- Repository: https://github.com/paragonie/sodium_compat
- Release cycle: No formal policy documented. Follows semver. Old major and minor versions appear to receive support after new versions are released.
- Security policies: Paragon security policy (NB: Full disclosure)
- Security issue reporting:
- Contacts: ?
- Additional dependencies: random_compat (Same policies.)
- Repository: https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle
- Release cycle: https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/releases
- Security policies: https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle/security/policy
- Security issue reporting: security@guzzlephp.org
- Contacts: N/A
- Additional dependencies: Guzzle dependencies include php, ext-json, psr/http-client. It has additional dev dependencies.
- Repository: https://github.com/symfony/validator
- Release cycle: https://github.com/symfony/validator/releases
- Security policies: https://github.com/symfony/validator/security/policy
- Security issue reporting: security@symfony.com
- Contacts: N/A
- Additional dependencies: The majority of dependencies are other Symfony packages. Dev dependencies include doctrine/annotations, doctrine/cache, and egulias/email-validator.
- Repository: https://github.com/myclabs/DeepCopy
- Release cycle: https://github.com/myclabs/DeepCopy/releases
- Security policies: There's no security policy on the Git repo.
- Security issue reporting: ?
- Contacts: N/A
- Additional dependencies: Only php. There are additional dev dependencies.
- Repository: https://github.com/sebastianbergmann/phpunit
- Release cycle: Supported versions of PHPUnit
- Security policies: PHPUnit maintainers consider the package a development tool that should not be used in production; therefore, they do not have a security release process.
- Security issue reporting: N/A
- Contacts: N/A
- Additional dependencies: PHPUnit adds numerous additional dependencies to dev builds. The majority are other packages maintained by PHPUnit or its author.
- Repository: https://github.com/symfony/phpunit-bridge
- Release cycle: Symfony releases (Scheduled releases, continuous upgrade path, overlapping major and minor support, and long-term support versions.)
- Security policies: Symfony security policy
- Security issue reporting:
security [at] symfony.com
- Contacts: fabpot, michaelcullum
- Additional dependencies: None
@todo Document dependencies here. php-tuf#159