From 928b782ff967034203ee483d4cab9e4fb0e5bcc6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Cagomei Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2023 21:12:46 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] 10/11/23 BFA fixes from discord --- WoWPro_Leveling/Horde/BFA_Intro.lua | 19 +++++++++++++++++++ WoWPro_Leveling/Horde/INTRO_Chromie_Time.lua | 2 +- 2 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/WoWPro_Leveling/Horde/BFA_Intro.lua b/WoWPro_Leveling/Horde/BFA_Intro.lua index 76b1cb62e8..32b90b7baf 100644 --- a/WoWPro_Leveling/Horde/BFA_Intro.lua +++ b/WoWPro_Leveling/Horde/BFA_Intro.lua @@ -12,6 +12,25 @@ C Battle for Azeroth: Mission Statement|QID|60361^51443|M|48.55,71.49|Z|Orgrimma C Battle for Azeroth: Mission Statement|QID|60361^51443|M|54.62,78.34|Z|Orgrimmar|QO|2|N|Go to the Broken Tusk Inn and meet your team|NC| T Battle for Azeroth: Mission Statement|QID|60361^51443|M|54.45,78.42|Z|Orgrimmar|N|To Nathanos Blightcaller.| +A The Stormwind Extraction|QID|50769|M|54.45,78.42|Z|Orgrimmar|N|From Nathanos Blightcaller.|PRE|51443^60361| +C The Stormwind Extraction|QID|50769|M|54.55,78.37|Z|Orgrimmar|QO|1|N|Take a potion. Don't use it!|H| +C The Stormwind Extraction|QID|50769|M|50.89,83.96|Z|Orgrimmar|QO|2|N|Fly up to the ramparts and hop on an eagle. This will enter you into the next scenario, (Stockades/Stormwind).|V| +C In the Dead of Night|QID|50769|M|47.21,59.58|Z|Stormwind City!Stormwind City!Instance|SO|1;1|N|Infiltrate Stormwind City|NC| +C Down the Drain|QID|50769|M|46.23,58.19|Z|Stormwind City!Stormwind City!Instance|SO|2;2|N|Open the sewer access gate|H| +C Down the Drain|QID|50769|M|41.29,62.51|Z|Stormwind City!Stormwind City!Instance|SO|2;1|N|Go in the sewer access gate.|H| +C The Stockades|QID|50769|M|51.30,39.62|Z|The Stockade!The Stockade!Instance|SO|3;1|N|Fight your way to meet up with Rokhan.| +C Honor and Loyalty|QID|50769|M|48.05,33.68|Z|The Stockade!The Stockade!Instance|SO|4;2|N|Click on the Door to Saurfang's cell and go in.|H| +C Honor and Loyalty|QID|50769|M|48.05,33.68|Z|The Stockade!The Stockade!Instance|SO|4;1|N|Talk to Saurfang.|CHAT| +C The Primary Objective|QID|50769|M|56.00,64.16|Z|The Stockade!The Stockade!Instance|SO|5;1|N|Fight your way to the next waypoint and open the cell to release the Princess and the Prophet.| +C The Primary Objective|QID|50769|M|56.67,40.64;87.01,23.28|Z|The Stockade!The Stockade!Instance|CS|SO|5;2|N|Fight your way down the hall and to the sewer grate, Click on the grade to go thru.| +C The City Stirs|QID|50769|M|55.78,56.46|Z|Stormwind City!Stormwind City!Instance|SO|6;1|N|Talk to Rokhan and then follow closely so you stay in his invis-o sphere.|CHAT| +C WAY Behind Enemy Lines|QID|50769|M|55.87,56.88|Z|Stormwind City!Stormwind City!Instance|SO|7;1|N|Defeat the worgen ambush.| +C Escape Cathedral Square|QID|50769|M|45.42,43.19|Z|Stormwind City!Stormwind City!Instance|SO|7;2|N|Keep following your buddies and fighting your way thru Stormwind. Chat with Nathanos when you get to him, to end this stage.| +C No Diplomatic Solution|QID|50769|M|39.67,41.04|Z|Stormwind City!Stormwind City!Instance|SO|8;1|N|Break down the ice wall.| +C Reach Talanji's ship|QID|50769|M|20.59,25.79|Z|Stormwind City!Stormwind City!Instance|SO|9;1|N|Continue on with your buddies, killing those pesky Alliance trying to stop you from reaching Talanji's ship| +C Escape Stormwind Harbor|QID|50769|M|20.63,28.92|Z|Stormwind City!Stormwind City!Instance|SO|10;1|N|Talk to Talanji on the bridge of her ship.|CHAT| +T The Stormwind Extraction|QID|50769|M|39.50,70.83|Z|1164|N|To Nathanos Blightcaller.| + A Welcome to Zuldazar|QID|46957|M|57.95,62.46|Z|Zuldazar|N|From Princess Talanji|PRE|50769| C Welcome to Zuldazar|QID|46957|M|57.94,56.59|Z|Zuldazar|N|Follow Princess Talanji. You will need to stay close, otherwise she will stop running.|NC| T Welcome to Zuldazar|QID|46957|M|57.97,56.50|Z|Zuldazar|N|To General Jakra'zet.| diff --git a/WoWPro_Leveling/Horde/INTRO_Chromie_Time.lua b/WoWPro_Leveling/Horde/INTRO_Chromie_Time.lua index 5414fd4c0b..8933753e76 100644 --- a/WoWPro_Leveling/Horde/INTRO_Chromie_Time.lua +++ b/WoWPro_Leveling/Horde/INTRO_Chromie_Time.lua @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ N Choose Legion|QID|60970|M|40.82,80.13|JUMP|Demon Hunter: Order Hall;10|S|N|If N Choose Battle for Azeroth|QID|51443|M|40.82,80.13|JUMP|Battle for Azeroth: Intro|S|N|If you decided to stay in the current timeline.|CT|NOCACHE|LVL|-60| N Choose Shadowlands|QID|99999|M|56.26,17.31|JUMP|Shadowlands Intro - The Maw;11|S|N|If you selected to goto the Shadowlands timeline.|CT|NOCACHE|LVL|-60| -N Make your choice|QID|99999|M|40.82,80.13|N|Speak with Chromie to transport you back in time to level up during any expansion period.\n\nIf you want to level in BFA content, that is the current timeline and speaking with chromie is not necessary.\n\nOnce Chromies UI is open, click the book button next to your expansion of choice to automatically make your selection with Chromie and load the corresponding guide.|CT|NOCACHE|LVL|-60| +N Make your choice|QID|99999|M|40.82,80.13|N|Speak with Chromie to transport you back in time to level up during any expansion period.\n\nOnce Chromies UI is open, click the book button next to your expansion of choice to automatically load the corresponding guide.|CT|NOCACHE|LVL|-60| N Not Eligible|AVAILABLE|62568|M|62.25,29.93|N|You need to have leveled a character to level 60 before you are eligible to use Chromie.|LVL|-60| N Not Eligible|AVAILABLE|62567|M|62.25,29.93|N|You cannot use chromie time once you reach level 60.|LVL|60|