Various AI tools that I use for ChatGPT / OpenAI.
Script that extracts data from PDF files in order to be used for OpenAI / ChatGPT Analyzation and Processing.
I put a lot of work into these scripts so please donate if you can. Even $1 helps!
Install Dependencies:
Install Tesseract and Leptonica: sudo apt install tesseract-ocr libtesseract-dev libleptonica-dev Install Poppler: sudo apt install libpoppler-dev
Install nlohmann/json header file via package manager or manually.
Build the Script:
bash g++ -o ocr_extractor ocr_extractor.cpp -ltesseract -llept -lpoppler-cpp -std=c++17 Run the Script:
bash ./ocr_extractor output.json file1.pdf file2.jpg file3.png
Extracted data will be saved in output.json.
CashApp / Venmo: LynxGeekNYC
BitCoin: bc1q8sthd96c7chhq5kr3u80xrxs26jna9d8c0mjh7