Welcome on the tutorial, here you can learn the basics of LTHC
Before running a program, you have to run the shell (lthc.py)

The shell after starting
Here you can use the language instructions, and this shell have an exclusive function (only shell): exit
, this command stop the shell
addition: 1 + 3
substraction: 2.9 - 17
multiplication: -17 * 19.5783
division: -3 / -4.2
arithmetical negation: -5
quotient of an euclidean division: 17.3 // 2.2
modulo: 15 % 7
power operator: 2 ^ 4
With the var
keyword, you can create and modify variables, there are 3 direct variables types and 2 more special types
Use: var the_name_of_the_variable = <expression>
You can create a 'NUM' type variable with a number
You can create a 'STRING' type variable with a string, a string is created by surrounding a text with "
, the escape charater is \
You can create a 'LIST' type variable with value ('LIST' are separed as more simple values in other 'LIST') between square brackets ([]
You can assign to an other variable a 'FUNCTION' (created with function

Example of list simplifying
You can concatenate two strings with the +
You can replicate a string multiple times with the *
operator and a number (or a 'NUM')
You can get the element at index b in your string by using: your_string / b

Example of replication
Append and extend: listA + listB
Extend: listA % listB
Get the element at index b in a list: listA / b
Remove (pop) the element at index b in a list: listA - b
Replicate a list multiple times: listA * b
Multiply each value of a list by an other value: listA ^ b
(b is the other value)
You can reverse a list by using: not listA

Examples of list manipulation
In the shell you can simulate multiple lines with ;
one line syntax: if <condition> then <expression> ?(elif <condition> then <expression>) ?(else <expression>)
multiple lines syntax: if <condition> then {new_line} <expressions> {new_line} end|?(elif <condition> then {new_line} <expressions> {new_line} end|(else {new_line} <expressions> {new_line} end))|?(else {new_line} <expressions> {new_line} end)

Examples of simple conditions
a and b
; a or b
; not a
a == b
; a != b
; a =! b
; a > b
; a < b
; a >= b
; a => b
; a <= b
; a =< b
one line default syntax: for var_name = start_value to end_value then <expression>
multiple lines default syntax: for var_name = start_value to end_value then {new_line} <expressions> {new_line} end
one line with step
syntax: for var_name = start_value to end_value step step_value then <expression>
multiple lines with step
syntax: for var_name = start_value to end_value step step_value then {new_line} <expressions> {new_line} end
one line syntax: while <condition> then <expression>
multiple lines syntax: while <condition> then {new_line} <expressions> {new_line} end
Stop the current loop
Jump to the next iteration of the current loop
one line default syntax: function func_name(?(<args>)) -> <expression>
multiple line syntax: function func_name(?(<args>)) {new_line} <expressions> {new_line} end
one line by assignement syntax: var a_var_name = function (?(<args>)) -> <expression>
assignement syntax: var a_var_name = a_defined_function_name
calling function: a_defined_or_assigned_function_name(<the_required_args>)
you can add a return <something_to_return>
to your function for customize the returned value
; print_ret(val)
; input_num(msg)
(clear the screen)
; is_str(var)
; is_list(var)
; is_func(var)
(type checking function)
pop(list, index)
; append(list, val)
; extend(list1, list2)
(list manipulation function)
(len of 'val')
randint(a, b)
(random value between a and b both included)
(cast to 'STRING' type)
(sleep ts seconds)
(run a .lthc file (LTHC Script))
; E
; PI
('NUM' type)
('STRING' type)
To run a file, you have to type in the shell RUN(file_path_between_quotes)
For example, to run the example file you have to type RUN("example.lthc")
Welcome on the second part of the tutorial, here you can do a guided work
You can found the example script here
In this work, we have to upgrade the script with more tests in functions to avoid all potential error
First function to upgrade:
function oopify(prefix) -> prefix + "oop"
-> We want to cast prefix to 'STRING' type so we replace prefix
by str(prefix)
and we obtain:
function oopify(prefix) -> str(prefix) + "oop"
Now we have to upgrade the map function:
function map(elements, func)
var new_elements = []
var len_ = len(elements)
for i = 0 to len_ then
append(new_elements, func(elements/i))
return new_elements
First point, if elements is a 'LIST' type variable, assign the len variable to the len of elements else return a list with one single string which represent a space (so [" "]
second point, if function is a 'FUNCTION' type variable, assign the len2 variable to the len of func else return a list with one single string which represent a space (so [" "]
third point, if len2 is not equals to 1 return a list with one single string which represent a space (so [" "]
Now we have this function:
function map(elements, func)
var new_elements = []
if is_list(elements) then var len_ = len(elements) else return [" "]
if is_func(func) then var len2 = len(function) else return [" "]
if len2 != 1 then return [" "]
for i = 0 to len_ then
append(new_elements, func(elements/i))
return new_elements
The last function to upgrade is the join function:
function join(elements, separator)
var result = ""
var len_ = len(elements)
for i = 0 to len_ then
var result = result + elements/i
if i != len_ - 1 then var result = result + separator
return result
To check the if elements is a list we have to add between the firt result var assignement and the loop: if is_list(elements) then var len_ = len(elements) else return " "
, with this line you check the type of elements if it isn't a list you return a space
Replace the content of the loop by:
var result = result + str(elements/i)
if i != len_ - 1 then var result = result + str(separator)
In this line we only add a str
So now we have this function:
function join(elements, separator)
var result = ""
if is_list(elements) then var len_ = len(elements) else return " "
for i = 0 to len_ then
var result = result + str(elements/i)
if i != len_ - 1 then var result = result + str(separator)
return result
link to the upgraded file