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Formating source vocabulary to OMOP

tmp_name_en_source n
Traslator 415

Source table with added translation has been formatted to be similar to OMOP in 1_source_vocabulary/spat_for_source_vocabulary.csv.

Progess in number of codes

From 415 codes 0 have been approved.

This makes 0% of codes approved.

Assessing coverage of databases

Database finngen

How many codes labeled as SPAT in finngen are not in the atc standard?

There are 9 codes not found in the standard

Top10 sorted by freq:

concept_code freq freq_per
-1 847 0.014%
-2 52 0.001%
XLD00 26 0.000%
WW200 14 0.000%
OAA11 8 0.000%
OAB30 8 0.000%
JFA15 7 0.000%
OAB47 7 0.000%
OAA70 6 0.000%

The full list can be found in ./3_freq_of_source_codes/finngen_not_in_SPAT.csv

Status of the SPAT codes infinngen

status n_codes per_codes n_events per_events
not_mapped 323 97.289% 6112598 99.984%
not_found 9 2.711% 975 0.016%