- You can search for images using a keyword and it will diplay those images on your screen
- No third party library has been used
- URLSession is used for Networking
- NSCache is used for caching imaghes
- MVVM Clean architecture is used along with Repository Pattern
- Dependency Injection Container is used to manage all the dependencies in the app
- Data Binding is achieved using generics and closures
- Unit Testing is also implemented
If you are looking for something specific, you can jump right into the relevant section from here.
• Xcode v11.4 beta and above
• Swift 5
• Install Xcode v11.4 beta
• Clone the project
• Go to Project root folder and type: 'open FlickrImageSearch.xcodeproj'
• MVVM Clean architecture is followed along with Repository Pattern
Press Cmd+U in your Xcode to run all the tests. The following files have been unit tested with 100% code coverage
• ImagesSearchViewModelTests
• ImageSearchUseCaseTest
• ImagesSearchRepositoryTest
• NetworkServiceTests