- New release roadmap: #29
- Explanation of the relations between LNP/BP Core lib and RGB Node/SDK
- RGB Core roadmap #26
- RGB LN roadmap #27
- RGBv1 and what it means #28
- Amplify
- Releases v1.0 and v1.1: https://github.com/LNP-BP/rust-amplify/releases
- Published rust crate: https://crates.io/crates/amplify
- Documentation: https://docs.rs/amplify/1.1.1/amplify/
- more docs: https://docs.rs/amplify_derive/1.1.1/amplify_derive/
- Docker containers big update: Bitcoin Core, c-Lightning, ElectrumRs,
Elements & RGB Node.
- Repo & instructions: https://github.com/LNP-BP/docker
- Containers on GitHub: https://github.com/orgs/LNP-BP/packages?repo_name=docker
- Containers on DockerHub: https://hub.docker.com/u/lnpbp
- Readiness of LNP/BP Core Library first release (v0.1):
- Test coverage > 2/3
- Advanced continous integration
- Moved buisness logic from RGB Node to the core lib
- Updates on RGB security audit started last week.
- RGB versioning: Schema feature bits
- proposal: LNP-BP/LNPBPs#47
- implementation: LNP-BP/rust-lnpbp#72
- Storage of whole chain parameters in Genesis, committing only to chain hash
- proposal for chain params: LNP-BP/LNPBPs#58
- proposal for chain hash: LNP-BP/LNPBPs#49
- core library issue: LNP-BP/rust-lnpbp#114
- implementation: https://github.com/LNP-BP/rust-lnpbp/commit/cb0f1f517ecf2b4730a36e58b056dbffa779d337
- Reversed schema hierarchy (see details in last call agenda, https://github.com/LNP-BP/devcalls/blob/master/2020-09-30-agenda.md#schema-genesis-versioning)
- Public state extensions: decentralized issuance & "call to contract method"
- Issue: LNP-BP/LNPBPs#52
- PR: LNP-BP/rust-lnpbp#112
- Changes to bulletproofs from the week before
- implementation: LNP-BP/rust-lnpbp#107
- Bech32 encodings for RGB & invoicing
- details: https://github.com/LNP-BP/devcalls/blob/master/2020-09-30-agenda.md#invoicing
- implementation for RGB data: https://github.com/LNP-BP/rust-lnpbp/blob/master/src/rgb/bech32.rs
- LN asset naming & divisions
- naming: LNP-BP/LNPBPs#60
- divisibility: LNP-BP/LNPBPs#51 NB: what about NFT sub-divisibility for LN?
- LNPBP-1 & 2 refactoring: keyset commitments:
- proposal: LNP-BP/LNPBPs#48
- other changes to LNPBP1: LNP-BP/LNPBPs#66
- LNPBP1 changes: LNP-BP/LNPBPs#67
- LNPBP2 update is WIP
- implementation: LNP-BP/rust-lnpbp#125
- PSBT custom keys: one removed (fee), the second one, keeping tweaking factor is replaced with non-proprietary; which is planned to be added to BIP-174 standard
- Universal protocol for node oprations (RGB, LNP, Bifrost ...): node ids, compatible messaging system & message ids (see details in last call agenda) LNP-BP/LNPBPs#55
- UDP hole punchng discussion results LNP-BP/LNPBPs#39
- NFT transfers in generalized LN with channel factories
- Sign to contract instead of pay to contract commitments LNP-BP/LNPBPs#65
- MW-like Pedensen commitment aggregation for the historical data LNP-BP/LNPBPs#57
- Merge-mined chain allowing excellend scalability with single-key-per-block concept
- Proposals (first, second) for onion messaging BOLT extensions from Rusty Russel for new extenstions allowing non-payment (i.e. generic) messaging.
- Simplicity WIP branch in elements/liquid beta
- Schnorr signature implementation PR for rust-secp256k1 by Tibo from Digital garage.