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Extensions to λProlog implemented in ELPI

ELPI is still a young language and the features below are not specified very formally. Please refrain from relying on behaviors that are not explicitly described (but happen to work for you). Help in improving this very brief doc is very welcome. Questions or feature requests are welcome as well.

  • Underscore is a real wildcard

  • Spilling turns ..{foo X}.. into foo X Y,..Y..

  • N-ary binders let one write pi x y z\ ...

  • N-ary implication let one write [p,q] => g

  • Non logical features like ! or new_safe

  • Typechecking is performed by elpi-checker.elpi on the quoted syntax of the program and query

  • Subterm naming can be performed using an as X annotation in the head of a clause

  • Clause grafting can inject a clause in the middle of an existing program

  • Conditional compilation can be used to conditionally consider/discard clauses or CHR rules

  • Configurable argument indexing can be used to write code in a more natural way and still get good performances

  • Modes can be declared in order to control the generative semantics of Prolog

  • Syntactic constraints are goals suspended on a set of variables that are resumed when any of them gets assigned and that can be manipulated by CHR like rules

  • Quotations let you write terms in a custom syntax and have ELPI translate them into λProlog terms. This is only available via the OCaml API.

  • Namespaces are to avoid name conflicts. This is a very simple syntactic facility to add a prefix to all names declared in a specific region. It is complemented by the shorten directive that lets one use a short name for a symbol in a namespace.

  • Accumulate with paths accepts accumulate "path". so that one can use . in a file/path name.

  • Tracing facility to debug your programs.

  • Macros are expanded at compilation time


Identifiers whose name start with _ are wildcards, not variables.

trivial-facts :-
  _ = whatever,
  you-name-it = _Whatever,
  pi x\ _ = x.
% pi x\ _ x = x. -- invalid syntax, _ is not a variable

Side note: no solution is computed for goals like _ = something. On the contrary a problem like DummyNameUsedOnlyOnce = somthing demands the computation of the solution (even if it is not used), and hence can fail if some variable occurring in something is out of scope for DummyNameUsedOnlyOnce.

Side note: elpi-checker.elpi (see below) reports warnings about linearly used variables, suggesting to start their name with _ (_Name is just sugar for _).


The following boring code

f X R :- foo X Y, bar Y R.

can be written as

f X R :- bar {foo X} R.

since ELPI rewrites the latter program into

f X R :- foo X Spilled_1, bar Spilled_1 R.

For spilling to work, ELPI has to know the arity of the spilled predicate. Both a type or mode declaration suffice.

type f int -> int -> int -> prop
type g int -> int -> prop
main :- g {f 3}.

Spilling under pi is supported

foo :- pi x\ f {g x}

rewrites to

foo :- pi x\ sigma Spilled_1\ g x Spilled_1, f Spilled_1.

so that Spilled_1 sees x and can receive the "result" of g.

Spilling under a lambda is supported.

foo R :- R = lam x\ g {mk-app f [x,g x]}.

rewrites to

foo R :- (pi x\ mk-app f [x,g x] (Spilled_1 x)), R = lam x\ g (Spilled_1 x).

Spilling implication works as well.

foo R :- R = lam x\ g {foo x => mk-app f [x,g x]}.

rewrites to

foo R :- (pi x\ foo x => mk-app f [x,g x] (Spilled_1 x)), R = lam x\ g (Spilled_1 x).

Spilling a conjunction has the effect of spilling the last conjunct.

foo R :- R = lam x\ g {h x, mk-app f [x,g x]}.

rewrites to

foo R :- (pi x\ h x, mk-app f [x,g x] (Spilled_1 x)), R = lam x\ g (Spilled_1 x).

Caveat about spilling

The spilled predicate invocation is inserted just before the closest predicate invocation. Currently "what is a predicate" takes into account only monomorphic, first order, type declarations. E.g. of badly supported spilling

foo L L1 :- map L (x\y\ f {g x} y) L1.

rewrite to (the probably unwanted)

foo L L1 :- (pi x\ pi y\ g x (Spilled_1 x y)), map L (x\y\ f (Spilled_1 x y) y) L1.

whenever the type of f (applied to two arguments) is not known to be prop (i.e. no type is declared for f, even if the type of map is known and imposes f _ _ to be of type prop). With a type declaration as

type f term -> term -> prop.

the rewritten clause is the expected

foo L L1 :- map L (x\y\ sigma Spilled_1\ g x Spilled_1, f Spilled_1 y) L1.

since the closest predicate before the spilling is, indeed, f.

The -print flag can be passed to the elpi command line tool in order to print the program after spilling.

N-ary binders

The pi and sigma binders are n-ary:

  • sigma X Y\ t is expanded to sigma X\ sigma Y\ t.
  • pi x y\ t is expanded to pi x\ pi y\ t.

At the time of writing type annotation on pi variables are ignored by both the interpreter and the elpi-checker.elpi.

N-ary implication

The => connectives accepts, on its left, a list of predicates. For example [p,q] => g is equivalent to (p, q) => g that is also equivalent to q => p => g.

This is particularly useful in writing CHR rules since the hypothetical program is a list of clauses.

Note that this is also true for :-, i.e. its right hand side can be a list of predicates.

Non logical features

  • The cut operator ! is present, and does not work on nested disjunctions (; is not primitive).

  • A built-in lets one collect data across search. The primitives are new_safe S, stash_in_safe S T, open_safe S TL. Note that T has to be ground and closed. Safes are not effected by backtracking. They can be used to log a computation / a list of failures. They are used, for example, in elpi-checker.elpi to log errors.


Typing plays no role at runtime. This differs from standard λProlog. This also means that type annotations are totally optional. Still, they greatly help elpi-checker.elpi to give reasonable errors. Notes about elpi-checker.elpi:

  • Inference of polymorphic predicates is not performed.
  • type foo list A -> prop can be used to declare a polymorphic foo.
  • any means any type.
  • variadic T1 T2 means an arbitrary number of T1 to build a T2 (for example , is of that type).
  • Type declarations can be repeated to obtain simple overloading:
    type foo int -> prop.
    type foo string -> prop.
    main :- foo 1, foo "3". % typechecks
  • o is written prop, since o is already used to mean output in mode (and i to mean input). Anyway o is accepted in type declarations and is translated on the fly to prop.
  • constants with no associated type generate a warning
    • unless the name of the full name of the constant (after namespace elimination) is main or ends in .aux or contains .aux.

Subterm naming

A subterm can be given a name using an as Name annotation. The name must be a variable name, and such variable is assigned to that subterm.

lex-max (pair A B as L) (pair X Y     ) L :- A > X ; ( A = X, B >= Y).
lex-max (pair A B)      (pair X Y as R) R :- A < X ; ( A = X, B <= Y).

Limitation: as cannot be applied to the entire clause head.

Clause grafting

Take this code, in a file called lp-lib.elpi providing general purpose code, like a fatal error clause named "default-fatal-error" using the :name attribute.

:name "default-fatal-error" 
fatal-error Msg :- print Msg, halt.

One can, from any file accumulated after lp-lib.elpi, take over such clause using the :before attribute.

:name "my-fatal-error" :before "default-fatal-error"
fatal-error Msg :- !, M is "elpi: " ^ Msg, coq-err M.

The :after and :replace attributes is also available.

The :replace attribute cannot be given to a named clause. This is to avoid the following ambiguity:

:name "replace-me"
p 1.

% from one accumulated file
:replace "replace-me" :name "replace-me"
p 2.

% from another accumulated file
:replace "replace-me" :name "replace-me"
p 3.

Here the order in which replacement is performed would matter.

Conditional compilation

The following λProlog idiom is quite useful to debug code:

% pred X :- print "running pred on " X, fail. % uncomment for debugging
pred X :- ...

By removing the comment sign in front of the first clause one gets some trace of what the program is doing.

In Elpi this can be written using the :if clause attribute (reminiscent of the C #ifdef preprocessing directive).

:if "DEBUG" pred X :- print "running pred on " X, fail.
pred X :- ...

The debug clause is discarded unless the compilation variable DEBUG is defined. The elpi command line interpreter understands -D DEBUG to define the DEBUG variable (and consequently keep the debugging code).

Here DEBUG is just arbitrary string, and multiple -D flags can be passed to elpi.

The attribute :if can also be used on CHR rules.

Configurable argument indexing

By default the clauses for a predicate are indexed by looking at their first argument at depth 1. The :index attribute lets one specify a different argument.

:index(_ 1)
pred mymap i:(A -> B), i:list A, o:list B.
mymap F [] [].
mymap F [X|XS] [Y|YS] :- Y = F X, mymap XS YS.

Here (_ 1) is a shorthand for (0 1) that means index at depth 0 the first argument (that means don't index it), at depth 1 the second argument and at depth 0 all the remaining ones.

If only one argument is indexed, and it is indexed at depth one, then Elpi uses a standard indexing technique based on a perfect (for depth 1) search tree. This means that no false positives are returned by the index.

If more than one argument is indexed, or if some argument is indexed at depth greater than 1, then Elpi uses an index based on the idea of unification hashes.

pred mult o:nat, o:nat, o:nat.
mult o X o.
mult (s (s o)) X C :- plus X X C.
mult (s A) B C :- mult A B R, plus B R C.

The hash value, a list of bits, is generated hierarchically and up to the specified depth. Unification variables in a clause head are mapped to a sequence of 1, while they are mapped to a sequence of 0 when they are part of the query. Constants are mapped to a hash value, a sequence of both 1 and 0. If the bit wise conjunction & of the hash of the query and the hash of the head of a clause is equal to the hash of the query, then the clause is selected.


  • in a clause 1 means "I provide this piece of info"
  • in the query 1 means "I demand this piece of info"

A flexible query is made of 0s, hence it demands nothing, since 0 & x = 0 (x is a bit of the clause). Conversely a flexible clause is made of 1s, hence it provides anything, since x & 1 = x (x is a bit of the query).


hash o = 1001 1011
hash s = 1011 0010

clauses: hashes are left trimmed to fit word size, here 8
  1: mult o         = 1001 1011
  2: mult (s (s o)) = 0010 0010
  3: mult (s A)     = 0010 1111

goal: if hgoal & hclause = hgoal then it is a match
     mult (s o)     = 0010 1011 % only 3 matches
     mult (s X)     = 0010 0000 % 2 and 3 match
     mult X         = 0000 0000 % 1, 2 and 4 match

In our (limited) testing unification hashes are on-par with the standard indexing technique, but they provide grater flexibility. The only downside is that hard to predict collisions can happen (the entire hash must fit one word).


Predicate arguments can be flagged as input as follows

mode (pp i o).

pp (lambda Name F) S :- (pi x\ pp x Name => pp (F x) S1), S is "λ" ^ Name ^ "." ^ S1.
pp (app H A) S :- pp H S1, pp A S2, S is "(" ^ S1 ^ " " ^ S2 ^ ")".
pp uvar "_".
goal> pp (lambda "x" y\ app y y) S.
  S = "λx.(x x)"
goal> pp (lambda "x" y\ app W y) S.
  W = X0
  S = "λx.(_ x)"

Note that in the second example W is not instantiated. When an argument is flagged as i then its value is matched against the clauses' corresponding pattern. uvar is the pattern for flexible input. Such flexible term can be used in the rest of the clause by naming it with as Name

Mode and type declaration

The short form

pred foo i:int, o:string.

is expanded to the following declarations

type  foo int -> string -> prop.
mode (foo i o).

Syntactic constraints

A goal can be suspended on a list of variables with the declare_constraint built in. In the following example the goal even X is suspended on the variable X.

goal> declare_constraint (even X) [X].
  even X  /* suspended on X */

Suspended goals are resumed as soon as any of the variables they are suspended on gets assigned.

goal> declare_constraint (even X) [X], X = 1.

Hypothetical clauses are kept:

goal> pi x\ sigma Y\ even x => declare_constraint (even Y) [Y].
 {x} : even x ?- even (W x)  /* suspended on W */

goal> pi x\ sigma Y\ even x => (declare_constraint (even Y) [Y], Y = x).

The declare_constraint built in is typically used in conjunction with mode as follows:

mode (even i).
even (uvar as X) :- !, declare_constraint (even X) [X].
even 0.
even X :- X > 1, Y is X - 2, even Y.

The constraint directive gives control on the hypothetical part of the program that is kept by the suspended goal and lets one express constraint handling rules.

A "clique" of related predicates is declared with

constraint foo bar ... {
  rule ...

The effect is that whenever a goal about foo or bar is suspended (via declare_constraint) only its hypothetical clauses about foo or bar are kept.

When one or more goals are suspended on lists of unification variables with a non-empty intersection, the rules between curly braces apply. In most cases it is useless to manipulate two goals that don't share any variable. If it is not the case, that is, one wants an artificial key common to all goals, one can put _ as one of the keys.

even (uvar as X) :- !, declare_constraint (even X) [_,X].

Constraints keyed on [_] are never resumed.

Constraints keyed on [] are never combined with other constraints.

Rules can be given a name using the :name attribute. It is used only in debug output.


mode (odd i).
mode (even i).

even (uvar as X) :- !, declare_constraint (even X) [X].
odd  (uvar as X) :- !, declare_constraint (odd X)  [X].
even 0.
odd 1.
even X :- X > 1, Y is X - 1, odd  Y.
odd  X :- X > 0, Y is X - 1, even Y.

constraint even odd {
  :name "even is not odd"
  rule (even X) (odd X) <=> false.
goal> whatever => even X.
  even X  /* suspended on X */
goal> even X, odd X.

Constraint Handling Rules


Here + means one or more, * zero or more

CONSTRAINT ::= constraint CLIQUE { RULE* }
TO-ADD    ::= <=> SEQUENT
GUARD     ::= TERM
NAME ::= foo | bar ...
VARIABLE ::= Foo | Bar ...

Example of first order rules

We compute GCD. The gcd predicate hold a second variable, so that we can compute GCDs of 2 sets of numbers: 99, 66 and 22 named X; 14 and 77 called Y.

mode (gcd i i).

gcd A (uvar as Group) :- declare_constraint (gcd A Group) Group.

% assert result is OK
gcd 11 group-1 :- print "group 1 solved".
gcd 7 group-2 :- print "group 2 solved".

main :- gcd 99 X, gcd 66 X, gcd 14 Y, gcd 22 X, gcd 77 Y,
        % we then force a resumption to check only GCDs are there
        X = group-1, Y = group-2.

constraint gcd {
  rule (gcd A _) \ (gcd B _) | (A = B).
  rule (gcd A _) \ (gcd B X) | (A < B) <=> (C is (B - A), gcd C X).

Constraints are resumed as regular delayed goals are.

Example of higher order rules

mode (term i o).
term (app HD ARG) TGT :- term HD (arrow SRC TGT), term ARG SRC.
term (lam F) (arrow SRC TGT) :- pi x\ term x SRC => term (F x) TGT.
term (uvar as X) T :- declare_constraint (term X T) [X].

constraint term {
  rule (GX ?- term (uvar K LX) TX)
     \ (GY ?- term (uvar K LY) TY)
     | (compatible GX LX GY LY CTXEQS)
   <=> [TX = TY | CTXEQS].

compatible _ [] _ [] [] :- !.
compatible GX [X|XS] GY [Y|YS] [TX = TY | K] :-
 (GX => term X TX),
 (GY => term Y TY),
 compatible GX XS GY YS K.
compatible _ _ _ _ [].

main :-
  (term (lam x\ lam y\ app (app (F x y) x) y) T1),
  (term (lam y\ lam x\ app (app (F x y) y) x) T2).

Without the propagation rule the result to main would be:

 {x0 x1} : term x1 X0, term x0 X1 ?- term (X2 x1 x0) (arr X1 (arr X0 X3))  /* suspended on X2 */ 
 {x0 x1} : term x1 X4, term x0 X5 ?- term (X2 x0 x1) (arr X5 (arr X4 X6))  /* suspended on X2 */

The result with the propagation rule enabled is:

 {x0 x1} : term x1 X0, term x0 X0 ?- term (X1 x1 x0) (arr X0 (arr X0 X2))  /* suspended on X1 */

Operational Semantics

As soon as a new constraint C is declared:

  1. Each rule (for the clique to which C belongs) is considered, in the order of declaration. Let's call it R.
  2. All constraints suspended on a list of variables with a non-empty intersection with the one on which C is suspended are considered (in no specified order). Let's call them CS
  3. if R has n patterns, then all permutations of n-1 elements of CS and C are generated. I.e. C is put in any possible position in a list of other constraints taken from CS, let's call one of such lists S.
  4. The constraints in S are frozen, i.e. all flexible terms (X are replaced by (uvar cx [b1,..,bn]) where cx is a new constant for X and bi is the frozen term for ai. We now have SF.
  5. Each sequent in SF is matched against the corresponding pattern in R. If matching fails, the rule is aborted and the next one is considered.
  6. All terms are spread in different name contexts, and now live in the disjoint union of all name contexts.
  7. The guard is run. If it fails the rule is aborted and the next one is considered. It if succeeds all subsequent rules are aborted (committed choice).
  8. The new goal is resumed immediately (before any other active goal). If the name context for the new goal is given, then the new goal is checked to live in such context before resuming. If the name context is not specified the resumed goals lives in the disjoint union of all name contexts.

The application of CHR rules follows the refined operation semantics.


Syntactic sugar to describe object terms is available via quotations and anti-quotations. Quotations are delimited by balanced curly braces, at least two, as in {{ and }} or {{..{{ and }}..}}. The system support one unnamed quotations and many named ones with syntax {{:name .. }} where name is any non-space or \n character.

Quotations are elaborated before run-time.

The coq-elpi software embeds elpi in Coq and provides a quatation for its terms. For example

{{ nat -> bool }}

unfolds to

prod _ (indt "...nat") x\ indt "...bool"

Where "...nat" is the real name of the nat data type, and where prod and indt are term constructors.

Anti quotations are also possible, the syntax depends on the parser of the language in the quotation, lp: here.

prod "x" t x\ {{ nat -> lp:x * bool }}

unfolds to

prod "x" t x\ prod _ (indt "...nat") y\
  app [indt "", x, indt "...bool"]

Note: x is bound in ELPI and used inside the quotation.


Everything defined inside a namespace block gets prefixed by the name of the namespace. For example

toto 1.
namespace foo {
bar X :- toto 2 => baz X.
baz X :- toto X.
main :- 2, foo.baz 1.

is equivalent to

toto 1. X :- toto 2 => foo.baz X.
foo.baz X :- toto X.
main :- 2, foo.baz 1.

Note that if a clause for toto was defined inside the namespace, then the symbol would have been considered as part of the namespace.

toto 1.
namespace foo {
toto 3.
bar X :- toto 2 => baz X.
baz X :- toto X.
main :- 2, foo.baz 1.

is equivalent to

toto 1. % this one is no more in the game
foo.toto 3. X :- foo.toto 2 => foo.baz X.
foo.baz X :- foo.toto X.
main :- 2, foo.baz 1.

shortening names from a namespace

Names from a namespace can be shortened by using the shorten directive as follows.

namespace list {
  append A B C :- ...
  rev L RL :- ...

shorten list.{ append }.

main :- append L1 L2 R. 

The part of the namespace before { is elided, what is inside is kept. For example:

shorten my.{ }.
shorten my.long.{ othername }.

main :-, othername. 

the body of main is equivalent to

main :-, my.long.othername. 

The scope of the shorten directive ends with the current file or with the end of the enclosing code block.

namespace stuff {
  shorten list.{ rev }.
  code :- ...
} % end of shorten list.rev.

main :- stuff.code, list.rev L1 L2 R. % only long name is accessible

The shorten directive accepts a "trie" of qualified names with the following syntax.

shorten std.{, string.{ concat, escape }}.

main :- F [], concat "a" "b" AB, escape "x y" E.

Here main calls, std.string.concat and finally std.string.escape.

Accumulate with paths

Elpi accepts accumulate "path". (i.e. a string rather than an indent) so that one can use . in a file or path name.

Tracing facility

Elpi comes with a tracing facility. The feature was designed to debug the interpreter itself, but can be used to debug user programs as well.

First of all the command line option -trace-on turns tracing on. This impacts performances but enables trace points and their counters. Trace points relevant for user programs are named run, select and assign. Counters holding the number of times a trace point is reached can be accessed using the counter builtin: one can print the value of these counters in a program, but if -trace-on is not passed the value is 0.

Once traces are on, one can control when tracing information is print.

The option -trace-only takes (a regular expression matching) the name of of the trace point for which trace printing is enabled. Eg -trace-only '\(run\|assign\|select\)'. The option can be repeated.

The option -trace-only-pred takes (a regular expression matching) the name of a λProlog predicate: trace printing is enabled only when the current goal predicate is matched. The option can be repeated.

The option -trace-at can be used to trace only a portion of the execution. It takes a trace point name and two integers. Eg -trace-at run 37 42 enables traces between the 37th time and the 42nd time the run trace point is reached. The option must be given in order to enable prints. If it is not given counters are still updated, but nothing extra is print.

The -no-tc option has nothing to do with traces but disables the execution of elpi-checker that being a λProlog program would be traced too resulting in a confusing trace.

Example program:

a X :-d, b X, d.

b 0.
b N :- M is N - 1, d, b M.


main :- a 2.

Example trace:

$ ./elpi a.elpi -test -trace-on -trace-at run 1 99 -trace-only '\(run\|assign\|select\)' -trace-only-pred b -no-tc
loading a.elpi (56a477507a974c95bd4cc9262b64bf84)
run 4 {{{ 
 run-goal = b 2
}}} ->  (0.000s)
select 4 {{{ b A0 :- (A1 is A0 - 1), d, (b A1).
  assign = A0 := 2
}}} ->  (0.000s)
 run 9 {{{ 
  run-goal = b 1
 }}} ->  (0.000s)
 select 8 {{{ b A0 :- (A1 is A0 - 1), d, (b A1).
    assign = A0 := 1
 }}} ->  (0.000s)
  run 14 {{{ 
   run-goal = b 0
  }}} ->  (0.000s)
  select 12 {{{ b 0 :- .| b A0 :- (A1 is A0 - 1), d, (b A1).
  }}} ->  (0.000s)


Note that a, d, and main are not part of the trace, that is instead focused on the predicate b. Also note that select prints the list of clauses that will be tried (separated by |). Finally assign prints the terms assigned to variables.

Each trace point name is followed by the value of the corresponding counter. One can use these numbers to refine the tracing options.

Example of the trace between steps 9 and 14 also including predicate d.

$ ./elpi a.elpi -test -trace-on -trace-at run 9 14 -trace-only '\(run\|assign\|select\)' -trace-only-pred '\(b\|d\)' -no-tc
loading a.elpi (56a477507a974c95bd4cc9262b64bf84)
run 9 {{{ 
 run-goal = b 1
}}} ->  (0.000s)
select 8 {{{ b A0 :- (A1 is A0 - 1), d, (b A1).
   assign = A0 := 1
}}} ->  (0.000s)
 run 13 {{{ 
  run-goal = d
 }}} ->  (0.000s)
 select 11 {{{ d  :- .
 }}} ->  (0.000s)
 run 14 {{{ 
  run-goal = b 0
 }}} ->  (0.000s)
 select 12 {{{ b 0 :- .| b A0 :- (A1 is A0 - 1), d, (b A1).
 }}} ->  (0.000s)


The command elpi -help prints all trace related options.


A macro is declared with the following syntax

macro @name Args :- Body.

It is expanded everywhere (even in type declarations) at compilation time.

Example: factor hypothetical clauses.

macro @of X N T :- (of X T, pp X N).
of (lambda Name   F) (arr A B) :-         pi x\ @of x Name A =>            of (F x) B.
of (let-in Name V F) R         :- of V T, pi x\ @of x Name T => val x V => of (F x) R.

Example: optional cut.

macro @neck-cut-if P Hd Hyps :- (
  (Hd :- P,      !, Hyps),
  (Hd :- not P,     Hyps)

@neck-cut-if greedy 
(f X)  (X = 1).
 f X :- X = 2.
goal> greedy => f X.
  X = 1
goal> f X.
  X = 1
More? (Y/n)
  X = 2 


Currently macros are not truly "hygienic", that is the body of the macro is not lexically analyzed before expansion and its free names (of constants) may be captured.

macro @m A :- x = A.
main :- pi x\ @m x. % works, but should not!

Use with care.