The bin/ directory contains scripts to install, run, and perform various management tatks for GsDevKit.
Scripts that run on the server machine only.
script | description |
backup | Create a GemStone backup for the given stone. |
createStone | Create a new stone with the given stone name. Do not install tODE. |
createTodeProjectStone | Create a new stone with the given stone name. tODE and the given project are installed. |
createTodeStone | Create a new stone with the given stone name. tODE installed. |
defStone.env | Define GemStone environment variables in current shell (source $GS_HOME/bin/defStone.env ). |
installGemStone | Download and install the given GemStone version. Will make sure that shared memory is correctly configuration on your server. Performs some operations as root using sudo . Only needs to be run once per GemStone version. |
installPharo | Download and install a Linux or Mac or Pharo3.0 VM, image and changes file. |
installServer | Install GemStone/S, create a stone, start the stone, create a todeClient image. Runs the installGemstone, createTodeImage, createStone, startStone, startNetldi, startStatmonitor, installTodeStone and todeClient scripts. |
installTodeProjectStone | Install tODE and the given project in the given stone. |
installTodeStone | Install tODE in the given stone. |
pharo | Run headless pharo scripts using the Pharo image. |
restoreFromBackup | Restore a backup on the given stone. |
startNetldi | Start the netldi process for the given stone. |
startStatmonitor | Start statmonitor for the given stone. Two statmonitors are started. One that collects a sample every second and is restarted every hour. One that collects a sample once a minute and is restarted once a day. |
startStone | Start the stone process for the given stone. |
stoneNewExtent | Copy a new extent into the stone's extent directory. Stone should be shutdown before copying. |
stoneExtent | See stoneNewExtent |
stones | List information about the installed GemStone/S produects, existing stones, running stones and running netldis. |
stopStone | Stop the named stone. The netldi is left running. Any statmonitor processes associated with the stone will be stopped. |
tode | Run headless tode scripts using the todeClient image. |
Scripts that can be run on the client machine or the server.
script | description |
createTodeImage | Create the tODE client image. Used for running pharo-based tODE scripts and for running the tODE client UI. Using the -f option updates the client image. |
installClient | Create a todeClient image on a remote machine. Runs the installGemstone, createTodeImage and todeClient scripts. |
installGci | Copy the gci libraries for the given GemStone version to the $GS_HOME/pharo directory. |
installPharo | Download and install a Linux or Mac Pharo3.0 VM, image and changes file. |
performTodeCommand | Pass tODE command to be executed as command line. |
pharo | Run headless pharo scripts using the Pharo image. |
tode | Run headless tode scripts using the todeClient image. |
todeClient | Launch todeClient image. Requires X11 client. |
updateTodeImage | Update the todeClient image. |
##Utility Scripts Special purpose utility scripts.
script | description |
osPrereqs | Utility script installing os-specific prerequisites |