diff --git a/Notes.md b/Notes.md
index 4cd87b11c3..973e36fb4d 100644
--- a/Notes.md
+++ b/Notes.md
@@ -1,3 +1,15 @@
+# Release 2023.09.14.A
+## Bug Fixes
+* No bug fixes!
+## Guide Updates
+### Retail
+* Achievements:A Blue Dawn, Nelf Heritage Armor
+* Leveling/Neutral: Shandris Feathermoon Questline, The Coalition of Flames
+### WotLK
+* Leveling/Alliance: Intro Human, Intro Dwarf/Gnome
+### Classic
+* Leveling/Alliance: 01-12 Dun Morogh
 # Release 2023.09.06.A
 ## Bug Fixes
 * Cagomei: Updated DF Zone data
diff --git a/WoWPro/WoWPro.toc b/WoWPro/WoWPro.toc
index daeb767744..f55b747387 100644
--- a/WoWPro/WoWPro.toc
+++ b/WoWPro/WoWPro.toc
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 ## SavedVariables: WoWProData
 ## SavedVariablesPerCharacter: WoWProCharDB
 ## OptionalDeps: Carbonite, TomTom
-## Version: 2023.09.06.A
+## Version: 2023.09.14.A
 ## X-Category: Compilations
 ## X-License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
diff --git a/WoWPro/WoWPro_NilGuide.lua b/WoWPro/WoWPro_NilGuide.lua
index f27ed323f7..dd565e8fd8 100755
--- a/WoWPro/WoWPro_NilGuide.lua
+++ b/WoWPro/WoWPro_NilGuide.lua
@@ -12,12 +12,10 @@ function WoWPro:LoadNilGuide()
     -- Getting the image and text for the step --
-    WoWPro.rows[1].step:SetText("No Guide Loaded")
-    WoWPro.rows[1].note:SetText('Right-click the guide header and select "Guide List" to choose a guide.')
-    WoWPro.rows[1].action:SetTexture("Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Note_01")
+    WoWPro.rows[1].note:SetText('Right click the header, where it says No Guide Loaded and select Guide List OR \n\nPress ESC > Options > Addons. \n\nThen next to WoW-Pro click the - (minus sign) or + (plus sign) depending on what version of the game you are playing.\n\nFinally click on Guide List to select a guide.')
     for i=2,15 do
diff --git a/WoWPro/WoWPro_TBC.toc b/WoWPro/WoWPro_TBC.toc
index 1978e311dc..15f6b61d4e 100644
--- a/WoWPro/WoWPro_TBC.toc
+++ b/WoWPro/WoWPro_TBC.toc
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 ## SavedVariables: WoWProData
 ## SavedVariablesPerCharacter: WoWProCharDB
 ## OptionalDeps: Carbonite, TomTom
-## Version: 2023.09.06.A
+## Version: 2023.09.14.A
 ## X-Category: Compilations
 ## X-License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
diff --git a/WoWPro/WoWPro_Vanilla.toc b/WoWPro/WoWPro_Vanilla.toc
index 3de5c60149..f1a5b1eb3e 100644
--- a/WoWPro/WoWPro_Vanilla.toc
+++ b/WoWPro/WoWPro_Vanilla.toc
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 ## SavedVariables: WoWProData
 ## SavedVariablesPerCharacter: WoWProCharDB
 ## OptionalDeps: Carbonite, TomTom
-## Version: 2023.09.06.A
+## Version: 2023.09.14.A
 ## X-Category: Compilations
 ## X-License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
diff --git a/WoWPro/WoWPro_Wrath.toc b/WoWPro/WoWPro_Wrath.toc
index b9938c6bd9..f8b3c96413 100644
--- a/WoWPro/WoWPro_Wrath.toc
+++ b/WoWPro/WoWPro_Wrath.toc
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 ## SavedVariables: WoWProData
 ## SavedVariablesPerCharacter: WoWProCharDB
 ## OptionalDeps: Carbonite, TomTom
-## Version: 2023.09.06.A
+## Version: 2023.09.14.A
 ## X-Category: Compilations
 ## X-License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
diff --git a/WoWPro_Achievements/General/DF_A_Blue_Dawn.lua b/WoWPro_Achievements/General/DF_A_Blue_Dawn.lua
index cfafdc544d..0602078f71 100644
--- a/WoWPro_Achievements/General/DF_A_Blue_Dawn.lua
+++ b/WoWPro_Achievements/General/DF_A_Blue_Dawn.lua
@@ -1,94 +1,113 @@
 local guide = WoWPro:RegisterGuide('Blue_Dragonflight_Questline', 'Achievements', 'Azure Span', 'WoWPro Team', 'Neutral')
-WoWPro.Achievements:GuideMisc(guide, "Blue_Dragonflight_Questline", "Quests", "Dragonflight")
+WoWPro:GuideName(guide,"A Blue Dawn")
+WoWPro:GuideLevels(guide,70, 70)
+WoWPro:GuideQuestTriggers(guide, 72900)
+WoWPro.Achievements:GuideMisc(guide, "A Blue Dawn", "Faction", "Dragonflight")
 WoWPro:GuideSteps(guide, function()
 return [[
-A Keeper of the Ossuary|QID|72900|PRE|73003|M|39.47,63.06|Z|2024|N|From Kalecgos.|
-F Veiled Ossuary|ACTIVE|72900|M|37.06,60.82|Z|The Azure Span!Dragon Isles|N|Head to the flightmaster and take a flight to Veiled Ossuary.|
+N Kalecgos missing?|QID|72900|M|39.47,63.06|Z|2024|N|If you are in the midst of doing Azure Span, phasing issues will stop you from starting this questline, finish Azure Span thru where reclaim the oathstone and meet Sindragosa. Check this off manually if Kalecgos gives you the starting quest.|LEAD|66015|
+A Keeper of the Ossuary|QID|72900|M|61.49,36.21|Z|2112|IZ|2112|N|From Kalecgos.|
+A Keeper of the Ossuary|QID|72900|M|39.47,63.06|Z|2024|N|From Kalecgos.|
+F Veiled Ossuary|ACTIVE|72900|M|37.06,60.82|Z|The Azure Span!Dragon Isles|N|Head to the flightmaster and take a flight to Veiled Ossuary.|IZ|2024|TAXI|Veiled Ossuary|
+f Veiled Ossuary|ACTIVE|72900|M|62.07,18.93|Z|2025|N|At Officer Obernax.|
 C Keeper of the Ossuary|QID|72900|M|62.23,17.89|Z|2025|QO|1|CHAT|N|Speak to Senegos within the Veiled Ossuary.|
 T Keeper of the Ossuary|QID|72900|M|62.23,17.89|Z|2025|N|To Senegos.|
 A On the Trail Again|QID|72921|PRE|72900|M|62.23,17.89|Z|2025|N|From Senegos.|
-C On the Trail Again|QID|72921|M|62.23,17.89|Z|2025|QO|1|CHAT|N|Speak to Senegos.|
-C On the Trail Again|QID|72921|M|62.21,17.88|Z|2025|QO|2|CHAT|N|Speak to Stellagosa.|
-C On the Trail Again|QID|72921|M|60.87,16.71|Z|2025|QO|3|NC|N|Tome of Fanciful Spheres.|
-C On the Trail Again|QID|72921|M|61.71,12.73|Z|2025|QO|4|NC|N|Tome of Rolling.|
-C On the Trail Again|QID|72921|M|64.45,15.14|Z|2025|QO|5|NC|N|Tome of Sticking.|
+C On the Trail Again|QID|72921|M|62.23,17.89|Z|2025|QO|1|CHAT|N|Let Senagos know you are ready.|
+C On the Trail Again|QID|72921|M|62.21,17.88|Z|2025|QO|2|CHAT|N|Let Stellagosa know you are ready too.|
+C On the Trail Again|QID|72921|M|60.87,16.71|Z|2025|QO|3|H|N|Follow the magical path of sparks to the Tome of Fanciful Spheres and click on it.|
+C On the Trail Again|QID|72921|M|61.71,12.73|Z|2025|QO|4|H|N|Continue following the sparks to the Tome of Rolling and click on it.|
+C On the Trail Again|QID|72921|M|64.45,15.14|Z|2025|QO|5|H|N|Keep on to find the Tome of Sticking.|
 T On the Trail Again|QID|72921|M|63.95,12.34|Z|2025|N|To Senegos.|
 A Rolling Out|QID|72933|PRE|72921|M|63.95,12.34|Z|2025|N|From Senegos.|
-C Rolling Out|QID|72933|M|64.00,12.35|Z|2025|QO|1|NC|N|Arcane ball activated.|
-C Rolling Out|QID|72933|M|65.99,12.38|Z|2025|QO|2|NC|N|Veiled Ossuary cleaned up.|
+C Rolling Out|QID|72933|M|64.00,12.35|Z|2025|QO|1|CHAT|N|Let Senegos know you are ready to activate the Arcane ball. Once it is active, roll it over the smaller bugs, till it gets bigger, then the medium size bugs, and finally when it is taller than you, over the largest bugs, until the next step completes.|
+C Rolling Out|QID|72933|M|65.99,12.38|Z|2025|QO|2|NC|N|Keep rolling the Arcane Ball over bugs until the Veiled Ossuary is all cleaned up. If you lose the ball, you can ask Senegos for a new one. When you have the arcane energy ball full for the third time and are at the top (marked spot) click the "1" ability.|
 T Rolling Out|QID|72933|M|66.74,11.97|Z|2025|N|To Senegos.|
 A Lest We Forget|QID|72934|PRE|72933|M|66.74,11.97|Z|2025|N|From Unknown.|
-C Lest We Forget|QID|72934|M|67.03,12.06|Z|2025|QO|1|NC|N|Gravestones updated.|
-C Lest We Forget|QID|72934|M|66.98,12.07|Z|2025|QO|2|NC|N|Gravestones placed.|
+C Lest We Forget|QID|72934|M|67.03,12.06|Z|2025|NC|N|Click all the Gravestones to update or place.|
 T Lest We Forget|QID|72934|M|67.09,11.79|Z|2025|N|To Senegos.|
 A Sindragosa and Malygos's Rest|QID|73069|PRE|72934|M|67.09,11.79|Z|2025|N|From Senegos.|
 C Sindragosa and Malygos's Rest|QID|73069|M|67.05,11.78|Z|2025|QO|1|CHAT|N|Speak with Senegos.|
 T Sindragosa and Malygos's Rest|QID|73069|M|67.03,11.81|Z|2025|N|To Kalecgos.|
 A Memories of Sindragosa and Malygos|QID|75023|PRE|73069|M|67.09,11.77|Z|2025|N|From Senegos.|
-C Memories of Sindragosa and Malygos|QID|75023|M|67.04,12.01|Z|2025|QO|2|NC|N|Memory of a Master dispelled.|
-C Memories of Sindragosa and Malygos|QID|75023|M|66.86,11.93|Z|2025|QO|1|NC|N|Memory of a Betrayer dispelled.|
-C Memories of Sindragosa and Malygos|QID|75023|M|66.92,11.69|Z|2025|QO|3|NC|N|Memory of a Traitorous Sister dispelled.|
+C Memories of Sindragosa and Malygos|QID|75023|M|67.04,12.01|Z|2025|QO|2|CHAT|N|Click Memory of a Master to dispell.|
+C Memories of Sindragosa and Malygos|QID|75023|M|66.86,11.93|Z|2025|QO|1|CHAT|N|Click Memory of a Betrayer to dispell.|
+C Memories of Sindragosa and Malygos|QID|75023|M|66.92,11.69|Z|2025|QO|3|CHAT|N|Click Memory of a Traitorous Sister to dispell.|
 T Memories of Sindragosa and Malygos|QID|75023|M|67.09,11.77|Z|2025|N|To Senegos.|
 A Archives Return|QID|72935|PRE|75023|M|67.09,11.77|Z|2025|N|From Senegos.|
-F Azure Archives|ACTIVE|72935|M|62.07,18.93|Z|Thaldraszus|N|Head to the flightmaster and take a flight to Azure Archives.|
+F Azure Archives|ACTIVE|72935|M|62.07,18.93|Z|Thaldraszus|N|Head to the flightmaster and take a flight to Azure Archives. (or fly on your own.)|
 T Archives Return|QID|72935|M|39.46,63.06|Z|2024|N|To Kalecgos.|
 A Azuregos's Support|QID|72936|PRE|72935|M|39.46,63.06|Z|2024|N|From Kalecgos.|
-P Azure Archives|ACTIVE|72936|M|39.38,62.95|Z|The Azure Span!Dragon Isles|N|Take the portal to Azure Archives.|
-C Azuregos's Support|QID|72936|M|22.27,23.65|Z|114|QO|1|NC|N|Azuregos found within the Nexus in Northrend.|
+P Nexus|ACTIVE|72936|M|39.38,62.95|Z|The Azure Span!Dragon Isles|N|Take the portal to Azure Archives.|TZ|4024|
 T Azuregos's Support|QID|72936|M|22.50,23.82|Z|114|N|To Azuregos.|
 A Unusual Disruptions|QID|72937|PRE|72936|M|22.50,23.82|Z|114|N|From Azuregos.|
-C Unusual Disruptions|QID|72937|M|26.71,24.70|Z|114|QO|1|NC|U|205931|N|Northern disruption contained.|
-C Unusual Disruptions|QID|72937|M|29.46,26.59|Z|114|QO|3|NC|U|205931|N|Eastern disruption contained.|
-C Unusual Disruptions|QID|72937|M|26.60,29.42|Z|114|QO|2|NC|U|205931|N|Southern disruption contained.|
+C Unusual Disruptions|QID|72937|M|26.71,24.70|Z|114|QO|1|NC|U|205931|N|Fly over to the bridge (not way up to the rings) click Azuregos' staff to contain the Northern disruption.|
+C Unusual Disruptions|QID|72937|M|29.46,26.59|Z|114|QO|3|NC|U|205931|N|Fly over to the next bridge and use the staff to contain the Eastern disruption.|
+C Unusual Disruptions|QID|72937|M|26.60,29.42|Z|114|QO|2|NC|U|205931|N|Continue around to the last bridge and use the staff to contain the Southern disruption.|
 T Unusual Disruptions|QID|72937|M|22.49,23.84|Z|114|N|To Azuregos.|
 A Archival Arrival|QID|72938|PRE|72937|M|22.49,23.84|Z|114|N|From Azuregos.|
-P Coldarra|ACTIVE|72938|M|22.34,23.66|Z|Borean Tundra|N|Take the portal to Coldarra.|
-A Climbing|QID|72560|PRE|72937|M|39.43,62.97|Z|2024|
+P Azure Archives|ACTIVE|72938|M|22.23,23.61|Z|Borean Tundra|N|Take the portal back to the Azure Archives.|
 T Archival Arrival|QID|72938|M|39.46,63.04|Z|2024|N|To Kalecgos.|
-A Where in the World is a Lost Blue Dragon?|QID|72940|PRE|72938|M|39.46,63.04|Z|2024|N|From Kalecgos.|
-A Booty Bay|QID|73026|PRE|72938|M|39.47,63.03|Z|2024|N|From Kalecgos.|
+;using hidden quests for PRE/LEAD discovered from using questchanged and running twice and comparing results...they should be right, but only further testing will make it for sure. This was necesary because the next 5 A listed steps do not actually get turned in, but instead just disappear out of your log when you select an area.
+A Where in the World is a Lost Blue Dragon?|QID|72940|PRE|72938|M|39.46,63.04|Z|2024|N|From Kalecgos.|LEAD|73096|;choose first location
+A Pick a location to start|ACTIVE|72940|PRE|72938|M|39.48,63.03|Z|2024|N|From Dragon Locator(globe in front of Kalecgos).|
+A The Search for Blue Dragons|QID|73399|PRE|73096|M|39.46,63.04|Z|2024|N|From Kalecgos.|LEAD|73400|CCOUNT|1;74356;74335;74291;74783;73181|;To choose 2nd location
+A Pick a location to do next|ACTIVE|73399|M|39.48,63.03|Z|2024|N|From Dragon Locator(globe in front of Kalecgos).|
+A Lost Blue Dragons|QID|73404|PRE|73400|M|39.46,63.05|Z|2024|N|From Kalecgos.|LEAD|73401|CCOUNT|2;74356;74335;74291;74783;73181|;3rd location
+A Pick a location to do next|ACTIVE|73404|M|39.48,63.03|Z|2024|N|From Dragon Locator(globe in front of Kalecgos).|
+A A Pair of Blue Dragons|QID|73405|PRE|73401|M|39.46,63.04|Z|2024|N|From Kalecgos.|LEAD|73402|CCOUNT|3;74356;74335;74291;74783;73181|;4th location
+A Pick a location to do next|ACTIVE|73405|M|39.48,63.03|Z|2024|N|From Dragon Locator(globe in front of Kalecgos).|
+A The Last Missing Blue Dragon|QID|73406|PRE|73402|M|39.46,63.04|Z|2024|N|From Kalecgos.|LEAD|73403|CCOUNT|4;74356;74335;74291;74783;73181|;last location
+A Pick a the last location|ACTIVE|73406|M|39.48,63.03|Z|2024|N|From Dragon Locator(globe in front of Kalecgos).|
+;A steps from Dragon Locator commented out so the user can pick any option, and guide will go from there.
+;A Booty Bay|QID|73026|PRE|72938|M|39.47,63.03|Z|2024|N|From Dragon Locator(globe in front of Kalecgos).|
 T Booty Bay|QID|73026|M|39.46,62.99|Z|2024|N|To Senegos.|
 A The Booty Bay Journal|QID|72988|PRE|73026|M|39.46,62.99|Z|2024|N|From Senegos.|
 C The Booty Bay Journal|QID|72988|M|39.46,62.99|Z|2024|QO|1|CHAT|N|Speak to Senegos to neutralize your standing with Booty Bay.|
-C The Booty Bay Journal|QID|72988|M|39.46,62.91|Z|2024|QO|2|NC|N|Read about Zeros in Senegos' Magical Tome (Optional).|
-C The Booty Bay Journal|QID|72988|M|39.50,62.94|Z|2024|QO|3|NC|N|Take the portal from Azure Archives to Booty Bay.|
-P Azure Archives|ACTIVE|72988|M|39.50,62.94|Z|The Azure Span!Dragon Isles|N|Take the portal to Azure Archives.|
+C The Booty Bay Journal|QID|72988|M|39.46,62.91|Z|2024|QO|2|NC|N|If you like stories, read about Zeros in Senegos' Magical Tome (Optional).|
+P Booty Bay|ACTIVE|72988|M|39.50,62.94|Z|The Azure Span!Dragon Isles|N|Take the portal to Booty Bay.|
 T The Booty Bay Journal|QID|72988|M|41.35,73.08|Z|210|N|To Zeros.|
 A No Such Thing as Bad Luck|QID|72527|PRE|72988|M|41.35,73.08|Z|210|N|From Zeros.|
-T No Such Thing as Bad Luck|QID|72527|M|42.76,74.00|Z|210|N|To Zeros.|
+T No Such Thing as Bad Luck|QID|72527|M|42.76,74.00|Z|210|N|To Zeros, who has moved to the "Tan Your Hides" shop, one level higher in Booty Bay.|
 A Information is King|QID|72529|PRE|72527|M|42.82,74.13|Z|210|N|From Blixrez Goodstitch.|
-C Information is King|QID|72529|M|36.33,64.33|Z|210|QO|2|NC|N|Crocolisk Skin (Optional).|
-C Information is King|QID|72529|M|42.84,74.12|Z|210|QO|1|NC|N|Get information from Blixrez Goodstitch.|
+C Information is King|QID|72529|M|36.33,64.33|Z|210|NC|N|Pay gold, or go hunt down some Crocolisks.|
 T Information is King|QID|72529|M|42.84,74.12|Z|210|N|To Blixrez Goodstitch.|
 A Anyway, I Started Bribing|QID|72530|PRE|72529|M|42.76,74.01|Z|210|N|From Zeros.|
-C Anyway, I Started Bribing|QID|72530|M|55.26,62.70|Z|210|QO|1|NC|U|202271|N|Hired Bodyguards bribed.|
-C Anyway, I Started Bribing|QID|72530|M|56.20,60.15|Z|210|QO|2|NC|U|202271|N|Prospector Arty confronted.|
+C Anyway, I Started Bribing|QID|72530|M|55.26,62.70|Z|210|QO|1|NC|U|202271|N|Bribe the Hired Bodyguards, some are more susceptible than others.|
+C Anyway, I Started Bribing|QID|72530|M|56.20,60.15|Z|210|QO|2|CHAT|N|Confront Prospector Arty.|
 T Anyway, I Started Bribing|QID|72530|M|42.33,77.35|Z|210|N|To Zeros.|
 A Money, Money, Money!|QID|72532|PRE|72530|M|42.33,77.35|Z|210|N|From Zeros.|
 A Crystals Shmystals|QID|72533|PRE|72530|M|42.33,77.35|Z|210|N|From Zeros.|
-C Crystals Shmystals|QID|72533|M|33.81,84.10|Z|210|QO|1|NC|N|Worn Brass Key.|
-C Money, Money, Money!|QID|72532|M|34.15,84.67|Z|210|QO|1|NC|N|Gold Coins.|
-C Crystals Shmystals|QID|72533|M|33.84,84.03|Z|210|QO|2|NC|N|Gold Ingot.|
+C Money, Money, Money!|QID|72532|M|34.15,84.67|Z|210|S|NC|N|Kill sailors and loot their gold coins.|
+K Captain Grub Redcut|ACTIVE|72533|M|33.81,84.10|Z|210|QO|1|N|Kill the captain to loot the Worn Brass Key.|
+C Crystals Shmystals|QID|72533|M|33.84,84.03|Z|210|QO|2|NC|N|The Gold Ingot can be found in the room just before the captain's quarters below deck.|
+C Money, Money, Money!|QID|72532|M|34.15,84.67|Z|210|US|N|Continue wiping out the sailors until you have enoughh Gold Coins.|
 T Money, Money, Money!|QID|72532|M|42.30,77.34|Z|210|N|To Zeros.|
 T Crystals Shmystals|QID|72533|M|42.30,77.34|Z|210|N|To Zeros.|
 A Settled with the Baron|QID|72534|PRE|72532&72533|M|42.30,77.34|Z|210|N|From Zeros.|
 C Settled with the Baron|QID|72534|M|42.19,77.40|Z|210|QO|1|NC|N|Treasure given to Baron Revilgaz.|
 T Settled with the Baron|QID|72534|M|42.35,77.29|Z|210|N|To Zeros.|
 A Zeroing Debt|QID|73181|PRE|72534|M|42.11,77.52|Z|210|N|From Senegos.|
-C Zeroing Debt|QID|73181|M|42.29,77.50|Z|210|QO|1|NC|N|Use the portal to return to the Azure Archives.|
-P Cape of Stranglethorn|ACTIVE|73181|M|42.26,77.42|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|Take the portal to Cape of Stranglethorn.|
+P Azure Archives|ACTIVE|73181|M|42.26,77.42|Z|The Cape of Stranglethorn|N|Take the portal to return to the Azure Archives.|
 T Zeroing Debt|QID|73181|M|39.46,62.98|Z|2024|N|To Senegos.|
-A The Search for Blue Dragons|QID|73399|PRE|73181|M|39.46,63.04|Z|2024|N|From Kalecgos.|
-A Crystalsong Forest|QID|73091|PRE|73181|M|39.46,63.04|Z|2024|N|From Kalecgos.|
+;A Crystalsong Forest|QID|73091|PRE|72938|M|39.46,63.04|Z|2024|N|From Kalecgos.|
 T Crystalsong Forest|QID|73091|M|39.46,63.04|Z|2024|N|To Kalecgos.|
 A Regrets in Crystal|QID|73090|PRE|73091|M|39.46,63.04|Z|2024|N|From Kalecgos.|
-P Azure Archives|ACTIVE|73090|M|39.42,63.01|Z|The Azure Span!Dragon Isles|N|Take the portal to Azure Archives.|
+P Crystalsong Forest|ACTIVE|73090|M|39.42,63.01|Z|The Azure Span!Dragon Isles|N|Take the portal to Crystalsong Forest .|TZ|121|
 T Regrets in Crystal|QID|73090|M|91.31,57.24|Z|127|N|To Lanigosa.|
 A Those We Left Behind|QID|72670|PRE|73090|M|91.31,57.24|Z|127|N|From Lanigosa.|
 A A Shattered Legacy|QID|72674|PRE|73090|M|91.31,57.24|Z|127|N|From Lanigosa.|
-C Those We Left Behind|QID|72670|M|87.84,55.50|Z|127|QO|1|NC|N|Echoes soothed.|
-C A Shattered Legacy|QID|72674|M|86.52,59.72|Z|127|QO|1|NC|N|Crystal Focus Fragment.|
+C A Shattered Legacy|QID|72674|M|86.52,59.72|Z|127|NC|S|N|Pick up the pick piles of Crystal Focus Fragments.|
+C Those We Left Behind|QID|72670|M|87.84,55.50|Z|127|CHAT|N|Talk to Crystalbount memories to sooth them, some are easier soothed than others.|
+C A Shattered Legacy|QID|72674|M|86.52,59.72|Z|127|NC|US|N|Pick up the pick piles of Crystal Focus Fragments.|
 T Those We Left Behind|QID|72670|M|91.32,57.22|Z|127|N|To Lanigosa.|
 T A Shattered Legacy|QID|72674|M|91.32,57.22|Z|127|N|To Lanigosa.|
 A An Arcane Requiem|QID|72679|PRE|72670&72674|M|91.32,57.22|Z|127|N|From Lanigosa.|
@@ -96,121 +115,116 @@ C An Arcane Requiem|QID|72679|M|86.47,68.98|Z|127|QO|1|NC|N|Begin the ritual (Op
 C An Arcane Requiem|QID|72679|M|86.43,69.23|Z|127|QO|2|NC|N|Spirits of Shandaral put to rest.|
 T An Arcane Requiem|QID|72679|M|91.32,57.23|Z|127|N|To Lanigosa.|
 A The Sound of Silence|QID|74783|PRE|72679|M|91.32,57.23|Z|127|N|From Lanigosa.|
-P The Unbound Thicket|ACTIVE|74783|M|91.32,57.23|Z|Crystalsong Forest|N|Take the portal to The Unbound Thicket.|
+P Azure Archives|ACTIVE|74783|M|91.32,57.23|Z|Crystalsong Forest|N|Take the portal to The Azure Archives.|
 T The Sound of Silence|QID|74783|M|39.46,63.05|Z|2024|N|To Kalecgos.|
-A Lost Blue Dragons|QID|73404|PRE|74783|M|39.46,63.05|Z|2024|N|From Kalecgos.|
-A Jade Forest|QID|73227|PRE|74783|M|39.47,63.02|Z|2024|N|From Kalecgos.|
+;A Jade Forest|QID|73227|PRE|72938|M|39.47,63.02|Z|2024|N|From Kalecgos.|
 T Jade Forest|QID|73227|M|39.46,63.04|Z|2024|N|To Kalecgos.|
 A Warm Winds and Water|QID|72650|PRE|73227|M|39.46,63.04|Z|2024|N|From Kalecgos.|
-C Warm Winds and Water|QID|72650|M|39.42,63.03|Z|2024|QO|1|NC|N|Take the portal from Azure Archives to The Jade Forest.|
-P Azure Archives|ACTIVE|72650|M|39.46,63.04|Z|The Azure Span!Dragon Isles|N|Take the portal to Azure Archives.|
+P The Jade Forest|ACTIVE|72650|M|39.42,63.02|Z|The Azure Span!Dragon Isles|N|Take the portal to The Jade Forest.|
 T Warm Winds and Water|QID|72650|M|46.50,44.50|Z|371|N|To Kirygosa.|
 A Carp Care|QID|72651|PRE|72650|M|46.50,44.50|Z|371|N|From Kirygosa.|
 A Local Deliveries|QID|72653|PRE|72650|M|46.50,44.50|Z|371|N|From Kirygosa.|
-C Carp Care|QID|72651|M|48.02,48.10|Z|371|QO|1|NC|U|203182|N|Carps fed and ponds cleaned (100%).|
-C Local Deliveries|QID|72653|M|48.32,46.04|Z|371|QO|3|NC|U|203182|N|Old Man Misteye.|
-C Local Deliveries|QID|72653|M|46.94,45.98|Z|371|QO|1|NC|U|203182|N|Kai Wanderbrew.|
-C Local Deliveries|QID|72653|M|46.58,46.02|Z|371|QO|2|NC|U|203182|N|Ni Gentlepaw.|
-C Local Deliveries|QID|72653|M|46.31,45.58|Z|371|QO|4|NC|U|203182|N|Yol the Noodlemonger.|
+C Carp Care|QID|72651|M|48.02,48.10|Z|371|S|NC|U|203182|N|Carps fed and ponds cleaned (100%).|
+C Old Man Misteye|QID|72653|M|48.32,46.04|Z|371|QO|3|CHAT|N|Offer Old Man Misteye some flowers.|T|Old Man Misteye|
+C Kai Wanderbrew|QID|72653|M|46.94,45.98|Z|371|QO|1|CHAT|N|Offer Kai some flowers.|T|Kai Wanderbrew|
+C Ni Gentlepaw|QID|72653|M|46.58,46.02|Z|371|QO|2|CHAT|N|Offer Ni some flowers.|T|Ni Gentlepaw|
+C Yol Noodlemonger|QID|72653|M|46.31,45.58|Z|371|QO|4|CHAT|N|Offer Yol some flowers.|T|Yol Noodlemonger|
+C Carp Care|QID|72651|M|48.02,48.10|Z|371|NC|US|U|203182|N|Finish up feeding the Carp and cleaning their ponds. (100%)|
 T Carp Care|QID|72651|M|46.51,44.49|Z|371|N|To Kirygosa.|
 T Local Deliveries|QID|72653|M|46.51,44.49|Z|371|N|To Kirygosa.|
 A Up, Up, and Home|QID|72654|PRE|72651&72653|M|46.51,44.49|Z|371|N|From Kirygosa.|
-C Up, Up, and Home|QID|72654|M|49.16,42.49|Z|371|QO|1|NC|N|Fly with Kirygosa.|
+C Up, Up, and Home|QID|72654|M|49.16,42.49|Z|371|CHAT|N|Agree to go see Kirygosa's home.|
 T Up, Up, and Home|QID|72654|M|49.16,42.48|Z|371|N|To Kirygosa.|
 A Self Care|QID|72652|PRE|72654|M|49.20,42.51|Z|371|N|From Kalecgos.|
-C Self Care|QID|72652|M|49.11,42.51|Z|371|QO|1|NC|N|Kirygosa's home cleaned.|
+C Self Care|QID|72652|M|49.11,42.51|Z|371|NC|N|Click on the "glowing" objects in Kirygosa's home.|
 T Self Care|QID|72652|M|49.19,42.50|Z|371|N|To Kalecgos.|
 A A Drink with Kalecgos|QID|72655|PRE|72652|M|49.19,42.50|Z|371|N|From Kalecgos.|
-C A Drink with Kalecgos|QID|72655|M|45.87,43.59|Z|371|QO|1|NC|N|Drink with Kalecgos in The Drunken Hozen.|
+C A Drink with Kalecgos|QID|72655|M|45.87,43.59|Z|371|QO|1|NC|N|Head down to The Drunken Hozen and click on the mug on the table by Kalecgos.|
 T A Drink with Kalecgos|QID|72655|M|45.87,43.59|Z|371|N|To Kalecgos.|
 A Blue is My Favorite Color|QID|74291|PRE|72655|M|45.87,43.59|Z|371|N|From Kalecgos.|
-C Blue is My Favorite Color|QID|74291|M|45.90,43.57|Z|371|QO|1|CHAT|N|Speak to Kirygosa.|
-C Blue is My Favorite Color|QID|74291|M|45.87,43.58|Z|371|QO|2|CHAT|N|Speak to Kalecgos.|
-C Blue is My Favorite Color|QID|74291|M|45.83,43.49|Z|371|QO|3|NC|N|Use the portal to return to Azure Archives.|
-P The Drunken Hozen|ACTIVE|74291|M|45.88,43.56|Z|The Jade Forest|N|Take the portal to The Drunken Hozen.|
+C Blue is My Favorite Color|QID|74291|M|45.90,43.57|Z|371|QO|1|CHAT|N|Ask Kiry if she is coming back.|
+C Blue is My Favorite Color|QID|74291|M|45.87,43.58|Z|371|QO|2|CHAT|N|Tell Kalecgos you are ready to go back to the isles.|
+P Azure Archives|ACTIVE|74291|M|45.81,43.47|Z|The Jade Forest|N|Take the portal to The Azure Archives.|
 T Blue is My Favorite Color|QID|74291|M|39.46,63.04|Z|2024|N|To Kalecgos.|
-A A Pair of Blue Dragons|QID|73405|PRE|74291|M|39.46,63.04|Z|2024|N|From Kalecgos.|
-A Theramore|QID|72939|PRE|74291|M|39.47,63.02|Z|2024|N|From Kalecgos.|
+;A Theramore|QID|72939|PRE|72938|M|39.47,63.02|Z|2024|N|From Kalecgos.|
 T Theramore|QID|72939|M|39.46,63.04|Z|2024|N|To Kalecgos.|
 A The Sullied Banner|QID|73188|PRE|72939|M|39.46,63.04|Z|2024|N|From Kalecgos.|
-P Azure Archives|ACTIVE|73188|M|39.46,63.02|Z|The Azure Span!Dragon Isles|N|Take the portal to Azure Archives.|
+P Theramore|ACTIVE|73188|M|39.46,63.02|Z|The Azure Span!Dragon Isles|N|Take the portal to Theremore.|TZ|70|
 T The Sullied Banner|QID|73188|M|62.91,49.69|Z|70|N|To Surigosa.|
 A Aftershocks|QID|72832|PRE|73188|M|62.91,49.69|Z|70|N|From Surigosa.|
 A Creative Solutions|QID|72831|PRE|73188|M|62.81,49.73|Z|70|N|From Kalecgos.|
-C Aftershocks|QID|72832|M|64.45,48.51|Z|70|QO|1|NC|N|Prototype Mana Bombs Teleported.|
-C Creative Solutions|QID|72831|M|63.97,48.55|Z|70|QO|1|NC|N|Arcanists Pacified.|
-T Aftershocks|QID|72832|M|67.02,54.53|Z|70|N|To Surigosa.|
+C Creative Solutions|QID|72831|M|63.97,48.55|Z|70|S|N|Attack the Arcanists, the ward kicks in at 20% health and pacifies them.|
+C Aftershocks|QID|72832|M|64.45,48.51|Z|70|NC|N|Click the Prototype Mana Bombs.|
+C Creative Solutions|QID|72831|M|63.97,48.55|Z|70|US|N|Continue to attack Arcanists until you have pacified enough.|
 T Creative Solutions|QID|72831|M|67.05,55.02|Z|70|N|To Kalecgos.|
+T Aftershocks|QID|72832|M|67.02,54.53|Z|70|N|To Surigosa.|
 A Breaking the Cycle|QID|72833|PRE|72832&72831|M|67.03,54.58|Z|70|N|From Surigosa.|
 C Breaking the Cycle|QID|72833|M|67.89,51.22|Z|70|QO|1|NC|N|Turi Flickerflame apprehended.|
 T Breaking the Cycle|QID|72833|M|67.06,54.50|Z|70|N|To Surigosa.|
 A A Moment of Reflection|QID|74335|PRE|72833|M|67.06,54.50|Z|70|N|From Surigosa.|
-C A Moment of Reflection|QID|74335|M|66.85,53.21|Z|70|QO|1|NC|N|Take the portal to Kalec in the Azure Archives.|
-P Theramore Isle|ACTIVE|74335|M|66.90,53.33|Z|Dustwallow Marsh|N|Take the portal to Theramore Isle.|
+P Azure Archives|ACTIVE|74335|M|66.85,53.18|Z|Dustwallow Marsh|N|Take the portal to the Azure Archives.|
 T A Moment of Reflection|QID|74335|M|39.46,63.04|Z|2024|N|To Kalecgos.|
-A The Last Missing Blue Dragon|QID|73406|PRE|74335|M|39.46,63.04|Z|2024|N|From Kalecgos.|
-A Winterspring|QID|72656|PRE|74335|M|39.47,63.03|Z|2024|N|From Kalecgos.|
+;A Winterspring|QID|72656|PRE|72938|M|39.47,63.03|Z|2024|N|From Kalecgos.|
 T Winterspring|QID|72656|M|39.48,63.06|Z|2024|N|To Sindragosa.|
 A A Protector of Magic|QID|72657|PRE|72656|M|39.48,63.06|Z|2024|N|From Sindragosa.|
-C A Protector of Magic|QID|72657|M|39.50,63.08|Z|2024|QO|1|NC|N|Use the portal to go to Winterspring.|
-P Azure Archives|ACTIVE|72657|M|39.48,63.06|Z|The Azure Span!Dragon Isles|N|Take the portal to Azure Archives.|
+P Winterspring|ACTIVE|72657|M|39.51,63.09|Z|The Azure Span!Dragon Isles|N|Take the portal to Winterspring.|
 T A Protector of Magic|QID|72657|M|48.06,59.06|Z|83|N|To Haleh.|
 A Artifacts Abound|QID|74354|PRE|72657|M|48.06,59.06|Z|83|N|From Haleh.|
-C Artifacts Abound|QID|74354|M|61.61,26.59|Z|83|QO|1|NC|N|Totemic Ruins.|
+C Artifacts Abound|QID|74354|M|61.61,26.59|Z|83|QO|1|NC|N|Head over to the Hidden Grove and Click the Owlkin Totems.|
 T Artifacts Abound|QID|74354|M|48.08,59.08|Z|83|N|To Haleh.|
 A Test Subject|QID|72659|PRE|74354|M|48.08,59.08|Z|83|N|From Haleh.|
-C Test Subject|QID|72659|M|48.17,58.95|Z|83|QO|2|NC|N|Icy Book tested.|
-C Test Subject|QID|72659|M|48.21,58.95|Z|83|QO|1|NC|N|Bottled Spirits tested.|
-C Test Subject|QID|72659|M|48.23,58.99|Z|83|QO|3|NC|N|Left Boot tested.|
+C Test Subject|QID|72659|M|48.17,58.95|Z|83|QO|2|NC|N|Click the Icy Book.|
+C Test Subject|QID|72659|M|48.21,58.95|Z|83|QO|1|NC|N|Click the Bottled Spirits.|
+C Test Subject|QID|72659|M|48.23,58.99|Z|83|QO|3|NC|N|Click the Left Boot.|
 T Test Subject|QID|72659|M|48.07,59.07|Z|83|N|To Haleh.|
 A Owl of a Sudden|QID|72660|PRE|72659|M|48.07,59.07|Z|83|N|From Haleh.|
-C Owl of a Sudden|QID|72660|M|47.33,60.53|Z|83|QO|1|CHAT|N|Speak to Haleh to begin the test.|
-C Owl of a Sudden|QID|72660|M|47.48,60.75|Z|83|QO|2|NC|N|Half-Restored Totem tested.|
+C Owl of a Sudden|QID|72660|M|47.33,60.53|Z|83|QO|1|CHAT|N|Tell Haleh you are ready {against your better judgement).|
+C Owl of a Sudden|QID|72660|M|47.48,60.75|Z|83|QO|2|NC|N|Click the Totem, you will be transformed, and it doesnt seem to matter what you do, just wait and it will end.|
 T Owl of a Sudden|QID|72660|M|48.07,59.08|Z|83|N|To Haleh.|
 A A Wyrm Rest|QID|72661|PRE|72660|M|47.54,60.21|Z|83|N|From Sindragosa.|
-C A Wyrm Rest|QID|72661|M|47.54,60.21|Z|83|QO|1|CHAT|N|Speak to Sindragosa.|
+C A Wyrm Rest|QID|72661|M|47.54,60.21|Z|83|QO|1|CHAT|N|Ask Sindragosa about her plan.|
 C A Wyrm Rest|QID|72661|M|32.57,49.37|Z|83|QO|2|NC|N|Go to the Frostfire Hot Springs.|
-C A Wyrm Rest|QID|72661|M|32.07,49.35|Z|83|QO|3|NC|N|Move into the hot springs water.|
+C A Wyrm Rest|QID|72661|M|32.07,49.35|Z|83|QO|3|NC|N|Hop in the water and swim around.|
 T A Wyrm Rest|QID|72661|M|32.31,49.09|Z|83|N|To Sindragosa.|
 A Back with the Blues|QID|74356|PRE|72661|M|32.31,49.09|Z|83|N|From Sindragosa.|
-C Back with the Blues|QID|74356|M|32.32,49.00|Z|83|QO|1|NC|N|Use the portal to return to the Azure Archives.|
-P Frostfire Hot Springs|ACTIVE|74356|M|32.31,49.09|Z|Winterspring|N|Take the portal to Frostfire Hot Springs.|
+P Azure Archives|ACTIVE|74356|M|32.32,49.01|Z|Winterspring|N|Take the portal to Azure Archives.|
 T Back with the Blues|QID|74356|M|39.48,63.06|Z|2024|N|To Sindragosa.|
-A Reunited Again|QID|75244|PRE|74356|M|39.47,63.05|Z|2024|N|From Kalecgos.|
-C Reunited Again|QID|75244|M|39.43,63.01|Z|2024|QO|1|NC|N|Listen to Kalecgos's speech.|
+A Reunited Again|QID|75244|PRE|74356&74335&74291&74783&73181|M|39.47,63.05|Z|2024|N|From Kalecgos.|
+C Reunited Again|QID|75244|M|39.43,63.01|Z|2024|CHAT|N|Tell Kalecgos you will listen to his speech.|
 T Reunited Again|QID|75244|M|39.46,63.05|Z|2024|N|To Kalecgos.|
 A Veiled Trouble|QID|72942|PRE|75244|M|39.46,63.05|Z|2024|N|From Kalecgos.|
-P Azure Archives|ACTIVE|72942|M|39.43,63.00|Z|The Azure Span!Dragon Isles|N|Take the portal to Azure Archives.|
+P Veiled Ossuary|ACTIVE|72942|M|39.40,63.01|Z|The Azure Span!Dragon Isles|N|Take the portal to the Veiled Ossuary.|
 T Veiled Trouble|QID|72942|M|66.20,12.27|Z|2025|N|To Azuregos.|
 A Veiled Ossuary Chaos|QID|72946|PRE|72942|M|66.20,12.27|Z|2025|N|From Azuregos.|
 A Memories of Old|QID|72947|PRE|72942|M|66.20,12.27|Z|2025|N|From Azuregos.|
-C Memories of Old|QID|72947|M|62.06,13.45|Z|2025|QO|3|N|Memory of a Betrayer slain.|
-C Veiled Ossuary Chaos|QID|72946|M|63.62,13.43|Z|2025|QO|1|NC|N|Arcane invaders weakened (100%).|
-C Memories of Old|QID|72947|M|64.07,16.37|Z|2025|QO|1|N|Memory of a Traitorous Sister slain.|
-C Memories of Old|QID|72947|M|60.16,14.91|Z|2025|QO|2|N|Memory of a Master slain.|
+C Veiled Ossuary Chaos|QID|72946|M|63.62,13.43|Z|2025|S|N|Arcane invaders weakened (100%). Killing the ones at/near each memory will probably be enough to finish.|
+C Memories of Old|QID|72947|M|62.06,13.45|Z|2025|QO|3|N|Kill Memory of a Betrayer.|
+C Memories of Old|QID|72947|M|63.46,16.07;64.07,16.37|CS|Z|2025|QO|1|N|Kill Memory of a Traitorous Sister.|
+C Memories of Old|QID|72947|M|60.16,14.91|Z|2025|QO|2|N|Kill Memory of a Master.|
+C Veiled Ossuary Chaos|QID|72946|M|63.62,13.43|Z|2025|US|N|Arcane invaders weakened (100%).|
 T Veiled Ossuary Chaos|QID|72946|M|66.20,12.25|Z|2025|N|To Azuregos.|
 T Memories of Old|QID|72947|M|66.20,12.25|Z|2025|N|To Azuregos.|
 A What Still Remains|QID|72948|PRE|72946&72947|M|66.20,12.25|Z|2025|N|From Azuregos.|
-C What Still Remains|QID|72948|M|67.01,11.76|Z|2025|QO|1|CHAT|N|Speak with Azuregos.|
-C What Still Remains|QID|72948|M|67.07,11.83|Z|2025|QO|2|NC|N|Malygos's Lingering Essence.|
-C What Still Remains|QID|72948|M|67.05,11.76|Z|2025|QO|3|NC|N|Sindragosa's Lingering Essence.|
+C What Still Remains|QID|72948|M|67.01,11.76|Z|2025|QO|1|CHAT|N|Tell Azuregos you are ready to go inside.|
+C What Still Remains|QID|72948|M|67.07,11.83|Z|2025|QO|2|NC|N|Click the gravestone to retrieve Malygos's Lingering Essence.|
+C What Still Remains|QID|72948|M|67.05,11.76|Z|2025|QO|3|NC|N|Click the purple floating ball to retrieve Sindragosa's Lingering Essence.|
 T What Still Remains|QID|72948|M|67.07,11.82|Z|2025|N|To Azuregos.|
 A Swiftly to the Archives|QID|72949|PRE|72948|M|67.07,11.82|Z|2025|N|From Azuregos.|
-P Veiled Ossuary|ACTIVE|72949|M|66.31,12.20|Z|Thaldraszus|N|Take the portal to Veiled Ossuary.|
+P Azure Archives|ACTIVE|72949|M|65.64,12.56|Z|Thaldraszus|N|Take the portal to the Azure Archives.|
 T Swiftly to the Archives|QID|72949|M|39.46,63.03|Z|2024|N|To Kalecgos.|
 A The Last Conflict|QID|72950|PRE|72949|M|39.48,63.06|Z|2024|N|From Sindragosa.|
-C Speak to Kalecgos|Z|The Azure Vault|SO|1|S|N|The essences of Malygos and Sindragosa have been moved within the Azure Vault. It is time to release them!|
-C Speak to Kalecgos|Z|nil|SO|1;1|N|Speak to Kalecgos|
-C Speak to Kalecgos|Z|The Azure Vault|SO|1|US|N|The essences of Malygos and Sindragosa have been moved within the Azure Vault. It is time to release them!|
-C Defeat Sindragosa|Z|The Azure Vault|SO|2|S|N|Withstand the fury of Sindragosa!|
-C Defeat Sindragosa|Z|nil|SO|2;1|N|Defeat Sindragosa|
-C Defeat Sindragosa|Z|The Azure Vault|SO|2|US|N|Withstand the fury of Sindragosa!|
-C Speak to Kalecgos|Z|The Azure Vault|SO|3|S|N|Sindragosa and Malygos have been soothed.|
-C The Last Conflict|QID|72950|QO|1|NC|N|Complete the scenario, "The Last Conflict".|
+C The Last Conflict|QID|72950|QO|1|NC|S!US|N|Let Sindragosa know you are ready to enter the scenario, "The Last Conflict". If you want to keep the guide on the screen during the scenario (which really isn't needed) Click the minimap button twice to disable/re-enable after entering the scenario.|;no coordinates inside the instance
+C Speak to Kalecgos|ACTIVE|72950|SO|1|CHAT|N|Speak to Kalecgos and then wait for dialog.|
+C Defeat Sindragosa|ACTIVE|72950|SO|2|N|Defeat Sindragosa, note the Extra Action Button will also heal you. Stand behind the ice mounds when she casts Tomb of Tears.|EAB|
+C Sooth Sindragosa and Malygos|ACTIVE|72950|SO|3|CHAT|N|Tell Kalecgos you are ready to put them to rest.|
 T The Last Conflict|QID|72950|M|39.32,63.92|Z|2024;The Azure Span|N|To Kalecgos.|
 A A Peaceful Farewell|QID|72951|PRE|72950|M|39.30,63.62|Z|2024;The Azure Span|N|From Senegos.|
-C A Peaceful Farewell|QID|72951|M|39.49,63.02|Z|2024;The Azure Span|QO|1|CHAT|N|Speak with Senegos one last time.|
+C A Peaceful Farewell|QID|72951|M|39.49,63.02|Z|2024;The Azure Span|CHAT|N|Tell Senegos good bye one last time.|
 T A Peaceful Farewell|QID|72951|M|39.48,63.03|Z|2024;The Azure Span|N|To Kalecgos.|
+N A New Dawn|N|Congrats on the Achievement.|
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 ## Author: Twists
 ## IconTexture: Interface\ICONS\Achievement_General_StayClassy
 ## Dependencies: WoWPro
-## Version: 2023.09.06.A
+## Version: 2023.09.14.A
 ## X-License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
 ## X-Category: Quest
diff --git a/WoWPro_Achievements/WoWPro_Achievements_TBC.toc b/WoWPro_Achievements/WoWPro_Achievements_TBC.toc
index 8dff26dc7e..469df7cc73 100644
--- a/WoWPro_Achievements/WoWPro_Achievements_TBC.toc
+++ b/WoWPro_Achievements/WoWPro_Achievements_TBC.toc
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 ## Author: Twists
 ## IconTexture: Interface\ICONS\Achievement_General_StayClassy
 ## Dependencies: WoWPro
-## Version: 2023.09.06.A
+## Version: 2023.09.14.A
 ## X-License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
 ## X-Category: Quest
diff --git a/WoWPro_Achievements/WoWPro_Achievements_Vanilla.toc b/WoWPro_Achievements/WoWPro_Achievements_Vanilla.toc
index a2ce940222..ee1d767834 100644
--- a/WoWPro_Achievements/WoWPro_Achievements_Vanilla.toc
+++ b/WoWPro_Achievements/WoWPro_Achievements_Vanilla.toc
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 ## Author: Twists
 ## IconTexture: Interface\ICONS\Achievement_General_StayClassy
 ## Dependencies: WoWPro
-## Version: 2023.09.06.A
+## Version: 2023.09.14.A
 ## X-License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
 ## X-Category: Quest
diff --git a/WoWPro_Achievements/WoWPro_Achievements_Wrath.toc b/WoWPro_Achievements/WoWPro_Achievements_Wrath.toc
index 86092f60f0..89fadea13f 100644
--- a/WoWPro_Achievements/WoWPro_Achievements_Wrath.toc
+++ b/WoWPro_Achievements/WoWPro_Achievements_Wrath.toc
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 ## Author: Twists
 ## IconTexture: Interface\ICONS\Achievement_General_StayClassy
 ## Dependencies: WoWPro
-## Version: 2023.09.06.A
+## Version: 2023.09.14.A
 ## X-License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
 ## X-Category: Quest
diff --git a/WoWPro_Dailies/WoWPro_Dailies.toc b/WoWPro_Dailies/WoWPro_Dailies.toc
index 30e8969852..a83bc89e0d 100644
--- a/WoWPro_Dailies/WoWPro_Dailies.toc
+++ b/WoWPro_Dailies/WoWPro_Dailies.toc
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 ## Author: Jiyambi
 ## IconTexture: Interface\GossipFrame\DailyQuestIcon
 ## Dependencies: WoWPro
-## Version: 2023.09.06.A
+## Version: 2023.09.14.A
 ## X-Category: Quest
 ## X-License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
diff --git a/WoWPro_Dailies/WoWPro_Dailies_TBC.toc b/WoWPro_Dailies/WoWPro_Dailies_TBC.toc
index 6fde5cc9f7..e528e40adc 100644
--- a/WoWPro_Dailies/WoWPro_Dailies_TBC.toc
+++ b/WoWPro_Dailies/WoWPro_Dailies_TBC.toc
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 ## Author: Jiyambi
 ## IconTexture: Interface\GossipFrame\DailyQuestIcon
 ## Dependencies: WoWPro
-## Version: 2023.09.06.A
+## Version: 2023.09.14.A
 ## X-Category: Quest
 ## X-License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
diff --git a/WoWPro_Dailies/WoWPro_Dailies_Vanilla.toc b/WoWPro_Dailies/WoWPro_Dailies_Vanilla.toc
index 12ccf8449a..681523d693 100644
--- a/WoWPro_Dailies/WoWPro_Dailies_Vanilla.toc
+++ b/WoWPro_Dailies/WoWPro_Dailies_Vanilla.toc
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 ## Author: Jiyambi
 ## IconTexture: Interface\GossipFrame\DailyQuestIcon
 ## Dependencies: WoWPro
-## Version: 2023.09.06.A
+## Version: 2023.09.14.A
 ## X-Category: Quest
 ## X-License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
diff --git a/WoWPro_Dailies/WoWPro_Dailies_Wrath.toc b/WoWPro_Dailies/WoWPro_Dailies_Wrath.toc
index b8e691bbfe..348594eec5 100644
--- a/WoWPro_Dailies/WoWPro_Dailies_Wrath.toc
+++ b/WoWPro_Dailies/WoWPro_Dailies_Wrath.toc
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 ## Author: Jiyambi
 ## IconTexture: Interface\GossipFrame\DailyQuestIcon
 ## Dependencies: WoWPro
-## Version: 2023.09.06.A
+## Version: 2023.09.14.A
 ## X-Category: Quest
 ## X-License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
diff --git a/WoWPro_Leveling/Classic/Alliance/01_12_Dun_Morogh.lua b/WoWPro_Leveling/Classic/Alliance/01_12_Dun_Morogh.lua
index 777b889edd..1e25f87af4 100644
--- a/WoWPro_Leveling/Classic/Alliance/01_12_Dun_Morogh.lua
+++ b/WoWPro_Leveling/Classic/Alliance/01_12_Dun_Morogh.lua
@@ -7,310 +7,350 @@ local guide = WoWPro:RegisterGuide('ClassicDunMorogh0112', "Leveling", 'Dun Moro
 WoWPro:GuideName(guide, 'Dun Morogh 1-12')
 WoWPro:GuideLevels(guide,1,12, 2)
 WoWPro:GuideNextGuide(guide, 'ClassicEasternKingdom1220')
-WoWPro:GuideSteps(guide, function() return [[
+WoWPro:GuideSteps(guide, function()
+return [[
 A Dwarven Outfitters|QID|179|M|29.92,71.21|N|From Sten Stoutarm|
-C Dwarven Outfitters|QID|179|M|29.80,74.30|QO|1|N|Kill Ragged Young Wolves to loot 8 Tough Wolf Meat.|T|Ragged Young Wolf|
-r Sell Junk|ACTIVE|179|M|30.06,71.52|N|Sell your junk to Adlin Pridedrift.|
-T Dwarven Outfitters|QID|179|M|29.92,71.21|N|To Sten Stoutarm|
+C Dwarven Outfitters|QID|179|M|29.80,74.30|L|750 8|ITEM|750|N|Ragged Young Wolves all around the area.|T|Ragged Young Wolf|
+T Dwarven Outfitters|QID|179|M|29.92,71.21|N|To Sten Stoutarm.|
 ; Quest name changes depending upon your class
-A Encrypted Rune|QID|3109|PRE|179|C|Rogue|R|Dwarf|M|29.92,71.21|N|From Sten Stoutarm|
-A Etched Rune|QID|3108|PRE|179|C|Hunter|R|Dwarf|M|29.92,71.21|N|From Sten Stoutarm|
-A Hallowed Rune|QID|3110|PRE|179|C|Priest|R|Dwarf|M|29.92,71.21|N|From Sten Stoutarm|
-A Simple Rune|QID|3106|PRE|179|C|Warrior|R|Dwarf|M|29.92,71.21|N|From Sten Stoutarm|
-A Consecrated Rune|QID|3107|PRE|179|C|Paladin|R|Dwarf|M|29.92,71.21|N|From Sten Stoutarm|
-A Tainted Memorandum|QID|3115|PRE|179|C|Warlock|R|Gnome|M|29.92,71.21|N|From Sten Stoutarm|
-A Glyphic Memorandum|QID|3114|PRE|179|C|Mage|R|Gnome|M|29.92,71.21|N|From Sten Stoutarm|
-A Encrypted Memorandum|QID|3113|PRE|179|C|Rogue|R|Gnome|M|29.92,71.21|N|From Sten Stoutarm|
-A Simple Memorandum|QID|3112|PRE|179|C|Warrior|R|Gnome|M|29.92,71.21|N|From Sten Stoutarm|
+A Simple Rune|QID|3106|PRE|179|M|29.92,71.21|N|From Sten Stoutarm|C|Warrior|R|Dwarf|
+A Consecrated Rune|QID|3107|PRE|179|M|29.92,71.21|N|From Sten Stoutarm|C|Paladin|R|Dwarf|
+A Etched Rune|QID|3108|PRE|179|M|29.92,71.21|N|From Sten Stoutarm|C|Hunter|R|Dwarf|
+A Encrypted Rune|QID|3109|PRE|179|M|29.92,71.21|N|From Sten Stoutarm|C|Rogue|R|Dwarf|
+A Hallowed Rune|QID|3110|PRE|179|M|29.92,71.21|N|From Sten Stoutarm|C|Priest|R|Dwarf|
+A Simple Memorandum|QID|3112|PRE|179|M|29.92,71.21|N|From Sten Stoutarm|C|Warrior|R|Gnome|
+A Encrypted Memorandum|QID|3113|PRE|179|M|29.92,71.21|N|From Sten Stoutarm|C|Rogue|R|Gnome|
+A Glyphic Memorandum|QID|3114|PRE|179|M|29.92,71.21|N|From Sten Stoutarm|C|Mage|R|Gnome|
+A Tainted Memorandum|QID|3115|PRE|179|M|29.92,71.21|N|From Sten Stoutarm|C|Warlock|R|Gnome|
 A Coldridge Valley Mail Delivery|QID|233|PRE|179|M|29.92,71.21|N|From Sten Stoutarm|
+r Sell Junk|AVAILABLE|170|M|30.09,71.56|N|Sell your junk to Adlin Pridedrift.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Manually check this step off to continue.|
+T Simple Rune|QID|3106|M|28.83,67.24|N|To Thran Khorman in Anvilmar.|C|Warrior|R|Dwarf|
+T Consecrated Rune|QID|3107|M|28.83,68.33|N|To Bromos Grummner in Anvilmar.|C|Paladin|R|Dwarf|
+T Etched Rune|QID|3108|M|29.17,67.45|N|To Thorgas Grimson in Anvilmar.|C|Hunter|R|Dwarf|
+T Encrypted Rune|QID|3109|M|28.37,67.51|N|To Solm Hargrin in Anvilmar.|C|Rogue|R|Dwarf|
+T Hallowed Rune|QID|3110|M|28.60,66.38|N|To Branstock Khalder in Anvilmar.|C|Priest|R|Dwarf|
+T Simple Memorandum|QID|3112|M|28.83,67.24|N|To Thran Khorman in Anvilmar.|C|Warrior|R|Gnome|
+T Encrypted Memorandum|QID|3113|M|28.37,67.51|N|To Solm Hargrin in Anvilmar.|C|Rogue|R|Dwarf|
+T Glyphic Memorandum|QID|3114|M|28.71,66.37|N|To Marryk Nurribit in Anvilmar.|C|Mage|R|Gnome|
+T Tainted Memorandum|QID|3115|M|28.65,66.14|N|To Alamar Grimm in Anvilmar.|C|Warlock|R|Gnome|
+= Level 2 Training|AVAILABLE|3361|M|PLAYER|CC|N|Do your level 2 training.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Manually check this step off to continue.|LVL|2|
+; -- Warlock Imp quest
+A Beginnings|QID|1599|M|28.65,66.14|N|From Alamar Grimm in Anvilmar.|C|Warlock|
 A A New Threat|QID|170|PRE|179|M|29.71,71.25|N|From Balir Frosthammer|
-C A New Threat|QID|170|M|31.30,76.10|QO|1;2|N|Kill 6 Rockjaw Troggs and 6 Burly Rockjaw Troggs.|
+C Beginnings|QID|1599|M|29.80,80.94|L|6753 3|ITEM|6753|N|Frostmane Novice.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Survivability is limited at this point; go slowly.|S|C|Warlock|
+K A New Threat|ACTIVE|170|QO|1;2|M|31.30,76.10|N|Kill Rockjaw Troggs and Burly Rockjaw Troggs.|
+L Level 3|AVAILABLE|3361|N|Grind until you're within 3.5 bubbles of level 3.|LVL|2;-170|
 T A New Threat|QID|170|M|29.71,71.25|N|To Balir Frosthammer|
-T Encrypted Rune|QID|3109|C|Rogue|R|Dwarf|M|28.37,67.51|N|To Solm Hargrin in Anvilmar.\nGrab your lv 2 training while you're here.|
-T Etched Rune|QID|3108|C|Hunter|R|Dwarf|M|29.17,67.45|N|To Thorgas Grimson in Anvilmar.\nGrab your lv 2 training while you're here.|
-T Hallowed Rune|QID|3110|C|Priest|R|Dwarf|M|28.60,66.38|N|To Branstock Khalder in Anvilmar.\nGrab your lv 2 training while you're here.|
-T Simple Rune|QID|3106|C|Warrior|R|Dwarf|M|28.83,67.24|N|To Thran Khorman in Anvilmar.\nGrab your lv 2 training while you're here.|
-T Consecrated Rune|QID|3107|C|Paladin|R|Dwarf|M|28.83,68.33|N|To Bromos Grummner.\nGrab your lv 2 training while you're here.|
-T Tainted Memorandum|QID|3115|C|Warlock|R|Gnome|M|28.65,66.14|N|To Alamar Grimm.\nGrab your lv 2 training while you're here.|
-T Glyphic Memorandum|QID|3114|C|Mage|R|Gnome|M|28.71,66.37|N|To Marryk Nurribit.\nGrab your lv 2 training while you're here.|
-T Encrypted Memorandum|QID|3113|C|Rogue|R|Dwarf|M|28.37,67.51|N|To Solm Hargrin in Anvilmar.\nGrab your lv 2 training while you're here.|
-T Simple Memorandum|QID|3112|C|Warrior|R|Gnome|M|28.83,67.24|N|To Thran Khorman in Anvilmar.\nGrab your lv 2 training while you're here.|
-L Level 3|AVAILABLE|3361|LVL|3|N|You need to be level 3 to continue with this guide.|
 A A Refugee's Quandary|QID|3361|M|28.49,67.74|N|From Felix Whindlebolt|
 r Sell and Repair|ACTIVE|233|M|28.71,67.85|N|Repair and sell your junk to Rybrad Coldbank or Grundel Harkin.|
-T Coldridge Valley Mail Delivery|QID|233|M|28.66,70.45;22.60,71.43|CS|N|To Talin Keeneye. Exit Anvilmar and follow the road west.|
+T Coldridge Valley Mail Delivery|QID|233|M|28.66,70.45;22.60,71.43|CS|N|To Talin Keeneye.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Exit Anvilmar and follow the road west.|
 A Coldridge Valley Mail Delivery|QID|234|PRE|233|M|22.60,71.43|N|From Talin Keeneye.|
 A The Boar Hunter|QID|183|M|22.60,71.43|N|From Talin Keeneye.|
-C The Boar Hunter|QID|183|M|22.0,72.0|S|N|Kill Small Crag Boar.|T|Small Crag Boar|
+K The Boar Hunter|ACTIVE|183|QO|1|M|22.00,72.00|N|Kill Small Crag Boar.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]They are neutral until you attack them.|S|
 T Coldridge Valley Mail Delivery|QID|234|M|25.08,75.71|N|To Grelin Whitebeard.|
 A The Troll Cave|QID|182|M|25.08,75.71|N|From Grelin Whitebeard.|
-C The Troll Cave|QID|182|M|26.3,78.8|S|N|Kill Frostmane Troll Whelp|T|Frostmane Troll Whelp|
-C Felix's Box|QID|3361|M|20.88,76.07|QO|1|NC|N|Loot Felix's Box from the ground in front of the tent.|
-C Felix's Chest|QID|3361|M|22.78,80.00|QO|2|NC|N|Loot Felix's Chest from the ground in front of the tent.|
-C Felix's Bucket of Bolts|QID|3361|M|26.33,79.28|QO|3|NC|N|Loot Felix's Bucket of Bolts from the ground outside the cave.|
-C The Troll Cave|QID|182|US|M|26.3,78.8|N|Kill Frostmane Troll Whelp|T|Frostmane Troll Whelp|
+K The Troll Cave|ACTIVE|182|QO|1|M|26.30,78.80|N|Kill Frostmane Troll Whelp.|T|Frostmane Troll Whelp|S|
+C Felix's Box|QID|3361|M|20.88,76.07|L|10438|N|Loot Felix's Box from the ground in front of the tent.|
+C Felix's Chest|QID|3361|M|22.78,80.00|L|16313|N|Loot Felix's Chest from the ground in front of the tent.|
+C Felix's Bucket of Bolts|QID|3361|M|26.33,79.28|L|16314|N|Loot Felix's Bucket of Bolts from the ground outside the cave.|
+K The Troll Cave|ACTIVE|182|QO|1|M|26.30,78.80|N|Kill Frostmane Troll Whelp.|T|Frostmane Troll Whelp|US|
+C Beginnings|QID|1599|M|29.80,80.94|L|6753 3|ITEM|6753|N|Frostmane Novice.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Survivability is limited at this point; go slowly.|US|C|Warlock|
+L Level 4|ACTIVE|182|N|Grind until you're within 6.5 bubbles of level 4.|LVL|3;-450|
 T The Troll Cave|QID|182|M|25.08,75.71|N|To Grelin Whitebeard.|
 A The Stolen Journal|QID|218|PRE|182|M|25.08,75.71|N|From Grelin Whitebeard.|
-L Level 4|QID|3364|LVL|4|N|You need to be level 4 to continue with this guide.|
-A Scalding Mornbrew Delivery|QID|3364|PRE|179|M|24.98,75.94|N|From Nori Pridedrift. On accepting the quest, a 5 minute timer will start.|
-T Scalding Mornbrew Delivery|QID|3364|M|28.78,66.66|N|To Durnan Furcutter, at the back of Anvilmar|
-A Bring Back the Mug|QID|3365|PRE|3364|M|28.78,66.66|N|From Durnan Furcutter|
-r Sell and Repair|ACTIVE|3361|M|28.78,66.66|N|Repair and sell your junk to Durnan furcutter.|
-T A Refugee's Quandary|QID|3361|M|28.52,67.68|N|To Felix Whindlebolt|
-N Level 4 class training|ACTIVE|183|N|Get your level 6 spells/skills.|
-R Troll Cave|QID|218|ACTIVE|218|M|27.0,80.35|CC|N|Run back to the troll cave.|
-K Grik'nir The Cold|QID|218|QO|1|T|Grik'nir The Cold|M|30.5,80.2|N|Kill and loot Grik'nir The Cold for the journal. He can be found by turning left (taking the northern fork) in the cave and going all the way to the back.|
+A Scalding Mornbrew Delivery.|QID|3364|PRE|179|M|24.98,75.94|N|From Nori Pridedrift.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]A 5 minute timer will start as soon as you accept this quest.| ; ** Auto-accept broken to allow for prep - Hendo72
+A Scalding Mornbrew Delivery|QID|3364|PRE|179|M|24.98,75.94|N|[color=CC00FF]QUEST FAILED [/color]\nReturn to Nori Pridedrift to restart this quest.|FAIL|
+R Anvilmar|ACTIVE|3364|M|28.76,68.30|N|Don't dawdle; you've only got 5 minutes (which is more than enough time).|
+T Scalding Mornbrew Delivery|QID|3364|M|28.77,66.37|N|To Durnan Furcutter, at the back of Anvilmar\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]The timer doesn't stop until you turn it in.|
+A Bring Back the Mug|QID|3365|PRE|3364|M|28.77,66.37|N|From Durnan Furcutter|
+r Sell and Repair|ACTIVE|3361|M|28.77,66.37|N|Repair and sell your junk to Durnan furcutter.|
+; -- Warlock Imp quest conclusion
+T Beginnings|QID|1599|M|28.65,66.14|N|To Alamar Grimm in Anvilmar.|C|Warlock|
+= Level 4 Training|ACTIVE|3361|M|PLAYER|CC|N|Do your level 4 training.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Manually check this step off to continue.|LVL|4|
+T A Refugee's Quandary|QID|3361|M|28.54,67.71|N|To Felix Whindlebolt|
+R Troll Cave|ACTIVE|218|M|26.78,79.90|CC|N|Return to the troll cave entrance.|
+K Grik'nir The Cold|ACTIVE|218|M|30.48,80.16|L|2004|N|Kill Grik'nir The Cold and loot the journal.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Stay to the left once you've entered the cave and continue all the way to the back.\nEveryone is neutral and you won't get attacked (including Grik'nir)|T|Grik'nir The Cold|
 T Bring Back the Mug|QID|3365|M|24.98,75.94|N|To Nori Pridedrift|
 T The Stolen Journal|QID|218|M|25.08,75.71|N|To Grelin Whitebeard.|
 A Senir's Observations|QID|282|PRE|218|M|25.08,75.71|N|From Grelin Whitebeard.|
-C The Boar Hunter|QID|183|US|M|22.0,72.0|N|Kill Small Crag Boar.|T|Small Crag Boar|
+K The Boar Hunter|ACTIVE|183|QO|1|M|22.00,72.00|N|Kill Small Crag Boar.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]They are neutral until you attack them.|T|Small Crag Boar|US|
 T The Boar Hunter|QID|183|M|22.60,71.43|N|To Talin Keeneye.|
-r Sell and Repair|ACTIVE|282|M|28.71,67.85|N|Repair and sell your junk to Rybrad Coldbank or Grundel Harkin.|
-L Level 5|QID|3364|LVL|5|N|You need to be level 5 to continue with this guide.|C|Priest|R|Dwarf|
-A In Favor of the Light|QID|5626|C|Priest|R|Dwarf|M|47.3,52.2|N|Speak with Maxan Anvol.|S|
-T Senir's Observations|QID|282|M|28.86,70.49;33.48,71.84|CS|N|To Mountaineer Thalos|
-A Senir's Observations|QID|420|PRE|282|M|33.48,71.84|N|From Mountaineer Thalos|
-A Supplies to Tannok|QID|2160|M|33.85,72.23|N|From Hands Springsprocket|
-A In Favor of the Light|QID|5626|C|Priest|
-R Kharanos|QID|420|ACTIVE|420|M|46.42,54.71|N|Go through the tunnel and follow the road to reach Kharanos.|
-T Senir's Observations|QID|420|M|46.73,53.82|N|To Senir Whitebeard|
-L Level 5|QID|3364|LVL|5|N|You need to be level 5 to continue with this guide.|
-A Beer Basted Boar Ribs|QID|384|M|46.82,52.36|N|From Ragnar Thunderbrew|
-N Learn Apprentice First Aid |QID|2160|ACTIVE|2160|M|47.18,52.59|S|N|If you want to learn First Aid, now is your chance with Thamner Pol, in the corner of the inn.|
-N Learn Apprentice Cooking |QID|2160|ACTIVE|2160|M|47.67,52.30|S|N|If you want to learn Cooking, now is your chance with Gremlock Pilsnor, at the back of the Inn.|
-N Level 6 class skills |QID|2160|ACTIVE|2160|S|LVL|6|N|Remember to visit your class trainer to learn your Level 6 skill!|
+R Anvilmar|AVAILABLE|5626|M|28.76,68.30|N|Return to Anvilmar.|C|Priest|R|Dwarf|LVL|-5|S|
+R Coldridge Pass|ACTIVE|282|M|31.23,72.39|N|Follow the road east to Coldridge Pass.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]If your bags are getting full, stop and sell as you pass Anvilmar.|C|-Priest|R|Dwarf|LVL|-5|S|
+L Level 5|ACTIVE|282|N|You need to be level 5 to continue with this guide.|LVL|5|
+R Anvilmar|AVAILABLE|5626|M|28.76,68.30|N|Return to Anvilmar.|C|Priest|R|Dwarf|LVL|5|US|
+A In Favor of the Light|QID|5626|M|28.60,66.38|N|From Branstock Khalder.|C|Priest|R|Dwarf|
+R Coldridge Pass|ACTIVE|282|M|31.23,72.39|N|Follow the road east to Coldridge Pass.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]If your bags are getting full, stop and sell as you pass Anvilmar.|LVL|5|US|
+T Senir's Observations|QID|282|M|33.48,71.84|N|To Mountaineer Thalos.|
+A Senir's Observations|QID|420|PRE|282|M|33.48,71.84|N|From Mountaineer Thalos.|
+A Supplies to Tannok|QID|2160|M|33.85,72.23|N|From Hands Springsprocket.|
+; ** End of Coldridge Valley
+R Kharanos|ACTIVE|420|M|46.42,54.71|N|Go through the tunnel to Dun Morogh and follow the road to Kharanos.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]As of now, you will start to come across aggressive mobs (red) that will attack you.|S|LVL|5;-495|
+L Level 6|ACTIVE|420|N|Grind until you're within 3.5 bubbles of level 6.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Once you exit the tunnel, if you can, focus on killing Crag Boars because they drop an item you need to collect for a quest later.|T|Crag Boar|LVL|5;-495|
+R Kharanos|ACTIVE|420|M|46.42,54.71|N|Go through the tunnel to Dun Morogh and follow the road to Kharanos.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]As of now, you will start to come across aggressive mobs (red) that will attack you.|US|
+T Senir's Observations|QID|420|M|46.73,53.82|N|To Senir Whitebeard.|
+A Beer Basted Boar Ribs|QID|384|M|46.82,52.36|N|From Ragnar Thunderbrew.|
+= Learn Apprentice First Aid|AVAILABLE|400|M|47.18,52.59|N|If you want to learn First Aid, now is your chance with Thamner Pol, in the corner of the inn.|P|First Aid;129;0+0;1|S!US|
+= Learn Apprentice Cooking|AVAILABLE|400|M|47.67,52.30|N|If you want to learn Cooking, now is your chance with Gremlock Pilsnor, at the back of the Inn.|P|Cooking;185;0+0;1|S!US|
 T Supplies to Tannok|QID|2160|M|47.22,52.19|N|To Tannok Frosthammer, inside the inn.|
-h Thunderbrew Distillery|QID|400|M|47.38,52.53|N|Make Kharanos your home with Innkeeper Belm.|
-T In Favor of the Light|QID|5626|C|Priest|R|Dwarf|N|To Maxan Anvol|
-A Garments of the Light|QID|5625|PRE|5626|C|Priest|R|Dwarf|N|From Maxan Anvol|
-A Tools for Steelgrill|QID|400|M|46.02,51.67|N|From Tharek Blackstone|
-C Garments of the Light|QID|5625|C|Priest|R|Dwarf|M|45.8,54.6|N|South of town (45.8, 54.6)|
-T Garments of the Light|QID|5625|C|Priest|R|Dwarf|
-C Beer Basted Boar Ribs|QID|384|S|QO|1|M|48.0,50.1|N|Kill and loot the Crag Boars for their ribs.|
-T Tools for Steelgrill|QID|400|M|50.44,49.10|N|To Beldrin Steelgrill|
-A Ammo for Rumbleshot|QID|5541|M|50.08,49.42|N|From Loslor Rudge|
-A The Grizzled Den|QID|313|M|49.62,48.61|N|From Pilot Stonegear|
-A Stocking Jetsteam|QID|317|M|49.43,48.41|N|From Pilot Bellowfiz|
-C Stocking Jetsteam|QID|317|S|M|39.5,59.5|N|Kill and loot Boars for boar Meat and Bears for Bear Fur.|
-R The Grizzled Den|QID|5541|ACTIVE|5541|M|45.09,50.25;44.9,55.2|CS|N|Head to The Grizzled Den, located south-west just past Kharanos|
-C Ammo for Rumbleshot|QID|5541|M|44.13,56.94|NC|N|Open the Ammo Crate and loot the ammo.|
-r Sell and Repair|QID|5541|S|M|40.7,65.1|ACTIVE|5541|N|Sell and Repair with Hegnar Rumbleshot.|
-T Ammo for Rumbleshot|QID|5541|M|40.5,62.95;40.69,65.09|CS|N|To Hegnar Rumbleshot, south-west, on the road up the hill.|
-C The Grizzled Den|QID|313|M|42,53|N|Kill and loot Wendigos for their manes. More than one can overwhelm, so pull carefully.|
-C Stocking Jetsteam|QID|317|US|M|39.5,59.5|N|Kill and loot Boars for boar Meat and Bears for Bear Fur.|
-C Beer Basted Boar Ribs|QID|384|US|QO|1|M|48.0,50.1|N|Kill and loot the Crag Boars for their ribs.|
-B Rhapsody Malt|QID|384|M|47.2,52.5|L|2894|N|Buy Rhapsody Malt from Innkeeper Belm inside the Inn at Kharanos.|
-N Level 6 class training|ACTIVE|384|LVL|6|N|Get your level 6 spells/skills.|
+h Thunderbrew Distillery|AVAILABLE|400|M|47.38,52.53|N|Make Kharanos your home with Innkeeper Belm.|
+= Level 6 Training|AVAILABLE|400|M|PLAYER|CC|N|Do your level 6 training.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Manually check this step off to continue.|LVL|6|IZ|Kharanos^Thunderbrew Distillery|
+T In Favor of the Light|QID|5626|M|47.34,52.18|N|To Maxan Anvol.|C|Priest|R|Dwarf|
+A Garments of the Light|QID|5625|PRE|5626|M|47.34,52.18|N|From Maxan Anvol.|C|Priest|R|Dwarf|
+A Tools for Steelgrill|QID|400|M|46.02,51.67|N|From Tharek Blackstone.|
+C Garments of the Light|QID|5625|QO|1|M|45.81,54.57|N|Mountaineer Dolf is located just south of town.|T|Mountaineer Dolf|C|Priest|R|Dwarf|NC|
+T Garments of the Light|QID|5625|M|47.34,52.18|N|To Maxan Anvol.|C|Priest|R|Dwarf|
+C Beer Basted Boar Ribs|QID|384|M|48.0,50.1|L|2886 6|ITEM|2886|N|Any Crag Boar around Kharanos and pretty much everywhere in Dun Morogh.|S|
+T Tools for Steelgrill|QID|400|M|50.44,49.10|N|To Beldrin Steelgrill.|
+A Ammo for Rumbleshot|QID|5541|M|50.08,49.42|N|From Loslor Rudge.|
+A The Grizzled Den|QID|313|M|49.62,48.61|N|From Pilot Stonegear.|
+A Stocking Jetsteam|QID|317|M|49.43,48.41|N|From Pilot Bellowfiz.|
+l Stocking Jetsteam|ACTIVE|317|QO|1;2|M|39.50,59.50|N|Kill Boars for Boar Meat and Bears for Bear Fur.|S|
+N Wand|ACTIVE|5541|N|Having reached level 5, you can now use a [color=33fff9]Lesser Magic Wand[/color].\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Manually check this step off to continue.|C|Warlock,Priest,Mage|
+R Ironforge|ACTIVE|5541|M|16.24,84.52|Z|1455;Ironforge|N|Make your way up the road to Ironforge.|TZ|City of Ironforge|C|Warlock,Priest,Mage|
+B Lesser Magic Wand|ACTIVE|5541|M|PLAYER|CC|L|11287|N|Unless you have a connection, you'll have to buy this from the Auction House.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]If you don't have the money, or there isn't one available, you can skip this step and come back later.|C|Warlock,Priest,Mage|IZ|1455;City of Ironforge|
+R Kharanos|ACTIVE|5541|M|47.18,45.38|N|Exit Ironforge and head back done to Kharanos.|IZ|-Dun Morogh|
+R The Grizzled Den|ACTIVE|5541|M|45.84,49.99;44.04,52.58|CS|N|Continue through Kharanos to the Grizzled Den.|
+C Ammo for Rumbleshot|QID|5541|L|13850|M|44.13,56.94|N|Open the Ammo Crate.|
+r Sell|ACTIVE|5541|M|40.68,65.13|N|Sell junk to Hegnar Rumbleshot.|S|
+T Ammo for Rumbleshot|QID|5541|M|40.69,65.09|CS|N|To Hegnar Rumbleshot, at the camp just off the road to the southwest of you.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Take the road or run along the lower section|
+C The Grizzled Den|QID|313|L|2671 8|ITEM|2671|M|41.13,49.27|N|Any Wendigo inside or around the cave entrance.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Pull carefully because fighting more than one can become overwhelming quickly. They have a large aggro range.|
+l Stocking Jetsteam|ACTIVE|317|QO|1;2|M|39.50,59.50|N|Kill Boars for Boar Meat and Bears for Bear Fur.|US|
+C Beer Basted Boar Ribs|QID|384|M|48.0,50.1|L|2886 6|ITEM|2886|N|Any Crag Boar around Kharanos and pretty much everywhere in Dun Morogh.|T|Crag Boar|US|
+L Level 7|ACTIVE|384|M|PLAYER|CC|N|Grind until you're halfway to level 7.|LVL|6;-1940|
+B Rhapsody Malt|QID|384|M|47.38,52.52|L|2894|N|Buy Rhapsody Malt from Innkeeper Belm inside the Inn at Kharanos.|
 T Beer Basted Boar Ribs|QID|384|M|46.82,52.36|N|To Ragnar Thunderbrew|
 T Stocking Jetsteam|QID|317|M|49.43,48.41|N|To Pilot Bellowfiz|
 A Evershine|QID|318|PRE|317|M|49.43,48.41|N|From Pilot Bellowfiz|
 T The Grizzled Den|QID|313|M|49.62,48.61|N|To Pilot Stonegear|
-L Level 7|QID|287|LVL|7|N|You need to be level 7 to continue with this guide.|
-A Frostmane Hold|QID|287|PRE|420|M|46.73,53.82|N|From Senir Whitebeard.|
-A Operation Recombobulation|QID|412|M|45.85,49.36|N|From Razzle Spryprocket, inside a small building to the north of Kharanos.|
-R Brewnall Village|QID|318|M|43.99,44.30;41.33,39.80;37.78,39.17;30,45|CS|N|To Brewnall Village. Go north until you come to a frozen river. Follow the river west until you come to the frozen lake, then head southwest to Brewnall Village (30,45).|
-r Sell and Repair|QID|318|S|M|30.12,45.29|ACTIVE|318|N|Sell and Repair with Burdrak Harglhelm.|
+A Frostmane Hold|QID|287|PRE|420|M|46.73,53.82|N|From Senir Whitebeard.|LVL|7|
+A Operation Recombobulation|QID|412|M|45.85,49.36|N|From Razzle Spryprocket, inside a small building to the north of Kharanos.|LVL|7|
+R Chill Breeze Valley|ACTIVE|319|M|41.75,47.16|N|Cut through here to get to the western areas by the lake.|
+R Brewnall Village|QID|318|M|31.08,44.65|N|From here, head southwest to Brewnall Village on the other side of the lake.|
+r Sell and Repair|ACTIVE|318|M|30.12,45.29|N|Sell and Repair with Burdrak Harglhelm.|
 T Evershine|QID|318|M|30.20,45.73|N|To Rejold Barleybrew|
 A A Favor for Evershine|QID|319|PRE|318|M|30.20,45.73|N|From Rejold Barleybrew|
 A The Perfect Stout|QID|315|M|30.20,45.73|N|From Rejold Barleybrew|
 A Bitter Rivals|QID|310|M|30.18,45.53|N|From Marleth Barleybrew|
-C A Favor for Evershine|QID|319|S|N|Kill Ice Claw Bears, Elder Crag Boars and Snow Leopards.|
-C Frostmane Hold|QID|287|M|25.1,51.0;21.3,54.4|CS|N|Kill Frostmane Headhunter as you explore Frostmane.|T|Frostmane Headhunter|
-R Shimmer Ridge|QID|315|M|37.4,42.5;38.75,42.4|CS|N|Find the road up the mountain.|
-C The Perfect Stout|QID|315|M|41.3,44.5;41.7,35.75|CN|NC|N|Loot the Shimmerweed Baskets on the ground. Also a rare drop from the Frostmane.|
-R Gnomeregan|QID|412|ACTIVE|412|M|29.0,41.0|N|Come off the ridge, then head west to Gnomeregan.|
-C Operation Recombobulation|QID|412|M|25.71,41.81|N|Kill and loot the Leper Gnomes for the necessary parts.|
-C A Favor for Evershine|QID|319|US|N|Finish killing Ice Claw Bears, Elder Crag Boars and Snow Leopards.|
-H Thunderbrew Distillery|QID|412|M|47.37,52.51|N|Use your hearthstone to return to Kharanos.|
+K A Favor for Evershine|ACTIVE|319|QO|1;2;3|N|Kill Ice Claw Bears, Elder Crag Boars and Snow Leopards.|S|
+R Shimmer Ridge|ACTIVE|315|QO|1|M|37.67,42.43;38.75,42.4|CC|N|Follow the road up the mountain to the top.|
+C The Perfect Stout|QID|315|M|41.05,44.06|L|2676 6|ITEM|2676|N|Frostmane Seers around Shimmer Ridge\nYou can also loot them from the Shimmerweed Baskets scattered around Shimmer Ridge.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Stick to the outside edge as the Frostmanes around the fire will aggro each other.|
+R Brewnall Village|ACTIVE|315|M|31.08,44.65|N|Head towards Brewnall Village.|S|LVL|7;-915|
+L Level 8|ACTIVE|315|M|PLAYER|CC|N|Grind until you're 4 bubbles away from level 8.|LVL|7;-915|
+R Brewnall Village|ACTIVE|315|M|31.08,44.65|N|Head back to Brewnall Village.|US|
+T The Perfect Stout|QID|315|M|30.20,45.73|N|To Rejold Barleybrew|
 r Sell and Repair|S|M|47.2,52.4|ACTIVE|310|N|Take this opportunity to sell your junk with Kreg Bilmn.|
+H Thunderbrew Distillery|ACTIVE|310|M|47.37,52.51|N|Hearth back to Kharanos, or run if your Hearth is on cooldown.|LVL|8|
 B Thunder Ale|ACTIVE|310|L|2686|M|47.38,52.52|N|Buy this from the innkeeper.|
-T Distracting Jarven |QID|308|M|47.63,52.65|N|To Jarven Thunderbrew|
-T Bitter Rivals|QID|310|M|47.70,52.70|N|Whilst Jarven Thunderbrew goes to the stairs, click on the barrel behind where he stood.|
-A Return to Marleth|QID|311|PRE|310|M|47.70,52.70|N|From the Barrel|
+T Distracting Jarven|QID|308|M|47.65,52.66|N|To Jarven Thunderbrew|
+T Bitter Rivals|QID|310|M|47.72,52.69|N|While Jarven Thunderbrew goes to the stairs, click on the barrel behind where he stood.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Do this before he returns or you will have to distract him again with another Thunder Ale from the Innkeeper.|
+A Return to Marleth|QID|311|PRE|310|M|47.72,52.69|N|From the Barrel.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Accept this before Jarven comes back or you'll have to wait for someone else to distract him.|
+= Level 8 training|ACTIVE|287|M|PLAYER|CC|N|Do your level 8 training.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Manually check this step off to continue.|LVL|8|IZ|Kharanos^Thunderbrew Distillery|
+K Frostmane Hold|ACTIVE|287|QO|1|M|21.14,51.42|N|Kill Frostmane Headhunters|T|Frostmane Headhunter|S|
+R Chill Breeze Valley|ACTIVE|412|M|41.75,47.16|N|Cut through here to get back to the lake area.|
+R Gnomeregan|ACTIVE|412|QO|1;2|M|29.00,41.00|N|Make your way to Gnomeregan (just past Brewnall Village).|
+l Operation Recombobulation|ACTIVE|412|QO|1;2|M|25.94,42.58|N|Kill the Leper Gnomes to loot the necessary parts.|
+R Frostmane Hold.|ACTIVE|287|QO|2|M|25.09,51.05;21.14,51.42|CS|N|Make your way to the back of Frostmane Hold.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Watch out for the higher level mobs in here.| ; ** auto-complete broken until QO completed - Hendo72
+K Frostmane Hold|ACTIVE|287|QO|1|M|25.09,51.05|N|Kill Frostmane Headhunter as you make your way out of Frostmane Hold.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Watch out for the higher level mobs in here.|T|Frostmane Headhunter|US|
+H Thunderbrew Distillery|ACTIVE|287|M|47.37,52.51|N|Hearth back to Kharanos, or run if your Hearth is on cooldown.|
 T Frostmane Hold|QID|287|M|46.72,53.83|N|To Senir Whitebeard|
 A The Reports|QID|291|PRE|287|M|46.72,53.83|N|From Senir Whitebeard|
 T Operation Recombobulation|QID|412|M|45.85,49.36|N|To Razzle Sprysprocket|
-L Nearly Level 10|QID|413|LVL|9;-1940|M|30.18,45.53|N|You need to be no more than 6 bubbles from level 10. So be sure and kill everything on your way back to Brewnall Village.|
+K A Favor for Evershine|ACTIVE|319|QO|1;2;3|M|28.99,49.26|N|Kill Ice Claw Bears, Elder Crag Boars and Snow Leopards.|US|
+R Brewnall Village|ACTIVE|319|M|31.08,44.65|N|Return to Brewnall Village.|S|
+L Level 10|ACTIVE|311|N|Grind until you're within 3.5 bubbles of level 10.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Time to start your level 10 class quest.|LVL|9;-1150|C|Hunter| ; ** Hunter needs to be lv 10 sooner - Hendo72
+L Level 10|ACTIVE|311|N|Grind until you're within 6 bubbles of level 10.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Time to start your level 10 class quest.|LVL|9;-2030|C|-Paladin,-Priest,-Hunter|
+L Level 10|ACTIVE|311|N|Grind until you're within 6 bubbles of level 10.|LVL|9;-2030|C|Paladin,Priest| ; ** Different message depending on Class - Hendo72
+R Brewnall Village|ACTIVE|319|M|31.08,44.65|N|Return to Brewnall Village.|US|
+r Sell and Repair|ACTIVE|319|M|30.12,45.29|N|Sell and Repair with Burdrak Harglhelm.|IZ|Brewnall Village|
 T Return to Marleth|QID|311|M|30.18,45.53|N|To Marleth Barleybrew, in Brewnall Village.|
-T A Favor for Evershine|QID|4|M|30.20,45.73|N|To Rejold Barleybrew|
+T A Favor for Evershine|QID|319|M|30.20,45.73|N|To Rejold Barleybrew|
 A Return to Bellowfiz|QID|320|PRE|319|M|30.20,45.73|N|From Rejold Barleybrew|
 T The Perfect Stout|QID|315|M|30.20,45.73|N|To Rejold Barleybrew|
 A Shimmer Stout|QID|413|PRE|315|M|30.20,45.73|N|From Rejold Barleybrew|
-A The Hunter's Path|QID|6075|M|30.6,45.4|LVL|10|C|Hunter|R|Dwarf|N|From Tristane Shadowstone. This quest line is very important for your hunter.|
-T The Hunter's Path|QID|6075|M|45.8,53.0|LVL|10|C|Hunter|R|Dwarf|N|To Grif Wildheart|
+A The Hunter's Path|QID|6075|M|30.6,45.4|N|coords From Tristane Shadowstone.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]This starts your class quest chain to tame your pet.|C|Hunter|R|Dwarf|LVL|10|
+H Thunderbrew Distillery|ACTIVE|320|M|47.37,52.51|N|Hearth back to Kharanos, or run if your Hearth is on cooldown.|
 T Return to Bellowfiz|QID|320|M|49.43,48.41|N|To Pilot Bellowfiz|
-; ---------- LEVEL 10 CLASS TRAINING ------------
-A Taming the Beast |QID|6064|M|45.81,53.04|C|Hunter|R|Dwarf|N|From Grif Wildheart|
-C Taming the Beast |QID|6064|C|Hunter|R|Dwarf|U|15911|M|39.5,47.3|T|Large Crag Boar|N|Tame a Large Crag Boar using the taming rod. During the 20 second cast, you will see heart shapes and a casting bar.|
-T Taming the Beast |QID|6064|M|45.81,53.04|C|Hunter|R|Dwarf|N|To Grif Wildheart|
-A Taming the Beast |QID|6084|PRE|6064|M|45.81,53.04|C|Hunter|R|Dwarf|N|From Grif Wildheart|
-C Taming the Beast |QID|6084|C|Hunter|R|Dwarf|U|15913|M|48.0,59.0|T|Snow Leopard|N|This time you need to tame a Snow Leopard, these can be found south-east of Kharanos. You will need to dismiss your pet Large Crag Boar first.|
-T Taming the Beast |QID|6084|M|45.81,53.04|C|Hunter|R|Dwarf|N|To Grif Wildheart|
-A Taming the Beast |QID|6085|PRE|6084|M|45.81,53.04|C|Hunter|R|Dwarf|N|From Grif Wildheart|
-C Taming the Beast |QID|6085|C|Hunter|R|Dwarf|U|15908|M|51.5,44.5|T|Ice Claw Bear|N|This time you need to tame an Ice Claw Bear, these can be found east of Kharanos. You will need to dismiss your pet Snow Leopard first.|
-T Taming the Beast |QID|6085|M|45.81,53.04|C|Hunter|R|Dwarf|N|To Grif Wildheart|
-A Training the Beast|QID|6086|PRE|6085|M|45.81,53.04|C|Hunter|R|Dwarf|N|From Grif Wildheart|
-T Training the Beast|QID|6086|C|Hunter|R|Dwarf|M|70.6,85.4|Z|Ironforge|N|To Belia Thundergranite, in Ironforge|
-A Speak with Bink|QID|1879|C|Mage|R|Gnome|
-T Speak with Bink|QID|1879|C|Mage|R|Gnome|N|This turn-in is at your Ironforge trainer.|
+; ---------- LEVEL 10 CLASS QUEST ------------
+; -- Paladin ** No class quest
+R Ironforge|AVAILABLE|6661|M|15.59,85.32|Z|1455;Ironforge|N|Run to Ironforge.|TZ|City of Ironforge|C|Paladin|R|Dwarf|LVL|10|
+= Level 10 Training|AVAILABLE|6661|M|PLAYER|CC|N|Do your level 10 training.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Manually check this step off to continue.|C|Paladin|R|Dwarf|LVL|10|IZ|City of Ironforge|
+; -- Priest ** No class quest
+R Ironforge|AVAILABLE|6661|M|15.59,85.32|Z|1455;Ironforge|N|Run to Ironforge.|TZ|City of Ironforge|C|Priest|R|Dwarf,Gnome|LVL|10|
+= Level 10 Training|AVAILABLE|6661|M|PLAYER|CC|N|Do your level 10 training.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Manually check this step off to continue.|C|Priest|R|Dwarf,Gnome|LVL|10|IZ|City of Ironforge|
+; -- Hunter
+T The Hunter's Path|QID|6075|M|45.81,53.04|N|To Grif Wildheart|C|Hunter|R|Dwarf|LVL|10|
+A Taming the Beast |QID|6064|M|45.81,53.04|N|From Grif Wildheart|C|Hunter|R|Dwarf|
+= Level 10 Training|ACTIVE|6064|M|PLAYER|CC|N|Do your level 10 training.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Manually check this step off to continue.|C|Hunter|LVL|10|IZ|Kharanos|
+C Taming the Beast |QID|6064|M|48.17,56.07|N|Tame a Large Crag Boar using the taming rod.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]During the 20 second cast, you will see heart shapes and a casting bar.|T|Large Crag Boar|U|15911|C|Hunter|R|Dwarf|
+T Taming the Beast |QID|6064|M|45.81,53.04|N|To Grif Wildheart.|C|Hunter|R|Dwarf|
+A Taming the Beast |QID|6084|PRE|6064|M|45.81,53.04|N|From Grif Wildheart.|C|Hunter|R|Dwarf|
+C Taming the Beast |QID|6084|M|48.17,56.07|N|Tame a Snow Leopard.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]You will need to dismiss your pet Large Crag Boar first. Do this by right-clicking on your pet's portrait and selecting 'Dismiss' from the drop-down.|T|Snow Leopard|U|15913|C|Hunter|R|Dwarf|
+T Taming the Beast |QID|6084|M|45.81,53.04|N|To Grif Wildheart|C|Hunter|R|Dwarf|
+A Taming the Beast |QID|6085|PRE|6084|M|45.81,53.04|N|From Grif Wildheart|C|Hunter|R|Dwarf|
+C Taming the Beast |QID|6085|M|51.5,44.5|N|Tame an Ice Claw Bear.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]You will need to dismiss your pet Snow Leopard first.|T|Ice Claw Bear|U|15908|C|Hunter|R|Dwarf|
+T Taming the Beast |QID|6085|M|45.81,53.04|N|To Grif Wildheart|C|Hunter|R|Dwarf|
+A Training the Beast|QID|6086|PRE|6085|M|45.81,53.04|N|From Grif Wildheart|C|Hunter|R|Dwarf|
+R Ironforge|ACTIVE|6086|M|15.59,85.32|Z|1455;Ironforge|N|Run to Ironforge.|TZ|City of Ironforge|C|Hunter|R|Dwarf|
+T Training the Beast|QID|6086|M|70.86,85.81|Z|1455;Ironforge|N|To Belia Thundergranite, inside the Hall of Arms in the Military Ward.|C|Hunter|R|Dwarf|
+N Feeding|AVAILABLE|-6086&6661|N|Once you have tamed your pet, you'll need to use your 'Feed Pet' ability to feed it something to make it happier, or it will eventually run away and you'll have to tame another one.|C|Hunter|
+; -- Mage
+A Speak with Bink|QID|1879|N|From Magis Sparkmantle.|C|Mage|R|Gnome|LVL|10|
+= Level 10 Training|ACTIVE|1879|M|PLAYER|CC|N|Do your level 10 training.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Manually check this step off to continue.|C|Mage|R|Gnome|LVL|10|IZ|Kharanos|
+T Speak with Bink|QID|1879|N|To Bink in Ironforge.|C|Mage|R|Gnome|
 A Mage-tastic Gizmonitor|QID|1880|PRE|1879|C|Mage|R|Gnome|
-C Mage-tastic Gizmonitor|QID|1880|C|Mage|R|Gnome|M|27.7,36.5|N|The Gizmonitor is in a toolbox at the waypoint.|
+C Mage-tastic Gizmonitor|QID|1880|M|27.7,36.5|N|coords The Gizmonitor is in a toolbox at the waypoint.|C|Mage|R|Gnome|
 T Mage-tastic Gizmonitor|QID|1880|C|Mage|R|Gnome|
-A Road to Salvation|QID|2218|C|Rogue|R|Dwarf,Gnome|
-T Road to Salvation|QID|2218|C|Rogue|R|Dwarf,Gnome|M|51.90,14.89|Z|Ironforge|N|This turn-in is at your Ironforge trainer.|
-A Simple Subterfugin'|QID|2238|PRE|2218|C|Rogue|R|Dwarf,Gnome|
-T Simple Subterfugin'|QID|2238|C|Rogue|R|Dwarf,Gnome|M|25.15,44.48|N|This NPC is in stealth on top of the wooden tower. You will need to get very close to him to see the turn-in.|
-A Onin's Report|QID|2239|PRE|2238|C|Rogue|R|Dwarf,Gnome|M|25.15,44.48|
-T Onin's Report|QID|2239|C|Rogue|R|Dwarf,Gnome|M|51.90,14.89|Z|Ironforge|
-R Ironforge|QID|1715|C|Warlock|M|53.31,35.09|N|Class quest for your Voidwalker starts here.|
-A The Slaughtered Lamb|QID|1715|C|Warlock|M|47.63,9.29|Z|Ironforge|N|This starts in Ironforge.|
-R Deeprun Tram|QID|6661|N|Go to the Deeprun Tram|Z|Ironforge|M|76.50,51.10|
-A Deeprun Rat Roundup|QID|6661|N|Get this quest from Monty in the Tram.|
-C Deeprun Rat Roundup|QID|6661|U|17117|T|Deeprun Rat|N|Use the flute to catch five Deeprun Rats.|
-T Deeprun Rat Roundup|QID|6661|N|To Monty.|
-A Me Brother, Nipsy|N|Get the next quest from Monty.|QID|6662|PRE|6661|
-T Me Brother, Nipsy|N|Get on the tram and turn this quest in at the other end.|QID|6662|
-R Stormwind City|ACTIVE|1338|N|Exit the Tram to Stormwind City|
-T The Slaughtered Lamb|QID|1715|C|Warlock|M|39.23,85.27|Z|Stormwind City|N|Run to the Mage Quarter and down the stairs inside the bar.|
-A Surena Caledon|QID|1688|C|Warlock|M|39.23,85.27|Z|Stormwind City|
-C Surena Caledon|QID|1688|C|Warlock|M|71.0,80.6|Z|Elwynn Forest|N|Surena can be found in a house in Elwynn Forest.|
-T Surena Caledon|QID|1688|C|Warlock|M|39.23,85.27|Z|Stormwind City|
-A The Binding|QID|1689|PRE|1688|C|Warlock|M|39.23,85.27|Z|Stormwind City|
-C The Binding|QID|1689|C|Warlock|N|The Summoning Circle is farther underneath the trainers.|
-T The Binding|QID|1689|C|Warlock|M|39.23,85.27|Z|Stormwind City|N|Congrats! You now can use a Voidwalker.|
-R Elwynn Forest|AVAILABLE|239|M|32.03,49.18|Z|Elwynn Forest|N|Make your way to the front gate.|
-R Goldshire|AVAILABLE|239|M|44.25,62.50|N|Follow the road down to Goldshire.|Z|Elwynn Forest|
-A A Fishy Peril|QID|40|M|42.1,67.3|N|From Remy "Two Times".|LVL|7|Z|Elwynn Forest|
-r Sell and Repair|QID|40|S|M|41.7,65.8|ACTIVE|40|N|Sell and Repair at Andrew Krighton, inside the metalworks building.|Z|Elwynn Forest|
-T A Fishy Peril|QID|40|M|42.1,65.9|N|To Marshall Dughan.|Z|Elwynn Forest|
-A Further Concerns|QID|35|M|42.1,65.9|PRE|40|N|From Marshall Dughan.|Z|Elwynn Forest|
-T Further Concerns|QID|35|M|74.0,72.2|N|Head east along the road to Guard Thomas.|Z|Elwynn Forest|
-A Find the Lost Guards|QID|37|M|74.0,72.2|PRE|35|N|From Guard Thomas.|Z|Elwynn Forest|
-A Protect the Frontier|QID|52|M|74.0,72.2|N|From Guard Thomas.|Z|Elwynn Forest|
-C Protect the Frontier|QID|52|S|M|84.1,61.6|N|Kill any Prowlers and Young Forest Bears.|Z|Elwynn Forest|
-A A Bundle of Trouble|QID|5545|M|81.4,66.1|N|From Supervisor Raelen.|Z|Elwynn Forest|
-C A Bundle of Trouble|QID|5545|M|84.1,61.6|N|Loot the Bundles of Wood, found at the base of the trees.|NC|Z|Elwynn Forest|
-r Sell and Repair|QID|5545|S|M|83.3,66.1|ACTIVE|5545|N|Sell and Repair at Rallic Finn.|Z|Elwynn Forest|
-T A Bundle of Trouble|QID|5545|M|81.4,66.1|N|To Supervisor Raelen.|Z|Elwynn Forest|
-A Red Linen Goods|QID|83|M|79.46,68.79|N|From Sara Timberlain.|Z|Elwynn Forest|
-C Red Linen Goods|QID|83|S|M|70.6,76.3|N|Kill and loot the Defias Bandits for the Red Linen Bandanas.|Z|Elwynn Forest|
-C Red Linen Goods|QID|83|US|M|70.6,76.3|N|Kill and loot the Defias Bandits for the Red Linen Bandanas.|Z|Elwynn Forest|
-T Red Linen Goods|QID|83|US|M|79.46,68.79|N|To Sara Timberlain.|Z|Elwynn Forest|
-N Prowlers|QID|52|US|ACTIVE|37|M|87,70|QO|1|N|The wolves in this area are Gray Forest Wolves, and not the ones required for the quest Protect the Frontier.|Z|Elwynn Forest|
-T Find the Lost Guards|QID|37|M|72.70,60.2|N|To "A half-eaten body".|Z|Elwynn Forest|
-A Discover Rolf's Fate|QID|45|PRE|37|M|72.7,60.3|N|From A half-eaten body.|Z|Elwynn Forest|
-T Discover Rolf's Fate|QID|45|M|79.8,55.5|N|To Rolf's corpse. Kill the Murlocs patroling the area around Rolf's corpse first. Then, pull the two Murlocs standing next to his corpse. Go all out with cooldowns and potions on the weakest one (lower level, less HP), then if needed, run. Come back and kill the remaining Murloc.|Z|Elwynn Forest|
-A Report to Thomas|QID|71|PRE|45|M|79.8,55.5|N|From Rolf's corpse.|Z|Elwynn Forest|
-C Protect the Frontier|QID|52|US|M|87,70|N|Finish killing the Prowlers and Young Forest Bears.|Z|Elwynn Forest|
-T Report to Thomas|QID|71|M|74.0,72.2|N|To Guard Thomas.|Z|Elwynn Forest|
-A Deliver Thomas' Report|QID|39|PRE|71|M|74.0,72.2|N|From Guard Thomas.|Z|Elwynn Forest|
-T Protect the Frontier|QID|52|M|74.0,72.2|N|To Guard Thomas.|Z|Elwynn Forest|
-A Report to Gryan Stoutmantle|QID|109|M|73.9,72.2|N|From Guard Thomas.|Z|Elwynn Forest|
-R Goldshire|ACTIVE|39|M|44.25,62.50|N|Follow the road down to Goldshire.|Z|Elwynn Forest|
-T Deliver Thomas' Report|QID|39|M|42.1,65.9|N|To Marshall Dughan.|Z|Elwynn Forest|
-A Westbrook Garrison Needs Help!|QID|239|M|42.1,65.9|N|From Marshall Dughan.|Z|Elwynn Forest|
-A Cloth and Leather Armor|QID|59|M|42.1,65.9|PRE|39|N|From Marshall Dughan.|Z|Elwynn Forest|
-A Elmore's Task|QID|1097|M|41.70,65.5|N|From Smith Argus.|Z|Elwynn Forest|
-T Westbrook Garrison Needs Help!|QID|239|M|24.3,74.8|N|To Deputy Rainer.|Z|Elwynn Forest|
-A Riverpaw Gnoll Bounty|QID|11|PRE|239|M|24.3,74.8|N|From Deputy Rainer.|Z|Elwynn Forest|
-A Wanted:  "Hogger"|QID|176|M|24.52,74.65|N|This Elite level quest is available from the Wanted Poster in Forests Edge, one on the road to the tower, and one at the northern tower.|Z|Elwynn Forest|
-K Hogger|ACTIVE|176|QO|1|M|27.5,92.5|N|This Level 11 Elite has a few spawn points. Group up with whoever is around to make this simple.|S!US|T|Hogger|Z|Elwynn Forest|
-C Riverpaw Gnoll Bounty|QID|11|M|26.1,87.5|N|Kill and loot the Gnolls for the Painted Gnoll Armbands.|Z|Elwynn Forest|
-L Level Check|ACTIVE|11|M|26.1,87.5|LVL|9;-840|N|Grind at the gnolls if you aren't yet 10.|Z|Elwynn Forest|
-l Gold Pickup Schedule|QID|123|L|1307|M|26.0,93.0|N|You want to hunt down the Gold Pickup Schedule. This is most likely to drop from the rare mob Gruff Swiftbite who spawns in the same area as Hogger does, otherwise it's a low 1% drop from Hogger and Riverpaws.|T|Gruff|Z|Elwynn Forest|
-A The Collector|QID|123|U|1307|N|Quest obtained from the Gold Pickup Schedule.|
-T Riverpaw Gnoll Bounty|QID|11|M|24.3,74.8|N|To Deputy Rainer.|Z|Elwynn Forest|
-T The Collector|QID|123|M|42.1,65.9|N|To Marshall Dughan.|Z|Elwynn Forest|
-A Manhunt|QID|147|PRE|123|M|42.1,65.9|N|From Marshall Dughan.|Z|Elwynn Forest|
-T Wanted:  "Hogger"|QID|176|M|42.1,65.9|N|To Marshall Dughan.|Z|Elwynn Forest|
-N City Facilities|QID|291|ACTIVE|291|S|N|Use this time to visit Auction House, Bank and to sell and restock. Now is a good time to increase bagspace!|
-T The Reports|QID|291|M|44.57,49.50;39.59,57.48|CS|Z|Ironforge|N|To Senator Barin Redstone, in The High Seat|
-f Ironforge|QID|311|M|55.7,48.0|N|Discover Ironforge Flightpoint with Gryth Thurden|R|-Gnome,-Dwarf|Z|Ironforge|
-H Thunderbrew Distillery|C|Warlock|
-A Muren Stormpike|QID|1679|C|Warrior|R|Dwarf,Gnome|M|47.36,52.65|Z|Dun Morogh|N|From Granis Swiftaxe.|
-T Muren Stormpike|QID|1679|C|Warrior|R|Gnome,Dwarf|M|70.77,90.28|Z|Ironforge|N|To Muren Stormpike near the Warrior/Hunter trainers in Ironforge.|
-A Vejrek|QID|1678|PRE|1679|C|Warrior|R|Dwarf,Gnome|M|70.77,90.28|Z|Ironforge|N|From Muren Stormpike.|
-C Vejrek|QID|1678|C|Warrior|R|Gnome,Dwarf|M|27.70,57.70|N|Vejrek can be found up a path leading into the mountains inside a hut.|
-T Vejrek|QID|1678|C|Warrior|R|Gnome,Dwarf|M|70.77,90.28|Z|Ironforge|N|To Muren Stormpike.|
-A Tormus Deepforge|QID|1680|PRE|1678|C|Warrior|R|Gnome,Dwarf|M|70.77,90.28|Z|Ironforge|N|From Muren Stormpike.|
-T Tormus Deepforge|QID|1680|C|Warrior|R|Gnome,Dwarf|M|48.65,42.49|Z|Ironforge|N|To Tormus Deepforge.|
-A Ironband's Compound|QID|1681|PRE|1680|C|Warrior|R|Gnome,Dwarf|M|48.65,42.49|Z|Ironforge|N|From Tormus Deepforge.|
-C Ironband's Compound|QID|1681|C|Warrior|R|Gnome,Dwarf|M|77.90,62.20|N|The ore is located in a guarded lockbox in the basement of a building.|
-T Ironband's Compound|QID|1681|C|Warrior|R|Gnome,Dwarf|M|48.65,42.49|Z|Ironforge|N|To Tormus Deepforge.|
-A Grey Iron Weapons|QID|1682|PRE|1681|C|Warrior|R|Gnome,Dwarf|M|48.65,42.49|Z|Ironforge|N|From Tormus Deepforge.|
-T Grey Iron Weapons|QID|1682|C|Warrior|R|Gnome,Dwarf|M|48.65,42.49|Z|Ironforge|N|To Tormus Deepforge.|
-; ---------- END OF LEVEL 10 CLASS TRAINING ------------
-R Amberstill Ranch|QID|314|M|62.6,53.4|N|Head to Amberstill ranch, follow the road to the east .|
-A Protecting the Herd|QID|314|M|63.08,49.86|N|From Rudra Amberstill. Follow the path up the hill. This is an Elite quest (Level 11 Elite)|
-R Up the hill|QID|314|N|Vagash is up the hill|CC|M|61.75,52.0;60.6,53.0;59.6,52.4;59.35,50.85;60.9,47.3;62.0,47.2|
-C Protecting the Herd|QID|314|M|62.22,46.90|N|Kill and loot Vagash.|
-T Protecting the Herd|QID|314|M|63.08,49.86|N|To Rudra Amberstill|
-R Gol'Bolar Quarry|QID|432|M|67.2,53.5|N|Head east along the road until you find a dirt path leading south. (67.2, 53.5)|
-A The Public Servant|QID|433|M|68.67,55.97|N|From Senator Mehr Stonehallow|
-A Those Blasted Troggs!|QID|432|M|69.08,56.32|N|From Foreman Stonebrow|
-C Those Blasted Troggs!|QID|432|S|N|Kill Rockjaw Skullthumpers, found both inside and outside area of the quarry.|
-C The Public Servant|QID|433|M|70.75,56.3|N|Kill the Rockjaw Bonesnappers, inside the Gol'Bolar Quarry Mine|
-C Those Blasted Troggs!|QID|432|US|N|Kill Rockjaw Skullthumpers, leave the mine, and target those outside only.|
-L Level 11|QID|432|LVL|11;2800|N|Grind in this cave until 2800 exp into 11..|
-T The Public Servant|QID|433|M|68.67,55.97|N|To Senator Mehr Stonehallow|
-r Sell and Repair|QID|432|S|M|68.8,55.9|ACTIVE|432|N|Sell and Repair with Frast Dokner.|
-T Those Blasted Troggs!|QID|432|M|69.08,56.32|N|To Foreman Stonebrow|
-R North Gate Pass|QID|419|M|67.8,55.1;78.00,49.61;83.0,40.4|CS|N|Follow the road east until you come to a fork. Take the Northeastern road and you'll soon come to North Gate Pass. |
-R North Gate Outpost|QID|419|M|83.0,40.4|N|Continue through the tunnel, and onto North Gate Outpost|
-A The Lost Pilot|QID|419|M|83.89,39.19|N|From Pilot Hammerfoot|
-T The Lost Pilot|QID|419|M|79.7,36.2|N|Head northwest a bit until you come to a dirt path on the west side of the road. You should see A Dwarven Corpse on the ground. (79.7, 36.2)|
-A A Pilot's Revenge|QID|417|PRE|419|M|79.7,36.2|N|From Dwarven Corpse|
-C A Pilot's Revenge|QID|417|M|78.5,37.6|N|Kill and loot Mangeclaw|
-T A Pilot's Revenge|QID|417|M|83.89,39.19|N|To Pilot Hammerfoot|
-R South Gate Outpost|QID|413|M|78.2,49.6;84.2,51.3|CS|N|Head back through the tunnel to the fork and this time take the southeastern route until you come to South Gate Outpost (84.2, 51.3).|
-T Shimmer Stout|QID|413|M|86.28,48.82|N|To Mountaineer Barleybrew|
-A Stout to Kadrell|QID|414|PRE|413|M|86.28,48.82|N|From Mountaineer Barleybrew|
-; -- This guide ends in Thelsamar, Loch Modan
+; -- Rogue
+A Road to Salvation|QID|2218|N|From Hogral Bakkan.|C|Rogue|R|Dwarf,Gnome|LVL|10|
+= Level 10 Training|ACTIVE|2218|M|PLAYER|CC|N|Do your level 10 training.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Manually check this step off to continue.|C|Rogue|R|Dwarf,Gnome|LVL|10|IZ|Kharanos|
+T Road to Salvation|QID|2218|M|51.90,14.89|Z|1455;Ironforge|N|To Hulfdan Blackbeard in Ironforge.|C|Rogue|R|Dwarf,Gnome|
+A Simple Subterfugin'|QID|2238|PRE|2218|M|51.90,14.89|Z|1455;Ironforge|N|From Hulfdan Blackbeard.|C|Rogue|R|Dwarf,Gnome|
+T Simple Subterfugin'|QID|2238|M|25.16,44.46|N|To Onin MacHammar.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]He's stealthed on top of the wooden tower. You'll need to get very close to him to see the turn-in.|C|Rogue|R|Dwarf,Gnome|
+A Onin's Report|QID|2239|PRE|2238|M|25.16,44.46|N|From Onin MacHammar.|C|Rogue|R|Dwarf,Gnome|
+T Onin's Report|QID|2239|M|51.90,14.89|Z|1455;Ironforge|N|To Hulfdan Blackbeard.|C|Rogue|R|Dwarf,Gnome|
+; -- Warlock
+R Ironforge|AVAILABLE|1715|M|15.59,85.32|Z|1455;Ironforge|N|Make your way up the road to Ironforge.|C|Warlock|
+R The Forlorn Cavern|AVAILABLE|1715|M|40.86,11.81|Z|1455;Ironforge|N|Make your way clockwise around the outer ring.|C|Warlock|
+A The Slaughtered Lamb|QID|1715|M|47.63,9.29|Z|1455;Ironforge|N|From Lago Blackwrench.|C|Warlock|LVL|10|
+= Level 10 Training|ACTIVE|1715|M|PLAYER|CC|N|Do your level 10 training.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Manually check this step off to continue.|C|Warlock|LVL|10|IZ|City of Ironforge|
+; -- Warrior
+A Muren Stormpike|QID|1679|M|47.36,52.65|Z|Dun Morogh|N|From Granis Swiftaxe.|C|Warrior|R|Dwarf,Gnome|
+= Level 10 Training|ACTIVE|1679|M|PLAYER|CC|N|Do your level 10 training.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Manually check this step off to continue.|C|Warrior|R|Dwarf,Gnome|LVL|10|IZ|Kharanos|
+T Muren Stormpike|QID|1679|M|70.77,90.28|Z|1455;Ironforge|N|To Muren Stormpike near the Warrior/Hunter trainers in Ironforge.|C|Warrior|R|Dwarf,Gnome|
+A Vejrek|QID|1678|PRE|1679|M|70.77,90.28|Z|1455;Ironforge|N|From Muren Stormpike.|C|Warrior|R|Dwarf,Gnome|
+C Vejrek|QID|1678|M|27.70,57.70|N|Vejrek can be found up a path leading into the mountains inside a hut.|C|Warrior|R|Dwarf,Gnome|
+T Vejrek|QID|1678|M|70.77,90.28|Z|1455;Ironforge|N|To Muren Stormpike.|C|Warrior|R|Dwarf,Gnome|
+A Tormus Deepforge|QID|1680|PRE|1678|M|70.77,90.28|Z|1455;Ironforge|N|From Muren Stormpike.|C|Warrior|R|Dwarf,Gnome|
+T Tormus Deepforge|QID|1680|M|48.65,42.49|Z|1455;Ironforge|N|To Tormus Deepforge.|C|Warrior|R|Dwarf,Gnome|
+A Ironband's Compound|QID|1681|PRE|1680|M|48.65,42.49|Z|1455;Ironforge|N|From Tormus Deepforge.|C|Warrior|R|Dwarf,Gnome|
+C Ironband's Compound|QID|1681|M|77.90,62.20|N|The ore is located in a guarded lockbox in the basement of a building.|C|Warrior|R|Dwarf,Gnome|
+T Ironband's Compound|QID|1681|M|48.65,42.49|Z|1455;Ironforge|N|To Tormus Deepforge.|C|Warrior|R|Dwarf,Gnome|
+A Grey Iron Weapons|QID|1682|PRE|1681|M|48.65,42.49|Z|1455;Ironforge|N|From Tormus Deepforge.|C|Warrior|R|Dwarf,Gnome|
+T Grey Iron Weapons|QID|1682|M|48.65,42.49|Z|1455;Ironforge|N|To Tormus Deepforge.|C|Warrior|R|Dwarf,Gnome|
+= Professions|AVAILABLE|6661|M|PLAYER|CC|N|If you haven't done so yet, take this opportunity to learn your Professions and Secondary skills.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Manually check this step off to continue.|
+f Ironforge|AVAILABLE|6661|M|55.51,47.72|Z|1455;Ironforge|N|Discover Ironforge Flightpoint with Gryth Thurden.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Open the flight map to populate the FPs.|R|-Dwarf,-Gnome|TAXI|-Ironforge|IZ|City of Ironforge|
+R Deeprun Tram|AVAILABLE|6661|M|77.07,51.29|Z|1455;Ironforge|N|Head to the Deeprun Tram entrance in Tinkertown.|
+A Deeprun Rat Roundup|QID|6661|N|From Monty standing at the west end of the center platform.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Coordinates do not work inside Deeprun Tram.|
+C Deeprun Rat Roundup|QID|6661|N|Use Rat Catcher's Flute on Deeprun Rats, and catch five of them.|T|Deeprun Rat|U|17117|NC|
+T Deeprun Rat Roundup|QID|6661|N|To Monty.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Only one person can turn in a quest at a time.|
+A Me Brother, Nipsy |QID|6662|PRE|6661|N|From Monty.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Give it a few moments before you can accept the quest.|
+T Me Brother, Nipsy |QID|6662|N|To Nipsy at the Stormwind Tram Stop.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Either Tram will take you to the Stormwind end.|
+R Stormwind City|AVAILABLE|40|N|Leave Deeprun Tram for Stormwind City through the exit on the north side.|IZ|Deeprun Tram|
+; -- Warlock level 10 class quest cont.
+R The Slaughtered Lamb|ACTIVE|1715|M|31.7,60.0;29.03,74.31|CC|Z|Stormwind City|N|Make your way to the tavern in Mage Quarter.|C|Warlock|
+T The Slaughtered Lamb|QID|1715|M|39.6,84.6|Z|Stormwind City|N|coords To Gakin the Darkbinder in the basement. Follow the ramp down to get to the basement.|C|Warlock|
+A Surena Caledon|QID|1688|M|39.6,84.6|Z|Stormwind City|N|coords From Gakin the Darkbinder.|C|Warlock|
+N Wand|ACTIVE|1688|N|Having reached level 10, you can now use a Shadow Wand.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Manually check this step off to continue.|C|Warlock|
+B Shadow Wand|ACTIVE|1688|M|PLAYER|CC|L|5071|N|Check the AH to see if one is available.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]If you don't have the money, or there isn't one available, you can skip this step and come back later.|C|Warlock|
+f Stormwind|AVAILABLE|40|M|66.27,62.13|Z|1453;Stormwind City|N|Discover Stormwind Flightpoint with Dungar Longdrink.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Open the flight map to populate the FPs.|TAXI|-Stormwind|
+R Elwynn Forest|AVAILABLE|40|M|32.03,49.18|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|Make your way to the front gate.|TAXI|-Sentinel Hill|
+R Goldshire|AVAILABLE|40|M|41.10,61.93|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|Follow the road to Goldshire.|
+A A Fishy Peril|QID|40|M|42.14,67.25|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|From Remy "Two Times".|
+r Sell and Repair|ACTIVE|40|M|41.71,65.79|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|Sell and Repair at Andrew Krighton, inside the metalworks building.|S|
+T A Fishy Peril|QID|40|M|42.11,65.94|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|To Marshall Dughan.|
+A Further Concerns|QID|35|PRE|40|M|42.11,65.94|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|From Marshall Dughan.|
+;A The Fargodeep Mine|QID|62|M|42.11,65.94|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|From Marshall Dughan.|
+;A Kobold Candles|QID|60|M|43.32,65.70|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|From William Pestle inside the Inn.|
+;A Gold Dust Exchange|QID|47|M|42.14,67.25|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|Remy "Two Times".|
+; -- Warlock level 10 class quest conclusion
+R Brackwell Pumpkin Patch|ACTIVE|1688|M|66.4,74.1;69.34,79.30|CC|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|Exit Goldshire from the south and continue following the road east through Elwynn Forest.|
+K Surena Caledon|ACTIVE|1688|QO|1|M|71.02,80.76|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|Surena is in the house on the east side of the field.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]She is guarded by Erian Drudgemoor (lv 8) and Morgan the Collector (lv 10).\nMake sure you clear the mobs around the house before you start and focus on killing Surena.|T|Surena Caledon|C|Warlock|
+R Stormwind City|ACTIVE|1688|M|71.10,89.01|Z|Stormwind City|N|Make your way to Stormwind City.|C|Warlock|
+T Surena Caledon|QID|1688|M|25.25,78.58|Z|Stormwind City|N|To Gakin the Darkbinder.|C|Warlock|
+A The Binding|QID|1689|PRE|1688|M|25.25,78.58|Z|Stormwind City|N|From Gakin the Darkbinder.|C|Warlock|
+K Summoned Voidwalker|ACTIVE|1689|QO|1|M|24.9,79.4;25.11,77.37|CC|Z|Stormwind City|N|Make you way to the Stormwind Summoning Circle and use the Bloodstone Choker to summon a Voidwalker to defeat.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]The Summoning Circle is at the bottom of three sets of stairs.|U|6928|C|Warlock|
+T The Binding|QID|1689|M|25.25,78.58|Z|Stormwind City|N|To Gakin the Darkbinder.|C|Warlock|
+;C Gold Dust Exchange|QID|47|M|41.04,79.78|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|L|773 10|ITEM|773|N|Any Kobold at Fargodeep Mine.|S|
+;C Kobold Candles|QID|60|M|41.04,79.78|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|L|772 8|ITEM|772|N|Any Kobold at Fargodeep Mine.|S|
+;R Fargodeep Mine|QID|62|QO|1|M|38.98,82.33|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|Head to the Fargodeep Mine.|
+;C Fargodeep Mine|QID|62|QO|1|M|38.98,82.33;39.63,80.30|CC|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|Enter via the upper entrance and turn right to follow the rail tracks into the mine.|
+;C Gold Dust Exchange|QID|47|M|41.04,79.78|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|L|773 10|ITEM|773|N|Any Kobold at Fargodeep Mine.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]The left tunnel off the main room leads to more Kobolds.|US|
+;C Kobold Candles|QID|60|M|41.04,79.78|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|L|772 8|ITEM|772|N|Any Kobold at Fargodeep Mine.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]The left tunnel off the main room leads to more Kobolds.|US|
+;R Goldshire|ACTIVE|47^60^62|M|41.58,69.46|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|Return to Goldshire.|
+;T Gold Dust Exchange|QID|47|M|42.14,67.25|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|To Remy "Two Times".|
+;T Kobold Candles|QID|60|M|43.32,65.70|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|To William Pestle.|
+;A Shipment to Stormwind|QID|61|PRE|60|M|43.32,65.70|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|From William Pestle.|
+;T The Fargodeep Mine|QID|62|M|42.11,65.94|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|To Marshall Dughan.|
+;A The Jasperlode Mine|QID|76|PRE|62|M|42.11,65.94|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|From Marshall Dughan.|
+;R Jasperlode Mine|QID|76|QO|1|M|58.72,56.28|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|Head northward from Goldshire to the top of the mountain range and follow it east.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]If you fall into Northshire Valley, you'll have a long run back to get back up.|
+;C The Jasperlode Mine|QID|76|M|61.71,53.85;60.53,49.97|CC|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|Enter the mine and go straight.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Do not turn down any side passages.|
+;T Further Concerns|QID|35|M|73.97,72.18|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|To Guard Thomas at the bridge on the main road.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]The run will get easier (less mobs) the sooner you get to the road.|
+T Further Concerns|QID|35|M|73.97,72.18|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|To Guard Thomas at the bridge east of Goldshire.|
+A Find the Lost Guards|QID|37|PRE|35|M|73.97,72.18|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|From Guard Thomas.|
+A Protect the Frontier|QID|52|M|73.97,72.18|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|From Guard Thomas.|
+A Report to Gryan Stoutmantle|QID|109|M|73.97,72.18|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|From Guard Thomas.|
+K Protect the Frontier|ACTIVE|52|QO|1;2|M|80.44,60.48|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|Kill any Prowlers and Young Forest Bears.|S|
+A A Bundle of Trouble|QID|5545|M|81.38,66.11|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|From Supervisor Raelen in Eastvale Logging Camp.|
+C A Bundle of Trouble|QID|5545|M|80.44,60.48|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|L|13872 8|N|Loot the Bundles of Wood, found at the base of the trees.|
+r Sell and Repair|ACTIVE|5545|M|83.29,66.09|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|Sell and Repair at Rallic Finn.|S|
+T A Bundle of Trouble|QID|5545|M|81.38,66.11|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|To Supervisor Raelen.|
+A Red Linen Goods|QID|83|M|79.46,68.79|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|From Sara Timberlain.|
+C Red Linen Goods|QID|83|M|69.56,77.20|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|L|1019 6|ITEM|1019|N|Defias Bandits in the area.|
+T Red Linen Goods|QID|83|M|79.46,68.79|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|To Sara Timberlain.|
+T Find the Lost Guards|QID|37|M|72.65,60.33|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|To "A half-eaten body".|
+A Discover Rolf's Fate|QID|45|PRE|37|M|72.65,60.33|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|From A half-eaten body.|
+T Discover Rolf's Fate|QID|45|M|79.80,55.52|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|To Rolf's corpse after clearing the area.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Kill the Murlocs patroling the area around Rolf's corpse first. Then, pull the two Murlocs standing next to his corpse. Go all out with cooldowns and potions on the weakest one (lower level, less HP), then if needed, run. Come back and kill the remaining Murloc.|
+A Report to Thomas|QID|71|PRE|45|M|79.80,55.52|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|From Rolf's corpse.|
+K Protect the Frontier|ACTIVE|52|QO|1;2|M|87.71,66.44|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|Kill any Prowlers and Young Forest Bears.|US|
+T Report to Thomas|QID|71|M|73.97,72.18|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|To Guard Thomas.|
+A Deliver Thomas' Report|QID|39|PRE|71|M|73.97,72.18|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|From Guard Thomas.|
+T Protect the Frontier|QID|52|M|73.97,72.18|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|To Guard Thomas.|
+R Goldshire|ACTIVE|39|M|44.25,62.50|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|Follow the road west to Goldshire.|
+;T The Jasperlode Mine|QID|76|M|42.11,65.94|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|From Marshall Dughan.|
+T Deliver Thomas' Report|QID|39|M|42.11,65.94|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|To Marshall Dughan.|
+;A Westbrook Garrison Needs Help!|QID|239|PRE|76|M|42.11,65.94|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|From Marshall Dughan.|
+A Cloth and Leather Armor|QID|59|PRE|39|M|42.11,65.94|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|From Marshall Dughan.|
+A Elmore's Task|QID|1097|LEAD|353|M|41.71,65.54|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|From Smith Argus.|
+R The Stonefield Farm|AVAILABLE|88|M|34.53,79.11|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|Follow the road west out of Goldshire to the second curve.|
+A Princess Must Die!|QID|88|M|34.66,84.48|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|From Ma Stonefield.|
+R Brackwell Pumpkin Patch|ACTIVE|88|QO|1|M|69.74,78.87|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|Head east to the field.|
+K Princess Must Die!|ACTIVE|88|M|69.70,79.69|L|1006|N|Kill and loot Princess for the Brass Collar.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]She has a guard with her, but focus on looting her first.|T|Princess|
+R The Stonefield Farm|ACTIVE|88|M|35.48,86.15|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|Return to the farm.|
+T Princess Must Die!|QID|88|M|34.66,84.48|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|To Ma Stonefield.|
+R Forest's Edge|ACTIVE|176|QO|1|M|28.80,77.91|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|Follow the road west to the first bridge.|
+;T Westbrook Garrison Needs Help!|QID|239|M|24.24,74.45|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|To Deputy Rainer.|
+;A Riverpaw Gnoll Bounty|QID|11|PRE|239|M|24.24,74.45|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|From Deputy Rainer.|
+A Wanted:  "Hogger"|QID|176|M|24.55,74.67;24.52,74.65|CN|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|ELITE|N|[color=FF8000]Elite: [/color]\nThis quest is available from either Wanted Poster in Westbrook Garrison, the one on the road to the tower or the one in front of the tower.|
+l Gold Pickup Schedule|QID|123|M|26.00,89.60|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|L|1307|ITEM|1307|N|Gruff Swiftbite, a rare mob around Forest's Edge. is most likely to drop from the  who spawns in the same area as Hogger does, otherwise it's a low 1% drop from Hogger and Riverpaws.|T|Gruff|S!US|IZ|Elwynn Forest|
+A The Collector|QID|123|M|PLAYER|N|Quest obtained from the Gold Pickup Schedule.|U|1307|O|
+K Hogger|ACTIVE|176|QO|1|M|27.5,92.5|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|coords This Level 11 Elite has a few spawn points. Group up with whoever is around to make this simple.|
+;C Riverpaw Gnoll Bounty|QID|11|M|26.10,87.50|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|L|782 8|ITEM|782|N|Any Riverpaw Gnoll in Forest's Edge.|
+L Level 12|ACTIVE|176^291|AVAILABLE|123|N|Grind until you're within 5 bubbles of level 12.|LVL|11;-2140|
+L Level 12|ACTIVE|176&123|N|Grind until you're within 5.5 bubbles of level 12.|LVL|11;-2350|
+;T Riverpaw Gnoll Bounty|QID|11|M|24.24,74.45|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|To Deputy Rainer.|
+R Goldshire|ACTIVE|176^123|M|44.25,62.50|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|Follow the road east to Goldshire.|
+T The Collector|QID|123|M|42.11,65.94|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|To Marshall Dughan.|
+A Manhunt|QID|147|PRE|123|M|42.11,65.94|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|From Marshall Dughan.|
+T Wanted:  "Hogger"|QID|176|M|42.11,65.94|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|To Marshall Dughan.|
+R Stormwind City|ACTIVE|61^1097|M|70.98,89.00|Z|1453;Stormwind City|N|Take the northwest road out of Goldshire to Stormwind City.|
+N Housekeeping|ACTIVE|291|M|PLAYER|CC|N|Use this time to visit the city's various amenities.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Ask one of the guards if you don't know where to go.|S!US|IZ|Stormwind City|
+;T Shipment to Stormwind|QID|61|M|63.16,74.41|Z|1453;Stormwind City|N|To Morgan Pestle inside Pestle's Apothecary.|
+T Elmore's Task|QID|1097|M|51.76,12.08|Z|1453;Stormwind City|N|To Grimand Elmore, in the Dwarven District.|
+A Stormpike's Delivery|QID|353|PRE|1097|M|59.67,33.84|Z|1453;Stormwind City|N|From Grimand Elmore.|
+F Ironforge|ACTIVE|291|M|66.28,62.13|Z|1453;Stormwind City|N|Fly to Ironforge.|TZ|City of Ironforge|TAXI|Ironforge|
+H Thunderbrew Distillery|ACTIVE|291|M|47.37,52.51|N|Hearth back to Dun Morogh, or use the Deeprun Tram if your Hearth is on cooldown.|TZ|Dun Morogh^City of Ironforge|TAXI|-Ironforge|
+R Ironforge|ACTIVE|291|M|16.24,84.52|Z|1455;Ironforge|N|Make your way up the road to Ironforge.|TZ|City of Ironforge|
+f Ironforge|ACTIVE|291|M|55.51,47.72|Z|1455;Ironforge|N|Discover Ironforge Flightpoint with Gryth Thurden|TAXI|-Ironforge|
+T The Reports|QID|291|M|44.57,49.50;39.59,57.48|CS|Z|1455;Ironforge|N|To Senator Barin Redstone, in The High Seat|
+= Level 12 Training|AVAILABLE|314|M|PLAYER|CC|N|Do your level 12 training.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Manually check this step off to continue.|LVL|12|IZ|City of Ironforge|
diff --git a/WoWPro_Leveling/Classic/Alliance/01_12_Elwynn.lua b/WoWPro_Leveling/Classic/Alliance/01_12_Elwynn.lua
index 1dfe52a704..8f8bc22424 100644
--- a/WoWPro_Leveling/Classic/Alliance/01_12_Elwynn.lua
+++ b/WoWPro_Leveling/Classic/Alliance/01_12_Elwynn.lua
@@ -10,281 +10,281 @@ WoWPro:GuideNextGuide(guide, 'ClassicEasternKingdom1220')
 WoWPro:GuideSteps(guide, function() return [[
 A A Threat Within|QID|783|M|48.15,42.95|N|From Deputy Willem.|
-T A Threat Within|QID|783|M|48.9,41.6|N|To Marshal McBride, inside the Abbey.|
-A Kobold Camp Cleanup|PRE|783|QID|7|M|48.9,41.6|N|From Marshal McBride|
-C Kobold Camp Cleanup|QID|7|QO|1|M|47.5,36.1|N|Kill 10 Kobold 'Vermin'. The 'Workers' don't count.|T|Kobold Vermin|S|
-A Eagan Peltskinner|PRE|783|QID|5261|M|48.15,42.95|N|From Deputy Willem.|
-T Eagan Peltskinner|QID|5261|M|48.9,40.2|N|To Eagan Peltskinner around back of the Abbey.|
-A Wolves Across the Border|PRE|5261|QID|33|M|48.9,40.2|N|From Eagan Peltskinner.|
-C Wolves Across the Border|QID|33|QO|1|M|47.0,39.7|N|Kill Wolves until you've looted 8 Tough Wolf Meat.|
-C Kobold Camp Cleanup|QID|7|QO|1|M|47.5,36.1|N|Kill 10 Kobold 'Vermin'. The 'Workers' don't count.|T|Kobold Vermin|US|
-T Wolves Across the Border|QID|33|M|48.9,40.2|N|To Eagan Peltskinner.|
+T A Threat Within|QID|783|M|48.92,41.61|N|To Marshal McBride, inside the Abbey.|
+A Kobold Camp Cleanup|QID|7|PRE|783|M|48.92,41.61|N|From Marshal McBride|
+K Kobold Camp Cleanup|ACTIVE|7|QO|1|M|47.5,36.1|N|Kill 10 Kobold 'Vermin'.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]The 'Workers' don't count.|T|Kobold Vermin|S|
+A Eagan Peltskinner|QID|5261|PRE|783|M|48.15,42.95|N|From Deputy Willem.|
+T Eagan Peltskinner|QID|5261|M|48.94,40.17|N|To Eagan Peltskinner around back of the Abbey.|
+A Wolves Across the Border|QID|33|PRE|5261|M|48.94,40.17|N|From Eagan Peltskinner.|
+C Wolves Across the Border|QID|33|M|46.89,39.05|L|750 8|ITEM|750|N|Diseased Young Wolves.|
+K Kobold Camp Cleanup|ACTIVE|7|QO|1|M|47.5,36.1|N|Kill 10 Kobold 'Vermin'.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]The 'Workers' don't count.|T|Kobold Vermin|US|
+T Wolves Across the Border|QID|33|M|48.94,40.17|N|To Eagan Peltskinner.|
 r Sell Junk and Repair|ACTIVE|7|M|47.69,41.42|N|Take this opportunity to sell any junk you may have accumulated with Godric Rothgar.|
 T Kobold Camp Cleanup|QID|7|M|48.92,41.61|N|To Marshal McBride.|
 ; This quest changes depending upon your class.
-A Simple Letter|PRE|7|QID|3100|C|Warrior|R|Human|M|48.92,41.61|N|From Marshal McBride.|
-A Consecrated Letter|PRE|7|QID|3101|C|Paladin|R|Human|M|48.92,41.61|N|From Marshal McBride.|
-A Encrypted Letter|PRE|7|QID|3102|C|Rogue|R|Human|M|48.92,41.61|N|From Marshal McBride.|
-A Hallowed Letter|PRE|7|QID|3103|C|Priest|R|Human|M|48.92,41.61|N|From Marshal McBride.|
-A Glyphic Letter|PRE|7|QID|3104|C|Mage|R|Human|M|48.92,41.61|N|From Marshal McBride.|
-A Tainted Letter|PRE|7|QID|3105|C|Warlock|R|Human|M|48.92,41.61|N|From Marshal McBride.|
-A Investigate Echo Ridge|PRE|7|QID|15|M|48.92,41.61|N|From Marshal McBride.|
-C Investigate Echo Ridge|QID|15|M|51.2,37.4|QO|1|N|Kill The Kobold Workers.\nThe Workers are much larger than the Vermin and have orange glows on their weapons.|T|Kobold Worker|S|
-T Simple Letter|QID|3100|M|50.24,42.28|N|To Llane Beshere in the Hall of Arms.\nGrab your lv 2 spell/skill while you're here.|
-T Consecrated Letter|QID|3101|M|50.43,42.12|N|To Brother Sammuel in the Hall of Arms.\nGrab your lv 2 spell/skill while you're here.|
-T Hallowed Letter|QID|3103|M|49.81,39.49|N|To Priestess Anetta in the alcove off the Library Wing.\nGrab your lv 2 spell/skill while you're here.|
-T Glyphic Letter|QID|3104|M|48.92,41.61|N|To Khelden Bremen upstairs in the Library Wing.\nGrab your lv 2 spell/skill while you're here.|
-A Brotherhood of Thieves|PRE|783|QID|18|R|Human|M|48.17,42.95|N|From Deputy Willem.|
-T Encrypted Letter|QID|3102|M|50.3,39.9|N|To Jorik Kerridan is outside in the barn at the back of the Abbey.\nGrab your lv 2 spell/skill while you're here.|
-T Tainted Letter|QID|3105|M|49.97,42.65|N|To Drusilla La Salle outside on the right side of the Abbey.\nGrab your lv 2 spell/skill while you're here.|
-A The Stolen Tome|QID|1598|PRE|7|QO|1|C|Warlock|R|Human|M|49.97,42.65|N|Pick up your class quest from your trainer, Drusilla La Salle. She is outside the Abbey on the right side.|
-C Investigate Echo Ridge|QID|15|M|51.2,37.4|QO|1|N|Kill The Kobold Workers.\nThe Workers are much larger than the Vermin and have orange glows on their weapons.|T|Kobold Worker|US|
-C The Stolen Tome|QID|1598|C|Warlock|R|Human|M|56.68,43.96|N|The Defias thugs have the book at their camp. Find it and pick it up.\nThere are 3 Defias Thugs at the tent that you will pull. Wait until you're at least lv 4 to do this.|NC|S|
-C Brotherhood of Thieves|QID|18|M|54.6,41.9|QO|1|N|Kill and loot the Defias mobs for the Red Burlap Bandanas.|
-C The Stolen Tome|ACTIVE|1598|M|56.68,43.96|QO|1|N|The Defias thugs have the book at their camp. Find it and pick it up.\nThere are 3 Defias Thugs at the tent that you will pull. Wait until you're at least lv 4 to do this.|NC|US|
-T The Stolen Tome|QID|1598|M|49.97,42.65|N|To your class trainer, Drusilla La Salle. Don't forget to do your training as well.|
-N Demon trainer|PRE|1598|SPELL|Blood Pact;6307|QID|3903|M|50.05,42.69|N|Now that you have a demon (imp), you can start training it as well. Go see Dane Winslow, beside Drusilla, to get started.\nDo note that you must summon your demon in order to train it.|
+A Simple Letter|QID|3100|PRE|7|M|48.92,41.61|N|From Marshal McBride.|C|Warrior|R|Human|
+A Consecrated Letter|QID|3101|PRE|7|M|48.92,41.61|N|From Marshal McBride.|C|Paladin|R|Human|
+A Encrypted Letter|QID|3102|PRE|7|M|48.92,41.61|N|From Marshal McBride.|C|Rogue|R|Human|
+A Hallowed Letter|QID|3103|PRE|7|M|48.92,41.61|N|From Marshal McBride.|C|Priest|R|Human|
+A Glyphic Letter|QID|3104|PRE|7|M|48.92,41.61|N|From Marshal McBride.|C|Mage|R|Human|
+A Tainted Letter|QID|3105|PRE|7|M|48.92,41.61|N|From Marshal McBride.|C|Warlock|R|Human|
+A Investigate Echo Ridge|QID|15|PRE|7|M|48.92,41.61|N|From Marshal McBride.|
+K Investigate Echo Ridge|ACTIVE|15|QO|1|M|48.39,35.52|N|Kill The Kobold Workers.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]The Workers are much larger than the Vermin and have orange glows on their weapons.|T|Kobold Worker|S|
+T Simple Letter|QID|3100|M|50.24,42.28|N|To Llane Beshere in the Hall of Arms.|C|Warrior|R|Human|
+T Consecrated Letter|QID|3101|M|50.43,42.12|N|To Brother Sammuel in the Hall of Arms.|C|Paladin|R|Human|
+T Hallowed Letter|QID|3103|M|49.81,39.49|N|To Priestess Anetta in the alcove off the Library Wing.|C|Priest|R|Human|
+T Glyphic Letter|QID|3104|M|48.92,41.61|N|To Khelden Bremen upstairs in the Library Wing.|C|Mage|R|Human|
+= Level 2 Training|AVAILABLE|18|M|PLAYER|CC|N|Do your level 2 training.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Manually check this step off to continue.|LVL|2|C|-Rogue,-Warlock|
+A Brotherhood of Thieves|QID|18|PRE|783|M|48.05,43.56|N|From Deputy Willem.|R|Human|
+T Encrypted Letter|QID|3102|M|50.3,39.9|N|To Jorik Kerridan is outside in the barn at the back of the Abbey.|C|Rogue|R|Human|
+T Tainted Letter|QID|3105|M|49.87,42.65|N|To Drusilla La Salle outside on the right side of the Abbey.|C|Warlock|R|Human|
+A The Stolen Tome|QID|1598|PRE|7|M|49.87,42.65|N|From Drusilla La Salle.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]This starts your Imp quest.|C|Warlock|R|Human|
+= Level 2 Training|ACTIVE|18|M|PLAYER|CC|N|Do your level 2 training.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Manually check this step off to continue.|LVL|2|C|Rogue,Warlock|
+K Investigate Echo Ridge|ACTIVE|15|QO|1|M|48.39,35.52|N|Kill The Kobold Workers.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]The Workers are much larger than the Vermin and have orange glows on their weapons.|T|Kobold Worker|US|
+C Brotherhood of Thieves|QID|18|QO|1|M|54.60,41.90|L|752 12|ITEM|752|N|Defias Thugs.|S|
+C The Stolen Tome|ACTIVE|1598|QO|1|M|56.68,43.96|N|Locate the Tome on the ground by the tent at their camp.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]After clearing an area around the tent, there are three Defias Thugs at the tent that you'll have to pull. When you pull one, the other two will follow shortly after. Focus on killing the one and run to break combat. Rinse and repeat until cleared. They will respawn soon, so do this quickly.\nAsk for help if you can't do it.|
+C Brotherhood of Thieves|QID|18|QO|1|M|54.60,41.90|L|752 12|ITEM|752|N|Defias Thugs.|US|
+L Level 4|ACTIVE|18|N|Grind until you're within 5 bubbles of level 4.|LVL|3;-360|C|Warlock|
+L Level 4|ACTIVE|18|N|Grind until you're halfway to level 4.|LVL|3;-710|C|-Warlock|
+T The Stolen Tome|QID|1598|M|49.87,42.65|N|To Drusilla La Salle.|
+= Level 4 Training|ACTIVE|18|M|PLAYER|CC|N|Do your level 4 training.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Manually check this step off to continue.|LVL|4|C|Warlock|
+= Demon trainer|ACTIVE|18|PRE|1598|QID|3903|M|50.05,42.69|L|16321|N|Now that you have a demon (imp), you'll need to train it as well by purchasing Grimoires and reading them. Go see Dane Winslow, beside Drusilla, to get started.|
+= Imp Blood Impact|PRE|1598|M|PLAYER|CC|N|Read the Grimoire to learn the spell.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]You must summon your demon in order to train it.|SPELL|Blood Pact;6307|U|16321|O|
 T Brotherhood of Thieves|QID|18|M|48.15,42.95|N|To Deputy Willem.|
 A Milly Osworth|QID|3903|PRE|18|M|48.15,42.95|N|From Deputy Willem.|
 A Bounty on Garrick Padfoot|QID|6|PRE|18|M|48.15,42.95|N|From Deputy Willem.|
 T Investigate Echo Ridge|QID|15|M|48.9,41.6|N|To Marshal McBride.|
 A Skirmish at Echo Ridge|QID|21|PRE|15|M|48.9,41.6|N|From Marshal McBride.|
-N Level 4 class training|QID|3903|LVL|4|N|Remember to visit your class trainer to do your Level 4 spell/skill before leaving! Make sure you come back if you do not have enough money to pay for all of it.|
-r Sell and Repair|ACTIVE|3903|M|47.7,41.4|N|Sell and Repair at Godric Rothgar.|
-C Skirmish at Echo Ridge|QID|21|M|47.7,31.7|N|Kill the Kobold Laborers. They are found inside Echo Ridge Mine.|T|Kobold Laborer|
-T Milly Osworth|QID|3903|M|50.69,39.35|N|To Milly Osworth. She is at the back of the Abbey near the stable.|
-A Milly's Harvest|QID|3904|M|50.69,39.35|PRE|3903|N|From Milly Osworth.|
-C Milly's Harvest|QID|3904|M|54.0,47.8|S|NC|N|Collect Milly's Harvest Barrels from the vineyards.|
-C Bounty on Garrick Padfoot|QID|6|M|57.56,48.42|QO|1|N|Kill Garrick Padfoot and loot his head.|T|Garrick Padfoot|
-C Milly's Harvest|QID|3904|M|54.0,47.8|US|NC|N|Collect Milly's Harvest Barrels from the vineyards.|
-R Northshire Valley|ACTIVE|6|N|You can either hearth from the Vineyard or run back to the Abbey.|
-T Milly's Harvest|QID|3904|M|50.7,39.3|N|To Milly Osworth.|
-A Grape Manifest|QID|3905|M|50.7,39.3|PRE|3904|N|From Milly Osworth.|
+T Investigate Echo Ridge|QID|15|M|48.92,41.61|N|To Marshal McBride.|
+A Skirmish at Echo Ridge|QID|21|PRE|15|M|48.92,41.61|N|From Marshal McBride.|
+r Sell and Repair|ACTIVE|3903|M|47.69,41.42|N|Sell and Repair at Godric Rothgar.|C|Warlock|
+r Sell and Repair|ACTIVE|3903|M|47.69,41.42|N|Sell and Repair at Godric Rothgar.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]You may need the extra coin for training.|C|-Warlock|
+= Level 4 Training|ACTIVE|3903|M|PLAYER|CC|N|Do your level 4 training.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Manually check this step off to continue.|LVL|4|C|-Warlock|
+K Skirmish at Echo Ridge|ACTIVE|21|QO|1|M|48.41,29.31|N|Kill the Kobold Laborers found inside Echo Ridge Mine.|T|Kobold Laborer|
+T Milly Osworth|QID|3903|M|50.69,39.35|N|To Milly Osworth at the back of the Abbey, near the stable.|
+A Milly's Harvest|QID|3904|PRE|3903|M|50.69,39.35|N|From Milly Osworth.|
+C Milly's Harvest|QID|3904|M|53.85,48.55|L|11119 8|N|Collect Milly's Harvest Buckets from the vineyards.|S|NC|
+C Bounty on Garrick Padfoot|QID|6|QO|1|M|57.52,48.25|L|182|N|Kill Garrick Padfoot and loot his head.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Focus on killing him before his guard; you can always run away and come back to loot.|T|Garrick Padfoot|
+C Milly's Harvest|QID|3904|M|53.85,48.55|N|Collect Milly's Harvest Buckets from the vineyards.|US|NC|
+L Level 5|ACTIVE|3904|N|Grind until you're halfway to level 5.|LVL|4;-1090|
+T Milly's Harvest|QID|3904|M|50.69,39.35|N|To Milly Osworth.|
+A Grape Manifest|QID|3905|PRE|3904|M|50.69,39.35|N|From Milly Osworth.|
+r Sell and Repair|ACTIVE|21|M|47.69,41.42|N|Sell and Repair at Godric Rothgar.|
+T Skirmish at Echo Ridge|QID|21|M|48.92,41.61|N|To Marshal McBride.|
+A Report to Goldshire|QID|54|PRE|21|M|48.92,41.61|N|From Marshal McBride.|
+T Grape Manifest|QID|3905|M|49.53,41.75;49.47,41.59|CS|N|To Brother Neals, inside the abbey up the spiral staircase to the top floor.|
+A In Favor of the Light|QID|5623|M|49.81,39.49|N|Get your level 5 class quest from Priestess Anetta.|C|Priest|R|Human|LVL|5|
 T Bounty on Garrick Padfoot|QID|6|M|48.15,42.95|N|To Deputy Willem.|
-T Skirmish at Echo Ridge|QID|21|M|48.9,41.6|N|To Marshal McBride.|
-A Report to Goldshire|QID|54|PRE|21|M|48.9,41.6|N|From Marshal McBride.|
-T Grape Manifest|QID|3905|M|49.53,41.75;49.47,41.57|CS|N|To Brother Neals, inside the abbey up the spiral staircase to the top floor.|
-L Level 5|AVAILABLE|5623|C|Priest|M|47.93,40.75|LVL|5|N|You must be level 5 at this point. This is the point you will get your next class quest.\nGrind until you reach level 5.|
-A In Favor of the Light|QID|5623|M|49.8,39.5|C|Priest|R|Human|N|Level 5 class quest from Priestess Anetta.|
-r Sell and Repair|ACTIVE|54|M|47.7,41.4|N|Sell and Repair at Godric Rothgar.|
-A Rest and Relaxation|QID|2158|M|45.55,47.74|N|From Falkhaan Isenstrider, at the entrance to Northshire Valley.|
-R Goldshire|ACTIVE|54|M|44.25,62.50|N|Follow the road down to Goldshire.|
-T Report to Goldshire|QID|54|M|42.1,65.9|N|To Marshall Dughan.|
-A The Fargodeep Mine|QID|62|M|42.1,65.9|N|From Marshall Dughan|
-r Sell and Repair|QID|2158|M|41.7,65.8|N|Sell and Repair at Andrew Krighton, inside the metalworks building.|
-A Kobold Candles|QID|60|M|43.3,65.7|N|From William Pestle, inside the Inn.|
-T In Favor of the Light|QID|5623|M|43.2,65.6|C|Priest|N|To Priestess Josetta.|
-A Garments of the Light|QID|5624|M|43.2,65.6|N|From Priestess Josetta.|PRE|5623|C|Priest|
-T Rest and Relaxation|QID|2158|M|43.8,65.8|N|To Innkeeper Farley.|
-h Goldshire|QID|85|M|43.8,65.8|N|Make this inn your home.|
-A Gold Dust Exchange|QID|47|M|42.1,67.3|N|From Remy "Two Times", outside.|
-C Garments of the Light|QID|5624|M|48.4,67.8|T|Guard Roberts|N|Target and then use Lesser heal(Rank 2), then cast Power Word: Fortitude on Guard Roberts.|
-T Garments of the Light|QID|5624|M|43.2,65.6|N|To Priestess Josetta.|
-K Stonetusk Boars|QID|86|M|41.5,86.8|S|L|769 4|N|You will need Chunks of Boar Meat for the next quest so kill any boars along your way.|
-A Lost Necklace|QID|85|M|34.5,84.2|N|From "Auntie" Bernice Stonefield.|
-T Lost Necklace|QID|85|M|43.1,85.7|N|To Billy Maclure.|
-A Pie for Billy|QID|86|M|43.1,85.7|PRE|85|N|From Billy Maclure|
-C Stonetusk Boars|QID|86|US|M|41.5,86.8|N|Kill and loot the Stonetusk Boars for the Chunks of Boar Meat.|
-T Pie for Billy|QID|86|M|34.5,84.2|N|To "Auntie" Bernice Stonefield|
-A Back to Billy|QID|84|M|34.5,84.2|PRE|86|N|From "Auntie" Bernice Stonefield.|
-A Young Lovers|QID|106|M|43.15,89.6|N|From Maybell Maclure. Watch out for the bear that likes to hang around this house.|
-T Back to Billy|QID|84|M|43.1,85.7|N|To Billy Maclure.|
-A Goldtooth|QID|87|M|43.1,85.7|PRE|84|N|From Billy Maclure.|
-C Gold Dust Exchange|QID|47|S|M|38.2,83.6|N|Kill and loot the Kobolds for the Gold Dust.|
-C Kobold Candles|QID|60|S|M|38.2,83.6|N|Kill and loot the Kobolds for the Large Candles.|
-R Fargodeep Mine|QID|87|M|38.95,82.30|N|Head to the Fargodeep Mine. Entering the cave via the upper eastern entrance, at the multi-way cavern, take the left tunnel.|
-C Goldtooth|QID|87|M|41.60,78.80|N|Kill and loot Goldtooth. From the lower western entrance stick to the left. From the upper eastern entrance, turn right at entrance, then at multi-way cavern take the left tunnel.|
-C Gold Dust Exchange|QID|47|US|M|38.2,83.6|N|Finish killing and looting the Kobolds for the Gold Dust.|
-C Kobold Candles|QID|60|US|M|38.2,83.6|N|Finish killing and looting the Kobolds for the Large Candles.|
-T Goldtooth|QID|87|M|34.5,84.2|N|To "Auntie" Bernice Stonefield.|
-A Princess Must Die!|QID|88|M|34.6,84.5|LVL|6|N|From Ma Stonefield.|
-T Young Lovers|QID|106|M|29.8,86.0|N|To Tommy Joe Stonefield.|
-A Speak with Gramma|QID|111|M|29.8,86.0|PRE|106|N|From Tommy Joe Stonefield.|
-T Speak with Gramma|QID|111|M|34.9,83.9|N|To Gramma Stonefield, inside the house.|
-A Note to William|QID|107|M|34.9,83.9|PRE|111|N|From Gramma Stonefield.|
-R Goldshire|QID|62|M|43.8,65.8|N|Run back to Goldshire.|
-N Level 6 class skills |QID|47|S|LVL|6|N|Remember to visit your class trainer to learn your Level 6 skills!|
-T Kobold Candles|QID|60|US|M|43.3,65.7|N|To William Pestle.|
-A Shipment to Stormwind|QID|61|PRE|60|M|43.3,65.7|N|From William Pestle.|
-T Note to William|QID|107|M|43.3,65.7|N|To William Pestle.|
-A Collecting Kelp|QID|112|M|43.3,65.7|PRE|107|N|From William Pestle.|
-T Gold Dust Exchange|QID|47|M|42.1,67.3|N|To Remy "Two Times", outside|
-A A Fishy Peril|QID|40|M|42.1,67.3|N|From Remy "Two Times".|LVL|7|
-r Sell and Repair|QID|40|S|M|41.7,65.8|ACTIVE|40|N|Sell and Repair at Andrew Krighton, inside the metalworks building.|
-T The Fargodeep Mine|QID|62|M|42.1,65.9|N|To Marshall Dughan.|
-A The Jasperlode Mine|QID|76|M|42.1,65.9|PRE|62|N|From Marshall Dughan.|
-T A Fishy Peril|QID|40|M|42.1,65.9|N|To Marshall Dughan.|
-A Further Concerns|QID|35|M|42.1,65.9|PRE|40|N|From Marshall Dughan.|
+A Rest and Relaxation|QID|2158|M|45.57,47.75|N|From Falkhaan Isenstrider, in front of the fountain at the entrance to Northshire Valley.|
+R Goldshire|ACTIVE|54|M|44.25,62.50|N|Say goodbye to Northshire and follow the road down to Goldshire.|
+T Report to Goldshire|QID|54|M|42.11,65.94|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|To Marshall Dughan.|
+A The Fargodeep Mine|QID|62|M|42.11,65.94|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|From Marshall Dughan|
+r Sell and Repair|QID|2158|M|41.71,65.79|N|Sell and Repair at Andrew Krighton, inside the metalworks building.|
+A Kobold Candles|QID|60|M|43.32,65.70|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|From William Pestle inside the Inn.|
+h Goldshire|ACTIVE|2158|M|43.77,65.80|N|Make this inn your home.|
+T Rest and Relaxation|QID|2158|M|43.77,65.80|N|To Innkeeper Farley.|
+T In Favor of the Light|QID|5623|M|43.28,65.72|N|To Priestess Josetta (upstairs).|C|Priest|
+A Garments of the Light|QID|5624|PRE|5623|M|43.28,65.72|N|From Priestess Josetta.|R|Human|C|Priest|
+A Gold Dust Exchange|QID|47|M|42.14,67.25|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|From Remy "Two Times", outside.|
+C Garments of the Light|QID|5624|M|48.16,68.03|N|Target Guard Roberts, use Lesser Heal (Rank 2), and then cast Power Word: Fortitude on him.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]If he's not there, someone just finished the quest and you have to wait a few moments for him to respawn.|T|Guard Roberts|R|Human|C|Priest|
+T Garments of the Light|QID|5624|M|43.28,65.72|N|To Priestess Josetta.|R|Human|C|Priest|
+C Chunks of Boar Meat|AVAILABLE|86|M|41.5,86.8|L|769 4|ITEM|769|N|Stonetusk Boars\nYou'll need them for an upcoming quest.|T|Stonetusk Boar|S|
+C Gold Dust Exchange|QID|47|ACTIVE|62|M|41.04,79.78|L|773 10|ITEM|773|N|Any Kobold in or around Fargodeep Mine.|S|
+C Kobold Candles|QID|60|ACTIVE|62|M|41.04,79.78|L|772 8|ITEM|772|N|Any Kobold in or around Fargodeep Mine.|S|
+R The Stonefield Farm|AVAILABLE|85|M|34.53,79.11|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|Follow the road west out of Goldshire to the second curve.|
+A Lost Necklace|QID|85|M|34.49,84.25|N|From "Auntie" Bernice Stonefield.|
+R The Maclure Vineyards|ACTIVE|85|M|39.89,85.86|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|Head east past the Fargodeep Mine to the Vineyard on the other side.|
+T Lost Necklace|QID|85|M|43.14,85.72|N|To Billy Maclure.|
+A Pie for Billy|QID|86|PRE|85|M|43.14,85.72|N|From Billy Maclure|
+C Chunks of Boar Meat|QID|86|M|41.5,86.8|L|769 4|ITEM|769|N|Stonetusk Boars|T|Stonetusk Boar|US|
+L Level 6|ACTIVE|87|N|Grind until you're within 4 bubbles of level 6.|LVL|5;-550|
+T Pie for Billy|QID|86|M|34.49,84.25|N|To "Auntie" Bernice Stonefield|
+A Back to Billy|QID|84|PRE|86|M|34.49,84.25|N|From "Auntie" Bernice Stonefield.|
+A Young Lovers|QID|106|M|43.15,89.62|N|From Maybell Maclure.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]If she's not there (or you can't interact with her), someone has turned in a later quest and she's invisible. Just wait a few moments.|
+T Back to Billy|QID|84|M|43.14,85.72|N|To Billy Maclure.|
+A Goldtooth|QID|87|PRE|84|M|43.14,85.72|N|From Billy Maclure.|
+R Goldshire|ACTIVE|87|M|43.77,65.80|N|Run back to Goldshire to do your level 6 training.|
+= Level 6 Training|ACTIVE|87|M|PLAYER|CC|N|Do your level 6 training.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Manually check this step off to continue.|LVL|6|IZ|Goldshire^Lion's Pride Inn|
+R Fargodeep Mine|ACTIVE|62|QO|1|M|38.98,82.33|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|Head to the Fargodeep Mine.|
+R The Fargodeep Mine|ACTIVE|62|QO|1|M|40.45,82.31|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|From either entrance (the lower entrance is more direct), walk into the mine until you reach the large cavern and go through the furthest left tunnel.|
+K Goldtooth|ACTIVE|87|M|41.69,77.94|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|L|981|N|Kill and loot Goldtooth.|
+C Kobold Candles|QID|60|M|62.92,55.04|L|772 8|ITEM|772|N|Any Kobold in or around Fargodeep Mine.|US|
+L Level 7|ACTIVE|87|N|Grind until you're within 13 bubbles of level 7.|LVL|6;-2260|
+T Goldtooth|QID|87|M|34.49,84.25|N|To "Auntie" Bernice Stonefield.|
+A Princess Must Die!|QID|88|M|34.66,84.48|N|From Ma Stonefield.|
+T Young Lovers|QID|106|M|29.84,86.00|N|To Tommy Joe Stonefield.|
+A Speak with Gramma|QID|111|PRE|106|M|29.84,86.00|N|From Tommy Joe Stonefield.|
+T Speak with Gramma|QID|111|M|34.94,83.86|N|To Gramma Stonefield, inside the house.|
+A Note to William|QID|107|PRE|111|M|34.94,83.86|N|From Gramma Stonefield.|
+R Goldshire|ACTIVE|107|M|43.77,65.80|N|Run back to Goldshire.|LVL|6;-1500|S|
+L Level 7|ACTIVE|107|N|Grind until you're within 8.5 bubbles of level 7.|LVL|6;-2260|
+H Goldshire|ACTIVE|107|M|43.77,65.80|N|Use your hearth or run back to Goldshire (depending on how close you are).|TZ|Lion's Pride Inn|
+T Note to William|QID|107|M|43.32,65.70|N|To William Pestle.|
+A Collecting Kelp|QID|112|PRE|107|M|43.32,65.70|N|From William Pestle.|
+T Kobold Candles|QID|60|M|43.32,65.70|N|To William Pestle.|
+A Shipment to Stormwind|QID|61|PRE|60|M|43.32,65.70|N|From William Pestle.|
+T The Fargodeep Mine|QID|62|M|42.11,65.94|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|To Marshall Dughan.|
+A The Jasperlode Mine|QID|76|PRE|62|M|42.11,65.94|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|From Marshall Dughan.|
+C Gold Dust Exchange|QID|47|ACTIVE|76|M|62.92,55.04;41.04,79.78|CN|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|L|773 10|ITEM|773|N|Any Kobold in or around either Jasperlode or Fargodeep Mine.|S|
+A A Fishy Peril|QID|40|M|42.14,67.25|N|From Remy "Two Times".|LVL|7|
+T A Fishy Peril|QID|40|M|42.11,65.94|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|To Marshall Dughan.|
+A Further Concerns|QID|35|PRE|40|M|42.11,65.94|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|From Marshall Dughan.|
 ; The next few steps are in Stormwind City
-R Stormwind City|QID|61|M|71.1,88.9|ACTIVE|61|N|Follow the road north-west to Stormwind City.|Z|Stormwind City|
-N City Facilities|QID|61|S|N|Whilst in Stormwind City, feel free to learn your desired professions or access the bank - if you don't know where to go, ask any Stormwind City Guard.|T|Stormwind City Guard|
-T Shipment to Stormwind|QID|61|M|56.2,64.6|N|To Morgan Pestle|Z|Stormwind City| ;available to Night Elf, so Race tag removed.|
-A Wine Shop Advert|QID|332|M|57.0,63.4|N|From Renato Gallina.|Z|Stormwind City|
-A Harlan Needs a Resupply|QID|333|M|55.2,56.0|N|From Harlan Bagley, inside the Lionheart Armory.|Z|Stormwind City|
-T Wine Shop Advert|QID|332|M|52.45,67.6|N|To Suzetta Gallina, in Gallina Winery which is on the canal front.|Z|Stormwind City|
-T Harlan Needs a Resupply|QID|333|M|49.65,55.64|N|To Rema Schneider in the Canal Tailor Shop.|Z|Stormwind City|
-A Package for Thurman|QID|334|M|49.65,55.64|N|From Rema Schneider.|Z|Stormwind City|
-T Package for Thurman|QID|334|M|42.54,76.19|N|To Thurman Schneider, in Larson Clothiers found in Stormwind Mage Quarter.|Z|Stormwind City|
-f Stormwind City|QID|332|M|57.5,59.5;62.75,64.5;66.28,62.12|CS|N|Discover Stormwind Flightpoint with Dungar Longdrink.|Z|Stormwind City|R|-Human|
-R Goldshire|QID|112|M|32.00,49.25;41.2,62.0|CS|N|Head back to Goldshire in Elwynn Forest. You can jump down from the flight point into the water.|
-C Collecting Kelp|QID|112|M|54.1,66.6|N|Kill and loot the Murlocs for the Crystal Kelp Fronds.|
-C The Jasperlode Mine|QID|76|M|61.0,54.1;60.5,50.1|CS|NC|N|Head up to Jasperlode Mine, then go in, stick to the left until you get the quest update.|
-T Further Concerns|QID|35|M|74.0,72.2|N|To Guard Thomas.|
-A Find the Lost Guards|QID|37|M|74.0,72.2|PRE|35|N|From Guard Thomas.|
-A Protect the Frontier|QID|52|M|74.0,72.2|N|From Guard Thomas.|
-C Protect the Frontier|QID|52|S|M|84.1,61.6|N|Kill any Prowlers and Young Forest Bears.|
-A A Bundle of Trouble|QID|5545|M|81.4,66.1|N|From Supervisor Raelen.|
-C A Bundle of Trouble|QID|5545|M|84.1,61.6|N|Loot the Bundles of Wood, found at the base of the trees.|NC|
-r Sell and Repair|QID|5545|S|M|83.3,66.1|ACTIVE|5545|N|Sell and Repair at Rallic Finn.|
-T A Bundle of Trouble|QID|5545|M|81.4,66.1|N|To Supervisor Raelen.|
-A Red Linen Goods|QID|83|M|79.46,68.79|N|From Sara Timberlain.|
-C Red Linen Goods|QID|83|S|M|70.6,76.3|N|Kill and loot the Defias Bandits for the Red Linen Bandanas.|
-C Princess Must Die!|QID|88|M|69.4,79.3|N|Kill and loot Princess for the Brass Collar.|T|Princess|
-C Red Linen Goods|QID|83|US|M|70.6,76.3|N|Kill and loot the Defias Bandits for the Red Linen Bandanas.|
-T Red Linen Goods|QID|83|US|M|79.46,68.79|N|To Sara Timberlain.|
-; Since murlocs are level 10, this is not suitable earlier in the guide.
-N Prowlers|QID|52|US|ACTIVE|37|M|87,70|QO|1|N|The wolves in this area are Gray Forest Wolves, and not the ones required for the quest Protect the Frontier.|
-T Find the Lost Guards|QID|37|M|72.70,60.2|N|To "A half-eaten body".|
-A Discover Rolf's Fate|QID|45|PRE|37|M|72.7,60.3|N|From A half-eaten body.|
-T Discover Rolf's Fate|QID|45|M|79.8,55.5|N|To Rolf's corpse. Kill the Murlocs patroling the area around Rolf's corpse first. Then, pull the two Murlocs standing next to his corpse. Go all out with cooldowns and potions on the weakest one (lower level, less HP), then if needed, run. Come back and kill the remaining Murloc.|
-A Report to Thomas|QID|71|PRE|45|M|79.8,55.5|N|From Rolf's corpse.|
-C Protect the Frontier|QID|52|US|M|87,70|N|Finish killing the Prowlers and Young Forest Bears.|
-T Report to Thomas|QID|71|M|74.0,72.2|N|To Guard Thomas.|
-A Deliver Thomas' Report|QID|39|PRE|71|M|74.0,72.2|N|From Guard Thomas.|
-T Protect the Frontier|QID|52|M|74.0,72.2|N|To Guard Thomas.|
-A Report to Gryan Stoutmantle|QID|109|M|73.9,72.2|N|From Guard Thomas.|
-H Goldshire|QID|112|N|Hearthstone back to Goldshire (or run if your hearthstone is on cooldown).|
-T Collecting Kelp|QID|112|M|43.3,65.7|N|To William Pestle.|
-A The Escape|QID|114|PRE|112|M|43.3,65.7|N|From William Pestle. It takes 10 seconds from completing the previous quest for this one to become available.|
-r Sell and Repair|QID|76|S|M|41.7,65.8|ACTIVE|76|N|Sell and Repair at Andrew Krighton, inside the metalworks building.|
+R Stormwind City|ACTIVE|61|M|74.68,93.32|Z|Stormwind City|N|Follow the road northwest to Stormwind City.|
+N Housekeeping|ACTIVE|61|N|Use this time to visit the city's various amenities.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Ask one of the guards if you don't know where to go.|T|Stormwind City Guard|S!US|IZ|Stormwind City|
+f Stormwind City|ACTIVE|61|M|62.71,64.54;66.28,62.12|CS|N|Discover Stormwind Flightpoint with Dungar Longdrink.|Z|Stormwind City|R|-Human|
+T Shipment to Stormwind|QID|61|M|56.21,64.58|Z|1453;Stormwind City|N|To Morgan Pestle, inside Pestle's Apothecary.|
+R Elwynn Forest|ACTIVE|112|M|32.03,49.18|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|Make your way to the front gate.|
+R Goldshire|ACTIVE|112|QO|1|M|41.10,61.93|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|Follow the road to Goldshire.|
+C Collecting Kelp|QID|112|M|54.1,66.6|L|1256 4|ITEM|1256|N|Any Murloc around Crystal Lake.|
+R Jasperlode Mine|ACTIVE|76|QO|1|M|58.72,56.28|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|Head northward from Goldshire to the top of the mountain range and follow it east.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]If you fall into Northshire Valley, you'll have a long run back to get back up.|
+R The Jasperlode Mine|ACTIVE|76|QO|1|M|61.71,53.85;60.53,49.97|CC|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|Enter the mine and go straight.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Do not turn down any side passages.|
+C Gold Dust Exchange|QID|47|ACTIVE|76|M|62.92,55.04|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|L|773 10|ITEM|773|N|Any Kobold in or around Jasperlode Mine.|US|
+T Further Concerns|QID|35|M|73.97,72.18|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|To Guard Thomas at the bridge on the main road.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]The run will get easier (less mobs) the sooner you get to the road.|
+A Find the Lost Guards|QID|37|PRE|35|M|73.97,72.18|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|From Guard Thomas.|
+A Protect the Frontier|QID|52|M|73.97,72.18|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|From Guard Thomas.|
+K Protect the Frontier|ACTIVE|52|QO|1;2|M|80.44,60.48|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|Kill any Prowlers and Young Forest Bears.|S|
+A A Bundle of Trouble|QID|5545|M|81.38,66.11|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|From Supervisor Raelen in Eastvale Logging Camp.|
+C A Bundle of Trouble|QID|5545|M|80.44,60.48|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|L|13872 8|N|Loot the Bundles of Wood, found at the base of the trees.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Stay clear of the higher leveled Murlocs by the lake.|
+r Sell and Repair|ACTIVE|5545|M|83.29,66.09|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|Sell and Repair at Rallic Finn.|S|
+T A Bundle of Trouble|QID|5545|M|81.38,66.11|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|To Supervisor Raelen.|
+A Red Linen Goods|QID|83|M|79.46,68.79|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|From Sara Timberlain.|
+l Westfall Deed|AVAILABLE|184|M|69.56,77.20|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|L|1972|N|Any Defias Mob in Elwynn Forest.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Don't worry if you don't get this one.|S!US|IZ|Elwynn Forest|
+A Furlbrow's Deed|QID|184|M|PLAYER|CC|N|From the Westfall Deed you just looted.|U|1972|O|
+C Red Linen Goods|QID|83|M|69.56,77.20|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|L|1019 6|ITEM|1019|N|Defias Bandits in the area.|S|
+K Princess Must Die!|ACTIVE|88|M|69.70,79.69|L|1006|N|Kill and loot Princess for the Brass Collar.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]She has two guards with her. Focus on killing her, run and come back to loot.\nAsk for help if you have trouble.|T|Princess|S|IZ|Brackwell Pumpkin Patch|
+C Red Linen Goods|QID|83|M|69.56,77.20|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|L|1019 6|ITEM|1019|N|Defias Bandits in the area.|US|
+T Red Linen Goods|QID|83|M|79.46,68.79|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|To Sara Timberlain.|
+T Find the Lost Guards|QID|37|M|72.65,60.33|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|To "A half-eaten body".\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]There is no '?' over the body.|
+A Discover Rolf's Fate|QID|45|PRE|37|M|72.65,60.33|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|From A half-eaten body.|
+T Discover Rolf's Fate|QID|45|M|79.80,55.52|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|To Rolf's corpse after clearing the area.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Kill the Murlocs patroling the area around Rolf's corpse first. Then, pull the two Murlocs standing next to his corpse. Go all out with cooldowns and potions on the weakest one (lower level, less HP), then if needed, run. Come back and kill the remaining Murloc.|
+A Report to Thomas|QID|71|PRE|45|M|79.80,55.52|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|From Rolf's corpse.|
+K Protect the Frontier|ACTIVE|52|QO|1;2|M|86.94,64.70|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|Kill any Prowlers and Young Forest Bears.|US|
+T Report to Thomas|QID|71|M|73.97,72.18|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|To Guard Thomas.|
+A Deliver Thomas' Report|QID|39|PRE|71|M|73.97,72.18|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|From Guard Thomas.|
+T Protect the Frontier|QID|52|M|73.97,72.18|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|To Guard Thomas.|
+A Report to Gryan Stoutmantle|QID|109|M|73.97,72.18|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|From Guard Thomas.|LVL|9|
+R Goldshire|ACTIVE|112|M|43.77,65.95|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|Start heading towards Goldshire.|S!US|LVL|8;-2220|
+L Level 9|ACTIVE|112|N|Grind until you're within 8.5 bubbles of level 9.|LVL|8;-2220|
+H Goldshire|QID|112|M|43.77,65.95|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|Hearth back to Goldshire (or run if your hearthstone is on cooldown).|
+T Collecting Kelp|QID|112|M|43.32,65.70|N|To William Pestle.|
+A The Escape|QID|114|PRE|112|M|43.32,65.70|N|From William Pestle.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]It takes 10 seconds from completing the previous quest for this one to become available.|
+= Level 8 Training|ACTIVE|76|M|PLAYER|CC|N|Do your level 8 training.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Manually check this step off to continue.|LVL|8|IZ|Goldshire^Lion's Pride Inn|
 T The Jasperlode Mine|QID|76|M|42.1,65.9|N|To Marshall Dughan.|
 A Westbrook Garrison Needs Help!|QID|239|M|42.1,65.9|N|From Marshall Dughan.|
 T Deliver Thomas' Report|QID|39|M|42.1,65.9|N|To Marshall Dughan.|
 A Cloth and Leather Armor|QID|59|M|42.1,65.9|PRE|39|N|From Marshall Dughan.|
-A Elmore's Task|QID|1097|M|41.70,65.5|N|From Smith Argus.|
-T The Escape|QID|114|M|43.2,89.6|N|To Maybell Maclure.|
-T Princess Must Die!|QID|88|M|34.6,84.5|N|To Ma Stonefield.|
-T Westbrook Garrison Needs Help!|QID|239|M|24.3,74.8|N|To Deputy Rainer.|
-A Riverpaw Gnoll Bounty|QID|11|PRE|239|M|24.3,74.8|N|From Deputy Rainer.|
-A Wanted:  "Hogger"|QID|176|M|24.52,74.65|N|This Elite level quest is available from the Wanted Poster in Forests Edge, one on the road to the tower, and one at the northern tower.|
-K Hogger|ACTIVE|176|QO|1|M|27.5,92.5|N|This Level 11 Elite has a few spawn points. Group up with whoever is around to make this simple.|S!US|T|Hogger|
-C Riverpaw Gnoll Bounty|QID|11|M|26.1,87.5|N|Kill and loot the Gnolls for the Painted Gnoll Armbands.|
-L Level Check|ACTIVE|11|M|26.1,87.5|LVL|9;-840|N|Grind at the gnolls if you aren't yet 10.|
-l Gold Pickup Schedule|QID|123|L|1307|M|26.0,93.0|N|You want to hunt down the Gold Pickup Schedule. This is most likely to drop from the rare mob Gruff Swiftbite who spawns in the same area as Hogger does, otherwise it's a low 1% drop from Hogger and Riverpaws.|T|Gruff|
-A The Collector|QID|123|U|1307|N|Quest obtained from the Gold Pickup Schedule.|
-T Riverpaw Gnoll Bounty|QID|11|M|24.3,74.8|N|To Deputy Rainer.|
-T The Collector|QID|123|M|42.1,65.9|N|To Marshall Dughan.|
-A Manhunt|QID|147|PRE|123|M|42.1,65.9|N|From Marshall Dughan.|
-T Wanted:  "Hogger"|QID|176|M|42.1,65.9|N|To Marshall Dughan.|
-A Speak with Jennea|QID|1860|C|Mage|M|43.2,66.2|ITEM|9513|N|From Zaldimar Wefhellt. Requires lvl 10. Rewards a nice 2H staff, so you may want to do it, even though its a bit out of the direct path.|
-T Speak with Jennea|QID|1860|C|Mage|M|38.6,79.4|Z|Stormwind City|N|To Jennea Cannon, inside the Mage Tower.|
-A Mirror Lake|QID|1861|C|Mage|M|38.6,79.4|Z|Stormwind City|N|From Jennea Cannon.|PRE|1860|
-C Mirror Lake|QID|1861|C|Mage|M|28.6,61.4|U|7207|N|Go to Mirror Lake, just outside Stormwind, stand under the waterfall and use Jennea's Flask.|
-T Mirror Lake|QID|1861|C|Mage|M|38.6,79.4|Z|Stormwind City|N|To Jennea Cannon.|
-A Desperate Prayer|QID|5635|M|43.2,65.6|C|Priest|N|From Priestess Josetta.|
-A Seek out SI: 7|QID|2205|C|Rogue|M|43.8,65.8|N|From Keryn Sylvius, upstairs in the Goldshire inn.|
-A Gakin's Summons|QID|1685|C|Warlock|M|44.4,66.2|N|From Remen Marcot, in the basement of the Goldshire inn.|
-T Gakin's Summons|QID|1685|C|Warlock|M|25.2,78.6|Z|Stormwind City|N|To Gakin the Darkbinder, in the basement of an inn, in the Mage Quarter.|
-A Surena Caledon|QID|1688|C|Warlock|M|25.2,78.6|Z|Stormwind City|N|From Gakin the Darkbinder.|
-C Surena Caledon|QID|1688|C|Warlock|M|71,80|T|Surena Caladon|N|Find, kill and loot Surena Caladon.|
-T Surena Caledon|QID|1688|C|Warlock|M|25.2,78.6|Z|Stormwind City|N|To Gakin the Darkbinder.|
-A The Binding|QID|1689|C|Warlock|M|25.2,78.6|Z|Stormwind City|N|From Gakin the Darkbinder.|PRE|1688|
-C The Binding|QID|1689|C|Warlock|M|25.2,77.2|Z|Stormwind City|U|6928|N|Go down the stairs right behind Gakin.turn right at bottom, down more stairs. right again, down more stairs, left, down most of the way and left again, this last door is easy to miss. Stand on the purple runed summoning circle and use the provided choker to summon a voidwalker then kill it.|
-T The Binding|QID|1689|C|Warlock|M|25.2,78.6|Z|Stormwind City|N|To Gakin the Darkbinder.|
-A A Warrior's Training|QID|1638|C|Warrior|M|41,65.8|N|From Lyria Du Lac, in Goldshire smithing shop.|
-T A Warrior's Training|QID|1638|C|Warrior|M|73.6,37.6|Z|Stormwind City|N|To Harry Burlguard, in the Pig and Whistle Tavern in Old Town.|
-A Bartleby the Drunk|QID|1639|C|Warrior|M|73.6,37.6|Z|Stormwind City|N|From Harry Burlguard.|PRE|1638|
-T Bartleby the Drunk|QID|1639|C|Warrior|M|73.8,36.6|Z|Stormwind City|N|To Bartleby.|
-A Beat Bartleby|QID|1640|C|Warrior|M|73.8,36.6|Z|Stormwind City|N|From Bartleby.|PRE|1639|
-C Beat Bartleby|QID|1640|C|Warrior|M|73.8,36.6|Z|Stormwind City|N|Ask him for his mug and a fight ensues.|
-T Beat Bartleby|QID|1640|C|Warrior|M|73.8,36.6|Z|Stormwind City|N|To Bartleby.|
-A Bartleby's Mug|QID|1665|C|Warrior|M|73.8,36.6|Z|Stormwind City|N|From Bartleby.|PRE|1640|
-T Bartleby's Mug|QID|1665|C|Warrior|M|73.6,37.6|Z|Stormwind City|N|To Harry Burlguard.|
-A Marshal Haggard|QID|1666|C|Warrior|M|73.6,37.6|Z|Stormwind City|N|From Harry Burlguard.|PRE|1665|
-T Marshal Haggard|QID|1666|C|Warrior|M|84,69|ITEM|6985|N|(one of 4 weapons to choose from) If this is an upgrade, its probably worth running out of your way to do this now. if not, right click and sticky it to remember for later, when you are headed to Redridge.|
-A Dead-tooth Jack|QID|1667|C|Warrior|M|84,69|N|From Marshal Haggard.|PRE|1666|
-C Dead-tooth Jack|QID|1667|C|Warrior|M|89.3,78.8|N|Clear the area, 'til you have just Jack and one guard. Charge the remaining guard, kill it quick, hamstring Jack and back off, Defensive if you have time and kill him. Loot key, open lockbox, get badge. (quickly due to respawn)|
-T Dead-tooth Jack|QID|1667|C|Warrior|M|84,69|N|To Marshal Haggard.|
-R Westfall |QID|109|ACTIVE|109|M|61.95,17.80|Z|Westfall|N|Follow the road into Westfall|
-A Furlbrow's Deed|QID|184|U|1972|N|If you happened to have found Furlbrow's deed (random rare drop) while questing thru Elwynn, accept the quest and then turn it in to Farmer Furlbrow. Else, check this off manually if you don't have the item.|
-t Furlbrow's Deed|QID|184|M|59.95,19.36|Z|Westfall|N|To Farmer Furlbrow.|
+A Elmore's Task|QID|1097|M|41.71,65.55|N|From Smith Argus.|
+T Gold Dust Exchange|QID|47|M|42.14,67.25|N|To Remy "Two Times".|
+R The Maclure Vineyards|ACTIVE|114|M|39.89,85.86|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|Head south out of Goldshire to the Vineyards.|
+T The Escape|QID|114|M|43.16,89.63|N|To Maybell Maclure.|
+R The Stonefield Farm|ACTIVE|88|M|35.48,85.18|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|Head west from the Vineyards to the farm.|
+T Princess Must Die!|QID|88|M|34.66,84.48|N|To Ma Stonefield.|
+R Forest's Edge|ACTIVE|239|M|28.80,77.91|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|Head to the first bridge on the road west out of Goldshire.|
+T Westbrook Garrison Needs Help!|QID|239|M|24.24,74.45|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|To Deputy Rainer.|
+A Riverpaw Gnoll Bounty|QID|11|PRE|239|M|24.24,74.45|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|From Deputy Rainer.|
+A Wanted:  "Hogger"|QID|176|M|24.55,74.67;24.52,74.65|CN|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|ELITE|N|[color=FF8000]Elite: [/color]\nThis quest is available from either Wanted Posters in Westbrook Garrison; the one on the road to the tower or the one in front of the tower.|
+l Gold Pickup Schedule|QID|123|M|26.00,89.60|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|L|1307|ITEM|1307|N|Gruff Swiftbite (a rare mob the spawns around Forest's Edge) \n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]There is a low 1% drop rate from Hogger and Riverpaws.\nSkip if you can't find him.|T|Gruff|S!US|IZ|Forest's Edge|
+A The Collector|QID|123|M|PLAYER|CC|N|From the Gold Pickup Schedule you just looted.|U|1307|O|
+K Hogger|ACTIVE|176|QO|1|M|26.31,93.44|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|coords This Level 11 Elite has a few spawn points. Group up with whomever is around to make this simple.|S!US|
+C Riverpaw Gnoll Bounty|QID|11|M|26.10,87.50|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|L|782 8|ITEM|782|N|Any Riverpaw Gnoll in Forest's Edge.|
+L Level 10|ACTIVE|61|AVAILABLE|123|N|Grind until you're within 8 bubbles of level 10.|LVL|9;-2610|
+L Level 10|ACTIVE|11&123|N|Grind until you're within 5 bubbles of level 10.|LVL|9;-1610|
+T Riverpaw Gnoll Bounty|QID|11|M|24.24,74.45|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|To Deputy Rainer.|
+R Goldshire|ACTIVE|176^123|M|44.25,62.50|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|Follow the road east to Goldshire.|
+T The Collector|QID|123|M|42.11,65.94|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|To Marshall Dughan.|
+A Manhunt|QID|147|PRE|123|M|42.11,65.94|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|From Marshall Dughan.|
+T Wanted:  "Hogger"|QID|176|M|42.11,65.94|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|To Marshall Dughan.|
+; ---------- LEVEL 10 CLASS QUEST ------------
+; == Warrior
+A A Warrior's Training|QID|1638|M|41,65.8|N|From Lyria Du Lac, in Goldshire smithing shop.|C|Warrior|
+= Level 10 Training|ACTIVE|1638|M|PLAYER|CC|N|Do your level 10 training.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Manually check this step off to continue.|C|Warrior|LVL|10|IZ|Goldshire^Lion's Pride Inn|
+T A Warrior's Training|QID|1638|M|73.6,37.6|Z|Stormwind City|N|To Harry Burlguard, in the Pig and Whistle Tavern in Old Town.|C|Warrior|
+A Bartleby the Drunk|QID|1639|PRE|1638|M|73.6,37.6|Z|Stormwind City|N|From Harry Burlguard.|C|Warrior|
+T Bartleby the Drunk|QID|1639|M|73.8,36.6|Z|Stormwind City|N|To Bartleby.|C|Warrior|
+A Beat Bartleby|QID|1640|PRE|1639|M|73.8,36.6|Z|Stormwind City|N|From Bartleby.|C|Warrior|
+C Beat Bartleby|QID|1640|M|73.8,36.6|Z|Stormwind City|N|Ask him for his mug and a fight ensues.|C|Warrior|
+T Beat Bartleby|QID|1640|M|73.8,36.6|Z|Stormwind City|N|To Bartleby.|C|Warrior|
+A Bartleby's Mug|QID|1665|PRE|1640|M|73.8,36.6|Z|Stormwind City|N|From Bartleby.|C|Warrior|
+T Bartleby's Mug|QID|1665|M|73.6,37.6|Z|Stormwind City|N|To Harry Burlguard.|C|Warrior|
+A Marshal Haggard|QID|1666|PRE|1665|M|73.6,37.6|Z|Stormwind City|N|From Harry Burlguard.|C|Warrior|
+T Marshal Haggard|QID|1666|M|84,69|ITEM|6985|N|(one of 4 weapons to choose from) If this is an upgrade, its probably worth running out of your way to do this now. if not, right click and sticky it to remember for later, when you are headed to Redridge.|C|Warrior|
+A Dead-tooth Jack|QID|1667|PRE|1666|M|84,69|N|From Marshal Haggard.|C|Warrior|
+C Dead-tooth Jack|QID|1667|M|89.3,78.8|N|Clear the area, until you have just Jack and one guard. Charge the remaining guard, kill it quick, hamstring Jack and back off, Defensive if you have time and kill him. Loot key, open lockbox, get badge. (quickly due to respawn)|C|Warrior|
+T Dead-tooth Jack|QID|1667|M|84,69|N|To Marshal Haggard.|C|Warrior|
+; -- Warlock
+A Gakin's Summons|QID|1685|M|44.4,66.2|N|From Remen Marcot, in the basement of the Inn.|C|Warlock|
+= Level 10 Training|ACTIVE|1685|M|PLAYER|CC|N|Do your level 10 training.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Manually check this step off to continue.|C|WArlock|LVL|10|IZ|Goldshire^Lion's Pride Inn|
+; -- Mage
+A Speak with Jennea|QID|1860|M|43.2,66.2|ITEM|9513|N|From Zaldimar Wefhellt.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Rewards a nice 2H staff, so you may want to do it despite it being a bit out of the direct path.|C|Mage|
+= Level 10 Training|ACTIVE|1860|M|PLAYER|CC|N|Do your level 10 training.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Manually check this step off to continue.|C|Mage|LVL|10|IZ|Goldshire^Lion's Pride Inn|
+T Speak with Jennea|QID|1860|M|38.6,79.4|Z|Stormwind City|N|To Jennea Cannon, inside the Mage Tower.|C|Mage|
+A Mirror Lake|QID|1861|PRE|1860|M|38.6,79.4|Z|Stormwind City|N|From Jennea Cannon.|C|Mage|
+C Mirror Lake|QID|1861|M|28.6,61.4|N|Go to Mirror Lake, just outside Stormwind, stand under the waterfall and use Jennea's Flask.|U|7207|C|Mage|
+; -- Rogue
+A Seek out SI: 7|QID|2205|M|43.77,65.80|N|From Keryn Sylvius, upstairs in the Goldshire inn.|C|Rogue|
+= Level 10 Training|ACTIVE|2205|M|PLAYER|CC|N|Do your level 10 training.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Manually check this step off to continue.|C|Rogue|LVL|10|IZ|Goldshire^Lion's Pride Inn|
+; -- Priest
+A Desperate Prayer|QID|5635|M|43.28,65.72|N|From Priestess Josetta.|C|Priest|
+= Level 10 Training|ACTIVE|5635|M|PLAYER|CC|N|Do your level 10 training.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Manually check this step off to continue.|C|Priest|LVL|10|IZ|Goldshire^Lion's Pride Inn|
+; -- Paladin ** No class quest
+= Level 10 Training|ACTIVE|109|M|PLAYER|CC|N|Do your level 10 training.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Manually check this step off to continue.|C|Paladin|LVL|10|IZ|Goldshire^Lion's Pride Inn|
+R Westfall|QID|109|ACTIVE|109|M|61.95,17.80|Z|Westfall|N|Follow the road west from Goldshire to Westfall.|
+t Furlbrow's Deed|QID|184|M|59.95,19.36|Z|Westfall|N|To Farmer Furlbrow.|IZ|Westfall|
 A The Forgotten Heirloom|QID|64|M|59.95,19.36|Z|Westfall|N|From Farmer Furlbrow.|
 A Westfall Stew |QID|36|M|59.92,19.41|Z|Westfall|N|From Verna Furlbrow.|
 A Poor Old Blanchy|QID|151|M|59.92,19.41|Z|Westfall|N|From Verna Furlbrow.|
-A The Killing Fields|QID|9|M|56.04,31.23|Z|Westfall|N|From Farmer Saldean. Note, he is also a vendor.|
+R Saldean's Farm|ACTIVE|36|M|57.02,30.11|Z|Westfall|N|Follow the road south to the farm.|
+A The Killing Fields|QID|9|M|56.04,31.23|Z|Westfall|N|From Farmer Saldean.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]He is also a vendor.|
 T Westfall Stew |QID|36|M|56.41,30.52|Z|Westfall|N|To Salma Saldean.|
 A Westfall Stew |QID|38|PRE|36|M|56.41,30.52|Z|Westfall|N|From Salma Saldean.|
 A Goretusk Liver Pie|QID|22|M|56.41,30.52|Z|Westfall|N|From Salma Saldean.|
-R Sentinel Hill |QID|109|ACTIVE|109|M|57.61,44.45|Z|Westfall|N|Continue along the road to Sentinel Hill, taking the left hand road at the junction (it has signposts if you are unsure)|
-T Report to Gryan Stoutmantle|QID|109|M|56.33,47.52|Z|Westfall|N|To Gryan Stoutmantle. (you can accept The People's militia now, or wait for questlog space later.)|
+C Goretusk Liver Pie|QID|22|M|56.41,30.52|Z|Westfall|L|723 8|ITEM|723|N|Goretusk found all over Westfall.|S|IZ|Westfall|
+C Westfall Stew|QID|38|Z|Westfall|N|Kill Vultures, Harvest Watchers/Golems, Murlocs and Goretusks.|S|IZ|Westfall|
+R Sentinel Hill|ACTIVE|109|M|57.61,44.45|Z|Westfall|N|Continue along the road to Sentinel Hill, taking the left hand road at the junction (it has signposts if you are unsure)|
+T Report to Gryan Stoutmantle|QID|109|M|56.33,47.52|Z|Westfall|N|To Gryan Stoutmantle.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]You can accept "The People's Militia" now, or wait and save questlog space until later.|
 A A Swift Message|QID|6181|M|57.00,47.17|Z|Westfall|N|From Quartermaster Lewis.|R|Human|
 h Sentinel Hill|ACTIVE|6181|M|52.86,53.71|Z|Westfall|N|At Innkeeper Heather.|
-f Sentinel Hill |QID|1097|M|56.55,52.65|Z|Westfall|N|Discover Sentinel Hill Flight Path with Thor.|
 T A Swift Message|QID|6181|M|56.55,52.65|Z|Westfall|N|To Thor.|R|Human|
 A Continue to Stormwind|QID|6281|PRE|6181|M|56.55,52.65|Z|Westfall|N|From Thor.|R|Human|
-F Stormwind|QID|1097|M|56.55,52.65|Z|Westfall|N|Fly to Stormwind City|TZ|Stormwind City|
-T Continue to Stormwind|QID|6281|M|74.32,47.24|Z|Stormwind City|N|To Osric Strang, in Limited Immunity Shop in Old Town.|R|Human|
-A Dungar Longdrink|QID|6261|M|74.32,47.24|Z|Stormwind City|N|From Osric Strang.|PRE|6281|R|Human|
-T Desperate Prayer|QID|5635|C|Priest|M|38.8,26.4|Z|Stormwind City|N|To High Priestess Laurena in the Cathedral of Light.|
+f Sentinel Hill|ACTIVE|1097|M|56.55,52.65|Z|Westfall|N|Discover Sentinel Hill Flight Path with Thor.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Open the flight map to populate the FPs.|TAXI|-Sentinel Hill|
+F Stormwind|ACTIVE|1097|M|56.55,52.65|Z|Westfall|N|Fly to Stormwind City|TZ|Stormwind City|
+; ---------- LEVEL 10 CLASS QUEST cont.------------
+T Gakin's Summons|QID|1685|M|25.2,78.6|Z|Stormwind City|N|coordsTo Gakin the Darkbinder, in the basement of an inn, in the Mage Quarter.|C|Warlock|
+A Surena Caledon|QID|1688|M|25.2,78.6|Z|Stormwind City|N|From Gakin the Darkbinder.|C|Warlock|
+C Surena Caledon|QID|1688|M|71,80|N|coordsFind, kill and loot Surena Caladon.|T|Surena Caladon|C|Warlock|
+T Surena Caledon|QID|1688|M|25.2,78.6|Z|Stormwind City|N|To Gakin the Darkbinder.|C|Warlock|
+A The Binding|QID|1689|PRE|1688|M|25.2,78.6|Z|Stormwind City|N|From Gakin the Darkbinder.|C|Warlock|
+C The Binding|QID|1689|M|25.2,77.2|Z|Stormwind City|N|Go down the stairs right behind Gakin.turn right at bottom, down more stairs. right again, down more stairs, left, down most of the way and left again, this last door is easy to miss. Stand on the purple runed summoning circle and use the provided choker to summon a voidwalker then kill it.|U|6928|C|Warlock|
+T The Binding|QID|1689|M|25.2,78.6|Z|Stormwind City|N|To Gakin the Darkbinder.|C|Warlock|
+T Mirror Lake|QID|1861|M|38.6,79.4|Z|Stormwind City|N|To Jennea Cannon.|C|Mage|
+T Seek out SI: 7|QID|2205|M|76.0,59.8|Z|Stormwind City|N|To Master Mathias Shaw.|C|Rogue|
+A Snatch and Grab|QID|2206|PRE|2205|M|76.0,59.8|Z|Stormwind City|N|From Master Mathias Shaw.|C|Rogue|
+C Snatch and Grab|QID|2206|M|47,87|ITEM|7298|N|Head south east of Goldshire. As you approach the docks, stealth, then pickpocket the dockmaster. If the weapon isn't an upgrade, you may want to skip or leave this quest until next time you are conveniently in Goldshire.|C|Rogue|
+T Snatch and Grab|QID|2206|M|76.0,59.8|Z|Stormwind City|N|To Master Mathias Shaw.|C|Rogue|
+T Continue to Stormwind|QID|6281|M|74.31,47.25|Z|Stormwind City|N|To Osric Strang, inside Limited Immunity Shop in Old Town.|R|Human|
+A Dungar Longdrink|QID|6261|PRE|6281|M|74.31,47.25|Z|Stormwind City|N|From Osric Strang.|R|Human|
+T Desperate Prayer|QID|5635|M|38.57,26.06|Z|Stormwind City|N|To High Priestess Laurena in the Cathedral of Light.||C|Priest|
 T Seek out SI: 7|QID|2205|C|Rogue|M|76.0,59.8|Z|Stormwind City|N|To Master Mathias Shaw.|
-A Snatch and Grab|QID|2206|C|Rogue|M|76.0,59.8|Z|Stormwind City|N|From Master Mathias Shaw.|PRE|2205|
-C Snatch and Grab|QID|2206|C|Rogue|M|47,87|N|Head south east of Goldshire. As you approach the docks, stealth, then pickpocket the dockmaster. If the weapon isn't an upgrade, you may want to skip or leave this quest 'til next time you are conveniently in Goldshire.|ITEM|7298|
-T Snatch and Grab|QID|2206|C|Rogue|M|76.0,59.8|Z|Stormwind City|N|To Master Mathias Shaw.|
+; --
 T Elmore's Task|QID|1097|M|51.75,12.10|Z|Stormwind City|N|To Grimand Elmore, in the Dwarven District.|
 A Stormpike's Delivery|QID|353|PRE|1097|M|51.75,12.10|Z|Stormwind City|N|From Grimand Elmore.|
@@ -292,8 +292,8 @@ R Deeprun Tram|QID|6661|M|64,8|Z|Stormwind City|N|Run to the Deeprun Tram.|
 A Deeprun Rat Roundup|QID|6661|N|Board the Tram to take you Ironforge, then quest From Monty, at the Ironforge Tram Stop.|
 C Deeprun Rat Roundup|QID|6661|NC|U|17117|N|Use Rat Catcher's Flute on Deeprun Rats, and catch five of them.|T|Deeprun Rat|
 T Deeprun Rat Roundup|QID|6661|N|To Monty.|
-A Me Brother, Nipsy |QID|6662|PRE|6661|N|From Monty.|
-T Me Brother, Nipsy |QID|6662|N|To Nipsy at the Stormwind Tram Stop. If you are quick you can jump off and turn in before the tram leaves.|
+A Me Brother, Nipsy|QID|6662|PRE|6661|N|From Monty.|
+T Me Brother, Nipsy|QID|6662|N|To Nipsy at the Stormwind Tram Stop. If you are quick you can jump off and turn in before the tram leaves.|
 R Tinker Town|ACTIVE|353|N|Board the Tram back to Ironforge and take the tunnel to your North.|
 f Ironforge|ACTIVE|353|M|62.85,28.38;55.50,47.76|CS|Z|Ironforge|N|Discover Ironforge Flight Path with Gryph Thurden.|
@@ -331,27 +331,6 @@ T Beer Basted Boar Ribs|QID|384|M|46.83,52.36|Z|Dun Morogh|N|To Ragnar Thunderbr
 T Stocking Jetsteam|QID|317|M|49.43,48.41|Z|Dun Morogh|N|To Pilot Bellowfiz.|
 T The Grizzled Den|QID|313|M|49.62,48.61|Z|Dun Morogh|N|To Pilot Stonegear.|
 N Level 12 Training|AVAILABLE|314|N|Do your training before leaving the area. If you have to go to Ironforge, come back down the hill to the Kharanos intersection.\nClose this step when you are done.|LVL|12|
-R Amberstill Ranch|AVAILABLE|314|M|62.17,53.10|Z|Dun Morogh|N|Follow the road east to Amberstill Ranch.\nYou can follow the road or run along the frozen river to make it quicker and do some grinding along the way.|
-A Protecting the Herd|QID|314|M|63.08,49.85|Z|Dun Morogh|ELITE|N|[color=FF8000]Elite: [/color]\nFrom Rudra Amberstill.|
-C Protecting the Herd|QID|314|M|62.45,50.35;62.37,49.06;62.45,49.01|CS|Z|Dun Morogh|QO|1|N|Kill Vagash, and loot Fang of Vagash.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]This is your first real challenge. Vagash ia a level 11 elite. Group up if you can.|
-T Protecting the Herd|QID|314|M|63.08,49.85|Z|Dun Morogh|N|To Rudra Amberstill.|
-R Gol'Bolar Quarry|QID|432|M|67.26,53.52|Z|Dun Morogh|N|Gol'Bolar Quarry is just SE of you.|
-A The Public Servant|QID|433|M|68.67,55.96|Z|Dun Morogh|N|From Senator Mehr Stonehollow.|
-A Those Blasted Troggs!|QID|432|M|69.08,56.33|Z|Dun Morogh|N|From Foreman Stonebrow.|
-R Enter the Cave|ACTIVE|432^433|M|70.10,55.81;70.32,56.56|Z|Dun Morogh|CC|N|Make your way to the cave entrance by climbing down the hill above it.|
-C Those Blasted Troggs!|QID|432|QO|1|N|Kill Rockjaw Skullthumpers.|S|
-C The Public Servant|QID|433|QO|1|N|Kill Rockjaw Bonesnappers.|
-C Those Blasted Troggs!|QID|432|QO|1|N|Kill Rockjaw Skullthumpers.|US|
-T Those Blasted Troggs!|QID|432|M|70.31,56.51;70.00,55.65;69.08,56.33|Z|Dun Morogh|CC|N|To Foreman Stonebrow. Exit the cave and climb out the same way you can in.|
-T The Public Servant|QID|433|M|68.67,55.96|Z|Dun Morogh|N|To Senator Mehr Stonehollow.|
-R North Gate Pass|ACTIVE|353|M|78.31,49.17|Z|Dun Morogh|N|Back to the road and continue thru North Gate Pass.|
-A The Lost Pilot|QID|419|M|83.88,39.19|Z|Dun Morogh|N|From Pilot Hammerfall.|
-T The Lost Pilot|QID|419|M|79.69,36.14|Z|Dun Morogh|N|To Dwarven Corpse.|
-A A Pilot's Revenge|QID|417|PRE|419|M|79.69,36.14|Z|Dun Morogh|N|From Dwarven Corpse.|
-C A Pilot's Revenge|QID|417|M|78.48,37.42|Z|Dun Morogh|T|Mangeclaw|N|Kill Mangeclaw and loot a Mangy Claw.|
-T A Pilot's Revenge|QID|417|M|83.89,39.19|Z|Dun Morogh|N|To Pilot Hammerfall.|
-; -- This guide ends in Thelsamar, Loch Modan
diff --git a/WoWPro_Leveling/Classic/Alliance/12_20_Eastern_Kingdom.lua b/WoWPro_Leveling/Classic/Alliance/12_20_Eastern_Kingdom.lua
index e1fee26bcc..7c5bd11df9 100644
--- a/WoWPro_Leveling/Classic/Alliance/12_20_Eastern_Kingdom.lua
+++ b/WoWPro_Leveling/Classic/Alliance/12_20_Eastern_Kingdom.lua
@@ -8,11 +8,66 @@ WoWPro:GuideName(guide, 'Eastern Kingdom 12-20')
 WoWPro:GuideLevels(guide, 12, 20)
 WoWPro:GuideNextGuide(guide, 'ClassicAlliance1925')
 WoWPro:GuideSteps(guide, function () return [[
-R South Gate Pass|QID|414|ACTIVE|414|M|86.3,51.3|Z|Dun Morogh|N|Head to the South Gate Pass tunnel|
-R Valley of Kings|QID|414|ACTIVE|414|M|21.55,66.25|Z|Loch Modan|N|Continue through the tunnel onto Loch Modan|
-A The Trogg Threat|QID|267|M|23.24,73.67|N|From Captain Ruglefuss, inside the Bunker.|Z|Loch Modan|
-A In Defense of the King's Lands|QID|224|M|22.07,73.13|N|From Mountaineer Cobbleflint, outside, along the path.|Z|Loch Modan|
-C The Trogg Threat|QID|267|S|N|Loot the troggs until you get the items for this quest.|Z|Loch Modan|
+; -- Paladin Lv 12 Class quest cont.
+A The Tome of Divinity|QID|1645|AVAILABLE|3000|M|27.64,12.17|Z|1455;Ironforge|N|From Tiza Battleforge in the Mystic Ward (on the upper deck).|C|Paladin|R|Dwarf|R|Dwarf|
+A The Tome of Divinity|QID|1646|AVAILABLE|3000|M|PLAYER|CC|N|Use the book you were just given to start the quest.|U|6916|C|Paladin|R|Dwarf|O|
+T The Tome of Divinity|QID|1646|M|27.64,12.17|Z|1455;Ironforge|N|To Tiza Battleforge in the Mystic Ward.|C|Paladin|R|Dwarf|
+A The Tome of Divinity|QID|1647|PRE|1646|M|27.64,12.17|Z|1455;Ironforge|N|From Tiza Battleforge.|C|Paladin|R|Dwarf|
+T The Tome of Divinity|QID|1647|M|21.40,53.40;42.60,84.20|CC|Z|1455;Ironforge|N|To John Turner pathing between the two waypoints.|C|Paladin|R|Dwarf|
+A The Tome of Divinity|QID|1648|PRE|1647|M|PLAYER|CC|Z|1455;Ironforge|N|From John Turner.|C|Paladin|R|Dwarf|
+C Linen Cloth|QID|1648|M|PLAYER|CC|Z|1455;Ironforge|L|2589 10|N|Beg, borrow, or steal the Linen Cloth.|C|Paladin|R|Dwarf|
+T The Tome of Divinity|QID|1648|M|21.40,53.40;42.60,84.20|CC|Z|1455;Ironforge|N|To John Turner pathing between the two waypoints.|C|Paladin|R|Dwarf|
+A The Tome of Divinity|QID|1778|PRE|1648|M|PLAYER|CC|Z|1455;Ironforge|N|From John Turner.|C|Paladin|R|Dwarf|
+T The Tome of Divinity|QID|1778|M|27.64,12.17|Z|1455;Ironforge|N|To Tiza Battleforge in the Mystic Ward.|C|Paladin|R|Dwarf|
+A The Tome of Divinity|QID|1779|PRE|1778|M|27.64,12.17|Z|1455;Ironforge|N|From Tiza Battleforge.|C|Paladin|R|Dwarf|
+T The Tome of Divinity|QID|1779|M|23.54,8.31|Z|1455;Ironforge|N|To Muiredon Battleforge just behind you.|C|Paladin|R|Dwarf|
+A The Tome of Divinity|QID|1783|PRE|1779|M|23.54,8.31|Z|1455;Ironforge|N|From Muiredon Battleforge.|C|Paladin|R|Dwarf|
+R Amberstill Ranch|QID|314|M|62.6,53.4|Z|1426;Dun Morogh|N|Exit Ironforge and head east to Amberstill ranch.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]You don't have to use the road to get down; you can walk down the mountainside if you do it right.|
+A Protecting the Herd|QID|314|M|63.08,49.86|Z|1426;Dun Morogh|ELITE|N|[color=FF8000]Elite: [/color]\nFrom Rudra Amberstill by the house.|
+R Up the hill|QID|314|M|62.27,50.25;62.27,49.00;62.12,47.12|CC|Z|1426;Dun Morogh|N|Vagash is in a cave atop the hill.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Depending on your angle of approach, you may have to wiggle to get the right 'path' up.|
+K Vagash|ACTIVE|314|M|62.22,46.90|L|3627|ITEM|3627|Z|1426;Dun Morogh|N|Vagash|
+T Protecting the Herd|QID|314|M|63.08,49.86|Z|1426;Dun Morogh|N|To Rudra Amberstill.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Go back down the way you came up.|
+R Gol'Bolar Quarry|QID|432|M|67.43,54.21|Z|1426;Dun Morogh|N|Locate the dirt path leading south into the Quarry from the road.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]There is a signpost on the road pointing to it.|
+A The Public Servant|QID|433|M|68.67,55.97|Z|1426;Dun Morogh|N|From Senator Mehr Stonehallow|
+A Those Blasted Troggs!|QID|432|M|69.08,56.32|Z|1426;Dun Morogh|N|From Foreman Stonebrow|
+K Those Blasted Troggs!|ACTIVE|432|QO|1|M|70.05,58.20|Z|1426;Dun Morogh|N|Kill Rockjaw Skullthumpers, found both inside and outside area of the quarry.|S|
+K The Public Servant|ACTIVE|433|QO|1|M|70.98,54.54|Z|1426;Dun Morogh|N|Kill the Rockjaw Bonesnappers, inside the Gol'Bolar Quarry Mine.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]You may come across a couple around the front entrance.|
+K Those Blasted Troggs!|ACTIVE|432|QO|1|M|70.05,58.20|Z|1426;Dun Morogh|N|Kill Rockjaw Skullthumpers.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Leave the mine and only target the ones outside.|US|
+T The Public Servant|QID|433|M|68.67,55.97|Z|1426;Dun Morogh|N|To Senator Mehr Stonehallow.|
+r Sell and Repair|ACTIVE|432|M|68.86,55.96|Z|1426;Dun Morogh|N|Sell and Repair with Frast Dokner.|S|
+T Those Blasted Troggs!|QID|432|M|69.08,56.32|Z|1426;Dun Morogh|N|To Foreman Stonebrow.|
+; -- Paladin Lv 12 Class quest cont.
+R Helm's Bed Lake|ACTIVE|1783|QO|1|M|75.21,55.11|Z|1426;Dun Morogh|N|Exit Gol'Bolar Quarry and head east to Helm's Bed Lake.|
+U Symbol of Life|ACTIVE|1783|M|78.32,58.09|Z|1426;Dun Morogh|N|Use the 'single-use' symbol on Narm Faulk.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]If, for any reason, you lose your Symbol of Life, you'll need to go back to Tiza Battleforge in Ironforge to get another one.|U|6866|C|Paladin|R|Dwarf|O|
+T The Tome of Divinity|QID|1783|M|78.32,58.09|Z|1426;Dun Morogh|N|To Narm Faulk.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Do not wait too long to do this or he'll 'despawn' and you'll have to resurrect him again with a new Symbol of Life.|C|Paladin|R|Dwarf|
+A The Tome of Divinity|QID|1784|PRE|1783|M|78.32,58.09|Z|1426;Dun Morogh|N|From Narm Faulk.|C|Paladin|R|Dwarf|
+C The Tome of Divinity|QID|1784|M|77.84,61.18|Z|1426;Dun Morogh|L|6847|ITEM|6847|N|Dark Iron Spy around Ironband's Compound|C|Paladin|R|Dwarf|
+H Thunderbrew Distillery|ACTIVE|1784|M|47.37,52.51|Z|1426;Dun Morogh|N|Hearth back to Kharanos, or run if your Hearth is on cooldown.|TZ|City of Ironforge|C|Paladin|R|Dwarf|
+R Ironforge|ACTIVE|1784|M|16.24,84.52|Z|1455;Ironforge|N|Make your way up the road to Ironforge.|TZ|City of Ironforge|
+T The Tome of Divinity|QID|1784|M|23.54,8.31|Z|1455;Ironforge|N|To Muiredon Battleforge inside the building in the Mystic Ward (on the second floor).|C|Paladin|R|Dwarf|
+A The Tome of Divinity|QID|1785|PRE|1784|M|23.54,8.31|Z|1455;Ironforge|N|From Muiredon Battleforge.|C|Paladin|R|Dwarf|
+T The Tome of Divinity|QID|1785|M|27.64,12.17|Z|1455;Ironforge|N|To Tiza Battleforge by the balcony.|C|Paladin|R|Dwarf|
+R North Gate Pass|QID|419|M|67.21,52.91;78.00,49.61;78.16,49.36|CS|Z|1426;Dun Morogh|N|Follow the road east until you come to a fork and take the northeastern road to North Gate Pass.|
+R North Gate Outpost|QID|419|M|83.00,40.30|Z|1426;Dun Morogh|N|Continue through the tunnel to North Gate Outpost at the other end.|
+A The Lost Pilot|QID|419|M|83.89,39.19|Z|1426;Dun Morogh|N|From Pilot Hammerfoot|
+T The Lost Pilot|QID|419|M|79.68,36.17|Z|1426;Dun Morogh|N|To the Dwarven Corpse northwest of your current location.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]There is no '?' over the body.|
+A A Pilot's Revenge|QID|417|PRE|419|M|79.68,36.17|Z|1426;Dun Morogh|N|From Dwarven Corpse.|
+C A Pilot's Revenge|QID|417|M|78.34,37.82|Z|1426;Dun Morogh|L|3183|N|Kill and loot Mangeclaw.|
+T A Pilot's Revenge|QID|417|M|83.89,39.19|Z|1426;Dun Morogh|N|To Pilot Hammerfoot|
+R South Gate Pass|ACTIVE|413|M|79.28,51.84|Z|1426;Dun Morogh|N|Go back through the tunnel to the fork and travel a short distance up the other road.|
+R South Gate Outpost|QID|413|M|82.28,53.43;84.33,51.16|CC|Z|1426;Dun Morogh|N|Continue up the hill and through the tunnel to South Gate Outpost.|
+T Shimmer Stout|QID|413|M|86.28,48.82|Z|1426;Dun Morogh|N|To Mountaineer Barleybrew|
+A Stout to Kadrell|QID|414|PRE|413|M|86.28,48.82|Z|1426;Dun Morogh|N|From Mountaineer Barleybrew|
+R South Gate Pass|QID|414|ACTIVE|414|M|16.44,58.49|N|Head to the South Gate Pass tunnel|
+R Valley of Kings|QID|414|ACTIVE|414|M|21.55,66.25|Z|Loch Modan|N|Continue through the tunnel into Loch Modan.|
+A The Trogg Threat|QID|267|M|23.24,73.67|Z|Loch Modan|N|From Captain Ruglefuss, inside the Bunker.|
+A In Defense of the King's Lands|QID|224|M|22.07,73.13|Z|Loch Modan|N|From Mountaineer Cobbleflint, outside, along the path.|
+C The Trogg Threat|QID|267|Z|Loch Modan|N|Loot the troggs until you get the items for this quest.|S|
 C In Defense of the King's Lands|QID|224|M|27.00,54.00|N|Kill Troggs and Scouts until you finish this quest.|Z|Loch Modan|
 C The Trogg Threat|QID|267|US|N|Continue killing the troggs until you get the items for this quest.|Z|Loch Modan|
 T In Defense of the King's Lands|QID|224|M|22.07,73.13|N|To Mountaineer Cobbleflint, outside|Z|Loch Modan|
@@ -24,7 +79,7 @@ A Mountaineer Stormpike's Task|QID|1339|M|34.8,47.1|N|From Mountaineer Kadrell p
 A Thelsamar Blood Sausages|QID|418|M|34.8,49.3|Z|Loch Modan|N|From Vidra Hearthstove inside the inn.|
 r Sell junk and repair|QID|418|M|34.0,46.60|Z|Loch Modan|N|At Morhan Coppertongue. Close this step when you're done.|
 f Thelsamar|ACTIVE|418|M|33.9,50.95|Z|Loch Modan|N|Discover Thelsamar Flight Path with Thorgrum Borrelson.|
-C Thelsamar Blood Sausages|QID|418|S|M|35.00,35.00|Z|Loch Modan|QO|1;2;3|N|Kill Boars, Bears and Spiders.|
+C Thelsamar Blood Sausages|QID|418|M|35.00,35.00|Z|Loch Modan|QO|1;2;3|N|Kill Boars, Bears and Spiders.|S|
 C Rat Catching|QID|416|M|37.7,25.7|Z|Loch Modan|L|3110 12|N|Kill any Tunnel Rats you see.|S|
 R Algaz Station|ACTIVE|353|M|24.50,18.00|Z|Loch Modan|N|Continue along the road north to Algaz Station.|
 T Stormpike's Delivery|QID|353|M|24.77,18.39|Z|Loch Modan|N|To Mountaineer Stormpike, on the top floor of the tower.|
@@ -95,7 +150,7 @@ R Sentinel Hill|ACTIVE|6285|N|If your hearthstone isn't available or set there,
 A The Forgotten Heirloom|QID|64|M|56.04,31.24|N|From Farmer Furlbrow.|Z|Westfall|
 A Westfall Stew |QID|36|M|59.92,19.41|N|From Verna Furlbrow.|Z|Westfall|
 A Poor Old Blanchy|QID|151|M|59.92,19.41|N|From Verna Furlbrow.|Z|Westfall|
-C Poor Old Blanchy|ACTIVE|151|L|1528 8|N|From now on, loot any Sacks of Oats from the ground|S|Z|Westfall|
+C Poor Old Blanchy|ACTIVE|151|L|1528 8|N|From now on, loot any Sacks of Oats from the ground|S|
 R Saldean's Farm|AVAILABLE|9|ACTIVE|36|N|Run to Saldean's Farm.|Z|Westfall|
 A The Killing Fields|QID|9|M|56.04,31.23|N|From Farmer Saldean. Note, he is also a vendor.|Z|Westfall|
 T Westfall Stew |QID|36|M|56.41,30.52|N|To Salma Saldean.|Z|Westfall|
diff --git a/WoWPro_Leveling/Neutral/DF_Thaldraszus.lua b/WoWPro_Leveling/Neutral/DF_Thaldraszus.lua
index bb5380048a..6bdb6d7ad1 100644
--- a/WoWPro_Leveling/Neutral/DF_Thaldraszus.lua
+++ b/WoWPro_Leveling/Neutral/DF_Thaldraszus.lua
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ C A Dryad's Work Is Never Done|QID|67094|M|51.23,71.16|Z|2112|QO|5|H|N|Click the
 C Orientation: Valdrakken|QID|72406|QO|2|M|46.92,78.70|Z|2112|NC|N|Kaestrasz the stable master, is also the Drake Manuscript and Armor supplier.|
 C A Dryad's Work Is Never Done|QID|67094|M|42.87,74.97|Z|2112|QO|2|H|N|Click the Hungry Otter Pup.|
 C Orientation: Valdrakken|QID|72406|QO|3|M|36.43,62.83|Z|2112|N|Open Dothenos' store to get quest update.|
-A A Craft in Need|QID|69919|M|35.34,58.75|Z|2112|N|From Azley.|RANK|2| ;-- if you havent already done it. dont know that I want to actually add to the guide tho
+A A Craft in Need|QID|69919|M|35.34,58.75|Z|2112|N|From Azley. This quest is only available if you have a crafting profession. Click this step of to continue if you don't. |RANK|2| ;-- if you havent already done it. dont know that I want to actually add to the guide tho
 C A Craft in Need|QID|69919|M|35.34,58.75|Z|2112|CHAT|N|Ask Azley about crafting orders.|
 T A Craft in Need|QID|69919|M|35.34,58.75|Z|2112|N|To Azley.|
 C Eyes and Ears|QID|66166|M|34.79,61.43|Z|2112|QO|1|NC|N|Examine the Consortium's ledger. Don't leave the area until you get quest update.|
@@ -81,9 +81,9 @@ A Lost to the Skies|QID|71239|M|25.17,66.27|Z|2112|N|From Gimla Fizzlecrank.|RAN
 C A Dryad's Work Is Never Done|QID|67094|M|58.23,57.72|Z|2112|QO|4|H|N|Click the Hungry Hatchling, it is above the bank, not in it.|
 C Eyes and Ears|QID|66166|M|59.10,54.85|Z|2112|QO|2|I|N|Examine the Storage Chest inside the bank. Don't leave the area until you get quest update.|
 C Eyes and Ears|QID|66166|M|46.95,47.81|Z|2112|QO|3|H|N|Go inside the inn and pick up the goblet. Don't leave the area until you get quest update.|
-A To Cook With Finery|QID|70880|M|46.50,46.24|Z|2112|N|From Erugosa. Note: this quest isn't offered if you already have all her items. CLick the step off to continue.|DFREN|valdrakken;2510;7|RANK|2|IZ|2112|
+A To Cook With Finery|QID|70880|M|46.50,46.24|Z|2112|N|From Erugosa. Note: this quest isn't offered if you already have all her items. Click the step off to continue.|DFREN|valdrakken;2510;7|RANK|2|IZ|2112|
 T To Cook With Finery|QID|70880|M|46.50,46.24|Z|2112|N|To Erugosa.|
-h Valdrakken|ACTIVE|66166|M|47.26,46.47|Z|2112|N|At Tithris.|
+h Valdrakken|ACTIVE|66166|M|47.26,46.47|Z|2112|N|At Tithris (or Marinth).|
 A Archival Assistance|QID|67007|M|47.77,46.65|Z|2112|N|From Discarded Note.|RANK|2|LVL|70|IZ|2112|
 C Orientation: Valdrakken|QID|72406|QO|1|M|36.58,50.59|Z|2112|H||N|Click on Provisioner Thom.|
 C Nowhere to Hide|QID|66163|M|37.92,70.80|Z|2112|QO|2|U|198859|N|If you should lose the buff that allows you to see them, reclick the gem and finish killing the primalist Infiltrators.|US|
diff --git a/WoWPro_Leveling/Neutral/DF_Shandris_Feathermoon_Questline.lua b/WoWPro_Leveling/Neutral/DF_The_Coalition_of_Flames.lua
similarity index 94%
rename from WoWPro_Leveling/Neutral/DF_Shandris_Feathermoon_Questline.lua
rename to WoWPro_Leveling/Neutral/DF_The_Coalition_of_Flames.lua
index 4ff8718214..3c87b0efe2 100644
--- a/WoWPro_Leveling/Neutral/DF_Shandris_Feathermoon_Questline.lua
+++ b/WoWPro_Leveling/Neutral/DF_The_Coalition_of_Flames.lua
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-local guide = WoWPro:RegisterGuide('Shandris_Feathermoon_Questline', 'Leveling', 'Valdrakken', 'WoWPro Team', 'Neutral')
-WoWPro:GuideName(guide,"Shandris Feathermoon Questline")
+local guide = WoWPro:RegisterGuide('The_Coalition_of_Flames', 'Leveling', 'Valdrakken', 'WoWPro Team', 'Neutral')
+WoWPro:GuideName(guide,"The Coalition of Flames")
 WoWPro:GuideLevels(guide,70, 70)
 WoWPro:GuideQuestTriggers(guide, 76982, 75918)
 WoWPro:GuideContent(guide, "Dragonflight")
diff --git a/WoWPro_Leveling/Neutral/DF_Waking_Shores.lua b/WoWPro_Leveling/Neutral/DF_Waking_Shores.lua
index cd88e0661d..ec1fac5f94 100644
--- a/WoWPro_Leveling/Neutral/DF_Waking_Shores.lua
+++ b/WoWPro_Leveling/Neutral/DF_Waking_Shores.lua
@@ -214,7 +214,12 @@ C How to Use Momentum with Your Dragon|QID|65133|M|57.65,66.87|Z|2022|QO|1|N|Hop
 C How to Use Momentum with Your Dragon|QID|65133|M|57.43,60.03|Z|2022|QO|2|NC|N|Pass Through The Rings. Use provided Bronze timepiece to return to start if you fail, then mount up and try again.|U|188169|
 C How to Use Momentum with Your Dragon|QID|65133|M|57.45,59.09|Z|2022|QO|3|NC|N|Land in the Target Area.|
 T How to Use Momentum with Your Dragon|QID|65133|M|57.47,59.10|Z|2022|N|To Celormu.|
-A The Skytop Observatory|QID|68796|PRE|65133|M|57.68,66.91|Z|2022|N|From Lord Andestrasz.|
+A The Need For Higher Velocities|QID|77345|PRE|65133|M|57.65,66.88|Z|2022|N|From Lord Andestrasz.|
+C The Need For Higher Velocities|QID|77345|M|57.65,66.87|Z|2022|QO|1|N|Hop on a Dragonriding Mount (Optional).|BUFF|368896^368899^368901^360954|
+C The Need For Higher Velocities|QID|77345|M|57.43,60.03|Z|2022|QO|2|NC|N|Pass Through The Rings.  Use your Surge Forward Ability when prompted by the message on Screen. Use provided Bronze timepiece to return to start if you fail, then mount up and try again.|U|208182|
+C The Need For Higher Velocities|QID|77345|M|57.45,59.09|Z|2022|QO|3|NC|N|Land in the Target Area.|
+T The Need For Higher Velocities|QID|77345|M|57.47,59.10|Z|2022|N|To Celormu.|
+A The Skytop Observatory|QID|68796|PRE|77345|M|57.68,66.91|Z|2022|N|From Lord Andestrasz.|
 C The Skytop Observatory|QID|68796|M|57.76,66.75|Z|2022|QO|1|CHAT|N|Speak with Celormu to start the race.|
 C The Skytop Observatory|QID|68796|M|73.24,55.56|Z|2022|QO|2|NC|N|Race to the Skytop Observatory.|
 T The Skytop Observatory|QID|68796|M|75.17,54.97|Z|2022|N|To Lord Andestrasz.|
@@ -487,7 +492,7 @@ A Theory in Practice|QID|69902|PRE|69900&69901|M|45.95,81.50|Z|2022|N|From Tyrgo
 C Theory in Practice|QID|69902|M|45.91,81.44|Z|2022|QO|1|H|N|Click on the whelpling.|
 C Theory in Practice|QID|69902|M|45.96,81.50|Z|2022|QO|2|CHAT|N|Pick a name any name.|
 T Theory in Practice|QID|69902|M|45.96,81.50|Z|2022|N|To Tyrgon.|
-A Simple Excavation Tools|QID|70335|M|47.92,82.07|Z|2022|N|From Rea'ana.|DFREN|Dragonscale Exp;2507;3|RANK|2|C|-DEMONHUNTER|
+A Simple Excavation Tools|QID|70335|M|47.92,82.07|Z|2022|N|From Rea'ana. This won't be offered if you have already collected the tools - if so click this step off to continue. |DFREN|Dragonscale Exp;2507;3|RANK|2|C|-DEMONHUNTER|
 T Simple Excavation Tools|QID|70335|M|47.92,82.07|Z|2022|N|To Ree'ana.|
 ;guessing at matching levels to QIDs REN level from UI, quest id from questschanged in order completed, should match up
 A Dragon Isles Supplies|QID|72024|M|47.11,82.59|Z|2022|N|From Cataloger Jakes.|DFREN|Dragonscale Exp;2507;2|IZ|13732|RANK|2|;at 3 when picking this up
diff --git a/WoWPro_Leveling/Neutral/Guides.xml b/WoWPro_Leveling/Neutral/Guides.xml
index 4906c8e877..d89e950ba2 100755
--- a/WoWPro_Leveling/Neutral/Guides.xml
+++ b/WoWPro_Leveling/Neutral/Guides.xml
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 	<Script file="DF_The_Forbidden_Reach.lua"/>
 	<Script file="DF_Campaign.lua"/>
 	<Script file="DF_EoN.lua"/>
-	<Script file="DF_Shandris_Feathermoon_Questline.lua"/>
+	<Script file="DF_The_Coalition_of_Flames.lua"/>
 	<Script file="INTRO_DeathKnight.lua"/>
 	<Script file="INTRO_DeathKnight_Allied.lua"/>
 	<Script file="INTRO_Demon_Hunter.lua"/>
diff --git a/WoWPro_Leveling/WoWPro_Leveling.toc b/WoWPro_Leveling/WoWPro_Leveling.toc
index 2ecc3fc340..b32c384968 100644
--- a/WoWPro_Leveling/WoWPro_Leveling.toc
+++ b/WoWPro_Leveling/WoWPro_Leveling.toc
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 ## Author: Jiyambi
 ## IconTexture: Interface\GossipFrame\AvailableQuestIcon
 ## Dependencies: WoWPro
-## Version: 2023.09.06.A
+## Version: 2023.09.14.A
 ## X-Category: Quest
 ## X-License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
diff --git a/WoWPro_Leveling/WoWPro_Leveling_TBC.toc b/WoWPro_Leveling/WoWPro_Leveling_TBC.toc
index cf35708ccd..51f7961e87 100644
--- a/WoWPro_Leveling/WoWPro_Leveling_TBC.toc
+++ b/WoWPro_Leveling/WoWPro_Leveling_TBC.toc
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 ## Author: Jiyambi
 ## IconTexture: Interface\GossipFrame\AvailableQuestIcon
 ## Dependencies: WoWPro
-## Version: 2023.09.06.A
+## Version: 2023.09.14.A
 ## X-Category: Quest
 ## X-License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
diff --git a/WoWPro_Leveling/WoWPro_Leveling_Vanilla.toc b/WoWPro_Leveling/WoWPro_Leveling_Vanilla.toc
index 2bae9e2981..a1b8eb82ae 100644
--- a/WoWPro_Leveling/WoWPro_Leveling_Vanilla.toc
+++ b/WoWPro_Leveling/WoWPro_Leveling_Vanilla.toc
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 ## Author: Jiyambi
 ## IconTexture: Interface\GossipFrame\AvailableQuestIcon
 ## Dependencies: WoWPro
-## Version: 2023.09.06.A
+## Version: 2023.09.14.A
 ## X-Category: Quest
 ## X-License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
diff --git a/WoWPro_Leveling/WoWPro_Leveling_Wrath.toc b/WoWPro_Leveling/WoWPro_Leveling_Wrath.toc
index ecd6717239..eafa736fa1 100644
--- a/WoWPro_Leveling/WoWPro_Leveling_Wrath.toc
+++ b/WoWPro_Leveling/WoWPro_Leveling_Wrath.toc
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 ## Author: Jiyambi
 ## IconTexture: Interface\GossipFrame\AvailableQuestIcon
 ## Dependencies: WoWPro
-## Version: 2023.09.06.A
+## Version: 2023.09.14.A
 ## X-Category: Quest
 ## X-License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
diff --git a/WoWPro_Leveling/Wrath/Alliance/WOTLK_INTRO_DwarfGnome.lua b/WoWPro_Leveling/Wrath/Alliance/WOTLK_INTRO_DwarfGnome.lua
index 8ee4db4601..0f95f5406f 100644
--- a/WoWPro_Leveling/Wrath/Alliance/WOTLK_INTRO_DwarfGnome.lua
+++ b/WoWPro_Leveling/Wrath/Alliance/WOTLK_INTRO_DwarfGnome.lua
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ A Supplies to Tannok|QID|2160|M|33.85,72.23|N|From Hands Springsprocket.|
 ; ** End of Coldridge Valley
 R Kharanos|ACTIVE|420|M|46.42,54.71|N|Go through the tunnel to Dun Morogh and follow the road to Kharanos.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]As of now, you will start to come across aggressive mobs (red) that will attack you.|S|LVL|5;-495|
-L Level 6|ACTIVE|420|N|Grind until you're within 3.5 bubbles of level 6.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Once you exit the tunnel, if you can, focus on killing Crag Boars because they drop an item you need to collect for a quest later.|LVL|5;-495|
+L Level 6|ACTIVE|420|N|Grind until you're within 3.5 bubbles of level 6.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Once you exit the tunnel, if you can, focus on killing Crag Boars because they drop an item you need to collect for a quest later.|T|Crag Boar|LVL|5;-495|
 R Kharanos|ACTIVE|420|M|46.42,54.71|N|Go through the tunnel to Dun Morogh and follow the road to Kharanos.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]As of now, you will start to come across aggressive mobs (red) that will attack you.|US|
 T Senir's Observations|QID|420|M|46.73,53.82|N|To Senir Whitebeard.|
 A Beer Basted Boar Ribs|QID|384|M|46.82,52.36|N|From Ragnar Thunderbrew.|
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ r Sell and Repair|ACTIVE|318|M|30.12,45.29|N|Sell and Repair with Burdrak Harglh
 T Evershine|QID|318|M|30.20,45.73|N|To Rejold Barleybrew|
 A A Favor for Evershine|QID|319|PRE|318|M|30.20,45.73|N|From Rejold Barleybrew|
 A The Perfect Stout|QID|315|M|30.20,45.73|N|From Rejold Barleybrew|
-A Bitter Rivals|QID|310|PRE|318|M|30.18,45.53|N|From Marleth Barleybrew|
+A Bitter Rivals|QID|310|M|30.18,45.53|N|From Marleth Barleybrew|
 K A Favor for Evershine|ACTIVE|319|QO|1;2;3|N|Kill Ice Claw Bears, Elder Crag Boars and Snow Leopards.|S|
 K Frostmane Hold|ACTIVE|287|QO|1|M|21.14,51.42|N|Kill Frostmane Headhunters as you make your way to the back of Frostmane Hold.|T|Frostmane Headhunter|S|
 R Frostmane Hold.|ACTIVE|287|QO|2|M|25.09,51.05;21.14,51.42|CS|N|Make your way to the back of Frostmane Hold.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Watch out for the higher level mobs in here.| ; ** auto-complete broken until QO completed - Hendo72
@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ C Kobold Candles|QID|60|M|41.04,79.78|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|L|772 8|ITEM|772|N|An
 R Goldshire|ACTIVE|47^60^62|M|41.58,69.46|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|Return to Goldshire.|
 T Gold Dust Exchange|QID|47|M|42.14,67.25|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|To Remy "Two Times".|
 T Kobold Candles|QID|60|M|43.32,65.70|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|To William Pestle.|
-A Shipment to Stormwind|QID|61|M|43.32,65.70|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|From William Pestle.|
+A Shipment to Stormwind|QID|61|PRE|60|M|43.32,65.70|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|From William Pestle.|
 T The Fargodeep Mine|QID|62|M|42.11,65.94|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|To Marshall Dughan.|
 A The Jasperlode Mine|QID|76|PRE|62|M|42.11,65.94|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|From Marshall Dughan.|
 R Jasperlode Mine|QID|76|QO|1|M|58.72,56.28|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|Head northward from Goldshire to the top of the mountain range and follow it east.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]If you fall into Northshire Valley, you'll have a long run back to get back up.|
diff --git a/WoWPro_Leveling/Wrath/Alliance/WOTLK_INTRO_Human.lua b/WoWPro_Leveling/Wrath/Alliance/WOTLK_INTRO_Human.lua
index d596cbe2cf..a0fcb2befd 100644
--- a/WoWPro_Leveling/Wrath/Alliance/WOTLK_INTRO_Human.lua
+++ b/WoWPro_Leveling/Wrath/Alliance/WOTLK_INTRO_Human.lua
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ T Tainted Letter|QID|3105|M|49.97,42.65|N|To Drusilla La Salle outside on the ri
 = Level 2 Training|ACTIVE|18|M|PLAYER|CC|N|Do your level 2 training.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Manually check this step off to continue.|LVL|2|C|Rogue,Warlock|
 K Investigate Echo Ridge|ACTIVE|15|QO|1|M|48.39,35.52|N|Kill The Kobold Workers.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]The Workers are much larger than the Vermin and have orange glows on their weapons.|T|Kobold Worker|US|
-C Brotherhood of Thieves|QID|18|QO|1|M|48.39,35.52|L|752 8|ITEM|752|N|Defias Thugs.|
+C Brotherhood of Thieves|QID|18|QO|1|M|54.60,41.90|L|752 8|ITEM|752|N|Defias Thugs.|
 L Level 4|ACTIVE|18|N|Grind until you're halfway to level 4.|LVL|3;-700|
 T Brotherhood of Thieves|QID|18|M|48.05,43.56|N|To Deputy Willem.|
@@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ A Lost Necklace|QID|85|M|34.49,84.25|N|From "Auntie" Bernice Stonefield.|
 T Lost Necklace|QID|85|M|43.14,85.72|N|To Billy Maclure.|
 A Pie for Billy|QID|86|PRE|85|M|43.14,85.72|N|From Billy Maclure|
 C Chunks of Boar Meat|QID|86|M|41.5,86.8|L|769 4|ITEM|769|N|Stonetusk Boars|T|Stonetusk Boar|US|
+L Level 6|ACTIVE|87|N|Grind until you're within 4 bubbles of level 6.|LVL|5;-550|
 T Pie for Billy|QID|86|M|34.49,84.25|N|To "Auntie" Bernice Stonefield|
 A Back to Billy|QID|84|PRE|86|M|34.49,84.25|N|From "Auntie" Bernice Stonefield.|
 A Young Lovers|QID|106|M|43.15,89.62|N|From Maybell Maclure.|
@@ -101,7 +102,6 @@ R The Fargodeep Mine|ACTIVE|62|QO|1|M|40.45,82.31|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|From ei
 K Goldtooth|ACTIVE|87|M|41.69,77.94|L|981|N|Kill and loot Goldtooth.|
 C Gold Dust Exchange|QID|47|M|41.04,79.78|L|773 10|ITEM|773|N|Any Kobold in or around Fargodeep Mine.|US|
 C Kobold Candles|QID|60|M|41.04,79.78|L|772 8|ITEM|772|N|Any Kobold in or around Fargodeep Mine.|US|
-L Level 6|ACTIVE|87|N|Grind until you're within 6 bubbles of level 6.|LVL|5;-875|
 T Goldtooth|QID|87|M|34.49,84.25|N|To "Auntie" Bernice Stonefield.|
 A Princess Must Die!|QID|88|M|34.66,84.48|N|From Ma Stonefield.|
 T Young Lovers|QID|106|M|29.84,86.00|N|To Tommy Joe Stonefield.|
@@ -111,8 +111,8 @@ A Note to William|QID|107|PRE|111|M|34.94,83.86|N|From Gramma Stonefield.|
 R Goldshire|QID|62|M|43.77,65.80|N|Run back to Goldshire.|LVL|6;-1250|S|
 L Level 7|ACTIVE|60|N|Grind until you're within 7 bubbles of level 7.|LVL|6;-1250|
-R Goldshire|QID|62|M|43.77,65.80|N|Run back to Goldshire.|US|
-T Kobold Candles|QID|60|M|43.32,65.70|N|To William Pestle.|US|
+H Goldshire|QID|62|M|43.77,65.80|N|Use your hearth or run back to Goldshire (depending on how close you are).|
+T Kobold Candles|QID|60|M|43.32,65.70|N|To William Pestle.|
 A Shipment to Stormwind|QID|61|PRE|60|M|43.32,65.70|N|From William Pestle.|
 T Note to William|QID|107|M|43.32,65.70|N|To William Pestle.|
 A Collecting Kelp|QID|112|PRE|107|M|43.32,65.70|N|From William Pestle.|
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ R Forest's Edge|ACTIVE|239|M|28.80,77.91|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|Head to the firs
 T Westbrook Garrison Needs Help!|QID|239|M|24.24,74.45|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|To Deputy Rainer.|
 A Riverpaw Gnoll Bounty|QID|11|PRE|239|M|24.24,74.45|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|From Deputy Rainer.|
 A Wanted:  "Hogger"|QID|176|M|24.55,74.67;24.52,74.65|CN|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|ELITE|N|[color=FF8000]Elite: [/color]\nThis quest is available from either Wanted Posters in Westbrook Garrison; the one on the road to the tower or the one in front of the tower.|
-l Gold Pickup Schedule|QID|123|M|26.00,89.60|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|L|1307|ITEM|1307|N|Gruff Swiftbite (a rare mob the spawns around Forest's Edge) \n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]There is a low 1% drop rate from Hogger and Riverpaws.\nSkip if you can't find him.|T|Gruff|S!US|
+l Gold Pickup Schedule|QID|123|M|26.00,89.60|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|L|1307|ITEM|1307|N|Gruff Swiftbite (a rare mob the spawns around Forest's Edge) \n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]There is a low 1% drop rate from Hogger and Riverpaws.\nSkip if you can't find him.|T|Gruff|S!US|IZ|Forest's Edge|
 A The Collector|QID|123|M|PLAYER|CC|N|From the Gold Pickup Schedule you just looted.|U|1307|O|
 K Hogger|ACTIVE|176|QO|1|M|27.5,92.5|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|N|coords This Level 11 Elite has a few spawn points. Group up with whoever is around to make this simple.|S!US|
 C Riverpaw Gnoll Bounty|QID|11|M|26.10,87.50|Z|1429;Elwynn Forest|L|782 8|ITEM|782|N|Any Riverpaw Gnoll in Forest's Edge.|
@@ -239,60 +239,65 @@ t Furlbrow's Deed|QID|184|M|59.95,19.36|Z|Westfall|N|To Farmer Furlbrow.|
 A The Forgotten Heirloom|QID|64|M|59.95,19.36|Z|Westfall|N|From Farmer Furlbrow.|
 A Westfall Stew |QID|36|M|59.92,19.41|Z|Westfall|N|From Verna Furlbrow.|
 A Poor Old Blanchy|QID|151|M|59.92,19.41|Z|Westfall|N|From Verna Furlbrow.|
-A The Killing Fields|QID|9|M|56.04,31.23|Z|Westfall|N|From Farmer Saldean. Note, he is also a vendor.|
+R Saldean's Farm|ACTIVE|36|M|57.02,30.11|Z|Westfall|N|Follow the road south to the farm.|
+A The Killing Fields|QID|9|M|56.04,31.23|Z|Westfall|N|From Farmer Saldean.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]He is also a vendor.|
 T Westfall Stew |QID|36|M|56.41,30.52|Z|Westfall|N|To Salma Saldean.|
 A Westfall Stew |QID|38|PRE|36|M|56.41,30.52|Z|Westfall|N|From Salma Saldean.|
 A Goretusk Liver Pie|QID|22|M|56.41,30.52|Z|Westfall|N|From Salma Saldean.|
+C Goretusk Liver Pie|QID|22|L|723 8|ITEM|723|Z|Westfall|N|Goretusk found all over Westfall.|S|IZ|Westfall|
+C Westfall Stew|QID|38|Z|Westfall|N|Kill Vultures, Harvest Watchers/Golems, Murlocs and Goretusks.|S|IZ|Westfall|
 R Sentinel Hill|ACTIVE|109|M|57.61,44.45|Z|Westfall|N|Continue along the road to Sentinel Hill, taking the left hand road at the junction (it has signposts if you are unsure)|
-T Report to Gryan Stoutmantle|QID|109|M|56.33,47.52|Z|Westfall|N|To Gryan Stoutmantle. (you can accept The People's militia now, or wait for questlog space later.)|
+T Report to Gryan Stoutmantle|QID|109|M|56.33,47.52|Z|Westfall|N|To Gryan Stoutmantle.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]You can accept "The People's Militia" now, or wait and save questlog space until later.|
 A A Swift Message|QID|6181|M|57.00,47.17|Z|Westfall|N|From Quartermaster Lewis.|R|Human|
 h Sentinel Hill|ACTIVE|6181|M|52.86,53.71|Z|Westfall|N|At Innkeeper Heather.|
 T A Swift Message|QID|6181|M|56.55,52.65|Z|Westfall|N|To Thor.|R|Human|
-f Sentinel Hill |QID|1097|M|56.55,52.65|Z|Westfall|N|Discover Sentinel Hill Flight Path with Thor.|
 A Continue to Stormwind|QID|6281|PRE|6181|M|56.55,52.65|Z|Westfall|N|From Thor.|R|Human|
-F Stormwind|QID|1097|M|56.55,52.65|Z|Westfall|N|Fly to Stormwind City|TZ|Stormwind City|
+f Sentinel Hill|ACTIVE|1097|M|56.55,52.65|Z|Westfall|N|Discover Sentinel Hill Flight Path with Thor.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Open the flight map to populate the FPs.|
+F Stormwind|ACTIVE|1097|M|56.55,52.65|Z|Westfall|N|Fly to Stormwind City|TZ|Stormwind City|
-T Gakin's Summons|QID|1685|M|25.2,78.6|Z|Stormwind City|N|To Gakin the Darkbinder, in the basement of an inn, in the Mage Quarter.|C|Warlock|
+; ---------- LEVEL 10 CLASS QUEST cont.------------
+T Gakin's Summons|QID|1685|M|25.2,78.6|Z|Stormwind City|N|coordsTo Gakin the Darkbinder, in the basement of an inn, in the Mage Quarter.|C|Warlock|
 A Surena Caledon|QID|1688|M|25.2,78.6|Z|Stormwind City|N|From Gakin the Darkbinder.|C|Warlock|
-C Surena Caledon|QID|1688|M|71,80|N|Find, kill and loot Surena Caladon.|T|Surena Caladon|C|Warlock|
+C Surena Caledon|QID|1688|M|71,80|N|coordsFind, kill and loot Surena Caladon.|T|Surena Caladon|C|Warlock|
 T Surena Caledon|QID|1688|M|25.2,78.6|Z|Stormwind City|N|To Gakin the Darkbinder.|C|Warlock|
 A The Binding|QID|1689|PRE|1688|M|25.2,78.6|Z|Stormwind City|N|From Gakin the Darkbinder.|C|Warlock|
 C The Binding|QID|1689|M|25.2,77.2|Z|Stormwind City|N|Go down the stairs right behind Gakin.turn right at bottom, down more stairs. right again, down more stairs, left, down most of the way and left again, this last door is easy to miss. Stand on the purple runed summoning circle and use the provided choker to summon a voidwalker then kill it.|U|6928|C|Warlock|
 T The Binding|QID|1689|M|25.2,78.6|Z|Stormwind City|N|To Gakin the Darkbinder.|C|Warlock|
-T Continue to Stormwind|QID|6281|M|77.08,61.18|Z|Stormwind City|N|To Osric Strang, in Limited Immunity Shop in Old Town.|R|Human|
-A Dungar Longdrink|QID|6261|PRE|6281|M|77.08,61.18|Z|Stormwind City|N|From Osric Strang.|R|Human|
 T Mirror Lake|QID|1861|M|38.6,79.4|Z|Stormwind City|N|To Jennea Cannon.|C|Mage|
 T Seek out SI: 7|QID|2205|M|76.0,59.8|Z|Stormwind City|N|To Master Mathias Shaw.|C|Rogue|
 A Snatch and Grab|QID|2206|PRE|2205|M|76.0,59.8|Z|Stormwind City|N|From Master Mathias Shaw.|C|Rogue|
 C Snatch and Grab|QID|2206|M|47,87|ITEM|7298|N|Head south east of Goldshire. As you approach the docks, stealth, then pickpocket the dockmaster. If the weapon isn't an upgrade, you may want to skip or leave this quest until next time you are conveniently in Goldshire.|C|Rogue|
 T Snatch and Grab|QID|2206|M|76.0,59.8|Z|Stormwind City|N|To Master Mathias Shaw.|C|Rogue|
+T Continue to Stormwind|QID|6281|M|77.17,60.98|Z|Stormwind City|N|To Osric Strang, inside Limited Immunity Shop in Old Town.|R|Human|
+A Dungar Longdrink|QID|6261|PRE|6281|M|77.17,60.98|Z|Stormwind City|N|From Osric Strang.|R|Human|
-T Elmore's Task|QID|1097|M|59.67,33.84|Z|Stormwind City|N|To Grimand Elmore, in the Dwarven District.|
-A Stormpike's Delivery|QID|353|PRE|1097|M|59.67,33.84|Z|Stormwind City|N|From Grimand Elmore.|
-R Deeprun Tram|QID|6661|M|66.85,33.54|Z|Stormwind City|N|Run to the Deeprun Tram.|
-A Deeprun Rat Roundup|QID|6661|N|Board the Tram to take you Ironforge, then quest From Monty, at the Ironforge Tram Stop.|
-C Deeprun Rat Roundup|QID|6661|N|Use Rat Catcher's Flute on Deeprun Rats, and catch five of them.|T|Deeprun Rat|U|17117|NC|
+T Elmore's Task|QID|1097|M|59.72,33.77|Z|Stormwind City|N|To Grimand Elmore, inside a shop on the west side of the Dwarven District.|
+A Stormpike's Delivery|QID|353|PRE|1097|M|59.72,33.77|Z|Stormwind City|N|From Grimand Elmore.|
+R Deeprun Tram|QID|6661|M|69.11,30.82|Z|Stormwind City|N|Enter the Deeprun Tram.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Once you enter the portal, coordinates will no longer work as long as you're inside.|
+A Deeprun Rat Roundup|QID|6661|N|Board the Tram to take you to the Ironforge Tram stop (east) and get the quest from Monty on the center platform.|
+C Deeprun Rat Roundup|QID|6661|QO|1|N|Target the Deeprun Rats and use the Rat Catcher's Flute on them.|T|Deeprun Rat|U|17117|NC|
 T Deeprun Rat Roundup|QID|6661|N|To Monty.|
-A Me Brother, Nipsy |QID|6662|PRE|6661|N|From Monty.|
-T Me Brother, Nipsy |QID|6662|N|To Nipsy at the Stormwind Tram Stop. If you are quick you can jump off and turn in before the tram leaves.|
-R Tinker Town|ACTIVE|353|N|Board the Tram back to Ironforge and take the tunnel to your North.|
+A Me Brother, Nipsy |QID|6662|PRE|6661|N|From Monty (after a short pause).|
+T Me Brother, Nipsy |QID|6662|N|Board the Tram to take you to back the Stormwind Tram stop (west) and turn in the quest to Nipsy on the center platform.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]If you use the car at the opposite end of the platform and do it quick, you can jump off and turn in before the tram leaves.|
+R Tinker Town|AVAILABLE|384|N|Board the Tram back to Ironforge (east) and exit through the tunnel to the north.|IZ|Deeprun Tram|
-f Ironforge|ACTIVE|353|M|62.85,28.38;55.50,47.76|CS|Z|Ironforge|N|Discover Ironforge Flight Path with Gryph Thurden.|
-R Gates of Ironforge|ACTIVE|353|M|43.7,59.1;29.9,81.75;15.0,86.10|CS|Z|Ironforge|N|Head to the exit of Ironforge.|
-R Kharanos|QID|384|M|47.16,45.39|Z|Dun Morogh|N|Take the road down to the bottom of the hill and go south into Kharanos.|
+f Ironforge|AVAILABLE|384|M|62.85,28.38;55.49,47.71|CS|Z|Ironforge|N|Discover Ironforge Flight Path with Gryph Thurden.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Open the flight map to populate the FPs.|
+N Housekeeping|AVAILABLE|384|N|Use this time to visit the city's various amenities.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]Ask one of the guards if you don't know where to go.|T|Ironforge Guard|S!US|IZ|City of Ironforge|
+R Gates of Ironforge|ACTIVE|353|M|43.7,59.1;29.9,81.75;15.0,86.10|CS|Z|Ironforge|N|Exit Ironforge.|IZ|City of Ironforge|
+R Kharanos|QID|384|M|47.16,45.48|Z|Dun Morogh|N|Take the road down to the bottom of the hill and go south into Kharanos.|
 A Operation Recombobulation|QID|412|M|45.84,49.37|Z|Dun Morogh|N|From Razzle Sprysprocket.|
 A Beer Basted Boar Ribs|QID|384|M|46.83,52.36|Z|Dun Morogh|N|From Ragnar Thunderbrew.|
 C Beer Basted Boar Ribs|QID|384|M|67,59.6|Z|Dun Morogh|L|2886 6|N|Crag Boar Rib.|S|
 A Stocking Jetsteam|QID|317|M|49.43,48.41|Z|Dun Morogh|N|From Pilot Bellowfiz.|
 C Stocking Jetsteam|QID|317|M|20.2,75.8|Z|Dun Morogh|L|769 4|N|Chunk of Boar Meat.|S|
 C Stocking Jetsteam|QID|317|M|67,59.6|Z|Dun Morogh|L|6952 2|N|Kill young black bears to loot Thick Bear Fur.|S|
-A The Grizzled Den|QID|313|M|49.62,48.61|Z|Dun Morogh|N|From Pilot Stonegear.|
+;A The Grizzled Den|QID|313|M|49.62,48.61|Z|Dun Morogh|N|From Pilot Stonegear.|
 A Ammo for Rumbleshot|QID|5541|M|50.08,49.42|Z|Dun Morogh|N|From Loslor Rudge.|
-R The Grizzled Den Entrance|ACTIVE|313|M|42.59,54.78|CC|Z|Dun Morogh|N|Make your way to the cave entrance.|
-C The Grizzled Den|QID|313|L|2671 8|N|Kill the Wendigo to loot Wendigo Mane.|
-C Ammo for Rumbleshot|QID|5541|M|44.13,56.94|Z|Dun Morogh|L|13850|N|Exit the cave and run across the field to the camp just inside the tree line.|
+;R The Grizzled Den Entrance|ACTIVE|313|M|42.59,54.78|CC|Z|Dun Morogh|N|Make your way to the cave entrance.|
+;C The Grizzled Den|QID|313|L|2671 8|N|Kill the Wendigo to loot Wendigo Mane.|
+C Ammo for Rumbleshot|QID|5541|M|44.13,56.94|Z|Dun Morogh|L|13850|N|Run across the field to the camp just inside the tree line.|
 T Ammo for Rumbleshot|QID|5541|M|46.19,61.90;40.68,65.13|CC|Z|Dun Morogh|N|Head up the hill to the road and follow it to Hegnar Rumbleshot.|
 R Coldridge Pass|QID|412|M|36.20,61.79|Z|Dun Morogh|N|Follow the road westward towards Coldridge Pass.|
 R Brewnall Village|QID|412|M|33.69,57.13;30.84,51.46|CC|Z|Dun Morogh|N|Run down the hill and into the valley to the road leading into Brewnall Village.|
@@ -316,27 +321,27 @@ R Amberstill Ranch|AVAILABLE|314|M|62.17,53.10|Z|Dun Morogh|N|Follow the road ea
 A Protecting the Herd|QID|314|M|63.08,49.85|Z|Dun Morogh|N|From Rudra Amberstill.|
 C Protecting the Herd|QID|314|QO|1|M|62.45,50.35;62.37,49.06;62.45,49.01|CS|Z|Dun Morogh|N|Kill Vagash, and loot Fang of Vagash.|
 T Protecting the Herd|QID|314|M|63.08,49.85|Z|Dun Morogh|N|To Rudra Amberstill.|
-R Gol'Bolar Quarry|QID|432|M|67.19,53.54|N|Locate the dirt path leading south into the Quarry from the road.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]There is a signpost on the road pointing to it.|
-A The Public Servant|QID|433|M|68.67,55.97|N|From Senator Mehr Stonehallow|
-A Those Blasted Troggs!|QID|432|M|69.08,56.32|N|From Foreman Stonebrow|
-K Those Blasted Troggs!|ACTIVE|432|QO|1|M|70.05,58.20|N|Kill Rockjaw Skullthumpers, found both inside and outside area of the quarry.|S|
-K The Public Servant|ACTIVE|433|QO|1|M|70.98,54.54|N|Kill the Rockjaw Bonesnappers, inside the Gol'Bolar Quarry Mine.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]There is a small group of 4 neutral (yellow) that path around the quarry area.|
-K Those Blasted Troggs!|ACTIVE|432|QO|1|M|70.05,58.20|N|Kill Rockjaw Skullthumpers, leave the mine, and target those outside only.|US|
-T The Public Servant|QID|433|M|68.67,55.97|N|To Senator Mehr Stonehallow|
-r Sell and Repair|ACTIVE|432|M|68.86,55.96|N|Sell and Repair with Frast Dokner.|S|
-T Those Blasted Troggs!|QID|432|M|69.08,56.32|N|To Foreman Stonebrow|
+R Gol'Bolar Quarry|QID|432|M|67.19,53.54|Z|Dun Morogh|N|Locate the dirt path leading south into the Quarry from the road.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]There is a signpost on the road pointing to it.|
+A The Public Servant|QID|433|M|68.67,55.97|Z|Dun Morogh|N|From Senator Mehr Stonehallow|
+A Those Blasted Troggs!|QID|432|M|69.08,56.32|Z|Dun Morogh|N|From Foreman Stonebrow|
+K Those Blasted Troggs!|ACTIVE|432|QO|1|M|70.05,58.20|Z|Dun Morogh|N|Kill Rockjaw Skullthumpers, found both inside and outside area of the quarry.|S|
+K The Public Servant|ACTIVE|433|QO|1|M|70.98,54.54|Z|Dun Morogh|N|Kill the Rockjaw Bonesnappers, inside the Gol'Bolar Quarry Mine.\n[color=FF0000]NOTE: [/color]There is a small group of 4 neutral (yellow) that path around the quarry area.|
+K Those Blasted Troggs!|ACTIVE|432|QO|1|M|70.05,58.20|Z|Dun Morogh|N|Kill Rockjaw Skullthumpers, leave the mine, and target those outside only.|US|
+T The Public Servant|QID|433|M|68.67,55.97|Z|Dun Morogh|N|To Senator Mehr Stonehallow|
+r Sell and Repair|ACTIVE|432|M|68.86,55.96|Z|Dun Morogh|N|Sell and Repair with Frast Dokner.|S|
+T Those Blasted Troggs!|QID|432|M|69.08,56.32|Z|Dun Morogh|N|To Foreman Stonebrow|
-R North Gate Pass|QID|419|M|67.21,52.91;78.00,49.61;78.16,49.36|CS|N|Follow the road east until you come to a fork and take the northeastern road to North Gate Pass.|
-R North Gate Outpost|QID|419|M|83.00,40.30|N|Continue through the tunnel to North Gate Outpost at the other end.|
-A The Lost Pilot|QID|419|M|83.89,39.19|N|From Pilot Hammerfoot|
-T The Lost Pilot|QID|419|M|79.68,36.17|N|To the Dwarven Corpse northwest of your current location.|
-A A Pilot's Revenge|QID|417|PRE|419|M|79.68,36.17|N|From Dwarven Corpse.|
-C A Pilot's Revenge|QID|417|M|78.34,37.82|L|3183|N|Kill and loot Mangeclaw.|
-T A Pilot's Revenge|QID|417|M|83.89,39.19|N|To Pilot Hammerfoot|
-R South Gate Pass|ACTIVE|413|M|79.28,51.84|N|Go back through the tunnel to the fork and travel a short distance up the other road.|
-R South Gate Outpost|QID|413|M|82.28,53.43;84.33,51.16|CC|N|Continue up the hill and through the tunnel to South Gate Outpost.|
-T Shimmer Stout|QID|413|M|86.28,48.82|N|To Mountaineer Barleybrew|
-A Stout to Kadrell|QID|414|PRE|413|M|86.28,48.82|N|From Mountaineer Barleybrew|
+R North Gate Pass|QID|419|M|67.21,52.91;78.00,49.61;78.16,49.36|CS|Z|Dun Morogh|N|Follow the road east until you come to a fork and take the northeastern road to North Gate Pass.|
+R North Gate Outpost|QID|419|M|83.00,40.30|Z|Dun Morogh|N|Continue through the tunnel to North Gate Outpost at the other end.|
+A The Lost Pilot|QID|419|M|83.89,39.19|Z|Dun Morogh|N|From Pilot Hammerfoot|
+T The Lost Pilot|QID|419|M|79.68,36.17|Z|Dun Morogh|N|To the Dwarven Corpse northwest of your current location.|
+A A Pilot's Revenge|QID|417|PRE|419|M|79.68,36.17|Z|Dun Morogh|N|From Dwarven Corpse.|
+C A Pilot's Revenge|QID|417|M|78.34,37.82|L|3183|Z|Dun Morogh|N|Kill and loot Mangeclaw.|
+T A Pilot's Revenge|QID|417|M|83.89,39.19|Z|Dun Morogh|N|To Pilot Hammerfoot|
+R South Gate Pass|ACTIVE|413|M|79.28,51.84|Z|Dun Morogh|N|Go back through the tunnel to the fork and travel a short distance up the other road.|
+R South Gate Outpost|QID|413|M|82.28,53.43;84.33,51.16|CC|Z|Dun Morogh|N|Continue up the hill and through the tunnel to South Gate Outpost.|
+T Shimmer Stout|QID|413|M|86.28,48.82|Z|Dun Morogh|N|To Mountaineer Barleybrew|
+A Stout to Kadrell|QID|414|PRE|413|M|86.28,48.82|Z|Dun Morogh|N|From Mountaineer Barleybrew|
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 ## IconTexture: Interface\ICONS\Trade_Engineering
 ## Dependencies: WoWPro
-## Version: 2023.09.06.A
+## Version: 2023.09.14.A
 ## X-Category: Quest
 ## X-License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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 ## Author: Twists
 ## IconTexture: Interface\ICONS\Trade_Engineering
 ## Dependencies: WoWPro
-## Version: 2023.09.06.A
+## Version: 2023.09.14.A
 ## X-Category: Quest
 ## X-License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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 ## Author: Twists
 ## IconTexture: Interface\ICONS\Trade_Engineering
 ## Dependencies: WoWPro
-## Version: 2023.09.06.A
+## Version: 2023.09.14.A
 ## X-Category: Quest
 ## X-License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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 ## Author: Twists
 ## IconTexture: Interface\ICONS\Trade_Engineering
 ## Dependencies: WoWPro
-## Version: 2023.09.06.A
+## Version: 2023.09.14.A
 ## X-Category: Quest
 ## X-License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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 ## Author: Jiyambi
 ## IconTexture: Interface\ICONS\INV_Misc_Note_05
 ## Dependencies: WoWPro
-## Version: 2023.09.06.A
+## Version: 2023.09.14.A
 ## SavedVariables: WoWPro_RecorderDB
 ## DefaultState: disabled
 ## X-License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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 ## Author: Jiyambi
 ## IconTexture: Interface\ICONS\INV_Misc_Note_05
 ## Dependencies: WoWPro
-## Version: 2023.09.06.A
+## Version: 2023.09.14.A
 ## SavedVariables: WoWPro_RecorderDB
 ## DefaultState: disabled
 ## X-License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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 ## Author: Jiyambi
 ## IconTexture: Interface\ICONS\INV_Misc_Note_05
 ## Dependencies: WoWPro
-## Version: 2023.09.06.A
+## Version: 2023.09.14.A
 ## SavedVariables: WoWPro_RecorderDB
 ## DefaultState: disabled
 ## X-License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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 ## Author: Jiyambi
 ## IconTexture: Interface\ICONS\INV_Misc_Note_05
 ## Dependencies: WoWPro
-## Version: 2023.09.06.A
+## Version: 2023.09.14.A
 ## SavedVariables: WoWPro_RecorderDB
 ## DefaultState: disabled
 ## X-License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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 ## Author: Jiyambi
 ## IconTexture: Interface\ICONS\INV_Misc_Ticket_Darkmoon_01
 ## Dependencies: WoWPro
-## Version: 2023.09.06.A
+## Version: 2023.09.14.A
 ## X-Category: Quest
 ## X-License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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index 8d4d25ac91..0b97fbb2fd 100644
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@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 ## Author: Jiyambi
 ## IconTexture: Interface\ICONS\INV_Misc_Ticket_Darkmoon_01
 ## Dependencies: WoWPro
-## Version: 2023.09.06.A
+## Version: 2023.09.14.A
 ## X-Category: Quest
 ## X-License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
diff --git a/WoWPro_WorldEvents/WoWPro_WorldEvents_Vanilla.toc b/WoWPro_WorldEvents/WoWPro_WorldEvents_Vanilla.toc
index dcd2c0ed92..e7b81545ff 100644
--- a/WoWPro_WorldEvents/WoWPro_WorldEvents_Vanilla.toc
+++ b/WoWPro_WorldEvents/WoWPro_WorldEvents_Vanilla.toc
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 ## Author: Jiyambi
 ## IconTexture: Interface\ICONS\INV_Misc_Ticket_Darkmoon_01
 ## Dependencies: WoWPro
-## Version: 2023.09.06.A
+## Version: 2023.09.14.A
 ## X-Category: Quest
 ## X-License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
diff --git a/WoWPro_WorldEvents/WoWPro_WorldEvents_Wrath.toc b/WoWPro_WorldEvents/WoWPro_WorldEvents_Wrath.toc
index f1b1f97f1a..7768fa8890 100644
--- a/WoWPro_WorldEvents/WoWPro_WorldEvents_Wrath.toc
+++ b/WoWPro_WorldEvents/WoWPro_WorldEvents_Wrath.toc
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 ## Author: Jiyambi
 ## IconTexture: Interface\ICONS\INV_Misc_Ticket_Darkmoon_01
 ## Dependencies: WoWPro
-## Version: 2023.09.06.A
+## Version: 2023.09.14.A
 ## X-Category: Quest
 ## X-License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.