Verb | Endpoint | Description |
GET | /plants/ | View all of the plants the user owns |
GET | /plants/:pk/ | View a specific plant |
GET | /plants/:pk/images/ | View all images for specific plant |
GET | /plants/:pk/images/:pk/ | View a specific image for a specific plant |
GET | /plants/:pk/schedule/ | View the schedule for a specific plant |
POST | /users/ | Create User |
POST | /token/ | Login User |
POST | /plants/ | Create a Plant for the user |
POST | /plants/:pk/images/ | Add an image for a specific plant |
POST | /plants/:pk/schedule/ | Add a schedule for a specific plant |
POST | /trefle/plants/:name | Search plant info in trefle api |
PUT | /plants/:pk/ | Edit a specific plant's information |
PUT | /plants/:pk/images/:pk/ | Edit a specific image for a specific plant |
PUT | /plants/:pk/schedule/ | Edit the schedule for a specific plant |
PUT | /users/:pk/profile/ | Edit User Profile info |
DELETE | /plants/:pk/ | Delete a specific plant |
DELETE | /plants/:pk/images/:pk/ | Delete a specific image for a specific plant |
DELETE | /plants/:pk/schedule/ | Delete the schedule for a specific plant |