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SDK Developer guide

How to create and sign an order

The signMakerOrder function is a helper used on LooksRare to trigger an EIP-712 signature on our supported wallets.

ethersProvider is just a placeholder, for more details on how to get a provider from a wallet check out this guide Ethers - Web3Provider

import { BigNumber } from "ethers";
import { signMakerOrder, addressesByNetwork, SupportedChainId, MakerOrder } from "@looksrare/sdk";

const signer = ethersProvider.getSigner();
const signerAddress = await signer.getAddress();
const chainId = SupportedChainId.MAINNET;
const addresses = addressesByNetwork[chainId];
const nonce = await getUserNonce(signerAddress); // Fetch from the api

const now = Math.floor( / 1000);
const paramsValue = [];

// Get protocolFees and creatorFees from the contracts
const netPriceRatio = BigNumber.from(10000).sub(protocolFees.add(creatorFees)).toNumber();
// This variable is used to enforce a max slippage of 25% on all orders, if a collection change the fees to be >25%, the order will become invalid
const minNetPriceRatio = 7500;

const makerOrder: MakerOrder = {
  isOrderAsk: true,
  signer: signerAddress,
  collection: "0xcE25E60A89F200B1fA40f6c313047FFe386992c3",
  price: "1000000000000000000", // :warning: PRICE IS ALWAYS IN WEI :warning:
  tokenId: "1", // Token id is 0 if you use the STRATEGY_COLLECTION_SALE strategy
  amount: "1",
  strategy: addresses.STRATEGY_STANDARD_SALE,
  currency: addresses.WETH,
  nonce: nonce.toNumber(),
  startTime: now,
  endTime: now + 86400, // 1 day validity
  minPercentageToAsk: Math.max(netPriceRatio, minNetPriceRatio), // Alternatively, just set it to 9800
  params: paramsValue,
const signatureHash = await signMakerOrder(signer, chainId, makerOrder);

If for any reason, the signMakerOrder doesn't fit your needs (i.e you only have access to a wallet private key and not one of the supported wallets), you can replace the signMakerOrder call with this:

In this example we use ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider to obtain a provider, but there are other methods that you can find here Ethers - Provider Documentation

import { generateMakerOrderTypedData, addressesByNetwork, SupportedChainId } from "@looksrare/sdk";
import { ethers } from "ethers";

const chainId = SupportedChainId.MAINNET;
const addresses = addressesByNetwork[chainId];

const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider(JSON_RPC_PROVIDER_URL);
const signer = new ethers.Wallet(WALLET_PRIVATE_KEY).connect(provider);
const signerAddress = await signer.getAddress();
const { domain, value, type } = generateMakerOrderTypedData(signerAddress, chainId, makerOrder);
const signature = await signer._signTypedData(domain, type, value);

How to retrieve the user nonce

Call the public api endpoint /orders/nonce, and use this nonce directly.

How to retrieve the fees

  • Protocol fees: Call the view function viewProtocolFee on the strategy contract.

To find out more on how to create a contract object check out this guide Ethers - Contracts

const protocolFee: BigNumber = await contract.viewProtocolFee();

This function will return the collection rebate receiver and the royaltyAmount (collection rebate amount).

If the collection rebate amount (royaltyAmount) is greater than zero then it means the 0.5% collection rebate will apply to your order.

const [receiver, royaltyAmount]: [string, BigNumber] = await contract.calculateRoyaltyFeeAndGetRecipient(collection, tokenId, price);

If the returned fee is 0 in our registry, a royalty fee may still be set in the collection contract by using the EIP-2981: NFT Royalty Standard.

const [setter, receiver, fee]: [string, string, BigNumber] = await contract.royaltyFeeInfoCollection(collectionAddress);

What to do when the order is created and signed

Use the Public API endpoint /orders to push the order to the database. After that, the order will be visible to everyone using our APIs (, aggregators, etc..).

How to execute an order

The API provides you with a MakerOrderWithVRS-like object. The contract expects a MakerOrderWithVRS and a TakerOrder.

First you need to convert the object returned by the API to a valid MakerOrderWithVRS. For example, the API returned object has the properties collectionAddress and currencyAddress while the contract expects the properties collection and currency.

Once you have a valid MakerOrderWithVRS object, you'll need a TakerOrder as shown below.

In the following example a MakerAsk is matched with a TakerBid by calling the function matchAskWithTakerBid in the LooksRare Exchange.

The makerOrder object in the example below is just a placeholder for the MakerOrder object returned by the API.

import { LooksRareExchangeAbi, addressesByNetwork, SupportedChainId, encodeOrderParams } from "@looksrare/sdk";
import { ethers } from "ethers";

const chainId = SupportedChainId.MAINNET;
const addresses = addressesByNetwork[chainId];

const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider(JSON_RPC_PROVIDER_URL);
const signer = new ethers.Wallet(WALLET_PRIVATE_KEY).connect(provider);
const signerAddress = await signer.getAddress();

const { encodedParams } = encodeOrderParams(makerOrder.params);

makerOrder.collection = makerOrder.collectionAddress;
makerOrder.currency = makerOrder.currencyAddress;
makerOrder.params = encodedParams;

const takerOrder: TakerOrder = {
  isOrderAsk: false,
  taker: signerAddress,
  price: makerOrder.price,
  tokenId: makerOrder.tokenId,
  minPercentageToAsk: 7500,
  params: encodedParams,

const exchangeInterface = new ethers.utils.Interface(LooksRareExchangeAbi);
const exchangeContract = new ethers.Contract(addresses.EXCHANGE, exchangeInterface, signer);
await exchangeContract.functions.matchAskWithTakerBid(takerOrder, makerOrder);

Orders matching functions: