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File metadata and controls

75 lines (37 loc) · 1.98 KB

CS4125-Project Description V1.01

Required software:

Eclipse IDE

MySQL WorkBench or Xaamp to create DB to store user data.

Make sure to import all correct packages in eclipse prior to working on project.

Trello Board:

Added Link

This .jar file is needed to access the DB. Needs to be inserted inside the build path inside Eclipse.

Users Class

Staff, Student and Guest.

Student: Can create account, login and reserve a parking space. No discounts and eligible for penalty due to no-show.

Staff: Can create account, login and reserve a parking space. Eligible for staff discount.

Guest: Sponsored access only. Able to view available spaces. Cannot reserve.

Login Class

Facilitates login and reset password

Passes user credentials from Users class that are stored in DB during registration

Reset password button calls Reset Password function to email a reset link to email used to register.

Reservation Class

Reserve parking space for: 1 hour, 2 hours or ALL day (24 hours) Filter spaces by category: Student or Staff (Colour coded, blue for staff, green for student) Calls LiveCounter class to display parking space counter in real-time (refresh interval of 1 second)

Penalty Class

Count no-shows and add infraction to user in database e.g NAME: Ashutosh,, PENALTYCOUNT: 1

If penaltyCount>3 && in 1 week LogoutUser with message ("Too many no-shows this week, please come back in 1 week")

Apply penalty if space not available within designated time and apply monetary fee of 2 euro and store in penaltyAmount(int)

Payment class

Pass 3 fields

Credit Card number as String CVV as string Expiry date as string

Penalty amount: Call penaltyAmount(int) and display.

Added value

Create mobile application

Add security aspect (2FA) Conall and Ash - verify user registration by sending an OTP via Email.