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A pipeline to analyse 16S rDNA sequencing amplicon data.
Three softwares were used in this pipeline (Qiime2, Usearch and LEfSe) to investigate your pair-end 16S rDNA sequencing data, you can process taxonomy composition analysis , microbialcommunity diversity analysis and differential abundance analysis through it.
Before using this pipeline, we assume that you are very familiar with the principles of these softwares and clearly know what you really want to get. Reading the following guide carefully and start the journey of data analysis !

Guide for use

A flow diagram for this pipeline

Note: As is shown above, there are totally four algorithms to get the feature table and representative sequences in the Qiime2 and Usearch, we provide three batches of them here except the vsearch methods in the dotted box. It is worth mentioning that the "dada2" file in version 0.1 only contains dada2 algorithm path.

Environment configuration

We make and test the pipeline in operation system: CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810.
You must install these three softwares mentioned above, of course, you needn't install the LEfSe if you don't want to process a differential abundance analysis.
The specific installation methods are recorded in the file "Installation.txt".

Getting started

You can enter the "example" directory and run the "run.batch" file by entering the command "sh run.batch" to test if this pipeline is compatible with your environment, if not any mistake shows, congratulations, you successfully build an appropriate environment to run this pipeline!(It will cost about 100 minutes when use 40 cores.)
After testing the environment, what you just need to do is to prepare the data and metadata files and change the parameters in "Configuration.txt" file for your analysis according to the example, such as preparing pair-end sequences data which contain a suffix "_1.fq.gz" and its counterpartner file with a suffix "_2.fq.gz". Another point you must take care of is the value in absolute-filepath colum of the metadata file must be under the directory "prefix_merged" with a suffix ".MG.fq" just like the metadata file in "example" directory.
Note: To save your time, the diversity analysis and differential abundance analysis won't run automatically. The methods to run them:

  • For differential abundance analysis, you just need to delete the "#" before "diffAbunAnalysis" at the end of the file "run.batch" and make some small changes in the "lefse.batch".
  • For diversity analysis, firstly you should ensure the level you rarefy by viewing the visualized results on the "Qiime 2 View" website(, then change the parameters in "Configuration.txt", finally delete the "#" before "diversityAnalysis" and add "#" before other two functions at the end of the file "run.batch".

The parameters in "configuration.txt" are very important that you need to understand them thoroughly and change them according your own need.


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May 17 CST 2022
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A pipeline to analyse 16S rDNA sequencing amplicon data






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