The signMakerOrder
function is a helper used on LooksRare to trigger an EIP-712 signature on our supported wallets.
is just a placeholder, for more details on how to get a provider from a wallet check out this guide Ethers - Web3Provider
import { BigNumber } from "ethers";
import { signMakerOrder, addressesByNetwork, SupportedChainId, MakerOrder } from "@looksrare/sdk";
const signer = ethersProvider.getSigner();
const signerAddress = await signer.getAddress();
const chainId = SupportedChainId.MAINNET;
const addresses = addressesByNetwork[chainId];
const nonce = await getUserNonce(signerAddress); // Fetch from the api
const now = Math.floor( / 1000);
const paramsValue = [];
// Get protocolFees and creatorFees from the contracts
const netPriceRatio = BigNumber.from(10000).sub(protocolFees.add(creatorFees)).toNumber();
// This variable is used to enforce a max slippage of 25% on all orders, if a collection change the fees to be >25%, the order will become invalid
const minNetPriceRatio = 7500;
const makerOrder: MakerOrder = {
isOrderAsk: true,
signer: signerAddress,
collection: "0xcE25E60A89F200B1fA40f6c313047FFe386992c3",
price: "1000000000000000000", // :warning: PRICE IS ALWAYS IN WEI :warning:
tokenId: "1", // Token id is 0 if you use the STRATEGY_COLLECTION_SALE strategy
amount: "1",
strategy: addresses.STRATEGY_STANDARD_SALE,
currency: addresses.WETH,
nonce: nonce.toNumber(),
startTime: now,
endTime: now + 86400, // 1 day validity
minPercentageToAsk: Math.max(netPriceRatio, minNetPriceRatio), // Alternatively, just set it to 9800
params: paramsValue,
const signatureHash = await signMakerOrder(signer, chainId, makerOrder);
If for any reason, the signMakerOrder
doesn't fit your needs (i.e you only have access to a wallet private key and not one of the supported wallets), you can replace the signMakerOrder
call with this:
In this example we use ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider
to obtain a provider, but there are other methods that you can find here Ethers - Provider Documentation
import { generateMakerOrderTypedData, addressesByNetwork, SupportedChainId } from "@looksrare/sdk";
import { ethers } from "ethers";
const chainId = SupportedChainId.MAINNET;
const addresses = addressesByNetwork[chainId];
const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider(JSON_RPC_PROVIDER_URL);
const signer = new ethers.Wallet(WALLET_PRIVATE_KEY).connect(provider);
const signerAddress = await signer.getAddress();
const { domain, value, type } = generateMakerOrderTypedData(signerAddress, chainId, makerOrder);
const signature = await signer._signTypedData(domain, type, value);
Call the public api endpoint /orders/nonce, and use this nonce directly.
- Protocol fees: Call the view function viewProtocolFee on the strategy contract.
To find out more on how to create a contract object check out this guide Ethers - Contracts
const protocolFee: BigNumber = await contract.viewProtocolFee();
- Collection rebate: Call the function calculateRoyaltyFeeAndGetRecipient on the RoyaltyFeeManager contract.
This function will return the collection rebate receiver
and the royaltyAmount
(collection rebate amount).
If the collection rebate amount (royaltyAmount
) is greater than zero then it means the 0.5% collection rebate will apply to your order.
const [receiver, royaltyAmount]: [string, BigNumber] = await contract.calculateRoyaltyFeeAndGetRecipient(collection, tokenId, price);
- LooksRare's royalties fees registry: Call the function royaltyFeeInfoCollection on the RoyaltyFeeRegistry contract.
If the returned fee is 0 in our registry, a royalty fee may still be set in the collection contract by using the EIP-2981: NFT Royalty Standard.
const [setter, receiver, fee]: [string, string, BigNumber] = await contract.royaltyFeeInfoCollection(collectionAddress);
Use the Public API endpoint /orders to push the order to the database. After that, the order will be visible to everyone using our APIs (, aggregators, etc..).
The API provides you with a MakerOrderWithVRS-like object. The contract expects a MakerOrderWithVRS
and a TakerOrder
First you need to convert the object returned by the API to a valid MakerOrderWithVRS
. For example, the API returned object has the properties collectionAddress
and currencyAddress
while the contract expects the properties collection
and currency
Once you have a valid MakerOrderWithVRS
object, you'll need a TakerOrder
as shown below.
In the following example a MakerAsk is matched with a TakerBid by calling the function matchAskWithTakerBid
in the LooksRare Exchange.
The makerOrder
object in the example below is just a placeholder for the MakerOrder object returned by the API.
import { LooksRareExchangeAbi, addressesByNetwork, SupportedChainId, encodeOrderParams } from "@looksrare/sdk";
import { ethers } from "ethers";
const chainId = SupportedChainId.MAINNET;
const addresses = addressesByNetwork[chainId];
const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider(JSON_RPC_PROVIDER_URL);
const signer = new ethers.Wallet(WALLET_PRIVATE_KEY).connect(provider);
const signerAddress = await signer.getAddress();
const { encodedParams } = encodeOrderParams(makerOrder.params);
makerOrder.collection = makerOrder.collectionAddress;
makerOrder.currency = makerOrder.currencyAddress;
makerOrder.params = encodedParams;
const takerOrder: TakerOrder = {
isOrderAsk: false,
taker: signerAddress,
price: makerOrder.price,
tokenId: makerOrder.tokenId,
minPercentageToAsk: 7500,
params: encodedParams,
const exchangeInterface = new ethers.utils.Interface(LooksRareExchangeAbi);
const exchangeContract = new ethers.Contract(addresses.EXCHANGE, exchangeInterface, signer);
await exchangeContract.functions.matchAskWithTakerBid(takerOrder, makerOrder);
Orders matching functions: