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Summary of JavaScript Concepts Covered in These Exercises

  1. Asynchronous Programming:

    • Understanding the differences between synchronous and asynchronous code execution.
    • Working with callbacks and the challenges they present, such as the callback pyramid of doom.
  2. Promises:

    • Creating and using Promises in JavaScript.
    • Promise states: pending, fulfilled, and rejected.
    • Consuming promises using then, catch, and finally methods.
    • Chaining multiple promises for sequential execution.
    • Handling errors and understanding how promises handle rejected states.
    • Using Promise-based libraries like Axios.
  3. Async/Await:

    • Simplifying asynchronous code using the async and await keywords.
    • Error handling in async functions using try-catch blocks.
    • Using async/await for sequential and parallel API requests.
    • Combining promises and async/await for more complex asynchronous flows.
  4. Advanced Promise Methods:

    • Promise.all: Running multiple promises concurrently and waiting for all to complete.
    • Promise.allSettled: Handling all promises and capturing both resolved and rejected outcomes.
    • Promise.any: Returning the first resolved promise and handling multiple sources of data.
    • Promise.race: Handling the first settled promise, whether fulfilled or rejected.
  5. HTTP Requests:

    • Making HTTP requests using XMLHttpRequest and Fetch API.
    • Handling and configuring HTTP headers and status codes.
    • Using AbortController to cancel requests.
    • Understanding CORS and preflight requests.