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Hans-Gert Graebe edited this page Sep 1, 2017 · 3 revisions

The Leipzig Data Project

Learn more about the Leipzig Data Project from our Wordpress Web Site (in German).

There are several data sources and repos within the LeipzigData project

  • This repo RDFData contains dumps of the publicly available data, organized in RDF knowledge bases in turtle format. Note that most of the knowledge bases can be reused under the terms of the CC-Zero license, but some of them can be reused under more restrictive Open licenses (e.g., the OSM Database license) that pose share-alike conditions. The license conditions are formulated per knowledge base in the cc ontology vocabulary.
    • 2013-10-13: Merged all data into RDFData and erased a formerly separate repo OSMData for non CC-Zero licensed data.
  • The repo Tools with tools developed for different tasks within the project.
  • A remote data store based on the Virtuoso Open Source Edition and OntoWiki that complies to Linked Data standards
    • 2017-06-30: Due to permanent DOS attacks we switched off the OntoWiki instance. The Sparql endpoint is not affected.
  • A Sparql endpoint to explore the data
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