This backend makes 3D model from 2D projections.
2D projections are expected to be made up only of edges and points i.e. without any faces.
This project be used to visualize 2D blueprints in 3D or to check their consistency.
Frontend is small-2Dto3D-cad-frontend, go there for screenshots.
Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run in local with hot reload and no CORS
APP_ENV=local python
Run prod like
gunicorn --workers 4 --bind web:app
You can also build and run the docker (rquires docker installed)
docker build -t small_2Dto3D_cad_backend . && docker run -p 8000:8000 small_2Dto3D_cad_backend
All tests should be green
- Remove shapely which is a 2D only library which is not very helpful (and is misleading)
- Tests dandling points and edges
- Improve frontend UX (and UI thanks to external contributors)
- Maybe reconstruct faces directly from reconstructed edges (we can't have faces in projections)
Any PR is welcome, feel free to open one! It will be my pleasure to read it, comment it and merge it.
Inspired by Long Hoang's paper