The latest generation of RealSense Depth Cameras can be controlled via the RealSense SDK2.0, also referred to as libRealSense 2.x.x, or LibRS for short. This includes stereo depth cameras D415 and D435 as well as their corresponding modules, such as D410 and D430.
To get started controlling the RealSense Cameras with Matlab® in Windows 10, we have created a package that wraps some of the core functions of the realsense2.dll, and we have also created a simple “Hello World” function to get started capturing depth data. This uses Matlab R2017b and requires a Windows 10 laptop with a USB3 port.
- Download the Git repository and run CMake, specifying the x64 toolchain and static linkage (
). Additionally, make sure you compile the optional TM2 libraries (-DBUILD_WITH_TM2:BOOL=ON) - Open Visual Studio and import the project file located here.
- Make sure that the project settings are consistent with the instructions listed in this web page for Compiling Mex File with Visual Studio and your system. For more information on Matlab settings, you can also refer to this Matlab example project.
- Make sure that in the project's settings
Target Platform Version
andPlatform Toolset
match the values set for therealsense2
target. - Build the
target. - Build the
target. - After compiling the project, set build/Debug or build/Release as your Matlab working directory. Alternatively copy the
folder from there to a place where Matlab can find it. - Our simple example can be run by typing
at the Matlab prompt.
Run the Windows Installer and select the Matlab Developer Package checkbox.
Allow the installer to complete
The package will be installed to
C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel RealSense SDK 2.0\matlab\+realsense\
. You can copy it from here to a place where Matlab can find it or add it to Matlab's path
function depth_example()
% Make Pipeline object to manage streaming
pipe = realsense.pipeline();
% Make Colorizer object to prettify depth output
colorizer = realsense.colorizer();
% Start streaming on an arbitrary camera with default settings
profile = pipe.start();
% Get streaming device's name
dev = profile.get_device();
name = dev.get_info(;
% Get frames. We discard the first couple to allow
% the camera time to settle
for i = 1:5
fs = pipe.wait_for_frames();
% Stop streaming
% Select depth frame
depth = fs.get_depth_frame();
% Colorize depth frame
color = colorizer.colorize(depth);
% Get actual data and convert into a format imshow can use
% (Color data arrives as [R, G, B, R, G, B, ...] vector)
data = color.get_data();
channels = vec2mat(data, 3);
img(:,:,1) = vec2mat(channels(:,1), color.get_width());
img(:,:,2) = vec2mat(channels(:,2), color.get_width());
img(:,:,3) = vec2mat(channels(:,3), color.get_width());
% Display image
title(sprintf("Colorized depth frame from %s", name));