- Adrien Grandemange (@agrande)
- Alexandre Fontoura (@xesf)
- Scott Williams (@slwilliams)
- Fraser Gordon (@fraserjgordon)
- Andriy Tevelyev (@pleasenophp)
- Jeffrey Veenhuis (@Jeffroiscool)
- @chucksellick
- Jesse Gorter (@Neko)
- @Krampy
- Sara González Ramajo (@SendellX)
- Peter de Vos (@Bot13)
- Sara González Ramajo (@SendellX)
- Alexandre Fontoura (@xesf)
- Fraser Gordon (@fraserjgordon)
- Bernd Lörwald (@bloerwald)
- Jeffrey Veenhuis (@Jeffroiscool)
- Felipe Corrêa da Silva Sanches
- Michel Sterenberg (via Facebook)
- João Paulo Tiz (via Facebook)
- Jeffrey Veenhuis (@Jeffroiscool)
- Frédérick Raynal for supporting this project from its early stages
- All team from Adeline Software International for doing this amazing game series
- Kazimierz Król (@zink) for his Scene/Grids/Bricks documentation and for hosting http://lbafileinfo.kazekr.net/
- Kasia Jaworska for getting us voiced to Fred