Did you ever find Erasmus' information overwhelming and confusing? Erasmus Unite is the magical must have app for any student craving the Erasmus experience. Effortlessly, everything you might need can be quickly found. That includes all paperwork needed to enroll, finding universities with previous students reviews and connecting with other students sharing your interests.
- Find other Erasmus students
- You can find other Erasmus students in your university and communicate with them.
- Show destination options
- The user will be able to see a list of the foreign universities. The information can be filtered and ordered by course, country, etc. Thus, providing a better user experience
- University and City Reviews
- The app can provide reviews from other students about other colleges and cities
- Paperwork
- This section will help the student know what are the steps required in order to sign up to Erasmus and provide information related to travel documentation
List of assumptions and dependencies
- Erasmus tables from Sigarra (https://sigarra.up.pt/feup/pt/COOP_CANDIDATURA_GERAL.VER_VAGAS)