Style guide defining wording, spelling, and other details regarding how DSNP terms are referenced.
For more information about DSNP, visit or DSNP on GitHub
- Announcements specific to DSNP have initial caps. (i.e., Broadcast Announcement)
- Announcement Types also have initial caps.
- General words that aren't specific to DSNP are lowercase (i.e., announcement, batch, content hash).
- Attribute is lowercase except when combined with an announcement or a specific DSNP set type. (i.e., Attribute Set Announcement)
Uppercase A and C
Generally all lowercase
Uppercase A and T
All lowercase
All lowercase
Uppercase A, S and A
Uppercase A, S and T
Uppercase A, S, V and D
All lowercase
Uppercase B and P
lowercase b and f
Uppercase B and A
Uppercase C and C
All lowercase
All lowercase
All lowercase
All lowercase
Spelled out fully first time it appears and then acronym thereafter. Avoid preceding with the word "the" and never follow with the word "protocol".
All lowercase
Uppercase DSNP and A
All lowercase after acronym
Uppercase Acronym plus uppercase B and P
Uppercase acronym, lowercase c
Uppercase Acronym plus uppercase C and H
Uppercase D, C and URI
Only acronym is uppercase
Uppercase Acronym plus uppercase I
Uppercase Acronym lowercase i
Short for DSNP identity, Uppercase Acronym lowercase when spelled out
Uppercase Acronym plus uppercase P and S
Uppercase DSNP and S, avoid preceding with the word "the"
Uppercase DSNP and lowercase u
Uppercase acronym, U and I, avoid preceding with the word "the"
Uppercase Acronyms plus uppercase U
Should be avoided
Uppercase E, C and A
Uppercase G, C and A. Note: Graph Change Announcements and events have been migrated to use User Data Operations as of version 1.2.0.
Uppercase G and C lowercase e. Note: Graph Change Announcements and events have been migrated to use User Data Operations as of version 1.2.0.
Uppercase I, P, F and S. In the first instance, spell out followed by the acronym in parentheses. Use the acronym only thereafter.
All lower case
All Caps when defining rules for specification
Hyphenated, all lower case
Uppercase O when referring to spec-defined DSNP Operations
Always use
Making DSNP possessive should be avoided (e.g. DSNP’s)
Uppercase P and A
Uppercase P and L
All lowercase
All lowercase
Uppercase P, K and A
Uppercase R and A
Uppercase R when referring to spec-defined DSNP State Change Records
Uppercase R and A
All lowercase
All lowercase
Should not be used in context with DSNP
Uppercase T and A
Uppercase U, A, S and A
Lowercase v
Uppercase V and C. Singular for one document/credential; plural when referring to the specification. If followed by "document", that should be lowercase.
Uppercase V, C, S. If followed by "document", that should be lowercase.
Uppercase U and A
All lowercase
Uppercase U, A and S
All lowercase
Should not be used in context with Frequency
When describing required items, use an all caps "YES", otherwise a lowercase "no".