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Mark Janssen edited this page Dec 5, 2019 · 8 revisions


Of course you found out about us through one of our authorized representatives. If you did not, we do not exist -- any more than Holden Caulfield or Santa Claus, other such ephemera woven into being by imperfect humans in order to fill the void of existence.

The issue of identity is a tricky one. Who, among us men, is Adam? All of us? The best of us? A Hebrew national? Most knowledgeable? There you see, why we must maintain a certain degree of ambiguity about it all. So don't be giving any one of our representatives any grief, okay?

Until the issues of this world are sorted out, try to maintain some decorum instead of jumping in and saying you got it all figured out, okay? That's what this is all about, so either join in or fix it yourself and show everyone the results. Until then, we don't need the trouble of people worried about protecting their profit-margins, their cool chic, or other ideologies. Keep it to yourself.

Go protect some animals or help some children, if you need attention. Chill out.

Mr. Durden

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