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Snake Plisskin edited this page Feb 14, 2018 · 3 revisions

What the fsck are you doing with your own car? Are you some kind of elite industrialist providing for millions? Do you live on a single-family farm in the middle of nowhere?

Seriously, car culture has made America suck, both literally and figuratively. It sucks raw material out of the Earth that could be put to far greater use in a creative economy. And it makes cities gross and unlivable.

Bicycle collectives and community bikes, public transportation, light rail, QR-coded smart cars, ridesharing, hitchhiking. All of these are superior for the straight-edge. They're more anonymous, grant greater freedom (you don't have to walk back to your car after having to park it a mile away), reduce lot-crowding and road stress, less polluting, and more social.

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