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Learn rust with NEAR

Smart contracts are the back-end of your application that runs code and stores data on the blockchain. All smart contracts on NEAR must be compiled to WebAssemble or simply WASM. Currently, we support two languages AssembleScript and Rust with custom software development

kits (SDKs) to assist in their creation but you can use any programming language and compile it to wasm. But here we will use Rust as it is a powerful language with a great developer experience.

Your first contract

status-message: records the status messages of the accounts that call this contract.

variables and functions

 pub fn set_status(&mut self, message: String) {
     let account_id = env::signer_account_id();
     log!("{} set_status with message {}", account_id, message);
     self.records.insert(account_id, message);

This is a definition for function in rust, so here specifing a function name and signatures, set_status is a function with String type as input and no return type . First line in the function here calls function and creates variable finally assigning the result to this variable, creating a varable in rust like any other language except the mutability.

variables and functions

 pub fn get_status(&self, account_id: AccountId) -> Option::<String> {
     log!("get_status for account_id {}", account_id);

at line 24 we omtted ';' because in rust you can return value implictly like this or using return keyword like any statement.


pub struct StatusMessage {
    records: HashMap<AccountId, String>,

Rust is like any other other language has primative types like bool,i32,u32, more types, in addition to user defined types like struct.these lines define structure with name 'StatusMessage' with records as a hashmap member variable, hashmap is a custom variable that is built in the standard library of rust.

impl for derived types

impl StatusMessage {
    pub fn set_status(&mut self, message: String) {
        let account_id = env::signer_account_id();
        log!("{} set_status with message {}", account_id, message);
        self.records.insert(account_id, message);

    pub fn get_status(&self, account_id: AccountId) -> Option::<String> {
        log!("get_status for account_id {}", account_id);

in rust we can attach functions to the defined struct using impl so the function might be called from the instance or from the type itself,

ownership and borrowing

to make instance function you must use self, &mut self or &self to refer to the current object.Rust introduces new concept of ownership and borrowing for example when you make the function take 'self' as a prameter so here you give the function the ownership for the current object instead of take a copy of it, but when you pass '&self' or '&mut self' here you make the function borrow the current object for lifetime of the function,

ownership and borrowing

as we mentioned before declarations of the variable determines the mutability of the variable so '&self' borrows the current object immutable so that it can't be changed and in this case called view method in smart contract code but '&mut self' borrows the current object so that it can't be changed so it is called change in the smart contract code.for example at line 6 we call 'insert' function in 'records' member of the current StatusMessage object so 'insert’ is member function for type of ‘records’

ownership and borrowing

also we see that at this line we pass 'message' and 'account_id' to the function so here we give this function the ownership of these variable so you can't use them after this line but in other hand at line 11 we pass '&account_id' so it is called borrowing the variable to the function.anther user define type here is the enum,enum in rust is like in other languages which represents named values except it can hold data,

ownership and borrowing

at line 9 we return 'Option<String>' from the function so the function might return 'None' and it is equivalent to 'null' or return 'Some(String)' that has data.


use near_sdk::borsh::{self, BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize};
use near_sdk::{env, log, metadata, near_bindgen, AccountId};

use std::collections::HashMap;

here,we are importing some structs,traits and other memebers from other libraries,also they are called crates, but to import crate you must mention it in Cargo.toml file.

continue importing and cargo

name = "status-message"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Near Inc <>"]
edition = "2018"

crate-type = ["cdylib"]

near-sdk = { path = "../../near-sdk" }

Cargo.toml has configurations for the rust project, package section has fields that define metadata about the project.depenedencies section starting from line 10 has the external crates that used in the project,

continue importing and cargo

so in line 10 we import 'near-sdk' from this relative path.lib section has configuration for the current lib crate, and 'cdylib' means dynamic system library will be produced.

second Contract

mission-control:implements simulation of a distributed network of drones interacting with the mission control system.

if condition

 if lifetime_after <= lifetime_before {
     self.is_alive = false;

Rust has if condition like other languages but the () is optional, but the strange in rust is if is and expression not statement as we well see.

if as expression

 if success {
     Tranx::Approved(buyer, seller)
 } else {

as we see at 2th and 4th we didn't put ';' and as we mention previously it's explicit return data from the function so we could understand that 'if expression' returns value so it can be expression.


 for key in keys {
     let q = lhs.entry(key.clone()).or_insert(Quantity(0));
     let Quantity(lhs_quantity) = *q;
     *q = Quantity(lhs_quantity * rhs_quantity);

here we use for to loop over keys, in rust we can loop over iterators


pub enum Tranx {
    Approved(Account, Account),
    Denied(HashMap<Asset, Quantity>),

here we define enum with two options.enum in rust is like in other languages is custome type which represents named values except it can hold data.Result and Option are the most important examples for enums and they are builtin the standard library


 match self.0.get(asset) {
     Some(quantity) => quantity.clone(),
     None => Quantity(0),

match expression in rust is used for pattern matching and here we use it to match againts options (Some('with data') or None).

if let with enum

 if let Some(Tranx::Approved(buyer, _)) = exs.iter().find_map(|ex| {
     match Account::exchange(rates.get(ex).unwrap(), Quantity(1), &self.account, mission) {
         Tranx::Denied(_) => None,
         tranx => Some(tranx),
 }) {

if let used in matching againest enums like 'match' expression but it's best practice to use it in case of match againest only one member other wise use 'match', and here is an example of how to uses it to match againest 'Option' enum type. line 3 learn us how to access enum type variabe and it's data.


mod account;
mod agent;
mod asset;
mod macros;
mod mission_control;
mod rate;

This smart contract code is designed in multimodules and the root of the crate is combine them all.


impl PartialEq for Account {

rust is not object oriented language but has traits that can be used to define shared behavior.PartialEq is builtin trait for equality and it called operator overload in other languages and here we implement it for Account type by implemting all it's types, we can implment this trait and other operator overload automatically.

operations with non-primative types

 let credit = &Account( * quantity;
 let debit = &Account(rate.debit.clone()) * quantity;
 let (buyer, seller) = (&(buyer - &debit) + &credit, &(seller - &credit) + &debit);

here we are making arithmatic operations on non primative types, but we must implement operator overloads traits for them.


 fn op<F>(lhs: &Account, rhs: &Account, op: F) -> Account
     F: Fn(&Quantity, &Quantity) -> Quantity,

here we define function with parameters which one of them is 'op:F' and it is a generic type and here we bounded it with trait type which is Fn.


#[serde(crate = "near_sdk::serde")]
pub struct Quantity(pub i32);

macros in rust allows metaprogramming, there are macro rules and procudure macro and it is an advanced topic with alot of details and you can read more from here.


first line use derive-macro to generate implementation for these traits instead of making custom implementation for them.BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize are used to convert to and from object and binary value but Serialize and Deserialize are used to convert to and from object and json value.

Clone and Copy traits with macros

 lhs.insert(rhs_key.clone(), Quantity(0));

here we use the function 'clone' on the non-primitive variable to get a deplicate of it but this requires that the type of this variable implementing Clone trait other wise to get the data you only can move it's ownership if it's not implemnting Copy trait, and in the previous code we see that we implemented these traits using derive-macro.

calling macro

     Asset::MissionTime => Quantity(1000000),

It is a defintion for a private function, hashmap! it is macro rules call with key=>value as input, this macro take pramaters and generate code to make a hashmap with this data.

Learning with fixing errors and warnnings

we will investigate smart contracts that has warrnings and errors appear when using cargo check then fixing them one by one.we will investigate status message collection :records the status messages of the accounts that call this contract.

the code with errors

use near_sdk::collections::{LookupMap, LookupSet};
use near_sdk::{env, near_bindgen, BorshStorageKey, AccountId};

#[derive(BorshSerialize, BorshStorageKey)]
enum StorageKey {

#[derive(BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize)]
pub struct StatusMessage {
    pub records: LookupMap<AccountId, String>,
    pub unique_values: LookupSet<String>,

impl Default for StatusMessage {
    fn default() -> self {
        self {
            records: LookupMap::new(StorageKey::Records),
            unique_values: LookupSet::new(StorageKey::UniqueValues),

impl StatusMessage {
    /// Returns true if the message is unique
    pub fn set_status(&self, message: String) -> bool {
        let account_id = env::signer_account_id();
        self.records.insert(&account_id, message);

    pub fn get_status(&self, account_id: AccountId) -> Option<String> {

missing to import error

error: cannot find derive macro `BorshSerialize` in this scope
      --> src\
    5 | #[derive(BorshSerialize, BorshStorageKey)]
      |          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    error: cannot find derive macro `BorshDeserialize` in this scope
      --> src\

the compiler here throws error that it can't find 'BorshDeserialize' and 'BorshSeserialize' so to solve it you must provide full path to these traits or include them at start of the file like use near_sdk::borsh::{BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize};

mismatch parameter error

      --> src\
   32 |         self.records.insert(&account_id, message);
      |                                          ^^^^^^^
      |             expected `&std::string::String`,found struct `std::string::String`
      |             help: consider borrowing here: `&message`
      --> src\

Rust compiler is very helpful and lead you fix your error with some advisable messages so here you must pass a reference to the string not the string it self

mismatch return type error

      error[E0308]: mismatched types
      --> src\
   32 |         pub fn get_status(&mut self, account_id: AccountId) -> Option<String> {
      |                ----------                                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^expected enum `std::option::Option`, found `()`
      |                |
      |            implicitly returns `()` as its body has no tail or `return` expression
   37 |                                       self.records.get(&account_id);
      |                                      - help: consider removing this semicolon
      = note:   expected enum `std::option::Option<std::string::String>`
                      found unit type `()`

in rust you can return data from the function simply by put the value at the end of the function without a semicolon or put semicolon but use return keyword,

continue mismatch return type errors

so here the compiler says that you return nothing but it function wants Option of string to be returned, so fix it by removing the semicolon at the last line in the function so that the return from calling 'get' function could be returned,'error[E0308]' this number could be helpful and you can search with it to get the full details and examples for this error.

mutablity error

      error[E0596]: cannot borrow `self.records` as mutable, as it is behind a `&` reference
      --> src\
   30 |         pub fn set_status(&self, message: String) -> bool {
      |                           ----- help: consider changing this to be a mutable reference: `&mut self`
   31 |         let account_id = env::signer_account_id();
   32 |         self.records.insert(&account_id, &message);
      |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^`self` is a `&` reference, so the data it refers to cannot be borrowed as mutable

in rust in order to modify a variable you must define at as a mutable, so here to here to update in current object you must declare it as mutable reference.