Returns the accumulated value of iteratively reduce the collection using a function that receives the accumulated value and returns a new one in each iteration
- fn
- Function which reduce the collection calculating the accumulated value.
- coll
- Collection of values to be reduced by the function.
- initial
- initial value that will be used as accumulated value for with the first item in the collection.
A total amount calculator of a shopping cart:
use function Lambdish\Phunctional\reduce;
return reduce(
function ($acc, array $item) {
return $acc + ($item['quantity'] * $item['price']);
'apple' => ['quantity' => 2, 'price' => 1.2],
'orange' => ['quantity' => 1, 'price' => 3],
'pineapple' => ['quantity' => 5, 'price' => 1],
// => 10.4