python $O(\log_{26} n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
172 Factorial Trailing Zeroes Python $O(\log_{5} n)$ $O(\log_{5} n)$ Math - -
175 Combine Two Tables SQL SQL SQL - - -
176 Second Highest Salary SQL SQL SQL - - -
177 Nth Highest Salary SQL SQL SQL - - -
178 Rank Scores SQL SQL SQL - - -
180 Consecutive Numbers SQL SQL SQL - - -
181 Employees Earning More Than Their Managers SQL SQL SQL - - -
182 Duplicate Emails SQL SQL SQL - - -
183 Customers Who Never Order SQL SQL SQL - - -
184 Department Highest Salary SQL SQL SQL - - -
185 Department Top Three Salaries SQL SQL SQL - - -
189 Rotate Array Python, Java $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
190 Reverse Bits Python, Java $O(1)$ $O(1)$ - - -
191 Number of 1 Bits Python $O(\log_{10} n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
192 Word Frequency Shell SHELL SHELL - - -
193 Valid Phone Numbers Shell SHELL SHELL - - -
194 Transpose File Shell SHELL SHELL - - -
195 Tenth Line Shell SHELL SHELL - - -
196 Delete Duplicate Emails SQL SQL SQL - - -
197 Rising Temperature SQL SQL SQL - - -
198 House Robber Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ DP - -
200 Number of Islands Python, Java $O(n*m)$ $O(n*m)$ DFS - -
201 Bitwise AND of Numbers Range Python, Java $O(\log_{2} n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
206 Reverse Linked List Python $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
207 Course Schedule Python - - - - -
209 Minimum Size Subarray Sum Python, Java $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
217 Contains Duplicate Python, Java $O(n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
219 Contains Duplicate II Python, Java $O(n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
222 Count Complete Tree Nodes Python $O(\log_{2}^{2} n)$ $O(\log_{2} n)$ - - -
223 Rectangle Area Python $O(1)$ $O(1)$ Math - -
226 Invert Binary Tree Python, Java $O(n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
234 Palindrome Linked List Python $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
235 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
237 Delete Node in a Linked List Python, Java $O(1)$ $O(1)$ - - -
242 Valid Anagram Python $O(max(n,m))$ $O(n+m)$ - - -
258 Add Digits Python $O(1)$ $O(1)$ - - -
263 Ugly Number Python $O(\log_{2} n)$ $O(1)$ - 99.59% 60.80%
278 First Bad Version Python, Java $O(\log_{2} n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
279 Perfect Squares Python $O(n*\sqrt{n})$ $O(n)$ - - -
283 Move Zeroes Python $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
290 Word Pattern Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
292 Nim Game Python, Java $O(1)$ $O(1)$ Math - -
297 Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ Preorder - -
300 Longest Increasing Subsequence Python $O(n*\log_{2} n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
304 Range Sum Query 2D - Immutable Python $O(n*m) + O(1)$ $O(n*m) + O(1)$ - - -
307 Range Sum Query - Mutable Python $O(n * \log_{2} n) + O(\log_{2} n)$ $O(n) + O(1)$ - - -
326 Power of Three Python $O(1)$ $O(1)$ - - -
329 Longest Increasing Path in a Matrix Python $O(n * m)$ $O(n * m)$ - - -
334 Increasing Triplet Subsequence Python, Java $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
336 Palindrome Pairs Python $O(n * k^{2})$ $O(n)$ - - -
342 Power of Four Python $O(1)$ $O(1)$ - - -
345 Reverse Vowels of a String Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
365 Water and Jug Problem Python $O(\log_{2} max(n, m))$ $O(\log_{2} max(n, m))$ - - -
374 Guess Number Higher or Lower Python $O(\log_{2} n)$ $O(1)$ - 75.79% 66.34%
377 Combination Sum IV Python $O(2^{n})$ $O(n)$ - - -
383 Ransom Note Python, Java $O(n+m)$ $O(n+m)$ - - -
387 First Unique Character in a String Python $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
390 Elimination Game Python, Java $O(\log_{2} n)$ $O(\log_{2} n)$ - - -
393 UTF-8 Validation Python $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
412 Fizz Buzz Python, Java $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
417 Pacific Atlantic Water Flow Python $O(n * m)$ $O(n * m)$ DFS - -
424 Longest Repeating Character Replacement Python $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
429 N-ary Tree Level Order Traversal Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
433 Minimum Genetic Mutation Python $O(n*m^{2})$ $O(n)$ - - -
443 String Compression Python $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
452 Minimum Number of Arrows to Burst Balloons Python $O(n * \log_{2} n)$ $O(1)$ Greedy - -
463 Island Perimeter Python, Java $O(n*m)$ $O(1)$ - 94.28% 94.13%
468 Validate IP Address Python $O(1)$ $O(1)$ RegEx - -
491 Non-decreasing Subsequences Python $O(n^{2})$ $O(n^{2})$ - - -
494 Target Sum Python $O(n*t)$ $O(n*t)$ - - -
495 Teemo Attacking Python $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
497 Random Point in Non-overlapping Rectangles Python $O(n) + O(\log_{2} n)$ $O(n) + O(1)$ - - -
506 Relative Ranks Python $O(n * \log_{2} n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
508 Most Frequent Subtree Sum Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
511 Game Play Analysis I SQL SQL SQL - - -
520 Detect Capital Python $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
523 Continuous Subarray Sum Python, Java $O(n)$ $O(n)$ - 95.90% 91.04%
543 Diameter of Binary Tree Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
547 Number of Provinces Python $O(n^{2})$ $O(n)$ DSU - -
551 Student Attendance Record I Python, Java $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - 100.00% 91.95%
557 Reverse Words in a String III Python, Java $O(n)$ $O(n)$ - 99.26% 48.16%
560 Subarray Sum Equals K Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
565 Array Nesting Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
575 Distribute Candies Python, Java $O(n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
584 Find Customer Referee SQL SQL SQL - - -
586 Customer Placing the Largest Number of Orders SQL SQL SQL - - -
592 Fraction Addition and Subtraction Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
595 Big Countries SQL SQL SQL - - -
596 Classes More Than 5 Students SQL SQL SQL - - -
598 Range Addition II Python, Java $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
606 Construct String from Binary Tree Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
607 Sales Person SQL SQL SQL - - -
608 Tree Node SQL SQL SQL - - -
609 Find Duplicate File in System Python $O(n*k)$ $O(n*k)$ - - -
620 Not Boring Movies SQL SQL SQL - - -
622 Design Circular Queue Python $O(k) / O(1)$ $O(k) / O(1)$ - - -
623 Add One Row to Tree Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
627 Swap Salary SQL SQL SQL - - -
637 Average of Levels in Binary Tree Python $O(n)$ $O(\log_{2} n)$ - - -
643 Maximum Average Subarray I Python $O(n)$ $O(1)$ Sliding Window - -
645 Set Mismatch Python $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - 92.30% 74.26%
653 Two Sum IV - Input is a BST Python $O(n)$ $O(h)$ - - -
658 Find K Closest Elements Python $O(k + \log_{2} n)$ $O(1)$ Binary Search - -
659 Split Array into Consecutive Subsequences Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
680 Valid Palindrome II Python $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
692 Top K Frequent Words Python $O(n * \log_{2} n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
695 Max Area of Island Python $O(n*m)$ $O(n*m)$ DFS - -
696 Count Binary Substrings Python, Java $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
700 Search in a Binary Search Tree Python $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
704 Binary Search Python $O(\log_{2} n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
717 1-bit and 2-bit Characters Python, Java $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
718 Maximum Length of Repeated Subarray Python $O(n*m)$ $O(n*m)$ DP - -
733 Flood Fill Python $O(n*m)$ $O(n*m)$ DFS - -
747 Largest Number At Least Twice of Others Python $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
748 Shortest Completing Word Python $O(n^{2})$ $O(n^{2})$ - - -
752 Open the Lock Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ BFS - -
766 Toeplitz Matrix Python $O(n*m)$ $O(1)$ - 71.85% 99.92%
777 Swap Adjacent in LR String Python, Java $O(n)$ $O(1)$ Two Pointers 100.00% 98.78%
788 Rotated Digits Python $O(n * \log_{10} n)$ $O(\log_{10} n)$ - - -
791 Custom Sort String Python $O(n * \log_{2} n)$ $O(n + m)$ - - -
797 All Paths From Source to Target Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
802 Find Eventual Safe States Python $O(V+E)$ $O(V)$ - - -
804 Unique Morse Code Words Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
811 Subdomain Visit Count Python $O(n*k)$ $O(n*k)$ - - -
814 Binary Tree Pruning Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
823 Binary Trees With Factors Python $O(n^{2})$ $O(n)$ - - -
830 Positions of Large Groups Python, Java $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
835 Image Overlap Python $O(n^{4})$ $O(1)$ - 97.08% 52.05%
836 Rectangle Overlap Python $O(1)$ $O(1)$ Math - -
838 Push Dominoes Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
841 Keys and Rooms Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
844 Backspace String Compare Python $O(min(n,m))$ $O(1)$ - - -
847 Shortest Path Visiting All Nodes Python $O(n^{2}*2^{n})$ $O(n*2^{n})$ BFS - -
860 Lemonade Change Python, Java $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
867 Transpose Matrix Python, Java $O(n*m)$ $O(1)$ - - -
869 Reordered Power of 2 Python $O({\log_{2} n}^{2})$ $O(\log_{2} n)$ - - -
871 Minimum Number of Refueling Stops Python $O(n * \log_{2} n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
872 Leaf-Similar Trees Python $O(H)$ $O(H)$ - 91.29% 87.58%
875 Koko Eating Bananas Python $O(n * \log_{2} M)$ $O(1)$ Binary Search 98.57% 62.98%
876 Middle of the Linked List Python, Java $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - 100.00% 99.73%
877 Stone Game Python, Java $O(1)$ $O(1)$ - - -
886 Possible Bipartition Python $O(V + E)$ $O(V + E)$ DFS - -
890 Find and Replace Pattern Python $O(n*k)$ $O(k)$ - - -
893 Groups of Special-Equivalent Strings Python $O(n * k * \log_{2} k)$ $O(n * k)$ - 93.51% 88.11%
894 All Possible Full Binary Trees Python $O(2^{n})$ $O(2^{n})$ - - -
895 Maximum Frequency Stack Python $O(n)$ $O(n)+O(1)$ - - -
896 Monotonic Array Python $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - 98.61% 94.23%
904 Fruit Into Baskets Python $O(n)$ $O(k)$ - - -
921 Minimum Add to Make Parentheses Valid Python, Java $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
923 3Sum With Multiplicity Python $O(k^{2})$ $O(k)$ - - -
925 Long Pressed Name Python, Java $O(max(n,m))$ $O(1)$ - - -
926 Flip String to Monotone Increasing Python - - - - -
930 Binary Subarrays With Sum Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
931 Minimum Falling Path Sum Python $O(n * m)$ $O(1)$ DP 40.57% 92.88%
936 Stamping The Sequence Python $O(m*(m-n))$ $O(m*(m-n))$ - - -
938 Range Sum of BST Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ DFS - -
944 Delete Columns to Make Sorted Python $O(m * n * \log_{2} n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
946 Validate Stack Sequences Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
948 Bag of Tokens Python $O(n * \log_{2} n)$ $O(1)$ Two-pointer - -
954 Array of Doubled Pairs Python - - - - -
959 Regions Cut By Slashes Python $O(n*m)$ $O(n*m)$ DFS - -
967 Numbers With Same Consecutive Differences Python $O(2^{n})$ $O(2^{n})$ DFS - -
976 Largest Perimeter Triangle Python, Java $O(n * \log_{2} n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
977 Squares of a Sorted Array Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
980 Unique Paths III Python - - - - -
982 Triples with Bitwise AND Equal To Zero Python $O(n^{3})$ $O(n^{2})$ - - -
985 Sum of Even Numbers After Queries Python, Java $O(n + m)$ $O(1)$ - - -
986 Interval List Intersections Python $O(n+m)$ $O(n+m)$ - - -
988 Smallest String Starting From Leaf Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ DFS - -
989 Add to Array-Form of Integer Python $O(\log_{10} k)$ $O(1)$ - - -
990 Satisfiability of Equality Equations Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
997 Find the Town Judge Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
998 Maximum Binary Tree II Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
999 Available Captures for Rook Python $O(1)$ $O(1)$ - - -
1006 Clumsy Factorial Python $O(1)$ $O(1)$ - 96.15% 97.93%
1007 Minimum Domino Rotations For Equal Row Python $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
1010 Pairs of Songs With Total Durations Divisible by 60 Python, Java $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - 96.43% 85.53%
1020 Number of Enclaves Python $O(n*m)$ $O(n*m)$ DFS - -
1026 Maximum Difference Between Node and Ancestor Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
1030 Matrix Cells in Distance Order Python - - - - -
1039 Minimum Score Triangulation of Polygon Python $O(n^{2})$ $O(n^{2})$ DP - -
1047 Remove All Adjacent Duplicates In String Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ Stack - -
1048 Longest String Chain Python $O(n*k^{2})$ $O(n)$ - - -
1050 Actors and Directors Who Cooperated At Least Three Times SQL SQL SQL - - -
1071 Greatest Common Divisor of Strings Python $O(n+m)$ $O(n+m)$ - - -
1084 Sales Analysis III SQL SQL SQL - - -
1091 Shortest Path in Binary Matrix Python $O(n^{2})$ $O(n^{2})$ BFS - -
1104 Path In Zigzag Labelled Binary Tree Python $O(\log_{2} n)$ $O(1)$ - 67.53% 73.43%
1114 Print in Order Python CONCURRENCY CONCURRENCY - - -
1131 Maximum of Absolute Value Expression Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
1137 N-th Tribonacci Number Python $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
1141 User Activity for the Past 30 Days I SQL SQL SQL - - -
1143 Longest Common Subsequence Python $O(n * m)$ $O(n * m)$ DP 96.32% 81.56%
1148 Article Views I SQL SQL SQL - - -
1155 Number of Dice Rolls With Target Sum Python $O(n*k)$ $O(n*k)$ DP - -
1158 Market Analysis I SQL SQL SQL - - -
1162 As Far from Land as Possible Python $O(n*m)$ $O(n*m)$ - - -
1179 Reformat Department Table SQL SQL SQL - - -
1184 Distance Between Bus Stops Python $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
1207 Unique Number of Occurrences Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ - 95.89% 72.74%
1220 Count Vowels Permutation Python $O(n)$ $O(1)$ DP - -
1237 Find Positive Integer Solution for a Given Equation Python $O(N + M)$ $O(1)$ - 100.00% 33.63%
1239 Maximum Length of a Concatenated String with Unique Characters Python $O(n^{2})$ $O(n^{2})$ DP 94.14% 8.30%
1249 Minimum Remove to Make Valid Parentheses Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
1254 Number of Closed Islands Python $O(n*m)$ $O(n*m)$ DFS - -
1260 Shift 2D Grid Python $O(n^{2})$ $O(n^{2})$ - - -
1275 Find Winner on a Tic Tac Toe Game Python, Java $O(1)$ $O(1)$ - - -
1306 Jump Game III Python $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
1319 Number of Operations to Make Network Connected Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
1323 Maximum 69 Number Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
1328 Break a Palindrome Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
1329 Sort the Matrix Diagonally Python - - - - -
1331 Rank Transform of an Array Python $O(n * \log_{2} n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
1332 Remove Palindromic Subsequences Python, Java $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
1334 Find the City With the Smallest Number of Neighbors at a Threshold Distance Python, Java $O(n^{3})$ $O(n^{2})$ Floyd-Warshall's 100.00% 95.65%
1338 Reduce Array Size to The Half Python $O(n * \log_{2} n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
1342 Number of Steps to Reduce a Number to Zero Python $O(1)$ $O(1)$ Bit Manipulation 96.74% 95.47%
1345 Jump Game IV Python - - - - -
1347 Minimum Number of Steps to Make Two Strings Anagram Python $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
1376 Time Needed to Inform All Employees Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ DFS - -
1381 Design a Stack With Increment Operation Python - - - - -
1383 Maximum Performance of a Team Python $O(n * \log_{2} n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
1387 Sort Integers by The Power Value Python $O(n * \log_{2} n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
1393 Capital Gain/Loss SQL SQL SQL - - -
1407 Top Travellers SQL SQL SQL - - -
1408 String Matching in an Array Python $O(n^{2}*k^{2})$ $O(1)$ - - -
1414 Find the Minimum Number of Fibonacci Numbers Whose Sum Is K Python $O(\log_{2} k)$ $O(\log_{2} k)$ - - -
1423 Maximum Points You Can Obtain from Cards Python $O(n)$ $O(1)$ Sliding Window - -
1437 Check If All 1's Are at Least Length K Places Away Python, Java $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
1448 Count Good Nodes in Binary Tree Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ DFS - -
1457 Pseudo-Palindromic Paths in a Binary Tree Python, Java $O(n)$ $O(n)$ DFS - -
1466 Reorder Routes to Make All Paths Lead to the City Zero Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ DFS - -
1470 Shuffle the Array Python, Java $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
1472 Design Browser History Python - - - - -
1480 Running Sum of 1d Array Python $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
1484 Group Sold Products By The Date SQL SQL SQL - - -
1493 Longest Subarray of 1's After Deleting One Element Python, Java $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
1496 Path Crossing Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
1513 Number of Substrings With Only 1s Python $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - 92.33% 100.00%
1523 Count Odd Numbers in an Interval Range Python - - - - -
1527 Patients With a Condition SQL SQL SQL - - -
1539 Kth Missing Positive Number Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
1544 Make The String Great Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ Stack 94.50% 97.99%
1557 Minimum Number of Vertices to Reach All Nodes Python, Java $O(n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
1576 Replace All ?'s to Avoid Consecutive Repeating Characters Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
1578 Minimum Time to Make Rope Colorful Python $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
1581 Customer Who Visited but Did Not Make Any Transactions SQL SQL SQL - - -
1587 Bank Account Summary II SQL SQL SQL - - -
1646 Get Maximum in Generated Array Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
1657 Determine if Two Strings Are Close Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ Sorting 89.60% 94.00%
1662 Check If Two String Arrays are Equivalent Python $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - 99.41% 98.50%
1663 Smallest String With A Given Numeric Value Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
1667 Fix Names in a Table SQL SQL SQL - - -
1669 Merge In Between Linked Lists Python $O(n + m)$ $O(1)$ - - -
1672 Richest Customer Wealth Python, Java $O(n*m)$ $O(1)$ - - -
1680 Concatenation of Consecutive Binary Numbers Python $O(n*\log_{2} n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
1684 Count the Number of Consistent Strings Python $O(n+m)$ $O(n+m)$ - - -
1693 Daily Leads and Partners SQL SQL SQL - - -
1729 Find Followers Count SQL SQL SQL - - -
1741 Find Total Time Spent by Each Employee SQL SQL SQL - - -
1752 Check if Array Is Sorted and Rotated Python $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
1757 Recyclable and Low Fat Products SQL SQL SQL - - -
1770 Maximum Score from Performing Multiplication Operations Python $O(m^{2})$ $O(m)$ DP - -
1784 Check if Binary String Has at Most One Segment of Ones Python, Java $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
1795 Rearrange Products Table SQL SQL SQL - - -
1817 Finding the Users Active Minutes Python $O(n)$ $O(n + k)$ Hashing - -
1832 Check if the Sentence Is Pangram Python, Java $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - 92.75% 95.79%
1833 Maximum Ice Cream Bars Python $O(sort)$ $O(n)$ - - -
1839 Longest Substring Of All Vowels in Order Python $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
1848 Minimum Distance to the Target Element Python $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
1869 Longer Contiguous Segments of Ones than Zeros Python - - - - -
1873 Calculate Special Bonus SQL SQL SQL - - -
1876 Substrings of Size Three with Distinct Characters Python, Java $O(n)$ $O(min(n,k))$ Sliding Window - -
1890 The Latest Login in 2020 SQL SQL SQL - - -
1903 Largest Odd Number in String Python $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
1905 Count Sub Islands Python $O(n^{2})$ $O(n^{2})$ DFS - -
1926 Nearest Exit from Entrance in Maze Python $O(n * m)$ $O(n * m)$ BFS 77.25% 55.57%
1945 Sum of Digits of String After Convert Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
1962 Remove Stones to Minimize the Total Python $O(n * \log_{2} n)$ $O(1)$ Heap 100.00% 95.88%
1965 Employees With Missing Information SQL SQL SQL - - -
1979 Find Greatest Common Divisor of Array Python, Java $O(n)$ $O(1)$ GCD - -
1984 Minimum Difference Between Highest and Lowest of K Scores Python $O(n*\log_{2} n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
1996 The Number of Weak Characters in the Game Python $O(n * \log_{2} n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
2007 Find Original Array From Doubled Array Python, Java $O(n+k*\log_{2}k)$ $O(k)$ - - -
2022 Convert 1D Array Into 2D Array Python, Java $O(n*m)$ $O(1)$ - - -
2078 Two Furthest Houses With Different Colors Python, Java $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
2095 Delete the Middle Node of a Linked List Python $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
2131 Longest Palindrome by Concatenating Two Letter Words Python - - - - -
2136 Earliest Possible Day of Full Bloom Python $O(n * \log_{2} n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
2185 Counting Words With a Given Prefix Python $O(n*k)$ $O(1)$ - - -
2186 Minimum Number of Steps to Make Two Strings Anagram II Python $O(n+m)$ $O(n+m)$ - - -
2220 Minimum Bit Flips to Convert Number Python, Java $O(\log_{2} n)$ $O(1)$ - 100.00% 97.83%
2225 Find Players With Zero or One Losses Python $O(n * \log_{2} n)$ $O(n)$ - 98.66% 99.40%
2243 Calculate Digit Sum of a String Python $O(\log_{k} n)$ $O(\log_{k} n)$ - - -
2244 Minimum Rounds to Complete All Tasks Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ Counting - -
2255 Count Prefixes of a Given String Python $O(n*m)$ $O(n*m)$ - - -
2264 Largest 3-Same-Digit Number in String Python $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
2269 Find the K-Beauty of a Number Python $O(\log_{10} n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
2273 Find Resultant Array After Removing Anagrams Python $O(n*k)$ $O(k)$ - - -
2278 Percentage of Letter in String Python, Java $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
2279 Maximum Bags With Full Capacity of Rocks Python $O(n * \log_{2} n)$ $O(n)$ Greedy 99.67% 87.83%
2294 Partition Array Such That Maximum Difference Is K Python, Java $O(n * \log_{2} n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
2299 Strong Password Checker II Python $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
2309 Greatest English Letter in Upper and Lower Case Python $O(1)$ $O(1)$ - - -
2315 Count Asterisks Python $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
2316 Count Unreachable Pairs of Nodes in an Undirected Graph Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
2331 Evaluate Boolean Binary Tree Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
2335 Minimum Amount of Time to Fill Cups Python $O(1)$ $O(1)$ - - -
2336 Smallest Number in Infinite Set Python $O(1) + O(\log_{2} n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
2337 Move Pieces to Obtain a String Python, Java $O(n)$ $O(1)$ Two Pointers 86.68% 99.25%
2341 Maximum Number of Pairs in Array Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
2347 Best Poker Hand Python $O(1)$ $O(1)$ - - -
2348 Number of Zero-Filled Subarrays Python $O(n)$ $O(1)$ Sliding Window - -
2351 First Letter to Appear Twice Python, Java $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - 100.00% 94.36%
2352 Equal Row and Column Pairs Python $O(n^{3}) / O(n^{2})$ $O(1) / O(n)$ - - -
2357 Make Array Zero by Subtracting Equal Amounts Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
2359 Find Closest Node to Given Two Nodes Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ DFS - -
2363 Merge Similar Items Python $O(n*\log_{2} n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
2364 Count Number of Bad Pairs Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
2367 Number of Arithmetic Triplets Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
2373 Largest Local Values in a Matrix Python $O(n^{2})$ $O(1)$ - - -
2374 Node With Highest Edge Score Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
2379 Minimum Recolors to Get K Consecutive Black Blocks Python $O(n)$ $O(k)$ - - -
2380 Time Needed to Rearrange a Binary String Python $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
2383 Minimum Hours of Training to Win a Competition Python, Java $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
2384 Largest Palindromic Number Python $O(1)$ $O(1)$ - - -
2389 Longest Subsequence With Limited Sum Python $O(n*\log_{2} n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
2390 Removing Stars From a String Python - - - - -
2391 Minimum Amount of Time to Collect Garbage Python $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
2395 Find Subarrays With Equal Sum Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
2396 Strictly Palindromic Number Python $O(1)$ $O(1)$ - - -
2399 Check Distances Between Same Letters Python $O(1)$ $O(1)$ - - -
2401 Longest Nice Subarray Python, Java $O(n)$ $O(1)$ Sliding Window - -
2404 Most Frequent Even Element Python, Java $O(n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
2405 Optimal Partition of String Python, Java $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
2406 Divide Intervals Into Minimum Number of Groups Python $O(n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
2409 Count Days Spent Together Python $O(1)$ $O(1)$ - - -
2413 Smallest Even Multiple Python, Java $O(1)$ $O(1)$ - - -
2414 Length of the Longest Alphabetical Continuous Substring Python $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
2418 Sort the People Python $O(n * \log_{2} n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
2419 Longest Subarray With Maximum Bitwise AND Python $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
2424 Longest Uploaded Prefix Python $O(1)$ $O(n)$ - - -
2427 Number of Common Factors Python $O(min(n,m))$ $O(1)$ - - -
2428 Maximum Sum of an Hourglass Python $O(n*m)$ $O(n*m)$ - - -
2432 The Employee That Worked on the Longest Task Python $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
2433 Find The Original Array of Prefix Xor Python, Java $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
2441 Largest Positive Integer That Exists With Its Negative Python $O(n) / O(n * \log_{2} n)$ $O(n) / O(1)$ - 98.91% 99.35%
2442 Count Number of Distinct Integers After Reverse Operations Python, Java $O(n)$ $O(n)$ - 99.69% 96.65%
2446 Determine if Two Events Have Conflict Python $O(1)$ $O(1)$ - 89.91% 75.19%
2447 Number of Subarrays With GCD Equal to K Python, Java $O(n^{2} * \log_{2} m)$ $O(1)$ GCD 98.08% 95.20%
2448 Minimum Cost to Make Array Equal Python, Java $O(n * \log_{2} m)$ $O(1)$ Binary Search 99.41% 98.81%
2455 Average Value of Even Numbers That Are Divisible by Three Python $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - 100.00% 85.71%
2482 Difference Between Ones and Zeros in Row and Column Python $O(n * m)$ $O(n + m)$ - - -
2485 Find the Pivot Integer Python $O(√n)$ $O(1)$ Math 99.78% 97.40%
2487 Remove Nodes From Linked List Python - - - - -
2490 Circular Sentence Python $O(n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
2491 Divide Players Into Teams of Equal Skill Python - - - - -
2501 Longest Square Streak in an Array Python $O(n * √n)$ $O(n)$ - - -
2506 Count Pairs Of Similar Strings Python $O(n*m)$ $O(1)$ - - -
2522 Partition String Into Substrings With Values at Most K Python - - - - -
2525 Categorize Box According to Criteria Python $O(1)$ $O(1)$ - - -
2529 Maximum Count of Positive Integer and Negative Integer Python $O(\log_{2} n)$ $O(1)$ - - -
2549 Count Distinct Numbers on Board Python - - - - -
2563 Count the Number of Fair Pairs Python - - - - -
2574 Left and Right Sum Differences Python - - - - -

Last update

Solution table for problems was generated automatically on 2025-01-26 12:11 +0000