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350 lines (295 loc) · 15.1 KB

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350 lines (295 loc) · 15.1 KB

Luiz Gabriel de Souza

Network analysis with Input-Output Matrix

This project demonstrates how to perform an input-output matrix network analysis provided by the European Union international project called World Input and Output Database. WIOD This page is a contribution to the dissemination of the graph analysis method in Economic Science.

The code below was used as the basis of a monograph project for the completion of the Economics course at the Federal University of Paraná, with the support of the research group Nex, directed by the professor and advisor Dr. João Basilio

Required R Packages


The Script

The code that will be presented below was structured to generate automatically, but still with some degree of personalization, statistical summary bases of graph analyzes and the graphs themselves, and can be used as technical support for various economic analyzes.

The code follows a logical processing order, in a loop that processes one country at a time and automatically generates graphs and statistical summary tables:

  • Variable Setup:
  • Mapping of countries to be analyzed:
  • Import bases:
  • Cut filter application:
  • Statistical Summary:
  • Graphs generation:
  #Variables to be set

  ### Directories
  DirData      <- "" # Where yout scritp is 
  local_graph  <- "" # Where the graphs are going to be saved
  local_matrix <- paste0(DirData,"/00.Matrizes/") # Where the matrix that are going to be used are
  # Filters of the networks
  vlr_filtro <- 0.05  # Filters every just what is grater then the max value of matrix * the filter value
  mode       <- "plus"

#set notation that is gonna be used by R

# List of dada set's used in the analysis
Countries <- c(list.files(paste0(DirData, "/00.Matrizes"),pattern = ".xlsx"))

# Rewriting the countries names to be used in the graphs
CountryName <- case_when(
  # "SOUTH"
  Countries %like% "BRA" ~ "Brasil",
  Countries %like% "RUS" ~ "Rússia",
  Countries %like% "IND" ~ "Índia",
  Countries %like% "CHN" ~ "China",
  Countries %like% "MEX" ~ "México",
  # "NORTH"
  Countries %like% "KOR" ~ "Corea",
  Countries %like% "DEU" ~ "Alemanha",
  Countries %like% "GBR" ~ "Reino Unido",
  Countries %like% "NOR" ~ "Noruega",
  Countries %like% "USA" ~ "Estados Unidos",
  TRUE ~ substr(Countries,1,3) # Yout can add a countrie's name as you want

#Create the layout of the data frames that is going to collect graph statistics
  country          <- 1
  ano              <- 1
  numedges         <- 1
  avdegree         <- 1
  diameter         <- 1
  density          <- 1
  assortdegree     <- 1
  meandist         <- 1
  closeness        <- 1
  centrality_value <- 1
  betweenness      <- 1
  Avgcluster_coef  <- 1
  mean_hub         <- 1
  pagerank         <- 1
  data_0           <- data.frame(country, ano, numedges, avdegree, diameter, density, 
                                 assortdegree, #meandist,
                                 betweenness #, Avgcluster_coef

names <-"a"
value <- 1
ano   <- 1
country <- 1

Betwenness_best0     <- data.frame(names, value, ano, country)
eig_Centrality_best0 <- data.frame(names, value, ano, country)
hub_best0            <- data.frame(names, value, ano, country)
page_rank_best0      <- data.frame(names, value, ano, country)
degree_distribution0 <- data.frame(value, ano, country)

setor         <- c("a")
weigth_dg     <- 1
all_dg        <- 1
in_dg         <- 1
out_dg        <- 1
ano           <- 1
degree_table0 <- data.frame(setor, weigth_dg, all_dg, in_dg, out_dg, ano, country)

for (c in 1:10){
  # Import the database and save each of the IO's (2000 a 2014)
  file  <- Countries[c]
  for (j in 0:14){
    print(paste("Importing matrix ",Countries[c],"Year ", 2000+j))
    ini <- paste0("E", 3 + j*120)
    fim <- paste0("BI", 58 + j*120)
    ran <- paste0(ini, ":", fim)
    mIO <- read_excel(paste0(local_matrix,file), na="na", sheet = "National IO-tables", range = ran, col_names = F)
    NameObj <- paste0("m", 2000 + j)
    assign(NameObj, mIO)

  # Remove variables that are not gonna be used any more
  # Sector names
  setor_name <- c( "Agropecuária" , "Ext Madeira" , "Pesca" , "Mineração" , "I Alimenticia" , "I Textil" ,
                   "I Madeira" , "I Papel" , "Midia" , "I Petro Refinado" , "I Quimica" , "I Farmaceutica" ,
                   "I Plastico" , "I Min N Met" , "I Metais" , "I Prod Metalicos" , "I Eletronica" , "I Elêtrica" ,
                   "I Maq e Equip" , "I Veiculos" , "I Tranporte" , "I Móveis" , "Rep e Inst MaqEquip" , "Fornec Serv" ,
                   "Água" , "Saneamento" , "Construção" , "Atac Varej Veic" , "Atacado" , "Varejo" , "Transp Terrestre" ,
                   "Transp Água" , "Transp Aéreo" , "Apoio Transp" , "Correios" , "Hotel e Rest" , "Publicação" , "Rádio e TV" ,
                   "Tecomunicações" , "Informática" , "Serv Financeiros" , "Seguros" , "Outros Serv Fin" , "Imoveis" ,
                   "Ativi Legais" , "Arquit e Eng" , "Ciência e Pesquisa" , "Marketing" , "Ativ Prof" , "Serv Adm ",
                   "Adm Pública" , "Educação" , "Saúde" , "Outros Serviços" , "Servi Doméstico" , "Organizações",

    # Beginning of the statement of process ----
  for(i in seq(2000,2014,by=7)) { 
    print(paste("Networking on", CountryName[c],i))
    m <- get(paste0("m",i))
    colnames(m) <- setor_name
    MaxVal      <- max(m)
    nFiltro     <- round(vlr_filtro*MaxVal,0)
    m[m < nFiltro] <- 0
    #m_adj_dir   <- graph.adjacency(as.matrix(m), weighted = TRUE, mode = mode)
    m_adj  <- as.undirected(graph.adjacency(as.matrix(m[1:56]), weighted=TRUE, mode = mode, diag = F))
    #       edge_density(m_adj)
    numedges          <- round(gsize(m_adj), digits = 3)              # Number of links of the Network
    avdegree          <- round(mean(igraph::degree(m_adj)), digits=3) # Average Dregree
    diameter          <- round(diameter(m_adj, unconnected = TRUE, weight = NA), digits = 3) # VER
    density           <- round(edge_density(m_adj,loops = TRUE), digits = 3) # Density: The ratio of the number of edges and the number of possible edges.
    assortdegree      <- round(assortativity(m_adj, igraph::degree(m_adj, mode="all"),directed = T), digits = 3) #
    meandist          <- round(mean_distance(m_adj, directed = T, unconnected = TRUE), digits = 3) # Considering only nodes with at least 1 link
    closeness         <- round(mean(igraph::closeness(m_adj, mode = 'all')), digits = 5)
    centrality_value  <- data.frame(igraph::eigen_centrality(m_adj, directed = T, weights = NA)$vector) # How connected a node is with important nodes in network
    betweenness       <- mean(igraph::betweenness(m_adj, directed = T, weights = E(m_adj)$weight))
    #Avgcluster_coef  <- transitivity(m_adj,type="barrat")  
    mean_hub          <- mean(hub_score(m_adj, weights = E(m_adj)$weight)$vector) 
    pagerank          <- round(page_rank(m_adj)$vector, digits = 3)  
    # Graphs Legend's  
    LegTxt = list(CountryName[c],
                  paste0("Ano = ", i),
                  paste0("Nº edges = ", numedges),
                  paste0("Av. Degree = ", avdegree),
                  paste0("Diameter = ", diameter) ,
                  paste0("Density = ", density) ,
                  paste0("Dist. Media =",meandist))
    #if (i==2000) {Max <- max(m[,57])}
    #V(m_adj)$tot_output <- 2+(m[,57]/Max)*10

#ScaledWeight = ((1 + (m[1:56] / max(m[1:56])))^2) -1
    m_net = network( as.matrix(m[1:56]/3000)
                     ,directed = FALSE
                     #,matrix.type = "bipartite"
                     ,ignore.eval = FALSE
                     ,names.eval = "weights"
    network.vertex.names(m_net) = setor_name
    # Creates de Graphs and saves it at the directory
                       # ,mode = "" #"
                       ,mode = "fruchtermanreingold"
                       #,mode = "circle"  
                       ,label = TRUE
                       ,label.trim = TRUE
                       #,label.color = "gray"
                       ,label.alpha = 0.75
                       ,size = "degree" #,node.size = 6
                       ,size.legend = "Degree"      
                       ,size.cut = 5
                       ,size.min = 1
                       ,node.color = "steelblue"
                       # ,edge.color = "black"
                       ,edge.size = "weights" #,edge.size = 1
                       # ,weight.cut = 2
                       ,edge.color = "grey60"
                       ,legend.size = 12
                       ,legend.position = "bottom") +
      guides(color = FALSE, size = FALSE) +
      annotate(geom = "text",
               label = LegTxt,
               x = -Inf,
               y = seq(0.39, 0.18, length = 7),
               hjust = 0, 
               vjust = 9,
               size = 5)
    # Save the plot
    sfiltro <- gsub("\\D" ,"", toString(vlr_filtro)) # Set the filter to be set in the name of the graph
    gName   <- paste0(local_graph,"/",substr(file,1,3), "_Net_", i, "_", sfiltro, ".png" ) # Set the name of the graph and for what file it is gonna be sent to
    #ggsave(gName, scale = 2.1, dpi=720)
    ggsave(gName,  width = 25, height = 20, units = "cm") 

    ##Insert into summary data base
    ano    <- i
    data_1 <- data.frame(country=CountryName[c],ano = round(ano, digits = 0), 
    data_0 <- rbind(data_0, data_1)
    betwenness       <- igraph::betweenness(m_adj, directed = T, weights = E(m_adj)$weight)  
    melt_betweness   <- melt(betwenness)
    Names_betwenness <-, colnames = names( "Cod"))
    btwnss_fim       <-, melt_betweness,ano = i, country=CountryName[c]))
    Betwenness_best1 <- data.frame(btwnss_fim)
    Betwenness_best0 <- rbind(Betwenness_best1, Betwenness_best0)
    Betwenness_best0 <- Betwenness_best0[Betwenness_best0$ano > 1, ]
    #Eigen Centrality
    centrality_value$names     <- rownames(centrality_value)
    rownames(centrality_value) <- NULL
    colnames(centrality_value) <- c("centrality","names")
    eig_Centrality             <- round(centrality_value$centrality, digits = 3)
    melt_eig_Centrality        <- melt(centrality_value$centrality)
    names_centrality           <- centrality_value$names
    eig_Centrality_fim         <-, melt_eig_Centrality, ano = i, country=CountryName[c]))
    eig_Centrality_best01      <- data.frame(eig_Centrality_fim)
    colnames(eig_Centrality_best01) <- c("names", "value","ano", "country")
    eig_Centrality_best0       <- rbind(eig_Centrality_best0, eig_Centrality_best01)
    eig_Centrality_best0       <- eig_Centrality_best0[eig_Centrality_best0$ano > 1, ]
    hub        <- round(hub_score(m_adj, weights = NA)$vector, digits = 3)
    melt_hub   <- melt(hub)
    Names_hub  <-, colnames = names( "Cod"))
    hub_fim    <-, melt_hub,ano = i, country=CountryName[c]))
    hub_best1  <- data.frame(hub_fim)
    hub_best0  <- rbind(hub_best1, hub_best0)
    hub_best0  <- hub_best0[hub_best0$ano > 1, ]
    page_rank        <- round(page_rank(m_adj)$vector, digits = 3)
    melt_page_rank   <- melt(page_rank)
    Names_page_rank  <-, colnames = names( "Cod"))
    page_rank_fim    <-, melt_page_rank,ano = i, country=CountryName[c]))
    page_rank_best1  <- data.frame(page_rank_fim)
    page_rank_best0 <- rbind(page_rank_best1, page_rank_best0)
    page_rank_best0  <- page_rank_best0[page_rank_best0$ano > 1, ]
    #Degre distribution
    degree_distribution1  <- data.frame(value = igraph::degree_distribution(m_adj, mode = "total"), ano = i, country=CountryName[c])
    degree_distribution0  <- rbind(  degree_distribution1, degree_distribution0)
    degree_distribution0  <- degree_distribution0[degree_distribution0$ano > 1, ]
    md_adj        <- as.directed(graph.adjacency(as.matrix(m[1:56]), weighted = TRUE, mode = "directed", diag = T))
    weigth_dg     <- data.frame(strength(md_adj, vids = V(md_adj), mode = "all", loops = TRUE))
    in_dg_setor   <- data.frame(igraph::degree(md_adj, v = V(md_adj), mode = "in", loops = TRUE, normalized = F))
    out_dg_setor  <- data.frame(igraph::degree(md_adj, v = V(md_adj), mode = "out", loops = TRUE, normalized = F))
    all_dg_setor  <- data.frame(igraph::degree(md_adj, v = V(md_adj), mode = "all", loops = TRUE, normalized = F))  
    weigth_dg              <- setDT(weigth_dg, keep.rownames = TRUE)[]
    colnames(weigth_dg)    <- c("setor","weigth_dg")
    colnames(in_dg_setor)  <- c("in_dg") 
    colnames(out_dg_setor) <- c("out_dg") 
    colnames(all_dg_setor) <- c("all_dg") 
    degree_table  <- data.frame(weigth_dg, all_dg_setor ,in_dg_setor, out_dg_setor, ano = i, country=CountryName[c])
    degree_table0 <- rbind(degree_table0, degree_table)
    degree_table0 <- degree_table0[degree_table0$ano > 1, ]

Examples of Graphs generated:

Turning graphs into GIFs:


Luiz Gabriel de Souza