- Gets or sets the size of the dialog title font.
- The size of the dialog title font.
- Gets or sets the text used for the first auxiliary button.
- Gets or sets the maximum height. (Default is unlimited height, Double.NaN)
- Gets or sets the text used for the Negative button. For example: "Cancel" or "No".
- Gets or sets the text used for the second auxiliary button.
- An internal control that represents a message dialog. Please use MetroWindow.ShowMessage instead!
- ProgressDialog
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- InitializeComponent
- A class for manipulating an open ProgressDialog.
- This event is raised when the associated was closed programmatically.
- This event is raised when the associated was cancelled by the user.
- Gets if the Cancel button has been pressed.
- Gets if the wrapped ProgressDialog is open.
- Sets the ProgressBar's IsIndeterminate to true. To set it to false, call SetProgress.
- Sets if the Cancel button is visible.
- Sets the dialog's progress bar value and sets IsIndeterminate to false.
- The percentage to set as the value.
- Gets/Sets the minimum restriction of the progress Value property
- Gets/Sets the maximum restriction of the progress Value property
- Sets the dialog's message content.
- The message to be set.
- Sets the dialog's title.
- The title to be set.
- Sets the dialog's progress bar brush
- The brush to use for the progress bar's foreground
- Begins an operation to close the ProgressDialog.
- A task representing the operation.
- The DependencyProperty for the ContentTemplate property.
- The DependencyProperty for the ContentTemplateSelector property.
- The DependencyProperty for the ContentStringFormat property.
- Gets or sets the Content of this control..
- ContentTemplate is the template used to display the content of the control.
- ContentTemplateSelector allows to provide custom logic for choosing the template used to display the content of the control.
- This property is ignored if is set.
- ContentStringFormat is the format used to display the content of the control as a string
- This property is ignored if is set.
- Reflects the parameter to pass to the CommandProperty upon execution.
- Gets or sets the target element on which to fire the command.
- Get or sets the Command property.
- Indicates whether the Menu is visible.
- Gets or sets an extra tag.
- Gets or sets the dimension of children stacking.
- Gets or sets the Content used to generate the icon part.
- Gets or sets the ContentTemplate used to display the content of the icon part.
- Gets/sets the button style.
- Gets/sets the menu style.
- Gets/sets the brush of the button arrow icon.
- Gets/sets the brush of the button arrow icon if the mouse is over the drop down button.
- Gets/sets the brush of the button arrow icon if the arrow button is pressed.
- Gets/sets the visibility of the button arrow icon.
- Invoked when the property changes.
- Information about the change.
- Executes the specified action asynchronously with the DispatcherPriority.Background on the thread that the Dispatcher was created on.
- The dispatcher object where the action runs.
- An action that takes no parameters.
- The dispatcher priority.
- Executes the specified action if the element is loaded or at the loaded event if it's not loaded.
- The element where the action should be run.
- An action that takes no parameters.
- A control that imitate a slide show with back/forward buttons.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the border brush of the mouse hover effect.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the border for mouse over effect is enabled or not.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the border thickness for the border of the mouse hover effect.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the navigation is circular, so you get the first after last and the last before first.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the position of the navigation buttons.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the orientation of the navigation.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the transition of the left navigation.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the transition of the right navigation.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the transition of the up navigation.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the transition of the down navigation.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets whether the banner is visible or not.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets whether the navigation button are visible or not.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the banner text.
- To counteract the double Loaded event issue.
- Coerce SelectedIndexProperty's value.
- The object that the property exists on.
- The new value of the property, prior to any coercion attempt.
- The coerced value (with appropriate type).
- Changes the current slide to the previous item.
- Changes the current to the next item.
- Brings the control buttons (next/previous) into view.
- Removes the control buttons (next/previous) from view.
- Applies actions to navigation buttons.
- Action applied to the previous button.
- Action applied to the next button.
- Action applied to the inactive buttons.
- Any action is null.
- Computes the transition when changing selected index.
- Previous selected index.
- New selected index.
- Sets the visibility of navigation buttons.
- Visibility of active buttons.
- Gets the navigation buttons.
- Previous button.
- Next button.
- Inactive buttons.
- A sliding panel control that is hosted in a MetroWindow via a FlyoutsControl.
- An event that is raised when IsOpen changes.
- An event that is raised when the closing animation has finished.
- Gets/sets if the title is visible in this flyout.
- Gets/sets if the close button is visible in this flyout.
- Gets/sets if the close button is a cancel button in this flyout.
- Gets/sets a command which will be executed if the close button was clicked.
- Note that this won't execute when is set to false.
- Gets/sets the command parameter which will be passed by the CloseCommand.
- Gets/sets whether this flyout is visible.
- Gets/sets whether this flyout uses the open/close animation when changing the property. (default is true)
- Gets/sets whether this flyout animates the opacity of the flyout when opening/closing.
- Gets/sets whether this flyout stays open when the user clicks outside of it.
- Gets/sets the mouse button that closes the flyout on an external mouse click.
- Gets/sets whether this flyout is modal.
- Gets/sets this flyout's position in the FlyoutsControl/MetroWindow.
- Gets or sets the theme of this flyout.
- Gets or sets the focused element.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the flyout should auto close after AutoCloseInterval has passed.
- Gets or sets the time in milliseconds when the flyout should auto close.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the flyout should try focus an element.
- A FlyoutsControl is for displaying flyouts in a MetroWindow.
- Gets/sets whether is ignored and all flyouts behave as if it was set to the value of this property.
- Gets/sets whether is ignored and all flyouts behave as if it was set false.
- Adapts the Flyout's theme to the theme of its host window.
- Adapts the Flyout's theme to the theme of its host window, but inverted.
- This theme can only be applied if the host window's theme abides the "Dark" and "Light" affix convention.
- (see for more infos.
- The dark theme. This is the default theme.
- The flyouts theme will match the host window's accent color.
- The HamburgerMenu is based on a SplitView control. By default it contains a HamburgerButton and a ListView to display menu items.
- The HamburgerMenu is based on a SplitView control. By default it contains a HamburgerButton and a ListView to display menu items.
- The HamburgerMenu is based on a SplitView control. By default it contains a HamburgerButton and a ListView to display menu items.
- The HamburgerMenu is based on a SplitView control. By default it contains a HamburgerButton and a ListView to display menu items.
- The HamburgerMenu is based on a SplitView control. By default it contains a HamburgerButton and a ListView to display menu items.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Override default OnApplyTemplate to capture children controls
- Event raised when an item is clicked
- Event raised when an options' item is clicked
- Event raised when an item is invoked
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the Style used for the hamburger button.
- Gets or sets a template for the hamburger button.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets a template for the hamburger pane header.
- Gets or sets main button's width.
- Gets or sets main button's height.
- Gets or sets main button's margin.
- Gets or sets main button's visibility.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets an object source used to generate the content of the options.
- Gets or sets the Style used for each item in the options.
- Gets or sets the DataTemplate used to display each item in the options.
- Gets or sets the DataTemplateSelector used to display each item in the options.
- Gets the collection used to generate the content of the option list.
- Exception thrown if OptionsListView is not yet defined.
- Gets or sets the visibility of the options menu.
- Gets or sets the selected options menu item.
- Gets or sets the selected options menu index.
- Gets or sets a command which will be executed if an options item is clicked by the user.
- Gets or sets the command parameter which will be passed by the OptionsItemCommand.
- Executes the options item command which can be set by the user.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the width of the pane when it's fully expanded.
- Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the pane is shown on the right or left side of the control.
- Gets or sets a value that specifies how the pane and content areas are shown.
- Gets or sets the width of the pane in its compact display mode.
- Gets or sets the margin for the pane.
- Gets or sets the margin for the pane header.
- Gets or sets the Brush to apply to the background of the Pane area of the control.
- Gets or sets the Brush to apply to the foreground of the Pane area of the control.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the pane is expanded to its full width.
- Gets or sets an object source used to generate the content of the menu.
- Gets or sets the Style used for each item.
- Gets or sets the DataTemplate used to display each item.
- Gets or sets the DataTemplateSelector used to display each item.
- Gets the collection used to generate the content of the items list.
- Exception thrown if ButtonsListView is not yet defined.
- Gets or sets the selected menu item.
- Gets or sets the selected menu index.
- Gets or sets a command which will be executed if an item is clicked by the user.
- Gets or sets the command parameter which will be passed by the ItemCommand.
- Gets or sets wheather the ScrollBar of the HamburgerMenu is on the left side or on the right side.
- Gets or sets wheather a selection indicator will be shown on the HamburgerMenuItem.
- Gets or sets the default FocusVisualStyle for a HamburgerMenuItem.
- This style can be override at the HamburgerMenuItem style by setting the FocusVisualStyle property.
- Executes the item command which can be set by the user.
- EventArgs used for the ItemClick and OptionsItemClick event.
- Gets the clicked item
- EventArgs used for the ItemInvoked event.
- Gets the invoked item
- Gets a value indicating whether the invoked item is an options item
- The HamburgerMenuGlyphItem provides a glyph based implementation for HamburgerMenu entries.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets a value that specifies the glyph to use from Segoe MDL2 Assets font.
- The HamburgerMenuIconItem provides an icon based implementation for HamburgerMenu entries.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets a value that specifies an user specific object which can be used as icon.
- The HamburgerMenuImageItem provides an image based implementation for HamburgerMenu entries.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets a value that specifies a bitmap to display with an Image control.
- The HamburgerMenuItem provides an implementation for HamburgerMenu entries.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets a value that specifies label to display.
- Gets or sets a value that specifies the page to navigate to (if you use the HamburgerMenu with a Frame content)
- Gets or sets a value that specifies an user specific value.
- Gets or sets a command which will be executed if an item is clicked by the user.
- Gets or sets the command parameter which will be passed by the Command.
- Gets or sets the element on which to raise the specified command.
- Element on which to raise a command.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this item is enabled in the user interface (UI). This is a dependency property.
- true if the item is enabled; otherwise, false. The default value is true.
- Gets or sets a value that specifies ToolTip to display.
- Executes the command which can be set by the user.
- The HamburgerMenuItemCollection provides typed collection of HamburgerMenuItem.
- Represents an hour comparison operation that ensures that 12 is smaller than 1.
- This ensures that in the control the first hour that is selectable is 12 (AM/PM).
- This ensures that the first hour that is selectable is 12 (AM/PM).
- This comparer is used only if in the corresponding the value for is false.
- A helper class that provides various attached properties for the control.
- Gets the Maximum number of characters the TextBox can accept.
- Sets the Maximum number of characters the TextBox can accept.
- Gets the Character casing of the TextBox.
- Sets the Character casing of the TextBox.
- A helper class that provides various controls.
- Gets the value to handle the visibility of the DisabledVisualElement in the template.
- Sets the value to handle the visibility of the DisabledVisualElement in the template.
- The DependencyProperty for the CharacterCasing property.
- Controls whether or not content is converted to upper or lower case
- Gets the character casing of the control
- Sets the character casing of the control
- Sets the brush used to draw the focus border.
- Gets the brush used to draw the focus border.
- Sets the brush used to draw the mouse over brush.
- Gets the brush used to draw the mouse over brush.
- DependencyProperty for property.
- The CornerRadius property allows users to control the roundness of the button corners independently by
- setting a radius value for each corner. Radius values that are too large are scaled so that they
- smoothly blend from corner to corner. (Can be used e.g. at MetroButton style)
- Description taken from original Microsoft description :-D
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the child contents of the control are not editable.
- Gets a value indicating whether the child contents of the control are not editable.
- Sets a value indicating whether the child contents of the control are not editable.
- Gets the value to define the DataGridCell selection behavior.
- Sets the value to define the DataGridCell selection behavior.
- Gets the value to define the DataGridCell selection behavior.
- Sets the value to define the DataGridCell selection behavior.
- Gets a value which indicates the preview cell editing is enabled or not.
- Sets a value which indicates the preview cell editing is enabled or not.
- Gets the value to define the DataGridRow selection behavior.
- Sets the value to define the DataGridRow selection behavior.
- A helper class that provides various attached properties for the Expander control.
- Gets the toggle button style used for the ExpandDirection Up.
- Sets the toggle button style used for the ExpandDirection Up.
- Gets the toggle button style used for the ExpandDirection Down.
- Sets the toggle button style used for the ExpandDirection Down.
- Gets the toggle button style used for the ExpandDirection Left.
- Sets the toggle button style used for the ExpandDirection Left.
- Gets the toggle button style used for the ExpandDirection Right.
- Sets the toggle button style used for the ExpandDirection Right.
- Gets or sets the background brush which will be used for the active selected item (if the keyboard focus is within).
- Gets the brush the background brush which will be used for the active selected item (if the keyboard focus is within).
- Sets the brush the background brush which will be used for the active selected item (if the keyboard focus is within).
- Gets or sets the foreground brush which will be used for the active selected item (if the keyboard focus is within).
- Gets the brush the foreground brush which will be used for the active selected item (if the keyboard focus is within).
- Sets the brush the foreground brush which will be used for the active selected item (if the keyboard focus is within).
- Gets or sets the background brush which will be used for a selected item.
- Gets the background brush which will be used for a selected item.
- Sets the background brush which will be used for a selected item.
- Gets or sets the foreground brush which will be used for a selected item.
- Gets the foreground brush which will be used for a selected item.
- Sets the foreground brush which will be used for a selected item.
- Gets or sets the background brush which will be used for an mouse hovered item.
- Gets the background brush which will be used for an mouse hovered item.
- Sets the background brush which will be used for an mouse hovered item.
- Gets or sets the background brush which will be used for an mouse hovered and selected item.
- Gets the background brush which will be used for an mouse hovered and selected item.
- Sets the background brush which will be used for an mouse hovered and selected item.
- Gets or sets the background brush which will be used for selected disabled items.
- Gets the background brush which will be used for selected disabled items.
- Sets the background brush which will be used for selected disabled items.
- Gets or sets the foreground brush which will be used for selected disabled items.
- Gets the foreground brush which will be used for selected disabled items.
- Sets the foreground brush which will be used for selected disabled items.
- Gets or sets the background brush which will be used for disabled items.
- Gets the background brush which will be used for disabled items.
- Sets the background brush which will be used for disabled items.
- Gets or sets the foreground brush which will be used for disabled items.
- Gets the foreground brush which will be used for disabled items.
- Sets the foreground brush which will be used for disabled items.
- Change the value of the slider if the user rotates the mouse wheel by the value defined for
- Change the value of the slider if the user rotates the mouse wheel by the value defined for
- Do not change the value of the slider if the user rotates the mouse wheel.
- Change the value of the slider only if the control is focused.
- Changes the value of the slider if the mouse pointer is over this element.
- Gets the content of the RevealButton.
- Sets the content of the RevealButton.
- Gets the data template used to display the content of the RevealButton.
- Sets the data template used to display the content of the RevealButton.
- Identifies the VerticalScrollBarOnLeftSide attached property.
- This property can be used to set vertical scrollbar left side from the tabpanel (look at MetroAnimatedSingleRowTabControl)
- Helper for getting from .
- to read from.
- VerticalScrollBarOnLeftSide property value.
- Helper for setting on .
- to set on.
- VerticalScrollBarOnLeftSide property value.
- Identifies the IsHorizontalScrollWheelEnabled attached property.
- Helper for getting from .
- to read from.
- IsHorizontalScrollWheelEnabled property value.
- Helper for setting on .
- to set on.
- IsHorizontalScrollWheelEnabled property value.
- This property can be used to trigger the call to a command when the user reach the end of the vertical scrollable area.
- Helper for getting from .
- to read from.
- EndOfVerticalScrollReachedCommand property value.
- Helper for setting on .
- to set on.
- EndOfVerticalScrollReachedCommand property value.
- This property can be used to trigger the call to a command when the user reach the end of the horizontal scrollable area.
- Helper for getting from .
- to read from.
- EndOfHorizontalScrollReachedCommand property value.
- Helper for setting on .
- to set on.
- EndOfHorizontalScrollReachedCommand property value.
- This property can be used to provide a command parameter to the command called when reaching the end of the vertical or horizontal scrollable area.
- Helper for getting from .
- to read from.
- EndOfScrollReachedCommandParameter property value.
- Helper for setting on .
- to set on.
- EndOfScrollReachedCommandParameter property value.
- Gets or sets the brush of the thumb.
- Gets the brush of the thumb.
- Sets the brush of the thumb.
- Gets or sets the brush of the thumb if the mouse is over the slider.
- Gets the brush of the thumb if the mouse is over the slider.
- Sets the brush of the thumb if the mouse is over the slider.
- Gets or sets the brush of the thumb if the mouse button is pressed.
- Gets the brush of the thumb if the mouse button is pressed.
- Sets the brush of the thumb if the mouse button is pressed.
- Gets or sets the brush of the thumb if the slider is disabled.
- Gets the brush of the thumb if the slider is disabled.
- Sets the brush of the thumb if the slider is disabled.
- Gets or sets the brush of the track.
- Gets the brush of the track.
- Sets the brush of the track.
- Gets or sets the brush of the track if the mouse is over the slider.
- Gets the brush of the track if the mouse is over the slider.
- Sets the brush of the track if the mouse is over the slider.
- Gets or sets the brush of the track if the mouse button is pressed.
- Gets the brush of the track if the mouse button is pressed.
- Sets the brush of the track if the mouse button is pressed.
- Gets or sets the brush of the track if the slider is disabled.
- Gets the brush of the track if the slider is disabled.
- Sets the brush of the track if the slider is disabled.
- Gets or sets the brush of the track value.
- Gets the brush of the track value.
- Sets the brush of the track value.
- Gets or sets the brush of the track value if the mouse is over the slider.
- Gets the brush of the track value if the mouse is over the slider.
- Sets the brush of the track value if the mouse is over the slider.
- Gets or sets the brush of the track value if the mouse button is pressed.
- Gets the brush of the track value if the mouse button is pressed.
- Sets the brush of the track value if the mouse button is pressed.
- Gets or sets the brush of the track value if the slider is disabled.
- Gets the brush of the track value if the slider is disabled.
- Sets the brush of the track value if the slider is disabled.
- Gets/Sets the type how the value will be changed if the user rotates the mouse wheel.
- Gets/Sets the type how the value will be changed if the user rotates the mouse wheel.
- Gets/Sets the value when the slider will be changed. Possible values are if the slider is focused or if the mouse is over the slider.
- Gets/Sets the value when the slider will be changed. Possible values are if the slider is focused or if the mouse is over the slider.
- Specifies the underline position of a TabControl.
- Sets the Style and Template property to null.
- Removing a TabItem in code behind can produce such nasty output
- System.Windows.Data Warning: 4 : Cannot find source for binding with reference 'RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType='System.Windows.Controls.TabControl', AncestorLevel='1''. BindingExpression:Path=Background; DataItem=null; target element is 'TabItem' (Name=''); target property is 'Background' (type 'Brush')
- or
- System.Windows.Data Error: 4 : Cannot find source for binding with reference 'RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType='System.Windows.Controls.TabControl', AncestorLevel='1''. BindingExpression:Path=(0); DataItem=null; target element is 'TabItem' (Name=''); target property is 'UnderlineBrush' (type 'Brush')
- This is a timing problem in WPF of the binding mechanism itself.
- To avoid this, we can set the Style and Template to null.
- Identifies the CloseButtonEnabled attached property.
- Gets whether a close button should be visible or not.
- Sets whether a close button should be visible or not.
- Identifies the CloseTabCommand attached property.
- Gets a command for the TabItem which executes if the TabItem will be closed.
- Sets a command for the TabItem which executes if the TabItem will be closed.
- Identifies the CloseTabCommandParameter attached property.
- Gets a command parameter for the TabItem that will be passed to the CloseTabCommand.
- Sets a command parameter for the TabItem that will be passed to the CloseTabCommand.
- Defines whether the underline below the or is shown or not.
- Defines the underline brush below the or .
- Defines the underline brush below the or of an selected item.
- Defines the underline brush below the or if the mouse is over an item.
- Defines the underline brush below the or if the mouse is over a selected item.
- This property can be used to set the Transition for animated TabControls
- A helper class that provides various attached properties for the TextBox control.
- Password watermarking code from: http://prabu-guru.blogspot.com/2010/06/how-to-add-watermark-text-to-textbox.html
- The clear text button behavior property. It sets a click event to the button if the value is true.
- This property can be used to set the button width (PART_ClearText) of TextBox, PasswordBox, ComboBox, NumericUpDown
- This property can be used to retrieve the watermark using the of bound property.
- Setting this property to true will uses reflection.
- Indicates if a TextBox or RichTextBox should use SpellCheck context menu
- Indicates if the watermark is automatically retrieved by using the of the bound property.
- This attached property uses reflection; thus it might reduce the performance of the application.
- The auto-watermak does work for the following controls:
- In the following case no custom watermark is shown
- There is no binding
- Binding path errors
- Binding to a element of a collection without using a property of that element Binding Path=Collection[0] use: Binding Path=Collection[0].SubProperty
- The bound property does not have a
- Gets a value that indicates the horizontal alignment of the watermark.
- One of the values that specifies the desired alignment. The default is .
- Sets a value that indicates the horizontal alignment of the watermark.
- Gets the text trimming behavior to employ when watermark overflows the content area.
- One of the values that specifies the text trimming behavior to employ. The default is .
- Sets the text trimming behavior to employ when watermark overflows the content area.
- Gets how the watermark should wrap text.
- One of the values. The default is .
- Sets how the watermark should wrap text.
- Gets if the attached TextBox has text.
- Gets the clear text button visibility / feature. Can be used to enable text deletion.
- Sets the clear text button visibility / feature. Can be used to enable text deletion.
- Gets the text button visibility.
- Sets the text button visibility.
- Gets the buttons placement variant.
- Sets the buttons placement variant.
- Gets the clear text button behavior.
- Sets the clear text button behavior.
- ButtonContentTemplate is the template used to display the content of the ClearText button.
- This property can be used to handle the style for CheckBox and RadioButton
- LeftToRight means content left and button right and RightToLeft vise versa
- This property can be used to handle the style for CheckBox and RadioButton
- LeftToRight means content left and button right and RightToLeft vise versa
- A MetroTabControl (Pivot) that wraps TabItem/MetroTabItem headers on a single row.
- Initializes a new instance of the MahApps.Metro.Controls.MetroAnimatedSingleRowTabControl class.
- A MetroTabControl (Pivot) that uses a TransitioningContentControl to animate the contents of a TabItem/MetroTabItem.
- Initializes a new instance of the MahApps.Metro.Controls.MetroAnimatedTabControl class.
- Originally from http://xamlcoder.com/blog/2010/11/04/creating-a-metro-ui-style-control/
- Creates AutomationPeer ()
- The MetroHeaderAutomationPeer class exposes the type to UI Automation.
- A reimplementation of NavigationWindow based on MetroWindow.
- MetroNavigationWindow
- Gets an IEnumerable that you use to enumerate the entries in back navigation history for a NavigationWindow.
- Gets an IEnumerable that you use to enumerate the entries in back navigation history for a NavigationWindow.
- Gets the NavigationService that is used by this MetroNavigationWindow to provide navigation services to its content.
- Gets a value that indicates whether there is at least one entry in back navigation history.
- Gets a value that indicates whether there is at least one entry in forward navigation history.
- Gets or sets the base uniform resource identifier (URI) of the current context.
- Gets or sets the uniform resource identifier (URI) of the current content, or the URI of new content that is currently being navigated to.
- Adds an entry to back navigation history that contains a CustomContentState object.
- A CustomContentState object that represents application-defined state that is associated with a specific piece of content.
- Removes the most recent journal entry from back history.
- The most recent JournalEntry in back navigation history, if there is one.
- Navigates to the most recent item in back navigation history.
- Navigates to the most recent item in forward navigation history.
- Navigates asynchronously to content that is contained by an object.
- An Object that contains the content to navigate to.
- true if a navigation is not canceled; otherwise, false.
- Navigates asynchronously to content that is specified by a uniform resource identifier (URI).
- A Uri object initialized with the URI for the desired content.
- true if a navigation is not canceled; otherwise, false.
- Navigates asynchronously to content that is contained by an object, and passes an object that contains data to be used for processing during navigation.
- An Object that contains the content to navigate to.
- A Object that contains data to be used for processing during navigation.
- true if a navigation is not canceled; otherwise, false.
- Navigates asynchronously to source content located at a uniform resource identifier (URI), and pass an object that contains data to be used for processing during navigation.
- A Uri object initialized with the URI for the desired content.
- A Object that contains data to be used for processing during navigation.
- true if a navigation is not canceled; otherwise, false.
- Stops further downloading of content for the current navigation request.
- Occurs when navigation to a content fragment begins, which occurs immediately, if the desired fragment is in the current content, or after the source XAML content has been loaded, if the desired fragment is in different content.
- Occurs when a new navigation is requested.
- Occurs when an error is raised while navigating to the requested content.
- Occurs periodically during a download to provide navigation progress information.
- Occurs when the StopLoading method is called, or when a new navigation is requested while a current navigation is in progre
- Occurs when the content that is being navigated to has been found, and is available from the PageContent property, although it may not have completed loading
- Occurs when content that was navigated to has been loaded, parsed, and has begun rendering.
- InitializeComponent
- A metrofied ProgressBar.
- Gets/sets the diameter of the ellipses used in the indeterminate animation.
- Gets/sets the offset of the ellipses used in the indeterminate animation.
- A standard MetroTabControl (Pivot).
- Initializes a new instance of the MahApps.Metro.Controls.MetroTabControl class.
- A base class for every MetroTabControl (Pivot).
- Get/sets the command that executes when a MetroTabItem's close button is clicked.
- An event that is raised when a TabItem is closed.
- Event args that is created when a TabItem is closed.
- Gets the MetroTabItem that will be closed.
- An extended TabItem with a metro style.
- Gets/sets whether the Close Button is visible.
- Gets/sets the command that is executed when the Close Button is clicked.
- Gets/sets the command parameter which is passed to the close button command.
- Gets/sets the Close Button Margin.
- The MetroThumbContentControl control can be used for titles or something else and enables basic drag movement functionality.
- Adds or remove a DragStartedEvent handler
- Adds or remove a DragDeltaEvent handler
- Adds or remove a DragCompletedEvent handler
- DependencyProperty for the IsDragging property.
- Indicates that the left mouse button is pressed and is over the MetroThumbContentControl.
- The MetroThumbContentControlAutomationPeer class exposes the type to UI Automation.
- An extended, metrofied Window class.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Allows easy handling of window commands brush. Theme is also applied based on this brush.
- Gets/sets whether the window's entrance transition animation is enabled.
- Gets/sets the FlyoutsControl that hosts the window's flyouts.
- Gets/sets the icon content template to show a custom icon.
- Gets/sets the title content template to show a custom title.
- Gets/sets the left window commands that hosts the user commands.
- Gets/sets the right window commands that hosts the user commands.
- Gets/sets the window button commands that hosts the min/max/close commands.
- Defines if the Taskbar should be ignored when maximizing a Window.
- This only works with WindowStyle = None.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets resize border thickness. This enables animation, styling, binding, etc...
- for .
- Gets/sets if the border thickness value should be kept on maximize
- if the MaxHeight/MaxWidth of the window is less than the monitor resolution.
- for .
- Gets or sets wether the resizing of the window should be tried in a way that does not cause flicker/jitter, especially when resizing from the left side.
- Please note that setting this to true may cause resize lag and black areas appearing on some systems.
- for .
- Gets/sets the brush used for the titlebar's foreground.
- Gets/sets whether the window will save it's position between loads.
- Gets the window placement settings (can be overwritten).
- Get/sets whether the titlebar icon is visible or not.
- Get/sets whether dialogs show over the title bar.
- Gets whether one or more dialogs are shown.
- Gets/sets edge mode of the titlebar icon.
- Gets/sets bitmap scaling mode of the titlebar icon.
- Gets/sets icon scaling mode of the titlebar.
- Gets/sets whether the TitleBar is visible or not.
- Gets/sets whether the WindowStyle is None or not.
- Gets/sets if the minimize button is visible.
- Gets/sets if the Maximize/Restore button is visible.
- Gets/sets if the close button is visible.
- Gets/sets if the min button is enabled.
- Gets/sets if the max/restore button is enabled.
- Gets/sets if the close button is enabled.
- Gets or sets whether if the close button should be enabled or not if a dialog is shown.
- Gets/sets if the the system menu should popup on right click.
- Gets/sets the TitleBar's height.
- Character casing of the title
- Gets/sets the title horizontal alignment.
- Gets/sets the brush used for the Window's title bar.
- Gets/sets the brush used for the Window's glow.
- Gets/sets the brush used for the Window's non-active glow.
- Gets/sets the brush used for the Window's non-active border.
- Gets/sets the brush used for the Window's non-active title bar.
- Gets/sets the brush used for the dialog overlay.
- Gets/sets the opacity used for the dialog overlay.
- Gets or sets the brush used for the Flyouts overlay.
- Gets or sets the overlay fade in storyboard.
- Gets or sets the overlay fade out storyboard.
- Begins to show the MetroWindow's overlay effect.
- A task representing the process.
- Begins to hide the MetroWindow's overlay effect.
- A task representing the process.
- Stores the given element, or the last focused element via FocusManager, for restoring the focus after closing a dialog.
- The element which will be focused again.
- Clears the stored element which would get the focus after closing a dialog.
- Initializes a new instance of the MahApps.Metro.Controls.MetroWindow class.
- Initializes various behaviors for the window.
- For example , and .
- Gets the template child with the given name.
- The interface type inheirted from DependencyObject.
- The name of the template child.
- Gets the template child with the given name.
- The name of the template child.
- This class eats little children.
- Sets the IsHitTestVisibleInChromeProperty to a MetroWindow template child
- The MetroWindow.
- The name of the template child.
- Sets the WindowChrome ResizeGripDirection to a MetroWindow template child.
- The MetroWindow.
- The name of the template child.
- The direction.
- Adapts the WindowCommands to the theme of the first opened, topmost && (top || right || left) flyout
- The MetroWindow
- All the flyouts! Or flyouts that fall into the category described in the summary.
- An optional brush to reset the window commands brush to.
- Enum NumericInput which indicates what input is allowed for NumericUpdDown.
- Only numbers are allowed
- Numbers with decimal point and allowed scientific input
- All is allowed
- Represents a Windows spin box (also known as an up-down control) that displays numeric values.
- Event fired from this NumericUpDown when its value has reached the maximum value
- Event fired from this NumericUpDown when its value has reached the minimum value
- Gets or sets the amount of time, in milliseconds, the NumericUpDown waits while the up/down button is pressed
- before it starts increasing/decreasing the
- for the specified . The value must be
- non-negative.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the user can use the arrow keys and to change values.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the user can use the mouse wheel to change values.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control must have the focus in order to change values using the mouse wheel.
- If the value is true then the value changes when the mouse wheel is over the control. If the value is false then the value changes only if the control has the focus. If is set to "false" then this property has no effect.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the user can enter text in the control.
- Gets or sets a value indicating the culture to be used in string formatting operations.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the +/- button of the control is visible.
- If the value is false then the of the control can be changed only if one of the following cases is satisfied:
- is true.
- is true.
- is true.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the text can be changed by the use of the up or down buttons only.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the value to be added to or subtracted from remains
- always
- or if it will increase faster after pressing the up/down button/arrow some time.
- Gets or sets the formatting for the displaying
- Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of the contents of the text box.
- Gets or sets which numeric input for the NumericUpDown is allowed.
- Indicates if the NumericUpDown should round the value to the nearest possible interval when the focus moves to another element.
- Gets or sets the parsing number style for the value from text to numeric.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the up down buttons are switched.
- Called when this element or any below gets focus.
- When overridden in a derived class, is invoked whenever application code or internal processes call
- .
- Raises the routed event.
- Old value of the property
- New value of the property
- Based on Greg Schechter's Planerator
- http://blogs.msdn.com/b/greg_schechter/archive/2007/10/26/enter-the-planerator-dead-simple-3d-in-wpf-with-a-stupid-name.aspx
- An Enum representing different positions, such as Left or Right.
- Event arguments created for the RangeSlider's SelectionChanged event.
- The value of the new range's beginning.
- The value of the new range's ending.
- A slider control with the ability to select a range between two values.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets whether a tooltip that contains the current value of the displays when the is pressed. If a tooltip is displayed, this property also specifies the placement of the tooltip.
- One of the values that determines where to display the tooltip with respect to the of the , or that specifies to not show a tooltip. The default is , which specifies that a tooltip is not displayed.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the number of digits that are displayed to the right side of the decimal point for the of the in a tooltip.
- The precision of the that displays in the tooltip, specified as the number of digits that appear to the right of the decimal point. The default is zero (0).
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets a template for the auto tooltip to show the lower value.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets a template for the auto tooltip to show the upper value.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets a template for the auto tooltip to show the center value.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Get/sets value how fast thumbs will move when user press on left/right/central with left mouse button (IsMoveToPoint must be set to FALSE)
- Gets or sets the position of tick marks with respect to the of the .
- A value that defines how to position the tick marks in a with respect to the slider bar. The default is .
- Gets or sets the interval between tick marks.
- The distance between tick marks. The default is (1.0).
- Gets or sets the positions of the tick marks to display for a .
- A set of tick marks to display for a . The default is .
- Get or sets IsMoveToPoint feature which will enable/disable moving to exact point inside control when user clicked on it
- Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the two of a moves immediately to the location of the mouse click that occurs while the mouse pointer pauses on the tracks.
- Gets or sets the orientation of the .
- Get/sets whether possibility to make manipulations inside range with left/right mouse buttons + cotrol button
- Get/sets whether possibility to make manipulations inside range with left/right mouse buttons + cotrol button
- Get/sets whether whole range will be moved when press on right/left/central part of control
- Get/sets the minimal distance between two thumbs.
- Get/sets the beginning of the range selection.
- Get/sets the end of the range selection.
- Get/sets the minimum range that can be selected.
- Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the displays a selection range along the .
- if a selection range is displayed; otherwise, . The default is .
- Gets or sets the smallest value of a specified selection for a .
- The largest value of a selected range of values of a . The default is zero (0.0).
- Gets or sets the largest value of a specified selection for a .
- The largest value of a selected range of values of a . The default is zero (0.0).
- Responds to a change in the value of the property.
- The old value of the property.The new value of the property.
- Responds to a change in the value of the property.
- The old value of the property.The new value of the property.
- Gets the lower value of the range selection.
- Gets the upper value of the range selection.
- RevealImage
- InitializeComponent
- Reflects the parameter to pass to the CommandProperty upon execution.
- Gets or sets the target element on which to fire the command.
- Get or sets the Command property.
- Indicates whether the Popup is visible.
- Gets or sets an extra tag.
- Gets or sets the dimension of children stacking.
- Gets or sets the Content used to generate the icon part.
- Gets or sets the ContentTemplate used to display the content of the icon part.
- Gets/sets the button style.
- Gets/sets the button arrow style.
- Gets/sets the popup listbox style.
- Gets/sets the brush of the button arrow icon.
- Gets/sets the brush of the button arrow icon if the mouse is over the split button.
- Gets/sets the brush of the button arrow icon if the arrow button is pressed.
- Updates the current selection when an item in the has changed
- The event data.
- A special animation used to animates the length of a .
- Represents a container with two views; one view for the main content and another view that is typically used for
- navigation commands.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- The identifier for the property.
- Gets or sets the width of the pane in its compact display mode.
- The width of the pane in it's compact display mode. The default is 48 device-independent pixel (DIP) (defined
- by the SplitViewCompactPaneThemeLength resource).
- Identifies the dependency property.
- The identifier for the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the contents of the main panel of a .
- The contents of the main panel of a . The default is null.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- The identifier for the dependency property.
- Gets of sets a value that specifies how the pane and content areas of a are shown.
- A value of the enumeration that specifies how the pane and content areas of a are
- shown. The default is .
- Identifies the dependency property.
- The identifier for the dependency property.
- Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the pane is expanded to its full width.
- true if the pane is expanded to its full width; otherwise, false. The default is true.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- The identifier for the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the width of the pane when it's fully expanded.
- The width of the pane when it's fully expanded. The default is 320 device-independent
- pixel (DIP).
- Identifies the dependency property.
- The identifier for the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the contents of the pane of a .
- The contents of the pane of a . The default is null.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- The identifier for the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the Brush to apply to the background of the area of the control.
- The Brush to apply to the background of the area of the control.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- The identifier for the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the Brush to apply to the foreground of the area of the control.
- The Brush to apply to the background of the area of the control.
- Identifies the PanePlacement dependency property.
- The identifier for the PanePlacement dependency property.
- Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the pane is shown on the right or left side of the
- .
- A value of the enumeration that specifies whether the pane is shown on the right or left side of the
- . The default is .
- Identifies the dependency property.
- The identifier for the dependency property.
- Gets an object that provides calculated values that can be referenced as TemplateBinding sources when defining
- templates for a control.
- An object that provides calculated values for templates.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Occurs when the pane is closed.
- Occurs when the pane is closing.
- Constants that specify how the pane is shown in a .
- The pane covers the content when it's open and does not take up space in the control layout.
- The pane is shown side-by-side with the content and takes up space in the control layout.
- The amount of the pane defined by the property is shown side-by-side
- with the content and takes up space in the control layout.
- The remaining part of the pane covers the content when it's open and does not take up space in the control layout.
- The amount of the pane defined by the property is shown side-by-side
- with the content and takes up space in the control layout.
- The remaining part of the pane pushes the content to the side when it's open and takes up space in the control
- layout.
- Provides event data for the event.
- Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the pane closing action should be canceled.
- true to cancel the pane closing action; otherwise, false.
- Constants that specify whether the pane is set to the left or to the right of the content in a
- .
- The pane is shown to the left of the content.
- The pane is shown to the right of the content.
- Provides calculated values that can be referenced as TemplatedParent sources when defining templates for a
- .
- Not intended for general use.
- Gets the value as a GridLength.
- Gets the negative of the value.
- Gets the negative of the value calculated by subtracting the value from
- the value.
- Gets the value as a GridLength.
- Gets the value.
- Gets a value calculated by subtracting the value from the
- value.
- An Enum representing different themes for window commands.
- HorizontalTitleAlignment Dependency Property.
- Default Value: HorizontalAlignment.Left
- Gets/Sets the horizontal alignment of the title.
- VerticalTitleAlignment Dependency Property.
- Default Value: VerticalAlignment.Bottom
- Gets/Sets the vertical alignment of the title.
- Represents a control that allows the user to select a date and a time.
- Gets or sets the date to display
- The date to display. The default is .
- Gets or sets the last date to be displayed.
- The last date to display.
- Gets or sets the first date to be displayed.
- The first date to display.
- Gets or sets the day that is considered the beginning of the week.
- A that represents the beginning of the week. The default is the
- that is determined by the current culture.
- Gets or sets the format that is used to display the selected date.
- Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the current date will be highlighted.
- true if the current date is highlighted; otherwise, false. The default is true.
- Gets or sets a value that indicates the dimension by which calendar and clock are stacked.
- The of the calendar and clock. The default is
- .
- Defines the visibility for time-parts that are visible for the .
- Represents a control that allows the user to select a time.
- Represents a base-class for time picking.
- This readonly dependency property is to control whether to show the date-picker (in case of ) or hide it (in case of .
- This list contains values from 0 to 55 with an interval of 5. It can be used to bind to and .
- <MahApps:TimePicker SourceSeconds="{x:Static MahApps:TimePickerBase.IntervalOf5}" />
- <MahApps:DateTimePicker SourceSeconds="{x:Static MahApps:TimePickerBase.IntervalOf5}" />
- Returns a list containing {0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55}.
- This list contains values from 0 to 50 with an interval of 10. It can be used to bind to and .
- <MahApps:TimePicker SourceSeconds="{x:Static MahApps:TimePickerBase.IntervalOf10}" />
- <MahApps:DateTimePicker SourceSeconds="{x:Static MahApps:TimePickerBase.IntervalOf10}" />
- Returns a list containing {0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50}.
- This list contains values from 0 to 45 with an interval of 15. It can be used to bind to and .
- <MahApps:TimePicker SourceSeconds="{x:Static MahApps:TimePickerBase.IntervalOf15}" />
- <MahApps:DateTimePicker SourceSeconds="{x:Static MahApps:TimePickerBase.IntervalOf15}" />
- Returns a list containing {0, 15, 30, 45}.
- Occurs when the property is changed.
- Gets or sets a value indicating the culture to be used in string formatting operations.
- Gets or sets a value indicating the visibility of the clock hands in the user interface (UI).
- The visibility definition of the clock hands. The default is .
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the date can be selected or not. This property is read-only.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the clock of this control is visible in the user interface (UI). This is a
- dependency property.
- If this value is set to false then is set to
- true if the clock is visible; otherwise, false. The default value is true.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the drop-down for a box is currently
- open.
- true if the drop-down is open; otherwise, false. The default is false.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the contents of the are not editable.
- true if the is read-only; otherwise, false. The default is false.
- Gets or sets a value indicating the visibility of the selectable date-time-parts in the user interface (UI).
- visibility definition of the selectable date-time-parts. The default is .
- Gets or sets the currently selected date and time.
- The date and time which is currently selected. The default is null.
- Gets or sets the format that is used to display the selected time.
- Gets or sets a collection used to generate the content for selecting the hours.
- A collection that is used to generate the content for selecting the hours. The default is a list of interger from 0
- to 23 if is false or a list of interger from
- 1 to 12 otherwise..
- Gets or sets a collection used to generate the content for selecting the minutes.
- A collection that is used to generate the content for selecting the minutes. The default is a list of int from
- 0 to 59.
- Gets or sets a collection used to generate the content for selecting the seconds.
- A collection that is used to generate the content for selecting the minutes. The default is a list of int from
- 0 to 59.
- Gets a value indicating whether the that is specified by the
- set by the ( if null) has not a value.
- When overridden in a derived class, is invoked whenever application code or internal processes call
- .
- Gets the offset from the selected to use it in as hour
- parameter.
- The current hour.
- An integer representing the offset to add to the hour that is selected in the hour-picker for setting the correct
- . The offset is determined as follows:
- ConditionOffset
- is false0
- Selected hour is between 1 AM and 11 AM0
- Selected hour is 12 AM-12h
- Selected hour is between 12 PM and 11 PM+12h
- A control that allows the user to toggle between two states: One represents true; The other represents false.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets/sets the font family of the header.
- Gets/sets the text to display when the control is in it's On state.
- Gets/sets the text to display when the control is in it's Off state.
- Gets/sets the brush used for the on-switch's foreground.
- Gets/sets the brush used for the off-switch's foreground.
- Gets/sets the brush used for the thumb indicator.
- Gets/sets the brush used for the thumb indicator.
- Gets/sets the width of the thumb indicator.
- Gets/sets the control's content flow direction.
- Gets or sets the padding of the inner content.
- Gets/sets the control's toggle switch button style.
- Gets/sets whether the control is Checked (On) or not (Off).
- Gets/sets the command which will be executed if the IsChecked property was changed.
- Gets/sets the command which will be executed if the checked event of the control is fired.
- Gets/sets the command which will be executed if the checked event of the control is fired.
- Gets/sets the command parameter which will be passed by the CheckChangedCommand.
- Gets/sets the command parameter which will be passed by the CheckedCommand.
- Gets/sets the command parameter which will be passed by the UnCheckedCommand.
- An event that is raised when the value of IsChecked changes.
- A Button that allows the user to toggle between two states.
- Gets/sets the brush used for the on-switch's foreground.
- Gets/sets the brush used for the off-switch's foreground.
- Gets/sets the brush used for the thumb indicator.
- Gets/sets the brush used for the thumb indicator.
- Gets/sets the width of the thumb indicator.
- enumeration for the different transition types
- Use the VisualState DefaultTransition
- Use the VisualState Normal
- Use the VisualState UpTransition
- Use the VisualState DownTransition
- Use the VisualState RightTransition
- Use the VisualState RightReplaceTransition
- Use the VisualState LeftTransition
- Use the VisualState LeftReplaceTransition
- Use a custom VisualState, the name must be set using CustomVisualStatesName property
- A ContentControl that animates content as it loads and unloads.
- Gets or sets the name of the custom transition visual state.
- Gets/sets if the content is transitioning.
- Reload the current transition if the content is the same.
- Helper methods for UI-related tasks.
- This class was obtained from Philip Sumi (a fellow WPF Disciples blog)
- http://www.hardcodet.net/uploads/2009/06/UIHelper.cs
- Finds a parent of a given item on the visual tree.
- The type of the queried item.
- A direct or indirect child of the
- queried item.
- The first parent item that matches the submitted
- type parameter. If not matching item can be found, a null
- reference is being returned.
- Finds all Ancestors of a given item on the visual tree.
- A node in a visual tree
- All ancestors in visual tree of element
- Finds a Child of a given item in the visual tree.
- A direct parent of the queried item.
- The type of the queried item.
- x:Name or Name of child.
- The first parent item that matches the submitted type parameter.
- If not matching item can be found,
- a null parent is being returned.
- This method is an alternative to WPF's
- method, which also
- supports content elements. Keep in mind that for content element,
- this method falls back to the logical tree of the element!
- The item to be processed.
- The submitted item's parent, if available. Otherwise
- null.
- Analyzes both visual and logical tree in order to find all elements of a given
- type that are descendants of the item.
- The type of the queried items.
- The root element that marks the source of the search. If the
- source is already of the requested type, it will not be included in the result.
- Sometimes it's better to search in the VisualTree (e.g. in tests)
- All descendants of that match the requested type.
- This method is an alternative to WPF's
- method, which also
- supports content elements. Keep in mind that for content elements,
- this method falls back to the logical tree of the element.
- The item to be processed.
- Sometimes it's better to search in the VisualTree (e.g. in tests)
- The submitted item's child elements, if available.
- Tries to locate a given item within the visual tree,
- starting with the dependency object at a given position.
- The type of the element to be found
- on the visual tree of the element at the given location.
- The main element which is used to perform
- hit testing.
- The position to be evaluated on the origin.
- Gets the relative mouse position to the given handle in client coordinates.
- The handle for this method.
- Try to get the relative mouse position to the given handle in client coordinates.
- The handle for this method.
- The relative mouse position to the given handle.
- Gets or sets the value indicating current light style for the minimize button.
- Gets or sets the value indicating current light style for the maximize button.
- Gets or sets the value indicating current light style for the close button.
- Gets or sets the value indicating current dark style for the minimize button.
- Gets or sets the value indicating current dark style for the maximize button.
- Gets or sets the value indicating current dark style for the close button.
- Gets or sets the value indicating current theme.
- Gets or sets the minimize button tooltip.
- Gets or sets the maximize button tooltip.
- Gets or sets the close button tooltip.
- Gets or sets the restore button tooltip.
- Gets or sets the value indicating current theme.
- Gets or sets the value indicating light theme template.
- Gets or sets the value indicating light theme template.
- Gets or sets the value indicating whether to show the separators.
- Gets or sets the value indicating whether to show the last separator.
- Gets or sets the value indicating separator height.
- Gets or sets the value indicating whether to show the separator.
- Doesn't overlay flyouts nor a hidden TitleBar.
- Overlays opened controls.
- Overlays a hidden TitleBar.
- Refreshes the application settings property values from persistent storage.
- Upgrades the application settings on loading.
- Updates application settings to reflect a more recent installation of the application.
- Stores the current values of the settings properties.
- this settings class is the default way to save the placement of the window
- Upgrades the application settings on loading.
- Determining Ideal Text Color Based on Specified Background Color
- http://www.codeproject.com/KB/GDI-plus/IdealTextColor.aspx
- The bg.
- Converts a double representing either hour/minute/second to the corresponding angle.
- Converts the value from true to false and false to true.
- The math operations which can be used at the
- MathConverter provides a value converter which can be used for math operations.
- It can be used for normal binding or multi binding as well.
- If it is used for normal binding the given parameter will be used as operands with the selected operation.
- If it is used for multi binding then the first and second binding will be used as operands with the selected operation.
- This class cannot be inherited.
- MathAddConverter provides a multi value converter as a MarkupExtension which can be used for math operations.
- This class cannot be inherited.
- MathSubtractConverter provides a multi value converter as a MarkupExtension which can be used for math operations.
- This class cannot be inherited.
- MathMultiplyConverter provides a multi value converter as a MarkupExtension which can be used for math operations.
- This class cannot be inherited.
- MathDivideConverter provides a multi value converter as a MarkupExtension which can be used for math operations.
- This class cannot be inherited.
- Converts a String into a Visibility enumeration (and back)
- The FalseEquivalent can be declared with the "FalseEquivalent" property
- Initialize the properties with standard values
- FalseEquivalent (default : Visibility.Collapsed => see Constructor)
- Define whether the opposite boolean value is crucial (default : false)
- Converts a Thickness to a new Thickness. It's possible to ignore a side With the IgnoreThicknessSide property.
- Use all sides.
- Ignore the left side.
- Ignore the top side.
- Ignore the right side.
- Ignore the bottom side.
- Converts a value.
- A converted value. If the method returns null, the valid null value is used.
- The value produced by the binding source.
- The type of the binding target property.
- The converter parameter to use.
- The culture to use in the converter.
- Converts a value.
- A converted value. If the method returns null, the valid null value is used.
- The value that is produced by the binding target.
- The type to convert to.
- The converter parameter to use.
- The culture to use in the converter.
- Represents the background theme of the application.
- Gets the key for the theme name.
- Gets the key for the theme display name.
- Gets the key for the theme base color scheme.
- Gets the key for the theme color scheme.
- Gets the key for the theme showcase brush.
- Initializes a new instance.
- The URI of the theme ResourceDictionary.
- Initializes a new instance.
- The ResourceDictionary of the theme.
- The ResourceDictionary that represents this application theme.
- Gets the name of the theme.
- Gets the display name of the theme.
- Get the base color scheme for this theme.
- Gets the color scheme for this theme.
- Gets a brush which can be used to showcase this theme.
- A class that allows for the detection and alteration of a theme.
- A class that allows for the detection and alteration of a theme.
- Gets the name for the light base color.
- Gets the name for the dark base color.
- Gets a list of all themes.
- Gets a list of all available base colors.
- Gets a list of all available color schemes.
- Clears the internal themes list.
- Adds an theme.
- true if the app theme does not exists and can be added.
- Adds an theme.
- The ResourceDictionary of the theme.
- true if the app theme does not exists and can be added.
- Gets the with the given name.
- The or null, if the theme wasn't found
- Gets the with the given resource dictionary.
- from which the theme should be retrieved.
- The or null, if the theme wasn't found.
- Gets the inverse of the given .
- This method relies on the "Dark" or "Light" affix to be present.
- The app theme.
- The inverse or null if it couldn't be found.
- Returns BaseLight, if BaseDark is given or vice versa.
- Custom Themes must end with "Dark" or "Light" for this to work, for example "CustomDark" and "CustomLight".
- Determines whether the specified resource dictionary represents an .
- This might include runtime themes which do not have a resource uri.
- The resources.
- true if the resource dictionary is an ; otherwise, false.
- resources
- Gets a resource from the detected AppStyle.
- The window to check. If this is null, the Application's sources will be checked.
- The key to check against.
- The resource object or null, if the resource wasn't found.
- Change the theme for the whole application.
- Change theme for the given window.
- Change theme for the whole application.
- The instance of Application to change.
- The theme to apply.
- Change theme for the given window.
- The Window to change.
- The theme to apply.
- Change theme for the given ResourceDictionary.
- The Window to change.
- The theme to apply.
- Change base color and color scheme of for the given application.
- The application to modify.
- The base color to apply to the ResourceDictionary.
- The color scheme to apply to the ResourceDictionary.
- Change base color and color scheme of for the given window.
- The window to modify.
- The base color to apply to the ResourceDictionary.
- The color scheme to apply to the ResourceDictionary.
- Change base color and color scheme of for the given ResourceDictionary.
- The ResourceDictionary to modify.
- The old/current theme.
- The base color to apply to the ResourceDictionary.
- The color scheme to apply to the ResourceDictionary.
- Change base color for the given application.
- The application to change.
- The base color to apply to the ResourceDictionary.
- Change base color for the given window.
- The Window to change.
- The base color to apply to the ResourceDictionary.
- Change base color of for the given ResourceDictionary.
- The ResourceDictionary to modify.
- The old/current theme.
- The base color to apply to the ResourceDictionary.
- Change color scheme for the given application.
- The application to change.
- The color scheme to apply to the ResourceDictionary.
- Change color scheme for the given window.
- The Window to change.
- The color scheme to apply to the ResourceDictionary.
- Change color scheme for the given ResourceDictionary.
- The ResourceDictionary to modify.
- The old/current theme.
- The color scheme to apply to the ResourceDictionary.
- Changes the theme of a ResourceDictionary directly.
- The ResourceDictionary to modify.
- The theme to apply to the ResourceDictionary.
- Scans the window resources and returns it's theme.
- If the theme can't be detected from the we try to detect it from .
- Scans the window resources and returns it's theme.
- The Window to scan.
- If the theme can't be detected from the we try to detect it from .
- Scans the application resources and returns it's theme.
- The Application instance to scan.
- Scans a resources and returns it's theme.
- The ResourceDictionary to scan.
- This event fires if the theme was changed
- this should be using the weak event pattern, but for now it's enough
- Invalidates global colors and resources.
- Sometimes the ContextMenu is not changing the colors, so this will fix it.
- Synchronizes the current with the "app mode" setting from windows.
- Gets or sets whether changes to the "app mode" setting from windows should be detected at runtime and the current be changed accordingly.
- Class which is used as argument for an event to signal theme changes.
- Creates a new instance of this class.
- The new theme.
- Helper class for displaying color schemes.
- Initializes a new instance.
- Initializes a new instance.
- Gets the name for this color scheme.
- Gets the showcase brush for this color scheme.
- GeneratedInternalTypeHelper
- CreateInstance
- GetPropertyValue
- SetPropertyValue
- CreateDelegate
- AddEventHandler
diff --git a/packages/MahApps.Metro.2.0.0-alpha0261/lib/net46/MahApps.Metro.dll b/packages/MahApps.Metro.2.0.0-alpha0261/lib/net46/MahApps.Metro.dll
deleted file mode 100644
index 879a396..0000000
Binary files a/packages/MahApps.Metro.2.0.0-alpha0261/lib/net46/MahApps.Metro.dll and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/packages/MahApps.Metro.2.0.0-alpha0261/lib/net46/MahApps.Metro.pdb b/packages/MahApps.Metro.2.0.0-alpha0261/lib/net46/MahApps.Metro.pdb
deleted file mode 100644
index 233b571..0000000
Binary files a/packages/MahApps.Metro.2.0.0-alpha0261/lib/net46/MahApps.Metro.pdb and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/packages/MahApps.Metro.2.0.0-alpha0261/lib/net46/MahApps.Metro.xml b/packages/MahApps.Metro.2.0.0-alpha0261/lib/net46/MahApps.Metro.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index a3527a5..0000000
--- a/packages/MahApps.Metro.2.0.0-alpha0261/lib/net46/MahApps.Metro.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5845 +0,0 @@
- MahApps.Metro
- This CommandTriggerAction can be used to bind any event on any FrameworkElement to an .
- This trigger can only be attached to a FrameworkElement or a class deriving from FrameworkElement.
- This class is inspired from Laurent Bugnion and his EventToCommand.
- http://www.mvvmlight.net
- See license.txt in this solution or http://www.galasoft.ch/license_MIT.txt
- Identifies the dependency property
- Gets or sets the command that this trigger is bound to.
- Identifies the dependency property
- Gets or sets an object that will be passed to the attached to this trigger.
- Gets or sets the bindable Password property on the PasswordBox control. This is a dependency property.
- Handles changes to the 'Password' attached property.
- Handle the 'PasswordChanged'-event on the PasswordBox
- Called after the behavior is attached to an AssociatedObject.
- Override this to hook up functionality to the AssociatedObject.
- Called when the behavior is being detached from its AssociatedObject, but before it has actually occurred.
- Override this to unhook functionality from the AssociatedObject.
- Sets the first TabItem with Visibility="" as
- the SelectedItem of the TabControl.
- If there is no visible TabItem, null is set as the SelectedItem
- Represents a border whose contents are clipped within the bounds
- of the border. The border may have rounded corners.
- BorderThickness Dependency Property
- Gets or sets the BorderThickness property. This dependency property
- indicates the BorderThickness.
- Checks if the given Thickness is valid or not
- Thickness
- Padding Dependency Property
- Gets or sets the Padding property. This dependency property
- indicates the Padding.
- CornerRadius Dependency Property
- Gets or sets the CornerRadius property. This dependency property
- indicates the CornerRadius of the border.
- Checks if the given CornerRadius is valid or not
- CornerRadius
- BorderBrush Dependency Property
- Gets or sets the BorderBrush property. This dependency property
- indicates the BorderBrush with which the Border is drawn.
- Background Dependency Property
- Gets or sets the Background property. This dependency property
- indicates the Background with which the Background is drawn.
- OptimizeClipRendering Dependency Property
- Gets or sets the OptimizeClipRendering property. This dependency property
- indicates whether the rendering of the clip should be optimized. When set to true,
- In order to optimize the rendering of the clipped Child,
- the background is rendered with the same brush as the border. Any other brush set for
- the background will be ignored. The Child will be rendered on top of it.
- This is done to prevent any gaps between the border the the clipped Child (this is
- evidently visible if both the Border and the Child are of same color).
- This works best when the Child does not have any level of transparency and is opaque.
- Updates DesiredSize of the ClipBorder. Called by parent UIElement. This is the first pass of layout.
- Border determines its desired size it needs from the specified border the child: its sizing
- properties, margin, and requested size.
- Constraint size is an "upper limit" that the return value should not exceed.
- The Decorator's desired size.
- ClipBorder computes the position of its single child and applies its child's alignments to the child.
- The size reserved for this element by the parent
- The actual ink area of the element, typically the same as finalSize
- Here the ClipBorder's Child, Border and Background are rendered.
- Drawing Context
- Generates a StreamGeometry.
- An already opened StreamGeometryContext.
- Rectangle for geomentry conversion.
- The core points of the border which needs to be used to create
- the geometry
- Result geometry.
- Encapsulates the details of each of the core points of the border which is calculated
- based on the given CornerRadius, BorderThickness, Padding and a flag to indicate whether
- the inner or outer border is to be calculated.
- CornerRadius
- BorderThickness
- Padding
- Flag to indicate whether outer or inner border needs
- to be calculated
- A few very useful extension methods
- Returns whether or not two doubles are "close".
- The first double to compare.
- The second double to compare.
- bool - the result of the AreClose comparision.
- Returns whether or not the first double is less than the second double.
- The first double to compare.
- The second double to compare.
- bool - the result of the LessThan comparision.
- Returns whether or not the first double is greater than the second double.
- The first double to compare.
- The second double to compare.
- bool - the result of the GreaterThan comparision.
- Returns whether or not the double is "close" to 1. Same as AreClose(double, 1),
- but this is faster.
- The double to compare to 1.
- bool - the result of the AreClose comparision.
- IsZero - Returns whether or not the double is "close" to 0. Same as AreClose(double, 0),
- but this is faster.
- The double to compare to 0.
- bool - the result of the AreClose comparision.
- Compares two points for fuzzy equality. This function
- helps compensate for the fact that double values can
- acquire error when operated upon
- The first point to compare
- The second point to compare
- Whether or not the two points are equal
- Compares two Size instances for fuzzy equality. This function
- helps compensate for the fact that double values can
- acquire error when operated upon
- The first size to compare
- The second size to compare
- Whether or not the two Size instances are equal
- Compares two Vector instances for fuzzy equality. This function
- helps compensate for the fact that double values can
- acquire error when operated upon
- The first Vector to compare
- The second Vector to compare
- Whether or not the two Vector instances are equal
- Compares two rectangles for fuzzy equality. This function
- helps compensate for the fact that double values can
- acquire error when operated upon
- The first rectangle to compare
- The second rectangle to compare
- Whether or not the two rectangles are equal
- Faster check for NaN ( faster than double.IsNaN() )
- IEEE 754 : If the argument is any value in the range 0x7ff0000000000001L through 0x7fffffffffffffffL
- or in the range 0xfff0000000000001L through 0xffffffffffffffffL, the result will be NaN.
- Value to check
- Rounds the given value based on the DPI scale
- Value to round
- DPI Scale
- Verifies if this Thickness contains only valid values
- The set of validity checks is passed as parameters.
- Thickness value
- allows negative values
- allows Double.NaN
- allows Double.PositiveInfinity
- allows Double.NegativeInfinity
- Whether or not the thickness complies to the range specified
- Method to add up the left and right size as width, as well as the top and bottom size as height
- Thickness
- Size
- Verifies if the Thickness contains only zero values
- Thickness
- Size
- Verifies if all the values in Thickness are same
- Thickness
- true if yes, otherwise false
- Verifies if this CornerRadius contains only valid values
- The set of validity checks is passed as parameters.
- CornerRadius value
- allows negative values
- allows Double.NaN
- allows Double.PositiveInfinity
- allows Double.NegativeInfinity
- Whether or not the CornerRadius complies to the range specified
- Verifies if the CornerRadius contains only zero values
- CornerRadius
- Size
- Verifies if the CornerRadius contains same values
- CornerRadius
- true if yes, otherwise false
- Deflates rectangle by given thickness
- Rectangle
- Thickness
- Deflated Rectangle
- Inflates rectangle by given thickness
- Rectangle
- Thickness
- Inflated Rectangle
- Verifies if the given brush is a SolidColorBrush and
- its color does not include transparency.
- Brush
- true if yes, otherwise false
- Verifies if the given brush is the same as the otherBrush.
- Brush
- Brush
- true if yes, otherwise false
- The DependencyProperty for the CharacterCasing property.
- Controls whether or not content is converted to upper or lower case
- Default Value: CharacterCasing.Normal
- Character casing of the Content
- The DependencyProperty for the RecognizesAccessKey property.
- Default Value: false
- Determine if the inner ContentPresenter should use AccessText in its style
- This custom popup is used by the validation error template.
- It provides some additional nice features:
- - repositioning if host-window size or location changed
- - repositioning if host-window gets maximized and vice versa
- - it's only topmost if the host-window is activated
- Gets/sets if the popup can be closed by left mouse button down.
- Called when a cell has just switched to edit mode.
- A reference to element returned by GenerateEditingElement.
- The event args of the input event that caused the cell to go into edit mode. May be null.
- The unedited value of the cell.
- Synchronizes the column property. Taken from Helper code for DataGrid.
- Taken from Helper code for DataGrid.
- The DependencyProperty for the StringFormat property.
- Gets or sets the formatting for the displaying value.
- The DependencyProperty for the Minimum property.
- The DependencyProperty for the Maximum property.
- The DependencyProperty for the Interval property.
- The DependencyProperty for the HideUpDownButtons property.
- The DependencyProperty for the UpDownButtonsWidth property.
- The DependencyProperty for the FontFamily property.
- Default Value: SystemFonts.MessageFontFamily
- The font family of the desired font.
- The DependencyProperty for the FontSize property.
- Default Value: SystemFonts.MessageFontSize
- The size of the desired font.
- The DependencyProperty for the FontStyle property.
- Default Value: SystemFonts.MessageFontStyle
- The style of the desired font.
- The DependencyProperty for the FontWeight property.
- Default Value: SystemFonts.MessageFontWeight
- The weight or thickness of the desired font.
- The DependencyProperty for the Foreground property.
- Default Value: SystemColors.ControlTextBrush
- An brush that describes the foreground color. This overrides the cell foreground inherited color.
- Method used as property changed callback for properties which need RefreshCellContent to be called
- Rebuilds the contents of a cell in the column in response to a binding change.
- The cell to update.
- The name of the column property that has changed.
- The base class for dialogs.
- You probably don't want to use this class, if you want to add arbitrary content to your dialog,
- use the class.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the title of the dialog.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the content above the dialog.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the content below the dialog.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the font size of the dialog title.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the font size of the dialog message text.
- Initializes a new .
- The window that is the parent of the dialog.
- The settings for the message dialog.
- Initializes a new .
- With this method it's possible to return your own settings in a custom dialog.
- This is called in the loaded event.
- Waits for the dialog to become ready for interaction.
- A task that represents the operation and it's status.
- Requests an externally shown Dialog to close. Will throw an exception if the Dialog is inside of a MetroWindow.
- A last chance virtual method for stopping an external dialog from closing.
- Gets the window that owns the current Dialog IF AND ONLY IF the dialog is shown externally.
- Gets the window that owns the current Dialog IF AND ONLY IF the dialog is shown inside of a window.
- Waits until this dialog gets unloaded.
- An implementation of BaseMetroDialog allowing arbitrary content.
- Gets the default instance if the dialog coordinator, which can be injected into a view model.
- Creates a LoginDialog inside of the current window.
- The window that is the parent of the dialog.
- The title of the LoginDialog.
- The message contained within the LoginDialog.
- Optional settings that override the global metro dialog settings.
- The text that was entered or null (Nothing in Visual Basic) if the user cancelled the operation.
- Creates a InputDialog inside of the current window.
- The MetroWindow
- The title of the MessageDialog.
- The message contained within the MessageDialog.
- Optional settings that override the global metro dialog settings.
- The text that was entered or null (Nothing in Visual Basic) if the user cancelled the operation.
- Creates a MessageDialog inside of the current window.
- The MetroWindow
- The title of the MessageDialog.
- The message contained within the MessageDialog.
- The type of buttons to use.
- Optional settings that override the global metro dialog settings.
- A task promising the result of which button was pressed.
- Creates a ProgressDialog inside of the current window.
- The MetroWindow
- The title of the ProgressDialog.
- The message within the ProgressDialog.
- Determines if the cancel button is visible.
- Optional Settings that override the global metro dialog settings.
- A task promising the instance of ProgressDialogController for this operation.
- Adds a Metro Dialog instance to the specified window and makes it visible asynchronously.
- If you want to wait until the user has closed the dialog, use
- You have to close the resulting dialog yourself with .
- The owning window of the dialog.
- The dialog instance itself.
- An optional pre-defined settings instance.
- A task representing the operation.
- The is already visible in the window.
- Adds a Metro Dialog instance of the given type to the specified window and makes it visible asynchronously.
- If you want to wait until the user has closed the dialog, use
- You have to close the resulting dialog yourself with .
- The owning window of the dialog.
- An optional pre-defined settings instance.
- A task with the dialog representing the operation.
- Hides a visible Metro Dialog instance.
- The window with the dialog that is visible.
- The dialog instance to hide.
- An optional pre-defined settings instance.
- A task representing the operation.
- The is not visible in the window.
- This happens if hasn't been called before.
- Gets the current shown dialog in async way.
- The dialog owner.
- Creates a LoginDialog outside of the current window.
- The window that is the parent of the dialog.
- The title of the LoginDialog.
- The message contained within the LoginDialog.
- Optional settings that override the global metro dialog settings.
- The text that was entered or null (Nothing in Visual Basic) if the user cancelled the operation.
- Creates a InputDialog outside of the current window.
- The MetroWindow
- The title of the MessageDialog.
- The message contained within the MessageDialog.
- Optional settings that override the global metro dialog settings.
- The text that was entered or null (Nothing in Visual Basic) if the user cancelled the operation.
- Creates a MessageDialog ouside of the current window.
- The MetroWindow
- The title of the MessageDialog.
- The message contained within the MessageDialog.
- The type of buttons to use.
- Optional settings that override the global metro dialog settings.
- A task promising the result of which button was pressed.
- Use the dialog coordinator to help you interfact with dialogs from a view model.
- Shows the input dialog.
- Typically this should be the view model, which you register in XAML using .
- The title of the MessageDialog.
- The message contained within the MessageDialog.
- Optional settings that override the global metro dialog settings.
- The text that was entered or null (Nothing in Visual Basic) if the user cancelled the operation.
- Shows the input dialog.
- Typically this should be the view model, which you register in XAML using .
- The title of the MessageDialog.
- The message contained within the MessageDialog.
- Optional settings that override the global metro dialog settings.
- The text that was entered or null (Nothing in Visual Basic) if the user cancelled the operation.
- Creates a LoginDialog inside of the current window.
- Typically this should be the view model, which you register in XAML using .
- The title of the LoginDialog.
- The message contained within the LoginDialog.
- Optional settings that override the global metro dialog settings.
- The text that was entered or null (Nothing in Visual Basic) if the user cancelled the operation.
- Creates a LoginDialog outside of the current window.
- Typically this should be the view model, which you register in XAML using .
- The title of the LoginDialog.
- The message contained within the LoginDialog.
- Optional settings that override the global metro dialog settings.
- The text that was entered or null (Nothing in Visual Basic) if the user cancelled the operation.
- Creates a MessageDialog inside of the current window.
- Typically this should be the view model, which you register in XAML using .
- The title of the MessageDialog.
- The message contained within the MessageDialog.
- The type of buttons to use.
- Optional settings that override the global metro dialog settings.
- A task promising the result of which button was pressed.
- Creates a MessageDialog outside of the current window.
- Typically this should be the view model, which you register in XAML using .
- The title of the MessageDialog.
- The message contained within the MessageDialog.
- The type of buttons to use.
- Optional settings that override the global metro dialog settings.
- A task promising the result of which button was pressed.
- Creates a ProgressDialog inside of the current window.
- Typically this should be the view model, which you register in XAML using .
- The title of the ProgressDialog.
- The message within the ProgressDialog.
- Determines if the cancel button is visible.
- Optional Settings that override the global metro dialog settings.
- A task promising the instance of ProgressDialogController for this operation.
- Adds a Metro Dialog instance to the specified window and makes it visible asynchronously.
- You have to close the resulting dialog yourself with .
- Typically this should be the view model, which you register in XAML using .
- The dialog instance itself.
- An optional pre-defined settings instance.
- A task representing the operation.
- The is already visible in the window.
- Hides a visible Metro Dialog instance.
- Typically this should be the view model, which you register in XAML using .
- The dialog instance to hide.
- An optional pre-defined settings instance.
- A task representing the operation.
- The is not visible in the window.
- This happens if hasn't been called before.
- Gets the current shown dialog.
- Typically this should be the view model, which you register in XAML using .
- InputDialog
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- InitializeComponent
- LoginDialog
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- InitializeComponent
- An internal control that represents a message dialog. Please use MetroWindow.ShowMessage instead!
- MessageDialog
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- InitializeComponent
- An enum representing the result of a Message Dialog.
- An enum representing the different button states for a Message Dialog.
- Just "OK"
- "OK" and "Cancel"
- An enum representing the different choices for a color scheme in a Metro Dialog.
- A class that represents the settings used by Metro Dialogs.
- Gets or sets wheater the owner of the dialog can be closed.
- Gets or sets the text used for the Affirmative button. For example: "OK" or "Yes".
- Enable or disable dialog hiding animation
- "True" - play hiding animation.
- "False" - skip hiding animation.
- Enable or disable dialog showing animation.
- "True" - play showing animation.
- "False" - skip showing animation.
- Gets or sets a token to cancel the dialog.
- Gets or sets whether the metro dialog should use the default black/white appearance (theme) or try to use the current accent.
- Gets or sets a custom resource dictionary which can contains custom styles, brushes or something else.
- Gets or sets which button should be focused by default
- Gets or sets the default text (just the inputdialog needed)
- Gets or sets the size of the dialog message font.
- The size of the dialog message font.
- Gets or sets the dialog result when the user cancelled the dialog with 'ESC' key
- If the value is the default behavior is determined
- by the .
- Gets or sets the size of the dialog title font.
- The size of the dialog title font.
- Gets or sets the text used for the first auxiliary button.
- Gets or sets the maximum height. (Default is unlimited height, Double.NaN)
- Gets or sets the text used for the Negative button. For example: "Cancel" or "No".
- Gets or sets the text used for the second auxiliary button.
- An internal control that represents a message dialog. Please use MetroWindow.ShowMessage instead!
- ProgressDialog
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- InitializeComponent
- A class for manipulating an open ProgressDialog.
- This event is raised when the associated was closed programmatically.
- This event is raised when the associated was cancelled by the user.
- Gets if the Cancel button has been pressed.
- Gets if the wrapped ProgressDialog is open.
- Sets the ProgressBar's IsIndeterminate to true. To set it to false, call SetProgress.
- Sets if the Cancel button is visible.
- Sets the dialog's progress bar value and sets IsIndeterminate to false.
- The percentage to set as the value.
- Gets/Sets the minimum restriction of the progress Value property
- Gets/Sets the maximum restriction of the progress Value property
- Sets the dialog's message content.
- The message to be set.
- Sets the dialog's title.
- The title to be set.
- Sets the dialog's progress bar brush
- The brush to use for the progress bar's foreground
- Begins an operation to close the ProgressDialog.
- A task representing the operation.
- The DependencyProperty for the ContentTemplate property.
- The DependencyProperty for the ContentTemplateSelector property.
- The DependencyProperty for the ContentStringFormat property.
- Gets or sets the Content of this control..
- ContentTemplate is the template used to display the content of the control.
- ContentTemplateSelector allows to provide custom logic for choosing the template used to display the content of the control.
- This property is ignored if is set.
- ContentStringFormat is the format used to display the content of the control as a string
- This property is ignored if is set.
- Reflects the parameter to pass to the CommandProperty upon execution.
- Gets or sets the target element on which to fire the command.
- Get or sets the Command property.
- Indicates whether the Menu is visible.
- Gets or sets an extra tag.
- Gets or sets the dimension of children stacking.
- Gets or sets the Content used to generate the icon part.
- Gets or sets the ContentTemplate used to display the content of the icon part.
- Gets/sets the button style.
- Gets/sets the menu style.
- Gets/sets the brush of the button arrow icon.
- Gets/sets the brush of the button arrow icon if the mouse is over the drop down button.
- Gets/sets the brush of the button arrow icon if the arrow button is pressed.
- Gets/sets the visibility of the button arrow icon.
- Invoked when the property changes.
- Information about the change.
- Executes the specified action asynchronously with the DispatcherPriority.Background on the thread that the Dispatcher was created on.
- The dispatcher object where the action runs.
- An action that takes no parameters.
- The dispatcher priority.
- Executes the specified action if the element is loaded or at the loaded event if it's not loaded.
- The element where the action should be run.
- An action that takes no parameters.
- A control that imitate a slide show with back/forward buttons.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the border brush of the mouse hover effect.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the border for mouse over effect is enabled or not.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the border thickness for the border of the mouse hover effect.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the navigation is circular, so you get the first after last and the last before first.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the position of the navigation buttons.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the orientation of the navigation.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the transition of the left navigation.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the transition of the right navigation.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the transition of the up navigation.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the transition of the down navigation.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets whether the banner is visible or not.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets whether the navigation button are visible or not.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the banner text.
- To counteract the double Loaded event issue.
- Coerce SelectedIndexProperty's value.
- The object that the property exists on.
- The new value of the property, prior to any coercion attempt.
- The coerced value (with appropriate type).
- Changes the current slide to the previous item.
- Changes the current to the next item.
- Brings the control buttons (next/previous) into view.
- Removes the control buttons (next/previous) from view.
- Applies actions to navigation buttons.
- Action applied to the previous button.
- Action applied to the next button.
- Action applied to the inactive buttons.
- Any action is null.
- Computes the transition when changing selected index.
- Previous selected index.
- New selected index.
- Sets the visibility of navigation buttons.
- Visibility of active buttons.
- Gets the navigation buttons.
- Previous button.
- Next button.
- Inactive buttons.
- A sliding panel control that is hosted in a MetroWindow via a FlyoutsControl.
- An event that is raised when IsOpen changes.
- An event that is raised when the closing animation has finished.
- Gets/sets if the title is visible in this flyout.
- Gets/sets if the close button is visible in this flyout.
- Gets/sets if the close button is a cancel button in this flyout.
- Gets/sets a command which will be executed if the close button was clicked.
- Note that this won't execute when is set to false.
- Gets/sets the command parameter which will be passed by the CloseCommand.
- Gets/sets whether this flyout is visible.
- Gets/sets whether this flyout uses the open/close animation when changing the property. (default is true)
- Gets/sets whether this flyout animates the opacity of the flyout when opening/closing.
- Gets/sets whether this flyout stays open when the user clicks outside of it.
- Gets/sets the mouse button that closes the flyout on an external mouse click.
- Gets/sets whether this flyout is modal.
- Gets/sets this flyout's position in the FlyoutsControl/MetroWindow.
- Gets or sets the theme of this flyout.
- Gets or sets the focused element.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the flyout should auto close after AutoCloseInterval has passed.
- Gets or sets the time in milliseconds when the flyout should auto close.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the flyout should try focus an element.
- A FlyoutsControl is for displaying flyouts in a MetroWindow.
- Gets/sets whether is ignored and all flyouts behave as if it was set to the value of this property.
- Gets/sets whether is ignored and all flyouts behave as if it was set false.
- Adapts the Flyout's theme to the theme of its host window.
- Adapts the Flyout's theme to the theme of its host window, but inverted.
- This theme can only be applied if the host window's theme abides the "Dark" and "Light" affix convention.
- (see for more infos.
- The dark theme. This is the default theme.
- The flyouts theme will match the host window's accent color.
- The HamburgerMenu is based on a SplitView control. By default it contains a HamburgerButton and a ListView to display menu items.
- The HamburgerMenu is based on a SplitView control. By default it contains a HamburgerButton and a ListView to display menu items.
- The HamburgerMenu is based on a SplitView control. By default it contains a HamburgerButton and a ListView to display menu items.
- The HamburgerMenu is based on a SplitView control. By default it contains a HamburgerButton and a ListView to display menu items.
- The HamburgerMenu is based on a SplitView control. By default it contains a HamburgerButton and a ListView to display menu items.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Override default OnApplyTemplate to capture children controls
- Event raised when an item is clicked
- Event raised when an options' item is clicked
- Event raised when an item is invoked
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the Style used for the hamburger button.
- Gets or sets a template for the hamburger button.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets a template for the hamburger pane header.
- Gets or sets main button's width.
- Gets or sets main button's height.
- Gets or sets main button's margin.
- Gets or sets main button's visibility.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets an object source used to generate the content of the options.
- Gets or sets the Style used for each item in the options.
- Gets or sets the DataTemplate used to display each item in the options.
- Gets or sets the DataTemplateSelector used to display each item in the options.
- Gets the collection used to generate the content of the option list.
- Exception thrown if OptionsListView is not yet defined.
- Gets or sets the visibility of the options menu.
- Gets or sets the selected options menu item.
- Gets or sets the selected options menu index.
- Gets or sets a command which will be executed if an options item is clicked by the user.
- Gets or sets the command parameter which will be passed by the OptionsItemCommand.
- Executes the options item command which can be set by the user.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the width of the pane when it's fully expanded.
- Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the pane is shown on the right or left side of the control.
- Gets or sets a value that specifies how the pane and content areas are shown.
- Gets or sets the width of the pane in its compact display mode.
- Gets or sets the margin for the pane.
- Gets or sets the margin for the pane header.
- Gets or sets the Brush to apply to the background of the Pane area of the control.
- Gets or sets the Brush to apply to the foreground of the Pane area of the control.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the pane is expanded to its full width.
- Gets or sets an object source used to generate the content of the menu.
- Gets or sets the Style used for each item.
- Gets or sets the DataTemplate used to display each item.
- Gets or sets the DataTemplateSelector used to display each item.
- Gets the collection used to generate the content of the items list.
- Exception thrown if ButtonsListView is not yet defined.
- Gets or sets the selected menu item.
- Gets or sets the selected menu index.
- Gets or sets a command which will be executed if an item is clicked by the user.
- Gets or sets the command parameter which will be passed by the ItemCommand.
- Gets or sets wheather the ScrollBar of the HamburgerMenu is on the left side or on the right side.
- Gets or sets wheather a selection indicator will be shown on the HamburgerMenuItem.
- Gets or sets the default FocusVisualStyle for a HamburgerMenuItem.
- This style can be override at the HamburgerMenuItem style by setting the FocusVisualStyle property.
- Executes the item command which can be set by the user.
- EventArgs used for the ItemClick and OptionsItemClick event.
- Gets the clicked item
- EventArgs used for the ItemInvoked event.
- Gets the invoked item
- Gets a value indicating whether the invoked item is an options item
- The HamburgerMenuGlyphItem provides a glyph based implementation for HamburgerMenu entries.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets a value that specifies the glyph to use from Segoe MDL2 Assets font.
- The HamburgerMenuIconItem provides an icon based implementation for HamburgerMenu entries.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets a value that specifies an user specific object which can be used as icon.
- The HamburgerMenuImageItem provides an image based implementation for HamburgerMenu entries.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets a value that specifies a bitmap to display with an Image control.
- The HamburgerMenuItem provides an implementation for HamburgerMenu entries.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets a value that specifies label to display.
- Gets or sets a value that specifies the page to navigate to (if you use the HamburgerMenu with a Frame content)
- Gets or sets a value that specifies an user specific value.
- Gets or sets a command which will be executed if an item is clicked by the user.
- Gets or sets the command parameter which will be passed by the Command.
- Gets or sets the element on which to raise the specified command.
- Element on which to raise a command.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this item is enabled in the user interface (UI). This is a dependency property.
- true if the item is enabled; otherwise, false. The default value is true.
- Gets or sets a value that specifies ToolTip to display.
- Executes the command which can be set by the user.
- The HamburgerMenuItemCollection provides typed collection of HamburgerMenuItem.
- Represents an hour comparison operation that ensures that 12 is smaller than 1.
- This ensures that in the control the first hour that is selectable is 12 (AM/PM).
- This ensures that the first hour that is selectable is 12 (AM/PM).
- This comparer is used only if in the corresponding the value for is false.
- A helper class that provides various attached properties for the control.
- Gets the Maximum number of characters the TextBox can accept.
- Sets the Maximum number of characters the TextBox can accept.
- Gets the Character casing of the TextBox.
- Sets the Character casing of the TextBox.
- A helper class that provides various controls.
- Gets the value to handle the visibility of the DisabledVisualElement in the template.
- Sets the value to handle the visibility of the DisabledVisualElement in the template.
- The DependencyProperty for the CharacterCasing property.
- Controls whether or not content is converted to upper or lower case
- Gets the character casing of the control
- Sets the character casing of the control
- Sets the brush used to draw the focus border.
- Gets the brush used to draw the focus border.
- Sets the brush used to draw the mouse over brush.
- Gets the brush used to draw the mouse over brush.
- DependencyProperty for property.
- The CornerRadius property allows users to control the roundness of the button corners independently by
- setting a radius value for each corner. Radius values that are too large are scaled so that they
- smoothly blend from corner to corner. (Can be used e.g. at MetroButton style)
- Description taken from original Microsoft description :-D
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the child contents of the control are not editable.
- Gets a value indicating whether the child contents of the control are not editable.
- Sets a value indicating whether the child contents of the control are not editable.
- Gets the value to define the DataGridCell selection behavior.
- Sets the value to define the DataGridCell selection behavior.
- Gets the value to define the DataGridCell selection behavior.
- Sets the value to define the DataGridCell selection behavior.
- Gets a value which indicates the preview cell editing is enabled or not.
- Sets a value which indicates the preview cell editing is enabled or not.
- Gets the value to define the DataGridRow selection behavior.
- Sets the value to define the DataGridRow selection behavior.
- A helper class that provides various attached properties for the Expander control.
- Gets the toggle button style used for the ExpandDirection Up.
- Sets the toggle button style used for the ExpandDirection Up.
- Gets the toggle button style used for the ExpandDirection Down.
- Sets the toggle button style used for the ExpandDirection Down.
- Gets the toggle button style used for the ExpandDirection Left.
- Sets the toggle button style used for the ExpandDirection Left.
- Gets the toggle button style used for the ExpandDirection Right.
- Sets the toggle button style used for the ExpandDirection Right.
- Gets or sets the background brush which will be used for the active selected item (if the keyboard focus is within).
- Gets the brush the background brush which will be used for the active selected item (if the keyboard focus is within).
- Sets the brush the background brush which will be used for the active selected item (if the keyboard focus is within).
- Gets or sets the foreground brush which will be used for the active selected item (if the keyboard focus is within).
- Gets the brush the foreground brush which will be used for the active selected item (if the keyboard focus is within).
- Sets the brush the foreground brush which will be used for the active selected item (if the keyboard focus is within).
- Gets or sets the background brush which will be used for a selected item.
- Gets the background brush which will be used for a selected item.
- Sets the background brush which will be used for a selected item.
- Gets or sets the foreground brush which will be used for a selected item.
- Gets the foreground brush which will be used for a selected item.
- Sets the foreground brush which will be used for a selected item.
- Gets or sets the background brush which will be used for an mouse hovered item.
- Gets the background brush which will be used for an mouse hovered item.
- Sets the background brush which will be used for an mouse hovered item.
- Gets or sets the background brush which will be used for an mouse hovered and selected item.
- Gets the background brush which will be used for an mouse hovered and selected item.
- Sets the background brush which will be used for an mouse hovered and selected item.
- Gets or sets the background brush which will be used for selected disabled items.
- Gets the background brush which will be used for selected disabled items.
- Sets the background brush which will be used for selected disabled items.
- Gets or sets the foreground brush which will be used for selected disabled items.
- Gets the foreground brush which will be used for selected disabled items.
- Sets the foreground brush which will be used for selected disabled items.
- Gets or sets the background brush which will be used for disabled items.
- Gets the background brush which will be used for disabled items.
- Sets the background brush which will be used for disabled items.
- Gets or sets the foreground brush which will be used for disabled items.
- Gets the foreground brush which will be used for disabled items.
- Sets the foreground brush which will be used for disabled items.
- Change the value of the slider if the user rotates the mouse wheel by the value defined for
- Change the value of the slider if the user rotates the mouse wheel by the value defined for
- Do not change the value of the slider if the user rotates the mouse wheel.
- Change the value of the slider only if the control is focused.
- Changes the value of the slider if the mouse pointer is over this element.
- Gets the content of the RevealButton.
- Sets the content of the RevealButton.
- Gets the data template used to display the content of the RevealButton.
- Sets the data template used to display the content of the RevealButton.
- Identifies the VerticalScrollBarOnLeftSide attached property.
- This property can be used to set vertical scrollbar left side from the tabpanel (look at MetroAnimatedSingleRowTabControl)
- Helper for getting from .
- to read from.
- VerticalScrollBarOnLeftSide property value.
- Helper for setting on .
- to set on.
- VerticalScrollBarOnLeftSide property value.
- Identifies the IsHorizontalScrollWheelEnabled attached property.
- Helper for getting from .
- to read from.
- IsHorizontalScrollWheelEnabled property value.
- Helper for setting on .
- to set on.
- IsHorizontalScrollWheelEnabled property value.
- This property can be used to trigger the call to a command when the user reach the end of the vertical scrollable area.
- Helper for getting from .
- to read from.
- EndOfVerticalScrollReachedCommand property value.
- Helper for setting on .
- to set on.
- EndOfVerticalScrollReachedCommand property value.
- This property can be used to trigger the call to a command when the user reach the end of the horizontal scrollable area.
- Helper for getting from .
- to read from.
- EndOfHorizontalScrollReachedCommand property value.
- Helper for setting on .
- to set on.
- EndOfHorizontalScrollReachedCommand property value.
- This property can be used to provide a command parameter to the command called when reaching the end of the vertical or horizontal scrollable area.
- Helper for getting from .
- to read from.
- EndOfScrollReachedCommandParameter property value.
- Helper for setting on .
- to set on.
- EndOfScrollReachedCommandParameter property value.
- Gets or sets the brush of the thumb.
- Gets the brush of the thumb.
- Sets the brush of the thumb.
- Gets or sets the brush of the thumb if the mouse is over the slider.
- Gets the brush of the thumb if the mouse is over the slider.
- Sets the brush of the thumb if the mouse is over the slider.
- Gets or sets the brush of the thumb if the mouse button is pressed.
- Gets the brush of the thumb if the mouse button is pressed.
- Sets the brush of the thumb if the mouse button is pressed.
- Gets or sets the brush of the thumb if the slider is disabled.
- Gets the brush of the thumb if the slider is disabled.
- Sets the brush of the thumb if the slider is disabled.
- Gets or sets the brush of the track.
- Gets the brush of the track.
- Sets the brush of the track.
- Gets or sets the brush of the track if the mouse is over the slider.
- Gets the brush of the track if the mouse is over the slider.
- Sets the brush of the track if the mouse is over the slider.
- Gets or sets the brush of the track if the mouse button is pressed.
- Gets the brush of the track if the mouse button is pressed.
- Sets the brush of the track if the mouse button is pressed.
- Gets or sets the brush of the track if the slider is disabled.
- Gets the brush of the track if the slider is disabled.
- Sets the brush of the track if the slider is disabled.
- Gets or sets the brush of the track value.
- Gets the brush of the track value.
- Sets the brush of the track value.
- Gets or sets the brush of the track value if the mouse is over the slider.
- Gets the brush of the track value if the mouse is over the slider.
- Sets the brush of the track value if the mouse is over the slider.
- Gets or sets the brush of the track value if the mouse button is pressed.
- Gets the brush of the track value if the mouse button is pressed.
- Sets the brush of the track value if the mouse button is pressed.
- Gets or sets the brush of the track value if the slider is disabled.
- Gets the brush of the track value if the slider is disabled.
- Sets the brush of the track value if the slider is disabled.
- Gets/Sets the type how the value will be changed if the user rotates the mouse wheel.
- Gets/Sets the type how the value will be changed if the user rotates the mouse wheel.
- Gets/Sets the value when the slider will be changed. Possible values are if the slider is focused or if the mouse is over the slider.
- Gets/Sets the value when the slider will be changed. Possible values are if the slider is focused or if the mouse is over the slider.
- Specifies the underline position of a TabControl.
- Sets the Style and Template property to null.
- Removing a TabItem in code behind can produce such nasty output
- System.Windows.Data Warning: 4 : Cannot find source for binding with reference 'RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType='System.Windows.Controls.TabControl', AncestorLevel='1''. BindingExpression:Path=Background; DataItem=null; target element is 'TabItem' (Name=''); target property is 'Background' (type 'Brush')
- or
- System.Windows.Data Error: 4 : Cannot find source for binding with reference 'RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType='System.Windows.Controls.TabControl', AncestorLevel='1''. BindingExpression:Path=(0); DataItem=null; target element is 'TabItem' (Name=''); target property is 'UnderlineBrush' (type 'Brush')
- This is a timing problem in WPF of the binding mechanism itself.
- To avoid this, we can set the Style and Template to null.
- Identifies the CloseButtonEnabled attached property.
- Gets whether a close button should be visible or not.
- Sets whether a close button should be visible or not.
- Identifies the CloseTabCommand attached property.
- Gets a command for the TabItem which executes if the TabItem will be closed.
- Sets a command for the TabItem which executes if the TabItem will be closed.
- Identifies the CloseTabCommandParameter attached property.
- Gets a command parameter for the TabItem that will be passed to the CloseTabCommand.
- Sets a command parameter for the TabItem that will be passed to the CloseTabCommand.
- Defines whether the underline below the or is shown or not.
- Defines the underline brush below the or .
- Defines the underline brush below the or of an selected item.
- Defines the underline brush below the or if the mouse is over an item.
- Defines the underline brush below the or if the mouse is over a selected item.
- This property can be used to set the Transition for animated TabControls
- A helper class that provides various attached properties for the TextBox control.
- Password watermarking code from: http://prabu-guru.blogspot.com/2010/06/how-to-add-watermark-text-to-textbox.html
- The clear text button behavior property. It sets a click event to the button if the value is true.
- This property can be used to set the button width (PART_ClearText) of TextBox, PasswordBox, ComboBox, NumericUpDown
- This property can be used to retrieve the watermark using the of bound property.
- Setting this property to true will uses reflection.
- Indicates if a TextBox or RichTextBox should use SpellCheck context menu
- Indicates if the watermark is automatically retrieved by using the of the bound property.
- This attached property uses reflection; thus it might reduce the performance of the application.
- The auto-watermak does work for the following controls:
- In the following case no custom watermark is shown
- There is no binding
- Binding path errors
- Binding to a element of a collection without using a property of that element Binding Path=Collection[0] use: Binding Path=Collection[0].SubProperty
- The bound property does not have a
- Gets a value that indicates the horizontal alignment of the watermark.
- One of the values that specifies the desired alignment. The default is .
- Sets a value that indicates the horizontal alignment of the watermark.
- Gets the text trimming behavior to employ when watermark overflows the content area.
- One of the values that specifies the text trimming behavior to employ. The default is .
- Sets the text trimming behavior to employ when watermark overflows the content area.
- Gets how the watermark should wrap text.
- One of the values. The default is .
- Sets how the watermark should wrap text.
- Gets if the attached TextBox has text.
- Gets the clear text button visibility / feature. Can be used to enable text deletion.
- Sets the clear text button visibility / feature. Can be used to enable text deletion.
- Gets the text button visibility.
- Sets the text button visibility.
- Gets the buttons placement variant.
- Sets the buttons placement variant.
- Gets the clear text button behavior.
- Sets the clear text button behavior.
- ButtonContentTemplate is the template used to display the content of the ClearText button.
- This property can be used to handle the style for CheckBox and RadioButton
- LeftToRight means content left and button right and RightToLeft vise versa
- This property can be used to handle the style for CheckBox and RadioButton
- LeftToRight means content left and button right and RightToLeft vise versa
- A MetroTabControl (Pivot) that wraps TabItem/MetroTabItem headers on a single row.
- Initializes a new instance of the MahApps.Metro.Controls.MetroAnimatedSingleRowTabControl class.
- A MetroTabControl (Pivot) that uses a TransitioningContentControl to animate the contents of a TabItem/MetroTabItem.
- Initializes a new instance of the MahApps.Metro.Controls.MetroAnimatedTabControl class.
- Originally from http://xamlcoder.com/blog/2010/11/04/creating-a-metro-ui-style-control/
- Creates AutomationPeer ()
- The MetroHeaderAutomationPeer class exposes the type to UI Automation.
- A reimplementation of NavigationWindow based on MetroWindow.
- MetroNavigationWindow
- Gets an IEnumerable that you use to enumerate the entries in back navigation history for a NavigationWindow.
- Gets an IEnumerable that you use to enumerate the entries in back navigation history for a NavigationWindow.
- Gets the NavigationService that is used by this MetroNavigationWindow to provide navigation services to its content.
- Gets a value that indicates whether there is at least one entry in back navigation history.
- Gets a value that indicates whether there is at least one entry in forward navigation history.
- Gets or sets the base uniform resource identifier (URI) of the current context.
- Gets or sets the uniform resource identifier (URI) of the current content, or the URI of new content that is currently being navigated to.
- Adds an entry to back navigation history that contains a CustomContentState object.
- A CustomContentState object that represents application-defined state that is associated with a specific piece of content.
- Removes the most recent journal entry from back history.
- The most recent JournalEntry in back navigation history, if there is one.
- Navigates to the most recent item in back navigation history.
- Navigates to the most recent item in forward navigation history.
- Navigates asynchronously to content that is contained by an object.
- An Object that contains the content to navigate to.
- true if a navigation is not canceled; otherwise, false.
- Navigates asynchronously to content that is specified by a uniform resource identifier (URI).
- A Uri object initialized with the URI for the desired content.
- true if a navigation is not canceled; otherwise, false.
- Navigates asynchronously to content that is contained by an object, and passes an object that contains data to be used for processing during navigation.
- An Object that contains the content to navigate to.
- A Object that contains data to be used for processing during navigation.
- true if a navigation is not canceled; otherwise, false.
- Navigates asynchronously to source content located at a uniform resource identifier (URI), and pass an object that contains data to be used for processing during navigation.
- A Uri object initialized with the URI for the desired content.
- A Object that contains data to be used for processing during navigation.
- true if a navigation is not canceled; otherwise, false.
- Stops further downloading of content for the current navigation request.
- Occurs when navigation to a content fragment begins, which occurs immediately, if the desired fragment is in the current content, or after the source XAML content has been loaded, if the desired fragment is in different content.
- Occurs when a new navigation is requested.
- Occurs when an error is raised while navigating to the requested content.
- Occurs periodically during a download to provide navigation progress information.
- Occurs when the StopLoading method is called, or when a new navigation is requested while a current navigation is in progre
- Occurs when the content that is being navigated to has been found, and is available from the PageContent property, although it may not have completed loading
- Occurs when content that was navigated to has been loaded, parsed, and has begun rendering.
- InitializeComponent
- A metrofied ProgressBar.
- Gets/sets the diameter of the ellipses used in the indeterminate animation.
- Gets/sets the offset of the ellipses used in the indeterminate animation.
- A standard MetroTabControl (Pivot).
- Initializes a new instance of the MahApps.Metro.Controls.MetroTabControl class.
- A base class for every MetroTabControl (Pivot).
- Get/sets the command that executes when a MetroTabItem's close button is clicked.
- An event that is raised when a TabItem is closed.
- Event args that is created when a TabItem is closed.
- Gets the MetroTabItem that will be closed.
- An extended TabItem with a metro style.
- Gets/sets whether the Close Button is visible.
- Gets/sets the command that is executed when the Close Button is clicked.
- Gets/sets the command parameter which is passed to the close button command.
- Gets/sets the Close Button Margin.
- The MetroThumbContentControl control can be used for titles or something else and enables basic drag movement functionality.
- Adds or remove a DragStartedEvent handler
- Adds or remove a DragDeltaEvent handler
- Adds or remove a DragCompletedEvent handler
- DependencyProperty for the IsDragging property.
- Indicates that the left mouse button is pressed and is over the MetroThumbContentControl.
- The MetroThumbContentControlAutomationPeer class exposes the type to UI Automation.
- An extended, metrofied Window class.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Allows easy handling of window commands brush. Theme is also applied based on this brush.
- Gets/sets whether the window's entrance transition animation is enabled.
- Gets/sets the FlyoutsControl that hosts the window's flyouts.
- Gets/sets the icon content template to show a custom icon.
- Gets/sets the title content template to show a custom title.
- Gets/sets the left window commands that hosts the user commands.
- Gets/sets the right window commands that hosts the user commands.
- Gets/sets the window button commands that hosts the min/max/close commands.
- Defines if the Taskbar should be ignored when maximizing a Window.
- This only works with WindowStyle = None.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets resize border thickness. This enables animation, styling, binding, etc...
- for .
- Gets/sets if the border thickness value should be kept on maximize
- if the MaxHeight/MaxWidth of the window is less than the monitor resolution.
- for .
- Gets or sets wether the resizing of the window should be tried in a way that does not cause flicker/jitter, especially when resizing from the left side.
- Please note that setting this to true may cause resize lag and black areas appearing on some systems.
- for .
- Gets/sets the brush used for the titlebar's foreground.
- Gets/sets whether the window will save it's position between loads.
- Gets the window placement settings (can be overwritten).
- Get/sets whether the titlebar icon is visible or not.
- Get/sets whether dialogs show over the title bar.
- Gets whether one or more dialogs are shown.
- Gets/sets edge mode of the titlebar icon.
- Gets/sets bitmap scaling mode of the titlebar icon.
- Gets/sets icon scaling mode of the titlebar.
- Gets/sets whether the TitleBar is visible or not.
- Gets/sets whether the WindowStyle is None or not.
- Gets/sets if the minimize button is visible.
- Gets/sets if the Maximize/Restore button is visible.
- Gets/sets if the close button is visible.
- Gets/sets if the min button is enabled.
- Gets/sets if the max/restore button is enabled.
- Gets/sets if the close button is enabled.
- Gets or sets whether if the close button should be enabled or not if a dialog is shown.
- Gets/sets if the the system menu should popup on right click.
- Gets/sets the TitleBar's height.
- Character casing of the title
- Gets/sets the title horizontal alignment.
- Gets/sets the brush used for the Window's title bar.
- Gets/sets the brush used for the Window's glow.
- Gets/sets the brush used for the Window's non-active glow.
- Gets/sets the brush used for the Window's non-active border.
- Gets/sets the brush used for the Window's non-active title bar.
- Gets/sets the brush used for the dialog overlay.
- Gets/sets the opacity used for the dialog overlay.
- Gets or sets the brush used for the Flyouts overlay.
- Gets or sets the overlay fade in storyboard.
- Gets or sets the overlay fade out storyboard.
- Begins to show the MetroWindow's overlay effect.
- A task representing the process.
- Begins to hide the MetroWindow's overlay effect.
- A task representing the process.
- Stores the given element, or the last focused element via FocusManager, for restoring the focus after closing a dialog.
- The element which will be focused again.
- Clears the stored element which would get the focus after closing a dialog.
- Initializes a new instance of the MahApps.Metro.Controls.MetroWindow class.
- Initializes various behaviors for the window.
- For example , and .
- Gets the template child with the given name.
- The interface type inheirted from DependencyObject.
- The name of the template child.
- Gets the template child with the given name.
- The name of the template child.
- This class eats little children.
- Sets the IsHitTestVisibleInChromeProperty to a MetroWindow template child
- The MetroWindow.
- The name of the template child.
- Sets the WindowChrome ResizeGripDirection to a MetroWindow template child.
- The MetroWindow.
- The name of the template child.
- The direction.
- Adapts the WindowCommands to the theme of the first opened, topmost && (top || right || left) flyout
- The MetroWindow
- All the flyouts! Or flyouts that fall into the category described in the summary.
- An optional brush to reset the window commands brush to.
- Enum NumericInput which indicates what input is allowed for NumericUpdDown.
- Only numbers are allowed
- Numbers with decimal point and allowed scientific input
- All is allowed
- Represents a Windows spin box (also known as an up-down control) that displays numeric values.
- Event fired from this NumericUpDown when its value has reached the maximum value
- Event fired from this NumericUpDown when its value has reached the minimum value
- Gets or sets the amount of time, in milliseconds, the NumericUpDown waits while the up/down button is pressed
- before it starts increasing/decreasing the
- for the specified . The value must be
- non-negative.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the user can use the arrow keys and to change values.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the user can use the mouse wheel to change values.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control must have the focus in order to change values using the mouse wheel.
- If the value is true then the value changes when the mouse wheel is over the control. If the value is false then the value changes only if the control has the focus. If is set to "false" then this property has no effect.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the user can enter text in the control.
- Gets or sets a value indicating the culture to be used in string formatting operations.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the +/- button of the control is visible.
- If the value is false then the of the control can be changed only if one of the following cases is satisfied:
- is true.
- is true.
- is true.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the text can be changed by the use of the up or down buttons only.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the value to be added to or subtracted from remains
- always
- or if it will increase faster after pressing the up/down button/arrow some time.
- Gets or sets the formatting for the displaying
- Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of the contents of the text box.
- Gets or sets which numeric input for the NumericUpDown is allowed.
- Indicates if the NumericUpDown should round the value to the nearest possible interval when the focus moves to another element.
- Gets or sets the parsing number style for the value from text to numeric.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the up down buttons are switched.
- Called when this element or any below gets focus.
- When overridden in a derived class, is invoked whenever application code or internal processes call
- .
- Raises the routed event.
- Old value of the property
- New value of the property
- Based on Greg Schechter's Planerator
- http://blogs.msdn.com/b/greg_schechter/archive/2007/10/26/enter-the-planerator-dead-simple-3d-in-wpf-with-a-stupid-name.aspx
- An Enum representing different positions, such as Left or Right.
- Event arguments created for the RangeSlider's SelectionChanged event.
- The value of the new range's beginning.
- The value of the new range's ending.
- A slider control with the ability to select a range between two values.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets whether a tooltip that contains the current value of the displays when the is pressed. If a tooltip is displayed, this property also specifies the placement of the tooltip.
- One of the values that determines where to display the tooltip with respect to the of the , or that specifies to not show a tooltip. The default is , which specifies that a tooltip is not displayed.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the number of digits that are displayed to the right side of the decimal point for the of the in a tooltip.
- The precision of the that displays in the tooltip, specified as the number of digits that appear to the right of the decimal point. The default is zero (0).
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets a template for the auto tooltip to show the lower value.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets a template for the auto tooltip to show the upper value.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets a template for the auto tooltip to show the center value.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Get/sets value how fast thumbs will move when user press on left/right/central with left mouse button (IsMoveToPoint must be set to FALSE)
- Gets or sets the position of tick marks with respect to the of the .
- A value that defines how to position the tick marks in a with respect to the slider bar. The default is .
- Gets or sets the interval between tick marks.
- The distance between tick marks. The default is (1.0).
- Gets or sets the positions of the tick marks to display for a .
- A set of tick marks to display for a . The default is .
- Get or sets IsMoveToPoint feature which will enable/disable moving to exact point inside control when user clicked on it
- Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the two of a moves immediately to the location of the mouse click that occurs while the mouse pointer pauses on the tracks.
- Gets or sets the orientation of the .
- Get/sets whether possibility to make manipulations inside range with left/right mouse buttons + cotrol button
- Get/sets whether possibility to make manipulations inside range with left/right mouse buttons + cotrol button
- Get/sets whether whole range will be moved when press on right/left/central part of control
- Get/sets the minimal distance between two thumbs.
- Get/sets the beginning of the range selection.
- Get/sets the end of the range selection.
- Get/sets the minimum range that can be selected.
- Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the displays a selection range along the .
- if a selection range is displayed; otherwise, . The default is .
- Gets or sets the smallest value of a specified selection for a .
- The largest value of a selected range of values of a . The default is zero (0.0).
- Gets or sets the largest value of a specified selection for a .
- The largest value of a selected range of values of a . The default is zero (0.0).
- Responds to a change in the value of the property.
- The old value of the property.The new value of the property.
- Responds to a change in the value of the property.
- The old value of the property.The new value of the property.
- Gets the lower value of the range selection.
- Gets the upper value of the range selection.
- RevealImage
- InitializeComponent
- Reflects the parameter to pass to the CommandProperty upon execution.
- Gets or sets the target element on which to fire the command.
- Get or sets the Command property.
- Indicates whether the Popup is visible.
- Gets or sets an extra tag.
- Gets or sets the dimension of children stacking.
- Gets or sets the Content used to generate the icon part.
- Gets or sets the ContentTemplate used to display the content of the icon part.
- Gets/sets the button style.
- Gets/sets the button arrow style.
- Gets/sets the popup listbox style.
- Gets/sets the brush of the button arrow icon.
- Gets/sets the brush of the button arrow icon if the mouse is over the split button.
- Gets/sets the brush of the button arrow icon if the arrow button is pressed.
- Updates the current selection when an item in the has changed
- The event data.
- A special animation used to animates the length of a .
- Represents a container with two views; one view for the main content and another view that is typically used for
- navigation commands.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- The identifier for the property.
- Gets or sets the width of the pane in its compact display mode.
- The width of the pane in it's compact display mode. The default is 48 device-independent pixel (DIP) (defined
- by the SplitViewCompactPaneThemeLength resource).
- Identifies the dependency property.
- The identifier for the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the contents of the main panel of a .
- The contents of the main panel of a . The default is null.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- The identifier for the dependency property.
- Gets of sets a value that specifies how the pane and content areas of a are shown.
- A value of the enumeration that specifies how the pane and content areas of a are
- shown. The default is .
- Identifies the dependency property.
- The identifier for the dependency property.
- Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the pane is expanded to its full width.
- true if the pane is expanded to its full width; otherwise, false. The default is true.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- The identifier for the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the width of the pane when it's fully expanded.
- The width of the pane when it's fully expanded. The default is 320 device-independent
- pixel (DIP).
- Identifies the dependency property.
- The identifier for the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the contents of the pane of a .
- The contents of the pane of a . The default is null.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- The identifier for the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the Brush to apply to the background of the area of the control.
- The Brush to apply to the background of the area of the control.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- The identifier for the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the Brush to apply to the foreground of the area of the control.
- The Brush to apply to the background of the area of the control.
- Identifies the PanePlacement dependency property.
- The identifier for the PanePlacement dependency property.
- Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the pane is shown on the right or left side of the
- .
- A value of the enumeration that specifies whether the pane is shown on the right or left side of the
- . The default is .
- Identifies the dependency property.
- The identifier for the dependency property.
- Gets an object that provides calculated values that can be referenced as TemplateBinding sources when defining
- templates for a control.
- An object that provides calculated values for templates.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Occurs when the pane is closed.
- Occurs when the pane is closing.
- Constants that specify how the pane is shown in a .
- The pane covers the content when it's open and does not take up space in the control layout.
- The pane is shown side-by-side with the content and takes up space in the control layout.
- The amount of the pane defined by the property is shown side-by-side
- with the content and takes up space in the control layout.
- The remaining part of the pane covers the content when it's open and does not take up space in the control layout.
- The amount of the pane defined by the property is shown side-by-side
- with the content and takes up space in the control layout.
- The remaining part of the pane pushes the content to the side when it's open and takes up space in the control
- layout.
- Provides event data for the event.
- Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the pane closing action should be canceled.
- true to cancel the pane closing action; otherwise, false.
- Constants that specify whether the pane is set to the left or to the right of the content in a
- .
- The pane is shown to the left of the content.
- The pane is shown to the right of the content.
- Provides calculated values that can be referenced as TemplatedParent sources when defining templates for a
- .
- Not intended for general use.
- Gets the value as a GridLength.
- Gets the negative of the value.
- Gets the negative of the value calculated by subtracting the value from
- the value.
- Gets the value as a GridLength.
- Gets the value.
- Gets a value calculated by subtracting the value from the
- value.
- An Enum representing different themes for window commands.
- HorizontalTitleAlignment Dependency Property.
- Default Value: HorizontalAlignment.Left
- Gets/Sets the horizontal alignment of the title.
- VerticalTitleAlignment Dependency Property.
- Default Value: VerticalAlignment.Bottom
- Gets/Sets the vertical alignment of the title.
- Represents a control that allows the user to select a date and a time.
- Gets or sets the date to display
- The date to display. The default is .
- Gets or sets the last date to be displayed.
- The last date to display.
- Gets or sets the first date to be displayed.
- The first date to display.
- Gets or sets the day that is considered the beginning of the week.
- A that represents the beginning of the week. The default is the
- that is determined by the current culture.
- Gets or sets the format that is used to display the selected date.
- Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the current date will be highlighted.
- true if the current date is highlighted; otherwise, false. The default is true.
- Gets or sets a value that indicates the dimension by which calendar and clock are stacked.
- The of the calendar and clock. The default is
- .
- Defines the visibility for time-parts that are visible for the .
- Represents a control that allows the user to select a time.
- Represents a base-class for time picking.
- This readonly dependency property is to control whether to show the date-picker (in case of ) or hide it (in case of .
- This list contains values from 0 to 55 with an interval of 5. It can be used to bind to and .
- <MahApps:TimePicker SourceSeconds="{x:Static MahApps:TimePickerBase.IntervalOf5}" />
- <MahApps:DateTimePicker SourceSeconds="{x:Static MahApps:TimePickerBase.IntervalOf5}" />
- Returns a list containing {0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55}.
- This list contains values from 0 to 50 with an interval of 10. It can be used to bind to and .
- <MahApps:TimePicker SourceSeconds="{x:Static MahApps:TimePickerBase.IntervalOf10}" />
- <MahApps:DateTimePicker SourceSeconds="{x:Static MahApps:TimePickerBase.IntervalOf10}" />
- Returns a list containing {0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50}.
- This list contains values from 0 to 45 with an interval of 15. It can be used to bind to and .
- <MahApps:TimePicker SourceSeconds="{x:Static MahApps:TimePickerBase.IntervalOf15}" />
- <MahApps:DateTimePicker SourceSeconds="{x:Static MahApps:TimePickerBase.IntervalOf15}" />
- Returns a list containing {0, 15, 30, 45}.
- Occurs when the property is changed.
- Gets or sets a value indicating the culture to be used in string formatting operations.
- Gets or sets a value indicating the visibility of the clock hands in the user interface (UI).
- The visibility definition of the clock hands. The default is .
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the date can be selected or not. This property is read-only.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the clock of this control is visible in the user interface (UI). This is a
- dependency property.
- If this value is set to false then is set to
- true if the clock is visible; otherwise, false. The default value is true.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the drop-down for a box is currently
- open.
- true if the drop-down is open; otherwise, false. The default is false.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the contents of the are not editable.
- true if the is read-only; otherwise, false. The default is false.
- Gets or sets a value indicating the visibility of the selectable date-time-parts in the user interface (UI).
- visibility definition of the selectable date-time-parts. The default is .
- Gets or sets the currently selected date and time.
- The date and time which is currently selected. The default is null.
- Gets or sets the format that is used to display the selected time.
- Gets or sets a collection used to generate the content for selecting the hours.
- A collection that is used to generate the content for selecting the hours. The default is a list of interger from 0
- to 23 if is false or a list of interger from
- 1 to 12 otherwise..
- Gets or sets a collection used to generate the content for selecting the minutes.
- A collection that is used to generate the content for selecting the minutes. The default is a list of int from
- 0 to 59.
- Gets or sets a collection used to generate the content for selecting the seconds.
- A collection that is used to generate the content for selecting the minutes. The default is a list of int from
- 0 to 59.
- Gets a value indicating whether the that is specified by the
- set by the ( if null) has not a value.
- When overridden in a derived class, is invoked whenever application code or internal processes call
- .
- Gets the offset from the selected to use it in as hour
- parameter.
- The current hour.
- An integer representing the offset to add to the hour that is selected in the hour-picker for setting the correct
- . The offset is determined as follows:
- ConditionOffset
- is false0
- Selected hour is between 1 AM and 11 AM0
- Selected hour is 12 AM-12h
- Selected hour is between 12 PM and 11 PM+12h
- A control that allows the user to toggle between two states: One represents true; The other represents false.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets/sets the font family of the header.
- Gets/sets the text to display when the control is in it's On state.
- Gets/sets the text to display when the control is in it's Off state.
- Gets/sets the brush used for the on-switch's foreground.
- Gets/sets the brush used for the off-switch's foreground.
- Gets/sets the brush used for the thumb indicator.
- Gets/sets the brush used for the thumb indicator.
- Gets/sets the width of the thumb indicator.
- Gets/sets the control's content flow direction.
- Gets or sets the padding of the inner content.
- Gets/sets the control's toggle switch button style.
- Gets/sets whether the control is Checked (On) or not (Off).
- Gets/sets the command which will be executed if the IsChecked property was changed.
- Gets/sets the command which will be executed if the checked event of the control is fired.
- Gets/sets the command which will be executed if the checked event of the control is fired.
- Gets/sets the command parameter which will be passed by the CheckChangedCommand.
- Gets/sets the command parameter which will be passed by the CheckedCommand.
- Gets/sets the command parameter which will be passed by the UnCheckedCommand.
- An event that is raised when the value of IsChecked changes.
- A Button that allows the user to toggle between two states.
- Gets/sets the brush used for the on-switch's foreground.
- Gets/sets the brush used for the off-switch's foreground.
- Gets/sets the brush used for the thumb indicator.
- Gets/sets the brush used for the thumb indicator.
- Gets/sets the width of the thumb indicator.
- enumeration for the different transition types
- Use the VisualState DefaultTransition
- Use the VisualState Normal
- Use the VisualState UpTransition
- Use the VisualState DownTransition
- Use the VisualState RightTransition
- Use the VisualState RightReplaceTransition
- Use the VisualState LeftTransition
- Use the VisualState LeftReplaceTransition
- Use a custom VisualState, the name must be set using CustomVisualStatesName property
- A ContentControl that animates content as it loads and unloads.
- Gets or sets the name of the custom transition visual state.
- Gets/sets if the content is transitioning.
- Reload the current transition if the content is the same.
- Helper methods for UI-related tasks.
- This class was obtained from Philip Sumi (a fellow WPF Disciples blog)
- http://www.hardcodet.net/uploads/2009/06/UIHelper.cs
- Finds a parent of a given item on the visual tree.
- The type of the queried item.
- A direct or indirect child of the
- queried item.
- The first parent item that matches the submitted
- type parameter. If not matching item can be found, a null
- reference is being returned.
- Finds all Ancestors of a given item on the visual tree.
- A node in a visual tree
- All ancestors in visual tree of element
- Finds a Child of a given item in the visual tree.
- A direct parent of the queried item.
- The type of the queried item.
- x:Name or Name of child.
- The first parent item that matches the submitted type parameter.
- If not matching item can be found,
- a null parent is being returned.
- This method is an alternative to WPF's
- method, which also
- supports content elements. Keep in mind that for content element,
- this method falls back to the logical tree of the element!
- The item to be processed.
- The submitted item's parent, if available. Otherwise
- null.
- Analyzes both visual and logical tree in order to find all elements of a given
- type that are descendants of the item.
- The type of the queried items.
- The root element that marks the source of the search. If the
- source is already of the requested type, it will not be included in the result.
- Sometimes it's better to search in the VisualTree (e.g. in tests)
- All descendants of that match the requested type.
- This method is an alternative to WPF's
- method, which also
- supports content elements. Keep in mind that for content elements,
- this method falls back to the logical tree of the element.
- The item to be processed.
- Sometimes it's better to search in the VisualTree (e.g. in tests)
- The submitted item's child elements, if available.
- Tries to locate a given item within the visual tree,
- starting with the dependency object at a given position.
- The type of the element to be found
- on the visual tree of the element at the given location.
- The main element which is used to perform
- hit testing.
- The position to be evaluated on the origin.
- Gets the relative mouse position to the given handle in client coordinates.
- The handle for this method.
- Try to get the relative mouse position to the given handle in client coordinates.
- The handle for this method.
- The relative mouse position to the given handle.
- Gets or sets the value indicating current light style for the minimize button.
- Gets or sets the value indicating current light style for the maximize button.
- Gets or sets the value indicating current light style for the close button.
- Gets or sets the value indicating current dark style for the minimize button.
- Gets or sets the value indicating current dark style for the maximize button.
- Gets or sets the value indicating current dark style for the close button.
- Gets or sets the value indicating current theme.
- Gets or sets the minimize button tooltip.
- Gets or sets the maximize button tooltip.
- Gets or sets the close button tooltip.
- Gets or sets the restore button tooltip.
- Gets or sets the value indicating current theme.
- Gets or sets the value indicating light theme template.
- Gets or sets the value indicating light theme template.
- Gets or sets the value indicating whether to show the separators.
- Gets or sets the value indicating whether to show the last separator.
- Gets or sets the value indicating separator height.
- Gets or sets the value indicating whether to show the separator.
- Doesn't overlay flyouts nor a hidden TitleBar.
- Overlays opened controls.
- Overlays a hidden TitleBar.
- Refreshes the application settings property values from persistent storage.
- Upgrades the application settings on loading.
- Updates application settings to reflect a more recent installation of the application.
- Stores the current values of the settings properties.
- this settings class is the default way to save the placement of the window
- Upgrades the application settings on loading.
- Determining Ideal Text Color Based on Specified Background Color
- http://www.codeproject.com/KB/GDI-plus/IdealTextColor.aspx
- The bg.
- Converts a double representing either hour/minute/second to the corresponding angle.
- Converts the value from true to false and false to true.
- The math operations which can be used at the
- MathConverter provides a value converter which can be used for math operations.
- It can be used for normal binding or multi binding as well.
- If it is used for normal binding the given parameter will be used as operands with the selected operation.
- If it is used for multi binding then the first and second binding will be used as operands with the selected operation.
- This class cannot be inherited.
- MathAddConverter provides a multi value converter as a MarkupExtension which can be used for math operations.
- This class cannot be inherited.
- MathSubtractConverter provides a multi value converter as a MarkupExtension which can be used for math operations.
- This class cannot be inherited.
- MathMultiplyConverter provides a multi value converter as a MarkupExtension which can be used for math operations.
- This class cannot be inherited.
- MathDivideConverter provides a multi value converter as a MarkupExtension which can be used for math operations.
- This class cannot be inherited.
- Converts a String into a Visibility enumeration (and back)
- The FalseEquivalent can be declared with the "FalseEquivalent" property
- Initialize the properties with standard values
- FalseEquivalent (default : Visibility.Collapsed => see Constructor)
- Define whether the opposite boolean value is crucial (default : false)
- Converts a Thickness to a new Thickness. It's possible to ignore a side With the IgnoreThicknessSide property.
- Use all sides.
- Ignore the left side.
- Ignore the top side.
- Ignore the right side.
- Ignore the bottom side.
- Converts a value.
- A converted value. If the method returns null, the valid null value is used.
- The value produced by the binding source.
- The type of the binding target property.
- The converter parameter to use.
- The culture to use in the converter.
- Converts a value.
- A converted value. If the method returns null, the valid null value is used.
- The value that is produced by the binding target.
- The type to convert to.
- The converter parameter to use.
- The culture to use in the converter.
- Represents the background theme of the application.
- Gets the key for the theme name.
- Gets the key for the theme display name.
- Gets the key for the theme base color scheme.
- Gets the key for the theme color scheme.
- Gets the key for the theme showcase brush.
- Initializes a new instance.
- The URI of the theme ResourceDictionary.
- Initializes a new instance.
- The ResourceDictionary of the theme.
- The ResourceDictionary that represents this application theme.
- Gets the name of the theme.
- Gets the display name of the theme.
- Get the base color scheme for this theme.
- Gets the color scheme for this theme.
- Gets a brush which can be used to showcase this theme.
- A class that allows for the detection and alteration of a theme.
- A class that allows for the detection and alteration of a theme.
- Gets the name for the light base color.
- Gets the name for the dark base color.
- Gets a list of all themes.
- Gets a list of all available base colors.
- Gets a list of all available color schemes.
- Clears the internal themes list.
- Adds an theme.
- true if the app theme does not exists and can be added.
- Adds an theme.
- The ResourceDictionary of the theme.
- true if the app theme does not exists and can be added.
- Gets the with the given name.
- The or null, if the theme wasn't found
- Gets the with the given resource dictionary.
- from which the theme should be retrieved.
- The or null, if the theme wasn't found.
- Gets the inverse of the given .
- This method relies on the "Dark" or "Light" affix to be present.
- The app theme.
- The inverse or null if it couldn't be found.
- Returns BaseLight, if BaseDark is given or vice versa.
- Custom Themes must end with "Dark" or "Light" for this to work, for example "CustomDark" and "CustomLight".
- Determines whether the specified resource dictionary represents an .
- This might include runtime themes which do not have a resource uri.
- The resources.
- true if the resource dictionary is an ; otherwise, false.
- resources
- Gets a resource from the detected AppStyle.
- The window to check. If this is null, the Application's sources will be checked.
- The key to check against.
- The resource object or null, if the resource wasn't found.
- Change the theme for the whole application.
- Change theme for the given window.
- Change theme for the whole application.
- The instance of Application to change.
- The theme to apply.
- Change theme for the given window.
- The Window to change.
- The theme to apply.
- Change theme for the given ResourceDictionary.
- The Window to change.
- The theme to apply.
- Change base color and color scheme of for the given application.
- The application to modify.
- The base color to apply to the ResourceDictionary.
- The color scheme to apply to the ResourceDictionary.
- Change base color and color scheme of for the given window.
- The window to modify.
- The base color to apply to the ResourceDictionary.
- The color scheme to apply to the ResourceDictionary.
- Change base color and color scheme of for the given ResourceDictionary.
- The ResourceDictionary to modify.
- The old/current theme.
- The base color to apply to the ResourceDictionary.
- The color scheme to apply to the ResourceDictionary.
- Change base color for the given application.
- The application to change.
- The base color to apply to the ResourceDictionary.
- Change base color for the given window.
- The Window to change.
- The base color to apply to the ResourceDictionary.
- Change base color of for the given ResourceDictionary.
- The ResourceDictionary to modify.
- The old/current theme.
- The base color to apply to the ResourceDictionary.
- Change color scheme for the given application.
- The application to change.
- The color scheme to apply to the ResourceDictionary.
- Change color scheme for the given window.
- The Window to change.
- The color scheme to apply to the ResourceDictionary.
- Change color scheme for the given ResourceDictionary.
- The ResourceDictionary to modify.
- The old/current theme.
- The color scheme to apply to the ResourceDictionary.
- Changes the theme of a ResourceDictionary directly.
- The ResourceDictionary to modify.
- The theme to apply to the ResourceDictionary.
- Scans the window resources and returns it's theme.
- If the theme can't be detected from the we try to detect it from .
- Scans the window resources and returns it's theme.
- The Window to scan.
- If the theme can't be detected from the we try to detect it from .
- Scans the application resources and returns it's theme.
- The Application instance to scan.
- Scans a resources and returns it's theme.
- The ResourceDictionary to scan.
- This event fires if the theme was changed
- this should be using the weak event pattern, but for now it's enough
- Invalidates global colors and resources.
- Sometimes the ContextMenu is not changing the colors, so this will fix it.
- Synchronizes the current with the "app mode" setting from windows.
- Gets or sets whether changes to the "app mode" setting from windows should be detected at runtime and the current be changed accordingly.
- Class which is used as argument for an event to signal theme changes.
- Creates a new instance of this class.
- The new theme.
- Helper class for displaying color schemes.
- Initializes a new instance.
- Initializes a new instance.
- Gets the name for this color scheme.
- Gets the showcase brush for this color scheme.
- GeneratedInternalTypeHelper
- CreateInstance
- GetPropertyValue
- SetPropertyValue
- CreateDelegate
- AddEventHandler
diff --git a/packages/MahApps.Metro.2.0.0-alpha0261/lib/net47/MahApps.Metro.dll b/packages/MahApps.Metro.2.0.0-alpha0261/lib/net47/MahApps.Metro.dll
deleted file mode 100644
index a2621a5..0000000
Binary files a/packages/MahApps.Metro.2.0.0-alpha0261/lib/net47/MahApps.Metro.dll and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/packages/MahApps.Metro.2.0.0-alpha0261/lib/net47/MahApps.Metro.pdb b/packages/MahApps.Metro.2.0.0-alpha0261/lib/net47/MahApps.Metro.pdb
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c10b76..0000000
Binary files a/packages/MahApps.Metro.2.0.0-alpha0261/lib/net47/MahApps.Metro.pdb and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/packages/MahApps.Metro.2.0.0-alpha0261/lib/net47/MahApps.Metro.xml b/packages/MahApps.Metro.2.0.0-alpha0261/lib/net47/MahApps.Metro.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index a3527a5..0000000
--- a/packages/MahApps.Metro.2.0.0-alpha0261/lib/net47/MahApps.Metro.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5845 +0,0 @@
- MahApps.Metro
- This CommandTriggerAction can be used to bind any event on any FrameworkElement to an .
- This trigger can only be attached to a FrameworkElement or a class deriving from FrameworkElement.
- This class is inspired from Laurent Bugnion and his EventToCommand.
- http://www.mvvmlight.net
- See license.txt in this solution or http://www.galasoft.ch/license_MIT.txt
- Identifies the dependency property
- Gets or sets the command that this trigger is bound to.
- Identifies the dependency property
- Gets or sets an object that will be passed to the attached to this trigger.
- Gets or sets the bindable Password property on the PasswordBox control. This is a dependency property.
- Handles changes to the 'Password' attached property.
- Handle the 'PasswordChanged'-event on the PasswordBox
- Called after the behavior is attached to an AssociatedObject.
- Override this to hook up functionality to the AssociatedObject.
- Called when the behavior is being detached from its AssociatedObject, but before it has actually occurred.
- Override this to unhook functionality from the AssociatedObject.
- Sets the first TabItem with Visibility="" as
- the SelectedItem of the TabControl.
- If there is no visible TabItem, null is set as the SelectedItem
- Represents a border whose contents are clipped within the bounds
- of the border. The border may have rounded corners.
- BorderThickness Dependency Property
- Gets or sets the BorderThickness property. This dependency property
- indicates the BorderThickness.
- Checks if the given Thickness is valid or not
- Thickness
- Padding Dependency Property
- Gets or sets the Padding property. This dependency property
- indicates the Padding.
- CornerRadius Dependency Property
- Gets or sets the CornerRadius property. This dependency property
- indicates the CornerRadius of the border.
- Checks if the given CornerRadius is valid or not
- CornerRadius
- BorderBrush Dependency Property
- Gets or sets the BorderBrush property. This dependency property
- indicates the BorderBrush with which the Border is drawn.
- Background Dependency Property
- Gets or sets the Background property. This dependency property
- indicates the Background with which the Background is drawn.
- OptimizeClipRendering Dependency Property
- Gets or sets the OptimizeClipRendering property. This dependency property
- indicates whether the rendering of the clip should be optimized. When set to true,
- In order to optimize the rendering of the clipped Child,
- the background is rendered with the same brush as the border. Any other brush set for
- the background will be ignored. The Child will be rendered on top of it.
- This is done to prevent any gaps between the border the the clipped Child (this is
- evidently visible if both the Border and the Child are of same color).
- This works best when the Child does not have any level of transparency and is opaque.
- Updates DesiredSize of the ClipBorder. Called by parent UIElement. This is the first pass of layout.
- Border determines its desired size it needs from the specified border the child: its sizing
- properties, margin, and requested size.
- Constraint size is an "upper limit" that the return value should not exceed.
- The Decorator's desired size.
- ClipBorder computes the position of its single child and applies its child's alignments to the child.
- The size reserved for this element by the parent
- The actual ink area of the element, typically the same as finalSize
- Here the ClipBorder's Child, Border and Background are rendered.
- Drawing Context
- Generates a StreamGeometry.
- An already opened StreamGeometryContext.
- Rectangle for geomentry conversion.
- The core points of the border which needs to be used to create
- the geometry
- Result geometry.
- Encapsulates the details of each of the core points of the border which is calculated
- based on the given CornerRadius, BorderThickness, Padding and a flag to indicate whether
- the inner or outer border is to be calculated.
- CornerRadius
- BorderThickness
- Padding
- Flag to indicate whether outer or inner border needs
- to be calculated
- A few very useful extension methods
- Returns whether or not two doubles are "close".
- The first double to compare.
- The second double to compare.
- bool - the result of the AreClose comparision.
- Returns whether or not the first double is less than the second double.
- The first double to compare.
- The second double to compare.
- bool - the result of the LessThan comparision.
- Returns whether or not the first double is greater than the second double.
- The first double to compare.
- The second double to compare.
- bool - the result of the GreaterThan comparision.
- Returns whether or not the double is "close" to 1. Same as AreClose(double, 1),
- but this is faster.
- The double to compare to 1.
- bool - the result of the AreClose comparision.
- IsZero - Returns whether or not the double is "close" to 0. Same as AreClose(double, 0),
- but this is faster.
- The double to compare to 0.
- bool - the result of the AreClose comparision.
- Compares two points for fuzzy equality. This function
- helps compensate for the fact that double values can
- acquire error when operated upon
- The first point to compare
- The second point to compare
- Whether or not the two points are equal
- Compares two Size instances for fuzzy equality. This function
- helps compensate for the fact that double values can
- acquire error when operated upon
- The first size to compare
- The second size to compare
- Whether or not the two Size instances are equal
- Compares two Vector instances for fuzzy equality. This function
- helps compensate for the fact that double values can
- acquire error when operated upon
- The first Vector to compare
- The second Vector to compare
- Whether or not the two Vector instances are equal
- Compares two rectangles for fuzzy equality. This function
- helps compensate for the fact that double values can
- acquire error when operated upon
- The first rectangle to compare
- The second rectangle to compare
- Whether or not the two rectangles are equal
- Faster check for NaN ( faster than double.IsNaN() )
- IEEE 754 : If the argument is any value in the range 0x7ff0000000000001L through 0x7fffffffffffffffL
- or in the range 0xfff0000000000001L through 0xffffffffffffffffL, the result will be NaN.
- Value to check
- Rounds the given value based on the DPI scale
- Value to round
- DPI Scale
- Verifies if this Thickness contains only valid values
- The set of validity checks is passed as parameters.
- Thickness value
- allows negative values
- allows Double.NaN
- allows Double.PositiveInfinity
- allows Double.NegativeInfinity
- Whether or not the thickness complies to the range specified
- Method to add up the left and right size as width, as well as the top and bottom size as height
- Thickness
- Size
- Verifies if the Thickness contains only zero values
- Thickness
- Size
- Verifies if all the values in Thickness are same
- Thickness
- true if yes, otherwise false
- Verifies if this CornerRadius contains only valid values
- The set of validity checks is passed as parameters.
- CornerRadius value
- allows negative values
- allows Double.NaN
- allows Double.PositiveInfinity
- allows Double.NegativeInfinity
- Whether or not the CornerRadius complies to the range specified
- Verifies if the CornerRadius contains only zero values
- CornerRadius
- Size
- Verifies if the CornerRadius contains same values
- CornerRadius
- true if yes, otherwise false
- Deflates rectangle by given thickness
- Rectangle
- Thickness
- Deflated Rectangle
- Inflates rectangle by given thickness
- Rectangle
- Thickness
- Inflated Rectangle
- Verifies if the given brush is a SolidColorBrush and
- its color does not include transparency.
- Brush
- true if yes, otherwise false
- Verifies if the given brush is the same as the otherBrush.
- Brush
- Brush
- true if yes, otherwise false
- The DependencyProperty for the CharacterCasing property.
- Controls whether or not content is converted to upper or lower case
- Default Value: CharacterCasing.Normal
- Character casing of the Content
- The DependencyProperty for the RecognizesAccessKey property.
- Default Value: false
- Determine if the inner ContentPresenter should use AccessText in its style
- This custom popup is used by the validation error template.
- It provides some additional nice features:
- - repositioning if host-window size or location changed
- - repositioning if host-window gets maximized and vice versa
- - it's only topmost if the host-window is activated
- Gets/sets if the popup can be closed by left mouse button down.
- Called when a cell has just switched to edit mode.
- A reference to element returned by GenerateEditingElement.
- The event args of the input event that caused the cell to go into edit mode. May be null.
- The unedited value of the cell.
- Synchronizes the column property. Taken from Helper code for DataGrid.
- Taken from Helper code for DataGrid.
- The DependencyProperty for the StringFormat property.
- Gets or sets the formatting for the displaying value.
- The DependencyProperty for the Minimum property.
- The DependencyProperty for the Maximum property.
- The DependencyProperty for the Interval property.
- The DependencyProperty for the HideUpDownButtons property.
- The DependencyProperty for the UpDownButtonsWidth property.
- The DependencyProperty for the FontFamily property.
- Default Value: SystemFonts.MessageFontFamily
- The font family of the desired font.
- The DependencyProperty for the FontSize property.
- Default Value: SystemFonts.MessageFontSize
- The size of the desired font.
- The DependencyProperty for the FontStyle property.
- Default Value: SystemFonts.MessageFontStyle
- The style of the desired font.
- The DependencyProperty for the FontWeight property.
- Default Value: SystemFonts.MessageFontWeight
- The weight or thickness of the desired font.
- The DependencyProperty for the Foreground property.
- Default Value: SystemColors.ControlTextBrush
- An brush that describes the foreground color. This overrides the cell foreground inherited color.
- Method used as property changed callback for properties which need RefreshCellContent to be called
- Rebuilds the contents of a cell in the column in response to a binding change.
- The cell to update.
- The name of the column property that has changed.
- The base class for dialogs.
- You probably don't want to use this class, if you want to add arbitrary content to your dialog,
- use the class.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the title of the dialog.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the content above the dialog.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the content below the dialog.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the font size of the dialog title.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the font size of the dialog message text.
- Initializes a new .
- The window that is the parent of the dialog.
- The settings for the message dialog.
- Initializes a new .
- With this method it's possible to return your own settings in a custom dialog.
- This is called in the loaded event.
- Waits for the dialog to become ready for interaction.
- A task that represents the operation and it's status.
- Requests an externally shown Dialog to close. Will throw an exception if the Dialog is inside of a MetroWindow.
- A last chance virtual method for stopping an external dialog from closing.
- Gets the window that owns the current Dialog IF AND ONLY IF the dialog is shown externally.
- Gets the window that owns the current Dialog IF AND ONLY IF the dialog is shown inside of a window.
- Waits until this dialog gets unloaded.
- An implementation of BaseMetroDialog allowing arbitrary content.
- Gets the default instance if the dialog coordinator, which can be injected into a view model.
- Creates a LoginDialog inside of the current window.
- The window that is the parent of the dialog.
- The title of the LoginDialog.
- The message contained within the LoginDialog.
- Optional settings that override the global metro dialog settings.
- The text that was entered or null (Nothing in Visual Basic) if the user cancelled the operation.
- Creates a InputDialog inside of the current window.
- The MetroWindow
- The title of the MessageDialog.
- The message contained within the MessageDialog.
- Optional settings that override the global metro dialog settings.
- The text that was entered or null (Nothing in Visual Basic) if the user cancelled the operation.
- Creates a MessageDialog inside of the current window.
- The MetroWindow
- The title of the MessageDialog.
- The message contained within the MessageDialog.
- The type of buttons to use.
- Optional settings that override the global metro dialog settings.
- A task promising the result of which button was pressed.
- Creates a ProgressDialog inside of the current window.
- The MetroWindow
- The title of the ProgressDialog.
- The message within the ProgressDialog.
- Determines if the cancel button is visible.
- Optional Settings that override the global metro dialog settings.
- A task promising the instance of ProgressDialogController for this operation.
- Adds a Metro Dialog instance to the specified window and makes it visible asynchronously.
- If you want to wait until the user has closed the dialog, use
- You have to close the resulting dialog yourself with .
- The owning window of the dialog.
- The dialog instance itself.
- An optional pre-defined settings instance.
- A task representing the operation.
- The is already visible in the window.
- Adds a Metro Dialog instance of the given type to the specified window and makes it visible asynchronously.
- If you want to wait until the user has closed the dialog, use
- You have to close the resulting dialog yourself with .
- The owning window of the dialog.
- An optional pre-defined settings instance.
- A task with the dialog representing the operation.
- Hides a visible Metro Dialog instance.
- The window with the dialog that is visible.
- The dialog instance to hide.
- An optional pre-defined settings instance.
- A task representing the operation.
- The is not visible in the window.
- This happens if hasn't been called before.
- Gets the current shown dialog in async way.
- The dialog owner.
- Creates a LoginDialog outside of the current window.
- The window that is the parent of the dialog.
- The title of the LoginDialog.
- The message contained within the LoginDialog.
- Optional settings that override the global metro dialog settings.
- The text that was entered or null (Nothing in Visual Basic) if the user cancelled the operation.
- Creates a InputDialog outside of the current window.
- The MetroWindow
- The title of the MessageDialog.
- The message contained within the MessageDialog.
- Optional settings that override the global metro dialog settings.
- The text that was entered or null (Nothing in Visual Basic) if the user cancelled the operation.
- Creates a MessageDialog ouside of the current window.
- The MetroWindow
- The title of the MessageDialog.
- The message contained within the MessageDialog.
- The type of buttons to use.
- Optional settings that override the global metro dialog settings.
- A task promising the result of which button was pressed.
- Use the dialog coordinator to help you interfact with dialogs from a view model.
- Shows the input dialog.
- Typically this should be the view model, which you register in XAML using .
- The title of the MessageDialog.
- The message contained within the MessageDialog.
- Optional settings that override the global metro dialog settings.
- The text that was entered or null (Nothing in Visual Basic) if the user cancelled the operation.
- Shows the input dialog.
- Typically this should be the view model, which you register in XAML using .
- The title of the MessageDialog.
- The message contained within the MessageDialog.
- Optional settings that override the global metro dialog settings.
- The text that was entered or null (Nothing in Visual Basic) if the user cancelled the operation.
- Creates a LoginDialog inside of the current window.
- Typically this should be the view model, which you register in XAML using .
- The title of the LoginDialog.
- The message contained within the LoginDialog.
- Optional settings that override the global metro dialog settings.
- The text that was entered or null (Nothing in Visual Basic) if the user cancelled the operation.
- Creates a LoginDialog outside of the current window.
- Typically this should be the view model, which you register in XAML using .
- The title of the LoginDialog.
- The message contained within the LoginDialog.
- Optional settings that override the global metro dialog settings.
- The text that was entered or null (Nothing in Visual Basic) if the user cancelled the operation.
- Creates a MessageDialog inside of the current window.
- Typically this should be the view model, which you register in XAML using .
- The title of the MessageDialog.
- The message contained within the MessageDialog.
- The type of buttons to use.
- Optional settings that override the global metro dialog settings.
- A task promising the result of which button was pressed.
- Creates a MessageDialog outside of the current window.
- Typically this should be the view model, which you register in XAML using .
- The title of the MessageDialog.
- The message contained within the MessageDialog.
- The type of buttons to use.
- Optional settings that override the global metro dialog settings.
- A task promising the result of which button was pressed.
- Creates a ProgressDialog inside of the current window.
- Typically this should be the view model, which you register in XAML using .
- The title of the ProgressDialog.
- The message within the ProgressDialog.
- Determines if the cancel button is visible.
- Optional Settings that override the global metro dialog settings.
- A task promising the instance of ProgressDialogController for this operation.
- Adds a Metro Dialog instance to the specified window and makes it visible asynchronously.
- You have to close the resulting dialog yourself with .
- Typically this should be the view model, which you register in XAML using .
- The dialog instance itself.
- An optional pre-defined settings instance.
- A task representing the operation.
- The is already visible in the window.
- Hides a visible Metro Dialog instance.
- Typically this should be the view model, which you register in XAML using .
- The dialog instance to hide.
- An optional pre-defined settings instance.
- A task representing the operation.
- The is not visible in the window.
- This happens if hasn't been called before.
- Gets the current shown dialog.
- Typically this should be the view model, which you register in XAML using .
- InputDialog
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- InitializeComponent
- LoginDialog
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- InitializeComponent
- An internal control that represents a message dialog. Please use MetroWindow.ShowMessage instead!
- MessageDialog
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- InitializeComponent
- An enum representing the result of a Message Dialog.
- An enum representing the different button states for a Message Dialog.
- Just "OK"
- "OK" and "Cancel"
- An enum representing the different choices for a color scheme in a Metro Dialog.
- A class that represents the settings used by Metro Dialogs.
- Gets or sets wheater the owner of the dialog can be closed.
- Gets or sets the text used for the Affirmative button. For example: "OK" or "Yes".
- Enable or disable dialog hiding animation
- "True" - play hiding animation.
- "False" - skip hiding animation.
- Enable or disable dialog showing animation.
- "True" - play showing animation.
- "False" - skip showing animation.
- Gets or sets a token to cancel the dialog.
- Gets or sets whether the metro dialog should use the default black/white appearance (theme) or try to use the current accent.
- Gets or sets a custom resource dictionary which can contains custom styles, brushes or something else.
- Gets or sets which button should be focused by default
- Gets or sets the default text (just the inputdialog needed)
- Gets or sets the size of the dialog message font.
- The size of the dialog message font.
- Gets or sets the dialog result when the user cancelled the dialog with 'ESC' key
- If the value is the default behavior is determined
- by the .
- Gets or sets the size of the dialog title font.
- The size of the dialog title font.
- Gets or sets the text used for the first auxiliary button.
- Gets or sets the maximum height. (Default is unlimited height, Double.NaN)
- Gets or sets the text used for the Negative button. For example: "Cancel" or "No".
- Gets or sets the text used for the second auxiliary button.
- An internal control that represents a message dialog. Please use MetroWindow.ShowMessage instead!
- ProgressDialog
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- InitializeComponent
- A class for manipulating an open ProgressDialog.
- This event is raised when the associated was closed programmatically.
- This event is raised when the associated was cancelled by the user.
- Gets if the Cancel button has been pressed.
- Gets if the wrapped ProgressDialog is open.
- Sets the ProgressBar's IsIndeterminate to true. To set it to false, call SetProgress.
- Sets if the Cancel button is visible.
- Sets the dialog's progress bar value and sets IsIndeterminate to false.
- The percentage to set as the value.
- Gets/Sets the minimum restriction of the progress Value property
- Gets/Sets the maximum restriction of the progress Value property
- Sets the dialog's message content.
- The message to be set.
- Sets the dialog's title.
- The title to be set.
- Sets the dialog's progress bar brush
- The brush to use for the progress bar's foreground
- Begins an operation to close the ProgressDialog.
- A task representing the operation.
- The DependencyProperty for the ContentTemplate property.
- The DependencyProperty for the ContentTemplateSelector property.
- The DependencyProperty for the ContentStringFormat property.
- Gets or sets the Content of this control..
- ContentTemplate is the template used to display the content of the control.
- ContentTemplateSelector allows to provide custom logic for choosing the template used to display the content of the control.
- This property is ignored if is set.
- ContentStringFormat is the format used to display the content of the control as a string
- This property is ignored if is set.
- Reflects the parameter to pass to the CommandProperty upon execution.
- Gets or sets the target element on which to fire the command.
- Get or sets the Command property.
- Indicates whether the Menu is visible.
- Gets or sets an extra tag.
- Gets or sets the dimension of children stacking.
- Gets or sets the Content used to generate the icon part.
- Gets or sets the ContentTemplate used to display the content of the icon part.
- Gets/sets the button style.
- Gets/sets the menu style.
- Gets/sets the brush of the button arrow icon.
- Gets/sets the brush of the button arrow icon if the mouse is over the drop down button.
- Gets/sets the brush of the button arrow icon if the arrow button is pressed.
- Gets/sets the visibility of the button arrow icon.
- Invoked when the property changes.
- Information about the change.
- Executes the specified action asynchronously with the DispatcherPriority.Background on the thread that the Dispatcher was created on.
- The dispatcher object where the action runs.
- An action that takes no parameters.
- The dispatcher priority.
- Executes the specified action if the element is loaded or at the loaded event if it's not loaded.
- The element where the action should be run.
- An action that takes no parameters.
- A control that imitate a slide show with back/forward buttons.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the border brush of the mouse hover effect.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the border for mouse over effect is enabled or not.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the border thickness for the border of the mouse hover effect.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the navigation is circular, so you get the first after last and the last before first.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the position of the navigation buttons.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the orientation of the navigation.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the transition of the left navigation.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the transition of the right navigation.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the transition of the up navigation.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the transition of the down navigation.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets whether the banner is visible or not.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets whether the navigation button are visible or not.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the banner text.
- To counteract the double Loaded event issue.
- Coerce SelectedIndexProperty's value.
- The object that the property exists on.
- The new value of the property, prior to any coercion attempt.
- The coerced value (with appropriate type).
- Changes the current slide to the previous item.
- Changes the current to the next item.
- Brings the control buttons (next/previous) into view.
- Removes the control buttons (next/previous) from view.
- Applies actions to navigation buttons.
- Action applied to the previous button.
- Action applied to the next button.
- Action applied to the inactive buttons.
- Any action is null.
- Computes the transition when changing selected index.
- Previous selected index.
- New selected index.
- Sets the visibility of navigation buttons.
- Visibility of active buttons.
- Gets the navigation buttons.
- Previous button.
- Next button.
- Inactive buttons.
- A sliding panel control that is hosted in a MetroWindow via a FlyoutsControl.
- An event that is raised when IsOpen changes.
- An event that is raised when the closing animation has finished.
- Gets/sets if the title is visible in this flyout.
- Gets/sets if the close button is visible in this flyout.
- Gets/sets if the close button is a cancel button in this flyout.
- Gets/sets a command which will be executed if the close button was clicked.
- Note that this won't execute when is set to false.
- Gets/sets the command parameter which will be passed by the CloseCommand.
- Gets/sets whether this flyout is visible.
- Gets/sets whether this flyout uses the open/close animation when changing the property. (default is true)
- Gets/sets whether this flyout animates the opacity of the flyout when opening/closing.
- Gets/sets whether this flyout stays open when the user clicks outside of it.
- Gets/sets the mouse button that closes the flyout on an external mouse click.
- Gets/sets whether this flyout is modal.
- Gets/sets this flyout's position in the FlyoutsControl/MetroWindow.
- Gets or sets the theme of this flyout.
- Gets or sets the focused element.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the flyout should auto close after AutoCloseInterval has passed.
- Gets or sets the time in milliseconds when the flyout should auto close.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the flyout should try focus an element.
- A FlyoutsControl is for displaying flyouts in a MetroWindow.
- Gets/sets whether is ignored and all flyouts behave as if it was set to the value of this property.
- Gets/sets whether is ignored and all flyouts behave as if it was set false.
- Adapts the Flyout's theme to the theme of its host window.
- Adapts the Flyout's theme to the theme of its host window, but inverted.
- This theme can only be applied if the host window's theme abides the "Dark" and "Light" affix convention.
- (see for more infos.
- The dark theme. This is the default theme.
- The flyouts theme will match the host window's accent color.
- The HamburgerMenu is based on a SplitView control. By default it contains a HamburgerButton and a ListView to display menu items.
- The HamburgerMenu is based on a SplitView control. By default it contains a HamburgerButton and a ListView to display menu items.
- The HamburgerMenu is based on a SplitView control. By default it contains a HamburgerButton and a ListView to display menu items.
- The HamburgerMenu is based on a SplitView control. By default it contains a HamburgerButton and a ListView to display menu items.
- The HamburgerMenu is based on a SplitView control. By default it contains a HamburgerButton and a ListView to display menu items.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Override default OnApplyTemplate to capture children controls
- Event raised when an item is clicked
- Event raised when an options' item is clicked
- Event raised when an item is invoked
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the Style used for the hamburger button.
- Gets or sets a template for the hamburger button.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets a template for the hamburger pane header.
- Gets or sets main button's width.
- Gets or sets main button's height.
- Gets or sets main button's margin.
- Gets or sets main button's visibility.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets an object source used to generate the content of the options.
- Gets or sets the Style used for each item in the options.
- Gets or sets the DataTemplate used to display each item in the options.
- Gets or sets the DataTemplateSelector used to display each item in the options.
- Gets the collection used to generate the content of the option list.
- Exception thrown if OptionsListView is not yet defined.
- Gets or sets the visibility of the options menu.
- Gets or sets the selected options menu item.
- Gets or sets the selected options menu index.
- Gets or sets a command which will be executed if an options item is clicked by the user.
- Gets or sets the command parameter which will be passed by the OptionsItemCommand.
- Executes the options item command which can be set by the user.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the width of the pane when it's fully expanded.
- Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the pane is shown on the right or left side of the control.
- Gets or sets a value that specifies how the pane and content areas are shown.
- Gets or sets the width of the pane in its compact display mode.
- Gets or sets the margin for the pane.
- Gets or sets the margin for the pane header.
- Gets or sets the Brush to apply to the background of the Pane area of the control.
- Gets or sets the Brush to apply to the foreground of the Pane area of the control.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the pane is expanded to its full width.
- Gets or sets an object source used to generate the content of the menu.
- Gets or sets the Style used for each item.
- Gets or sets the DataTemplate used to display each item.
- Gets or sets the DataTemplateSelector used to display each item.
- Gets the collection used to generate the content of the items list.
- Exception thrown if ButtonsListView is not yet defined.
- Gets or sets the selected menu item.
- Gets or sets the selected menu index.
- Gets or sets a command which will be executed if an item is clicked by the user.
- Gets or sets the command parameter which will be passed by the ItemCommand.
- Gets or sets wheather the ScrollBar of the HamburgerMenu is on the left side or on the right side.
- Gets or sets wheather a selection indicator will be shown on the HamburgerMenuItem.
- Gets or sets the default FocusVisualStyle for a HamburgerMenuItem.
- This style can be override at the HamburgerMenuItem style by setting the FocusVisualStyle property.
- Executes the item command which can be set by the user.
- EventArgs used for the ItemClick and OptionsItemClick event.
- Gets the clicked item
- EventArgs used for the ItemInvoked event.
- Gets the invoked item
- Gets a value indicating whether the invoked item is an options item
- The HamburgerMenuGlyphItem provides a glyph based implementation for HamburgerMenu entries.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets a value that specifies the glyph to use from Segoe MDL2 Assets font.
- The HamburgerMenuIconItem provides an icon based implementation for HamburgerMenu entries.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets a value that specifies an user specific object which can be used as icon.
- The HamburgerMenuImageItem provides an image based implementation for HamburgerMenu entries.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets a value that specifies a bitmap to display with an Image control.
- The HamburgerMenuItem provides an implementation for HamburgerMenu entries.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets a value that specifies label to display.
- Gets or sets a value that specifies the page to navigate to (if you use the HamburgerMenu with a Frame content)
- Gets or sets a value that specifies an user specific value.
- Gets or sets a command which will be executed if an item is clicked by the user.
- Gets or sets the command parameter which will be passed by the Command.
- Gets or sets the element on which to raise the specified command.
- Element on which to raise a command.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this item is enabled in the user interface (UI). This is a dependency property.
- true if the item is enabled; otherwise, false. The default value is true.
- Gets or sets a value that specifies ToolTip to display.
- Executes the command which can be set by the user.
- The HamburgerMenuItemCollection provides typed collection of HamburgerMenuItem.
- Represents an hour comparison operation that ensures that 12 is smaller than 1.
- This ensures that in the control the first hour that is selectable is 12 (AM/PM).
- This ensures that the first hour that is selectable is 12 (AM/PM).
- This comparer is used only if in the corresponding the value for is false.
- A helper class that provides various attached properties for the control.
- Gets the Maximum number of characters the TextBox can accept.
- Sets the Maximum number of characters the TextBox can accept.
- Gets the Character casing of the TextBox.
- Sets the Character casing of the TextBox.
- A helper class that provides various controls.
- Gets the value to handle the visibility of the DisabledVisualElement in the template.
- Sets the value to handle the visibility of the DisabledVisualElement in the template.
- The DependencyProperty for the CharacterCasing property.
- Controls whether or not content is converted to upper or lower case
- Gets the character casing of the control
- Sets the character casing of the control
- Sets the brush used to draw the focus border.
- Gets the brush used to draw the focus border.
- Sets the brush used to draw the mouse over brush.
- Gets the brush used to draw the mouse over brush.
- DependencyProperty for property.
- The CornerRadius property allows users to control the roundness of the button corners independently by
- setting a radius value for each corner. Radius values that are too large are scaled so that they
- smoothly blend from corner to corner. (Can be used e.g. at MetroButton style)
- Description taken from original Microsoft description :-D
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the child contents of the control are not editable.
- Gets a value indicating whether the child contents of the control are not editable.
- Sets a value indicating whether the child contents of the control are not editable.
- Gets the value to define the DataGridCell selection behavior.
- Sets the value to define the DataGridCell selection behavior.
- Gets the value to define the DataGridCell selection behavior.
- Sets the value to define the DataGridCell selection behavior.
- Gets a value which indicates the preview cell editing is enabled or not.
- Sets a value which indicates the preview cell editing is enabled or not.
- Gets the value to define the DataGridRow selection behavior.
- Sets the value to define the DataGridRow selection behavior.
- A helper class that provides various attached properties for the Expander control.
- Gets the toggle button style used for the ExpandDirection Up.
- Sets the toggle button style used for the ExpandDirection Up.
- Gets the toggle button style used for the ExpandDirection Down.
- Sets the toggle button style used for the ExpandDirection Down.
- Gets the toggle button style used for the ExpandDirection Left.
- Sets the toggle button style used for the ExpandDirection Left.
- Gets the toggle button style used for the ExpandDirection Right.
- Sets the toggle button style used for the ExpandDirection Right.
- Gets or sets the background brush which will be used for the active selected item (if the keyboard focus is within).
- Gets the brush the background brush which will be used for the active selected item (if the keyboard focus is within).
- Sets the brush the background brush which will be used for the active selected item (if the keyboard focus is within).
- Gets or sets the foreground brush which will be used for the active selected item (if the keyboard focus is within).
- Gets the brush the foreground brush which will be used for the active selected item (if the keyboard focus is within).
- Sets the brush the foreground brush which will be used for the active selected item (if the keyboard focus is within).
- Gets or sets the background brush which will be used for a selected item.
- Gets the background brush which will be used for a selected item.
- Sets the background brush which will be used for a selected item.
- Gets or sets the foreground brush which will be used for a selected item.
- Gets the foreground brush which will be used for a selected item.
- Sets the foreground brush which will be used for a selected item.
- Gets or sets the background brush which will be used for an mouse hovered item.
- Gets the background brush which will be used for an mouse hovered item.
- Sets the background brush which will be used for an mouse hovered item.
- Gets or sets the background brush which will be used for an mouse hovered and selected item.
- Gets the background brush which will be used for an mouse hovered and selected item.
- Sets the background brush which will be used for an mouse hovered and selected item.
- Gets or sets the background brush which will be used for selected disabled items.
- Gets the background brush which will be used for selected disabled items.
- Sets the background brush which will be used for selected disabled items.
- Gets or sets the foreground brush which will be used for selected disabled items.
- Gets the foreground brush which will be used for selected disabled items.
- Sets the foreground brush which will be used for selected disabled items.
- Gets or sets the background brush which will be used for disabled items.
- Gets the background brush which will be used for disabled items.
- Sets the background brush which will be used for disabled items.
- Gets or sets the foreground brush which will be used for disabled items.
- Gets the foreground brush which will be used for disabled items.
- Sets the foreground brush which will be used for disabled items.
- Change the value of the slider if the user rotates the mouse wheel by the value defined for
- Change the value of the slider if the user rotates the mouse wheel by the value defined for
- Do not change the value of the slider if the user rotates the mouse wheel.
- Change the value of the slider only if the control is focused.
- Changes the value of the slider if the mouse pointer is over this element.
- Gets the content of the RevealButton.
- Sets the content of the RevealButton.
- Gets the data template used to display the content of the RevealButton.
- Sets the data template used to display the content of the RevealButton.
- Identifies the VerticalScrollBarOnLeftSide attached property.
- This property can be used to set vertical scrollbar left side from the tabpanel (look at MetroAnimatedSingleRowTabControl)
- Helper for getting from .
- to read from.
- VerticalScrollBarOnLeftSide property value.
- Helper for setting on .
- to set on.
- VerticalScrollBarOnLeftSide property value.
- Identifies the IsHorizontalScrollWheelEnabled attached property.
- Helper for getting from .
- to read from.
- IsHorizontalScrollWheelEnabled property value.
- Helper for setting on .
- to set on.
- IsHorizontalScrollWheelEnabled property value.
- This property can be used to trigger the call to a command when the user reach the end of the vertical scrollable area.
- Helper for getting from .
- to read from.
- EndOfVerticalScrollReachedCommand property value.
- Helper for setting on .
- to set on.
- EndOfVerticalScrollReachedCommand property value.
- This property can be used to trigger the call to a command when the user reach the end of the horizontal scrollable area.
- Helper for getting from .
- to read from.
- EndOfHorizontalScrollReachedCommand property value.
- Helper for setting on .
- to set on.
- EndOfHorizontalScrollReachedCommand property value.
- This property can be used to provide a command parameter to the command called when reaching the end of the vertical or horizontal scrollable area.
- Helper for getting from .
- to read from.
- EndOfScrollReachedCommandParameter property value.
- Helper for setting on .
- to set on.
- EndOfScrollReachedCommandParameter property value.
- Gets or sets the brush of the thumb.
- Gets the brush of the thumb.
- Sets the brush of the thumb.
- Gets or sets the brush of the thumb if the mouse is over the slider.
- Gets the brush of the thumb if the mouse is over the slider.
- Sets the brush of the thumb if the mouse is over the slider.
- Gets or sets the brush of the thumb if the mouse button is pressed.
- Gets the brush of the thumb if the mouse button is pressed.
- Sets the brush of the thumb if the mouse button is pressed.
- Gets or sets the brush of the thumb if the slider is disabled.
- Gets the brush of the thumb if the slider is disabled.
- Sets the brush of the thumb if the slider is disabled.
- Gets or sets the brush of the track.
- Gets the brush of the track.
- Sets the brush of the track.
- Gets or sets the brush of the track if the mouse is over the slider.
- Gets the brush of the track if the mouse is over the slider.
- Sets the brush of the track if the mouse is over the slider.
- Gets or sets the brush of the track if the mouse button is pressed.
- Gets the brush of the track if the mouse button is pressed.
- Sets the brush of the track if the mouse button is pressed.
- Gets or sets the brush of the track if the slider is disabled.
- Gets the brush of the track if the slider is disabled.
- Sets the brush of the track if the slider is disabled.
- Gets or sets the brush of the track value.
- Gets the brush of the track value.
- Sets the brush of the track value.
- Gets or sets the brush of the track value if the mouse is over the slider.
- Gets the brush of the track value if the mouse is over the slider.
- Sets the brush of the track value if the mouse is over the slider.
- Gets or sets the brush of the track value if the mouse button is pressed.
- Gets the brush of the track value if the mouse button is pressed.
- Sets the brush of the track value if the mouse button is pressed.
- Gets or sets the brush of the track value if the slider is disabled.
- Gets the brush of the track value if the slider is disabled.
- Sets the brush of the track value if the slider is disabled.
- Gets/Sets the type how the value will be changed if the user rotates the mouse wheel.
- Gets/Sets the type how the value will be changed if the user rotates the mouse wheel.
- Gets/Sets the value when the slider will be changed. Possible values are if the slider is focused or if the mouse is over the slider.
- Gets/Sets the value when the slider will be changed. Possible values are if the slider is focused or if the mouse is over the slider.
- Specifies the underline position of a TabControl.
- Sets the Style and Template property to null.
- Removing a TabItem in code behind can produce such nasty output
- System.Windows.Data Warning: 4 : Cannot find source for binding with reference 'RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType='System.Windows.Controls.TabControl', AncestorLevel='1''. BindingExpression:Path=Background; DataItem=null; target element is 'TabItem' (Name=''); target property is 'Background' (type 'Brush')
- or
- System.Windows.Data Error: 4 : Cannot find source for binding with reference 'RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType='System.Windows.Controls.TabControl', AncestorLevel='1''. BindingExpression:Path=(0); DataItem=null; target element is 'TabItem' (Name=''); target property is 'UnderlineBrush' (type 'Brush')
- This is a timing problem in WPF of the binding mechanism itself.
- To avoid this, we can set the Style and Template to null.
- Identifies the CloseButtonEnabled attached property.
- Gets whether a close button should be visible or not.
- Sets whether a close button should be visible or not.
- Identifies the CloseTabCommand attached property.
- Gets a command for the TabItem which executes if the TabItem will be closed.
- Sets a command for the TabItem which executes if the TabItem will be closed.
- Identifies the CloseTabCommandParameter attached property.
- Gets a command parameter for the TabItem that will be passed to the CloseTabCommand.
- Sets a command parameter for the TabItem that will be passed to the CloseTabCommand.
- Defines whether the underline below the or is shown or not.
- Defines the underline brush below the or .
- Defines the underline brush below the or of an selected item.
- Defines the underline brush below the or if the mouse is over an item.
- Defines the underline brush below the or if the mouse is over a selected item.
- This property can be used to set the Transition for animated TabControls
- A helper class that provides various attached properties for the TextBox control.
- Password watermarking code from: http://prabu-guru.blogspot.com/2010/06/how-to-add-watermark-text-to-textbox.html
- The clear text button behavior property. It sets a click event to the button if the value is true.
- This property can be used to set the button width (PART_ClearText) of TextBox, PasswordBox, ComboBox, NumericUpDown
- This property can be used to retrieve the watermark using the of bound property.
- Setting this property to true will uses reflection.
- Indicates if a TextBox or RichTextBox should use SpellCheck context menu
- Indicates if the watermark is automatically retrieved by using the of the bound property.
- This attached property uses reflection; thus it might reduce the performance of the application.
- The auto-watermak does work for the following controls:
- In the following case no custom watermark is shown
- There is no binding
- Binding path errors
- Binding to a element of a collection without using a property of that element Binding Path=Collection[0] use: Binding Path=Collection[0].SubProperty
- The bound property does not have a
- Gets a value that indicates the horizontal alignment of the watermark.
- One of the values that specifies the desired alignment. The default is .
- Sets a value that indicates the horizontal alignment of the watermark.
- Gets the text trimming behavior to employ when watermark overflows the content area.
- One of the values that specifies the text trimming behavior to employ. The default is .
- Sets the text trimming behavior to employ when watermark overflows the content area.
- Gets how the watermark should wrap text.
- One of the values. The default is .
- Sets how the watermark should wrap text.
- Gets if the attached TextBox has text.
- Gets the clear text button visibility / feature. Can be used to enable text deletion.
- Sets the clear text button visibility / feature. Can be used to enable text deletion.
- Gets the text button visibility.
- Sets the text button visibility.
- Gets the buttons placement variant.
- Sets the buttons placement variant.
- Gets the clear text button behavior.
- Sets the clear text button behavior.
- ButtonContentTemplate is the template used to display the content of the ClearText button.
- This property can be used to handle the style for CheckBox and RadioButton
- LeftToRight means content left and button right and RightToLeft vise versa
- This property can be used to handle the style for CheckBox and RadioButton
- LeftToRight means content left and button right and RightToLeft vise versa
- A MetroTabControl (Pivot) that wraps TabItem/MetroTabItem headers on a single row.
- Initializes a new instance of the MahApps.Metro.Controls.MetroAnimatedSingleRowTabControl class.
- A MetroTabControl (Pivot) that uses a TransitioningContentControl to animate the contents of a TabItem/MetroTabItem.
- Initializes a new instance of the MahApps.Metro.Controls.MetroAnimatedTabControl class.
- Originally from http://xamlcoder.com/blog/2010/11/04/creating-a-metro-ui-style-control/
- Creates AutomationPeer ()
- The MetroHeaderAutomationPeer class exposes the type to UI Automation.
- A reimplementation of NavigationWindow based on MetroWindow.
- MetroNavigationWindow
- Gets an IEnumerable that you use to enumerate the entries in back navigation history for a NavigationWindow.
- Gets an IEnumerable that you use to enumerate the entries in back navigation history for a NavigationWindow.
- Gets the NavigationService that is used by this MetroNavigationWindow to provide navigation services to its content.
- Gets a value that indicates whether there is at least one entry in back navigation history.
- Gets a value that indicates whether there is at least one entry in forward navigation history.
- Gets or sets the base uniform resource identifier (URI) of the current context.
- Gets or sets the uniform resource identifier (URI) of the current content, or the URI of new content that is currently being navigated to.
- Adds an entry to back navigation history that contains a CustomContentState object.
- A CustomContentState object that represents application-defined state that is associated with a specific piece of content.
- Removes the most recent journal entry from back history.
- The most recent JournalEntry in back navigation history, if there is one.
- Navigates to the most recent item in back navigation history.
- Navigates to the most recent item in forward navigation history.
- Navigates asynchronously to content that is contained by an object.
- An Object that contains the content to navigate to.
- true if a navigation is not canceled; otherwise, false.
- Navigates asynchronously to content that is specified by a uniform resource identifier (URI).
- A Uri object initialized with the URI for the desired content.
- true if a navigation is not canceled; otherwise, false.
- Navigates asynchronously to content that is contained by an object, and passes an object that contains data to be used for processing during navigation.
- An Object that contains the content to navigate to.
- A Object that contains data to be used for processing during navigation.
- true if a navigation is not canceled; otherwise, false.
- Navigates asynchronously to source content located at a uniform resource identifier (URI), and pass an object that contains data to be used for processing during navigation.
- A Uri object initialized with the URI for the desired content.
- A Object that contains data to be used for processing during navigation.
- true if a navigation is not canceled; otherwise, false.
- Stops further downloading of content for the current navigation request.
- Occurs when navigation to a content fragment begins, which occurs immediately, if the desired fragment is in the current content, or after the source XAML content has been loaded, if the desired fragment is in different content.
- Occurs when a new navigation is requested.
- Occurs when an error is raised while navigating to the requested content.
- Occurs periodically during a download to provide navigation progress information.
- Occurs when the StopLoading method is called, or when a new navigation is requested while a current navigation is in progre
- Occurs when the content that is being navigated to has been found, and is available from the PageContent property, although it may not have completed loading
- Occurs when content that was navigated to has been loaded, parsed, and has begun rendering.
- InitializeComponent
- A metrofied ProgressBar.
- Gets/sets the diameter of the ellipses used in the indeterminate animation.
- Gets/sets the offset of the ellipses used in the indeterminate animation.
- A standard MetroTabControl (Pivot).
- Initializes a new instance of the MahApps.Metro.Controls.MetroTabControl class.
- A base class for every MetroTabControl (Pivot).
- Get/sets the command that executes when a MetroTabItem's close button is clicked.
- An event that is raised when a TabItem is closed.
- Event args that is created when a TabItem is closed.
- Gets the MetroTabItem that will be closed.
- An extended TabItem with a metro style.
- Gets/sets whether the Close Button is visible.
- Gets/sets the command that is executed when the Close Button is clicked.
- Gets/sets the command parameter which is passed to the close button command.
- Gets/sets the Close Button Margin.
- The MetroThumbContentControl control can be used for titles or something else and enables basic drag movement functionality.
- Adds or remove a DragStartedEvent handler
- Adds or remove a DragDeltaEvent handler
- Adds or remove a DragCompletedEvent handler
- DependencyProperty for the IsDragging property.
- Indicates that the left mouse button is pressed and is over the MetroThumbContentControl.
- The MetroThumbContentControlAutomationPeer class exposes the type to UI Automation.
- An extended, metrofied Window class.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Allows easy handling of window commands brush. Theme is also applied based on this brush.
- Gets/sets whether the window's entrance transition animation is enabled.
- Gets/sets the FlyoutsControl that hosts the window's flyouts.
- Gets/sets the icon content template to show a custom icon.
- Gets/sets the title content template to show a custom title.
- Gets/sets the left window commands that hosts the user commands.
- Gets/sets the right window commands that hosts the user commands.
- Gets/sets the window button commands that hosts the min/max/close commands.
- Defines if the Taskbar should be ignored when maximizing a Window.
- This only works with WindowStyle = None.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets resize border thickness. This enables animation, styling, binding, etc...
- for .
- Gets/sets if the border thickness value should be kept on maximize
- if the MaxHeight/MaxWidth of the window is less than the monitor resolution.
- for .
- Gets or sets wether the resizing of the window should be tried in a way that does not cause flicker/jitter, especially when resizing from the left side.
- Please note that setting this to true may cause resize lag and black areas appearing on some systems.
- for .
- Gets/sets the brush used for the titlebar's foreground.
- Gets/sets whether the window will save it's position between loads.
- Gets the window placement settings (can be overwritten).
- Get/sets whether the titlebar icon is visible or not.
- Get/sets whether dialogs show over the title bar.
- Gets whether one or more dialogs are shown.
- Gets/sets edge mode of the titlebar icon.
- Gets/sets bitmap scaling mode of the titlebar icon.
- Gets/sets icon scaling mode of the titlebar.
- Gets/sets whether the TitleBar is visible or not.
- Gets/sets whether the WindowStyle is None or not.
- Gets/sets if the minimize button is visible.
- Gets/sets if the Maximize/Restore button is visible.
- Gets/sets if the close button is visible.
- Gets/sets if the min button is enabled.
- Gets/sets if the max/restore button is enabled.
- Gets/sets if the close button is enabled.
- Gets or sets whether if the close button should be enabled or not if a dialog is shown.
- Gets/sets if the the system menu should popup on right click.
- Gets/sets the TitleBar's height.
- Character casing of the title
- Gets/sets the title horizontal alignment.
- Gets/sets the brush used for the Window's title bar.
- Gets/sets the brush used for the Window's glow.
- Gets/sets the brush used for the Window's non-active glow.
- Gets/sets the brush used for the Window's non-active border.
- Gets/sets the brush used for the Window's non-active title bar.
- Gets/sets the brush used for the dialog overlay.
- Gets/sets the opacity used for the dialog overlay.
- Gets or sets the brush used for the Flyouts overlay.
- Gets or sets the overlay fade in storyboard.
- Gets or sets the overlay fade out storyboard.
- Begins to show the MetroWindow's overlay effect.
- A task representing the process.
- Begins to hide the MetroWindow's overlay effect.
- A task representing the process.
- Stores the given element, or the last focused element via FocusManager, for restoring the focus after closing a dialog.
- The element which will be focused again.
- Clears the stored element which would get the focus after closing a dialog.
- Initializes a new instance of the MahApps.Metro.Controls.MetroWindow class.
- Initializes various behaviors for the window.
- For example , and .
- Gets the template child with the given name.
- The interface type inheirted from DependencyObject.
- The name of the template child.
- Gets the template child with the given name.
- The name of the template child.
- This class eats little children.
- Sets the IsHitTestVisibleInChromeProperty to a MetroWindow template child
- The MetroWindow.
- The name of the template child.
- Sets the WindowChrome ResizeGripDirection to a MetroWindow template child.
- The MetroWindow.
- The name of the template child.
- The direction.
- Adapts the WindowCommands to the theme of the first opened, topmost && (top || right || left) flyout
- The MetroWindow
- All the flyouts! Or flyouts that fall into the category described in the summary.
- An optional brush to reset the window commands brush to.
- Enum NumericInput which indicates what input is allowed for NumericUpdDown.
- Only numbers are allowed
- Numbers with decimal point and allowed scientific input
- All is allowed
- Represents a Windows spin box (also known as an up-down control) that displays numeric values.
- Event fired from this NumericUpDown when its value has reached the maximum value
- Event fired from this NumericUpDown when its value has reached the minimum value
- Gets or sets the amount of time, in milliseconds, the NumericUpDown waits while the up/down button is pressed
- before it starts increasing/decreasing the
- for the specified . The value must be
- non-negative.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the user can use the arrow keys and to change values.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the user can use the mouse wheel to change values.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control must have the focus in order to change values using the mouse wheel.
- If the value is true then the value changes when the mouse wheel is over the control. If the value is false then the value changes only if the control has the focus. If is set to "false" then this property has no effect.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the user can enter text in the control.
- Gets or sets a value indicating the culture to be used in string formatting operations.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the +/- button of the control is visible.
- If the value is false then the of the control can be changed only if one of the following cases is satisfied:
- is true.
- is true.
- is true.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the text can be changed by the use of the up or down buttons only.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the value to be added to or subtracted from remains
- always
- or if it will increase faster after pressing the up/down button/arrow some time.
- Gets or sets the formatting for the displaying
- Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of the contents of the text box.
- Gets or sets which numeric input for the NumericUpDown is allowed.
- Indicates if the NumericUpDown should round the value to the nearest possible interval when the focus moves to another element.
- Gets or sets the parsing number style for the value from text to numeric.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the up down buttons are switched.
- Called when this element or any below gets focus.
- When overridden in a derived class, is invoked whenever application code or internal processes call
- .
- Raises the routed event.
- Old value of the property
- New value of the property
- Based on Greg Schechter's Planerator
- http://blogs.msdn.com/b/greg_schechter/archive/2007/10/26/enter-the-planerator-dead-simple-3d-in-wpf-with-a-stupid-name.aspx
- An Enum representing different positions, such as Left or Right.
- Event arguments created for the RangeSlider's SelectionChanged event.
- The value of the new range's beginning.
- The value of the new range's ending.
- A slider control with the ability to select a range between two values.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets whether a tooltip that contains the current value of the displays when the is pressed. If a tooltip is displayed, this property also specifies the placement of the tooltip.
- One of the values that determines where to display the tooltip with respect to the of the , or that specifies to not show a tooltip. The default is , which specifies that a tooltip is not displayed.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the number of digits that are displayed to the right side of the decimal point for the of the in a tooltip.
- The precision of the that displays in the tooltip, specified as the number of digits that appear to the right of the decimal point. The default is zero (0).
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets a template for the auto tooltip to show the lower value.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets a template for the auto tooltip to show the upper value.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets a template for the auto tooltip to show the center value.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Get/sets value how fast thumbs will move when user press on left/right/central with left mouse button (IsMoveToPoint must be set to FALSE)
- Gets or sets the position of tick marks with respect to the of the .
- A value that defines how to position the tick marks in a with respect to the slider bar. The default is .
- Gets or sets the interval between tick marks.
- The distance between tick marks. The default is (1.0).
- Gets or sets the positions of the tick marks to display for a .
- A set of tick marks to display for a . The default is .
- Get or sets IsMoveToPoint feature which will enable/disable moving to exact point inside control when user clicked on it
- Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the two of a moves immediately to the location of the mouse click that occurs while the mouse pointer pauses on the tracks.
- Gets or sets the orientation of the .
- Get/sets whether possibility to make manipulations inside range with left/right mouse buttons + cotrol button
- Get/sets whether possibility to make manipulations inside range with left/right mouse buttons + cotrol button
- Get/sets whether whole range will be moved when press on right/left/central part of control
- Get/sets the minimal distance between two thumbs.
- Get/sets the beginning of the range selection.
- Get/sets the end of the range selection.
- Get/sets the minimum range that can be selected.
- Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the displays a selection range along the .
- if a selection range is displayed; otherwise, . The default is .
- Gets or sets the smallest value of a specified selection for a .
- The largest value of a selected range of values of a . The default is zero (0.0).
- Gets or sets the largest value of a specified selection for a .
- The largest value of a selected range of values of a . The default is zero (0.0).
- Responds to a change in the value of the property.
- The old value of the property.The new value of the property.
- Responds to a change in the value of the property.
- The old value of the property.The new value of the property.
- Gets the lower value of the range selection.
- Gets the upper value of the range selection.
- RevealImage
- InitializeComponent
- Reflects the parameter to pass to the CommandProperty upon execution.
- Gets or sets the target element on which to fire the command.
- Get or sets the Command property.
- Indicates whether the Popup is visible.
- Gets or sets an extra tag.
- Gets or sets the dimension of children stacking.
- Gets or sets the Content used to generate the icon part.
- Gets or sets the ContentTemplate used to display the content of the icon part.
- Gets/sets the button style.
- Gets/sets the button arrow style.
- Gets/sets the popup listbox style.
- Gets/sets the brush of the button arrow icon.
- Gets/sets the brush of the button arrow icon if the mouse is over the split button.
- Gets/sets the brush of the button arrow icon if the arrow button is pressed.
- Updates the current selection when an item in the has changed
- The event data.
- A special animation used to animates the length of a .
- Represents a container with two views; one view for the main content and another view that is typically used for
- navigation commands.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- The identifier for the property.
- Gets or sets the width of the pane in its compact display mode.
- The width of the pane in it's compact display mode. The default is 48 device-independent pixel (DIP) (defined
- by the SplitViewCompactPaneThemeLength resource).
- Identifies the dependency property.
- The identifier for the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the contents of the main panel of a .
- The contents of the main panel of a . The default is null.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- The identifier for the dependency property.
- Gets of sets a value that specifies how the pane and content areas of a are shown.
- A value of the enumeration that specifies how the pane and content areas of a are
- shown. The default is .
- Identifies the dependency property.
- The identifier for the dependency property.
- Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the pane is expanded to its full width.
- true if the pane is expanded to its full width; otherwise, false. The default is true.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- The identifier for the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the width of the pane when it's fully expanded.
- The width of the pane when it's fully expanded. The default is 320 device-independent
- pixel (DIP).
- Identifies the dependency property.
- The identifier for the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the contents of the pane of a .
- The contents of the pane of a . The default is null.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- The identifier for the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the Brush to apply to the background of the area of the control.
- The Brush to apply to the background of the area of the control.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- The identifier for the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the Brush to apply to the foreground of the area of the control.
- The Brush to apply to the background of the area of the control.
- Identifies the PanePlacement dependency property.
- The identifier for the PanePlacement dependency property.
- Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the pane is shown on the right or left side of the
- .
- A value of the enumeration that specifies whether the pane is shown on the right or left side of the
- . The default is .
- Identifies the dependency property.
- The identifier for the dependency property.
- Gets an object that provides calculated values that can be referenced as TemplateBinding sources when defining
- templates for a control.
- An object that provides calculated values for templates.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Occurs when the pane is closed.
- Occurs when the pane is closing.
- Constants that specify how the pane is shown in a .
- The pane covers the content when it's open and does not take up space in the control layout.
- The pane is shown side-by-side with the content and takes up space in the control layout.
- The amount of the pane defined by the property is shown side-by-side
- with the content and takes up space in the control layout.
- The remaining part of the pane covers the content when it's open and does not take up space in the control layout.
- The amount of the pane defined by the property is shown side-by-side
- with the content and takes up space in the control layout.
- The remaining part of the pane pushes the content to the side when it's open and takes up space in the control
- layout.
- Provides event data for the event.
- Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the pane closing action should be canceled.
- true to cancel the pane closing action; otherwise, false.
- Constants that specify whether the pane is set to the left or to the right of the content in a
- .
- The pane is shown to the left of the content.
- The pane is shown to the right of the content.
- Provides calculated values that can be referenced as TemplatedParent sources when defining templates for a
- .
- Not intended for general use.
- Gets the value as a GridLength.
- Gets the negative of the value.
- Gets the negative of the value calculated by subtracting the value from
- the value.
- Gets the value as a GridLength.
- Gets the value.
- Gets a value calculated by subtracting the value from the
- value.
- An Enum representing different themes for window commands.
- HorizontalTitleAlignment Dependency Property.
- Default Value: HorizontalAlignment.Left
- Gets/Sets the horizontal alignment of the title.
- VerticalTitleAlignment Dependency Property.
- Default Value: VerticalAlignment.Bottom
- Gets/Sets the vertical alignment of the title.
- Represents a control that allows the user to select a date and a time.
- Gets or sets the date to display
- The date to display. The default is .
- Gets or sets the last date to be displayed.
- The last date to display.
- Gets or sets the first date to be displayed.
- The first date to display.
- Gets or sets the day that is considered the beginning of the week.
- A that represents the beginning of the week. The default is the
- that is determined by the current culture.
- Gets or sets the format that is used to display the selected date.
- Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the current date will be highlighted.
- true if the current date is highlighted; otherwise, false. The default is true.
- Gets or sets a value that indicates the dimension by which calendar and clock are stacked.
- The of the calendar and clock. The default is
- .
- Defines the visibility for time-parts that are visible for the .
- Represents a control that allows the user to select a time.
- Represents a base-class for time picking.
- This readonly dependency property is to control whether to show the date-picker (in case of ) or hide it (in case of .
- This list contains values from 0 to 55 with an interval of 5. It can be used to bind to and .
- <MahApps:TimePicker SourceSeconds="{x:Static MahApps:TimePickerBase.IntervalOf5}" />
- <MahApps:DateTimePicker SourceSeconds="{x:Static MahApps:TimePickerBase.IntervalOf5}" />
- Returns a list containing {0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55}.
- This list contains values from 0 to 50 with an interval of 10. It can be used to bind to and .
- <MahApps:TimePicker SourceSeconds="{x:Static MahApps:TimePickerBase.IntervalOf10}" />
- <MahApps:DateTimePicker SourceSeconds="{x:Static MahApps:TimePickerBase.IntervalOf10}" />
- Returns a list containing {0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50}.
- This list contains values from 0 to 45 with an interval of 15. It can be used to bind to and .
- <MahApps:TimePicker SourceSeconds="{x:Static MahApps:TimePickerBase.IntervalOf15}" />
- <MahApps:DateTimePicker SourceSeconds="{x:Static MahApps:TimePickerBase.IntervalOf15}" />
- Returns a list containing {0, 15, 30, 45}.
- Occurs when the property is changed.
- Gets or sets a value indicating the culture to be used in string formatting operations.
- Gets or sets a value indicating the visibility of the clock hands in the user interface (UI).
- The visibility definition of the clock hands. The default is .
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the date can be selected or not. This property is read-only.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the clock of this control is visible in the user interface (UI). This is a
- dependency property.
- If this value is set to false then is set to
- true if the clock is visible; otherwise, false. The default value is true.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the drop-down for a box is currently
- open.
- true if the drop-down is open; otherwise, false. The default is false.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the contents of the are not editable.
- true if the is read-only; otherwise, false. The default is false.
- Gets or sets a value indicating the visibility of the selectable date-time-parts in the user interface (UI).
- visibility definition of the selectable date-time-parts. The default is .
- Gets or sets the currently selected date and time.
- The date and time which is currently selected. The default is null.
- Gets or sets the format that is used to display the selected time.
- Gets or sets a collection used to generate the content for selecting the hours.
- A collection that is used to generate the content for selecting the hours. The default is a list of interger from 0
- to 23 if is false or a list of interger from
- 1 to 12 otherwise..
- Gets or sets a collection used to generate the content for selecting the minutes.
- A collection that is used to generate the content for selecting the minutes. The default is a list of int from
- 0 to 59.
- Gets or sets a collection used to generate the content for selecting the seconds.
- A collection that is used to generate the content for selecting the minutes. The default is a list of int from
- 0 to 59.
- Gets a value indicating whether the that is specified by the
- set by the ( if null) has not a value.
- When overridden in a derived class, is invoked whenever application code or internal processes call
- .
- Gets the offset from the selected to use it in as hour
- parameter.
- The current hour.
- An integer representing the offset to add to the hour that is selected in the hour-picker for setting the correct
- . The offset is determined as follows:
- ConditionOffset
- is false0
- Selected hour is between 1 AM and 11 AM0
- Selected hour is 12 AM-12h
- Selected hour is between 12 PM and 11 PM+12h
- A control that allows the user to toggle between two states: One represents true; The other represents false.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets/sets the font family of the header.
- Gets/sets the text to display when the control is in it's On state.
- Gets/sets the text to display when the control is in it's Off state.
- Gets/sets the brush used for the on-switch's foreground.
- Gets/sets the brush used for the off-switch's foreground.
- Gets/sets the brush used for the thumb indicator.
- Gets/sets the brush used for the thumb indicator.
- Gets/sets the width of the thumb indicator.
- Gets/sets the control's content flow direction.
- Gets or sets the padding of the inner content.
- Gets/sets the control's toggle switch button style.
- Gets/sets whether the control is Checked (On) or not (Off).
- Gets/sets the command which will be executed if the IsChecked property was changed.
- Gets/sets the command which will be executed if the checked event of the control is fired.
- Gets/sets the command which will be executed if the checked event of the control is fired.
- Gets/sets the command parameter which will be passed by the CheckChangedCommand.
- Gets/sets the command parameter which will be passed by the CheckedCommand.
- Gets/sets the command parameter which will be passed by the UnCheckedCommand.
- An event that is raised when the value of IsChecked changes.
- A Button that allows the user to toggle between two states.
- Gets/sets the brush used for the on-switch's foreground.
- Gets/sets the brush used for the off-switch's foreground.
- Gets/sets the brush used for the thumb indicator.
- Gets/sets the brush used for the thumb indicator.
- Gets/sets the width of the thumb indicator.
- enumeration for the different transition types
- Use the VisualState DefaultTransition
- Use the VisualState Normal
- Use the VisualState UpTransition
- Use the VisualState DownTransition
- Use the VisualState RightTransition
- Use the VisualState RightReplaceTransition
- Use the VisualState LeftTransition
- Use the VisualState LeftReplaceTransition
- Use a custom VisualState, the name must be set using CustomVisualStatesName property
- A ContentControl that animates content as it loads and unloads.
- Gets or sets the name of the custom transition visual state.
- Gets/sets if the content is transitioning.
- Reload the current transition if the content is the same.
- Helper methods for UI-related tasks.
- This class was obtained from Philip Sumi (a fellow WPF Disciples blog)
- http://www.hardcodet.net/uploads/2009/06/UIHelper.cs
- Finds a parent of a given item on the visual tree.
- The type of the queried item.
- A direct or indirect child of the
- queried item.
- The first parent item that matches the submitted
- type parameter. If not matching item can be found, a null
- reference is being returned.
- Finds all Ancestors of a given item on the visual tree.
- A node in a visual tree
- All ancestors in visual tree of element
- Finds a Child of a given item in the visual tree.
- A direct parent of the queried item.
- The type of the queried item.
- x:Name or Name of child.
- The first parent item that matches the submitted type parameter.
- If not matching item can be found,
- a null parent is being returned.
- This method is an alternative to WPF's
- method, which also
- supports content elements. Keep in mind that for content element,
- this method falls back to the logical tree of the element!
- The item to be processed.
- The submitted item's parent, if available. Otherwise
- null.
- Analyzes both visual and logical tree in order to find all elements of a given
- type that are descendants of the item.
- The type of the queried items.
- The root element that marks the source of the search. If the
- source is already of the requested type, it will not be included in the result.
- Sometimes it's better to search in the VisualTree (e.g. in tests)
- All descendants of that match the requested type.
- This method is an alternative to WPF's
- method, which also
- supports content elements. Keep in mind that for content elements,
- this method falls back to the logical tree of the element.
- The item to be processed.
- Sometimes it's better to search in the VisualTree (e.g. in tests)
- The submitted item's child elements, if available.
- Tries to locate a given item within the visual tree,
- starting with the dependency object at a given position.
- The type of the element to be found
- on the visual tree of the element at the given location.
- The main element which is used to perform
- hit testing.
- The position to be evaluated on the origin.
- Gets the relative mouse position to the given handle in client coordinates.
- The handle for this method.
- Try to get the relative mouse position to the given handle in client coordinates.
- The handle for this method.
- The relative mouse position to the given handle.
- Gets or sets the value indicating current light style for the minimize button.
- Gets or sets the value indicating current light style for the maximize button.
- Gets or sets the value indicating current light style for the close button.
- Gets or sets the value indicating current dark style for the minimize button.
- Gets or sets the value indicating current dark style for the maximize button.
- Gets or sets the value indicating current dark style for the close button.
- Gets or sets the value indicating current theme.
- Gets or sets the minimize button tooltip.
- Gets or sets the maximize button tooltip.
- Gets or sets the close button tooltip.
- Gets or sets the restore button tooltip.
- Gets or sets the value indicating current theme.
- Gets or sets the value indicating light theme template.
- Gets or sets the value indicating light theme template.
- Gets or sets the value indicating whether to show the separators.
- Gets or sets the value indicating whether to show the last separator.
- Gets or sets the value indicating separator height.
- Gets or sets the value indicating whether to show the separator.
- Doesn't overlay flyouts nor a hidden TitleBar.
- Overlays opened controls.
- Overlays a hidden TitleBar.
- Refreshes the application settings property values from persistent storage.
- Upgrades the application settings on loading.
- Updates application settings to reflect a more recent installation of the application.
- Stores the current values of the settings properties.
- this settings class is the default way to save the placement of the window
- Upgrades the application settings on loading.
- Determining Ideal Text Color Based on Specified Background Color
- http://www.codeproject.com/KB/GDI-plus/IdealTextColor.aspx
- The bg.
- Converts a double representing either hour/minute/second to the corresponding angle.
- Converts the value from true to false and false to true.
- The math operations which can be used at the
- MathConverter provides a value converter which can be used for math operations.
- It can be used for normal binding or multi binding as well.
- If it is used for normal binding the given parameter will be used as operands with the selected operation.
- If it is used for multi binding then the first and second binding will be used as operands with the selected operation.
- This class cannot be inherited.
- MathAddConverter provides a multi value converter as a MarkupExtension which can be used for math operations.
- This class cannot be inherited.
- MathSubtractConverter provides a multi value converter as a MarkupExtension which can be used for math operations.
- This class cannot be inherited.
- MathMultiplyConverter provides a multi value converter as a MarkupExtension which can be used for math operations.
- This class cannot be inherited.
- MathDivideConverter provides a multi value converter as a MarkupExtension which can be used for math operations.
- This class cannot be inherited.
- Converts a String into a Visibility enumeration (and back)
- The FalseEquivalent can be declared with the "FalseEquivalent" property
- Initialize the properties with standard values
- FalseEquivalent (default : Visibility.Collapsed => see Constructor)
- Define whether the opposite boolean value is crucial (default : false)
- Converts a Thickness to a new Thickness. It's possible to ignore a side With the IgnoreThicknessSide property.
- Use all sides.
- Ignore the left side.
- Ignore the top side.
- Ignore the right side.
- Ignore the bottom side.
- Converts a value.
- A converted value. If the method returns null, the valid null value is used.
- The value produced by the binding source.
- The type of the binding target property.
- The converter parameter to use.
- The culture to use in the converter.
- Converts a value.
- A converted value. If the method returns null, the valid null value is used.
- The value that is produced by the binding target.
- The type to convert to.
- The converter parameter to use.
- The culture to use in the converter.
- Represents the background theme of the application.
- Gets the key for the theme name.
- Gets the key for the theme display name.
- Gets the key for the theme base color scheme.
- Gets the key for the theme color scheme.
- Gets the key for the theme showcase brush.
- Initializes a new instance.
- The URI of the theme ResourceDictionary.
- Initializes a new instance.
- The ResourceDictionary of the theme.
- The ResourceDictionary that represents this application theme.
- Gets the name of the theme.
- Gets the display name of the theme.
- Get the base color scheme for this theme.
- Gets the color scheme for this theme.
- Gets a brush which can be used to showcase this theme.
- A class that allows for the detection and alteration of a theme.
- A class that allows for the detection and alteration of a theme.
- Gets the name for the light base color.
- Gets the name for the dark base color.
- Gets a list of all themes.
- Gets a list of all available base colors.
- Gets a list of all available color schemes.
- Clears the internal themes list.
- Adds an theme.
- true if the app theme does not exists and can be added.
- Adds an theme.
- The ResourceDictionary of the theme.
- true if the app theme does not exists and can be added.
- Gets the with the given name.
- The or null, if the theme wasn't found
- Gets the with the given resource dictionary.
- from which the theme should be retrieved.
- The or null, if the theme wasn't found.
- Gets the inverse of the given .
- This method relies on the "Dark" or "Light" affix to be present.
- The app theme.
- The inverse or null if it couldn't be found.
- Returns BaseLight, if BaseDark is given or vice versa.
- Custom Themes must end with "Dark" or "Light" for this to work, for example "CustomDark" and "CustomLight".
- Determines whether the specified resource dictionary represents an .
- This might include runtime themes which do not have a resource uri.
- The resources.
- true if the resource dictionary is an ; otherwise, false.
- resources
- Gets a resource from the detected AppStyle.
- The window to check. If this is null, the Application's sources will be checked.
- The key to check against.
- The resource object or null, if the resource wasn't found.
- Change the theme for the whole application.
- Change theme for the given window.
- Change theme for the whole application.
- The instance of Application to change.
- The theme to apply.
- Change theme for the given window.
- The Window to change.
- The theme to apply.
- Change theme for the given ResourceDictionary.
- The Window to change.
- The theme to apply.
- Change base color and color scheme of for the given application.
- The application to modify.
- The base color to apply to the ResourceDictionary.
- The color scheme to apply to the ResourceDictionary.
- Change base color and color scheme of for the given window.
- The window to modify.
- The base color to apply to the ResourceDictionary.
- The color scheme to apply to the ResourceDictionary.
- Change base color and color scheme of for the given ResourceDictionary.
- The ResourceDictionary to modify.
- The old/current theme.
- The base color to apply to the ResourceDictionary.
- The color scheme to apply to the ResourceDictionary.
- Change base color for the given application.
- The application to change.
- The base color to apply to the ResourceDictionary.
- Change base color for the given window.
- The Window to change.
- The base color to apply to the ResourceDictionary.
- Change base color of for the given ResourceDictionary.
- The ResourceDictionary to modify.
- The old/current theme.
- The base color to apply to the ResourceDictionary.
- Change color scheme for the given application.
- The application to change.
- The color scheme to apply to the ResourceDictionary.
- Change color scheme for the given window.
- The Window to change.
- The color scheme to apply to the ResourceDictionary.
- Change color scheme for the given ResourceDictionary.
- The ResourceDictionary to modify.
- The old/current theme.
- The color scheme to apply to the ResourceDictionary.
- Changes the theme of a ResourceDictionary directly.
- The ResourceDictionary to modify.
- The theme to apply to the ResourceDictionary.
- Scans the window resources and returns it's theme.
- If the theme can't be detected from the we try to detect it from .
- Scans the window resources and returns it's theme.
- The Window to scan.
- If the theme can't be detected from the we try to detect it from .
- Scans the application resources and returns it's theme.
- The Application instance to scan.
- Scans a resources and returns it's theme.
- The ResourceDictionary to scan.
- This event fires if the theme was changed
- this should be using the weak event pattern, but for now it's enough
- Invalidates global colors and resources.
- Sometimes the ContextMenu is not changing the colors, so this will fix it.
- Synchronizes the current with the "app mode" setting from windows.
- Gets or sets whether changes to the "app mode" setting from windows should be detected at runtime and the current be changed accordingly.
- Class which is used as argument for an event to signal theme changes.
- Creates a new instance of this class.
- The new theme.
- Helper class for displaying color schemes.
- Initializes a new instance.
- Initializes a new instance.
- Gets the name for this color scheme.
- Gets the showcase brush for this color scheme.
- GeneratedInternalTypeHelper
- CreateInstance
- GetPropertyValue
- SetPropertyValue
- CreateDelegate
- AddEventHandler
diff --git a/packages/MahApps.Metro.2.0.0-alpha0261/lib/netcoreapp3.0/MahApps.Metro.dll b/packages/MahApps.Metro.2.0.0-alpha0261/lib/netcoreapp3.0/MahApps.Metro.dll
deleted file mode 100644
index 88f0812..0000000
Binary files a/packages/MahApps.Metro.2.0.0-alpha0261/lib/netcoreapp3.0/MahApps.Metro.dll and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/packages/MahApps.Metro.2.0.0-alpha0261/lib/netcoreapp3.0/MahApps.Metro.pdb b/packages/MahApps.Metro.2.0.0-alpha0261/lib/netcoreapp3.0/MahApps.Metro.pdb
deleted file mode 100644
index 05188ed..0000000
Binary files a/packages/MahApps.Metro.2.0.0-alpha0261/lib/netcoreapp3.0/MahApps.Metro.pdb and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/packages/MahApps.Metro.2.0.0-alpha0261/lib/netcoreapp3.0/MahApps.Metro.xml b/packages/MahApps.Metro.2.0.0-alpha0261/lib/netcoreapp3.0/MahApps.Metro.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index ce60986..0000000
--- a/packages/MahApps.Metro.2.0.0-alpha0261/lib/netcoreapp3.0/MahApps.Metro.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5815 +0,0 @@
- MahApps.Metro
- This CommandTriggerAction can be used to bind any event on any FrameworkElement to an .
- This trigger can only be attached to a FrameworkElement or a class deriving from FrameworkElement.
- This class is inspired from Laurent Bugnion and his EventToCommand.
- http://www.mvvmlight.net
- See license.txt in this solution or http://www.galasoft.ch/license_MIT.txt
- Identifies the dependency property
- Gets or sets the command that this trigger is bound to.
- Identifies the dependency property
- Gets or sets an object that will be passed to the attached to this trigger.
- Gets or sets the bindable Password property on the PasswordBox control. This is a dependency property.
- Handles changes to the 'Password' attached property.
- Handle the 'PasswordChanged'-event on the PasswordBox
- Called after the behavior is attached to an AssociatedObject.
- Override this to hook up functionality to the AssociatedObject.
- Called when the behavior is being detached from its AssociatedObject, but before it has actually occurred.
- Override this to unhook functionality from the AssociatedObject.
- Sets the first TabItem with Visibility="" as
- the SelectedItem of the TabControl.
- If there is no visible TabItem, null is set as the SelectedItem
- Represents a border whose contents are clipped within the bounds
- of the border. The border may have rounded corners.
- BorderThickness Dependency Property
- Gets or sets the BorderThickness property. This dependency property
- indicates the BorderThickness.
- Checks if the given Thickness is valid or not
- Thickness
- Padding Dependency Property
- Gets or sets the Padding property. This dependency property
- indicates the Padding.
- CornerRadius Dependency Property
- Gets or sets the CornerRadius property. This dependency property
- indicates the CornerRadius of the border.
- Checks if the given CornerRadius is valid or not
- CornerRadius
- BorderBrush Dependency Property
- Gets or sets the BorderBrush property. This dependency property
- indicates the BorderBrush with which the Border is drawn.
- Background Dependency Property
- Gets or sets the Background property. This dependency property
- indicates the Background with which the Background is drawn.
- OptimizeClipRendering Dependency Property
- Gets or sets the OptimizeClipRendering property. This dependency property
- indicates whether the rendering of the clip should be optimized. When set to true,
- In order to optimize the rendering of the clipped Child,
- the background is rendered with the same brush as the border. Any other brush set for
- the background will be ignored. The Child will be rendered on top of it.
- This is done to prevent any gaps between the border the the clipped Child (this is
- evidently visible if both the Border and the Child are of same color).
- This works best when the Child does not have any level of transparency and is opaque.
- Updates DesiredSize of the ClipBorder. Called by parent UIElement. This is the first pass of layout.
- Border determines its desired size it needs from the specified border the child: its sizing
- properties, margin, and requested size.
- Constraint size is an "upper limit" that the return value should not exceed.
- The Decorator's desired size.
- ClipBorder computes the position of its single child and applies its child's alignments to the child.
- The size reserved for this element by the parent
- The actual ink area of the element, typically the same as finalSize
- Here the ClipBorder's Child, Border and Background are rendered.
- Drawing Context
- Generates a StreamGeometry.
- An already opened StreamGeometryContext.
- Rectangle for geomentry conversion.
- The core points of the border which needs to be used to create
- the geometry
- Result geometry.
- Encapsulates the details of each of the core points of the border which is calculated
- based on the given CornerRadius, BorderThickness, Padding and a flag to indicate whether
- the inner or outer border is to be calculated.
- CornerRadius
- BorderThickness
- Padding
- Flag to indicate whether outer or inner border needs
- to be calculated
- A few very useful extension methods
- Returns whether or not two doubles are "close".
- The first double to compare.
- The second double to compare.
- bool - the result of the AreClose comparision.
- Returns whether or not the first double is less than the second double.
- The first double to compare.
- The second double to compare.
- bool - the result of the LessThan comparision.
- Returns whether or not the first double is greater than the second double.
- The first double to compare.
- The second double to compare.
- bool - the result of the GreaterThan comparision.
- Returns whether or not the double is "close" to 1. Same as AreClose(double, 1),
- but this is faster.
- The double to compare to 1.
- bool - the result of the AreClose comparision.
- IsZero - Returns whether or not the double is "close" to 0. Same as AreClose(double, 0),
- but this is faster.
- The double to compare to 0.
- bool - the result of the AreClose comparision.
- Compares two points for fuzzy equality. This function
- helps compensate for the fact that double values can
- acquire error when operated upon
- The first point to compare
- The second point to compare
- Whether or not the two points are equal
- Compares two Size instances for fuzzy equality. This function
- helps compensate for the fact that double values can
- acquire error when operated upon
- The first size to compare
- The second size to compare
- Whether or not the two Size instances are equal
- Compares two Vector instances for fuzzy equality. This function
- helps compensate for the fact that double values can
- acquire error when operated upon
- The first Vector to compare
- The second Vector to compare
- Whether or not the two Vector instances are equal
- Compares two rectangles for fuzzy equality. This function
- helps compensate for the fact that double values can
- acquire error when operated upon
- The first rectangle to compare
- The second rectangle to compare
- Whether or not the two rectangles are equal
- Faster check for NaN ( faster than double.IsNaN() )
- IEEE 754 : If the argument is any value in the range 0x7ff0000000000001L through 0x7fffffffffffffffL
- or in the range 0xfff0000000000001L through 0xffffffffffffffffL, the result will be NaN.
- Value to check
- Rounds the given value based on the DPI scale
- Value to round
- DPI Scale
- Verifies if this Thickness contains only valid values
- The set of validity checks is passed as parameters.
- Thickness value
- allows negative values
- allows Double.NaN
- allows Double.PositiveInfinity
- allows Double.NegativeInfinity
- Whether or not the thickness complies to the range specified
- Method to add up the left and right size as width, as well as the top and bottom size as height
- Thickness
- Size
- Verifies if the Thickness contains only zero values
- Thickness
- Size
- Verifies if all the values in Thickness are same
- Thickness
- true if yes, otherwise false
- Verifies if this CornerRadius contains only valid values
- The set of validity checks is passed as parameters.
- CornerRadius value
- allows negative values
- allows Double.NaN
- allows Double.PositiveInfinity
- allows Double.NegativeInfinity
- Whether or not the CornerRadius complies to the range specified
- Verifies if the CornerRadius contains only zero values
- CornerRadius
- Size
- Verifies if the CornerRadius contains same values
- CornerRadius
- true if yes, otherwise false
- Deflates rectangle by given thickness
- Rectangle
- Thickness
- Deflated Rectangle
- Inflates rectangle by given thickness
- Rectangle
- Thickness
- Inflated Rectangle
- Verifies if the given brush is a SolidColorBrush and
- its color does not include transparency.
- Brush
- true if yes, otherwise false
- Verifies if the given brush is the same as the otherBrush.
- Brush
- Brush
- true if yes, otherwise false
- The DependencyProperty for the CharacterCasing property.
- Controls whether or not content is converted to upper or lower case
- Default Value: CharacterCasing.Normal
- Character casing of the Content
- The DependencyProperty for the RecognizesAccessKey property.
- Default Value: false
- Determine if the inner ContentPresenter should use AccessText in its style
- This custom popup is used by the validation error template.
- It provides some additional nice features:
- - repositioning if host-window size or location changed
- - repositioning if host-window gets maximized and vice versa
- - it's only topmost if the host-window is activated
- Gets/sets if the popup can be closed by left mouse button down.
- Called when a cell has just switched to edit mode.
- A reference to element returned by GenerateEditingElement.
- The event args of the input event that caused the cell to go into edit mode. May be null.
- The unedited value of the cell.
- Synchronizes the column property. Taken from Helper code for DataGrid.
- Taken from Helper code for DataGrid.
- The DependencyProperty for the StringFormat property.
- Gets or sets the formatting for the displaying value.
- The DependencyProperty for the Minimum property.
- The DependencyProperty for the Maximum property.
- The DependencyProperty for the Interval property.
- The DependencyProperty for the HideUpDownButtons property.
- The DependencyProperty for the UpDownButtonsWidth property.
- The DependencyProperty for the FontFamily property.
- Default Value: SystemFonts.MessageFontFamily
- The font family of the desired font.
- The DependencyProperty for the FontSize property.
- Default Value: SystemFonts.MessageFontSize
- The size of the desired font.
- The DependencyProperty for the FontStyle property.
- Default Value: SystemFonts.MessageFontStyle
- The style of the desired font.
- The DependencyProperty for the FontWeight property.
- Default Value: SystemFonts.MessageFontWeight
- The weight or thickness of the desired font.
- The DependencyProperty for the Foreground property.
- Default Value: SystemColors.ControlTextBrush
- An brush that describes the foreground color. This overrides the cell foreground inherited color.
- Method used as property changed callback for properties which need RefreshCellContent to be called
- Rebuilds the contents of a cell in the column in response to a binding change.
- The cell to update.
- The name of the column property that has changed.
- The base class for dialogs.
- You probably don't want to use this class, if you want to add arbitrary content to your dialog,
- use the class.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the title of the dialog.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the content above the dialog.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the content below the dialog.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the font size of the dialog title.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the font size of the dialog message text.
- Initializes a new .
- The window that is the parent of the dialog.
- The settings for the message dialog.
- Initializes a new .
- With this method it's possible to return your own settings in a custom dialog.
- This is called in the loaded event.
- Waits for the dialog to become ready for interaction.
- A task that represents the operation and it's status.
- Requests an externally shown Dialog to close. Will throw an exception if the Dialog is inside of a MetroWindow.
- A last chance virtual method for stopping an external dialog from closing.
- Gets the window that owns the current Dialog IF AND ONLY IF the dialog is shown externally.
- Gets the window that owns the current Dialog IF AND ONLY IF the dialog is shown inside of a window.
- Waits until this dialog gets unloaded.
- An implementation of BaseMetroDialog allowing arbitrary content.
- Gets the default instance if the dialog coordinator, which can be injected into a view model.
- Creates a LoginDialog inside of the current window.
- The window that is the parent of the dialog.
- The title of the LoginDialog.
- The message contained within the LoginDialog.
- Optional settings that override the global metro dialog settings.
- The text that was entered or null (Nothing in Visual Basic) if the user cancelled the operation.
- Creates a InputDialog inside of the current window.
- The MetroWindow
- The title of the MessageDialog.
- The message contained within the MessageDialog.
- Optional settings that override the global metro dialog settings.
- The text that was entered or null (Nothing in Visual Basic) if the user cancelled the operation.
- Creates a MessageDialog inside of the current window.
- The MetroWindow
- The title of the MessageDialog.
- The message contained within the MessageDialog.
- The type of buttons to use.
- Optional settings that override the global metro dialog settings.
- A task promising the result of which button was pressed.
- Creates a ProgressDialog inside of the current window.
- The MetroWindow
- The title of the ProgressDialog.
- The message within the ProgressDialog.
- Determines if the cancel button is visible.
- Optional Settings that override the global metro dialog settings.
- A task promising the instance of ProgressDialogController for this operation.
- Adds a Metro Dialog instance to the specified window and makes it visible asynchronously.
- If you want to wait until the user has closed the dialog, use
- You have to close the resulting dialog yourself with .
- The owning window of the dialog.
- The dialog instance itself.
- An optional pre-defined settings instance.
- A task representing the operation.
- The is already visible in the window.
- Adds a Metro Dialog instance of the given type to the specified window and makes it visible asynchronously.
- If you want to wait until the user has closed the dialog, use
- You have to close the resulting dialog yourself with .
- The owning window of the dialog.
- An optional pre-defined settings instance.
- A task with the dialog representing the operation.
- Hides a visible Metro Dialog instance.
- The window with the dialog that is visible.
- The dialog instance to hide.
- An optional pre-defined settings instance.
- A task representing the operation.
- The is not visible in the window.
- This happens if hasn't been called before.
- Gets the current shown dialog in async way.
- The dialog owner.
- Creates a LoginDialog outside of the current window.
- The window that is the parent of the dialog.
- The title of the LoginDialog.
- The message contained within the LoginDialog.
- Optional settings that override the global metro dialog settings.
- The text that was entered or null (Nothing in Visual Basic) if the user cancelled the operation.
- Creates a InputDialog outside of the current window.
- The MetroWindow
- The title of the MessageDialog.
- The message contained within the MessageDialog.
- Optional settings that override the global metro dialog settings.
- The text that was entered or null (Nothing in Visual Basic) if the user cancelled the operation.
- Creates a MessageDialog ouside of the current window.
- The MetroWindow
- The title of the MessageDialog.
- The message contained within the MessageDialog.
- The type of buttons to use.
- Optional settings that override the global metro dialog settings.
- A task promising the result of which button was pressed.
- Use the dialog coordinator to help you interfact with dialogs from a view model.
- Shows the input dialog.
- Typically this should be the view model, which you register in XAML using .
- The title of the MessageDialog.
- The message contained within the MessageDialog.
- Optional settings that override the global metro dialog settings.
- The text that was entered or null (Nothing in Visual Basic) if the user cancelled the operation.
- Shows the input dialog.
- Typically this should be the view model, which you register in XAML using .
- The title of the MessageDialog.
- The message contained within the MessageDialog.
- Optional settings that override the global metro dialog settings.
- The text that was entered or null (Nothing in Visual Basic) if the user cancelled the operation.
- Creates a LoginDialog inside of the current window.
- Typically this should be the view model, which you register in XAML using .
- The title of the LoginDialog.
- The message contained within the LoginDialog.
- Optional settings that override the global metro dialog settings.
- The text that was entered or null (Nothing in Visual Basic) if the user cancelled the operation.
- Creates a LoginDialog outside of the current window.
- Typically this should be the view model, which you register in XAML using .
- The title of the LoginDialog.
- The message contained within the LoginDialog.
- Optional settings that override the global metro dialog settings.
- The text that was entered or null (Nothing in Visual Basic) if the user cancelled the operation.
- Creates a MessageDialog inside of the current window.
- Typically this should be the view model, which you register in XAML using .
- The title of the MessageDialog.
- The message contained within the MessageDialog.
- The type of buttons to use.
- Optional settings that override the global metro dialog settings.
- A task promising the result of which button was pressed.
- Creates a MessageDialog outside of the current window.
- Typically this should be the view model, which you register in XAML using .
- The title of the MessageDialog.
- The message contained within the MessageDialog.
- The type of buttons to use.
- Optional settings that override the global metro dialog settings.
- A task promising the result of which button was pressed.
- Creates a ProgressDialog inside of the current window.
- Typically this should be the view model, which you register in XAML using .
- The title of the ProgressDialog.
- The message within the ProgressDialog.
- Determines if the cancel button is visible.
- Optional Settings that override the global metro dialog settings.
- A task promising the instance of ProgressDialogController for this operation.
- Adds a Metro Dialog instance to the specified window and makes it visible asynchronously.
- You have to close the resulting dialog yourself with .
- Typically this should be the view model, which you register in XAML using .
- The dialog instance itself.
- An optional pre-defined settings instance.
- A task representing the operation.
- The is already visible in the window.
- Hides a visible Metro Dialog instance.
- Typically this should be the view model, which you register in XAML using .
- The dialog instance to hide.
- An optional pre-defined settings instance.
- A task representing the operation.
- The is not visible in the window.
- This happens if hasn't been called before.
- Gets the current shown dialog.
- Typically this should be the view model, which you register in XAML using .
- InputDialog
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- InitializeComponent
- LoginDialog
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- InitializeComponent
- An internal control that represents a message dialog. Please use MetroWindow.ShowMessage instead!
- MessageDialog
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- InitializeComponent
- An enum representing the result of a Message Dialog.
- An enum representing the different button states for a Message Dialog.
- Just "OK"
- "OK" and "Cancel"
- An enum representing the different choices for a color scheme in a Metro Dialog.
- A class that represents the settings used by Metro Dialogs.
- Gets or sets wheater the owner of the dialog can be closed.
- Gets or sets the text used for the Affirmative button. For example: "OK" or "Yes".
- Enable or disable dialog hiding animation
- "True" - play hiding animation.
- "False" - skip hiding animation.
- Enable or disable dialog showing animation.
- "True" - play showing animation.
- "False" - skip showing animation.
- Gets or sets a token to cancel the dialog.
- Gets or sets whether the metro dialog should use the default black/white appearance (theme) or try to use the current accent.
- Gets or sets a custom resource dictionary which can contains custom styles, brushes or something else.
- Gets or sets which button should be focused by default
- Gets or sets the default text (just the inputdialog needed)
- Gets or sets the size of the dialog message font.
- The size of the dialog message font.
- Gets or sets the dialog result when the user cancelled the dialog with 'ESC' key
- If the value is the default behavior is determined
- by the .
- Gets or sets the size of the dialog title font.
- The size of the dialog title font.
- Gets or sets the text used for the first auxiliary button.
- Gets or sets the maximum height. (Default is unlimited height, Double.NaN)
- Gets or sets the text used for the Negative button. For example: "Cancel" or "No".
- Gets or sets the text used for the second auxiliary button.
- An internal control that represents a message dialog. Please use MetroWindow.ShowMessage instead!
- ProgressDialog
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- InitializeComponent
- A class for manipulating an open ProgressDialog.
- This event is raised when the associated was closed programmatically.
- This event is raised when the associated was cancelled by the user.
- Gets if the Cancel button has been pressed.
- Gets if the wrapped ProgressDialog is open.
- Sets the ProgressBar's IsIndeterminate to true. To set it to false, call SetProgress.
- Sets if the Cancel button is visible.
- Sets the dialog's progress bar value and sets IsIndeterminate to false.
- The percentage to set as the value.
- Gets/Sets the minimum restriction of the progress Value property
- Gets/Sets the maximum restriction of the progress Value property
- Sets the dialog's message content.
- The message to be set.
- Sets the dialog's title.
- The title to be set.
- Sets the dialog's progress bar brush
- The brush to use for the progress bar's foreground
- Begins an operation to close the ProgressDialog.
- A task representing the operation.
- The DependencyProperty for the ContentTemplate property.
- The DependencyProperty for the ContentTemplateSelector property.
- The DependencyProperty for the ContentStringFormat property.
- Gets or sets the Content of this control..
- ContentTemplate is the template used to display the content of the control.
- ContentTemplateSelector allows to provide custom logic for choosing the template used to display the content of the control.
- This property is ignored if is set.
- ContentStringFormat is the format used to display the content of the control as a string
- This property is ignored if is set.
- Reflects the parameter to pass to the CommandProperty upon execution.
- Gets or sets the target element on which to fire the command.
- Get or sets the Command property.
- Indicates whether the Menu is visible.
- Gets or sets an extra tag.
- Gets or sets the dimension of children stacking.
- Gets or sets the Content used to generate the icon part.
- Gets or sets the ContentTemplate used to display the content of the icon part.
- Gets/sets the button style.
- Gets/sets the menu style.
- Gets/sets the brush of the button arrow icon.
- Gets/sets the brush of the button arrow icon if the mouse is over the drop down button.
- Gets/sets the brush of the button arrow icon if the arrow button is pressed.
- Gets/sets the visibility of the button arrow icon.
- Invoked when the property changes.
- Information about the change.
- Executes the specified action asynchronously with the DispatcherPriority.Background on the thread that the Dispatcher was created on.
- The dispatcher object where the action runs.
- An action that takes no parameters.
- The dispatcher priority.
- Executes the specified action if the element is loaded or at the loaded event if it's not loaded.
- The element where the action should be run.
- An action that takes no parameters.
- A control that imitate a slide show with back/forward buttons.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the border brush of the mouse hover effect.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the border for mouse over effect is enabled or not.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the border thickness for the border of the mouse hover effect.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the navigation is circular, so you get the first after last and the last before first.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the position of the navigation buttons.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the orientation of the navigation.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the transition of the left navigation.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the transition of the right navigation.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the transition of the up navigation.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the transition of the down navigation.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets whether the banner is visible or not.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets whether the navigation button are visible or not.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the banner text.
- To counteract the double Loaded event issue.
- Coerce SelectedIndexProperty's value.
- The object that the property exists on.
- The new value of the property, prior to any coercion attempt.
- The coerced value (with appropriate type).
- Changes the current slide to the previous item.
- Changes the current to the next item.
- Brings the control buttons (next/previous) into view.
- Removes the control buttons (next/previous) from view.
- Applies actions to navigation buttons.
- Action applied to the previous button.
- Action applied to the next button.
- Action applied to the inactive buttons.
- Any action is null.
- Computes the transition when changing selected index.
- Previous selected index.
- New selected index.
- Sets the visibility of navigation buttons.
- Visibility of active buttons.
- Gets the navigation buttons.
- Previous button.
- Next button.
- Inactive buttons.
- A sliding panel control that is hosted in a MetroWindow via a FlyoutsControl.
- An event that is raised when IsOpen changes.
- An event that is raised when the closing animation has finished.
- Gets/sets if the title is visible in this flyout.
- Gets/sets if the close button is visible in this flyout.
- Gets/sets if the close button is a cancel button in this flyout.
- Gets/sets a command which will be executed if the close button was clicked.
- Note that this won't execute when is set to false.
- Gets/sets the command parameter which will be passed by the CloseCommand.
- Gets/sets whether this flyout is visible.
- Gets/sets whether this flyout uses the open/close animation when changing the property. (default is true)
- Gets/sets whether this flyout animates the opacity of the flyout when opening/closing.
- Gets/sets whether this flyout stays open when the user clicks outside of it.
- Gets/sets the mouse button that closes the flyout on an external mouse click.
- Gets/sets whether this flyout is modal.
- Gets/sets this flyout's position in the FlyoutsControl/MetroWindow.
- Gets or sets the theme of this flyout.
- Gets or sets the focused element.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the flyout should auto close after AutoCloseInterval has passed.
- Gets or sets the time in milliseconds when the flyout should auto close.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the flyout should try focus an element.
- A FlyoutsControl is for displaying flyouts in a MetroWindow.
- Gets/sets whether is ignored and all flyouts behave as if it was set to the value of this property.
- Gets/sets whether is ignored and all flyouts behave as if it was set false.
- Adapts the Flyout's theme to the theme of its host window.
- Adapts the Flyout's theme to the theme of its host window, but inverted.
- This theme can only be applied if the host window's theme abides the "Dark" and "Light" affix convention.
- (see for more infos.
- The dark theme. This is the default theme.
- The flyouts theme will match the host window's accent color.
- The HamburgerMenu is based on a SplitView control. By default it contains a HamburgerButton and a ListView to display menu items.
- The HamburgerMenu is based on a SplitView control. By default it contains a HamburgerButton and a ListView to display menu items.
- The HamburgerMenu is based on a SplitView control. By default it contains a HamburgerButton and a ListView to display menu items.
- The HamburgerMenu is based on a SplitView control. By default it contains a HamburgerButton and a ListView to display menu items.
- The HamburgerMenu is based on a SplitView control. By default it contains a HamburgerButton and a ListView to display menu items.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Override default OnApplyTemplate to capture children controls
- Event raised when an item is clicked
- Event raised when an options' item is clicked
- Event raised when an item is invoked
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the Style used for the hamburger button.
- Gets or sets a template for the hamburger button.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets a template for the hamburger pane header.
- Gets or sets main button's width.
- Gets or sets main button's height.
- Gets or sets main button's margin.
- Gets or sets main button's visibility.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets an object source used to generate the content of the options.
- Gets or sets the Style used for each item in the options.
- Gets or sets the DataTemplate used to display each item in the options.
- Gets or sets the DataTemplateSelector used to display each item in the options.
- Gets the collection used to generate the content of the option list.
- Exception thrown if OptionsListView is not yet defined.
- Gets or sets the visibility of the options menu.
- Gets or sets the selected options menu item.
- Gets or sets the selected options menu index.
- Gets or sets a command which will be executed if an options item is clicked by the user.
- Gets or sets the command parameter which will be passed by the OptionsItemCommand.
- Executes the options item command which can be set by the user.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the width of the pane when it's fully expanded.
- Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the pane is shown on the right or left side of the control.
- Gets or sets a value that specifies how the pane and content areas are shown.
- Gets or sets the width of the pane in its compact display mode.
- Gets or sets the margin for the pane.
- Gets or sets the margin for the pane header.
- Gets or sets the Brush to apply to the background of the Pane area of the control.
- Gets or sets the Brush to apply to the foreground of the Pane area of the control.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the pane is expanded to its full width.
- Gets or sets an object source used to generate the content of the menu.
- Gets or sets the Style used for each item.
- Gets or sets the DataTemplate used to display each item.
- Gets or sets the DataTemplateSelector used to display each item.
- Gets the collection used to generate the content of the items list.
- Exception thrown if ButtonsListView is not yet defined.
- Gets or sets the selected menu item.
- Gets or sets the selected menu index.
- Gets or sets a command which will be executed if an item is clicked by the user.
- Gets or sets the command parameter which will be passed by the ItemCommand.
- Gets or sets wheather the ScrollBar of the HamburgerMenu is on the left side or on the right side.
- Gets or sets wheather a selection indicator will be shown on the HamburgerMenuItem.
- Gets or sets the default FocusVisualStyle for a HamburgerMenuItem.
- This style can be override at the HamburgerMenuItem style by setting the FocusVisualStyle property.
- Executes the item command which can be set by the user.
- EventArgs used for the ItemClick and OptionsItemClick event.
- Gets the clicked item
- EventArgs used for the ItemInvoked event.
- Gets the invoked item
- Gets a value indicating whether the invoked item is an options item
- The HamburgerMenuGlyphItem provides a glyph based implementation for HamburgerMenu entries.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets a value that specifies the glyph to use from Segoe MDL2 Assets font.
- The HamburgerMenuIconItem provides an icon based implementation for HamburgerMenu entries.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets a value that specifies an user specific object which can be used as icon.
- The HamburgerMenuImageItem provides an image based implementation for HamburgerMenu entries.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets a value that specifies a bitmap to display with an Image control.
- The HamburgerMenuItem provides an implementation for HamburgerMenu entries.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets a value that specifies label to display.
- Gets or sets a value that specifies the page to navigate to (if you use the HamburgerMenu with a Frame content)
- Gets or sets a value that specifies an user specific value.
- Gets or sets a command which will be executed if an item is clicked by the user.
- Gets or sets the command parameter which will be passed by the Command.
- Gets or sets the element on which to raise the specified command.
- Element on which to raise a command.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this item is enabled in the user interface (UI). This is a dependency property.
- true if the item is enabled; otherwise, false. The default value is true.
- Gets or sets a value that specifies ToolTip to display.
- Executes the command which can be set by the user.
- The HamburgerMenuItemCollection provides typed collection of HamburgerMenuItem.
- Represents an hour comparison operation that ensures that 12 is smaller than 1.
- This ensures that in the control the first hour that is selectable is 12 (AM/PM).
- This ensures that the first hour that is selectable is 12 (AM/PM).
- This comparer is used only if in the corresponding the value for is false.
- A helper class that provides various attached properties for the control.
- Gets the Maximum number of characters the TextBox can accept.
- Sets the Maximum number of characters the TextBox can accept.
- Gets the Character casing of the TextBox.
- Sets the Character casing of the TextBox.
- A helper class that provides various controls.
- Gets the value to handle the visibility of the DisabledVisualElement in the template.
- Sets the value to handle the visibility of the DisabledVisualElement in the template.
- The DependencyProperty for the CharacterCasing property.
- Controls whether or not content is converted to upper or lower case
- Gets the character casing of the control
- Sets the character casing of the control
- Sets the brush used to draw the focus border.
- Gets the brush used to draw the focus border.
- Sets the brush used to draw the mouse over brush.
- Gets the brush used to draw the mouse over brush.
- DependencyProperty for property.
- The CornerRadius property allows users to control the roundness of the button corners independently by
- setting a radius value for each corner. Radius values that are too large are scaled so that they
- smoothly blend from corner to corner. (Can be used e.g. at MetroButton style)
- Description taken from original Microsoft description :-D
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the child contents of the control are not editable.
- Gets a value indicating whether the child contents of the control are not editable.
- Sets a value indicating whether the child contents of the control are not editable.
- Gets the value to define the DataGridCell selection behavior.
- Sets the value to define the DataGridCell selection behavior.
- Gets the value to define the DataGridCell selection behavior.
- Sets the value to define the DataGridCell selection behavior.
- Gets a value which indicates the preview cell editing is enabled or not.
- Sets a value which indicates the preview cell editing is enabled or not.
- Gets the value to define the DataGridRow selection behavior.
- Sets the value to define the DataGridRow selection behavior.
- A helper class that provides various attached properties for the Expander control.
- Gets the toggle button style used for the ExpandDirection Up.
- Sets the toggle button style used for the ExpandDirection Up.
- Gets the toggle button style used for the ExpandDirection Down.
- Sets the toggle button style used for the ExpandDirection Down.
- Gets the toggle button style used for the ExpandDirection Left.
- Sets the toggle button style used for the ExpandDirection Left.
- Gets the toggle button style used for the ExpandDirection Right.
- Sets the toggle button style used for the ExpandDirection Right.
- Gets or sets the background brush which will be used for the active selected item (if the keyboard focus is within).
- Gets the brush the background brush which will be used for the active selected item (if the keyboard focus is within).
- Sets the brush the background brush which will be used for the active selected item (if the keyboard focus is within).
- Gets or sets the foreground brush which will be used for the active selected item (if the keyboard focus is within).
- Gets the brush the foreground brush which will be used for the active selected item (if the keyboard focus is within).
- Sets the brush the foreground brush which will be used for the active selected item (if the keyboard focus is within).
- Gets or sets the background brush which will be used for a selected item.
- Gets the background brush which will be used for a selected item.
- Sets the background brush which will be used for a selected item.
- Gets or sets the foreground brush which will be used for a selected item.
- Gets the foreground brush which will be used for a selected item.
- Sets the foreground brush which will be used for a selected item.
- Gets or sets the background brush which will be used for an mouse hovered item.
- Gets the background brush which will be used for an mouse hovered item.
- Sets the background brush which will be used for an mouse hovered item.
- Gets or sets the background brush which will be used for an mouse hovered and selected item.
- Gets the background brush which will be used for an mouse hovered and selected item.
- Sets the background brush which will be used for an mouse hovered and selected item.
- Gets or sets the background brush which will be used for selected disabled items.
- Gets the background brush which will be used for selected disabled items.
- Sets the background brush which will be used for selected disabled items.
- Gets or sets the foreground brush which will be used for selected disabled items.
- Gets the foreground brush which will be used for selected disabled items.
- Sets the foreground brush which will be used for selected disabled items.
- Gets or sets the background brush which will be used for disabled items.
- Gets the background brush which will be used for disabled items.
- Sets the background brush which will be used for disabled items.
- Gets or sets the foreground brush which will be used for disabled items.
- Gets the foreground brush which will be used for disabled items.
- Sets the foreground brush which will be used for disabled items.
- Change the value of the slider if the user rotates the mouse wheel by the value defined for
- Change the value of the slider if the user rotates the mouse wheel by the value defined for
- Do not change the value of the slider if the user rotates the mouse wheel.
- Change the value of the slider only if the control is focused.
- Changes the value of the slider if the mouse pointer is over this element.
- Gets the content of the RevealButton.
- Sets the content of the RevealButton.
- Gets the data template used to display the content of the RevealButton.
- Sets the data template used to display the content of the RevealButton.
- Identifies the VerticalScrollBarOnLeftSide attached property.
- This property can be used to set vertical scrollbar left side from the tabpanel (look at MetroAnimatedSingleRowTabControl)
- Helper for getting from .
- to read from.
- VerticalScrollBarOnLeftSide property value.
- Helper for setting on .
- to set on.
- VerticalScrollBarOnLeftSide property value.
- Identifies the IsHorizontalScrollWheelEnabled attached property.
- Helper for getting from .
- to read from.
- IsHorizontalScrollWheelEnabled property value.
- Helper for setting on .
- to set on.
- IsHorizontalScrollWheelEnabled property value.
- This property can be used to trigger the call to a command when the user reach the end of the vertical scrollable area.
- Helper for getting from .
- to read from.
- EndOfVerticalScrollReachedCommand property value.
- Helper for setting on .
- to set on.
- EndOfVerticalScrollReachedCommand property value.
- This property can be used to trigger the call to a command when the user reach the end of the horizontal scrollable area.
- Helper for getting from .
- to read from.
- EndOfHorizontalScrollReachedCommand property value.
- Helper for setting on .
- to set on.
- EndOfHorizontalScrollReachedCommand property value.
- This property can be used to provide a command parameter to the command called when reaching the end of the vertical or horizontal scrollable area.
- Helper for getting from .
- to read from.
- EndOfScrollReachedCommandParameter property value.
- Helper for setting on .
- to set on.
- EndOfScrollReachedCommandParameter property value.
- Gets or sets the brush of the thumb.
- Gets the brush of the thumb.
- Sets the brush of the thumb.
- Gets or sets the brush of the thumb if the mouse is over the slider.
- Gets the brush of the thumb if the mouse is over the slider.
- Sets the brush of the thumb if the mouse is over the slider.
- Gets or sets the brush of the thumb if the mouse button is pressed.
- Gets the brush of the thumb if the mouse button is pressed.
- Sets the brush of the thumb if the mouse button is pressed.
- Gets or sets the brush of the thumb if the slider is disabled.
- Gets the brush of the thumb if the slider is disabled.
- Sets the brush of the thumb if the slider is disabled.
- Gets or sets the brush of the track.
- Gets the brush of the track.
- Sets the brush of the track.
- Gets or sets the brush of the track if the mouse is over the slider.
- Gets the brush of the track if the mouse is over the slider.
- Sets the brush of the track if the mouse is over the slider.
- Gets or sets the brush of the track if the mouse button is pressed.
- Gets the brush of the track if the mouse button is pressed.
- Sets the brush of the track if the mouse button is pressed.
- Gets or sets the brush of the track if the slider is disabled.
- Gets the brush of the track if the slider is disabled.
- Sets the brush of the track if the slider is disabled.
- Gets or sets the brush of the track value.
- Gets the brush of the track value.
- Sets the brush of the track value.
- Gets or sets the brush of the track value if the mouse is over the slider.
- Gets the brush of the track value if the mouse is over the slider.
- Sets the brush of the track value if the mouse is over the slider.
- Gets or sets the brush of the track value if the mouse button is pressed.
- Gets the brush of the track value if the mouse button is pressed.
- Sets the brush of the track value if the mouse button is pressed.
- Gets or sets the brush of the track value if the slider is disabled.
- Gets the brush of the track value if the slider is disabled.
- Sets the brush of the track value if the slider is disabled.
- Gets/Sets the type how the value will be changed if the user rotates the mouse wheel.
- Gets/Sets the type how the value will be changed if the user rotates the mouse wheel.
- Gets/Sets the value when the slider will be changed. Possible values are if the slider is focused or if the mouse is over the slider.
- Gets/Sets the value when the slider will be changed. Possible values are if the slider is focused or if the mouse is over the slider.
- Specifies the underline position of a TabControl.
- Sets the Style and Template property to null.
- Removing a TabItem in code behind can produce such nasty output
- System.Windows.Data Warning: 4 : Cannot find source for binding with reference 'RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType='System.Windows.Controls.TabControl', AncestorLevel='1''. BindingExpression:Path=Background; DataItem=null; target element is 'TabItem' (Name=''); target property is 'Background' (type 'Brush')
- or
- System.Windows.Data Error: 4 : Cannot find source for binding with reference 'RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType='System.Windows.Controls.TabControl', AncestorLevel='1''. BindingExpression:Path=(0); DataItem=null; target element is 'TabItem' (Name=''); target property is 'UnderlineBrush' (type 'Brush')
- This is a timing problem in WPF of the binding mechanism itself.
- To avoid this, we can set the Style and Template to null.
- Identifies the CloseButtonEnabled attached property.
- Gets whether a close button should be visible or not.
- Sets whether a close button should be visible or not.
- Identifies the CloseTabCommand attached property.
- Gets a command for the TabItem which executes if the TabItem will be closed.
- Sets a command for the TabItem which executes if the TabItem will be closed.
- Identifies the CloseTabCommandParameter attached property.
- Gets a command parameter for the TabItem that will be passed to the CloseTabCommand.
- Sets a command parameter for the TabItem that will be passed to the CloseTabCommand.
- Defines whether the underline below the or is shown or not.
- Defines the underline brush below the or .
- Defines the underline brush below the or of an selected item.
- Defines the underline brush below the or if the mouse is over an item.
- Defines the underline brush below the or if the mouse is over a selected item.
- This property can be used to set the Transition for animated TabControls
- A helper class that provides various attached properties for the TextBox control.
- Password watermarking code from: http://prabu-guru.blogspot.com/2010/06/how-to-add-watermark-text-to-textbox.html
- The clear text button behavior property. It sets a click event to the button if the value is true.
- This property can be used to set the button width (PART_ClearText) of TextBox, PasswordBox, ComboBox, NumericUpDown
- This property can be used to retrieve the watermark using the of bound property.
- Setting this property to true will uses reflection.
- Indicates if a TextBox or RichTextBox should use SpellCheck context menu
- Indicates if the watermark is automatically retrieved by using the of the bound property.
- This attached property uses reflection; thus it might reduce the performance of the application.
- The auto-watermak does work for the following controls:
- In the following case no custom watermark is shown
- There is no binding
- Binding path errors
- Binding to a element of a collection without using a property of that element Binding Path=Collection[0] use: Binding Path=Collection[0].SubProperty
- The bound property does not have a
- Gets a value that indicates the horizontal alignment of the watermark.
- One of the values that specifies the desired alignment. The default is .
- Sets a value that indicates the horizontal alignment of the watermark.
- Gets the text trimming behavior to employ when watermark overflows the content area.
- One of the values that specifies the text trimming behavior to employ. The default is .
- Sets the text trimming behavior to employ when watermark overflows the content area.
- Gets how the watermark should wrap text.
- One of the values. The default is .
- Sets how the watermark should wrap text.
- Gets if the attached TextBox has text.
- Gets the clear text button visibility / feature. Can be used to enable text deletion.
- Sets the clear text button visibility / feature. Can be used to enable text deletion.
- Gets the text button visibility.
- Sets the text button visibility.
- Gets the buttons placement variant.
- Sets the buttons placement variant.
- Gets the clear text button behavior.
- Sets the clear text button behavior.
- ButtonContentTemplate is the template used to display the content of the ClearText button.
- This property can be used to handle the style for CheckBox and RadioButton
- LeftToRight means content left and button right and RightToLeft vise versa
- This property can be used to handle the style for CheckBox and RadioButton
- LeftToRight means content left and button right and RightToLeft vise versa
- A MetroTabControl (Pivot) that wraps TabItem/MetroTabItem headers on a single row.
- Initializes a new instance of the MahApps.Metro.Controls.MetroAnimatedSingleRowTabControl class.
- A MetroTabControl (Pivot) that uses a TransitioningContentControl to animate the contents of a TabItem/MetroTabItem.
- Initializes a new instance of the MahApps.Metro.Controls.MetroAnimatedTabControl class.
- Originally from http://xamlcoder.com/blog/2010/11/04/creating-a-metro-ui-style-control/
- Creates AutomationPeer ()
- The MetroHeaderAutomationPeer class exposes the type to UI Automation.
- A reimplementation of NavigationWindow based on MetroWindow.
- MetroNavigationWindow
- Gets an IEnumerable that you use to enumerate the entries in back navigation history for a NavigationWindow.
- Gets an IEnumerable that you use to enumerate the entries in back navigation history for a NavigationWindow.
- Gets the NavigationService that is used by this MetroNavigationWindow to provide navigation services to its content.
- Gets a value that indicates whether there is at least one entry in back navigation history.
- Gets a value that indicates whether there is at least one entry in forward navigation history.
- Gets or sets the base uniform resource identifier (URI) of the current context.
- Gets or sets the uniform resource identifier (URI) of the current content, or the URI of new content that is currently being navigated to.
- Adds an entry to back navigation history that contains a CustomContentState object.
- A CustomContentState object that represents application-defined state that is associated with a specific piece of content.
- Removes the most recent journal entry from back history.
- The most recent JournalEntry in back navigation history, if there is one.
- Navigates to the most recent item in back navigation history.
- Navigates to the most recent item in forward navigation history.
- Navigates asynchronously to content that is contained by an object.
- An Object that contains the content to navigate to.
- true if a navigation is not canceled; otherwise, false.
- Navigates asynchronously to content that is specified by a uniform resource identifier (URI).
- A Uri object initialized with the URI for the desired content.
- true if a navigation is not canceled; otherwise, false.
- Navigates asynchronously to content that is contained by an object, and passes an object that contains data to be used for processing during navigation.
- An Object that contains the content to navigate to.
- A Object that contains data to be used for processing during navigation.
- true if a navigation is not canceled; otherwise, false.
- Navigates asynchronously to source content located at a uniform resource identifier (URI), and pass an object that contains data to be used for processing during navigation.
- A Uri object initialized with the URI for the desired content.
- A Object that contains data to be used for processing during navigation.
- true if a navigation is not canceled; otherwise, false.
- Stops further downloading of content for the current navigation request.
- Occurs when navigation to a content fragment begins, which occurs immediately, if the desired fragment is in the current content, or after the source XAML content has been loaded, if the desired fragment is in different content.
- Occurs when a new navigation is requested.
- Occurs when an error is raised while navigating to the requested content.
- Occurs periodically during a download to provide navigation progress information.
- Occurs when the StopLoading method is called, or when a new navigation is requested while a current navigation is in progre
- Occurs when the content that is being navigated to has been found, and is available from the PageContent property, although it may not have completed loading
- Occurs when content that was navigated to has been loaded, parsed, and has begun rendering.
- InitializeComponent
- A metrofied ProgressBar.
- Gets/sets the diameter of the ellipses used in the indeterminate animation.
- Gets/sets the offset of the ellipses used in the indeterminate animation.
- A standard MetroTabControl (Pivot).
- Initializes a new instance of the MahApps.Metro.Controls.MetroTabControl class.
- A base class for every MetroTabControl (Pivot).
- Get/sets the command that executes when a MetroTabItem's close button is clicked.
- An event that is raised when a TabItem is closed.
- Event args that is created when a TabItem is closed.
- Gets the MetroTabItem that will be closed.
- An extended TabItem with a metro style.
- Gets/sets whether the Close Button is visible.
- Gets/sets the command that is executed when the Close Button is clicked.
- Gets/sets the command parameter which is passed to the close button command.
- Gets/sets the Close Button Margin.
- The MetroThumbContentControl control can be used for titles or something else and enables basic drag movement functionality.
- Adds or remove a DragStartedEvent handler
- Adds or remove a DragDeltaEvent handler
- Adds or remove a DragCompletedEvent handler
- DependencyProperty for the IsDragging property.
- Indicates that the left mouse button is pressed and is over the MetroThumbContentControl.
- The MetroThumbContentControlAutomationPeer class exposes the type to UI Automation.
- An extended, metrofied Window class.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Allows easy handling of window commands brush. Theme is also applied based on this brush.
- Gets/sets whether the window's entrance transition animation is enabled.
- Gets/sets the FlyoutsControl that hosts the window's flyouts.
- Gets/sets the icon content template to show a custom icon.
- Gets/sets the title content template to show a custom title.
- Gets/sets the left window commands that hosts the user commands.
- Gets/sets the right window commands that hosts the user commands.
- Gets/sets the window button commands that hosts the min/max/close commands.
- Defines if the Taskbar should be ignored when maximizing a Window.
- This only works with WindowStyle = None.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets resize border thickness. This enables animation, styling, binding, etc...
- for .
- Gets/sets if the border thickness value should be kept on maximize
- if the MaxHeight/MaxWidth of the window is less than the monitor resolution.
- for .
- Gets or sets wether the resizing of the window should be tried in a way that does not cause flicker/jitter, especially when resizing from the left side.
- Please note that setting this to true may cause resize lag and black areas appearing on some systems.
- for .
- Gets/sets the brush used for the titlebar's foreground.
- Gets/sets whether the window will save it's position between loads.
- Gets the window placement settings (can be overwritten).
- Get/sets whether the titlebar icon is visible or not.
- Get/sets whether dialogs show over the title bar.
- Gets whether one or more dialogs are shown.
- Gets/sets edge mode of the titlebar icon.
- Gets/sets bitmap scaling mode of the titlebar icon.
- Gets/sets icon scaling mode of the titlebar.
- Gets/sets whether the TitleBar is visible or not.
- Gets/sets whether the WindowStyle is None or not.
- Gets/sets if the minimize button is visible.
- Gets/sets if the Maximize/Restore button is visible.
- Gets/sets if the close button is visible.
- Gets/sets if the min button is enabled.
- Gets/sets if the max/restore button is enabled.
- Gets/sets if the close button is enabled.
- Gets or sets whether if the close button should be enabled or not if a dialog is shown.
- Gets/sets if the the system menu should popup on right click.
- Gets/sets the TitleBar's height.
- Character casing of the title
- Gets/sets the title horizontal alignment.
- Gets/sets the brush used for the Window's title bar.
- Gets/sets the brush used for the Window's glow.
- Gets/sets the brush used for the Window's non-active glow.
- Gets/sets the brush used for the Window's non-active border.
- Gets/sets the brush used for the Window's non-active title bar.
- Gets/sets the brush used for the dialog overlay.
- Gets/sets the opacity used for the dialog overlay.
- Gets or sets the brush used for the Flyouts overlay.
- Gets or sets the overlay fade in storyboard.
- Gets or sets the overlay fade out storyboard.
- Begins to show the MetroWindow's overlay effect.
- A task representing the process.
- Begins to hide the MetroWindow's overlay effect.
- A task representing the process.
- Stores the given element, or the last focused element via FocusManager, for restoring the focus after closing a dialog.
- The element which will be focused again.
- Clears the stored element which would get the focus after closing a dialog.
- Initializes a new instance of the MahApps.Metro.Controls.MetroWindow class.
- Initializes various behaviors for the window.
- For example , and .
- Gets the template child with the given name.
- The interface type inheirted from DependencyObject.
- The name of the template child.
- Gets the template child with the given name.
- The name of the template child.
- This class eats little children.
- Sets the IsHitTestVisibleInChromeProperty to a MetroWindow template child
- The MetroWindow.
- The name of the template child.
- Sets the WindowChrome ResizeGripDirection to a MetroWindow template child.
- The MetroWindow.
- The name of the template child.
- The direction.
- Adapts the WindowCommands to the theme of the first opened, topmost && (top || right || left) flyout
- The MetroWindow
- All the flyouts! Or flyouts that fall into the category described in the summary.
- An optional brush to reset the window commands brush to.
- Enum NumericInput which indicates what input is allowed for NumericUpdDown.
- Only numbers are allowed
- Numbers with decimal point and allowed scientific input
- All is allowed
- Represents a Windows spin box (also known as an up-down control) that displays numeric values.
- Event fired from this NumericUpDown when its value has reached the maximum value
- Event fired from this NumericUpDown when its value has reached the minimum value
- Gets or sets the amount of time, in milliseconds, the NumericUpDown waits while the up/down button is pressed
- before it starts increasing/decreasing the
- for the specified . The value must be
- non-negative.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the user can use the arrow keys and to change values.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the user can use the mouse wheel to change values.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control must have the focus in order to change values using the mouse wheel.
- If the value is true then the value changes when the mouse wheel is over the control. If the value is false then the value changes only if the control has the focus. If is set to "false" then this property has no effect.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the user can enter text in the control.
- Gets or sets a value indicating the culture to be used in string formatting operations.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the +/- button of the control is visible.
- If the value is false then the of the control can be changed only if one of the following cases is satisfied:
- is true.
- is true.
- is true.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the text can be changed by the use of the up or down buttons only.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the value to be added to or subtracted from remains
- always
- or if it will increase faster after pressing the up/down button/arrow some time.
- Gets or sets the formatting for the displaying
- Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of the contents of the text box.
- Gets or sets which numeric input for the NumericUpDown is allowed.
- Indicates if the NumericUpDown should round the value to the nearest possible interval when the focus moves to another element.
- Gets or sets the parsing number style for the value from text to numeric.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the up down buttons are switched.
- Called when this element or any below gets focus.
- When overridden in a derived class, is invoked whenever application code or internal processes call
- .
- Raises the routed event.
- Old value of the property
- New value of the property
- Based on Greg Schechter's Planerator
- http://blogs.msdn.com/b/greg_schechter/archive/2007/10/26/enter-the-planerator-dead-simple-3d-in-wpf-with-a-stupid-name.aspx
- An Enum representing different positions, such as Left or Right.
- Event arguments created for the RangeSlider's SelectionChanged event.
- The value of the new range's beginning.
- The value of the new range's ending.
- A slider control with the ability to select a range between two values.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets whether a tooltip that contains the current value of the displays when the is pressed. If a tooltip is displayed, this property also specifies the placement of the tooltip.
- One of the values that determines where to display the tooltip with respect to the of the , or that specifies to not show a tooltip. The default is , which specifies that a tooltip is not displayed.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the number of digits that are displayed to the right side of the decimal point for the of the in a tooltip.
- The precision of the that displays in the tooltip, specified as the number of digits that appear to the right of the decimal point. The default is zero (0).
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets a template for the auto tooltip to show the lower value.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets a template for the auto tooltip to show the upper value.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets or sets a template for the auto tooltip to show the center value.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Get/sets value how fast thumbs will move when user press on left/right/central with left mouse button (IsMoveToPoint must be set to FALSE)
- Gets or sets the position of tick marks with respect to the of the .
- A value that defines how to position the tick marks in a with respect to the slider bar. The default is .
- Gets or sets the interval between tick marks.
- The distance between tick marks. The default is (1.0).
- Gets or sets the positions of the tick marks to display for a .
- A set of tick marks to display for a . The default is .
- Get or sets IsMoveToPoint feature which will enable/disable moving to exact point inside control when user clicked on it
- Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the two of a moves immediately to the location of the mouse click that occurs while the mouse pointer pauses on the tracks.
- Gets or sets the orientation of the .
- Get/sets whether possibility to make manipulations inside range with left/right mouse buttons + cotrol button
- Get/sets whether possibility to make manipulations inside range with left/right mouse buttons + cotrol button
- Get/sets whether whole range will be moved when press on right/left/central part of control
- Get/sets the minimal distance between two thumbs.
- Get/sets the beginning of the range selection.
- Get/sets the end of the range selection.
- Get/sets the minimum range that can be selected.
- Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the displays a selection range along the .
- if a selection range is displayed; otherwise, . The default is .
- Gets or sets the smallest value of a specified selection for a .
- The largest value of a selected range of values of a . The default is zero (0.0).
- Gets or sets the largest value of a specified selection for a .
- The largest value of a selected range of values of a . The default is zero (0.0).
- Responds to a change in the value of the property.
- The old value of the property.The new value of the property.
- Responds to a change in the value of the property.
- The old value of the property.The new value of the property.
- Gets the lower value of the range selection.
- Gets the upper value of the range selection.
- RevealImage
- InitializeComponent
- Reflects the parameter to pass to the CommandProperty upon execution.
- Gets or sets the target element on which to fire the command.
- Get or sets the Command property.
- Indicates whether the Popup is visible.
- Gets or sets an extra tag.
- Gets or sets the dimension of children stacking.
- Gets or sets the Content used to generate the icon part.
- Gets or sets the ContentTemplate used to display the content of the icon part.
- Gets/sets the button style.
- Gets/sets the button arrow style.
- Gets/sets the popup listbox style.
- Gets/sets the brush of the button arrow icon.
- Gets/sets the brush of the button arrow icon if the mouse is over the split button.
- Gets/sets the brush of the button arrow icon if the arrow button is pressed.
- Updates the current selection when an item in the has changed
- The event data.
- A special animation used to animates the length of a .
- Represents a container with two views; one view for the main content and another view that is typically used for
- navigation commands.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- The identifier for the property.
- Gets or sets the width of the pane in its compact display mode.
- The width of the pane in it's compact display mode. The default is 48 device-independent pixel (DIP) (defined
- by the SplitViewCompactPaneThemeLength resource).
- Identifies the dependency property.
- The identifier for the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the contents of the main panel of a .
- The contents of the main panel of a . The default is null.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- The identifier for the dependency property.
- Gets of sets a value that specifies how the pane and content areas of a are shown.
- A value of the enumeration that specifies how the pane and content areas of a are
- shown. The default is .
- Identifies the dependency property.
- The identifier for the dependency property.
- Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the pane is expanded to its full width.
- true if the pane is expanded to its full width; otherwise, false. The default is true.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- The identifier for the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the width of the pane when it's fully expanded.
- The width of the pane when it's fully expanded. The default is 320 device-independent
- pixel (DIP).
- Identifies the dependency property.
- The identifier for the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the contents of the pane of a .
- The contents of the pane of a . The default is null.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- The identifier for the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the Brush to apply to the background of the area of the control.
- The Brush to apply to the background of the area of the control.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- The identifier for the dependency property.
- Gets or sets the Brush to apply to the foreground of the area of the control.
- The Brush to apply to the background of the area of the control.
- Identifies the PanePlacement dependency property.
- The identifier for the PanePlacement dependency property.
- Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the pane is shown on the right or left side of the
- .
- A value of the enumeration that specifies whether the pane is shown on the right or left side of the
- . The default is .
- Identifies the dependency property.
- The identifier for the dependency property.
- Gets an object that provides calculated values that can be referenced as TemplateBinding sources when defining
- templates for a control.
- An object that provides calculated values for templates.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Occurs when the pane is closed.
- Occurs when the pane is closing.
- Constants that specify how the pane is shown in a .
- The pane covers the content when it's open and does not take up space in the control layout.
- The pane is shown side-by-side with the content and takes up space in the control layout.
- The amount of the pane defined by the property is shown side-by-side
- with the content and takes up space in the control layout.
- The remaining part of the pane covers the content when it's open and does not take up space in the control layout.
- The amount of the pane defined by the property is shown side-by-side
- with the content and takes up space in the control layout.
- The remaining part of the pane pushes the content to the side when it's open and takes up space in the control
- layout.
- Provides event data for the event.
- Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the pane closing action should be canceled.
- true to cancel the pane closing action; otherwise, false.
- Constants that specify whether the pane is set to the left or to the right of the content in a
- .
- The pane is shown to the left of the content.
- The pane is shown to the right of the content.
- Provides calculated values that can be referenced as TemplatedParent sources when defining templates for a
- .
- Not intended for general use.
- Gets the value as a GridLength.
- Gets the negative of the value.
- Gets the negative of the value calculated by subtracting the value from
- the value.
- Gets the value as a GridLength.
- Gets the value.
- Gets a value calculated by subtracting the value from the
- value.
- An Enum representing different themes for window commands.
- HorizontalTitleAlignment Dependency Property.
- Default Value: HorizontalAlignment.Left
- Gets/Sets the horizontal alignment of the title.
- VerticalTitleAlignment Dependency Property.
- Default Value: VerticalAlignment.Bottom
- Gets/Sets the vertical alignment of the title.
- Represents a control that allows the user to select a date and a time.
- Gets or sets the date to display
- The date to display. The default is .
- Gets or sets the last date to be displayed.
- The last date to display.
- Gets or sets the first date to be displayed.
- The first date to display.
- Gets or sets the day that is considered the beginning of the week.
- A that represents the beginning of the week. The default is the
- that is determined by the current culture.
- Gets or sets the format that is used to display the selected date.
- Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the current date will be highlighted.
- true if the current date is highlighted; otherwise, false. The default is true.
- Gets or sets a value that indicates the dimension by which calendar and clock are stacked.
- The of the calendar and clock. The default is
- .
- Defines the visibility for time-parts that are visible for the .
- Represents a control that allows the user to select a time.
- Represents a base-class for time picking.
- This readonly dependency property is to control whether to show the date-picker (in case of ) or hide it (in case of .
- This list contains values from 0 to 55 with an interval of 5. It can be used to bind to and .
- <MahApps:TimePicker SourceSeconds="{x:Static MahApps:TimePickerBase.IntervalOf5}" />
- <MahApps:DateTimePicker SourceSeconds="{x:Static MahApps:TimePickerBase.IntervalOf5}" />
- Returns a list containing {0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55}.
- This list contains values from 0 to 50 with an interval of 10. It can be used to bind to and .
- <MahApps:TimePicker SourceSeconds="{x:Static MahApps:TimePickerBase.IntervalOf10}" />
- <MahApps:DateTimePicker SourceSeconds="{x:Static MahApps:TimePickerBase.IntervalOf10}" />
- Returns a list containing {0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50}.
- This list contains values from 0 to 45 with an interval of 15. It can be used to bind to and .
- <MahApps:TimePicker SourceSeconds="{x:Static MahApps:TimePickerBase.IntervalOf15}" />
- <MahApps:DateTimePicker SourceSeconds="{x:Static MahApps:TimePickerBase.IntervalOf15}" />
- Returns a list containing {0, 15, 30, 45}.
- Occurs when the property is changed.
- Gets or sets a value indicating the culture to be used in string formatting operations.
- Gets or sets a value indicating the visibility of the clock hands in the user interface (UI).
- The visibility definition of the clock hands. The default is .
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the date can be selected or not. This property is read-only.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the clock of this control is visible in the user interface (UI). This is a
- dependency property.
- If this value is set to false then is set to
- true if the clock is visible; otherwise, false. The default value is true.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the drop-down for a box is currently
- open.
- true if the drop-down is open; otherwise, false. The default is false.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the contents of the are not editable.
- true if the is read-only; otherwise, false. The default is false.
- Gets or sets a value indicating the visibility of the selectable date-time-parts in the user interface (UI).
- visibility definition of the selectable date-time-parts. The default is .
- Gets or sets the currently selected date and time.
- The date and time which is currently selected. The default is null.
- Gets or sets the format that is used to display the selected time.
- Gets or sets a collection used to generate the content for selecting the hours.
- A collection that is used to generate the content for selecting the hours. The default is a list of interger from 0
- to 23 if is false or a list of interger from
- 1 to 12 otherwise..
- Gets or sets a collection used to generate the content for selecting the minutes.
- A collection that is used to generate the content for selecting the minutes. The default is a list of int from
- 0 to 59.
- Gets or sets a collection used to generate the content for selecting the seconds.
- A collection that is used to generate the content for selecting the minutes. The default is a list of int from
- 0 to 59.
- Gets a value indicating whether the that is specified by the
- set by the ( if null) has not a value.
- When overridden in a derived class, is invoked whenever application code or internal processes call
- .
- Gets the offset from the selected to use it in as hour
- parameter.
- The current hour.
- An integer representing the offset to add to the hour that is selected in the hour-picker for setting the correct
- . The offset is determined as follows:
- ConditionOffset
- is false0
- Selected hour is between 1 AM and 11 AM0
- Selected hour is 12 AM-12h
- Selected hour is between 12 PM and 11 PM+12h
- A control that allows the user to toggle between two states: One represents true; The other represents false.
- Identifies the dependency property.
- Gets/sets the font family of the header.
- Gets/sets the text to display when the control is in it's On state.
- Gets/sets the text to display when the control is in it's Off state.
- Gets/sets the brush used for the on-switch's foreground.
- Gets/sets the brush used for the off-switch's foreground.
- Gets/sets the brush used for the thumb indicator.
- Gets/sets the brush used for the thumb indicator.
- Gets/sets the width of the thumb indicator.
- Gets/sets the control's content flow direction.
- Gets or sets the padding of the inner content.
- Gets/sets the control's toggle switch button style.
- Gets/sets whether the control is Checked (On) or not (Off).
- Gets/sets the command which will be executed if the IsChecked property was changed.
- Gets/sets the command which will be executed if the checked event of the control is fired.
- Gets/sets the command which will be executed if the checked event of the control is fired.
- Gets/sets the command parameter which will be passed by the CheckChangedCommand.
- Gets/sets the command parameter which will be passed by the CheckedCommand.
- Gets/sets the command parameter which will be passed by the UnCheckedCommand.
- An event that is raised when the value of IsChecked changes.
- A Button that allows the user to toggle between two states.
- Gets/sets the brush used for the on-switch's foreground.
- Gets/sets the brush used for the off-switch's foreground.
- Gets/sets the brush used for the thumb indicator.
- Gets/sets the brush used for the thumb indicator.
- Gets/sets the width of the thumb indicator.
- enumeration for the different transition types
- Use the VisualState DefaultTransition
- Use the VisualState Normal
- Use the VisualState UpTransition
- Use the VisualState DownTransition
- Use the VisualState RightTransition
- Use the VisualState RightReplaceTransition
- Use the VisualState LeftTransition
- Use the VisualState LeftReplaceTransition
- Use a custom VisualState, the name must be set using CustomVisualStatesName property
- A ContentControl that animates content as it loads and unloads.
- Gets or sets the name of the custom transition visual state.
- Gets/sets if the content is transitioning.
- Reload the current transition if the content is the same.
- Helper methods for UI-related tasks.
- This class was obtained from Philip Sumi (a fellow WPF Disciples blog)
- http://www.hardcodet.net/uploads/2009/06/UIHelper.cs
- Finds a parent of a given item on the visual tree.
- The type of the queried item.
- A direct or indirect child of the
- queried item.
- The first parent item that matches the submitted
- type parameter. If not matching item can be found, a null
- reference is being returned.
- Finds all Ancestors of a given item on the visual tree.
- A node in a visual tree
- All ancestors in visual tree of element
- Finds a Child of a given item in the visual tree.
- A direct parent of the queried item.
- The type of the queried item.
- x:Name or Name of child.
- The first parent item that matches the submitted type parameter.
- If not matching item can be found,
- a null parent is being returned.
- This method is an alternative to WPF's
- method, which also
- supports content elements. Keep in mind that for content element,
- this method falls back to the logical tree of the element!
- The item to be processed.
- The submitted item's parent, if available. Otherwise
- null.
- Analyzes both visual and logical tree in order to find all elements of a given
- type that are descendants of the item.
- The type of the queried items.
- The root element that marks the source of the search. If the
- source is already of the requested type, it will not be included in the result.
- Sometimes it's better to search in the VisualTree (e.g. in tests)
- All descendants of that match the requested type.
- This method is an alternative to WPF's
- method, which also
- supports content elements. Keep in mind that for content elements,
- this method falls back to the logical tree of the element.
- The item to be processed.
- Sometimes it's better to search in the VisualTree (e.g. in tests)
- The submitted item's child elements, if available.
- Tries to locate a given item within the visual tree,
- starting with the dependency object at a given position.
- The type of the element to be found
- on the visual tree of the element at the given location.
- The main element which is used to perform
- hit testing.
- The position to be evaluated on the origin.
- Gets the relative mouse position to the given handle in client coordinates.
- The handle for this method.
- Try to get the relative mouse position to the given handle in client coordinates.
- The handle for this method.
- The relative mouse position to the given handle.
- Gets or sets the value indicating current light style for the minimize button.
- Gets or sets the value indicating current light style for the maximize button.
- Gets or sets the value indicating current light style for the close button.
- Gets or sets the value indicating current dark style for the minimize button.
- Gets or sets the value indicating current dark style for the maximize button.
- Gets or sets the value indicating current dark style for the close button.
- Gets or sets the value indicating current theme.
- Gets or sets the minimize button tooltip.
- Gets or sets the maximize button tooltip.
- Gets or sets the close button tooltip.
- Gets or sets the restore button tooltip.
- Gets or sets the value indicating current theme.
- Gets or sets the value indicating light theme template.
- Gets or sets the value indicating light theme template.
- Gets or sets the value indicating whether to show the separators.
- Gets or sets the value indicating whether to show the last separator.
- Gets or sets the value indicating separator height.
- Gets or sets the value indicating whether to show the separator.
- Doesn't overlay flyouts nor a hidden TitleBar.
- Overlays opened controls.
- Overlays a hidden TitleBar.
- Refreshes the application settings property values from persistent storage.
- Upgrades the application settings on loading.
- Updates application settings to reflect a more recent installation of the application.
- Stores the current values of the settings properties.
- this settings class is the default way to save the placement of the window
- Upgrades the application settings on loading.
- Determining Ideal Text Color Based on Specified Background Color
- http://www.codeproject.com/KB/GDI-plus/IdealTextColor.aspx
- The bg.
- Converts a double representing either hour/minute/second to the corresponding angle.
- Converts the value from true to false and false to true.
- The math operations which can be used at the
- MathConverter provides a value converter which can be used for math operations.
- It can be used for normal binding or multi binding as well.
- If it is used for normal binding the given parameter will be used as operands with the selected operation.
- If it is used for multi binding then the first and second binding will be used as operands with the selected operation.
- This class cannot be inherited.
- MathAddConverter provides a multi value converter as a MarkupExtension which can be used for math operations.
- This class cannot be inherited.
- MathSubtractConverter provides a multi value converter as a MarkupExtension which can be used for math operations.
- This class cannot be inherited.
- MathMultiplyConverter provides a multi value converter as a MarkupExtension which can be used for math operations.
- This class cannot be inherited.
- MathDivideConverter provides a multi value converter as a MarkupExtension which can be used for math operations.
- This class cannot be inherited.
- Converts a String into a Visibility enumeration (and back)
- The FalseEquivalent can be declared with the "FalseEquivalent" property
- Initialize the properties with standard values
- FalseEquivalent (default : Visibility.Collapsed => see Constructor)
- Define whether the opposite boolean value is crucial (default : false)
- Converts a Thickness to a new Thickness. It's possible to ignore a side With the IgnoreThicknessSide property.
- Use all sides.
- Ignore the left side.
- Ignore the top side.
- Ignore the right side.
- Ignore the bottom side.
- Converts a value.
- A converted value. If the method returns null, the valid null value is used.
- The value produced by the binding source.
- The type of the binding target property.
- The converter parameter to use.
- The culture to use in the converter.
- Converts a value.
- A converted value. If the method returns null, the valid null value is used.
- The value that is produced by the binding target.
- The type to convert to.
- The converter parameter to use.
- The culture to use in the converter.
- Represents the background theme of the application.
- Gets the key for the theme name.
- Gets the key for the theme display name.
- Gets the key for the theme base color scheme.
- Gets the key for the theme color scheme.
- Gets the key for the theme showcase brush.
- Initializes a new instance.
- The URI of the theme ResourceDictionary.
- Initializes a new instance.
- The ResourceDictionary of the theme.
- The ResourceDictionary that represents this application theme.
- Gets the name of the theme.
- Gets the display name of the theme.
- Get the base color scheme for this theme.
- Gets the color scheme for this theme.
- Gets a brush which can be used to showcase this theme.
- A class that allows for the detection and alteration of a theme.
- A class that allows for the detection and alteration of a theme.
- Gets the name for the light base color.
- Gets the name for the dark base color.
- Gets a list of all themes.
- Gets a list of all available base colors.
- Gets a list of all available color schemes.
- Clears the internal themes list.
- Adds an theme.
- true if the app theme does not exists and can be added.
- Adds an theme.
- The ResourceDictionary of the theme.
- true if the app theme does not exists and can be added.
- Gets the with the given name.
- The or null, if the theme wasn't found
- Gets the with the given resource dictionary.
- from which the theme should be retrieved.
- The or null, if the theme wasn't found.
- Gets the inverse of the given .
- This method relies on the "Dark" or "Light" affix to be present.
- The app theme.
- The inverse or null if it couldn't be found.
- Returns BaseLight, if BaseDark is given or vice versa.
- Custom Themes must end with "Dark" or "Light" for this to work, for example "CustomDark" and "CustomLight".
- Determines whether the specified resource dictionary represents an .
- This might include runtime themes which do not have a resource uri.
- The resources.
- true if the resource dictionary is an ; otherwise, false.
- resources
- Gets a resource from the detected AppStyle.
- The window to check. If this is null, the Application's sources will be checked.
- The key to check against.
- The resource object or null, if the resource wasn't found.
- Change the theme for the whole application.
- Change theme for the given window.
- Change theme for the whole application.
- The instance of Application to change.
- The theme to apply.
- Change theme for the given window.
- The Window to change.
- The theme to apply.
- Change theme for the given ResourceDictionary.
- The Window to change.
- The theme to apply.
- Change base color and color scheme of for the given application.
- The application to modify.
- The base color to apply to the ResourceDictionary.
- The color scheme to apply to the ResourceDictionary.
- Change base color and color scheme of for the given window.
- The window to modify.
- The base color to apply to the ResourceDictionary.
- The color scheme to apply to the ResourceDictionary.
- Change base color and color scheme of for the given ResourceDictionary.
- The ResourceDictionary to modify.
- The old/current theme.
- The base color to apply to the ResourceDictionary.
- The color scheme to apply to the ResourceDictionary.
- Change base color for the given application.
- The application to change.
- The base color to apply to the ResourceDictionary.
- Change base color for the given window.
- The Window to change.
- The base color to apply to the ResourceDictionary.
- Change base color of for the given ResourceDictionary.
- The ResourceDictionary to modify.
- The old/current theme.
- The base color to apply to the ResourceDictionary.
- Change color scheme for the given application.
- The application to change.
- The color scheme to apply to the ResourceDictionary.
- Change color scheme for the given window.
- The Window to change.
- The color scheme to apply to the ResourceDictionary.
- Change color scheme for the given ResourceDictionary.
- The ResourceDictionary to modify.
- The old/current theme.
- The color scheme to apply to the ResourceDictionary.
- Changes the theme of a ResourceDictionary directly.
- The ResourceDictionary to modify.
- The theme to apply to the ResourceDictionary.
- Scans the window resources and returns it's theme.
- If the theme can't be detected from the we try to detect it from .
- Scans the window resources and returns it's theme.
- The Window to scan.
- If the theme can't be detected from the we try to detect it from .
- Scans the application resources and returns it's theme.
- The Application instance to scan.
- Scans a resources and returns it's theme.
- The ResourceDictionary to scan.
- This event fires if the theme was changed
- this should be using the weak event pattern, but for now it's enough
- Invalidates global colors and resources.
- Sometimes the ContextMenu is not changing the colors, so this will fix it.
- Synchronizes the current with the "app mode" setting from windows.
- Gets or sets whether changes to the "app mode" setting from windows should be detected at runtime and the current be changed accordingly.
- Class which is used as argument for an event to signal theme changes.
- Creates a new instance of this class.
- The new theme.
- Helper class for displaying color schemes.
- Initializes a new instance.
- Initializes a new instance.
- Gets the name for this color scheme.
- Gets the showcase brush for this color scheme.
diff --git a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/.signature.p7s b/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/.signature.p7s
deleted file mode 100644
index 3420e4c..0000000
Binary files a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/.signature.p7s and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103.nupkg b/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103.nupkg
deleted file mode 100644
index f64200c..0000000
Binary files a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103.nupkg and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/net45/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.Core.dll b/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/net45/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.Core.dll
deleted file mode 100644
index a059352..0000000
Binary files a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/net45/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.Core.dll and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/net45/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.Core.pdb b/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/net45/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.Core.pdb
deleted file mode 100644
index 7610bfc..0000000
Binary files a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/net45/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.Core.pdb and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/net45/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.Core.xml b/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/net45/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.Core.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c40418..0000000
--- a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/net45/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.Core.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
- MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.Core
- ValueConverter which converts the PackIconFlipOrientation enumeration value to ScaleX value of a ScaleTransformation.
- ValueConverter which converts the PackIconFlipOrientation enumeration value to ScaleY value of a ScaleTransformation.
- MarkupConverter is a MarkupExtension which can be used for ValueConverter.
- Converts a value.
- The value produced by the binding source.
- The type of the binding target property.
- The converter parameter to use.
- The culture to use in the converter.
- A converted value. If the method returns null, the valid null value is used.
- Converts a value.
- The value that is produced by the binding target.
- The type to convert to.
- The converter parameter to use.
- The culture to use in the converter.
- A converted value. If the method returns null, the valid null value is used.
- Base class for creating an icon control for icon packs.
- Inheritors should provide a factory for setting up the path data index (per icon kind).
- The factory will only be utilized once, across all closed instances (first instantiation wins).
- Gets or sets the icon to display.
- Gets the icon path data for the current .
- Class PackIconControl which is the base class for any PackIcon control.
- The type of the enum kind.
- Identifies the Flip dependency property.
- Gets or sets the flip orientation.
- Identifies the Rotation dependency property.
- Gets or sets the rotation (angle).
- The rotation.
- Identifies the Spin dependency property.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the inner icon is spinning.
- true if spin; otherwise, false.
- Identifies the SpinDuration dependency property.
- Gets or sets the duration of the spinning animation (in seconds). This will also restart the spin animation.
- The duration of the spin in seconds.
- Identifies the SpinEasingFunction dependency property.
- Gets or sets the EasingFunction of the spinning animation. This will also restart the spin animation.
- The spin easing function.
- Identifies the SpinAutoReverse dependency property.
- Gets or sets the AutoReverse of the spinning animation. This will also restart the spin animation.
- true if [spin automatic reverse]; otherwise, false.
- Enum PackIconFlipOrientation for the Flip property of any PackIcon control.
- No flip
- Flip the icon horizontal
- Flip the icon vertical
- Flip the icon vertical and horizontal
diff --git a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/net45/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.dll b/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/net45/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.dll
deleted file mode 100644
index 934d0f2..0000000
Binary files a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/net45/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.dll and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/net45/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.pdb b/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/net45/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.pdb
deleted file mode 100644
index 16afb13..0000000
Binary files a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/net45/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.pdb and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/net45/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.xml b/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/net45/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index a1d5e5b..0000000
--- a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/net45/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,301 +0,0 @@
- MahApps.Metro.IconPacks
- Icons from Entypo+ Icons Font - http://www.entypo.com.
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- List of available icons for use with .
- All icons sourced from Entypo+ Icons Font - http://www.entypo.com -
- http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/.
- Feather is licensed under the MIT License https://github.com/feathericons/feather/blob/master/LICENSE
- Contributions, corrections and requests can be made on GitHub https://github.com/feathericons/feather.
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- List of available icons for use with .
- Feather is licensed under the MIT License https://github.com/feathericons/feather/blob/master/LICENSE
- Contributions, corrections and requests can be made on GitHub https://github.com/feathericons/feather.
- Icons from the FontAwesome Icons project, http://fontawesome.io.
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- List of available icons for use with .
- All icons sourced from Font Awesome Free https://fontawesome.com/ - License https://fontawesome.com/license/free
- GitHub https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome
- Ionicons is licensed under the [MIT license](https://github.com/ionic-team/ionicons/blob/master/LICENSE).
- Contributions, corrections and requests can be made on GitHub https://github.com/ionic-team/ionicons.
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- List of available icons for use with .
- Ionicons is licensed under the [MIT license](https://github.com/ionic-team/ionicons/blob/master/LICENSE).
- Contributions, corrections and requests can be made on GitHub https://github.com/ionic-team/ionicons.
- Jam Icons licensed under the MIT License https://github.com/michaelampr/jam/blob/master/LICENSE
- Contributions, corrections and requests can be made on GitHub https://github.com/michaelampr/jam.
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- List of available icons for use with .
- Jam Icons licensed under the MIT License https://github.com/michaelampr/jam/blob/master/LICENSE
- Contributions, corrections and requests can be made on GitHub https://github.com/michaelampr/jam.
- Icons from the Material Design Icons project, https://materialdesignicons.com/.
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- All icons sourced from Google Material Design icon font - http://google.github.io/material-design-icons/
- google/material-design-icons is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 https://github.com/google/material-design-icons/blob/master/LICENSE
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- List of available icons for use with .
- All icons sourced from Google Material Design icon font - http://google.github.io/material-design-icons/
- google/material-design-icons is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 https://github.com/google/material-design-icons/blob/master/LICENSE
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- List of available icons for use with .
- All icons sourced from Material Design Icons Font v1.6.50 - https://materialdesignicons.com - in accordance of
- https://github.com/Templarian/MaterialDesign/blob/master/license.txt.
- Icons from the Material Design Icons project, https://materialdesignicons.com/.
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- List of available icons for use with .
- All icons sourced from Material Design Light Icons - https://github.com/Templarian/MaterialDesignLight - in accordance of
- https://github.com/Templarian/MaterialDesignLight/blob/master/LICENSE.md.
- Icons from the Modern UI Icons project, http://modernuiicons.com.
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- List of available icons for use with .
- All icons sourced from Modern UI Icons Font - http://modernuiicons.com - in accordance of
- https://github.com/Templarian/WindowsIcons/blob/master/WindowsPhone/license.txt.
- Icons from GitHub Octicons - https://octicons.github.com
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- List of available icons for use with .
- All icons sourced from GitHub Octicons - https://octicons.github.com -
- https://github.com/primer/octicons/blob/master/LICENSE.
- All SVG icons for popular brands, maintained by Dan Leech https://twitter.com/bathtype.
- Contributions, corrections and requests can be made on GitHub https://github.com/danleech/simple-icons.
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- List of available icons for use with .
- All SVG icons for popular brands, maintained by Dan Leech https://twitter.com/bathtype.
- Contributions, corrections and requests can be made on GitHub https://github.com/danleech/simple-icons.
- Typicons Icons/Artwork distributed under [CC BY-SA](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/) licence.
- Typicons Font distributed under 'SIL Open Font License' licence.
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- List of available icons for use with .
- Typicons Icons/Artwork distributed under [CC BY-SA](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/) licence.
- Typicons Font distributed under 'SIL Open Font License' licence.
- Weather Icons licensed under [SIL OFL 1.1](http://scripts.sil.org/OFL)
- Contributions, corrections and requests can be made on GitHub https://github.com/erikflowers/weather-icons.
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- List of available icons for use with .
- Weather Icons licensed under [SIL OFL 1.1](http://scripts.sil.org/OFL)
- Contributions, corrections and requests can be made on GitHub https://github.com/erikflowers/weather-icons.
diff --git a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/net46/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.Core.dll b/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/net46/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.Core.dll
deleted file mode 100644
index 08e8ad6..0000000
Binary files a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/net46/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.Core.dll and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/net46/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.Core.pdb b/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/net46/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.Core.pdb
deleted file mode 100644
index 7610bfc..0000000
Binary files a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/net46/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.Core.pdb and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/net46/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.Core.xml b/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/net46/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.Core.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c40418..0000000
--- a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/net46/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.Core.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
- MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.Core
- ValueConverter which converts the PackIconFlipOrientation enumeration value to ScaleX value of a ScaleTransformation.
- ValueConverter which converts the PackIconFlipOrientation enumeration value to ScaleY value of a ScaleTransformation.
- MarkupConverter is a MarkupExtension which can be used for ValueConverter.
- Converts a value.
- The value produced by the binding source.
- The type of the binding target property.
- The converter parameter to use.
- The culture to use in the converter.
- A converted value. If the method returns null, the valid null value is used.
- Converts a value.
- The value that is produced by the binding target.
- The type to convert to.
- The converter parameter to use.
- The culture to use in the converter.
- A converted value. If the method returns null, the valid null value is used.
- Base class for creating an icon control for icon packs.
- Inheritors should provide a factory for setting up the path data index (per icon kind).
- The factory will only be utilized once, across all closed instances (first instantiation wins).
- Gets or sets the icon to display.
- Gets the icon path data for the current .
- Class PackIconControl which is the base class for any PackIcon control.
- The type of the enum kind.
- Identifies the Flip dependency property.
- Gets or sets the flip orientation.
- Identifies the Rotation dependency property.
- Gets or sets the rotation (angle).
- The rotation.
- Identifies the Spin dependency property.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the inner icon is spinning.
- true if spin; otherwise, false.
- Identifies the SpinDuration dependency property.
- Gets or sets the duration of the spinning animation (in seconds). This will also restart the spin animation.
- The duration of the spin in seconds.
- Identifies the SpinEasingFunction dependency property.
- Gets or sets the EasingFunction of the spinning animation. This will also restart the spin animation.
- The spin easing function.
- Identifies the SpinAutoReverse dependency property.
- Gets or sets the AutoReverse of the spinning animation. This will also restart the spin animation.
- true if [spin automatic reverse]; otherwise, false.
- Enum PackIconFlipOrientation for the Flip property of any PackIcon control.
- No flip
- Flip the icon horizontal
- Flip the icon vertical
- Flip the icon vertical and horizontal
diff --git a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/net46/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.dll b/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/net46/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.dll
deleted file mode 100644
index ed6f423..0000000
Binary files a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/net46/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.dll and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/net46/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.pdb b/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/net46/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.pdb
deleted file mode 100644
index 16afb13..0000000
Binary files a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/net46/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.pdb and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/net46/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.xml b/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/net46/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index a1d5e5b..0000000
--- a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/net46/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,301 +0,0 @@
- MahApps.Metro.IconPacks
- Icons from Entypo+ Icons Font - http://www.entypo.com.
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- List of available icons for use with .
- All icons sourced from Entypo+ Icons Font - http://www.entypo.com -
- http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/.
- Feather is licensed under the MIT License https://github.com/feathericons/feather/blob/master/LICENSE
- Contributions, corrections and requests can be made on GitHub https://github.com/feathericons/feather.
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- List of available icons for use with .
- Feather is licensed under the MIT License https://github.com/feathericons/feather/blob/master/LICENSE
- Contributions, corrections and requests can be made on GitHub https://github.com/feathericons/feather.
- Icons from the FontAwesome Icons project, http://fontawesome.io.
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- List of available icons for use with .
- All icons sourced from Font Awesome Free https://fontawesome.com/ - License https://fontawesome.com/license/free
- GitHub https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome
- Ionicons is licensed under the [MIT license](https://github.com/ionic-team/ionicons/blob/master/LICENSE).
- Contributions, corrections and requests can be made on GitHub https://github.com/ionic-team/ionicons.
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- List of available icons for use with .
- Ionicons is licensed under the [MIT license](https://github.com/ionic-team/ionicons/blob/master/LICENSE).
- Contributions, corrections and requests can be made on GitHub https://github.com/ionic-team/ionicons.
- Jam Icons licensed under the MIT License https://github.com/michaelampr/jam/blob/master/LICENSE
- Contributions, corrections and requests can be made on GitHub https://github.com/michaelampr/jam.
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- List of available icons for use with .
- Jam Icons licensed under the MIT License https://github.com/michaelampr/jam/blob/master/LICENSE
- Contributions, corrections and requests can be made on GitHub https://github.com/michaelampr/jam.
- Icons from the Material Design Icons project, https://materialdesignicons.com/.
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- All icons sourced from Google Material Design icon font - http://google.github.io/material-design-icons/
- google/material-design-icons is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 https://github.com/google/material-design-icons/blob/master/LICENSE
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- List of available icons for use with .
- All icons sourced from Google Material Design icon font - http://google.github.io/material-design-icons/
- google/material-design-icons is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 https://github.com/google/material-design-icons/blob/master/LICENSE
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- List of available icons for use with .
- All icons sourced from Material Design Icons Font v1.6.50 - https://materialdesignicons.com - in accordance of
- https://github.com/Templarian/MaterialDesign/blob/master/license.txt.
- Icons from the Material Design Icons project, https://materialdesignicons.com/.
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- List of available icons for use with .
- All icons sourced from Material Design Light Icons - https://github.com/Templarian/MaterialDesignLight - in accordance of
- https://github.com/Templarian/MaterialDesignLight/blob/master/LICENSE.md.
- Icons from the Modern UI Icons project, http://modernuiicons.com.
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- List of available icons for use with .
- All icons sourced from Modern UI Icons Font - http://modernuiicons.com - in accordance of
- https://github.com/Templarian/WindowsIcons/blob/master/WindowsPhone/license.txt.
- Icons from GitHub Octicons - https://octicons.github.com
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- List of available icons for use with .
- All icons sourced from GitHub Octicons - https://octicons.github.com -
- https://github.com/primer/octicons/blob/master/LICENSE.
- All SVG icons for popular brands, maintained by Dan Leech https://twitter.com/bathtype.
- Contributions, corrections and requests can be made on GitHub https://github.com/danleech/simple-icons.
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- List of available icons for use with .
- All SVG icons for popular brands, maintained by Dan Leech https://twitter.com/bathtype.
- Contributions, corrections and requests can be made on GitHub https://github.com/danleech/simple-icons.
- Typicons Icons/Artwork distributed under [CC BY-SA](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/) licence.
- Typicons Font distributed under 'SIL Open Font License' licence.
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- List of available icons for use with .
- Typicons Icons/Artwork distributed under [CC BY-SA](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/) licence.
- Typicons Font distributed under 'SIL Open Font License' licence.
- Weather Icons licensed under [SIL OFL 1.1](http://scripts.sil.org/OFL)
- Contributions, corrections and requests can be made on GitHub https://github.com/erikflowers/weather-icons.
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- List of available icons for use with .
- Weather Icons licensed under [SIL OFL 1.1](http://scripts.sil.org/OFL)
- Contributions, corrections and requests can be made on GitHub https://github.com/erikflowers/weather-icons.
diff --git a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/net47/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.Core.dll b/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/net47/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.Core.dll
deleted file mode 100644
index 96f872f..0000000
Binary files a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/net47/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.Core.dll and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/net47/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.Core.pdb b/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/net47/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.Core.pdb
deleted file mode 100644
index 7610bfc..0000000
Binary files a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/net47/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.Core.pdb and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/net47/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.Core.xml b/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/net47/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.Core.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c40418..0000000
--- a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/net47/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.Core.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
- MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.Core
- ValueConverter which converts the PackIconFlipOrientation enumeration value to ScaleX value of a ScaleTransformation.
- ValueConverter which converts the PackIconFlipOrientation enumeration value to ScaleY value of a ScaleTransformation.
- MarkupConverter is a MarkupExtension which can be used for ValueConverter.
- Converts a value.
- The value produced by the binding source.
- The type of the binding target property.
- The converter parameter to use.
- The culture to use in the converter.
- A converted value. If the method returns null, the valid null value is used.
- Converts a value.
- The value that is produced by the binding target.
- The type to convert to.
- The converter parameter to use.
- The culture to use in the converter.
- A converted value. If the method returns null, the valid null value is used.
- Base class for creating an icon control for icon packs.
- Inheritors should provide a factory for setting up the path data index (per icon kind).
- The factory will only be utilized once, across all closed instances (first instantiation wins).
- Gets or sets the icon to display.
- Gets the icon path data for the current .
- Class PackIconControl which is the base class for any PackIcon control.
- The type of the enum kind.
- Identifies the Flip dependency property.
- Gets or sets the flip orientation.
- Identifies the Rotation dependency property.
- Gets or sets the rotation (angle).
- The rotation.
- Identifies the Spin dependency property.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the inner icon is spinning.
- true if spin; otherwise, false.
- Identifies the SpinDuration dependency property.
- Gets or sets the duration of the spinning animation (in seconds). This will also restart the spin animation.
- The duration of the spin in seconds.
- Identifies the SpinEasingFunction dependency property.
- Gets or sets the EasingFunction of the spinning animation. This will also restart the spin animation.
- The spin easing function.
- Identifies the SpinAutoReverse dependency property.
- Gets or sets the AutoReverse of the spinning animation. This will also restart the spin animation.
- true if [spin automatic reverse]; otherwise, false.
- Enum PackIconFlipOrientation for the Flip property of any PackIcon control.
- No flip
- Flip the icon horizontal
- Flip the icon vertical
- Flip the icon vertical and horizontal
diff --git a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/net47/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.dll b/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/net47/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.dll
deleted file mode 100644
index d167f23..0000000
Binary files a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/net47/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.dll and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/net47/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.pdb b/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/net47/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.pdb
deleted file mode 100644
index 16afb13..0000000
Binary files a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/net47/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.pdb and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/net47/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.xml b/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/net47/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index a1d5e5b..0000000
--- a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/net47/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,301 +0,0 @@
- MahApps.Metro.IconPacks
- Icons from Entypo+ Icons Font - http://www.entypo.com.
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- List of available icons for use with .
- All icons sourced from Entypo+ Icons Font - http://www.entypo.com -
- http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/.
- Feather is licensed under the MIT License https://github.com/feathericons/feather/blob/master/LICENSE
- Contributions, corrections and requests can be made on GitHub https://github.com/feathericons/feather.
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- List of available icons for use with .
- Feather is licensed under the MIT License https://github.com/feathericons/feather/blob/master/LICENSE
- Contributions, corrections and requests can be made on GitHub https://github.com/feathericons/feather.
- Icons from the FontAwesome Icons project, http://fontawesome.io.
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- List of available icons for use with .
- All icons sourced from Font Awesome Free https://fontawesome.com/ - License https://fontawesome.com/license/free
- GitHub https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome
- Ionicons is licensed under the [MIT license](https://github.com/ionic-team/ionicons/blob/master/LICENSE).
- Contributions, corrections and requests can be made on GitHub https://github.com/ionic-team/ionicons.
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- List of available icons for use with .
- Ionicons is licensed under the [MIT license](https://github.com/ionic-team/ionicons/blob/master/LICENSE).
- Contributions, corrections and requests can be made on GitHub https://github.com/ionic-team/ionicons.
- Jam Icons licensed under the MIT License https://github.com/michaelampr/jam/blob/master/LICENSE
- Contributions, corrections and requests can be made on GitHub https://github.com/michaelampr/jam.
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- List of available icons for use with .
- Jam Icons licensed under the MIT License https://github.com/michaelampr/jam/blob/master/LICENSE
- Contributions, corrections and requests can be made on GitHub https://github.com/michaelampr/jam.
- Icons from the Material Design Icons project, https://materialdesignicons.com/.
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- All icons sourced from Google Material Design icon font - http://google.github.io/material-design-icons/
- google/material-design-icons is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 https://github.com/google/material-design-icons/blob/master/LICENSE
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- List of available icons for use with .
- All icons sourced from Google Material Design icon font - http://google.github.io/material-design-icons/
- google/material-design-icons is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 https://github.com/google/material-design-icons/blob/master/LICENSE
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- List of available icons for use with .
- All icons sourced from Material Design Icons Font v1.6.50 - https://materialdesignicons.com - in accordance of
- https://github.com/Templarian/MaterialDesign/blob/master/license.txt.
- Icons from the Material Design Icons project, https://materialdesignicons.com/.
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- List of available icons for use with .
- All icons sourced from Material Design Light Icons - https://github.com/Templarian/MaterialDesignLight - in accordance of
- https://github.com/Templarian/MaterialDesignLight/blob/master/LICENSE.md.
- Icons from the Modern UI Icons project, http://modernuiicons.com.
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- List of available icons for use with .
- All icons sourced from Modern UI Icons Font - http://modernuiicons.com - in accordance of
- https://github.com/Templarian/WindowsIcons/blob/master/WindowsPhone/license.txt.
- Icons from GitHub Octicons - https://octicons.github.com
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- List of available icons for use with .
- All icons sourced from GitHub Octicons - https://octicons.github.com -
- https://github.com/primer/octicons/blob/master/LICENSE.
- All SVG icons for popular brands, maintained by Dan Leech https://twitter.com/bathtype.
- Contributions, corrections and requests can be made on GitHub https://github.com/danleech/simple-icons.
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- List of available icons for use with .
- All SVG icons for popular brands, maintained by Dan Leech https://twitter.com/bathtype.
- Contributions, corrections and requests can be made on GitHub https://github.com/danleech/simple-icons.
- Typicons Icons/Artwork distributed under [CC BY-SA](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/) licence.
- Typicons Font distributed under 'SIL Open Font License' licence.
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- List of available icons for use with .
- Typicons Icons/Artwork distributed under [CC BY-SA](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/) licence.
- Typicons Font distributed under 'SIL Open Font License' licence.
- Weather Icons licensed under [SIL OFL 1.1](http://scripts.sil.org/OFL)
- Contributions, corrections and requests can be made on GitHub https://github.com/erikflowers/weather-icons.
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- List of available icons for use with .
- Weather Icons licensed under [SIL OFL 1.1](http://scripts.sil.org/OFL)
- Contributions, corrections and requests can be made on GitHub https://github.com/erikflowers/weather-icons.
diff --git a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.Core.dll b/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.Core.dll
deleted file mode 100644
index 7fef269..0000000
Binary files a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.Core.dll and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.Core.pdb b/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.Core.pdb
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a0871b..0000000
Binary files a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.Core.pdb and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.Core.pri b/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.Core.pri
deleted file mode 100644
index 70f096e..0000000
Binary files a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.Core.pri and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.Core.xml b/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.Core.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 98b6bea..0000000
--- a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.Core.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,243 +0,0 @@
- MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.Core
- Specifies a description for a property or event.
- CA1813: Avoid unsealed attributes
- Gets the description stored in this attribute.
- Initializes a new instance of the DescriptionAttribute class with a description.
- The description text.
- ValueConverter which converts the PackIconFlipOrientation enumeration value to ScaleX value of a ScaleTransformation.
- ValueConverter which converts the PackIconFlipOrientation enumeration value to ScaleY value of a ScaleTransformation.
- Base class for creating an icon control for icon packs.
- Inheritors should provide a factory for setting up the path data index (per icon kind).
- The factory will only be utilized once, across all closed instances (first instantiation wins).
- Gets or sets the icon to display.
- Gets the icon path data for the current .
- Class PackIconControl which is the base class for any PackIcon control.
- The type of the enum kind.
- Identifies the Flip dependency property.
- Gets or sets the flip orientation.
- Identifies the Rotation dependency property.
- Gets or sets the rotation (angle).
- The rotation.
- Identifies the Spin dependency property.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the inner icon is spinning.
- true if spin; otherwise, false.
- Identifies the SpinDuration dependency property.
- Gets or sets the duration of the spinning animation (in seconds). This will also restart the spin animation.
- The duration of the spin in seconds.
- Identifies the SpinEasingFunction dependency property.
- Gets or sets the EasingFunction of the spinning animation. This will also restart the spin animation.
- The spin easing function.
- Identifies the SpinAutoReverse dependency property.
- Gets or sets the AutoReverse of the spinning animation. This will also restart the spin animation.
- true if [spin automatic reverse]; otherwise, false.
- Enum PackIconFlipOrientation for the Flip property of any PackIcon control.
- No flip
- Flip the icon horizontal
- Flip the icon vertical
- Flip the icon vertical and horizontal
- Base class for creating a PathIcon for IconPacks.
- Inheritors should provide a factory for setting up the path data index (per icon kind).
- The factory will only be utilized once, across all closed instances (first instantiation wins).
- Gets or sets the icon to display.
- Class PathIconControl which is the base class for any PathIcon control.
- The type of the enum kind.
- Identifies the Flip dependency property.
- Gets or sets the flip orientation.
- Identifies the Rotation dependency property.
- Gets or sets the rotation (angle).
- The rotation.
- Identifies the Spin dependency property.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the inner icon is spinning.
- true if spin; otherwise, false.
- Identifies the SpinDuration dependency property.
- Gets or sets the duration of the spinning animation (in seconds). This will also restart the spin animation.
- The duration of the spin in seconds.
- Identifies the SpinEasingFunction dependency property.
- Gets or sets the EasingFunction of the spinning animation. This will also restart the spin animation.
- The spin easing function.
- Identifies the SpinAutoReverse dependency property.
- Gets or sets the AutoReverse of the spinning animation. This will also restart the spin animation.
- true if [spin automatic reverse]; otherwise, false.
diff --git a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.Core/Converter/Converters.xaml b/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.Core/Converter/Converters.xaml
deleted file mode 100644
index c4f17d6..0000000
--- a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.Core/Converter/Converters.xaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.Core/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.Core.xr.xml b/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.Core/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.Core.xr.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 977a7d2..0000000
--- a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.Core/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.Core.xr.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.dll b/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.dll
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a5d8be..0000000
Binary files a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.dll and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.pdb b/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.pdb
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a5af97..0000000
Binary files a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.pdb and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.pri b/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.pri
deleted file mode 100644
index 99e82a3..0000000
Binary files a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.pri and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.xml b/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d1374a..0000000
--- a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,367 +0,0 @@
- MahApps.Metro.IconPacks
- Icons from Entypo+ Icons Font - http://www.entypo.com.
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- List of available icons for use with .
- All icons sourced from Entypo+ Icons Font - http://www.entypo.com -
- http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/.
- Feather is licensed under the MIT License https://github.com/feathericons/feather/blob/master/LICENSE
- Contributions, corrections and requests can be made on GitHub https://github.com/feathericons/feather.
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- List of available icons for use with .
- Feather is licensed under the MIT License https://github.com/feathericons/feather/blob/master/LICENSE
- Contributions, corrections and requests can be made on GitHub https://github.com/feathericons/feather.
- Icons from the FontAwesome Icons project, http://fontawesome.io.
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- List of available icons for use with .
- All icons sourced from Font Awesome Free https://fontawesome.com/ - License https://fontawesome.com/license/free
- GitHub https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome
- Ionicons is licensed under the [MIT license](https://github.com/ionic-team/ionicons/blob/master/LICENSE).
- Contributions, corrections and requests can be made on GitHub https://github.com/ionic-team/ionicons.
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- List of available icons for use with .
- Ionicons is licensed under the [MIT license](https://github.com/ionic-team/ionicons/blob/master/LICENSE).
- Contributions, corrections and requests can be made on GitHub https://github.com/ionic-team/ionicons.
- Jam Icons licensed under the MIT License https://github.com/michaelampr/jam/blob/master/LICENSE
- Contributions, corrections and requests can be made on GitHub https://github.com/michaelampr/jam.
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- List of available icons for use with .
- Jam Icons licensed under the MIT License https://github.com/michaelampr/jam/blob/master/LICENSE
- Contributions, corrections and requests can be made on GitHub https://github.com/michaelampr/jam.
- Icons from the Material Design Icons project, https://materialdesignicons.com/.
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- All icons sourced from Google Material Design icon font - http://google.github.io/material-design-icons/
- google/material-design-icons is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 https://github.com/google/material-design-icons/blob/master/LICENSE
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- List of available icons for use with .
- All icons sourced from Google Material Design icon font - http://google.github.io/material-design-icons/
- google/material-design-icons is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 https://github.com/google/material-design-icons/blob/master/LICENSE
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- List of available icons for use with .
- All icons sourced from Material Design Icons Font v1.6.50 - https://materialdesignicons.com - in accordance of
- https://github.com/Templarian/MaterialDesign/blob/master/license.txt.
- Icons from the Material Design Icons project, https://materialdesignicons.com/.
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- List of available icons for use with .
- All icons sourced from Material Design Light Icons - https://github.com/Templarian/MaterialDesignLight - in accordance of
- https://github.com/Templarian/MaterialDesignLight/blob/master/LICENSE.md.
- Icons from the Modern UI Icons project, http://modernuiicons.com.
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- List of available icons for use with .
- All icons sourced from Modern UI Icons Font - http://modernuiicons.com - in accordance of
- https://github.com/Templarian/WindowsIcons/blob/master/WindowsPhone/license.txt.
- Icons from GitHub Octicons - https://octicons.github.com
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- List of available icons for use with .
- All icons sourced from GitHub Octicons - https://octicons.github.com -
- https://github.com/primer/octicons/blob/master/LICENSE.
- All SVG icons for popular brands, maintained by Dan Leech https://twitter.com/bathtype.
- Contributions, corrections and requests can be made on GitHub https://github.com/danleech/simple-icons.
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- List of available icons for use with .
- All SVG icons for popular brands, maintained by Dan Leech https://twitter.com/bathtype.
- Contributions, corrections and requests can be made on GitHub https://github.com/danleech/simple-icons.
- Typicons Icons/Artwork distributed under [CC BY-SA](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/) licence.
- Typicons Font distributed under 'SIL Open Font License' licence.
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- List of available icons for use with .
- Typicons Icons/Artwork distributed under [CC BY-SA](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/) licence.
- Typicons Font distributed under 'SIL Open Font License' licence.
- Weather Icons licensed under [SIL OFL 1.1](http://scripts.sil.org/OFL)
- Contributions, corrections and requests can be made on GitHub https://github.com/erikflowers/weather-icons.
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- ******************************************
- This code is auto generated. Do not amend.
- ******************************************
- List of available icons for use with .
- Weather Icons licensed under [SIL OFL 1.1](http://scripts.sil.org/OFL)
- Contributions, corrections and requests can be made on GitHub https://github.com/erikflowers/weather-icons.
- Icons from Entypo+ Icons Font - http://www.entypo.com.
- Icons from the FontAwesome Icons project, http://fontawesome.io.
- Ionicons is licensed under the [MIT license](https://github.com/ionic-team/ionicons/blob/master/LICENSE).
- Contributions, corrections and requests can be made on GitHub https://github.com/ionic-team/ionicons.
- Jam Icons licensed under the MIT License https://github.com/michaelampr/jam/blob/master/LICENSE
- Contributions, corrections and requests can be made on GitHub https://github.com/michaelampr/jam.
- Icons from the Material Design Icons project, https://materialdesignicons.com/.
- All icons sourced from Google Material Design icon font - http://google.github.io/material-design-icons/
- google/material-design-icons is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 https://github.com/google/material-design-icons/blob/master/LICENSE
- Icons from the Material Design Icons project, https://materialdesignicons.com/.
- Icons from the Modern UI Icons project, http://modernuiicons.com.
- Icons from GitHub Octicons - https://octicons.github.com
- All SVG icons for popular brands, maintained by Dan Leech https://twitter.com/bathtype.
- Contributions, corrections and requests can be made on GitHub https://github.com/danleech/simple-icons.
- Typicons Icons/Artwork distributed under [CC BY-SA](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/) licence.
- Typicons Font distributed under 'SIL Open Font License' licence.
- Weather Icons licensed under [SIL OFL 1.1](http://scripts.sil.org/OFL)
- Contributions, corrections and requests can be made on GitHub https://github.com/erikflowers/weather-icons.
diff --git a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.xr.xml b/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.xr.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index e82b840..0000000
--- a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.xr.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
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index e2b75ab..0000000
--- a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks/Themes/Generic.xaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
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index 888d6b8..0000000
--- a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks/Themes/IconPacks.xaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
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index 1f99d90..0000000
--- a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks/Themes/PackIconEntypo.xaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks/Themes/PackIconFeatherIcons.xaml b/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks/Themes/PackIconFeatherIcons.xaml
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index fd25298..0000000
--- a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks/Themes/PackIconFeatherIcons.xaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks/Themes/PackIconFontAwesome.xaml b/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks/Themes/PackIconFontAwesome.xaml
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index d669807..0000000
--- a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks/Themes/PackIconFontAwesome.xaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks/Themes/PackIconIonicons.xaml b/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks/Themes/PackIconIonicons.xaml
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index 5ec3c37..0000000
--- a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks/Themes/PackIconIonicons.xaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks/Themes/PackIconJamIcons.xaml b/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks/Themes/PackIconJamIcons.xaml
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index 26bf01b..0000000
--- a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks/Themes/PackIconJamIcons.xaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks/Themes/PackIconMaterial.xaml b/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks/Themes/PackIconMaterial.xaml
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index 9cae5f9..0000000
--- a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks/Themes/PackIconMaterial.xaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks/Themes/PackIconMaterialDesign.xaml b/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks/Themes/PackIconMaterialDesign.xaml
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index 32e0543..0000000
--- a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks/Themes/PackIconMaterialDesign.xaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks/Themes/PackIconMaterialLight.xaml b/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks/Themes/PackIconMaterialLight.xaml
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index 9243a68..0000000
--- a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks/Themes/PackIconMaterialLight.xaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks/Themes/PackIconModern.xaml b/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks/Themes/PackIconModern.xaml
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index ae9c5ac..0000000
--- a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks/Themes/PackIconModern.xaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks/Themes/PackIconOcticons.xaml b/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks/Themes/PackIconOcticons.xaml
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index a2908d6..0000000
--- a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks/Themes/PackIconOcticons.xaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks/Themes/PackIconSimpleIcons.xaml b/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks/Themes/PackIconSimpleIcons.xaml
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index 542087e..0000000
--- a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks/Themes/PackIconSimpleIcons.xaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks/Themes/PackIconTypicons.xaml b/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks/Themes/PackIconTypicons.xaml
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index 425df25..0000000
--- a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks/Themes/PackIconTypicons.xaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks/Themes/PackIconWeatherIcons.xaml b/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks/Themes/PackIconWeatherIcons.xaml
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index c8e5575..0000000
--- a/packages/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks.3.0.0-alpha0103/lib/uap10.0/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks/Themes/PackIconWeatherIcons.xaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/packages/Markdig.0.15.2/.signature.p7s b/packages/Markdig.0.15.2/.signature.p7s
deleted file mode 100644
index da2b371..0000000
Binary files a/packages/Markdig.0.15.2/.signature.p7s and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/packages/Markdig.0.15.2/Markdig.0.15.2.nupkg b/packages/Markdig.0.15.2/Markdig.0.15.2.nupkg
deleted file mode 100644
index ee0a4d4..0000000
Binary files a/packages/Markdig.0.15.2/Markdig.0.15.2.nupkg and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/packages/Markdig.0.15.2/lib/net35/Markdig.dll b/packages/Markdig.0.15.2/lib/net35/Markdig.dll
deleted file mode 100644
index 138ab8f..0000000
Binary files a/packages/Markdig.0.15.2/lib/net35/Markdig.dll and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/packages/Markdig.0.15.2/lib/net35/Markdig.xml b/packages/Markdig.0.15.2/lib/net35/Markdig.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index c0beaf3..0000000
--- a/packages/Markdig.0.15.2/lib/net35/Markdig.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5399 +0,0 @@
- Markdig
- An abbreviation object stored at the document level. See extension methods in .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Gets or sets the label.
- The text associated to this label.
- The label span
- Extension to allow abbreviations.
- Extension methods for .
- The inline abbreviation.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The abbreviation.
- A block parser for abbreviations.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- The auto-identifier extension
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The options.
- Process on a new
- The processor.
- The heading block.
- Callback when there is a reference to found to a heading.
- Note that reference are only working if they are declared after.
- Process the inlines of the heading to create a unique identifier
- The processor.
- The inline.
- Options for the .
- No options
- Default ()
- Allows to link to a header by using the same text as the header for the link label. Default is true
- Allows only ASCII characters in the url (HTML 5 allows to have UTF8 characters). Default is true
- Renders auto identifiers like GitHub.
- A link reference definition to a stored at the level.
- Gets or sets the heading related to this link reference definition.
- Extension to automatically create when a link url http: or mailto: is found.
- The inline parser used to for autolinks.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Extension for tagging some HTML elements with bootstrap classes.
- Extension for cite ""...""
- A block custom container.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Extension to allow custom containers.
- An inline custom container
- The block parser for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A definition item contains zero to multiple
- and definitions (any )
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Gets or sets the opening character for this definition item (either `:` or `~`)
- A definition list contains children.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Extension to allow definition lists
- The block parser for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- A definition term contains a single line with the term to define.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- A HTML renderer for , and .
- Extension to allow diagrams.
- Extension to allow emoji and smiley replacement.
- An emoji inline
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The content.
- Gets or sets the original match string (either an emoji or a text smiley)
- The inline parser used to for emoji.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets a boolean indicating whether to process smiley.
- Gets the emoji to unicode mapping. This can be modified before this parser is initialized.
- Gets the smiley to emoji mapping. This can be modified before this parser is initialized.
- Extension for strikethrough, subscript, superscript, inserted and marked.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The options.
- Gets the options.
- Options for enabling support for extra emphasis.
- Allows all extra emphasis (default).
- A text that can be strikethrough using the double character ~~
- A text that can be rendered as a subscript using the character ~
- A text that can be rendered as a superscript using the character ^
- A text that can be rendered as a inserted using the character ++
- A text that can be rendered as a inserted using the character ==
- Defines a figure container.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Gets or sets the opening character count used to open this figure code block.
- Gets or sets the opening character used to open and close this figure code block.
- The block parser for a block.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Defines a figure caption.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Extension to allow usage of figures and figure captions.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A block elemeent for a footer.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Gets or sets the opening character used to match this footer (by default it is ^)
- A block parser for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Extension that provides footer.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A block for a footnote.
- Gets or sets the label used by this footnote.
- Gets or sets the order of this footnote (determined by the order of the in the document)
- Gets the links referencing this footnote.
- The label span
- Extension to allow footnotes.
- A block that contains all the footnotes at the end of a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- A inline link to a .
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is back link (from a footnote to the link)
- Gets or sets the global index number of this link.
- Gets or sets the footnote this link refers to.
- A link reference definition stored at the level.
- Gets or sets the footnote related to this link reference definition.
- The block parser for a .
- The key used to store at the document level the pending
- Add footnotes to the end of the document
- The processor.
- The inline.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets the CSS group class used when rendering the <div> of this instance.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- Extension that allows to attach HTML attributes to the previous or current .
- This extension should be enabled last after enabling other extensions.
- An inline parser used to parse a HTML attributes that can be attached to the previous or current .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Tries to extra from the current position of a slice an HTML attributes {...}
- The slice to parse.
- The output attributes or null if not found or invalid
- true if parsing the HTML attributes was succsesfull
- Extension to generate hardline break for softline breaks.
- Model for a JIRA link item
- JIRA Project Key
- JIRA Issue Number
- Simple inline parser extension for Markdig to find, and
- automatically add links to JIRA issue numbers.
- Finds and replaces JIRA links inline
- Available options for replacing JIRA links
- The base Url (e.g. `https://mycompany.atlassian.net`)
- The base path after the base url (default is `/browse`)
- Should the link open in a new window when clicked
- Gets the full url composed of the and with no trailing `/`
- Extension for adding new type of list items (a., A., i., I.)
- Parser that adds supports for parsing alpha/roman list items (e.g: `a)` or `a.` or `ii.` or `II.`)
- Note that we don't validate roman numbers.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A math block.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser.
- The block parser for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Extension for adding inline mathematics $...$
- A math inline element.
- Gets or sets the delimiter character used by this code inline.
- Gets or sets the delimiter count.
- The content as a .
- An inline parser for .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets the default class to use when creating a math inline block.
- Extension for extending image Markdown links in case a video or an audio file is linked and output proper link.
- Options for the .
- Extension that will disable URI escape with % characters for non-US-ASCII characters in order to workaround a bug under IE/Edge with local file links containing non US-ASCII chars. DO NOT USE OTHERWISE.
- Extension to automatically render rel=nofollow to all links in an HTML output.
- Extension to a span for each line containing the original line id (using id = pragma-line#line_number_zero_based)
- Extension to enable SelfPipeline, to configure a Markdown parsing/convertion to HTML automatically
- from an embedded special tag in the input text <!--markdig:extensions--> where extensions is a string
- that specifies the extensions to use for the pipeline as exposed by extension method
- on the . This extension will invalidate all other extensions and will override them.
- Gets the default pipeline to configure if no tag was found in the input text. Default is null (core pipeline).
- Gets the self pipeline hint tag start that will be matched.
- Creates a pipeline automatically configured from an input markdown based on the presence of the configuration tag.
- The input text.
- The pipeline configured from the input
- A HTML renderer for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The options.
- An inline for SmartyPant.
- Converts this instance to a literal text.
- The options used for .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets the mapping between a and its textual representation
- (usually an HTML entity).
- Extension to enable SmartyPants.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The options.
- Gets the options.
- The inline parser for SmartyPants.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Types of a .
- This is a single quote '
- This is a double quote "
- Extension that allows to use grid tables.
- Internal state used by the
- Gets or sets the index position of this column (after the |)
- A HTML renderer for a
- This block parsers for pipe tables is used to by-pass list items that could start by a single '-'
- and would disallow to detect a pipe tables at inline parsing time, so we are basically forcing a line
- that starts by a '-' and have at least a '|' (and have optional spaces) and is a continuation of a
- paragraph.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The delimiter used to separate the columns of a pipe table.
- Gets or sets the index of line where this delimiter was found relative to the current block.
- Extension that allows to use pipe tables.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The options.
- Gets the options.
- Options for the extension
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to require header separator. true by default (Kramdown is using false)
- The inline parser used to transform a into a at inline parsing time.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The linebreak parser to use
- The options.
- Gets the options.
- Defines a table that contains an optional .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Gets or sets the column alignments. May be null.
- Checks if the table structure is valid.
- True if the table has rows and the number of cells per row is correct, other wise false.
- Normalizes the number of columns of this table by taking the maximum columns and appending empty cells.
- Defines a cell in a
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Gets or sets the index of the column to which this cell belongs.
- Gets or sets the column span this cell is covering. Default is 1.
- Gets or sets the row span this cell is covering. Default is 1.
- Gets or sets whether this cell can be closed.
- Defines the alignment of a column
- Align the column to the left
- Align the column to the center
- Align the column to the right
- Defines a column.
- Gets or sets the width (in percentage) of this column. A value of 0 is unspecified.
- Gets or sets the column alignment.
- Helper methods for parsing tables.
- Parses a column header equivalent to the regexp: \s*:\s*[delimiterChar]+\s*:\s*
- The text slice.
- The delimiter character (either `-` or `=`).
- The alignment of the column.
- true if parsing was successfull
- Parses a column header equivalent to the regexp: \s*:\s*[delimiterChar]+\s*:\s*
- The text slice.
- The delimiter character (either `-` or `=`).
- The alignment of the column.
- true if parsing was successfull
- Parses a column header equivalent to the regexp: \s*:\s*[delimiterChar]+\s*:\s*
- The text slice.
- The delimiter character (either `-` or `=`). If `\0`, it will detect the character (either `-` or `=`)
- The alignment of the column.
- true if parsing was successfull
- Defines a row in a , contains , parent is .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is header row.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- An inline for TaskList.
- Extension to enable TaskList.
- The inline parser for SmartyPants.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets the list class used for a task list.
- Gets or sets the list item class used for a task list.
- Extension that allows setting line-endings for any IMarkdownRenderer
- that inherits from
- A YAML frontmatter block.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser.
- Extension to discard a YAML frontmatter at the beginning of a Markdown document.
- Block parser for a YAML frontmatter.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Creates the front matter block.
- The block processor
- The front matter block
- Tries to match a block opening.
- The parser processor.
- The result of the match
- Tries to continue matching a block already opened.
- The parser processor.
- The block already opened.
- The result of the match. By default, don't expect any newline
- Empty renderer for a
- Helper class for defining Empty arrays.
- Type of an element of the array
- An empty array.
- Allows to associate characters to a data structures and query efficiently for them.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The states.
- Gets all the opening characters defined.
- Gets the list of parsers valid for the specified opening character.
- The opening character.
- A list of parsers valid for the specified opening character or null if no parsers registered.
- Searches for an opening character from a registered parser in the specified string.
- The text.
- The start.
- The end.
- Index position within the string of the first opening character found in the specified text; if not found, returns -1
- Helper class for handling characters.
- Class used to simplify a unicode char to a simple ASCII string
- Converts a unicode char to a simple ASCII string.
- The input char.
- The simple ASCII string or null if the char itself cannot be simplified
- A default object cache that expect the type {T} to provide a parameter less constructor
- The type of item to cache
- Helper class to decode an entity.
- Decodes the given HTML entity to the matching Unicode characters.
- The entity without & and ; symbols, for example, copy.
- The unicode character set or null if the entity was not recognized.
- Decodes the given UTF-32 character code to the matching set of UTF-16 characters.
- The unicode character set or null if the entity was not recognized.
- Source: http://www.w3.org/html/wg/drafts/html/master/syntax.html#named-character-references
- Helper to parse several HTML tags.
- Destructively unescape a string: remove backslashes before punctuation or symbol characters.
- The string data that will be changed by unescaping any punctuation or symbol characters.
- if set to true [remove back slash].
- Scans an entity.
- Returns number of chars matched.
- Provides a common interface for iterating characters
- over a or .
- Gets the current start character position.
- Gets the current character.
- Gets the end character position.
- Goes to the next character, incrementing the position.
- The next character. `\0` is end of the iteration.
- Peeks at the next character, without incrementing the position.
- The next character. `\0` is end of the iteration.
- Gets a value indicating whether this instance is empty.
- Trims whitespaces at the beginning of this slice starting from position.
- true if it has reaches the end of the iterator
- A line reader from a that can provide precise source position
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- bufferSize cannot be <= 0
- Gets the char position of the line. Valid for the next line before calling .
- Reads a new line from the underlying and update the for the next line.
- A new line or null if the end of has been reached
- Helpers to parse Markdown links.
- Internal helper to allow to declare a method using AggressiveInlining without being .NET 4.0+
- A simple object recycling system.
- Type of the object to cache
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Clears this cache.
- Gets a new instance.
- Releases the specified instance.
- The instance.
- if instance is null
- Creates a new instance of {T}
- A new instance of {T}
- Resets the specified instance when is called before storing back to this cache.
- The instance.
- A List that provides methods for inserting/finding before/after. See remarks.
- Type of the list item
- We use a typed list and don't use extension methods because it would pollute all list implemts and the top level namespace.
- Replaces with .
- Element type to find in the list
- Object to replace this element with
- true if a replacement was made; otherwise false.
- An implementation of for
- A StringBuilder that can be used locally in a method body only.
- Provides a string builder that can only be used locally in a method. This StringBuilder MUST not be stored.
- Extensions for StringBuilder with
- Appends the specified slice to this instance.
- The builder.
- The slice.
- A struct representing a text line.
- Initializes a new instance of the struct.
- The slice.
- Initializes a new instance of the struct.
- The slice.
- The line.
- The column.
- Initializes a new instance of the struct.
- The slice.
- The line.
- The column.
- The slice used for this line.
- The line position.
- The position of the start of this line within the original source code
- The column position.
- Performs an implicit conversion from to .
- The line.
- The result of the conversion.
- A group of .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The text.
- Gets the lines.
- Gets the number of lines.
- Clears this instance.
- Removes the line at the specified index.
- The index.
- Adds the specified line to this instance.
- The line.
- Adds the specified slice to this instance.
- The slice.
- Converts the lines to a single by concatenating the lines.
- The position of the `\n` line offsets from the beginning of the returned slice.
- A single slice concatenating the lines of this instance
- Converts this instance into a .
- Trims each lines of the specified .
- The iterator used to iterate other the lines.
- A lightweight struct that represents a slice of a string.
- An empty string slice.
- Initializes a new instance of the struct.
- The text.
- Initializes a new instance of the struct.
- The text.
- The start.
- The end.
- The text of this slice.
- Gets or sets the start position within .
- Gets or sets the end position (inclusive) within .
- Gets the length.
- Gets the current character.
- Gets a value indicating whether this instance is empty.
- Gets the at the specified index.
- The index.
- A character in the slice at the specified index (not from but from the begining of the slice)
- Goes to the next character, incrementing the position.
- The next character. `\0` is end of the iteration.
- Peeks a character at the specified offset from the current position
- inside the range and , returns `\0` if outside this range.
- The offset.
- The character at offset, returns `\0` if none.
- Peeks a character at the specified offset from the current beginning of the string, without taking into account and
- The character at offset, returns `\0` if none.
- Peeks a character at the specified offset from the current begining of the slice
- without using the range or , returns `\0` if outside the .
- The offset.
- The character at offset, returns `\0` if none.
- Matches the specified text.
- The text.
- The offset.
- true if the text matches; false otherwise
- Matches the specified text.
- The text.
- The end.
- The offset.
- true if the text matches; false otherwise
- Expect spaces until a end of line. Return false otherwise.
- true if whitespaces where matched until a end of line
- Matches the specified text using lowercase comparison.
- The text.
- The offset.
- true if the text matches; false otherwise
- Matches the specified text using lowercase comparison.
- The text.
- The end.
- The offset.
- true if the text matches; false otherwise
- Searches the specified text within this slice.
- The text.
- The offset.
- true if ignore case
- true if the text was found; false otherwise
- Searches for the specified character within this slice.
- A value >= 0 if the character was found, otherwise < 0
- Trims whitespaces at the beginning of this slice starting from position.
- true if it has reaches the end of the iterator
- Trims whitespaces at the beginning of this slice starting from position.
- The number of spaces trimmed.
- Trims whitespaces at the end of this slice, starting from position.
- Trims whitespaces from both the start and end of this slice.
- Returns a that represents this instance.
- A that represents this instance.
- Determines whether this slice is empty or made only of whitespaces.
- true if this slice is empty or made only of whitespaces; false otherwise
- Match a text against a list of ASCII string using internally a tree to speedup the lookup
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The matches to match against.
- Tries to match in the text, at offset position, the list of string matches registered to this instance.
- The text.
- The offset.
- The length.
- The match string if the match was successfull.
- true if the match was successfull; false otherwise
- Base interface for an extension.
- Setups this extension for the specified pipeline.
- The pipeline.
- Setups this extension for the specified renderer.
- The pipeline used to parse the document.
- The renderer.
- Provides methods for parsing a Markdown string to a syntax tree and converting it to other formats.
- Normalizes the specified markdown to a normalized markdown text.
- The markdown.
- The normalize options
- The pipeline.
- A normalized markdown text.
- Normalizes the specified markdown to a normalized markdown text.
- The markdown.
- The destination that will receive the result of the conversion.
- The normalize options
- The pipeline.
- A normalized markdown text.
- Converts a Markdown string to HTML.
- A Markdown text.
- The pipeline used for the conversion.
- The result of the conversion
- if markdown variable is null
- Converts a Markdown string to HTML and output to the specified writer.
- A Markdown text.
- The destination that will receive the result of the conversion.
- The pipeline used for the conversion.
- The Markdown document that has been parsed
- if reader or writer variable are null
- Converts a Markdown string using a custom .
- A Markdown text.
- The renderer to convert Markdown to.
- The pipeline used for the conversion.
- if markdown or writer variable are null
- Parses the specified markdown into an AST
- The markdown text.
- An AST Markdown document
- if markdown variable is null
- Parses the specified markdown into an AST
- The markdown text.
- The pipeline used for the parsing.
- An AST Markdown document
- if markdown variable is null
- Converts a Markdown string to Plain text and output to the specified writer.
- A Markdown text.
- The destination that will receive the result of the conversion.
- The pipeline used for the conversion.
- The Markdown document that has been parsed
- if reader or writer variable are null
- Converts a Markdown string to HTML.
- A Markdown text.
- The pipeline used for the conversion.
- The result of the conversion
- if markdown variable is null
- Provides extension methods for to enable several Markdown extensions.
- Adds the specified extension to the extensions collection.
- The type of the extension.
- The instance of
- Adds the specified extension instance to the extensions collection.
- The pipeline.
- The instance of the extension to be added.
- The type of the extension.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses all extensions except the BootStrap, Emoji, SmartyPants and soft line as hard line breaks extensions.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses this extension to enable autolinks from text `http://`, `https://`, `ftp://`, `mailto:`, `www.xxx.yyy`
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses this extension to disable URI escape with % characters for non-US-ASCII characters in order to workaround a bug under IE/Edge with local file links containing non US-ASCII chars. DO NOT USE OTHERWISE.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses YAML frontmatter extension that will parse a YAML frontmatter into the MarkdownDocument. Note that they are not rendered by any default HTML renderer.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the self pipeline extension that will detect the pipeline to use from the markdown input that contains a special tag. See
- The pipeline.
- The default tag to use to match the self pipeline configuration. By default, , meaning that the HTML tag will be <--markdig:extensions-->
- The default extensions to configure if no pipeline setup was found from the Markdown document
- The modified pipeline
- Uses pragma lines to output span with an id containing the line number (pragma-line#line_number_zero_based`)
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the diagrams extension
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses precise source code location (useful for syntax highlighting).
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the task list extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the custom container extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the media extension.
- The pipeline.
- The options.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the auto-identifier extension.
- The pipeline.
- The options.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the SmartyPants extension.
- The pipeline.
- The options.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the bootstrap extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the math extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the figure extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the custom abbreviation extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the definition lists extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the pipe table extension.
- The pipeline.
- The options.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the grid table extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the cite extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the footer extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the footnotes extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the softline break as hardline break extension
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the strikethrough superscript, subscript, inserted and marked text extensions.
- The pipeline.
- The options to enable.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the list extra extension to add support for `a.`, `A.`, `i.` and `I.` ordered list items.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the generic attributes extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the emoji and smiley extension.
- The pipeline.
- Enable smiley in addition to Emoji, true by default.
- The modified pipeline
- Add rel=nofollow to all links rendered to HTML.
- Automatically link references to JIRA issues
- The pipeline
- Set of required options
- The modified pipeline
- This will disable the HTML support in the markdown processor (for constraint/safe parsing).
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Configures the pipeline using a string that defines the extensions to activate.
- The pipeline (e.g: advanced for , pipetables+gridtables for and
- The extensions to activate as a string
- The modified pipeline
- Configures the string to be used for line-endings, when writing.
- The pipeline.
- The string to be used for line-endings.
- The modified pipeline
- This class is the Markdown pipeline build from a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The read-only list of extensions used to build this pipeline.
- Allows to setup a .
- The markdown renderer to setup
- This class allows to modify the pipeline to parse and render a Markdown document.
- NOTE: A pipeline is not thread-safe.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets the block parsers.
- Gets the inline parsers.
- Gets the register extensions.
- Gets or sets the string builder cache used by the parsers.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to enable precise source location (slower parsing but accurate position for block and inline elements)
- Gets or sets the debug log.
- Occurs when a document has been processed after the method.
- Builds a pipeline from this instance. Once the pipeline is build, it cannot be modified.
- An extension cannot be null
- Delegates called when processing a block
- Base class for a parser of a
- Determines whether the specified char is an opening character.
- The character.
- true if the specified char is an opening character.
- Determines whether this instance can interrupt the specified block being processed.
- The parser processor.
- The block being processed.
- true if this parser can interrupt the specified block being processed.
- Tries to match a block opening.
- The parser processor.
- The result of the match
- Tries to continue matching a block already opened.
- The parser processor.
- The block already opened.
- The result of the match. By default, don't expect any newline
- Called when a block matched by this parser is being closed (to allow final computation on the block).
- The parser processor.
- The block being closed.
- true to keep the block; false to remove it. True by default.
- A List of .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parsers.
- The block processor.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The string builders cache.
- The document to build blocks into.
- The list of parsers.
- Gets the new blocks to push. A is required to push new blocks that it creates to this property.
- Gets the list of configured with this parser state.
- Gets the current active container.
- Gets the last block that is opened.
- Gets the last block that is created.
- Gets the next block in a .
- Gets the root document.
- The current line being processed.
- Gets or sets the current line start position.
- Gets the index of the line in the source text.
- Gets a value indicating whether the line is blank (valid only after has been called).
- Gets the current character being processed.
- Gets or sets the column.
- Gets the position of the current character in the line being processed.
- Gets the current indent position (number of columns between the previous indent and the current position).
- Gets a value indicating whether a code indentation is at the beginning of the line being processed.
- Gets the column position before the indent occured.
- Gets the character position before the indent occured.
- Gets the cache of string builders.
- Gets the current stack of being processed.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to continue processing the current line.
- Get the current Container that is currently opened
- The current Container that is currently opened
- Returns the next character in the line being processed. Update and .
- The next character or `\0` if end of line is reached
- Returns the next character in the line taking into space taken by tabs. Update and .
- Peeks a character at the specified offset from the current position in the line.
- The offset.
- A character peeked at the specified offset
- Restarts the indent from the current position.
- Parses the indentation from the current position in the line, updating ,
- , and accordingly
- taking into account space taken by tabs.
- Moves to the position to the specified column position, taking into account spaces in tabs.
- The new column position to move the cursor to.
- Unwind any previous indent from the current character back to the first space.
- Moves to the position to the code indent ( + 4 spaces).
- The column offset to apply to this indent.
- Opens the specified block.
- The block.
- The block must be opened
- Force closing the specified block.
- The block.
- Discards the specified block from the stack, remove from its parent.
- The block.
- Processes a new line.
- The new line.
- Closes a block at the specified index.
- The index.
- Closes all the blocks opened.
- if set to true [force].
- Mark all blocks in the stack as opened.
- Updates the and .
- Index of a block in a stack considered as the last block to update from.
- Tries to continue matching existing opened .
- A pending parser cannot add a new block when it is not the last pending block
- or
- The NewBlocks is not empty. This is happening if a LeafBlock is not the last to be pushed
- First phase of the process, try to open new blocks.
- Tries to open new blocks using the specified list of
- The parsers.
- true to continue processing the current line
- Processes any new blocks that have been pushed to .
- The last result of matching.
- if set to true the processing of a new block will close existing opened blocks].
- The NewBlocks is not empty. This is happening if a LeafBlock is not the last to be pushed
- Defines the result of parsing a line for a .
- A line is not accepted by this parser.
- The parser is skipped.
- The parser accepts a line and instruct to continue.
- The parser accepts a line, instruct to continue but discard the line (not stored on the block)
- The parser is ending a block, instruct to stop and keep the line being processed.
- The parser is ending a block, instruct to stop and discard the line being processed.
- Extensions used by .
- Determines whether this is discarded.
- State of the block.
- true if the block state is in discard state
- Determines whether this is in a continue state.
- State of the block.
- true if the block state is in continue state
- Determines whether this is in a break state.
- State of the block.
- true if the block state is in break state
- Delegate used to parse the string on the first line after the fenced code block special characters (usually ` or ~)
- The parser processor.
- The being processed line.
- The fenced code block.
- true if parsing of the line is successfull; false otherwise
- Gets or sets the information parser.
- A delegates that allows to process attached attributes
- Base parser for fenced blocks (opened by 3 or more character delimiters on a first line, and closed by at least the same number of delimiters)
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets the language prefix (default is "language-")
- The default parser for the information after the fenced code block special characters (usually ` or ~)
- The parser processor.
- The line.
- The fenced code block.
- true if parsing of the line is successfull; false otherwise
- Parser for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Block parser for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- A delegates that allows to process attached attributes after #
- Block parser for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- A delegates that allows to porcess attached attributes at time.
- The processor.
- The slice to look for attached attributes.
- The block.
- true if attributes were found; otherwise false
- An interface used to tag that supports parsing
- A delegates that allows to process attached attributes
- Base interface for a .
- Determines whether this instance can interrupt the specified block being processed.
- The parser processor.
- The block being processed.
- true if this parser can interrupt the specified block being processed.
- Tries to match a block opening.
- The parser processor.
- The result of the match
- Tries to continue matching a block already opened.
- The parser processor.
- The block already opened.
- The result of the match. By default, don't expect any newline
- Called when a block matched by this parser is being closed (to allow final computation on the block).
- The parser processor.
- The block being closed.
- true to keep the block; false to remove it. True by default.
- Base interface for parsing an .
- Tries to match the specified slice.
- The parser processor.
- The text slice.
- true if this parser found a match; false otherwise
- Base interface for a block or inline parser.
- The type of processor.
- Gets the opening characters this parser will be triggered if the character is found.
- Initializes this parser with the specified parser processor.
- Gets the index of this parser in or .
- Block parser for an indented .
- Base class for parsing an .
- Tries to match the specified slice.
- The parser processor.
- The text slice.
- true if this parser found a match; false otherwise
- A list of .
- Gets the registered post inline processors.
- A delegate called at inline processing stage.
- The processor.
- The inline being processed.
- The inline parser state used by all .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The string builders.
- The document.
- The parsers.
- The inline created event.
- Gets the current block being proessed.
- Gets a value indicating whether to provide precise source location.
- Gets or sets the new block to replace the block being processed.
- Gets or sets the current inline. Used by to return a new inline if match was successfull
- Gets the root container of the current .
- Gets the list of inline parsers.
- Gets the root document.
- Gets the cache string builders.
- Gets or sets the index of the line from the begining of the document being processed.
- Gets the parser states that can be used by using their property.
- Gets or sets the debug log writer. No log if null.
- Gets the literal inline parser.
- Gets the source position for the specified offset within the current slice.
- The slice offset.
- The source position
- Processes the inline of the specified .
- The leaf block.
- An inline parser for parsing .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to enable HTML parsing. Default is true
- An inline parser for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Descriptor for an emphasis.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The character used for this emphasis.
- The minimum number of character.
- The maximum number of characters.
- if set to true the emphasis can be used inside a word.
- The character of this emphasis.
- The minimum number of character this emphasis is expected to have (must be >=1)
- The maximum number of character this emphasis is expected to have (must be >=1 and >= minumunCount and <= 2)
- This emphasis can be used within a word.
- An inline parser for .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets the emphasis descriptors.
- Determines whether this parser is using the specified character as an emphasis delimiter.
- The character to look for.
- true if this parser is using the specified character as an emphasis delimiter; otherwise false
- Gets or sets the create emphasis inline delegate (allowing to create a different emphasis inline class)
- An inline parser for escape characters.
- An inline parser for HTML entities.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- An inline parser for .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to interpret softline breaks as hardline breaks. Default is false
- An inline parser for .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- An inline parser for parsing .
- We don't expect the LiteralInlineParser to be instantiated a end-user, as it is part
- of the default parser pipeline (and should always be the last), working as a literal character
- collector.
- Gets or sets the post match delegate called after the inline has been processed.
- A procesor called at the end of processing all inlines.
- Processes the delimiters.
- The parser state.
- The root inline.
- The last child.
- Index of this delimiter processor.
- true to continue to the next delimiter processor;
- false to stop the process (in case a processor is perfoming sub-sequent processor itself)
- A parser for a list block and list item block.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets the parsers for items.
- Defines list information returned when trying to parse a list item with
- Initializes a new instance of the struct.
- Type of the bullet (e.g: '1', 'a', 'A', 'i', 'I').
- Initializes a new instance of the struct.
- Type of the bullet (e.g: '1', 'a', 'A', 'i', 'I')
- The string used as a starting sequence for an ordered list.
- The ordered delimiter found when parsing this list (e.g: the character `)` after `1)`)
- The default string used as a starting sequence for the ordered list (e.g: '1' for an numbered ordered list)
- Gets or sets the type of the bullet (e.g: '1', 'a', 'A', 'i', 'I').
- Gets or sets the string used as a starting sequence for an ordered list
- Gets or sets the ordered delimiter found when parsing this list (e.g: the character `)` after `1)`)
- Gets or sets default string used as a starting sequence for the ordered list (e.g: '1' for an numbered ordered list)
- A parser base class for a list item.
- Defines the characters that are used for detecting this list item.
- Tries to parse the current input as a list item for this particular instance.
- The block processor
- The type of the current bullet type
- The result of parsing
- true if parsing was sucessfull; false otherwise
- Delegates called when processing a document
- The markdown document.
- The Markdown parser.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The reader.
- The pipeline.
- Parses the specified markdown into an AST
- A Markdown text
- The pipeline used for the parsing.
- An AST Markdown document
- if reader variable is null
- Parses the current into a Markdown .
- A document instance
- Fixups the zero character by replacing it to a secure character (Section 2.3 Insecure characters, CommonMark specs)
- The text to secure.
- The default parser for parsing numbered list item (e.g: 1) or 1.)
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Base class for an ordered list item parser.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets the ordered delimiters used after a digit/number (by default `.` and `)`)
- Utility method that tries to parse the delimiter coming after an ordered list start (e.g: the `)` after `1)`).
- The state.
- The ordered delimiter found if this method is successful.
- true if parsing was successful; false otherwise.
- Block parser for a .
- Base class for a or .
- Type of the parser processor
- Gets the opening characters this parser will be triggered if the character is found.
- Initializes this parser with the specified parser processor.
- Gets the index of this parser in or .
- Base class for a list of parsers.
- Type of the parser
- The type of the parser state.
- Gets the list of global parsers (that don't have any opening characters defined)
- Gets all the opening characters defined.
- Gets the list of parsers valid for the specified opening character.
- The opening character.
- A list of parsers valid for the specified opening character or null if no parsers registered.
- Searches for an opening character from a registered parser in the specified string.
- The text.
- The start.
- The end.
- Index position within the string of the first opening character found in the specified text; if not found, returns -1
- Initializes this instance with specified parser state.
- Unexpected null parser found
- or
- A block parser for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- A block parser for a .
- A singleton instance used by other parsers.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The default parser used to parse unordered list item (-, +, *)
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Default HTML renderer for a Markdown object.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The writer.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to output HTML tags when rendering. See remarks.
- This is used by some renderers to disable HTML tags when rendering some inline elements (for image links).
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to output HTML tags when rendering. See remarks.
- This is used by some renderers to disable HTML tags when rendering some block elements (for image links).
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use implicit paragraph (optional <p>)
- Gets a value to use as the base url for all relative links
- Allows links to be rewritten
- Writes the content escaped for HTML.
- The content.
- This instance
- Writes the content escaped for HTML.
- The slice.
- Only escape < and &
- This instance
- Writes the content escaped for HTML.
- The slice.
- Only escape < and &
- This instance
- Writes the content escaped for HTML.
- The content.
- The offset.
- The length.
- Only escape < and &
- This instance
- Writes the URL escaped for HTML.
- The content.
- This instance
- Writes the attached on the specified .
- The object.
- Writes the specified .
- The attributes to render.
- A class filter used to transform a class into another class at writing time
- This instance
- Writes the lines of a
- The leaf block.
- if set to true write end of lines.
- if set to true escape the content for HTML
- Only escape < and &
- This instance
- An HTML renderer for a and .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets a map of fenced code block infos that should be rendered as div blocks instead of pre/code blocks.
- An HTML renderer for a .
- Attached HTML attributes to a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets the HTML id/identifier. May be null.
- Gets or sets the CSS classes attached. May be null.
- Gets or sets the additional properties. May be null.
- Adds a CSS class.
- The css class name.
- Adds a property.
- The name.
- The value.
- Adds the specified property only if it does not already exist.
- The name.
- The value.
- Copies/merge the values from this instance to the specified instance.
- The HTML attributes.
- If set to true it will merge properties to the target htmlAttributes. Default is false
- If set to true it will try to share Classes and Properties if destination don't have them, otherwise it will make a copy. Default is true
- Extensions for a to allow accessing
- Tries the get stored on a .
- The markdown object.
- The attached html attributes or null if not found
- Gets or creates the stored on a
- The markdown object.
- The attached html attributes
- Sets to the
- The markdown object.
- The attributes to attach.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A base class for HTML rendering and Markdown objects.
- The type of the object.
- A HTML renderer for an .
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to always add rel="nofollow" for links or not.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A HTML renderer for an .
- Delegates to get the tag associated to an object.
- The object.
- The HTML tag associated to this object
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets the GetTag delegate.
- Gets the default HTML tag for ** and __ emphasis.
- The object.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A HTML renderer for a .
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to render this softline break as a HTML hardline break tag (<br />)
- A HTML renderer for a .
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to always add rel="nofollow" for links or not.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A HTML renderer for a .
- Base interface for the renderer of a .
- Accepts the specified .
- The renderer.
- The Markdown object.
- true If this renderer is accepting to render the specified Markdown object
- Writes the specified to the .
- The renderer.
- The object to render.
- Base interface for a renderer for a Markdown .
- Occurs when before writing an object.
- Occurs when after writing an object.
- Gets the object renderers that will render and elements.
- Renders the specified markdown object.
- The markdown object.
- The result of the rendering.
- A base class for rendering and Markdown objects.
- The type of the renderer.
- The type of the object.
- Gets the optional writers attached to this instance.
- Writes the specified Markdown object to the renderer.
- The renderer.
- The markdown object.
- An Normalize renderer for a and .
- An Normalize renderer for a .
- A Normalize renderer for an .
- A Normalize renderer for a .
- A Normalize renderer for a .
- A Normalize renderer for an .
- A Normalize renderer for a .
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to render this softline break as a Normalize hardline break tag (<br />)
- A Normalize renderer for a .
- A Normalize renderer for a .
- A Normalize renderer for a .
- A Normalize renderer for a .
- A Normalize renderer for a .
- A base class for Normalize rendering and Markdown objects.
- The type of the object.
- Defines the options used by
- Initialize a new instance of
- Adds a space after a QuoteBlock >. Default is true
- Adds an empty line after a code block (fenced and tabbed). Default is true
- Adds an empty line after an heading. Default is true
- Adds an empty line after an thematic break. Default is true
- The bullet character used for list items. Default is null leaving the original bullet character as-is.
- Expands AutoLinks to the normal inline representation. Default is true
- Default HTML renderer for a Markdown object.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The writer.
- The normalize options
- Writes the lines of a
- The leaf block.
- if set to true write end of lines.
- This instance
- A Normalize renderer for a .
- A Normalize renderer for a .
- A Normalize renderer for a .
- A collection of .
- Base class for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Occurs when before writing an object.
- Occurs when after writing an object.
- Writes the children of the specified .
- The container block.
- Writes the children of the specified .
- The container inline.
- Writes the specified Markdown object.
- A MarkdownObject type
- The Markdown object to write to this renderer.
- A text based .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The writer.
- Gets or sets the writer.
- if the value is null
- Renders the specified markdown object (returns the as a render object).
- The markdown object.
- Typed .
- Type of the renderer
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The writer.
- Ensures a newline.
- This instance
- Writes the specified content.
- The content.
- This instance
- Writes the specified slice.
- The slice.
- This instance
- Writes the specified slice.
- The slice.
- This instance
- Writes the specified character.
- The content.
- This instance
- Writes the specified content.
- The content.
- The offset.
- The length.
- This instance
- Writes a newline.
- This instance
- Writes a content followed by a newline.
- The content.
- This instance
- Writes the inlines of a leaf inline.
- The leaf block.
- This instance
- A blank line, used internally by some parsers to store blank lines in a container. They are removed before the end of the document.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Base class for a block structure. Either a or a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Gets the parent of this container. May be null.
- Gets the parser associated to this instance.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is still open.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this block is breakable. Default is true.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this block must be removed from its container after inlines have been processed.
- Occurs when the process of inlines begin.
- Occurs when the process of inlines ends for this instance.
- Called when the process of inlines begin.
- The inline parser state.
- Called when the process of inlines ends.
- The inline parser state.
- Extensions for
- Helpers for the class.
- Repressents an indented code block.
- Related to CommonMark spec: 4.4 Indented code blocks
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser.
- A base class for container blocks.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Gets the last child.
- Specialize enumerator.
- Repressents a fenced code block.
- Related to CommonMark spec: 4.5 Fenced code blocks
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser.
- Gets or sets the language parsed after the first line of
- the fenced code block. May be null.
- Gets or sets the arguments after the .
- May be null.
- Gets or sets the fenced character count used to open this fenced code block.
- Gets or sets the fenced character used to open and close this fenced code block.
- Gets or sets the indent count when the fenced code block was indented
- and we need to remove up to indent count chars spaces from the begining of a line.
- Repressents a heading.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser.
- Gets or sets the header character used to defines this heading (usually #)
- Gets or sets the level of heading (starting at 1 for the lowest level).
- Represents a group of lines that is treated as raw HTML (and will not be escaped in HTML output).
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser.
- Gets or sets the type of block.
- Defines the type of
- A SGML document type starting by <!LETTER.
- A raw CDATA sequence.
- A HTML comment.
- A SGM processing instruction tag <?
- A script pre or style tag.
- An HTML interrupting block
- An HTML non-interrupting block
- Base interface for a block structure. Either a or a .
- Gets or sets the text column this instance was declared (zero-based).
- Gets or sets the text line this instance was declared (zero-based).
- Gets the parent of this container. May be null.
- Gets the parser associated to this instance.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is still open.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this block is breakable. Default is true.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this block must be removed from its container after inlines have been processed.
- Occurs when the process of inlines begin.
- Occurs when the process of inlines ends for this instance.
- A common interface for fenced block (e.g: or )
- Gets or sets the language parsed after the first line of
- the fenced code block. May be null.
- Gets or sets the arguments after the .
- May be null.
- Gets or sets the fenced character count used to open this fenced code block.
- Gets or sets the fenced character used to open and close this fenced code block.
- Base interface for a the Markdown syntax tree
- Stores a key/value pair for this instance.
- The key.
- The value.
- if key is null
- Determines whether this instance contains the specified key data.
- The key.
- true if a data with the key is stored
- if key is null
- Gets the associated data for the specified key.
- The key.
- The associated data or null if none
- if key is null
- Removes the associated data for the specified key.
- The key.
- true if the data was removed; false otherwise
- An autolink (Section 6.7 CommonMark specs)
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is an email link.
- Gets or sets the URL of this link.
- Represents a code span (Section 6.3 CommonMark specs)
- Gets or sets the delimiter character used by this code inline.
- Gets or sets the content of the span.
- A base class for container for .
- Gets the first child.
- Gets the last child.
- Clears this instance by removing all its children.
- Appends a child to this container.
- The child to append to this container..
- This instance
- If child is null
- Inline has already a parent
- Checks if this instance contains the specified child.
- The child to find.
- true if this instance contains the specified child; false otherwise
- Finds all the descendants.
- Type of the descendants to find
- An enumeration of T
- Moves all the children of this container after the specified inline.
- The parent.
- Embraces this instance by the specified container.
- The container to use to embrace this instance.
- If the container is null
- Internal delimiter used by some parsers (e.g emphasis, tables).
- Gets the parser.
- Gets or sets the type of this delimiter.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is active.
- Converts this delimiter to a literal.
- The string representation of this delimiter
- Gets the type of a .
- An undefined open or close delimiter.
- An open delimiter.
- A close delimiter.
- A delimiter used for parsing emphasis.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser.
- The descriptor.
- Gets the descriptor for this emphasis.
- The delimiter character found.
- The number of delimiter characters found for this delimiter.
- An emphasis and strong emphasis (Section 6.4 CommonMark specs).
- Gets or sets the delimiter character of this emphasis.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is strong.
- An entity HTML.
- Gets or sets the original HTML entity name
- Gets or sets the transcoded literal that will be used for output
- A Raw HTML (Section 6.8 CommonMark specs).
- Gets or sets the full declaration of this tag.
- Base interface for all syntax tree inlines.
- Gets the parent container of this inline.
- Gets the previous inline.
- Gets the next sibling inline.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is closed.
- Base class for all syntax tree inlines.
- Gets the parent container of this inline.
- Gets the previous inline.
- Gets the next sibling inline.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is closed.
- Inserts the specified inline after this instance.
- The inline to insert after this instance.
- Inline has already a parent
- Inserts the specified inline before this instance.
- The inlnie previous to insert before this instance.
- Inline has already a parent
- Removes this instance from the current list and its parent
- Replaces this inline by the specified inline.
- The inline.
- if set to true the children of this instance are copied to the specified inline.
- The last children
- If inlnie is null
- Determines whether this instance contains a parent of the specified type.
- Type of the parent to check
- true if this instance contains a parent of the specified type; false otherwise
- Iterates on parents of the specified type.
- Type of the parent to iterate over
- An enumeration on the parents of the specified type
- Dumps this instance to .
- The writer.
- Dumps this instance to .
- The writer.
- The level of indent.
- if writer is null
- A base class for a leaf inline.
- A base class for a line break.
- A delimiter for a link.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this delimiter is an image link.
- Gets or sets the label of this link.
- The label span
- A Link inline (Section 6.5 CommonMark specs)
- A delegate to use if it is setup on this instance to allow late binding
- of a Url.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The URL.
- The title.
- Gets or sets the URL.
- Gets or sets the GetDynamicUrl delegate. If this property is set,
- it is used instead of to get the Url from this instance.
- Gets or sets the title.
- Gets or sets the label.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is an image link.
- Gets or sets a boolean indicating if this link is a shortcut link to a
- Gets or sets a boolean indicating whether the inline link was parsed using markdown syntax or was automatic recognized.
- Gets or sets the reference this link is attached to. May be null.
- The URL source span.
- The title source span.
- The label span
- A literal inline.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The content.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The text.
- The content as a .
- A boolean indicating whether the first character of this literal is escaped by `\`.
- Base class for all leaf blocks.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Gets or sets the string lines accumulated for this leaf block.
- May be null after process inlines have occured.
- Gets or sets the inline syntax tree (may be null).
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether must be processed
- as inline into the property.
- Appends the specified line to this instance.
- The slice.
- The column.
- The line.
- A link reference definition (Section 4.7 CommonMark specs)
- Creates an inline link for the specified .
- State of the inline.
- The link reference.
- The child.
- An inline link or null to use the default implementation
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The label.
- The URL.
- The title.
- Gets or sets the label.
- Gets or sets the URL.
- Gets or sets the title.
- The label span
- The URL span
- The title span
- Gets or sets the create link inline callback for this instance.
- This callback is called when an inline link is matching this reference definition.
- Tries to the parse the specified text into a definition.
- Type of the text
- The text.
- The block.
- true if parsing is successful; false otherwise
- Extension methods for accessing attached at the document level.
- Contains all the found in a document.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets an association between a label and the corresponding
- A list (Section 5.3 CommonMark specs)
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the list is ordered.
- Gets or sets the bullet character used by this list.
- Gets or sets the ordered start number (valid when is true)
- Gets or sets the default ordered start ("1" for BulletType = '1')
- Gets or sets the ordered delimiter character (usually `.` or `)`) found after an ordered list item.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is loose.
- A list item (Section 5.2 CommonMark specs)
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- The root Markdown document.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Base implementation for a the Markdown syntax tree.
- The attached datas. Use internally a simple array instead of a Dictionary{Object,Object}
- as we expect less than 5~10 entries, usually typically 1 (HtmlAttributes)
- so it will gives faster access than a Dictionary, and lower memory occupation
- Gets or sets the text column this instance was declared (zero-based).
- Gets or sets the text line this instance was declared (zero-based).
- The source span
- Gets a string of the location in the text.
- Stores a key/value pair for this instance.
- The key.
- The value.
- if key is null
- Determines whether this instance contains the specified key data.
- The key.
- true if a data with the key is stored
- if key is null
- Gets the associated data for the specified key.
- The key.
- The associated data or null if none
- if key is null
- Removes the associated data for the specified key.
- The key.
- true if the data was removed; false otherwise
- Store a Key/Value pair.
- Extensions for visiting or
- Iterates over the descendant elements for the specified markdown element, including and .
- The markdown object.
- An iteration over the descendant elements
- Iterates over the descendant elements for the specified markdown element and filters by the type {T}.
- Type to use for filtering the descendants
- The inline markdown object.
- An iteration over the descendant elements
- Iterates over the descendant elements for the specified markdown element and filters by the type {T}.
- Type to use for filtering the descendants
- The markdown object.
- An iteration over the descendant elements
- Repressents a paragraph.
- Related to CommonMark spec: 4.8 Paragraphs
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- A block quote (Section 5.1 CommonMark specs)
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Gets or sets the quote character (usually `>`)
- A span of text.
- Initializes a new instance of the struct.
- The start.
- The end.
- Gets or sets the starting character position from the original text source.
- Note that for inline elements, this is only valid if is setup on the pipeline.
- Gets or sets the ending character position from the original text source.
- Note that for inline elements, this is only valid if is setup on the pipeline.
- Gets the character length of this element within the original source code.
- Repressents a thematic break (Section 4.1 CommonMark specs).
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
diff --git a/packages/Markdig.0.15.2/lib/net40/Markdig.dll b/packages/Markdig.0.15.2/lib/net40/Markdig.dll
deleted file mode 100644
index 7147a5a..0000000
Binary files a/packages/Markdig.0.15.2/lib/net40/Markdig.dll and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/packages/Markdig.0.15.2/lib/net40/Markdig.xml b/packages/Markdig.0.15.2/lib/net40/Markdig.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index c0beaf3..0000000
--- a/packages/Markdig.0.15.2/lib/net40/Markdig.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5399 +0,0 @@
- Markdig
- An abbreviation object stored at the document level. See extension methods in .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Gets or sets the label.
- The text associated to this label.
- The label span
- Extension to allow abbreviations.
- Extension methods for .
- The inline abbreviation.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The abbreviation.
- A block parser for abbreviations.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- The auto-identifier extension
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The options.
- Process on a new
- The processor.
- The heading block.
- Callback when there is a reference to found to a heading.
- Note that reference are only working if they are declared after.
- Process the inlines of the heading to create a unique identifier
- The processor.
- The inline.
- Options for the .
- No options
- Default ()
- Allows to link to a header by using the same text as the header for the link label. Default is true
- Allows only ASCII characters in the url (HTML 5 allows to have UTF8 characters). Default is true
- Renders auto identifiers like GitHub.
- A link reference definition to a stored at the level.
- Gets or sets the heading related to this link reference definition.
- Extension to automatically create when a link url http: or mailto: is found.
- The inline parser used to for autolinks.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Extension for tagging some HTML elements with bootstrap classes.
- Extension for cite ""...""
- A block custom container.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Extension to allow custom containers.
- An inline custom container
- The block parser for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A definition item contains zero to multiple
- and definitions (any )
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Gets or sets the opening character for this definition item (either `:` or `~`)
- A definition list contains children.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Extension to allow definition lists
- The block parser for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- A definition term contains a single line with the term to define.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- A HTML renderer for , and .
- Extension to allow diagrams.
- Extension to allow emoji and smiley replacement.
- An emoji inline
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The content.
- Gets or sets the original match string (either an emoji or a text smiley)
- The inline parser used to for emoji.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets a boolean indicating whether to process smiley.
- Gets the emoji to unicode mapping. This can be modified before this parser is initialized.
- Gets the smiley to emoji mapping. This can be modified before this parser is initialized.
- Extension for strikethrough, subscript, superscript, inserted and marked.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The options.
- Gets the options.
- Options for enabling support for extra emphasis.
- Allows all extra emphasis (default).
- A text that can be strikethrough using the double character ~~
- A text that can be rendered as a subscript using the character ~
- A text that can be rendered as a superscript using the character ^
- A text that can be rendered as a inserted using the character ++
- A text that can be rendered as a inserted using the character ==
- Defines a figure container.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Gets or sets the opening character count used to open this figure code block.
- Gets or sets the opening character used to open and close this figure code block.
- The block parser for a block.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Defines a figure caption.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Extension to allow usage of figures and figure captions.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A block elemeent for a footer.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Gets or sets the opening character used to match this footer (by default it is ^)
- A block parser for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Extension that provides footer.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A block for a footnote.
- Gets or sets the label used by this footnote.
- Gets or sets the order of this footnote (determined by the order of the in the document)
- Gets the links referencing this footnote.
- The label span
- Extension to allow footnotes.
- A block that contains all the footnotes at the end of a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- A inline link to a .
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is back link (from a footnote to the link)
- Gets or sets the global index number of this link.
- Gets or sets the footnote this link refers to.
- A link reference definition stored at the level.
- Gets or sets the footnote related to this link reference definition.
- The block parser for a .
- The key used to store at the document level the pending
- Add footnotes to the end of the document
- The processor.
- The inline.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets the CSS group class used when rendering the <div> of this instance.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- Extension that allows to attach HTML attributes to the previous or current .
- This extension should be enabled last after enabling other extensions.
- An inline parser used to parse a HTML attributes that can be attached to the previous or current .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Tries to extra from the current position of a slice an HTML attributes {...}
- The slice to parse.
- The output attributes or null if not found or invalid
- true if parsing the HTML attributes was succsesfull
- Extension to generate hardline break for softline breaks.
- Model for a JIRA link item
- JIRA Project Key
- JIRA Issue Number
- Simple inline parser extension for Markdig to find, and
- automatically add links to JIRA issue numbers.
- Finds and replaces JIRA links inline
- Available options for replacing JIRA links
- The base Url (e.g. `https://mycompany.atlassian.net`)
- The base path after the base url (default is `/browse`)
- Should the link open in a new window when clicked
- Gets the full url composed of the and with no trailing `/`
- Extension for adding new type of list items (a., A., i., I.)
- Parser that adds supports for parsing alpha/roman list items (e.g: `a)` or `a.` or `ii.` or `II.`)
- Note that we don't validate roman numbers.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A math block.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser.
- The block parser for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Extension for adding inline mathematics $...$
- A math inline element.
- Gets or sets the delimiter character used by this code inline.
- Gets or sets the delimiter count.
- The content as a .
- An inline parser for .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets the default class to use when creating a math inline block.
- Extension for extending image Markdown links in case a video or an audio file is linked and output proper link.
- Options for the .
- Extension that will disable URI escape with % characters for non-US-ASCII characters in order to workaround a bug under IE/Edge with local file links containing non US-ASCII chars. DO NOT USE OTHERWISE.
- Extension to automatically render rel=nofollow to all links in an HTML output.
- Extension to a span for each line containing the original line id (using id = pragma-line#line_number_zero_based)
- Extension to enable SelfPipeline, to configure a Markdown parsing/convertion to HTML automatically
- from an embedded special tag in the input text <!--markdig:extensions--> where extensions is a string
- that specifies the extensions to use for the pipeline as exposed by extension method
- on the . This extension will invalidate all other extensions and will override them.
- Gets the default pipeline to configure if no tag was found in the input text. Default is null (core pipeline).
- Gets the self pipeline hint tag start that will be matched.
- Creates a pipeline automatically configured from an input markdown based on the presence of the configuration tag.
- The input text.
- The pipeline configured from the input
- A HTML renderer for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The options.
- An inline for SmartyPant.
- Converts this instance to a literal text.
- The options used for .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets the mapping between a and its textual representation
- (usually an HTML entity).
- Extension to enable SmartyPants.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The options.
- Gets the options.
- The inline parser for SmartyPants.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Types of a .
- This is a single quote '
- This is a double quote "
- Extension that allows to use grid tables.
- Internal state used by the
- Gets or sets the index position of this column (after the |)
- A HTML renderer for a
- This block parsers for pipe tables is used to by-pass list items that could start by a single '-'
- and would disallow to detect a pipe tables at inline parsing time, so we are basically forcing a line
- that starts by a '-' and have at least a '|' (and have optional spaces) and is a continuation of a
- paragraph.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The delimiter used to separate the columns of a pipe table.
- Gets or sets the index of line where this delimiter was found relative to the current block.
- Extension that allows to use pipe tables.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The options.
- Gets the options.
- Options for the extension
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to require header separator. true by default (Kramdown is using false)
- The inline parser used to transform a into a at inline parsing time.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The linebreak parser to use
- The options.
- Gets the options.
- Defines a table that contains an optional .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Gets or sets the column alignments. May be null.
- Checks if the table structure is valid.
- True if the table has rows and the number of cells per row is correct, other wise false.
- Normalizes the number of columns of this table by taking the maximum columns and appending empty cells.
- Defines a cell in a
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Gets or sets the index of the column to which this cell belongs.
- Gets or sets the column span this cell is covering. Default is 1.
- Gets or sets the row span this cell is covering. Default is 1.
- Gets or sets whether this cell can be closed.
- Defines the alignment of a column
- Align the column to the left
- Align the column to the center
- Align the column to the right
- Defines a column.
- Gets or sets the width (in percentage) of this column. A value of 0 is unspecified.
- Gets or sets the column alignment.
- Helper methods for parsing tables.
- Parses a column header equivalent to the regexp: \s*:\s*[delimiterChar]+\s*:\s*
- The text slice.
- The delimiter character (either `-` or `=`).
- The alignment of the column.
- true if parsing was successfull
- Parses a column header equivalent to the regexp: \s*:\s*[delimiterChar]+\s*:\s*
- The text slice.
- The delimiter character (either `-` or `=`).
- The alignment of the column.
- true if parsing was successfull
- Parses a column header equivalent to the regexp: \s*:\s*[delimiterChar]+\s*:\s*
- The text slice.
- The delimiter character (either `-` or `=`). If `\0`, it will detect the character (either `-` or `=`)
- The alignment of the column.
- true if parsing was successfull
- Defines a row in a , contains , parent is .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is header row.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- An inline for TaskList.
- Extension to enable TaskList.
- The inline parser for SmartyPants.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets the list class used for a task list.
- Gets or sets the list item class used for a task list.
- Extension that allows setting line-endings for any IMarkdownRenderer
- that inherits from
- A YAML frontmatter block.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser.
- Extension to discard a YAML frontmatter at the beginning of a Markdown document.
- Block parser for a YAML frontmatter.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Creates the front matter block.
- The block processor
- The front matter block
- Tries to match a block opening.
- The parser processor.
- The result of the match
- Tries to continue matching a block already opened.
- The parser processor.
- The block already opened.
- The result of the match. By default, don't expect any newline
- Empty renderer for a
- Helper class for defining Empty arrays.
- Type of an element of the array
- An empty array.
- Allows to associate characters to a data structures and query efficiently for them.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The states.
- Gets all the opening characters defined.
- Gets the list of parsers valid for the specified opening character.
- The opening character.
- A list of parsers valid for the specified opening character or null if no parsers registered.
- Searches for an opening character from a registered parser in the specified string.
- The text.
- The start.
- The end.
- Index position within the string of the first opening character found in the specified text; if not found, returns -1
- Helper class for handling characters.
- Class used to simplify a unicode char to a simple ASCII string
- Converts a unicode char to a simple ASCII string.
- The input char.
- The simple ASCII string or null if the char itself cannot be simplified
- A default object cache that expect the type {T} to provide a parameter less constructor
- The type of item to cache
- Helper class to decode an entity.
- Decodes the given HTML entity to the matching Unicode characters.
- The entity without & and ; symbols, for example, copy.
- The unicode character set or null if the entity was not recognized.
- Decodes the given UTF-32 character code to the matching set of UTF-16 characters.
- The unicode character set or null if the entity was not recognized.
- Source: http://www.w3.org/html/wg/drafts/html/master/syntax.html#named-character-references
- Helper to parse several HTML tags.
- Destructively unescape a string: remove backslashes before punctuation or symbol characters.
- The string data that will be changed by unescaping any punctuation or symbol characters.
- if set to true [remove back slash].
- Scans an entity.
- Returns number of chars matched.
- Provides a common interface for iterating characters
- over a or .
- Gets the current start character position.
- Gets the current character.
- Gets the end character position.
- Goes to the next character, incrementing the position.
- The next character. `\0` is end of the iteration.
- Peeks at the next character, without incrementing the position.
- The next character. `\0` is end of the iteration.
- Gets a value indicating whether this instance is empty.
- Trims whitespaces at the beginning of this slice starting from position.
- true if it has reaches the end of the iterator
- A line reader from a that can provide precise source position
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- bufferSize cannot be <= 0
- Gets the char position of the line. Valid for the next line before calling .
- Reads a new line from the underlying and update the for the next line.
- A new line or null if the end of has been reached
- Helpers to parse Markdown links.
- Internal helper to allow to declare a method using AggressiveInlining without being .NET 4.0+
- A simple object recycling system.
- Type of the object to cache
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Clears this cache.
- Gets a new instance.
- Releases the specified instance.
- The instance.
- if instance is null
- Creates a new instance of {T}
- A new instance of {T}
- Resets the specified instance when is called before storing back to this cache.
- The instance.
- A List that provides methods for inserting/finding before/after. See remarks.
- Type of the list item
- We use a typed list and don't use extension methods because it would pollute all list implemts and the top level namespace.
- Replaces with .
- Element type to find in the list
- Object to replace this element with
- true if a replacement was made; otherwise false.
- An implementation of for
- A StringBuilder that can be used locally in a method body only.
- Provides a string builder that can only be used locally in a method. This StringBuilder MUST not be stored.
- Extensions for StringBuilder with
- Appends the specified slice to this instance.
- The builder.
- The slice.
- A struct representing a text line.
- Initializes a new instance of the struct.
- The slice.
- Initializes a new instance of the struct.
- The slice.
- The line.
- The column.
- Initializes a new instance of the struct.
- The slice.
- The line.
- The column.
- The slice used for this line.
- The line position.
- The position of the start of this line within the original source code
- The column position.
- Performs an implicit conversion from to .
- The line.
- The result of the conversion.
- A group of .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The text.
- Gets the lines.
- Gets the number of lines.
- Clears this instance.
- Removes the line at the specified index.
- The index.
- Adds the specified line to this instance.
- The line.
- Adds the specified slice to this instance.
- The slice.
- Converts the lines to a single by concatenating the lines.
- The position of the `\n` line offsets from the beginning of the returned slice.
- A single slice concatenating the lines of this instance
- Converts this instance into a .
- Trims each lines of the specified .
- The iterator used to iterate other the lines.
- A lightweight struct that represents a slice of a string.
- An empty string slice.
- Initializes a new instance of the struct.
- The text.
- Initializes a new instance of the struct.
- The text.
- The start.
- The end.
- The text of this slice.
- Gets or sets the start position within .
- Gets or sets the end position (inclusive) within .
- Gets the length.
- Gets the current character.
- Gets a value indicating whether this instance is empty.
- Gets the at the specified index.
- The index.
- A character in the slice at the specified index (not from but from the begining of the slice)
- Goes to the next character, incrementing the position.
- The next character. `\0` is end of the iteration.
- Peeks a character at the specified offset from the current position
- inside the range and , returns `\0` if outside this range.
- The offset.
- The character at offset, returns `\0` if none.
- Peeks a character at the specified offset from the current beginning of the string, without taking into account and
- The character at offset, returns `\0` if none.
- Peeks a character at the specified offset from the current begining of the slice
- without using the range or , returns `\0` if outside the .
- The offset.
- The character at offset, returns `\0` if none.
- Matches the specified text.
- The text.
- The offset.
- true if the text matches; false otherwise
- Matches the specified text.
- The text.
- The end.
- The offset.
- true if the text matches; false otherwise
- Expect spaces until a end of line. Return false otherwise.
- true if whitespaces where matched until a end of line
- Matches the specified text using lowercase comparison.
- The text.
- The offset.
- true if the text matches; false otherwise
- Matches the specified text using lowercase comparison.
- The text.
- The end.
- The offset.
- true if the text matches; false otherwise
- Searches the specified text within this slice.
- The text.
- The offset.
- true if ignore case
- true if the text was found; false otherwise
- Searches for the specified character within this slice.
- A value >= 0 if the character was found, otherwise < 0
- Trims whitespaces at the beginning of this slice starting from position.
- true if it has reaches the end of the iterator
- Trims whitespaces at the beginning of this slice starting from position.
- The number of spaces trimmed.
- Trims whitespaces at the end of this slice, starting from position.
- Trims whitespaces from both the start and end of this slice.
- Returns a that represents this instance.
- A that represents this instance.
- Determines whether this slice is empty or made only of whitespaces.
- true if this slice is empty or made only of whitespaces; false otherwise
- Match a text against a list of ASCII string using internally a tree to speedup the lookup
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The matches to match against.
- Tries to match in the text, at offset position, the list of string matches registered to this instance.
- The text.
- The offset.
- The length.
- The match string if the match was successfull.
- true if the match was successfull; false otherwise
- Base interface for an extension.
- Setups this extension for the specified pipeline.
- The pipeline.
- Setups this extension for the specified renderer.
- The pipeline used to parse the document.
- The renderer.
- Provides methods for parsing a Markdown string to a syntax tree and converting it to other formats.
- Normalizes the specified markdown to a normalized markdown text.
- The markdown.
- The normalize options
- The pipeline.
- A normalized markdown text.
- Normalizes the specified markdown to a normalized markdown text.
- The markdown.
- The destination that will receive the result of the conversion.
- The normalize options
- The pipeline.
- A normalized markdown text.
- Converts a Markdown string to HTML.
- A Markdown text.
- The pipeline used for the conversion.
- The result of the conversion
- if markdown variable is null
- Converts a Markdown string to HTML and output to the specified writer.
- A Markdown text.
- The destination that will receive the result of the conversion.
- The pipeline used for the conversion.
- The Markdown document that has been parsed
- if reader or writer variable are null
- Converts a Markdown string using a custom .
- A Markdown text.
- The renderer to convert Markdown to.
- The pipeline used for the conversion.
- if markdown or writer variable are null
- Parses the specified markdown into an AST
- The markdown text.
- An AST Markdown document
- if markdown variable is null
- Parses the specified markdown into an AST
- The markdown text.
- The pipeline used for the parsing.
- An AST Markdown document
- if markdown variable is null
- Converts a Markdown string to Plain text and output to the specified writer.
- A Markdown text.
- The destination that will receive the result of the conversion.
- The pipeline used for the conversion.
- The Markdown document that has been parsed
- if reader or writer variable are null
- Converts a Markdown string to HTML.
- A Markdown text.
- The pipeline used for the conversion.
- The result of the conversion
- if markdown variable is null
- Provides extension methods for to enable several Markdown extensions.
- Adds the specified extension to the extensions collection.
- The type of the extension.
- The instance of
- Adds the specified extension instance to the extensions collection.
- The pipeline.
- The instance of the extension to be added.
- The type of the extension.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses all extensions except the BootStrap, Emoji, SmartyPants and soft line as hard line breaks extensions.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses this extension to enable autolinks from text `http://`, `https://`, `ftp://`, `mailto:`, `www.xxx.yyy`
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses this extension to disable URI escape with % characters for non-US-ASCII characters in order to workaround a bug under IE/Edge with local file links containing non US-ASCII chars. DO NOT USE OTHERWISE.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses YAML frontmatter extension that will parse a YAML frontmatter into the MarkdownDocument. Note that they are not rendered by any default HTML renderer.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the self pipeline extension that will detect the pipeline to use from the markdown input that contains a special tag. See
- The pipeline.
- The default tag to use to match the self pipeline configuration. By default, , meaning that the HTML tag will be <--markdig:extensions-->
- The default extensions to configure if no pipeline setup was found from the Markdown document
- The modified pipeline
- Uses pragma lines to output span with an id containing the line number (pragma-line#line_number_zero_based`)
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the diagrams extension
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses precise source code location (useful for syntax highlighting).
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the task list extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the custom container extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the media extension.
- The pipeline.
- The options.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the auto-identifier extension.
- The pipeline.
- The options.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the SmartyPants extension.
- The pipeline.
- The options.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the bootstrap extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the math extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the figure extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the custom abbreviation extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the definition lists extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the pipe table extension.
- The pipeline.
- The options.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the grid table extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the cite extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the footer extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the footnotes extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the softline break as hardline break extension
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the strikethrough superscript, subscript, inserted and marked text extensions.
- The pipeline.
- The options to enable.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the list extra extension to add support for `a.`, `A.`, `i.` and `I.` ordered list items.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the generic attributes extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the emoji and smiley extension.
- The pipeline.
- Enable smiley in addition to Emoji, true by default.
- The modified pipeline
- Add rel=nofollow to all links rendered to HTML.
- Automatically link references to JIRA issues
- The pipeline
- Set of required options
- The modified pipeline
- This will disable the HTML support in the markdown processor (for constraint/safe parsing).
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Configures the pipeline using a string that defines the extensions to activate.
- The pipeline (e.g: advanced for , pipetables+gridtables for and
- The extensions to activate as a string
- The modified pipeline
- Configures the string to be used for line-endings, when writing.
- The pipeline.
- The string to be used for line-endings.
- The modified pipeline
- This class is the Markdown pipeline build from a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The read-only list of extensions used to build this pipeline.
- Allows to setup a .
- The markdown renderer to setup
- This class allows to modify the pipeline to parse and render a Markdown document.
- NOTE: A pipeline is not thread-safe.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets the block parsers.
- Gets the inline parsers.
- Gets the register extensions.
- Gets or sets the string builder cache used by the parsers.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to enable precise source location (slower parsing but accurate position for block and inline elements)
- Gets or sets the debug log.
- Occurs when a document has been processed after the method.
- Builds a pipeline from this instance. Once the pipeline is build, it cannot be modified.
- An extension cannot be null
- Delegates called when processing a block
- Base class for a parser of a
- Determines whether the specified char is an opening character.
- The character.
- true if the specified char is an opening character.
- Determines whether this instance can interrupt the specified block being processed.
- The parser processor.
- The block being processed.
- true if this parser can interrupt the specified block being processed.
- Tries to match a block opening.
- The parser processor.
- The result of the match
- Tries to continue matching a block already opened.
- The parser processor.
- The block already opened.
- The result of the match. By default, don't expect any newline
- Called when a block matched by this parser is being closed (to allow final computation on the block).
- The parser processor.
- The block being closed.
- true to keep the block; false to remove it. True by default.
- A List of .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parsers.
- The block processor.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The string builders cache.
- The document to build blocks into.
- The list of parsers.
- Gets the new blocks to push. A is required to push new blocks that it creates to this property.
- Gets the list of configured with this parser state.
- Gets the current active container.
- Gets the last block that is opened.
- Gets the last block that is created.
- Gets the next block in a .
- Gets the root document.
- The current line being processed.
- Gets or sets the current line start position.
- Gets the index of the line in the source text.
- Gets a value indicating whether the line is blank (valid only after has been called).
- Gets the current character being processed.
- Gets or sets the column.
- Gets the position of the current character in the line being processed.
- Gets the current indent position (number of columns between the previous indent and the current position).
- Gets a value indicating whether a code indentation is at the beginning of the line being processed.
- Gets the column position before the indent occured.
- Gets the character position before the indent occured.
- Gets the cache of string builders.
- Gets the current stack of being processed.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to continue processing the current line.
- Get the current Container that is currently opened
- The current Container that is currently opened
- Returns the next character in the line being processed. Update and .
- The next character or `\0` if end of line is reached
- Returns the next character in the line taking into space taken by tabs. Update and .
- Peeks a character at the specified offset from the current position in the line.
- The offset.
- A character peeked at the specified offset
- Restarts the indent from the current position.
- Parses the indentation from the current position in the line, updating ,
- , and accordingly
- taking into account space taken by tabs.
- Moves to the position to the specified column position, taking into account spaces in tabs.
- The new column position to move the cursor to.
- Unwind any previous indent from the current character back to the first space.
- Moves to the position to the code indent ( + 4 spaces).
- The column offset to apply to this indent.
- Opens the specified block.
- The block.
- The block must be opened
- Force closing the specified block.
- The block.
- Discards the specified block from the stack, remove from its parent.
- The block.
- Processes a new line.
- The new line.
- Closes a block at the specified index.
- The index.
- Closes all the blocks opened.
- if set to true [force].
- Mark all blocks in the stack as opened.
- Updates the and .
- Index of a block in a stack considered as the last block to update from.
- Tries to continue matching existing opened .
- A pending parser cannot add a new block when it is not the last pending block
- or
- The NewBlocks is not empty. This is happening if a LeafBlock is not the last to be pushed
- First phase of the process, try to open new blocks.
- Tries to open new blocks using the specified list of
- The parsers.
- true to continue processing the current line
- Processes any new blocks that have been pushed to .
- The last result of matching.
- if set to true the processing of a new block will close existing opened blocks].
- The NewBlocks is not empty. This is happening if a LeafBlock is not the last to be pushed
- Defines the result of parsing a line for a .
- A line is not accepted by this parser.
- The parser is skipped.
- The parser accepts a line and instruct to continue.
- The parser accepts a line, instruct to continue but discard the line (not stored on the block)
- The parser is ending a block, instruct to stop and keep the line being processed.
- The parser is ending a block, instruct to stop and discard the line being processed.
- Extensions used by .
- Determines whether this is discarded.
- State of the block.
- true if the block state is in discard state
- Determines whether this is in a continue state.
- State of the block.
- true if the block state is in continue state
- Determines whether this is in a break state.
- State of the block.
- true if the block state is in break state
- Delegate used to parse the string on the first line after the fenced code block special characters (usually ` or ~)
- The parser processor.
- The being processed line.
- The fenced code block.
- true if parsing of the line is successfull; false otherwise
- Gets or sets the information parser.
- A delegates that allows to process attached attributes
- Base parser for fenced blocks (opened by 3 or more character delimiters on a first line, and closed by at least the same number of delimiters)
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets the language prefix (default is "language-")
- The default parser for the information after the fenced code block special characters (usually ` or ~)
- The parser processor.
- The line.
- The fenced code block.
- true if parsing of the line is successfull; false otherwise
- Parser for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Block parser for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- A delegates that allows to process attached attributes after #
- Block parser for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- A delegates that allows to porcess attached attributes at time.
- The processor.
- The slice to look for attached attributes.
- The block.
- true if attributes were found; otherwise false
- An interface used to tag that supports parsing
- A delegates that allows to process attached attributes
- Base interface for a .
- Determines whether this instance can interrupt the specified block being processed.
- The parser processor.
- The block being processed.
- true if this parser can interrupt the specified block being processed.
- Tries to match a block opening.
- The parser processor.
- The result of the match
- Tries to continue matching a block already opened.
- The parser processor.
- The block already opened.
- The result of the match. By default, don't expect any newline
- Called when a block matched by this parser is being closed (to allow final computation on the block).
- The parser processor.
- The block being closed.
- true to keep the block; false to remove it. True by default.
- Base interface for parsing an .
- Tries to match the specified slice.
- The parser processor.
- The text slice.
- true if this parser found a match; false otherwise
- Base interface for a block or inline parser.
- The type of processor.
- Gets the opening characters this parser will be triggered if the character is found.
- Initializes this parser with the specified parser processor.
- Gets the index of this parser in or .
- Block parser for an indented .
- Base class for parsing an .
- Tries to match the specified slice.
- The parser processor.
- The text slice.
- true if this parser found a match; false otherwise
- A list of .
- Gets the registered post inline processors.
- A delegate called at inline processing stage.
- The processor.
- The inline being processed.
- The inline parser state used by all .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The string builders.
- The document.
- The parsers.
- The inline created event.
- Gets the current block being proessed.
- Gets a value indicating whether to provide precise source location.
- Gets or sets the new block to replace the block being processed.
- Gets or sets the current inline. Used by to return a new inline if match was successfull
- Gets the root container of the current .
- Gets the list of inline parsers.
- Gets the root document.
- Gets the cache string builders.
- Gets or sets the index of the line from the begining of the document being processed.
- Gets the parser states that can be used by using their property.
- Gets or sets the debug log writer. No log if null.
- Gets the literal inline parser.
- Gets the source position for the specified offset within the current slice.
- The slice offset.
- The source position
- Processes the inline of the specified .
- The leaf block.
- An inline parser for parsing .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to enable HTML parsing. Default is true
- An inline parser for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Descriptor for an emphasis.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The character used for this emphasis.
- The minimum number of character.
- The maximum number of characters.
- if set to true the emphasis can be used inside a word.
- The character of this emphasis.
- The minimum number of character this emphasis is expected to have (must be >=1)
- The maximum number of character this emphasis is expected to have (must be >=1 and >= minumunCount and <= 2)
- This emphasis can be used within a word.
- An inline parser for .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets the emphasis descriptors.
- Determines whether this parser is using the specified character as an emphasis delimiter.
- The character to look for.
- true if this parser is using the specified character as an emphasis delimiter; otherwise false
- Gets or sets the create emphasis inline delegate (allowing to create a different emphasis inline class)
- An inline parser for escape characters.
- An inline parser for HTML entities.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- An inline parser for .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to interpret softline breaks as hardline breaks. Default is false
- An inline parser for .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- An inline parser for parsing .
- We don't expect the LiteralInlineParser to be instantiated a end-user, as it is part
- of the default parser pipeline (and should always be the last), working as a literal character
- collector.
- Gets or sets the post match delegate called after the inline has been processed.
- A procesor called at the end of processing all inlines.
- Processes the delimiters.
- The parser state.
- The root inline.
- The last child.
- Index of this delimiter processor.
- true to continue to the next delimiter processor;
- false to stop the process (in case a processor is perfoming sub-sequent processor itself)
- A parser for a list block and list item block.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets the parsers for items.
- Defines list information returned when trying to parse a list item with
- Initializes a new instance of the struct.
- Type of the bullet (e.g: '1', 'a', 'A', 'i', 'I').
- Initializes a new instance of the struct.
- Type of the bullet (e.g: '1', 'a', 'A', 'i', 'I')
- The string used as a starting sequence for an ordered list.
- The ordered delimiter found when parsing this list (e.g: the character `)` after `1)`)
- The default string used as a starting sequence for the ordered list (e.g: '1' for an numbered ordered list)
- Gets or sets the type of the bullet (e.g: '1', 'a', 'A', 'i', 'I').
- Gets or sets the string used as a starting sequence for an ordered list
- Gets or sets the ordered delimiter found when parsing this list (e.g: the character `)` after `1)`)
- Gets or sets default string used as a starting sequence for the ordered list (e.g: '1' for an numbered ordered list)
- A parser base class for a list item.
- Defines the characters that are used for detecting this list item.
- Tries to parse the current input as a list item for this particular instance.
- The block processor
- The type of the current bullet type
- The result of parsing
- true if parsing was sucessfull; false otherwise
- Delegates called when processing a document
- The markdown document.
- The Markdown parser.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The reader.
- The pipeline.
- Parses the specified markdown into an AST
- A Markdown text
- The pipeline used for the parsing.
- An AST Markdown document
- if reader variable is null
- Parses the current into a Markdown .
- A document instance
- Fixups the zero character by replacing it to a secure character (Section 2.3 Insecure characters, CommonMark specs)
- The text to secure.
- The default parser for parsing numbered list item (e.g: 1) or 1.)
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Base class for an ordered list item parser.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets the ordered delimiters used after a digit/number (by default `.` and `)`)
- Utility method that tries to parse the delimiter coming after an ordered list start (e.g: the `)` after `1)`).
- The state.
- The ordered delimiter found if this method is successful.
- true if parsing was successful; false otherwise.
- Block parser for a .
- Base class for a or .
- Type of the parser processor
- Gets the opening characters this parser will be triggered if the character is found.
- Initializes this parser with the specified parser processor.
- Gets the index of this parser in or .
- Base class for a list of parsers.
- Type of the parser
- The type of the parser state.
- Gets the list of global parsers (that don't have any opening characters defined)
- Gets all the opening characters defined.
- Gets the list of parsers valid for the specified opening character.
- The opening character.
- A list of parsers valid for the specified opening character or null if no parsers registered.
- Searches for an opening character from a registered parser in the specified string.
- The text.
- The start.
- The end.
- Index position within the string of the first opening character found in the specified text; if not found, returns -1
- Initializes this instance with specified parser state.
- Unexpected null parser found
- or
- A block parser for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- A block parser for a .
- A singleton instance used by other parsers.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The default parser used to parse unordered list item (-, +, *)
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Default HTML renderer for a Markdown object.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The writer.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to output HTML tags when rendering. See remarks.
- This is used by some renderers to disable HTML tags when rendering some inline elements (for image links).
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to output HTML tags when rendering. See remarks.
- This is used by some renderers to disable HTML tags when rendering some block elements (for image links).
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use implicit paragraph (optional <p>)
- Gets a value to use as the base url for all relative links
- Allows links to be rewritten
- Writes the content escaped for HTML.
- The content.
- This instance
- Writes the content escaped for HTML.
- The slice.
- Only escape < and &
- This instance
- Writes the content escaped for HTML.
- The slice.
- Only escape < and &
- This instance
- Writes the content escaped for HTML.
- The content.
- The offset.
- The length.
- Only escape < and &
- This instance
- Writes the URL escaped for HTML.
- The content.
- This instance
- Writes the attached on the specified .
- The object.
- Writes the specified .
- The attributes to render.
- A class filter used to transform a class into another class at writing time
- This instance
- Writes the lines of a
- The leaf block.
- if set to true write end of lines.
- if set to true escape the content for HTML
- Only escape < and &
- This instance
- An HTML renderer for a and .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets a map of fenced code block infos that should be rendered as div blocks instead of pre/code blocks.
- An HTML renderer for a .
- Attached HTML attributes to a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets the HTML id/identifier. May be null.
- Gets or sets the CSS classes attached. May be null.
- Gets or sets the additional properties. May be null.
- Adds a CSS class.
- The css class name.
- Adds a property.
- The name.
- The value.
- Adds the specified property only if it does not already exist.
- The name.
- The value.
- Copies/merge the values from this instance to the specified instance.
- The HTML attributes.
- If set to true it will merge properties to the target htmlAttributes. Default is false
- If set to true it will try to share Classes and Properties if destination don't have them, otherwise it will make a copy. Default is true
- Extensions for a to allow accessing
- Tries the get stored on a .
- The markdown object.
- The attached html attributes or null if not found
- Gets or creates the stored on a
- The markdown object.
- The attached html attributes
- Sets to the
- The markdown object.
- The attributes to attach.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A base class for HTML rendering and Markdown objects.
- The type of the object.
- A HTML renderer for an .
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to always add rel="nofollow" for links or not.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A HTML renderer for an .
- Delegates to get the tag associated to an object.
- The object.
- The HTML tag associated to this object
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets the GetTag delegate.
- Gets the default HTML tag for ** and __ emphasis.
- The object.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A HTML renderer for a .
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to render this softline break as a HTML hardline break tag (<br />)
- A HTML renderer for a .
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to always add rel="nofollow" for links or not.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A HTML renderer for a .
- Base interface for the renderer of a .
- Accepts the specified .
- The renderer.
- The Markdown object.
- true If this renderer is accepting to render the specified Markdown object
- Writes the specified to the .
- The renderer.
- The object to render.
- Base interface for a renderer for a Markdown .
- Occurs when before writing an object.
- Occurs when after writing an object.
- Gets the object renderers that will render and elements.
- Renders the specified markdown object.
- The markdown object.
- The result of the rendering.
- A base class for rendering and Markdown objects.
- The type of the renderer.
- The type of the object.
- Gets the optional writers attached to this instance.
- Writes the specified Markdown object to the renderer.
- The renderer.
- The markdown object.
- An Normalize renderer for a and .
- An Normalize renderer for a .
- A Normalize renderer for an .
- A Normalize renderer for a .
- A Normalize renderer for a .
- A Normalize renderer for an .
- A Normalize renderer for a .
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to render this softline break as a Normalize hardline break tag (<br />)
- A Normalize renderer for a .
- A Normalize renderer for a .
- A Normalize renderer for a .
- A Normalize renderer for a .
- A Normalize renderer for a .
- A base class for Normalize rendering and Markdown objects.
- The type of the object.
- Defines the options used by
- Initialize a new instance of
- Adds a space after a QuoteBlock >. Default is true
- Adds an empty line after a code block (fenced and tabbed). Default is true
- Adds an empty line after an heading. Default is true
- Adds an empty line after an thematic break. Default is true
- The bullet character used for list items. Default is null leaving the original bullet character as-is.
- Expands AutoLinks to the normal inline representation. Default is true
- Default HTML renderer for a Markdown object.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The writer.
- The normalize options
- Writes the lines of a
- The leaf block.
- if set to true write end of lines.
- This instance
- A Normalize renderer for a .
- A Normalize renderer for a .
- A Normalize renderer for a .
- A collection of .
- Base class for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Occurs when before writing an object.
- Occurs when after writing an object.
- Writes the children of the specified .
- The container block.
- Writes the children of the specified .
- The container inline.
- Writes the specified Markdown object.
- A MarkdownObject type
- The Markdown object to write to this renderer.
- A text based .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The writer.
- Gets or sets the writer.
- if the value is null
- Renders the specified markdown object (returns the as a render object).
- The markdown object.
- Typed .
- Type of the renderer
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The writer.
- Ensures a newline.
- This instance
- Writes the specified content.
- The content.
- This instance
- Writes the specified slice.
- The slice.
- This instance
- Writes the specified slice.
- The slice.
- This instance
- Writes the specified character.
- The content.
- This instance
- Writes the specified content.
- The content.
- The offset.
- The length.
- This instance
- Writes a newline.
- This instance
- Writes a content followed by a newline.
- The content.
- This instance
- Writes the inlines of a leaf inline.
- The leaf block.
- This instance
- A blank line, used internally by some parsers to store blank lines in a container. They are removed before the end of the document.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Base class for a block structure. Either a or a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Gets the parent of this container. May be null.
- Gets the parser associated to this instance.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is still open.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this block is breakable. Default is true.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this block must be removed from its container after inlines have been processed.
- Occurs when the process of inlines begin.
- Occurs when the process of inlines ends for this instance.
- Called when the process of inlines begin.
- The inline parser state.
- Called when the process of inlines ends.
- The inline parser state.
- Extensions for
- Helpers for the class.
- Repressents an indented code block.
- Related to CommonMark spec: 4.4 Indented code blocks
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser.
- A base class for container blocks.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Gets the last child.
- Specialize enumerator.
- Repressents a fenced code block.
- Related to CommonMark spec: 4.5 Fenced code blocks
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser.
- Gets or sets the language parsed after the first line of
- the fenced code block. May be null.
- Gets or sets the arguments after the .
- May be null.
- Gets or sets the fenced character count used to open this fenced code block.
- Gets or sets the fenced character used to open and close this fenced code block.
- Gets or sets the indent count when the fenced code block was indented
- and we need to remove up to indent count chars spaces from the begining of a line.
- Repressents a heading.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser.
- Gets or sets the header character used to defines this heading (usually #)
- Gets or sets the level of heading (starting at 1 for the lowest level).
- Represents a group of lines that is treated as raw HTML (and will not be escaped in HTML output).
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser.
- Gets or sets the type of block.
- Defines the type of
- A SGML document type starting by <!LETTER.
- A raw CDATA sequence.
- A HTML comment.
- A SGM processing instruction tag <?
- A script pre or style tag.
- An HTML interrupting block
- An HTML non-interrupting block
- Base interface for a block structure. Either a or a .
- Gets or sets the text column this instance was declared (zero-based).
- Gets or sets the text line this instance was declared (zero-based).
- Gets the parent of this container. May be null.
- Gets the parser associated to this instance.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is still open.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this block is breakable. Default is true.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this block must be removed from its container after inlines have been processed.
- Occurs when the process of inlines begin.
- Occurs when the process of inlines ends for this instance.
- A common interface for fenced block (e.g: or )
- Gets or sets the language parsed after the first line of
- the fenced code block. May be null.
- Gets or sets the arguments after the .
- May be null.
- Gets or sets the fenced character count used to open this fenced code block.
- Gets or sets the fenced character used to open and close this fenced code block.
- Base interface for a the Markdown syntax tree
- Stores a key/value pair for this instance.
- The key.
- The value.
- if key is null
- Determines whether this instance contains the specified key data.
- The key.
- true if a data with the key is stored
- if key is null
- Gets the associated data for the specified key.
- The key.
- The associated data or null if none
- if key is null
- Removes the associated data for the specified key.
- The key.
- true if the data was removed; false otherwise
- An autolink (Section 6.7 CommonMark specs)
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is an email link.
- Gets or sets the URL of this link.
- Represents a code span (Section 6.3 CommonMark specs)
- Gets or sets the delimiter character used by this code inline.
- Gets or sets the content of the span.
- A base class for container for .
- Gets the first child.
- Gets the last child.
- Clears this instance by removing all its children.
- Appends a child to this container.
- The child to append to this container..
- This instance
- If child is null
- Inline has already a parent
- Checks if this instance contains the specified child.
- The child to find.
- true if this instance contains the specified child; false otherwise
- Finds all the descendants.
- Type of the descendants to find
- An enumeration of T
- Moves all the children of this container after the specified inline.
- The parent.
- Embraces this instance by the specified container.
- The container to use to embrace this instance.
- If the container is null
- Internal delimiter used by some parsers (e.g emphasis, tables).
- Gets the parser.
- Gets or sets the type of this delimiter.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is active.
- Converts this delimiter to a literal.
- The string representation of this delimiter
- Gets the type of a .
- An undefined open or close delimiter.
- An open delimiter.
- A close delimiter.
- A delimiter used for parsing emphasis.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser.
- The descriptor.
- Gets the descriptor for this emphasis.
- The delimiter character found.
- The number of delimiter characters found for this delimiter.
- An emphasis and strong emphasis (Section 6.4 CommonMark specs).
- Gets or sets the delimiter character of this emphasis.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is strong.
- An entity HTML.
- Gets or sets the original HTML entity name
- Gets or sets the transcoded literal that will be used for output
- A Raw HTML (Section 6.8 CommonMark specs).
- Gets or sets the full declaration of this tag.
- Base interface for all syntax tree inlines.
- Gets the parent container of this inline.
- Gets the previous inline.
- Gets the next sibling inline.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is closed.
- Base class for all syntax tree inlines.
- Gets the parent container of this inline.
- Gets the previous inline.
- Gets the next sibling inline.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is closed.
- Inserts the specified inline after this instance.
- The inline to insert after this instance.
- Inline has already a parent
- Inserts the specified inline before this instance.
- The inlnie previous to insert before this instance.
- Inline has already a parent
- Removes this instance from the current list and its parent
- Replaces this inline by the specified inline.
- The inline.
- if set to true the children of this instance are copied to the specified inline.
- The last children
- If inlnie is null
- Determines whether this instance contains a parent of the specified type.
- Type of the parent to check
- true if this instance contains a parent of the specified type; false otherwise
- Iterates on parents of the specified type.
- Type of the parent to iterate over
- An enumeration on the parents of the specified type
- Dumps this instance to .
- The writer.
- Dumps this instance to .
- The writer.
- The level of indent.
- if writer is null
- A base class for a leaf inline.
- A base class for a line break.
- A delimiter for a link.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this delimiter is an image link.
- Gets or sets the label of this link.
- The label span
- A Link inline (Section 6.5 CommonMark specs)
- A delegate to use if it is setup on this instance to allow late binding
- of a Url.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The URL.
- The title.
- Gets or sets the URL.
- Gets or sets the GetDynamicUrl delegate. If this property is set,
- it is used instead of to get the Url from this instance.
- Gets or sets the title.
- Gets or sets the label.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is an image link.
- Gets or sets a boolean indicating if this link is a shortcut link to a
- Gets or sets a boolean indicating whether the inline link was parsed using markdown syntax or was automatic recognized.
- Gets or sets the reference this link is attached to. May be null.
- The URL source span.
- The title source span.
- The label span
- A literal inline.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The content.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The text.
- The content as a .
- A boolean indicating whether the first character of this literal is escaped by `\`.
- Base class for all leaf blocks.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Gets or sets the string lines accumulated for this leaf block.
- May be null after process inlines have occured.
- Gets or sets the inline syntax tree (may be null).
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether must be processed
- as inline into the property.
- Appends the specified line to this instance.
- The slice.
- The column.
- The line.
- A link reference definition (Section 4.7 CommonMark specs)
- Creates an inline link for the specified .
- State of the inline.
- The link reference.
- The child.
- An inline link or null to use the default implementation
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The label.
- The URL.
- The title.
- Gets or sets the label.
- Gets or sets the URL.
- Gets or sets the title.
- The label span
- The URL span
- The title span
- Gets or sets the create link inline callback for this instance.
- This callback is called when an inline link is matching this reference definition.
- Tries to the parse the specified text into a definition.
- Type of the text
- The text.
- The block.
- true if parsing is successful; false otherwise
- Extension methods for accessing attached at the document level.
- Contains all the found in a document.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets an association between a label and the corresponding
- A list (Section 5.3 CommonMark specs)
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the list is ordered.
- Gets or sets the bullet character used by this list.
- Gets or sets the ordered start number (valid when is true)
- Gets or sets the default ordered start ("1" for BulletType = '1')
- Gets or sets the ordered delimiter character (usually `.` or `)`) found after an ordered list item.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is loose.
- A list item (Section 5.2 CommonMark specs)
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- The root Markdown document.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Base implementation for a the Markdown syntax tree.
- The attached datas. Use internally a simple array instead of a Dictionary{Object,Object}
- as we expect less than 5~10 entries, usually typically 1 (HtmlAttributes)
- so it will gives faster access than a Dictionary, and lower memory occupation
- Gets or sets the text column this instance was declared (zero-based).
- Gets or sets the text line this instance was declared (zero-based).
- The source span
- Gets a string of the location in the text.
- Stores a key/value pair for this instance.
- The key.
- The value.
- if key is null
- Determines whether this instance contains the specified key data.
- The key.
- true if a data with the key is stored
- if key is null
- Gets the associated data for the specified key.
- The key.
- The associated data or null if none
- if key is null
- Removes the associated data for the specified key.
- The key.
- true if the data was removed; false otherwise
- Store a Key/Value pair.
- Extensions for visiting or
- Iterates over the descendant elements for the specified markdown element, including and .
- The markdown object.
- An iteration over the descendant elements
- Iterates over the descendant elements for the specified markdown element and filters by the type {T}.
- Type to use for filtering the descendants
- The inline markdown object.
- An iteration over the descendant elements
- Iterates over the descendant elements for the specified markdown element and filters by the type {T}.
- Type to use for filtering the descendants
- The markdown object.
- An iteration over the descendant elements
- Repressents a paragraph.
- Related to CommonMark spec: 4.8 Paragraphs
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- A block quote (Section 5.1 CommonMark specs)
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Gets or sets the quote character (usually `>`)
- A span of text.
- Initializes a new instance of the struct.
- The start.
- The end.
- Gets or sets the starting character position from the original text source.
- Note that for inline elements, this is only valid if is setup on the pipeline.
- Gets or sets the ending character position from the original text source.
- Note that for inline elements, this is only valid if is setup on the pipeline.
- Gets the character length of this element within the original source code.
- Repressents a thematic break (Section 4.1 CommonMark specs).
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
diff --git a/packages/Markdig.0.15.2/lib/netstandard1.1/Markdig.dll b/packages/Markdig.0.15.2/lib/netstandard1.1/Markdig.dll
deleted file mode 100644
index fdae071..0000000
Binary files a/packages/Markdig.0.15.2/lib/netstandard1.1/Markdig.dll and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/packages/Markdig.0.15.2/lib/netstandard1.1/Markdig.xml b/packages/Markdig.0.15.2/lib/netstandard1.1/Markdig.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index c0beaf3..0000000
--- a/packages/Markdig.0.15.2/lib/netstandard1.1/Markdig.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5399 +0,0 @@
- Markdig
- An abbreviation object stored at the document level. See extension methods in .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Gets or sets the label.
- The text associated to this label.
- The label span
- Extension to allow abbreviations.
- Extension methods for .
- The inline abbreviation.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The abbreviation.
- A block parser for abbreviations.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- The auto-identifier extension
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The options.
- Process on a new
- The processor.
- The heading block.
- Callback when there is a reference to found to a heading.
- Note that reference are only working if they are declared after.
- Process the inlines of the heading to create a unique identifier
- The processor.
- The inline.
- Options for the .
- No options
- Default ()
- Allows to link to a header by using the same text as the header for the link label. Default is true
- Allows only ASCII characters in the url (HTML 5 allows to have UTF8 characters). Default is true
- Renders auto identifiers like GitHub.
- A link reference definition to a stored at the level.
- Gets or sets the heading related to this link reference definition.
- Extension to automatically create when a link url http: or mailto: is found.
- The inline parser used to for autolinks.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Extension for tagging some HTML elements with bootstrap classes.
- Extension for cite ""...""
- A block custom container.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Extension to allow custom containers.
- An inline custom container
- The block parser for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A definition item contains zero to multiple
- and definitions (any )
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Gets or sets the opening character for this definition item (either `:` or `~`)
- A definition list contains children.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Extension to allow definition lists
- The block parser for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- A definition term contains a single line with the term to define.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- A HTML renderer for , and .
- Extension to allow diagrams.
- Extension to allow emoji and smiley replacement.
- An emoji inline
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The content.
- Gets or sets the original match string (either an emoji or a text smiley)
- The inline parser used to for emoji.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets a boolean indicating whether to process smiley.
- Gets the emoji to unicode mapping. This can be modified before this parser is initialized.
- Gets the smiley to emoji mapping. This can be modified before this parser is initialized.
- Extension for strikethrough, subscript, superscript, inserted and marked.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The options.
- Gets the options.
- Options for enabling support for extra emphasis.
- Allows all extra emphasis (default).
- A text that can be strikethrough using the double character ~~
- A text that can be rendered as a subscript using the character ~
- A text that can be rendered as a superscript using the character ^
- A text that can be rendered as a inserted using the character ++
- A text that can be rendered as a inserted using the character ==
- Defines a figure container.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Gets or sets the opening character count used to open this figure code block.
- Gets or sets the opening character used to open and close this figure code block.
- The block parser for a block.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Defines a figure caption.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Extension to allow usage of figures and figure captions.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A block elemeent for a footer.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Gets or sets the opening character used to match this footer (by default it is ^)
- A block parser for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Extension that provides footer.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A block for a footnote.
- Gets or sets the label used by this footnote.
- Gets or sets the order of this footnote (determined by the order of the in the document)
- Gets the links referencing this footnote.
- The label span
- Extension to allow footnotes.
- A block that contains all the footnotes at the end of a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- A inline link to a .
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is back link (from a footnote to the link)
- Gets or sets the global index number of this link.
- Gets or sets the footnote this link refers to.
- A link reference definition stored at the level.
- Gets or sets the footnote related to this link reference definition.
- The block parser for a .
- The key used to store at the document level the pending
- Add footnotes to the end of the document
- The processor.
- The inline.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets the CSS group class used when rendering the <div> of this instance.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- Extension that allows to attach HTML attributes to the previous or current .
- This extension should be enabled last after enabling other extensions.
- An inline parser used to parse a HTML attributes that can be attached to the previous or current .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Tries to extra from the current position of a slice an HTML attributes {...}
- The slice to parse.
- The output attributes or null if not found or invalid
- true if parsing the HTML attributes was succsesfull
- Extension to generate hardline break for softline breaks.
- Model for a JIRA link item
- JIRA Project Key
- JIRA Issue Number
- Simple inline parser extension for Markdig to find, and
- automatically add links to JIRA issue numbers.
- Finds and replaces JIRA links inline
- Available options for replacing JIRA links
- The base Url (e.g. `https://mycompany.atlassian.net`)
- The base path after the base url (default is `/browse`)
- Should the link open in a new window when clicked
- Gets the full url composed of the and with no trailing `/`
- Extension for adding new type of list items (a., A., i., I.)
- Parser that adds supports for parsing alpha/roman list items (e.g: `a)` or `a.` or `ii.` or `II.`)
- Note that we don't validate roman numbers.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A math block.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser.
- The block parser for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Extension for adding inline mathematics $...$
- A math inline element.
- Gets or sets the delimiter character used by this code inline.
- Gets or sets the delimiter count.
- The content as a .
- An inline parser for .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets the default class to use when creating a math inline block.
- Extension for extending image Markdown links in case a video or an audio file is linked and output proper link.
- Options for the .
- Extension that will disable URI escape with % characters for non-US-ASCII characters in order to workaround a bug under IE/Edge with local file links containing non US-ASCII chars. DO NOT USE OTHERWISE.
- Extension to automatically render rel=nofollow to all links in an HTML output.
- Extension to a span for each line containing the original line id (using id = pragma-line#line_number_zero_based)
- Extension to enable SelfPipeline, to configure a Markdown parsing/convertion to HTML automatically
- from an embedded special tag in the input text <!--markdig:extensions--> where extensions is a string
- that specifies the extensions to use for the pipeline as exposed by extension method
- on the . This extension will invalidate all other extensions and will override them.
- Gets the default pipeline to configure if no tag was found in the input text. Default is null (core pipeline).
- Gets the self pipeline hint tag start that will be matched.
- Creates a pipeline automatically configured from an input markdown based on the presence of the configuration tag.
- The input text.
- The pipeline configured from the input
- A HTML renderer for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The options.
- An inline for SmartyPant.
- Converts this instance to a literal text.
- The options used for .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets the mapping between a and its textual representation
- (usually an HTML entity).
- Extension to enable SmartyPants.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The options.
- Gets the options.
- The inline parser for SmartyPants.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Types of a .
- This is a single quote '
- This is a double quote "
- Extension that allows to use grid tables.
- Internal state used by the
- Gets or sets the index position of this column (after the |)
- A HTML renderer for a
- This block parsers for pipe tables is used to by-pass list items that could start by a single '-'
- and would disallow to detect a pipe tables at inline parsing time, so we are basically forcing a line
- that starts by a '-' and have at least a '|' (and have optional spaces) and is a continuation of a
- paragraph.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The delimiter used to separate the columns of a pipe table.
- Gets or sets the index of line where this delimiter was found relative to the current block.
- Extension that allows to use pipe tables.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The options.
- Gets the options.
- Options for the extension
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to require header separator. true by default (Kramdown is using false)
- The inline parser used to transform a into a at inline parsing time.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The linebreak parser to use
- The options.
- Gets the options.
- Defines a table that contains an optional .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Gets or sets the column alignments. May be null.
- Checks if the table structure is valid.
- True if the table has rows and the number of cells per row is correct, other wise false.
- Normalizes the number of columns of this table by taking the maximum columns and appending empty cells.
- Defines a cell in a
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Gets or sets the index of the column to which this cell belongs.
- Gets or sets the column span this cell is covering. Default is 1.
- Gets or sets the row span this cell is covering. Default is 1.
- Gets or sets whether this cell can be closed.
- Defines the alignment of a column
- Align the column to the left
- Align the column to the center
- Align the column to the right
- Defines a column.
- Gets or sets the width (in percentage) of this column. A value of 0 is unspecified.
- Gets or sets the column alignment.
- Helper methods for parsing tables.
- Parses a column header equivalent to the regexp: \s*:\s*[delimiterChar]+\s*:\s*
- The text slice.
- The delimiter character (either `-` or `=`).
- The alignment of the column.
- true if parsing was successfull
- Parses a column header equivalent to the regexp: \s*:\s*[delimiterChar]+\s*:\s*
- The text slice.
- The delimiter character (either `-` or `=`).
- The alignment of the column.
- true if parsing was successfull
- Parses a column header equivalent to the regexp: \s*:\s*[delimiterChar]+\s*:\s*
- The text slice.
- The delimiter character (either `-` or `=`). If `\0`, it will detect the character (either `-` or `=`)
- The alignment of the column.
- true if parsing was successfull
- Defines a row in a , contains , parent is .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is header row.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- An inline for TaskList.
- Extension to enable TaskList.
- The inline parser for SmartyPants.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets the list class used for a task list.
- Gets or sets the list item class used for a task list.
- Extension that allows setting line-endings for any IMarkdownRenderer
- that inherits from
- A YAML frontmatter block.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser.
- Extension to discard a YAML frontmatter at the beginning of a Markdown document.
- Block parser for a YAML frontmatter.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Creates the front matter block.
- The block processor
- The front matter block
- Tries to match a block opening.
- The parser processor.
- The result of the match
- Tries to continue matching a block already opened.
- The parser processor.
- The block already opened.
- The result of the match. By default, don't expect any newline
- Empty renderer for a
- Helper class for defining Empty arrays.
- Type of an element of the array
- An empty array.
- Allows to associate characters to a data structures and query efficiently for them.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The states.
- Gets all the opening characters defined.
- Gets the list of parsers valid for the specified opening character.
- The opening character.
- A list of parsers valid for the specified opening character or null if no parsers registered.
- Searches for an opening character from a registered parser in the specified string.
- The text.
- The start.
- The end.
- Index position within the string of the first opening character found in the specified text; if not found, returns -1
- Helper class for handling characters.
- Class used to simplify a unicode char to a simple ASCII string
- Converts a unicode char to a simple ASCII string.
- The input char.
- The simple ASCII string or null if the char itself cannot be simplified
- A default object cache that expect the type {T} to provide a parameter less constructor
- The type of item to cache
- Helper class to decode an entity.
- Decodes the given HTML entity to the matching Unicode characters.
- The entity without & and ; symbols, for example, copy.
- The unicode character set or null if the entity was not recognized.
- Decodes the given UTF-32 character code to the matching set of UTF-16 characters.
- The unicode character set or null if the entity was not recognized.
- Source: http://www.w3.org/html/wg/drafts/html/master/syntax.html#named-character-references
- Helper to parse several HTML tags.
- Destructively unescape a string: remove backslashes before punctuation or symbol characters.
- The string data that will be changed by unescaping any punctuation or symbol characters.
- if set to true [remove back slash].
- Scans an entity.
- Returns number of chars matched.
- Provides a common interface for iterating characters
- over a or .
- Gets the current start character position.
- Gets the current character.
- Gets the end character position.
- Goes to the next character, incrementing the position.
- The next character. `\0` is end of the iteration.
- Peeks at the next character, without incrementing the position.
- The next character. `\0` is end of the iteration.
- Gets a value indicating whether this instance is empty.
- Trims whitespaces at the beginning of this slice starting from position.
- true if it has reaches the end of the iterator
- A line reader from a that can provide precise source position
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- bufferSize cannot be <= 0
- Gets the char position of the line. Valid for the next line before calling .
- Reads a new line from the underlying and update the for the next line.
- A new line or null if the end of has been reached
- Helpers to parse Markdown links.
- Internal helper to allow to declare a method using AggressiveInlining without being .NET 4.0+
- A simple object recycling system.
- Type of the object to cache
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Clears this cache.
- Gets a new instance.
- Releases the specified instance.
- The instance.
- if instance is null
- Creates a new instance of {T}
- A new instance of {T}
- Resets the specified instance when is called before storing back to this cache.
- The instance.
- A List that provides methods for inserting/finding before/after. See remarks.
- Type of the list item
- We use a typed list and don't use extension methods because it would pollute all list implemts and the top level namespace.
- Replaces with .
- Element type to find in the list
- Object to replace this element with
- true if a replacement was made; otherwise false.
- An implementation of for
- A StringBuilder that can be used locally in a method body only.
- Provides a string builder that can only be used locally in a method. This StringBuilder MUST not be stored.
- Extensions for StringBuilder with
- Appends the specified slice to this instance.
- The builder.
- The slice.
- A struct representing a text line.
- Initializes a new instance of the struct.
- The slice.
- Initializes a new instance of the struct.
- The slice.
- The line.
- The column.
- Initializes a new instance of the struct.
- The slice.
- The line.
- The column.
- The slice used for this line.
- The line position.
- The position of the start of this line within the original source code
- The column position.
- Performs an implicit conversion from to .
- The line.
- The result of the conversion.
- A group of .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The text.
- Gets the lines.
- Gets the number of lines.
- Clears this instance.
- Removes the line at the specified index.
- The index.
- Adds the specified line to this instance.
- The line.
- Adds the specified slice to this instance.
- The slice.
- Converts the lines to a single by concatenating the lines.
- The position of the `\n` line offsets from the beginning of the returned slice.
- A single slice concatenating the lines of this instance
- Converts this instance into a .
- Trims each lines of the specified .
- The iterator used to iterate other the lines.
- A lightweight struct that represents a slice of a string.
- An empty string slice.
- Initializes a new instance of the struct.
- The text.
- Initializes a new instance of the struct.
- The text.
- The start.
- The end.
- The text of this slice.
- Gets or sets the start position within .
- Gets or sets the end position (inclusive) within .
- Gets the length.
- Gets the current character.
- Gets a value indicating whether this instance is empty.
- Gets the at the specified index.
- The index.
- A character in the slice at the specified index (not from but from the begining of the slice)
- Goes to the next character, incrementing the position.
- The next character. `\0` is end of the iteration.
- Peeks a character at the specified offset from the current position
- inside the range and , returns `\0` if outside this range.
- The offset.
- The character at offset, returns `\0` if none.
- Peeks a character at the specified offset from the current beginning of the string, without taking into account and
- The character at offset, returns `\0` if none.
- Peeks a character at the specified offset from the current begining of the slice
- without using the range or , returns `\0` if outside the .
- The offset.
- The character at offset, returns `\0` if none.
- Matches the specified text.
- The text.
- The offset.
- true if the text matches; false otherwise
- Matches the specified text.
- The text.
- The end.
- The offset.
- true if the text matches; false otherwise
- Expect spaces until a end of line. Return false otherwise.
- true if whitespaces where matched until a end of line
- Matches the specified text using lowercase comparison.
- The text.
- The offset.
- true if the text matches; false otherwise
- Matches the specified text using lowercase comparison.
- The text.
- The end.
- The offset.
- true if the text matches; false otherwise
- Searches the specified text within this slice.
- The text.
- The offset.
- true if ignore case
- true if the text was found; false otherwise
- Searches for the specified character within this slice.
- A value >= 0 if the character was found, otherwise < 0
- Trims whitespaces at the beginning of this slice starting from position.
- true if it has reaches the end of the iterator
- Trims whitespaces at the beginning of this slice starting from position.
- The number of spaces trimmed.
- Trims whitespaces at the end of this slice, starting from position.
- Trims whitespaces from both the start and end of this slice.
- Returns a that represents this instance.
- A that represents this instance.
- Determines whether this slice is empty or made only of whitespaces.
- true if this slice is empty or made only of whitespaces; false otherwise
- Match a text against a list of ASCII string using internally a tree to speedup the lookup
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The matches to match against.
- Tries to match in the text, at offset position, the list of string matches registered to this instance.
- The text.
- The offset.
- The length.
- The match string if the match was successfull.
- true if the match was successfull; false otherwise
- Base interface for an extension.
- Setups this extension for the specified pipeline.
- The pipeline.
- Setups this extension for the specified renderer.
- The pipeline used to parse the document.
- The renderer.
- Provides methods for parsing a Markdown string to a syntax tree and converting it to other formats.
- Normalizes the specified markdown to a normalized markdown text.
- The markdown.
- The normalize options
- The pipeline.
- A normalized markdown text.
- Normalizes the specified markdown to a normalized markdown text.
- The markdown.
- The destination that will receive the result of the conversion.
- The normalize options
- The pipeline.
- A normalized markdown text.
- Converts a Markdown string to HTML.
- A Markdown text.
- The pipeline used for the conversion.
- The result of the conversion
- if markdown variable is null
- Converts a Markdown string to HTML and output to the specified writer.
- A Markdown text.
- The destination that will receive the result of the conversion.
- The pipeline used for the conversion.
- The Markdown document that has been parsed
- if reader or writer variable are null
- Converts a Markdown string using a custom .
- A Markdown text.
- The renderer to convert Markdown to.
- The pipeline used for the conversion.
- if markdown or writer variable are null
- Parses the specified markdown into an AST
- The markdown text.
- An AST Markdown document
- if markdown variable is null
- Parses the specified markdown into an AST
- The markdown text.
- The pipeline used for the parsing.
- An AST Markdown document
- if markdown variable is null
- Converts a Markdown string to Plain text and output to the specified writer.
- A Markdown text.
- The destination that will receive the result of the conversion.
- The pipeline used for the conversion.
- The Markdown document that has been parsed
- if reader or writer variable are null
- Converts a Markdown string to HTML.
- A Markdown text.
- The pipeline used for the conversion.
- The result of the conversion
- if markdown variable is null
- Provides extension methods for to enable several Markdown extensions.
- Adds the specified extension to the extensions collection.
- The type of the extension.
- The instance of
- Adds the specified extension instance to the extensions collection.
- The pipeline.
- The instance of the extension to be added.
- The type of the extension.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses all extensions except the BootStrap, Emoji, SmartyPants and soft line as hard line breaks extensions.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses this extension to enable autolinks from text `http://`, `https://`, `ftp://`, `mailto:`, `www.xxx.yyy`
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses this extension to disable URI escape with % characters for non-US-ASCII characters in order to workaround a bug under IE/Edge with local file links containing non US-ASCII chars. DO NOT USE OTHERWISE.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses YAML frontmatter extension that will parse a YAML frontmatter into the MarkdownDocument. Note that they are not rendered by any default HTML renderer.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the self pipeline extension that will detect the pipeline to use from the markdown input that contains a special tag. See
- The pipeline.
- The default tag to use to match the self pipeline configuration. By default, , meaning that the HTML tag will be <--markdig:extensions-->
- The default extensions to configure if no pipeline setup was found from the Markdown document
- The modified pipeline
- Uses pragma lines to output span with an id containing the line number (pragma-line#line_number_zero_based`)
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the diagrams extension
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses precise source code location (useful for syntax highlighting).
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the task list extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the custom container extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the media extension.
- The pipeline.
- The options.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the auto-identifier extension.
- The pipeline.
- The options.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the SmartyPants extension.
- The pipeline.
- The options.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the bootstrap extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the math extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the figure extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the custom abbreviation extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the definition lists extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the pipe table extension.
- The pipeline.
- The options.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the grid table extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the cite extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the footer extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the footnotes extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the softline break as hardline break extension
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the strikethrough superscript, subscript, inserted and marked text extensions.
- The pipeline.
- The options to enable.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the list extra extension to add support for `a.`, `A.`, `i.` and `I.` ordered list items.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the generic attributes extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the emoji and smiley extension.
- The pipeline.
- Enable smiley in addition to Emoji, true by default.
- The modified pipeline
- Add rel=nofollow to all links rendered to HTML.
- Automatically link references to JIRA issues
- The pipeline
- Set of required options
- The modified pipeline
- This will disable the HTML support in the markdown processor (for constraint/safe parsing).
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Configures the pipeline using a string that defines the extensions to activate.
- The pipeline (e.g: advanced for , pipetables+gridtables for and
- The extensions to activate as a string
- The modified pipeline
- Configures the string to be used for line-endings, when writing.
- The pipeline.
- The string to be used for line-endings.
- The modified pipeline
- This class is the Markdown pipeline build from a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The read-only list of extensions used to build this pipeline.
- Allows to setup a .
- The markdown renderer to setup
- This class allows to modify the pipeline to parse and render a Markdown document.
- NOTE: A pipeline is not thread-safe.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets the block parsers.
- Gets the inline parsers.
- Gets the register extensions.
- Gets or sets the string builder cache used by the parsers.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to enable precise source location (slower parsing but accurate position for block and inline elements)
- Gets or sets the debug log.
- Occurs when a document has been processed after the method.
- Builds a pipeline from this instance. Once the pipeline is build, it cannot be modified.
- An extension cannot be null
- Delegates called when processing a block
- Base class for a parser of a
- Determines whether the specified char is an opening character.
- The character.
- true if the specified char is an opening character.
- Determines whether this instance can interrupt the specified block being processed.
- The parser processor.
- The block being processed.
- true if this parser can interrupt the specified block being processed.
- Tries to match a block opening.
- The parser processor.
- The result of the match
- Tries to continue matching a block already opened.
- The parser processor.
- The block already opened.
- The result of the match. By default, don't expect any newline
- Called when a block matched by this parser is being closed (to allow final computation on the block).
- The parser processor.
- The block being closed.
- true to keep the block; false to remove it. True by default.
- A List of .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parsers.
- The block processor.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The string builders cache.
- The document to build blocks into.
- The list of parsers.
- Gets the new blocks to push. A is required to push new blocks that it creates to this property.
- Gets the list of configured with this parser state.
- Gets the current active container.
- Gets the last block that is opened.
- Gets the last block that is created.
- Gets the next block in a .
- Gets the root document.
- The current line being processed.
- Gets or sets the current line start position.
- Gets the index of the line in the source text.
- Gets a value indicating whether the line is blank (valid only after has been called).
- Gets the current character being processed.
- Gets or sets the column.
- Gets the position of the current character in the line being processed.
- Gets the current indent position (number of columns between the previous indent and the current position).
- Gets a value indicating whether a code indentation is at the beginning of the line being processed.
- Gets the column position before the indent occured.
- Gets the character position before the indent occured.
- Gets the cache of string builders.
- Gets the current stack of being processed.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to continue processing the current line.
- Get the current Container that is currently opened
- The current Container that is currently opened
- Returns the next character in the line being processed. Update and .
- The next character or `\0` if end of line is reached
- Returns the next character in the line taking into space taken by tabs. Update and .
- Peeks a character at the specified offset from the current position in the line.
- The offset.
- A character peeked at the specified offset
- Restarts the indent from the current position.
- Parses the indentation from the current position in the line, updating ,
- , and accordingly
- taking into account space taken by tabs.
- Moves to the position to the specified column position, taking into account spaces in tabs.
- The new column position to move the cursor to.
- Unwind any previous indent from the current character back to the first space.
- Moves to the position to the code indent ( + 4 spaces).
- The column offset to apply to this indent.
- Opens the specified block.
- The block.
- The block must be opened
- Force closing the specified block.
- The block.
- Discards the specified block from the stack, remove from its parent.
- The block.
- Processes a new line.
- The new line.
- Closes a block at the specified index.
- The index.
- Closes all the blocks opened.
- if set to true [force].
- Mark all blocks in the stack as opened.
- Updates the and .
- Index of a block in a stack considered as the last block to update from.
- Tries to continue matching existing opened .
- A pending parser cannot add a new block when it is not the last pending block
- or
- The NewBlocks is not empty. This is happening if a LeafBlock is not the last to be pushed
- First phase of the process, try to open new blocks.
- Tries to open new blocks using the specified list of
- The parsers.
- true to continue processing the current line
- Processes any new blocks that have been pushed to .
- The last result of matching.
- if set to true the processing of a new block will close existing opened blocks].
- The NewBlocks is not empty. This is happening if a LeafBlock is not the last to be pushed
- Defines the result of parsing a line for a .
- A line is not accepted by this parser.
- The parser is skipped.
- The parser accepts a line and instruct to continue.
- The parser accepts a line, instruct to continue but discard the line (not stored on the block)
- The parser is ending a block, instruct to stop and keep the line being processed.
- The parser is ending a block, instruct to stop and discard the line being processed.
- Extensions used by .
- Determines whether this is discarded.
- State of the block.
- true if the block state is in discard state
- Determines whether this is in a continue state.
- State of the block.
- true if the block state is in continue state
- Determines whether this is in a break state.
- State of the block.
- true if the block state is in break state
- Delegate used to parse the string on the first line after the fenced code block special characters (usually ` or ~)
- The parser processor.
- The being processed line.
- The fenced code block.
- true if parsing of the line is successfull; false otherwise
- Gets or sets the information parser.
- A delegates that allows to process attached attributes
- Base parser for fenced blocks (opened by 3 or more character delimiters on a first line, and closed by at least the same number of delimiters)
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets the language prefix (default is "language-")
- The default parser for the information after the fenced code block special characters (usually ` or ~)
- The parser processor.
- The line.
- The fenced code block.
- true if parsing of the line is successfull; false otherwise
- Parser for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Block parser for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- A delegates that allows to process attached attributes after #
- Block parser for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- A delegates that allows to porcess attached attributes at time.
- The processor.
- The slice to look for attached attributes.
- The block.
- true if attributes were found; otherwise false
- An interface used to tag that supports parsing
- A delegates that allows to process attached attributes
- Base interface for a .
- Determines whether this instance can interrupt the specified block being processed.
- The parser processor.
- The block being processed.
- true if this parser can interrupt the specified block being processed.
- Tries to match a block opening.
- The parser processor.
- The result of the match
- Tries to continue matching a block already opened.
- The parser processor.
- The block already opened.
- The result of the match. By default, don't expect any newline
- Called when a block matched by this parser is being closed (to allow final computation on the block).
- The parser processor.
- The block being closed.
- true to keep the block; false to remove it. True by default.
- Base interface for parsing an .
- Tries to match the specified slice.
- The parser processor.
- The text slice.
- true if this parser found a match; false otherwise
- Base interface for a block or inline parser.
- The type of processor.
- Gets the opening characters this parser will be triggered if the character is found.
- Initializes this parser with the specified parser processor.
- Gets the index of this parser in or .
- Block parser for an indented .
- Base class for parsing an .
- Tries to match the specified slice.
- The parser processor.
- The text slice.
- true if this parser found a match; false otherwise
- A list of .
- Gets the registered post inline processors.
- A delegate called at inline processing stage.
- The processor.
- The inline being processed.
- The inline parser state used by all .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The string builders.
- The document.
- The parsers.
- The inline created event.
- Gets the current block being proessed.
- Gets a value indicating whether to provide precise source location.
- Gets or sets the new block to replace the block being processed.
- Gets or sets the current inline. Used by to return a new inline if match was successfull
- Gets the root container of the current .
- Gets the list of inline parsers.
- Gets the root document.
- Gets the cache string builders.
- Gets or sets the index of the line from the begining of the document being processed.
- Gets the parser states that can be used by using their property.
- Gets or sets the debug log writer. No log if null.
- Gets the literal inline parser.
- Gets the source position for the specified offset within the current slice.
- The slice offset.
- The source position
- Processes the inline of the specified .
- The leaf block.
- An inline parser for parsing .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to enable HTML parsing. Default is true
- An inline parser for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Descriptor for an emphasis.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The character used for this emphasis.
- The minimum number of character.
- The maximum number of characters.
- if set to true the emphasis can be used inside a word.
- The character of this emphasis.
- The minimum number of character this emphasis is expected to have (must be >=1)
- The maximum number of character this emphasis is expected to have (must be >=1 and >= minumunCount and <= 2)
- This emphasis can be used within a word.
- An inline parser for .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets the emphasis descriptors.
- Determines whether this parser is using the specified character as an emphasis delimiter.
- The character to look for.
- true if this parser is using the specified character as an emphasis delimiter; otherwise false
- Gets or sets the create emphasis inline delegate (allowing to create a different emphasis inline class)
- An inline parser for escape characters.
- An inline parser for HTML entities.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- An inline parser for .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to interpret softline breaks as hardline breaks. Default is false
- An inline parser for .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- An inline parser for parsing .
- We don't expect the LiteralInlineParser to be instantiated a end-user, as it is part
- of the default parser pipeline (and should always be the last), working as a literal character
- collector.
- Gets or sets the post match delegate called after the inline has been processed.
- A procesor called at the end of processing all inlines.
- Processes the delimiters.
- The parser state.
- The root inline.
- The last child.
- Index of this delimiter processor.
- true to continue to the next delimiter processor;
- false to stop the process (in case a processor is perfoming sub-sequent processor itself)
- A parser for a list block and list item block.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets the parsers for items.
- Defines list information returned when trying to parse a list item with
- Initializes a new instance of the struct.
- Type of the bullet (e.g: '1', 'a', 'A', 'i', 'I').
- Initializes a new instance of the struct.
- Type of the bullet (e.g: '1', 'a', 'A', 'i', 'I')
- The string used as a starting sequence for an ordered list.
- The ordered delimiter found when parsing this list (e.g: the character `)` after `1)`)
- The default string used as a starting sequence for the ordered list (e.g: '1' for an numbered ordered list)
- Gets or sets the type of the bullet (e.g: '1', 'a', 'A', 'i', 'I').
- Gets or sets the string used as a starting sequence for an ordered list
- Gets or sets the ordered delimiter found when parsing this list (e.g: the character `)` after `1)`)
- Gets or sets default string used as a starting sequence for the ordered list (e.g: '1' for an numbered ordered list)
- A parser base class for a list item.
- Defines the characters that are used for detecting this list item.
- Tries to parse the current input as a list item for this particular instance.
- The block processor
- The type of the current bullet type
- The result of parsing
- true if parsing was sucessfull; false otherwise
- Delegates called when processing a document
- The markdown document.
- The Markdown parser.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The reader.
- The pipeline.
- Parses the specified markdown into an AST
- A Markdown text
- The pipeline used for the parsing.
- An AST Markdown document
- if reader variable is null
- Parses the current into a Markdown .
- A document instance
- Fixups the zero character by replacing it to a secure character (Section 2.3 Insecure characters, CommonMark specs)
- The text to secure.
- The default parser for parsing numbered list item (e.g: 1) or 1.)
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Base class for an ordered list item parser.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets the ordered delimiters used after a digit/number (by default `.` and `)`)
- Utility method that tries to parse the delimiter coming after an ordered list start (e.g: the `)` after `1)`).
- The state.
- The ordered delimiter found if this method is successful.
- true if parsing was successful; false otherwise.
- Block parser for a .
- Base class for a or .
- Type of the parser processor
- Gets the opening characters this parser will be triggered if the character is found.
- Initializes this parser with the specified parser processor.
- Gets the index of this parser in or .
- Base class for a list of parsers.
- Type of the parser
- The type of the parser state.
- Gets the list of global parsers (that don't have any opening characters defined)
- Gets all the opening characters defined.
- Gets the list of parsers valid for the specified opening character.
- The opening character.
- A list of parsers valid for the specified opening character or null if no parsers registered.
- Searches for an opening character from a registered parser in the specified string.
- The text.
- The start.
- The end.
- Index position within the string of the first opening character found in the specified text; if not found, returns -1
- Initializes this instance with specified parser state.
- Unexpected null parser found
- or
- A block parser for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- A block parser for a .
- A singleton instance used by other parsers.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The default parser used to parse unordered list item (-, +, *)
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Default HTML renderer for a Markdown object.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The writer.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to output HTML tags when rendering. See remarks.
- This is used by some renderers to disable HTML tags when rendering some inline elements (for image links).
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to output HTML tags when rendering. See remarks.
- This is used by some renderers to disable HTML tags when rendering some block elements (for image links).
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use implicit paragraph (optional <p>)
- Gets a value to use as the base url for all relative links
- Allows links to be rewritten
- Writes the content escaped for HTML.
- The content.
- This instance
- Writes the content escaped for HTML.
- The slice.
- Only escape < and &
- This instance
- Writes the content escaped for HTML.
- The slice.
- Only escape < and &
- This instance
- Writes the content escaped for HTML.
- The content.
- The offset.
- The length.
- Only escape < and &
- This instance
- Writes the URL escaped for HTML.
- The content.
- This instance
- Writes the attached on the specified .
- The object.
- Writes the specified .
- The attributes to render.
- A class filter used to transform a class into another class at writing time
- This instance
- Writes the lines of a
- The leaf block.
- if set to true write end of lines.
- if set to true escape the content for HTML
- Only escape < and &
- This instance
- An HTML renderer for a and .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets a map of fenced code block infos that should be rendered as div blocks instead of pre/code blocks.
- An HTML renderer for a .
- Attached HTML attributes to a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets the HTML id/identifier. May be null.
- Gets or sets the CSS classes attached. May be null.
- Gets or sets the additional properties. May be null.
- Adds a CSS class.
- The css class name.
- Adds a property.
- The name.
- The value.
- Adds the specified property only if it does not already exist.
- The name.
- The value.
- Copies/merge the values from this instance to the specified instance.
- The HTML attributes.
- If set to true it will merge properties to the target htmlAttributes. Default is false
- If set to true it will try to share Classes and Properties if destination don't have them, otherwise it will make a copy. Default is true
- Extensions for a to allow accessing
- Tries the get stored on a .
- The markdown object.
- The attached html attributes or null if not found
- Gets or creates the stored on a
- The markdown object.
- The attached html attributes
- Sets to the
- The markdown object.
- The attributes to attach.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A base class for HTML rendering and Markdown objects.
- The type of the object.
- A HTML renderer for an .
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to always add rel="nofollow" for links or not.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A HTML renderer for an .
- Delegates to get the tag associated to an object.
- The object.
- The HTML tag associated to this object
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets the GetTag delegate.
- Gets the default HTML tag for ** and __ emphasis.
- The object.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A HTML renderer for a .
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to render this softline break as a HTML hardline break tag (<br />)
- A HTML renderer for a .
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to always add rel="nofollow" for links or not.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A HTML renderer for a .
- Base interface for the renderer of a .
- Accepts the specified .
- The renderer.
- The Markdown object.
- true If this renderer is accepting to render the specified Markdown object
- Writes the specified to the .
- The renderer.
- The object to render.
- Base interface for a renderer for a Markdown .
- Occurs when before writing an object.
- Occurs when after writing an object.
- Gets the object renderers that will render and elements.
- Renders the specified markdown object.
- The markdown object.
- The result of the rendering.
- A base class for rendering and Markdown objects.
- The type of the renderer.
- The type of the object.
- Gets the optional writers attached to this instance.
- Writes the specified Markdown object to the renderer.
- The renderer.
- The markdown object.
- An Normalize renderer for a and .
- An Normalize renderer for a .
- A Normalize renderer for an .
- A Normalize renderer for a .
- A Normalize renderer for a .
- A Normalize renderer for an .
- A Normalize renderer for a .
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to render this softline break as a Normalize hardline break tag (<br />)
- A Normalize renderer for a .
- A Normalize renderer for a .
- A Normalize renderer for a .
- A Normalize renderer for a .
- A Normalize renderer for a .
- A base class for Normalize rendering and Markdown objects.
- The type of the object.
- Defines the options used by
- Initialize a new instance of
- Adds a space after a QuoteBlock >. Default is true
- Adds an empty line after a code block (fenced and tabbed). Default is true
- Adds an empty line after an heading. Default is true
- Adds an empty line after an thematic break. Default is true
- The bullet character used for list items. Default is null leaving the original bullet character as-is.
- Expands AutoLinks to the normal inline representation. Default is true
- Default HTML renderer for a Markdown object.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The writer.
- The normalize options
- Writes the lines of a
- The leaf block.
- if set to true write end of lines.
- This instance
- A Normalize renderer for a .
- A Normalize renderer for a .
- A Normalize renderer for a .
- A collection of .
- Base class for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Occurs when before writing an object.
- Occurs when after writing an object.
- Writes the children of the specified .
- The container block.
- Writes the children of the specified .
- The container inline.
- Writes the specified Markdown object.
- A MarkdownObject type
- The Markdown object to write to this renderer.
- A text based .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The writer.
- Gets or sets the writer.
- if the value is null
- Renders the specified markdown object (returns the as a render object).
- The markdown object.
- Typed .
- Type of the renderer
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The writer.
- Ensures a newline.
- This instance
- Writes the specified content.
- The content.
- This instance
- Writes the specified slice.
- The slice.
- This instance
- Writes the specified slice.
- The slice.
- This instance
- Writes the specified character.
- The content.
- This instance
- Writes the specified content.
- The content.
- The offset.
- The length.
- This instance
- Writes a newline.
- This instance
- Writes a content followed by a newline.
- The content.
- This instance
- Writes the inlines of a leaf inline.
- The leaf block.
- This instance
- A blank line, used internally by some parsers to store blank lines in a container. They are removed before the end of the document.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Base class for a block structure. Either a or a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Gets the parent of this container. May be null.
- Gets the parser associated to this instance.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is still open.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this block is breakable. Default is true.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this block must be removed from its container after inlines have been processed.
- Occurs when the process of inlines begin.
- Occurs when the process of inlines ends for this instance.
- Called when the process of inlines begin.
- The inline parser state.
- Called when the process of inlines ends.
- The inline parser state.
- Extensions for
- Helpers for the class.
- Repressents an indented code block.
- Related to CommonMark spec: 4.4 Indented code blocks
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser.
- A base class for container blocks.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Gets the last child.
- Specialize enumerator.
- Repressents a fenced code block.
- Related to CommonMark spec: 4.5 Fenced code blocks
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser.
- Gets or sets the language parsed after the first line of
- the fenced code block. May be null.
- Gets or sets the arguments after the .
- May be null.
- Gets or sets the fenced character count used to open this fenced code block.
- Gets or sets the fenced character used to open and close this fenced code block.
- Gets or sets the indent count when the fenced code block was indented
- and we need to remove up to indent count chars spaces from the begining of a line.
- Repressents a heading.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser.
- Gets or sets the header character used to defines this heading (usually #)
- Gets or sets the level of heading (starting at 1 for the lowest level).
- Represents a group of lines that is treated as raw HTML (and will not be escaped in HTML output).
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser.
- Gets or sets the type of block.
- Defines the type of
- A SGML document type starting by <!LETTER.
- A raw CDATA sequence.
- A HTML comment.
- A SGM processing instruction tag <?
- A script pre or style tag.
- An HTML interrupting block
- An HTML non-interrupting block
- Base interface for a block structure. Either a or a .
- Gets or sets the text column this instance was declared (zero-based).
- Gets or sets the text line this instance was declared (zero-based).
- Gets the parent of this container. May be null.
- Gets the parser associated to this instance.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is still open.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this block is breakable. Default is true.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this block must be removed from its container after inlines have been processed.
- Occurs when the process of inlines begin.
- Occurs when the process of inlines ends for this instance.
- A common interface for fenced block (e.g: or )
- Gets or sets the language parsed after the first line of
- the fenced code block. May be null.
- Gets or sets the arguments after the .
- May be null.
- Gets or sets the fenced character count used to open this fenced code block.
- Gets or sets the fenced character used to open and close this fenced code block.
- Base interface for a the Markdown syntax tree
- Stores a key/value pair for this instance.
- The key.
- The value.
- if key is null
- Determines whether this instance contains the specified key data.
- The key.
- true if a data with the key is stored
- if key is null
- Gets the associated data for the specified key.
- The key.
- The associated data or null if none
- if key is null
- Removes the associated data for the specified key.
- The key.
- true if the data was removed; false otherwise
- An autolink (Section 6.7 CommonMark specs)
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is an email link.
- Gets or sets the URL of this link.
- Represents a code span (Section 6.3 CommonMark specs)
- Gets or sets the delimiter character used by this code inline.
- Gets or sets the content of the span.
- A base class for container for .
- Gets the first child.
- Gets the last child.
- Clears this instance by removing all its children.
- Appends a child to this container.
- The child to append to this container..
- This instance
- If child is null
- Inline has already a parent
- Checks if this instance contains the specified child.
- The child to find.
- true if this instance contains the specified child; false otherwise
- Finds all the descendants.
- Type of the descendants to find
- An enumeration of T
- Moves all the children of this container after the specified inline.
- The parent.
- Embraces this instance by the specified container.
- The container to use to embrace this instance.
- If the container is null
- Internal delimiter used by some parsers (e.g emphasis, tables).
- Gets the parser.
- Gets or sets the type of this delimiter.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is active.
- Converts this delimiter to a literal.
- The string representation of this delimiter
- Gets the type of a .
- An undefined open or close delimiter.
- An open delimiter.
- A close delimiter.
- A delimiter used for parsing emphasis.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser.
- The descriptor.
- Gets the descriptor for this emphasis.
- The delimiter character found.
- The number of delimiter characters found for this delimiter.
- An emphasis and strong emphasis (Section 6.4 CommonMark specs).
- Gets or sets the delimiter character of this emphasis.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is strong.
- An entity HTML.
- Gets or sets the original HTML entity name
- Gets or sets the transcoded literal that will be used for output
- A Raw HTML (Section 6.8 CommonMark specs).
- Gets or sets the full declaration of this tag.
- Base interface for all syntax tree inlines.
- Gets the parent container of this inline.
- Gets the previous inline.
- Gets the next sibling inline.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is closed.
- Base class for all syntax tree inlines.
- Gets the parent container of this inline.
- Gets the previous inline.
- Gets the next sibling inline.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is closed.
- Inserts the specified inline after this instance.
- The inline to insert after this instance.
- Inline has already a parent
- Inserts the specified inline before this instance.
- The inlnie previous to insert before this instance.
- Inline has already a parent
- Removes this instance from the current list and its parent
- Replaces this inline by the specified inline.
- The inline.
- if set to true the children of this instance are copied to the specified inline.
- The last children
- If inlnie is null
- Determines whether this instance contains a parent of the specified type.
- Type of the parent to check
- true if this instance contains a parent of the specified type; false otherwise
- Iterates on parents of the specified type.
- Type of the parent to iterate over
- An enumeration on the parents of the specified type
- Dumps this instance to .
- The writer.
- Dumps this instance to .
- The writer.
- The level of indent.
- if writer is null
- A base class for a leaf inline.
- A base class for a line break.
- A delimiter for a link.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this delimiter is an image link.
- Gets or sets the label of this link.
- The label span
- A Link inline (Section 6.5 CommonMark specs)
- A delegate to use if it is setup on this instance to allow late binding
- of a Url.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The URL.
- The title.
- Gets or sets the URL.
- Gets or sets the GetDynamicUrl delegate. If this property is set,
- it is used instead of to get the Url from this instance.
- Gets or sets the title.
- Gets or sets the label.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is an image link.
- Gets or sets a boolean indicating if this link is a shortcut link to a
- Gets or sets a boolean indicating whether the inline link was parsed using markdown syntax or was automatic recognized.
- Gets or sets the reference this link is attached to. May be null.
- The URL source span.
- The title source span.
- The label span
- A literal inline.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The content.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The text.
- The content as a .
- A boolean indicating whether the first character of this literal is escaped by `\`.
- Base class for all leaf blocks.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Gets or sets the string lines accumulated for this leaf block.
- May be null after process inlines have occured.
- Gets or sets the inline syntax tree (may be null).
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether must be processed
- as inline into the property.
- Appends the specified line to this instance.
- The slice.
- The column.
- The line.
- A link reference definition (Section 4.7 CommonMark specs)
- Creates an inline link for the specified .
- State of the inline.
- The link reference.
- The child.
- An inline link or null to use the default implementation
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The label.
- The URL.
- The title.
- Gets or sets the label.
- Gets or sets the URL.
- Gets or sets the title.
- The label span
- The URL span
- The title span
- Gets or sets the create link inline callback for this instance.
- This callback is called when an inline link is matching this reference definition.
- Tries to the parse the specified text into a definition.
- Type of the text
- The text.
- The block.
- true if parsing is successful; false otherwise
- Extension methods for accessing attached at the document level.
- Contains all the found in a document.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets an association between a label and the corresponding
- A list (Section 5.3 CommonMark specs)
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the list is ordered.
- Gets or sets the bullet character used by this list.
- Gets or sets the ordered start number (valid when is true)
- Gets or sets the default ordered start ("1" for BulletType = '1')
- Gets or sets the ordered delimiter character (usually `.` or `)`) found after an ordered list item.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is loose.
- A list item (Section 5.2 CommonMark specs)
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- The root Markdown document.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Base implementation for a the Markdown syntax tree.
- The attached datas. Use internally a simple array instead of a Dictionary{Object,Object}
- as we expect less than 5~10 entries, usually typically 1 (HtmlAttributes)
- so it will gives faster access than a Dictionary, and lower memory occupation
- Gets or sets the text column this instance was declared (zero-based).
- Gets or sets the text line this instance was declared (zero-based).
- The source span
- Gets a string of the location in the text.
- Stores a key/value pair for this instance.
- The key.
- The value.
- if key is null
- Determines whether this instance contains the specified key data.
- The key.
- true if a data with the key is stored
- if key is null
- Gets the associated data for the specified key.
- The key.
- The associated data or null if none
- if key is null
- Removes the associated data for the specified key.
- The key.
- true if the data was removed; false otherwise
- Store a Key/Value pair.
- Extensions for visiting or
- Iterates over the descendant elements for the specified markdown element, including and .
- The markdown object.
- An iteration over the descendant elements
- Iterates over the descendant elements for the specified markdown element and filters by the type {T}.
- Type to use for filtering the descendants
- The inline markdown object.
- An iteration over the descendant elements
- Iterates over the descendant elements for the specified markdown element and filters by the type {T}.
- Type to use for filtering the descendants
- The markdown object.
- An iteration over the descendant elements
- Repressents a paragraph.
- Related to CommonMark spec: 4.8 Paragraphs
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- A block quote (Section 5.1 CommonMark specs)
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Gets or sets the quote character (usually `>`)
- A span of text.
- Initializes a new instance of the struct.
- The start.
- The end.
- Gets or sets the starting character position from the original text source.
- Note that for inline elements, this is only valid if is setup on the pipeline.
- Gets or sets the ending character position from the original text source.
- Note that for inline elements, this is only valid if is setup on the pipeline.
- Gets the character length of this element within the original source code.
- Repressents a thematic break (Section 4.1 CommonMark specs).
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
diff --git a/packages/Markdig.0.15.2/lib/netstandard2.0/Markdig.dll b/packages/Markdig.0.15.2/lib/netstandard2.0/Markdig.dll
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d82fa3..0000000
Binary files a/packages/Markdig.0.15.2/lib/netstandard2.0/Markdig.dll and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/packages/Markdig.0.15.2/lib/netstandard2.0/Markdig.xml b/packages/Markdig.0.15.2/lib/netstandard2.0/Markdig.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index c0beaf3..0000000
--- a/packages/Markdig.0.15.2/lib/netstandard2.0/Markdig.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5399 +0,0 @@
- Markdig
- An abbreviation object stored at the document level. See extension methods in .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Gets or sets the label.
- The text associated to this label.
- The label span
- Extension to allow abbreviations.
- Extension methods for .
- The inline abbreviation.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The abbreviation.
- A block parser for abbreviations.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- The auto-identifier extension
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The options.
- Process on a new
- The processor.
- The heading block.
- Callback when there is a reference to found to a heading.
- Note that reference are only working if they are declared after.
- Process the inlines of the heading to create a unique identifier
- The processor.
- The inline.
- Options for the .
- No options
- Default ()
- Allows to link to a header by using the same text as the header for the link label. Default is true
- Allows only ASCII characters in the url (HTML 5 allows to have UTF8 characters). Default is true
- Renders auto identifiers like GitHub.
- A link reference definition to a stored at the level.
- Gets or sets the heading related to this link reference definition.
- Extension to automatically create when a link url http: or mailto: is found.
- The inline parser used to for autolinks.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Extension for tagging some HTML elements with bootstrap classes.
- Extension for cite ""...""
- A block custom container.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Extension to allow custom containers.
- An inline custom container
- The block parser for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A definition item contains zero to multiple
- and definitions (any )
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Gets or sets the opening character for this definition item (either `:` or `~`)
- A definition list contains children.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Extension to allow definition lists
- The block parser for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- A definition term contains a single line with the term to define.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- A HTML renderer for , and .
- Extension to allow diagrams.
- Extension to allow emoji and smiley replacement.
- An emoji inline
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The content.
- Gets or sets the original match string (either an emoji or a text smiley)
- The inline parser used to for emoji.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets a boolean indicating whether to process smiley.
- Gets the emoji to unicode mapping. This can be modified before this parser is initialized.
- Gets the smiley to emoji mapping. This can be modified before this parser is initialized.
- Extension for strikethrough, subscript, superscript, inserted and marked.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The options.
- Gets the options.
- Options for enabling support for extra emphasis.
- Allows all extra emphasis (default).
- A text that can be strikethrough using the double character ~~
- A text that can be rendered as a subscript using the character ~
- A text that can be rendered as a superscript using the character ^
- A text that can be rendered as a inserted using the character ++
- A text that can be rendered as a inserted using the character ==
- Defines a figure container.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Gets or sets the opening character count used to open this figure code block.
- Gets or sets the opening character used to open and close this figure code block.
- The block parser for a block.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Defines a figure caption.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Extension to allow usage of figures and figure captions.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A block elemeent for a footer.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Gets or sets the opening character used to match this footer (by default it is ^)
- A block parser for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Extension that provides footer.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A block for a footnote.
- Gets or sets the label used by this footnote.
- Gets or sets the order of this footnote (determined by the order of the in the document)
- Gets the links referencing this footnote.
- The label span
- Extension to allow footnotes.
- A block that contains all the footnotes at the end of a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- A inline link to a .
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is back link (from a footnote to the link)
- Gets or sets the global index number of this link.
- Gets or sets the footnote this link refers to.
- A link reference definition stored at the level.
- Gets or sets the footnote related to this link reference definition.
- The block parser for a .
- The key used to store at the document level the pending
- Add footnotes to the end of the document
- The processor.
- The inline.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets the CSS group class used when rendering the <div> of this instance.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- Extension that allows to attach HTML attributes to the previous or current .
- This extension should be enabled last after enabling other extensions.
- An inline parser used to parse a HTML attributes that can be attached to the previous or current .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Tries to extra from the current position of a slice an HTML attributes {...}
- The slice to parse.
- The output attributes or null if not found or invalid
- true if parsing the HTML attributes was succsesfull
- Extension to generate hardline break for softline breaks.
- Model for a JIRA link item
- JIRA Project Key
- JIRA Issue Number
- Simple inline parser extension for Markdig to find, and
- automatically add links to JIRA issue numbers.
- Finds and replaces JIRA links inline
- Available options for replacing JIRA links
- The base Url (e.g. `https://mycompany.atlassian.net`)
- The base path after the base url (default is `/browse`)
- Should the link open in a new window when clicked
- Gets the full url composed of the and with no trailing `/`
- Extension for adding new type of list items (a., A., i., I.)
- Parser that adds supports for parsing alpha/roman list items (e.g: `a)` or `a.` or `ii.` or `II.`)
- Note that we don't validate roman numbers.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A math block.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser.
- The block parser for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Extension for adding inline mathematics $...$
- A math inline element.
- Gets or sets the delimiter character used by this code inline.
- Gets or sets the delimiter count.
- The content as a .
- An inline parser for .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets the default class to use when creating a math inline block.
- Extension for extending image Markdown links in case a video or an audio file is linked and output proper link.
- Options for the .
- Extension that will disable URI escape with % characters for non-US-ASCII characters in order to workaround a bug under IE/Edge with local file links containing non US-ASCII chars. DO NOT USE OTHERWISE.
- Extension to automatically render rel=nofollow to all links in an HTML output.
- Extension to a span for each line containing the original line id (using id = pragma-line#line_number_zero_based)
- Extension to enable SelfPipeline, to configure a Markdown parsing/convertion to HTML automatically
- from an embedded special tag in the input text <!--markdig:extensions--> where extensions is a string
- that specifies the extensions to use for the pipeline as exposed by extension method
- on the . This extension will invalidate all other extensions and will override them.
- Gets the default pipeline to configure if no tag was found in the input text. Default is null (core pipeline).
- Gets the self pipeline hint tag start that will be matched.
- Creates a pipeline automatically configured from an input markdown based on the presence of the configuration tag.
- The input text.
- The pipeline configured from the input
- A HTML renderer for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The options.
- An inline for SmartyPant.
- Converts this instance to a literal text.
- The options used for .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets the mapping between a and its textual representation
- (usually an HTML entity).
- Extension to enable SmartyPants.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The options.
- Gets the options.
- The inline parser for SmartyPants.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Types of a .
- This is a single quote '
- This is a double quote "
- Extension that allows to use grid tables.
- Internal state used by the
- Gets or sets the index position of this column (after the |)
- A HTML renderer for a
- This block parsers for pipe tables is used to by-pass list items that could start by a single '-'
- and would disallow to detect a pipe tables at inline parsing time, so we are basically forcing a line
- that starts by a '-' and have at least a '|' (and have optional spaces) and is a continuation of a
- paragraph.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The delimiter used to separate the columns of a pipe table.
- Gets or sets the index of line where this delimiter was found relative to the current block.
- Extension that allows to use pipe tables.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The options.
- Gets the options.
- Options for the extension
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to require header separator. true by default (Kramdown is using false)
- The inline parser used to transform a into a at inline parsing time.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The linebreak parser to use
- The options.
- Gets the options.
- Defines a table that contains an optional .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Gets or sets the column alignments. May be null.
- Checks if the table structure is valid.
- True if the table has rows and the number of cells per row is correct, other wise false.
- Normalizes the number of columns of this table by taking the maximum columns and appending empty cells.
- Defines a cell in a
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Gets or sets the index of the column to which this cell belongs.
- Gets or sets the column span this cell is covering. Default is 1.
- Gets or sets the row span this cell is covering. Default is 1.
- Gets or sets whether this cell can be closed.
- Defines the alignment of a column
- Align the column to the left
- Align the column to the center
- Align the column to the right
- Defines a column.
- Gets or sets the width (in percentage) of this column. A value of 0 is unspecified.
- Gets or sets the column alignment.
- Helper methods for parsing tables.
- Parses a column header equivalent to the regexp: \s*:\s*[delimiterChar]+\s*:\s*
- The text slice.
- The delimiter character (either `-` or `=`).
- The alignment of the column.
- true if parsing was successfull
- Parses a column header equivalent to the regexp: \s*:\s*[delimiterChar]+\s*:\s*
- The text slice.
- The delimiter character (either `-` or `=`).
- The alignment of the column.
- true if parsing was successfull
- Parses a column header equivalent to the regexp: \s*:\s*[delimiterChar]+\s*:\s*
- The text slice.
- The delimiter character (either `-` or `=`). If `\0`, it will detect the character (either `-` or `=`)
- The alignment of the column.
- true if parsing was successfull
- Defines a row in a , contains , parent is .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is header row.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- An inline for TaskList.
- Extension to enable TaskList.
- The inline parser for SmartyPants.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets the list class used for a task list.
- Gets or sets the list item class used for a task list.
- Extension that allows setting line-endings for any IMarkdownRenderer
- that inherits from
- A YAML frontmatter block.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser.
- Extension to discard a YAML frontmatter at the beginning of a Markdown document.
- Block parser for a YAML frontmatter.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Creates the front matter block.
- The block processor
- The front matter block
- Tries to match a block opening.
- The parser processor.
- The result of the match
- Tries to continue matching a block already opened.
- The parser processor.
- The block already opened.
- The result of the match. By default, don't expect any newline
- Empty renderer for a
- Helper class for defining Empty arrays.
- Type of an element of the array
- An empty array.
- Allows to associate characters to a data structures and query efficiently for them.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The states.
- Gets all the opening characters defined.
- Gets the list of parsers valid for the specified opening character.
- The opening character.
- A list of parsers valid for the specified opening character or null if no parsers registered.
- Searches for an opening character from a registered parser in the specified string.
- The text.
- The start.
- The end.
- Index position within the string of the first opening character found in the specified text; if not found, returns -1
- Helper class for handling characters.
- Class used to simplify a unicode char to a simple ASCII string
- Converts a unicode char to a simple ASCII string.
- The input char.
- The simple ASCII string or null if the char itself cannot be simplified
- A default object cache that expect the type {T} to provide a parameter less constructor
- The type of item to cache
- Helper class to decode an entity.
- Decodes the given HTML entity to the matching Unicode characters.
- The entity without & and ; symbols, for example, copy.
- The unicode character set or null if the entity was not recognized.
- Decodes the given UTF-32 character code to the matching set of UTF-16 characters.
- The unicode character set or null if the entity was not recognized.
- Source: http://www.w3.org/html/wg/drafts/html/master/syntax.html#named-character-references
- Helper to parse several HTML tags.
- Destructively unescape a string: remove backslashes before punctuation or symbol characters.
- The string data that will be changed by unescaping any punctuation or symbol characters.
- if set to true [remove back slash].
- Scans an entity.
- Returns number of chars matched.
- Provides a common interface for iterating characters
- over a or .
- Gets the current start character position.
- Gets the current character.
- Gets the end character position.
- Goes to the next character, incrementing the position.
- The next character. `\0` is end of the iteration.
- Peeks at the next character, without incrementing the position.
- The next character. `\0` is end of the iteration.
- Gets a value indicating whether this instance is empty.
- Trims whitespaces at the beginning of this slice starting from position.
- true if it has reaches the end of the iterator
- A line reader from a that can provide precise source position
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- bufferSize cannot be <= 0
- Gets the char position of the line. Valid for the next line before calling .
- Reads a new line from the underlying and update the for the next line.
- A new line or null if the end of has been reached
- Helpers to parse Markdown links.
- Internal helper to allow to declare a method using AggressiveInlining without being .NET 4.0+
- A simple object recycling system.
- Type of the object to cache
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Clears this cache.
- Gets a new instance.
- Releases the specified instance.
- The instance.
- if instance is null
- Creates a new instance of {T}
- A new instance of {T}
- Resets the specified instance when is called before storing back to this cache.
- The instance.
- A List that provides methods for inserting/finding before/after. See remarks.
- Type of the list item
- We use a typed list and don't use extension methods because it would pollute all list implemts and the top level namespace.
- Replaces with .
- Element type to find in the list
- Object to replace this element with
- true if a replacement was made; otherwise false.
- An implementation of for
- A StringBuilder that can be used locally in a method body only.
- Provides a string builder that can only be used locally in a method. This StringBuilder MUST not be stored.
- Extensions for StringBuilder with
- Appends the specified slice to this instance.
- The builder.
- The slice.
- A struct representing a text line.
- Initializes a new instance of the struct.
- The slice.
- Initializes a new instance of the struct.
- The slice.
- The line.
- The column.
- Initializes a new instance of the struct.
- The slice.
- The line.
- The column.
- The slice used for this line.
- The line position.
- The position of the start of this line within the original source code
- The column position.
- Performs an implicit conversion from to .
- The line.
- The result of the conversion.
- A group of .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The text.
- Gets the lines.
- Gets the number of lines.
- Clears this instance.
- Removes the line at the specified index.
- The index.
- Adds the specified line to this instance.
- The line.
- Adds the specified slice to this instance.
- The slice.
- Converts the lines to a single by concatenating the lines.
- The position of the `\n` line offsets from the beginning of the returned slice.
- A single slice concatenating the lines of this instance
- Converts this instance into a .
- Trims each lines of the specified .
- The iterator used to iterate other the lines.
- A lightweight struct that represents a slice of a string.
- An empty string slice.
- Initializes a new instance of the struct.
- The text.
- Initializes a new instance of the struct.
- The text.
- The start.
- The end.
- The text of this slice.
- Gets or sets the start position within .
- Gets or sets the end position (inclusive) within .
- Gets the length.
- Gets the current character.
- Gets a value indicating whether this instance is empty.
- Gets the at the specified index.
- The index.
- A character in the slice at the specified index (not from but from the begining of the slice)
- Goes to the next character, incrementing the position.
- The next character. `\0` is end of the iteration.
- Peeks a character at the specified offset from the current position
- inside the range and , returns `\0` if outside this range.
- The offset.
- The character at offset, returns `\0` if none.
- Peeks a character at the specified offset from the current beginning of the string, without taking into account and
- The character at offset, returns `\0` if none.
- Peeks a character at the specified offset from the current begining of the slice
- without using the range or , returns `\0` if outside the .
- The offset.
- The character at offset, returns `\0` if none.
- Matches the specified text.
- The text.
- The offset.
- true if the text matches; false otherwise
- Matches the specified text.
- The text.
- The end.
- The offset.
- true if the text matches; false otherwise
- Expect spaces until a end of line. Return false otherwise.
- true if whitespaces where matched until a end of line
- Matches the specified text using lowercase comparison.
- The text.
- The offset.
- true if the text matches; false otherwise
- Matches the specified text using lowercase comparison.
- The text.
- The end.
- The offset.
- true if the text matches; false otherwise
- Searches the specified text within this slice.
- The text.
- The offset.
- true if ignore case
- true if the text was found; false otherwise
- Searches for the specified character within this slice.
- A value >= 0 if the character was found, otherwise < 0
- Trims whitespaces at the beginning of this slice starting from position.
- true if it has reaches the end of the iterator
- Trims whitespaces at the beginning of this slice starting from position.
- The number of spaces trimmed.
- Trims whitespaces at the end of this slice, starting from position.
- Trims whitespaces from both the start and end of this slice.
- Returns a that represents this instance.
- A that represents this instance.
- Determines whether this slice is empty or made only of whitespaces.
- true if this slice is empty or made only of whitespaces; false otherwise
- Match a text against a list of ASCII string using internally a tree to speedup the lookup
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The matches to match against.
- Tries to match in the text, at offset position, the list of string matches registered to this instance.
- The text.
- The offset.
- The length.
- The match string if the match was successfull.
- true if the match was successfull; false otherwise
- Base interface for an extension.
- Setups this extension for the specified pipeline.
- The pipeline.
- Setups this extension for the specified renderer.
- The pipeline used to parse the document.
- The renderer.
- Provides methods for parsing a Markdown string to a syntax tree and converting it to other formats.
- Normalizes the specified markdown to a normalized markdown text.
- The markdown.
- The normalize options
- The pipeline.
- A normalized markdown text.
- Normalizes the specified markdown to a normalized markdown text.
- The markdown.
- The destination that will receive the result of the conversion.
- The normalize options
- The pipeline.
- A normalized markdown text.
- Converts a Markdown string to HTML.
- A Markdown text.
- The pipeline used for the conversion.
- The result of the conversion
- if markdown variable is null
- Converts a Markdown string to HTML and output to the specified writer.
- A Markdown text.
- The destination that will receive the result of the conversion.
- The pipeline used for the conversion.
- The Markdown document that has been parsed
- if reader or writer variable are null
- Converts a Markdown string using a custom .
- A Markdown text.
- The renderer to convert Markdown to.
- The pipeline used for the conversion.
- if markdown or writer variable are null
- Parses the specified markdown into an AST
- The markdown text.
- An AST Markdown document
- if markdown variable is null
- Parses the specified markdown into an AST
- The markdown text.
- The pipeline used for the parsing.
- An AST Markdown document
- if markdown variable is null
- Converts a Markdown string to Plain text and output to the specified writer.
- A Markdown text.
- The destination that will receive the result of the conversion.
- The pipeline used for the conversion.
- The Markdown document that has been parsed
- if reader or writer variable are null
- Converts a Markdown string to HTML.
- A Markdown text.
- The pipeline used for the conversion.
- The result of the conversion
- if markdown variable is null
- Provides extension methods for to enable several Markdown extensions.
- Adds the specified extension to the extensions collection.
- The type of the extension.
- The instance of
- Adds the specified extension instance to the extensions collection.
- The pipeline.
- The instance of the extension to be added.
- The type of the extension.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses all extensions except the BootStrap, Emoji, SmartyPants and soft line as hard line breaks extensions.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses this extension to enable autolinks from text `http://`, `https://`, `ftp://`, `mailto:`, `www.xxx.yyy`
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses this extension to disable URI escape with % characters for non-US-ASCII characters in order to workaround a bug under IE/Edge with local file links containing non US-ASCII chars. DO NOT USE OTHERWISE.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses YAML frontmatter extension that will parse a YAML frontmatter into the MarkdownDocument. Note that they are not rendered by any default HTML renderer.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the self pipeline extension that will detect the pipeline to use from the markdown input that contains a special tag. See
- The pipeline.
- The default tag to use to match the self pipeline configuration. By default, , meaning that the HTML tag will be <--markdig:extensions-->
- The default extensions to configure if no pipeline setup was found from the Markdown document
- The modified pipeline
- Uses pragma lines to output span with an id containing the line number (pragma-line#line_number_zero_based`)
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the diagrams extension
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses precise source code location (useful for syntax highlighting).
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the task list extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the custom container extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the media extension.
- The pipeline.
- The options.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the auto-identifier extension.
- The pipeline.
- The options.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the SmartyPants extension.
- The pipeline.
- The options.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the bootstrap extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the math extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the figure extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the custom abbreviation extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the definition lists extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the pipe table extension.
- The pipeline.
- The options.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the grid table extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the cite extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the footer extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the footnotes extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the softline break as hardline break extension
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the strikethrough superscript, subscript, inserted and marked text extensions.
- The pipeline.
- The options to enable.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the list extra extension to add support for `a.`, `A.`, `i.` and `I.` ordered list items.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the generic attributes extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the emoji and smiley extension.
- The pipeline.
- Enable smiley in addition to Emoji, true by default.
- The modified pipeline
- Add rel=nofollow to all links rendered to HTML.
- Automatically link references to JIRA issues
- The pipeline
- Set of required options
- The modified pipeline
- This will disable the HTML support in the markdown processor (for constraint/safe parsing).
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Configures the pipeline using a string that defines the extensions to activate.
- The pipeline (e.g: advanced for , pipetables+gridtables for and
- The extensions to activate as a string
- The modified pipeline
- Configures the string to be used for line-endings, when writing.
- The pipeline.
- The string to be used for line-endings.
- The modified pipeline
- This class is the Markdown pipeline build from a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The read-only list of extensions used to build this pipeline.
- Allows to setup a .
- The markdown renderer to setup
- This class allows to modify the pipeline to parse and render a Markdown document.
- NOTE: A pipeline is not thread-safe.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets the block parsers.
- Gets the inline parsers.
- Gets the register extensions.
- Gets or sets the string builder cache used by the parsers.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to enable precise source location (slower parsing but accurate position for block and inline elements)
- Gets or sets the debug log.
- Occurs when a document has been processed after the method.
- Builds a pipeline from this instance. Once the pipeline is build, it cannot be modified.
- An extension cannot be null
- Delegates called when processing a block
- Base class for a parser of a
- Determines whether the specified char is an opening character.
- The character.
- true if the specified char is an opening character.
- Determines whether this instance can interrupt the specified block being processed.
- The parser processor.
- The block being processed.
- true if this parser can interrupt the specified block being processed.
- Tries to match a block opening.
- The parser processor.
- The result of the match
- Tries to continue matching a block already opened.
- The parser processor.
- The block already opened.
- The result of the match. By default, don't expect any newline
- Called when a block matched by this parser is being closed (to allow final computation on the block).
- The parser processor.
- The block being closed.
- true to keep the block; false to remove it. True by default.
- A List of .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parsers.
- The block processor.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The string builders cache.
- The document to build blocks into.
- The list of parsers.
- Gets the new blocks to push. A is required to push new blocks that it creates to this property.
- Gets the list of configured with this parser state.
- Gets the current active container.
- Gets the last block that is opened.
- Gets the last block that is created.
- Gets the next block in a .
- Gets the root document.
- The current line being processed.
- Gets or sets the current line start position.
- Gets the index of the line in the source text.
- Gets a value indicating whether the line is blank (valid only after has been called).
- Gets the current character being processed.
- Gets or sets the column.
- Gets the position of the current character in the line being processed.
- Gets the current indent position (number of columns between the previous indent and the current position).
- Gets a value indicating whether a code indentation is at the beginning of the line being processed.
- Gets the column position before the indent occured.
- Gets the character position before the indent occured.
- Gets the cache of string builders.
- Gets the current stack of being processed.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to continue processing the current line.
- Get the current Container that is currently opened
- The current Container that is currently opened
- Returns the next character in the line being processed. Update and .
- The next character or `\0` if end of line is reached
- Returns the next character in the line taking into space taken by tabs. Update and .
- Peeks a character at the specified offset from the current position in the line.
- The offset.
- A character peeked at the specified offset
- Restarts the indent from the current position.
- Parses the indentation from the current position in the line, updating ,
- , and accordingly
- taking into account space taken by tabs.
- Moves to the position to the specified column position, taking into account spaces in tabs.
- The new column position to move the cursor to.
- Unwind any previous indent from the current character back to the first space.
- Moves to the position to the code indent ( + 4 spaces).
- The column offset to apply to this indent.
- Opens the specified block.
- The block.
- The block must be opened
- Force closing the specified block.
- The block.
- Discards the specified block from the stack, remove from its parent.
- The block.
- Processes a new line.
- The new line.
- Closes a block at the specified index.
- The index.
- Closes all the blocks opened.
- if set to true [force].
- Mark all blocks in the stack as opened.
- Updates the and .
- Index of a block in a stack considered as the last block to update from.
- Tries to continue matching existing opened .
- A pending parser cannot add a new block when it is not the last pending block
- or
- The NewBlocks is not empty. This is happening if a LeafBlock is not the last to be pushed
- First phase of the process, try to open new blocks.
- Tries to open new blocks using the specified list of
- The parsers.
- true to continue processing the current line
- Processes any new blocks that have been pushed to .
- The last result of matching.
- if set to true the processing of a new block will close existing opened blocks].
- The NewBlocks is not empty. This is happening if a LeafBlock is not the last to be pushed
- Defines the result of parsing a line for a .
- A line is not accepted by this parser.
- The parser is skipped.
- The parser accepts a line and instruct to continue.
- The parser accepts a line, instruct to continue but discard the line (not stored on the block)
- The parser is ending a block, instruct to stop and keep the line being processed.
- The parser is ending a block, instruct to stop and discard the line being processed.
- Extensions used by .
- Determines whether this is discarded.
- State of the block.
- true if the block state is in discard state
- Determines whether this is in a continue state.
- State of the block.
- true if the block state is in continue state
- Determines whether this is in a break state.
- State of the block.
- true if the block state is in break state
- Delegate used to parse the string on the first line after the fenced code block special characters (usually ` or ~)
- The parser processor.
- The being processed line.
- The fenced code block.
- true if parsing of the line is successfull; false otherwise
- Gets or sets the information parser.
- A delegates that allows to process attached attributes
- Base parser for fenced blocks (opened by 3 or more character delimiters on a first line, and closed by at least the same number of delimiters)
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets the language prefix (default is "language-")
- The default parser for the information after the fenced code block special characters (usually ` or ~)
- The parser processor.
- The line.
- The fenced code block.
- true if parsing of the line is successfull; false otherwise
- Parser for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Block parser for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- A delegates that allows to process attached attributes after #
- Block parser for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- A delegates that allows to porcess attached attributes at time.
- The processor.
- The slice to look for attached attributes.
- The block.
- true if attributes were found; otherwise false
- An interface used to tag that supports parsing
- A delegates that allows to process attached attributes
- Base interface for a .
- Determines whether this instance can interrupt the specified block being processed.
- The parser processor.
- The block being processed.
- true if this parser can interrupt the specified block being processed.
- Tries to match a block opening.
- The parser processor.
- The result of the match
- Tries to continue matching a block already opened.
- The parser processor.
- The block already opened.
- The result of the match. By default, don't expect any newline
- Called when a block matched by this parser is being closed (to allow final computation on the block).
- The parser processor.
- The block being closed.
- true to keep the block; false to remove it. True by default.
- Base interface for parsing an .
- Tries to match the specified slice.
- The parser processor.
- The text slice.
- true if this parser found a match; false otherwise
- Base interface for a block or inline parser.
- The type of processor.
- Gets the opening characters this parser will be triggered if the character is found.
- Initializes this parser with the specified parser processor.
- Gets the index of this parser in or .
- Block parser for an indented .
- Base class for parsing an .
- Tries to match the specified slice.
- The parser processor.
- The text slice.
- true if this parser found a match; false otherwise
- A list of .
- Gets the registered post inline processors.
- A delegate called at inline processing stage.
- The processor.
- The inline being processed.
- The inline parser state used by all .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The string builders.
- The document.
- The parsers.
- The inline created event.
- Gets the current block being proessed.
- Gets a value indicating whether to provide precise source location.
- Gets or sets the new block to replace the block being processed.
- Gets or sets the current inline. Used by to return a new inline if match was successfull
- Gets the root container of the current .
- Gets the list of inline parsers.
- Gets the root document.
- Gets the cache string builders.
- Gets or sets the index of the line from the begining of the document being processed.
- Gets the parser states that can be used by using their property.
- Gets or sets the debug log writer. No log if null.
- Gets the literal inline parser.
- Gets the source position for the specified offset within the current slice.
- The slice offset.
- The source position
- Processes the inline of the specified .
- The leaf block.
- An inline parser for parsing .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to enable HTML parsing. Default is true
- An inline parser for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Descriptor for an emphasis.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The character used for this emphasis.
- The minimum number of character.
- The maximum number of characters.
- if set to true the emphasis can be used inside a word.
- The character of this emphasis.
- The minimum number of character this emphasis is expected to have (must be >=1)
- The maximum number of character this emphasis is expected to have (must be >=1 and >= minumunCount and <= 2)
- This emphasis can be used within a word.
- An inline parser for .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets the emphasis descriptors.
- Determines whether this parser is using the specified character as an emphasis delimiter.
- The character to look for.
- true if this parser is using the specified character as an emphasis delimiter; otherwise false
- Gets or sets the create emphasis inline delegate (allowing to create a different emphasis inline class)
- An inline parser for escape characters.
- An inline parser for HTML entities.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- An inline parser for .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to interpret softline breaks as hardline breaks. Default is false
- An inline parser for .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- An inline parser for parsing .
- We don't expect the LiteralInlineParser to be instantiated a end-user, as it is part
- of the default parser pipeline (and should always be the last), working as a literal character
- collector.
- Gets or sets the post match delegate called after the inline has been processed.
- A procesor called at the end of processing all inlines.
- Processes the delimiters.
- The parser state.
- The root inline.
- The last child.
- Index of this delimiter processor.
- true to continue to the next delimiter processor;
- false to stop the process (in case a processor is perfoming sub-sequent processor itself)
- A parser for a list block and list item block.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets the parsers for items.
- Defines list information returned when trying to parse a list item with
- Initializes a new instance of the struct.
- Type of the bullet (e.g: '1', 'a', 'A', 'i', 'I').
- Initializes a new instance of the struct.
- Type of the bullet (e.g: '1', 'a', 'A', 'i', 'I')
- The string used as a starting sequence for an ordered list.
- The ordered delimiter found when parsing this list (e.g: the character `)` after `1)`)
- The default string used as a starting sequence for the ordered list (e.g: '1' for an numbered ordered list)
- Gets or sets the type of the bullet (e.g: '1', 'a', 'A', 'i', 'I').
- Gets or sets the string used as a starting sequence for an ordered list
- Gets or sets the ordered delimiter found when parsing this list (e.g: the character `)` after `1)`)
- Gets or sets default string used as a starting sequence for the ordered list (e.g: '1' for an numbered ordered list)
- A parser base class for a list item.
- Defines the characters that are used for detecting this list item.
- Tries to parse the current input as a list item for this particular instance.
- The block processor
- The type of the current bullet type
- The result of parsing
- true if parsing was sucessfull; false otherwise
- Delegates called when processing a document
- The markdown document.
- The Markdown parser.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The reader.
- The pipeline.
- Parses the specified markdown into an AST
- A Markdown text
- The pipeline used for the parsing.
- An AST Markdown document
- if reader variable is null
- Parses the current into a Markdown .
- A document instance
- Fixups the zero character by replacing it to a secure character (Section 2.3 Insecure characters, CommonMark specs)
- The text to secure.
- The default parser for parsing numbered list item (e.g: 1) or 1.)
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Base class for an ordered list item parser.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets the ordered delimiters used after a digit/number (by default `.` and `)`)
- Utility method that tries to parse the delimiter coming after an ordered list start (e.g: the `)` after `1)`).
- The state.
- The ordered delimiter found if this method is successful.
- true if parsing was successful; false otherwise.
- Block parser for a .
- Base class for a or .
- Type of the parser processor
- Gets the opening characters this parser will be triggered if the character is found.
- Initializes this parser with the specified parser processor.
- Gets the index of this parser in or .
- Base class for a list of parsers.
- Type of the parser
- The type of the parser state.
- Gets the list of global parsers (that don't have any opening characters defined)
- Gets all the opening characters defined.
- Gets the list of parsers valid for the specified opening character.
- The opening character.
- A list of parsers valid for the specified opening character or null if no parsers registered.
- Searches for an opening character from a registered parser in the specified string.
- The text.
- The start.
- The end.
- Index position within the string of the first opening character found in the specified text; if not found, returns -1
- Initializes this instance with specified parser state.
- Unexpected null parser found
- or
- A block parser for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- A block parser for a .
- A singleton instance used by other parsers.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The default parser used to parse unordered list item (-, +, *)
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Default HTML renderer for a Markdown object.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The writer.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to output HTML tags when rendering. See remarks.
- This is used by some renderers to disable HTML tags when rendering some inline elements (for image links).
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to output HTML tags when rendering. See remarks.
- This is used by some renderers to disable HTML tags when rendering some block elements (for image links).
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use implicit paragraph (optional <p>)
- Gets a value to use as the base url for all relative links
- Allows links to be rewritten
- Writes the content escaped for HTML.
- The content.
- This instance
- Writes the content escaped for HTML.
- The slice.
- Only escape < and &
- This instance
- Writes the content escaped for HTML.
- The slice.
- Only escape < and &
- This instance
- Writes the content escaped for HTML.
- The content.
- The offset.
- The length.
- Only escape < and &
- This instance
- Writes the URL escaped for HTML.
- The content.
- This instance
- Writes the attached on the specified .
- The object.
- Writes the specified .
- The attributes to render.
- A class filter used to transform a class into another class at writing time
- This instance
- Writes the lines of a
- The leaf block.
- if set to true write end of lines.
- if set to true escape the content for HTML
- Only escape < and &
- This instance
- An HTML renderer for a and .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets a map of fenced code block infos that should be rendered as div blocks instead of pre/code blocks.
- An HTML renderer for a .
- Attached HTML attributes to a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets the HTML id/identifier. May be null.
- Gets or sets the CSS classes attached. May be null.
- Gets or sets the additional properties. May be null.
- Adds a CSS class.
- The css class name.
- Adds a property.
- The name.
- The value.
- Adds the specified property only if it does not already exist.
- The name.
- The value.
- Copies/merge the values from this instance to the specified instance.
- The HTML attributes.
- If set to true it will merge properties to the target htmlAttributes. Default is false
- If set to true it will try to share Classes and Properties if destination don't have them, otherwise it will make a copy. Default is true
- Extensions for a to allow accessing
- Tries the get stored on a .
- The markdown object.
- The attached html attributes or null if not found
- Gets or creates the stored on a
- The markdown object.
- The attached html attributes
- Sets to the
- The markdown object.
- The attributes to attach.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A base class for HTML rendering and Markdown objects.
- The type of the object.
- A HTML renderer for an .
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to always add rel="nofollow" for links or not.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A HTML renderer for an .
- Delegates to get the tag associated to an object.
- The object.
- The HTML tag associated to this object
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets the GetTag delegate.
- Gets the default HTML tag for ** and __ emphasis.
- The object.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A HTML renderer for a .
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to render this softline break as a HTML hardline break tag (<br />)
- A HTML renderer for a .
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to always add rel="nofollow" for links or not.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A HTML renderer for a .
- Base interface for the renderer of a .
- Accepts the specified .
- The renderer.
- The Markdown object.
- true If this renderer is accepting to render the specified Markdown object
- Writes the specified to the .
- The renderer.
- The object to render.
- Base interface for a renderer for a Markdown .
- Occurs when before writing an object.
- Occurs when after writing an object.
- Gets the object renderers that will render and elements.
- Renders the specified markdown object.
- The markdown object.
- The result of the rendering.
- A base class for rendering and Markdown objects.
- The type of the renderer.
- The type of the object.
- Gets the optional writers attached to this instance.
- Writes the specified Markdown object to the renderer.
- The renderer.
- The markdown object.
- An Normalize renderer for a and .
- An Normalize renderer for a .
- A Normalize renderer for an .
- A Normalize renderer for a .
- A Normalize renderer for a .
- A Normalize renderer for an .
- A Normalize renderer for a .
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to render this softline break as a Normalize hardline break tag (<br />)
- A Normalize renderer for a .
- A Normalize renderer for a .
- A Normalize renderer for a .
- A Normalize renderer for a .
- A Normalize renderer for a .
- A base class for Normalize rendering and Markdown objects.
- The type of the object.
- Defines the options used by
- Initialize a new instance of
- Adds a space after a QuoteBlock >. Default is true
- Adds an empty line after a code block (fenced and tabbed). Default is true
- Adds an empty line after an heading. Default is true
- Adds an empty line after an thematic break. Default is true
- The bullet character used for list items. Default is null leaving the original bullet character as-is.
- Expands AutoLinks to the normal inline representation. Default is true
- Default HTML renderer for a Markdown object.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The writer.
- The normalize options
- Writes the lines of a
- The leaf block.
- if set to true write end of lines.
- This instance
- A Normalize renderer for a .
- A Normalize renderer for a .
- A Normalize renderer for a .
- A collection of .
- Base class for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Occurs when before writing an object.
- Occurs when after writing an object.
- Writes the children of the specified .
- The container block.
- Writes the children of the specified .
- The container inline.
- Writes the specified Markdown object.
- A MarkdownObject type
- The Markdown object to write to this renderer.
- A text based .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The writer.
- Gets or sets the writer.
- if the value is null
- Renders the specified markdown object (returns the as a render object).
- The markdown object.
- Typed .
- Type of the renderer
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The writer.
- Ensures a newline.
- This instance
- Writes the specified content.
- The content.
- This instance
- Writes the specified slice.
- The slice.
- This instance
- Writes the specified slice.
- The slice.
- This instance
- Writes the specified character.
- The content.
- This instance
- Writes the specified content.
- The content.
- The offset.
- The length.
- This instance
- Writes a newline.
- This instance
- Writes a content followed by a newline.
- The content.
- This instance
- Writes the inlines of a leaf inline.
- The leaf block.
- This instance
- A blank line, used internally by some parsers to store blank lines in a container. They are removed before the end of the document.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Base class for a block structure. Either a or a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Gets the parent of this container. May be null.
- Gets the parser associated to this instance.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is still open.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this block is breakable. Default is true.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this block must be removed from its container after inlines have been processed.
- Occurs when the process of inlines begin.
- Occurs when the process of inlines ends for this instance.
- Called when the process of inlines begin.
- The inline parser state.
- Called when the process of inlines ends.
- The inline parser state.
- Extensions for
- Helpers for the class.
- Repressents an indented code block.
- Related to CommonMark spec: 4.4 Indented code blocks
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser.
- A base class for container blocks.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Gets the last child.
- Specialize enumerator.
- Repressents a fenced code block.
- Related to CommonMark spec: 4.5 Fenced code blocks
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser.
- Gets or sets the language parsed after the first line of
- the fenced code block. May be null.
- Gets or sets the arguments after the .
- May be null.
- Gets or sets the fenced character count used to open this fenced code block.
- Gets or sets the fenced character used to open and close this fenced code block.
- Gets or sets the indent count when the fenced code block was indented
- and we need to remove up to indent count chars spaces from the begining of a line.
- Repressents a heading.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser.
- Gets or sets the header character used to defines this heading (usually #)
- Gets or sets the level of heading (starting at 1 for the lowest level).
- Represents a group of lines that is treated as raw HTML (and will not be escaped in HTML output).
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser.
- Gets or sets the type of block.
- Defines the type of
- A SGML document type starting by <!LETTER.
- A raw CDATA sequence.
- A HTML comment.
- A SGM processing instruction tag <?
- A script pre or style tag.
- An HTML interrupting block
- An HTML non-interrupting block
- Base interface for a block structure. Either a or a .
- Gets or sets the text column this instance was declared (zero-based).
- Gets or sets the text line this instance was declared (zero-based).
- Gets the parent of this container. May be null.
- Gets the parser associated to this instance.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is still open.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this block is breakable. Default is true.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this block must be removed from its container after inlines have been processed.
- Occurs when the process of inlines begin.
- Occurs when the process of inlines ends for this instance.
- A common interface for fenced block (e.g: or )
- Gets or sets the language parsed after the first line of
- the fenced code block. May be null.
- Gets or sets the arguments after the .
- May be null.
- Gets or sets the fenced character count used to open this fenced code block.
- Gets or sets the fenced character used to open and close this fenced code block.
- Base interface for a the Markdown syntax tree
- Stores a key/value pair for this instance.
- The key.
- The value.
- if key is null
- Determines whether this instance contains the specified key data.
- The key.
- true if a data with the key is stored
- if key is null
- Gets the associated data for the specified key.
- The key.
- The associated data or null if none
- if key is null
- Removes the associated data for the specified key.
- The key.
- true if the data was removed; false otherwise
- An autolink (Section 6.7 CommonMark specs)
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is an email link.
- Gets or sets the URL of this link.
- Represents a code span (Section 6.3 CommonMark specs)
- Gets or sets the delimiter character used by this code inline.
- Gets or sets the content of the span.
- A base class for container for .
- Gets the first child.
- Gets the last child.
- Clears this instance by removing all its children.
- Appends a child to this container.
- The child to append to this container..
- This instance
- If child is null
- Inline has already a parent
- Checks if this instance contains the specified child.
- The child to find.
- true if this instance contains the specified child; false otherwise
- Finds all the descendants.
- Type of the descendants to find
- An enumeration of T
- Moves all the children of this container after the specified inline.
- The parent.
- Embraces this instance by the specified container.
- The container to use to embrace this instance.
- If the container is null
- Internal delimiter used by some parsers (e.g emphasis, tables).
- Gets the parser.
- Gets or sets the type of this delimiter.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is active.
- Converts this delimiter to a literal.
- The string representation of this delimiter
- Gets the type of a .
- An undefined open or close delimiter.
- An open delimiter.
- A close delimiter.
- A delimiter used for parsing emphasis.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser.
- The descriptor.
- Gets the descriptor for this emphasis.
- The delimiter character found.
- The number of delimiter characters found for this delimiter.
- An emphasis and strong emphasis (Section 6.4 CommonMark specs).
- Gets or sets the delimiter character of this emphasis.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is strong.
- An entity HTML.
- Gets or sets the original HTML entity name
- Gets or sets the transcoded literal that will be used for output
- A Raw HTML (Section 6.8 CommonMark specs).
- Gets or sets the full declaration of this tag.
- Base interface for all syntax tree inlines.
- Gets the parent container of this inline.
- Gets the previous inline.
- Gets the next sibling inline.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is closed.
- Base class for all syntax tree inlines.
- Gets the parent container of this inline.
- Gets the previous inline.
- Gets the next sibling inline.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is closed.
- Inserts the specified inline after this instance.
- The inline to insert after this instance.
- Inline has already a parent
- Inserts the specified inline before this instance.
- The inlnie previous to insert before this instance.
- Inline has already a parent
- Removes this instance from the current list and its parent
- Replaces this inline by the specified inline.
- The inline.
- if set to true the children of this instance are copied to the specified inline.
- The last children
- If inlnie is null
- Determines whether this instance contains a parent of the specified type.
- Type of the parent to check
- true if this instance contains a parent of the specified type; false otherwise
- Iterates on parents of the specified type.
- Type of the parent to iterate over
- An enumeration on the parents of the specified type
- Dumps this instance to .
- The writer.
- Dumps this instance to .
- The writer.
- The level of indent.
- if writer is null
- A base class for a leaf inline.
- A base class for a line break.
- A delimiter for a link.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this delimiter is an image link.
- Gets or sets the label of this link.
- The label span
- A Link inline (Section 6.5 CommonMark specs)
- A delegate to use if it is setup on this instance to allow late binding
- of a Url.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The URL.
- The title.
- Gets or sets the URL.
- Gets or sets the GetDynamicUrl delegate. If this property is set,
- it is used instead of to get the Url from this instance.
- Gets or sets the title.
- Gets or sets the label.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is an image link.
- Gets or sets a boolean indicating if this link is a shortcut link to a
- Gets or sets a boolean indicating whether the inline link was parsed using markdown syntax or was automatic recognized.
- Gets or sets the reference this link is attached to. May be null.
- The URL source span.
- The title source span.
- The label span
- A literal inline.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The content.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The text.
- The content as a .
- A boolean indicating whether the first character of this literal is escaped by `\`.
- Base class for all leaf blocks.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Gets or sets the string lines accumulated for this leaf block.
- May be null after process inlines have occured.
- Gets or sets the inline syntax tree (may be null).
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether must be processed
- as inline into the property.
- Appends the specified line to this instance.
- The slice.
- The column.
- The line.
- A link reference definition (Section 4.7 CommonMark specs)
- Creates an inline link for the specified .
- State of the inline.
- The link reference.
- The child.
- An inline link or null to use the default implementation
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The label.
- The URL.
- The title.
- Gets or sets the label.
- Gets or sets the URL.
- Gets or sets the title.
- The label span
- The URL span
- The title span
- Gets or sets the create link inline callback for this instance.
- This callback is called when an inline link is matching this reference definition.
- Tries to the parse the specified text into a definition.
- Type of the text
- The text.
- The block.
- true if parsing is successful; false otherwise
- Extension methods for accessing attached at the document level.
- Contains all the found in a document.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets an association between a label and the corresponding
- A list (Section 5.3 CommonMark specs)
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the list is ordered.
- Gets or sets the bullet character used by this list.
- Gets or sets the ordered start number (valid when is true)
- Gets or sets the default ordered start ("1" for BulletType = '1')
- Gets or sets the ordered delimiter character (usually `.` or `)`) found after an ordered list item.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is loose.
- A list item (Section 5.2 CommonMark specs)
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- The root Markdown document.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Base implementation for a the Markdown syntax tree.
- The attached datas. Use internally a simple array instead of a Dictionary{Object,Object}
- as we expect less than 5~10 entries, usually typically 1 (HtmlAttributes)
- so it will gives faster access than a Dictionary, and lower memory occupation
- Gets or sets the text column this instance was declared (zero-based).
- Gets or sets the text line this instance was declared (zero-based).
- The source span
- Gets a string of the location in the text.
- Stores a key/value pair for this instance.
- The key.
- The value.
- if key is null
- Determines whether this instance contains the specified key data.
- The key.
- true if a data with the key is stored
- if key is null
- Gets the associated data for the specified key.
- The key.
- The associated data or null if none
- if key is null
- Removes the associated data for the specified key.
- The key.
- true if the data was removed; false otherwise
- Store a Key/Value pair.
- Extensions for visiting or
- Iterates over the descendant elements for the specified markdown element, including and .
- The markdown object.
- An iteration over the descendant elements
- Iterates over the descendant elements for the specified markdown element and filters by the type {T}.
- Type to use for filtering the descendants
- The inline markdown object.
- An iteration over the descendant elements
- Iterates over the descendant elements for the specified markdown element and filters by the type {T}.
- Type to use for filtering the descendants
- The markdown object.
- An iteration over the descendant elements
- Repressents a paragraph.
- Related to CommonMark spec: 4.8 Paragraphs
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- A block quote (Section 5.1 CommonMark specs)
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Gets or sets the quote character (usually `>`)
- A span of text.
- Initializes a new instance of the struct.
- The start.
- The end.
- Gets or sets the starting character position from the original text source.
- Note that for inline elements, this is only valid if is setup on the pipeline.
- Gets or sets the ending character position from the original text source.
- Note that for inline elements, this is only valid if is setup on the pipeline.
- Gets the character length of this element within the original source code.
- Repressents a thematic break (Section 4.1 CommonMark specs).
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
diff --git a/packages/Markdig.0.15.2/lib/portable40-net40+sl5+win8+wp8+wpa81/Markdig.dll b/packages/Markdig.0.15.2/lib/portable40-net40+sl5+win8+wp8+wpa81/Markdig.dll
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ec7fa8..0000000
Binary files a/packages/Markdig.0.15.2/lib/portable40-net40+sl5+win8+wp8+wpa81/Markdig.dll and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/packages/Markdig.0.15.2/lib/portable40-net40+sl5+win8+wp8+wpa81/Markdig.xml b/packages/Markdig.0.15.2/lib/portable40-net40+sl5+win8+wp8+wpa81/Markdig.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index c0beaf3..0000000
--- a/packages/Markdig.0.15.2/lib/portable40-net40+sl5+win8+wp8+wpa81/Markdig.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5399 +0,0 @@
- Markdig
- An abbreviation object stored at the document level. See extension methods in .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Gets or sets the label.
- The text associated to this label.
- The label span
- Extension to allow abbreviations.
- Extension methods for .
- The inline abbreviation.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The abbreviation.
- A block parser for abbreviations.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- The auto-identifier extension
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The options.
- Process on a new
- The processor.
- The heading block.
- Callback when there is a reference to found to a heading.
- Note that reference are only working if they are declared after.
- Process the inlines of the heading to create a unique identifier
- The processor.
- The inline.
- Options for the .
- No options
- Default ()
- Allows to link to a header by using the same text as the header for the link label. Default is true
- Allows only ASCII characters in the url (HTML 5 allows to have UTF8 characters). Default is true
- Renders auto identifiers like GitHub.
- A link reference definition to a stored at the level.
- Gets or sets the heading related to this link reference definition.
- Extension to automatically create when a link url http: or mailto: is found.
- The inline parser used to for autolinks.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Extension for tagging some HTML elements with bootstrap classes.
- Extension for cite ""...""
- A block custom container.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Extension to allow custom containers.
- An inline custom container
- The block parser for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A definition item contains zero to multiple
- and definitions (any )
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Gets or sets the opening character for this definition item (either `:` or `~`)
- A definition list contains children.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Extension to allow definition lists
- The block parser for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- A definition term contains a single line with the term to define.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- A HTML renderer for , and .
- Extension to allow diagrams.
- Extension to allow emoji and smiley replacement.
- An emoji inline
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The content.
- Gets or sets the original match string (either an emoji or a text smiley)
- The inline parser used to for emoji.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets a boolean indicating whether to process smiley.
- Gets the emoji to unicode mapping. This can be modified before this parser is initialized.
- Gets the smiley to emoji mapping. This can be modified before this parser is initialized.
- Extension for strikethrough, subscript, superscript, inserted and marked.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The options.
- Gets the options.
- Options for enabling support for extra emphasis.
- Allows all extra emphasis (default).
- A text that can be strikethrough using the double character ~~
- A text that can be rendered as a subscript using the character ~
- A text that can be rendered as a superscript using the character ^
- A text that can be rendered as a inserted using the character ++
- A text that can be rendered as a inserted using the character ==
- Defines a figure container.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Gets or sets the opening character count used to open this figure code block.
- Gets or sets the opening character used to open and close this figure code block.
- The block parser for a block.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Defines a figure caption.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Extension to allow usage of figures and figure captions.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A block elemeent for a footer.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Gets or sets the opening character used to match this footer (by default it is ^)
- A block parser for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Extension that provides footer.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A block for a footnote.
- Gets or sets the label used by this footnote.
- Gets or sets the order of this footnote (determined by the order of the in the document)
- Gets the links referencing this footnote.
- The label span
- Extension to allow footnotes.
- A block that contains all the footnotes at the end of a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- A inline link to a .
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is back link (from a footnote to the link)
- Gets or sets the global index number of this link.
- Gets or sets the footnote this link refers to.
- A link reference definition stored at the level.
- Gets or sets the footnote related to this link reference definition.
- The block parser for a .
- The key used to store at the document level the pending
- Add footnotes to the end of the document
- The processor.
- The inline.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets the CSS group class used when rendering the <div> of this instance.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- Extension that allows to attach HTML attributes to the previous or current .
- This extension should be enabled last after enabling other extensions.
- An inline parser used to parse a HTML attributes that can be attached to the previous or current .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Tries to extra from the current position of a slice an HTML attributes {...}
- The slice to parse.
- The output attributes or null if not found or invalid
- true if parsing the HTML attributes was succsesfull
- Extension to generate hardline break for softline breaks.
- Model for a JIRA link item
- JIRA Project Key
- JIRA Issue Number
- Simple inline parser extension for Markdig to find, and
- automatically add links to JIRA issue numbers.
- Finds and replaces JIRA links inline
- Available options for replacing JIRA links
- The base Url (e.g. `https://mycompany.atlassian.net`)
- The base path after the base url (default is `/browse`)
- Should the link open in a new window when clicked
- Gets the full url composed of the and with no trailing `/`
- Extension for adding new type of list items (a., A., i., I.)
- Parser that adds supports for parsing alpha/roman list items (e.g: `a)` or `a.` or `ii.` or `II.`)
- Note that we don't validate roman numbers.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A math block.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser.
- The block parser for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Extension for adding inline mathematics $...$
- A math inline element.
- Gets or sets the delimiter character used by this code inline.
- Gets or sets the delimiter count.
- The content as a .
- An inline parser for .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets the default class to use when creating a math inline block.
- Extension for extending image Markdown links in case a video or an audio file is linked and output proper link.
- Options for the .
- Extension that will disable URI escape with % characters for non-US-ASCII characters in order to workaround a bug under IE/Edge with local file links containing non US-ASCII chars. DO NOT USE OTHERWISE.
- Extension to automatically render rel=nofollow to all links in an HTML output.
- Extension to a span for each line containing the original line id (using id = pragma-line#line_number_zero_based)
- Extension to enable SelfPipeline, to configure a Markdown parsing/convertion to HTML automatically
- from an embedded special tag in the input text <!--markdig:extensions--> where extensions is a string
- that specifies the extensions to use for the pipeline as exposed by extension method
- on the . This extension will invalidate all other extensions and will override them.
- Gets the default pipeline to configure if no tag was found in the input text. Default is null (core pipeline).
- Gets the self pipeline hint tag start that will be matched.
- Creates a pipeline automatically configured from an input markdown based on the presence of the configuration tag.
- The input text.
- The pipeline configured from the input
- A HTML renderer for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The options.
- An inline for SmartyPant.
- Converts this instance to a literal text.
- The options used for .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets the mapping between a and its textual representation
- (usually an HTML entity).
- Extension to enable SmartyPants.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The options.
- Gets the options.
- The inline parser for SmartyPants.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Types of a .
- This is a single quote '
- This is a double quote "
- Extension that allows to use grid tables.
- Internal state used by the
- Gets or sets the index position of this column (after the |)
- A HTML renderer for a
- This block parsers for pipe tables is used to by-pass list items that could start by a single '-'
- and would disallow to detect a pipe tables at inline parsing time, so we are basically forcing a line
- that starts by a '-' and have at least a '|' (and have optional spaces) and is a continuation of a
- paragraph.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The delimiter used to separate the columns of a pipe table.
- Gets or sets the index of line where this delimiter was found relative to the current block.
- Extension that allows to use pipe tables.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The options.
- Gets the options.
- Options for the extension
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to require header separator. true by default (Kramdown is using false)
- The inline parser used to transform a into a at inline parsing time.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The linebreak parser to use
- The options.
- Gets the options.
- Defines a table that contains an optional .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Gets or sets the column alignments. May be null.
- Checks if the table structure is valid.
- True if the table has rows and the number of cells per row is correct, other wise false.
- Normalizes the number of columns of this table by taking the maximum columns and appending empty cells.
- Defines a cell in a
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Gets or sets the index of the column to which this cell belongs.
- Gets or sets the column span this cell is covering. Default is 1.
- Gets or sets the row span this cell is covering. Default is 1.
- Gets or sets whether this cell can be closed.
- Defines the alignment of a column
- Align the column to the left
- Align the column to the center
- Align the column to the right
- Defines a column.
- Gets or sets the width (in percentage) of this column. A value of 0 is unspecified.
- Gets or sets the column alignment.
- Helper methods for parsing tables.
- Parses a column header equivalent to the regexp: \s*:\s*[delimiterChar]+\s*:\s*
- The text slice.
- The delimiter character (either `-` or `=`).
- The alignment of the column.
- true if parsing was successfull
- Parses a column header equivalent to the regexp: \s*:\s*[delimiterChar]+\s*:\s*
- The text slice.
- The delimiter character (either `-` or `=`).
- The alignment of the column.
- true if parsing was successfull
- Parses a column header equivalent to the regexp: \s*:\s*[delimiterChar]+\s*:\s*
- The text slice.
- The delimiter character (either `-` or `=`). If `\0`, it will detect the character (either `-` or `=`)
- The alignment of the column.
- true if parsing was successfull
- Defines a row in a , contains , parent is .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is header row.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- An inline for TaskList.
- Extension to enable TaskList.
- The inline parser for SmartyPants.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets the list class used for a task list.
- Gets or sets the list item class used for a task list.
- Extension that allows setting line-endings for any IMarkdownRenderer
- that inherits from
- A YAML frontmatter block.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser.
- Extension to discard a YAML frontmatter at the beginning of a Markdown document.
- Block parser for a YAML frontmatter.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Creates the front matter block.
- The block processor
- The front matter block
- Tries to match a block opening.
- The parser processor.
- The result of the match
- Tries to continue matching a block already opened.
- The parser processor.
- The block already opened.
- The result of the match. By default, don't expect any newline
- Empty renderer for a
- Helper class for defining Empty arrays.
- Type of an element of the array
- An empty array.
- Allows to associate characters to a data structures and query efficiently for them.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The states.
- Gets all the opening characters defined.
- Gets the list of parsers valid for the specified opening character.
- The opening character.
- A list of parsers valid for the specified opening character or null if no parsers registered.
- Searches for an opening character from a registered parser in the specified string.
- The text.
- The start.
- The end.
- Index position within the string of the first opening character found in the specified text; if not found, returns -1
- Helper class for handling characters.
- Class used to simplify a unicode char to a simple ASCII string
- Converts a unicode char to a simple ASCII string.
- The input char.
- The simple ASCII string or null if the char itself cannot be simplified
- A default object cache that expect the type {T} to provide a parameter less constructor
- The type of item to cache
- Helper class to decode an entity.
- Decodes the given HTML entity to the matching Unicode characters.
- The entity without & and ; symbols, for example, copy.
- The unicode character set or null if the entity was not recognized.
- Decodes the given UTF-32 character code to the matching set of UTF-16 characters.
- The unicode character set or null if the entity was not recognized.
- Source: http://www.w3.org/html/wg/drafts/html/master/syntax.html#named-character-references
- Helper to parse several HTML tags.
- Destructively unescape a string: remove backslashes before punctuation or symbol characters.
- The string data that will be changed by unescaping any punctuation or symbol characters.
- if set to true [remove back slash].
- Scans an entity.
- Returns number of chars matched.
- Provides a common interface for iterating characters
- over a or .
- Gets the current start character position.
- Gets the current character.
- Gets the end character position.
- Goes to the next character, incrementing the position.
- The next character. `\0` is end of the iteration.
- Peeks at the next character, without incrementing the position.
- The next character. `\0` is end of the iteration.
- Gets a value indicating whether this instance is empty.
- Trims whitespaces at the beginning of this slice starting from position.
- true if it has reaches the end of the iterator
- A line reader from a that can provide precise source position
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- bufferSize cannot be <= 0
- Gets the char position of the line. Valid for the next line before calling .
- Reads a new line from the underlying and update the for the next line.
- A new line or null if the end of has been reached
- Helpers to parse Markdown links.
- Internal helper to allow to declare a method using AggressiveInlining without being .NET 4.0+
- A simple object recycling system.
- Type of the object to cache
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Clears this cache.
- Gets a new instance.
- Releases the specified instance.
- The instance.
- if instance is null
- Creates a new instance of {T}
- A new instance of {T}
- Resets the specified instance when is called before storing back to this cache.
- The instance.
- A List that provides methods for inserting/finding before/after. See remarks.
- Type of the list item
- We use a typed list and don't use extension methods because it would pollute all list implemts and the top level namespace.
- Replaces with .
- Element type to find in the list
- Object to replace this element with
- true if a replacement was made; otherwise false.
- An implementation of for
- A StringBuilder that can be used locally in a method body only.
- Provides a string builder that can only be used locally in a method. This StringBuilder MUST not be stored.
- Extensions for StringBuilder with
- Appends the specified slice to this instance.
- The builder.
- The slice.
- A struct representing a text line.
- Initializes a new instance of the struct.
- The slice.
- Initializes a new instance of the struct.
- The slice.
- The line.
- The column.
- Initializes a new instance of the struct.
- The slice.
- The line.
- The column.
- The slice used for this line.
- The line position.
- The position of the start of this line within the original source code
- The column position.
- Performs an implicit conversion from to .
- The line.
- The result of the conversion.
- A group of .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The text.
- Gets the lines.
- Gets the number of lines.
- Clears this instance.
- Removes the line at the specified index.
- The index.
- Adds the specified line to this instance.
- The line.
- Adds the specified slice to this instance.
- The slice.
- Converts the lines to a single by concatenating the lines.
- The position of the `\n` line offsets from the beginning of the returned slice.
- A single slice concatenating the lines of this instance
- Converts this instance into a .
- Trims each lines of the specified .
- The iterator used to iterate other the lines.
- A lightweight struct that represents a slice of a string.
- An empty string slice.
- Initializes a new instance of the struct.
- The text.
- Initializes a new instance of the struct.
- The text.
- The start.
- The end.
- The text of this slice.
- Gets or sets the start position within .
- Gets or sets the end position (inclusive) within .
- Gets the length.
- Gets the current character.
- Gets a value indicating whether this instance is empty.
- Gets the at the specified index.
- The index.
- A character in the slice at the specified index (not from but from the begining of the slice)
- Goes to the next character, incrementing the position.
- The next character. `\0` is end of the iteration.
- Peeks a character at the specified offset from the current position
- inside the range and , returns `\0` if outside this range.
- The offset.
- The character at offset, returns `\0` if none.
- Peeks a character at the specified offset from the current beginning of the string, without taking into account and
- The character at offset, returns `\0` if none.
- Peeks a character at the specified offset from the current begining of the slice
- without using the range or , returns `\0` if outside the .
- The offset.
- The character at offset, returns `\0` if none.
- Matches the specified text.
- The text.
- The offset.
- true if the text matches; false otherwise
- Matches the specified text.
- The text.
- The end.
- The offset.
- true if the text matches; false otherwise
- Expect spaces until a end of line. Return false otherwise.
- true if whitespaces where matched until a end of line
- Matches the specified text using lowercase comparison.
- The text.
- The offset.
- true if the text matches; false otherwise
- Matches the specified text using lowercase comparison.
- The text.
- The end.
- The offset.
- true if the text matches; false otherwise
- Searches the specified text within this slice.
- The text.
- The offset.
- true if ignore case
- true if the text was found; false otherwise
- Searches for the specified character within this slice.
- A value >= 0 if the character was found, otherwise < 0
- Trims whitespaces at the beginning of this slice starting from position.
- true if it has reaches the end of the iterator
- Trims whitespaces at the beginning of this slice starting from position.
- The number of spaces trimmed.
- Trims whitespaces at the end of this slice, starting from position.
- Trims whitespaces from both the start and end of this slice.
- Returns a that represents this instance.
- A that represents this instance.
- Determines whether this slice is empty or made only of whitespaces.
- true if this slice is empty or made only of whitespaces; false otherwise
- Match a text against a list of ASCII string using internally a tree to speedup the lookup
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The matches to match against.
- Tries to match in the text, at offset position, the list of string matches registered to this instance.
- The text.
- The offset.
- The length.
- The match string if the match was successfull.
- true if the match was successfull; false otherwise
- Base interface for an extension.
- Setups this extension for the specified pipeline.
- The pipeline.
- Setups this extension for the specified renderer.
- The pipeline used to parse the document.
- The renderer.
- Provides methods for parsing a Markdown string to a syntax tree and converting it to other formats.
- Normalizes the specified markdown to a normalized markdown text.
- The markdown.
- The normalize options
- The pipeline.
- A normalized markdown text.
- Normalizes the specified markdown to a normalized markdown text.
- The markdown.
- The destination that will receive the result of the conversion.
- The normalize options
- The pipeline.
- A normalized markdown text.
- Converts a Markdown string to HTML.
- A Markdown text.
- The pipeline used for the conversion.
- The result of the conversion
- if markdown variable is null
- Converts a Markdown string to HTML and output to the specified writer.
- A Markdown text.
- The destination that will receive the result of the conversion.
- The pipeline used for the conversion.
- The Markdown document that has been parsed
- if reader or writer variable are null
- Converts a Markdown string using a custom .
- A Markdown text.
- The renderer to convert Markdown to.
- The pipeline used for the conversion.
- if markdown or writer variable are null
- Parses the specified markdown into an AST
- The markdown text.
- An AST Markdown document
- if markdown variable is null
- Parses the specified markdown into an AST
- The markdown text.
- The pipeline used for the parsing.
- An AST Markdown document
- if markdown variable is null
- Converts a Markdown string to Plain text and output to the specified writer.
- A Markdown text.
- The destination that will receive the result of the conversion.
- The pipeline used for the conversion.
- The Markdown document that has been parsed
- if reader or writer variable are null
- Converts a Markdown string to HTML.
- A Markdown text.
- The pipeline used for the conversion.
- The result of the conversion
- if markdown variable is null
- Provides extension methods for to enable several Markdown extensions.
- Adds the specified extension to the extensions collection.
- The type of the extension.
- The instance of
- Adds the specified extension instance to the extensions collection.
- The pipeline.
- The instance of the extension to be added.
- The type of the extension.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses all extensions except the BootStrap, Emoji, SmartyPants and soft line as hard line breaks extensions.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses this extension to enable autolinks from text `http://`, `https://`, `ftp://`, `mailto:`, `www.xxx.yyy`
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses this extension to disable URI escape with % characters for non-US-ASCII characters in order to workaround a bug under IE/Edge with local file links containing non US-ASCII chars. DO NOT USE OTHERWISE.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses YAML frontmatter extension that will parse a YAML frontmatter into the MarkdownDocument. Note that they are not rendered by any default HTML renderer.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the self pipeline extension that will detect the pipeline to use from the markdown input that contains a special tag. See
- The pipeline.
- The default tag to use to match the self pipeline configuration. By default, , meaning that the HTML tag will be <--markdig:extensions-->
- The default extensions to configure if no pipeline setup was found from the Markdown document
- The modified pipeline
- Uses pragma lines to output span with an id containing the line number (pragma-line#line_number_zero_based`)
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the diagrams extension
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses precise source code location (useful for syntax highlighting).
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the task list extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the custom container extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the media extension.
- The pipeline.
- The options.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the auto-identifier extension.
- The pipeline.
- The options.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the SmartyPants extension.
- The pipeline.
- The options.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the bootstrap extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the math extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the figure extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the custom abbreviation extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the definition lists extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the pipe table extension.
- The pipeline.
- The options.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the grid table extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the cite extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the footer extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the footnotes extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the softline break as hardline break extension
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the strikethrough superscript, subscript, inserted and marked text extensions.
- The pipeline.
- The options to enable.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the list extra extension to add support for `a.`, `A.`, `i.` and `I.` ordered list items.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the generic attributes extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the emoji and smiley extension.
- The pipeline.
- Enable smiley in addition to Emoji, true by default.
- The modified pipeline
- Add rel=nofollow to all links rendered to HTML.
- Automatically link references to JIRA issues
- The pipeline
- Set of required options
- The modified pipeline
- This will disable the HTML support in the markdown processor (for constraint/safe parsing).
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Configures the pipeline using a string that defines the extensions to activate.
- The pipeline (e.g: advanced for , pipetables+gridtables for and
- The extensions to activate as a string
- The modified pipeline
- Configures the string to be used for line-endings, when writing.
- The pipeline.
- The string to be used for line-endings.
- The modified pipeline
- This class is the Markdown pipeline build from a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The read-only list of extensions used to build this pipeline.
- Allows to setup a .
- The markdown renderer to setup
- This class allows to modify the pipeline to parse and render a Markdown document.
- NOTE: A pipeline is not thread-safe.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets the block parsers.
- Gets the inline parsers.
- Gets the register extensions.
- Gets or sets the string builder cache used by the parsers.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to enable precise source location (slower parsing but accurate position for block and inline elements)
- Gets or sets the debug log.
- Occurs when a document has been processed after the method.
- Builds a pipeline from this instance. Once the pipeline is build, it cannot be modified.
- An extension cannot be null
- Delegates called when processing a block
- Base class for a parser of a
- Determines whether the specified char is an opening character.
- The character.
- true if the specified char is an opening character.
- Determines whether this instance can interrupt the specified block being processed.
- The parser processor.
- The block being processed.
- true if this parser can interrupt the specified block being processed.
- Tries to match a block opening.
- The parser processor.
- The result of the match
- Tries to continue matching a block already opened.
- The parser processor.
- The block already opened.
- The result of the match. By default, don't expect any newline
- Called when a block matched by this parser is being closed (to allow final computation on the block).
- The parser processor.
- The block being closed.
- true to keep the block; false to remove it. True by default.
- A List of .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parsers.
- The block processor.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The string builders cache.
- The document to build blocks into.
- The list of parsers.
- Gets the new blocks to push. A is required to push new blocks that it creates to this property.
- Gets the list of configured with this parser state.
- Gets the current active container.
- Gets the last block that is opened.
- Gets the last block that is created.
- Gets the next block in a .
- Gets the root document.
- The current line being processed.
- Gets or sets the current line start position.
- Gets the index of the line in the source text.
- Gets a value indicating whether the line is blank (valid only after has been called).
- Gets the current character being processed.
- Gets or sets the column.
- Gets the position of the current character in the line being processed.
- Gets the current indent position (number of columns between the previous indent and the current position).
- Gets a value indicating whether a code indentation is at the beginning of the line being processed.
- Gets the column position before the indent occured.
- Gets the character position before the indent occured.
- Gets the cache of string builders.
- Gets the current stack of being processed.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to continue processing the current line.
- Get the current Container that is currently opened
- The current Container that is currently opened
- Returns the next character in the line being processed. Update and .
- The next character or `\0` if end of line is reached
- Returns the next character in the line taking into space taken by tabs. Update and .
- Peeks a character at the specified offset from the current position in the line.
- The offset.
- A character peeked at the specified offset
- Restarts the indent from the current position.
- Parses the indentation from the current position in the line, updating ,
- , and accordingly
- taking into account space taken by tabs.
- Moves to the position to the specified column position, taking into account spaces in tabs.
- The new column position to move the cursor to.
- Unwind any previous indent from the current character back to the first space.
- Moves to the position to the code indent ( + 4 spaces).
- The column offset to apply to this indent.
- Opens the specified block.
- The block.
- The block must be opened
- Force closing the specified block.
- The block.
- Discards the specified block from the stack, remove from its parent.
- The block.
- Processes a new line.
- The new line.
- Closes a block at the specified index.
- The index.
- Closes all the blocks opened.
- if set to true [force].
- Mark all blocks in the stack as opened.
- Updates the and .
- Index of a block in a stack considered as the last block to update from.
- Tries to continue matching existing opened .
- A pending parser cannot add a new block when it is not the last pending block
- or
- The NewBlocks is not empty. This is happening if a LeafBlock is not the last to be pushed
- First phase of the process, try to open new blocks.
- Tries to open new blocks using the specified list of
- The parsers.
- true to continue processing the current line
- Processes any new blocks that have been pushed to .
- The last result of matching.
- if set to true the processing of a new block will close existing opened blocks].
- The NewBlocks is not empty. This is happening if a LeafBlock is not the last to be pushed
- Defines the result of parsing a line for a .
- A line is not accepted by this parser.
- The parser is skipped.
- The parser accepts a line and instruct to continue.
- The parser accepts a line, instruct to continue but discard the line (not stored on the block)
- The parser is ending a block, instruct to stop and keep the line being processed.
- The parser is ending a block, instruct to stop and discard the line being processed.
- Extensions used by .
- Determines whether this is discarded.
- State of the block.
- true if the block state is in discard state
- Determines whether this is in a continue state.
- State of the block.
- true if the block state is in continue state
- Determines whether this is in a break state.
- State of the block.
- true if the block state is in break state
- Delegate used to parse the string on the first line after the fenced code block special characters (usually ` or ~)
- The parser processor.
- The being processed line.
- The fenced code block.
- true if parsing of the line is successfull; false otherwise
- Gets or sets the information parser.
- A delegates that allows to process attached attributes
- Base parser for fenced blocks (opened by 3 or more character delimiters on a first line, and closed by at least the same number of delimiters)
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets the language prefix (default is "language-")
- The default parser for the information after the fenced code block special characters (usually ` or ~)
- The parser processor.
- The line.
- The fenced code block.
- true if parsing of the line is successfull; false otherwise
- Parser for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Block parser for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- A delegates that allows to process attached attributes after #
- Block parser for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- A delegates that allows to porcess attached attributes at time.
- The processor.
- The slice to look for attached attributes.
- The block.
- true if attributes were found; otherwise false
- An interface used to tag that supports parsing
- A delegates that allows to process attached attributes
- Base interface for a .
- Determines whether this instance can interrupt the specified block being processed.
- The parser processor.
- The block being processed.
- true if this parser can interrupt the specified block being processed.
- Tries to match a block opening.
- The parser processor.
- The result of the match
- Tries to continue matching a block already opened.
- The parser processor.
- The block already opened.
- The result of the match. By default, don't expect any newline
- Called when a block matched by this parser is being closed (to allow final computation on the block).
- The parser processor.
- The block being closed.
- true to keep the block; false to remove it. True by default.
- Base interface for parsing an .
- Tries to match the specified slice.
- The parser processor.
- The text slice.
- true if this parser found a match; false otherwise
- Base interface for a block or inline parser.
- The type of processor.
- Gets the opening characters this parser will be triggered if the character is found.
- Initializes this parser with the specified parser processor.
- Gets the index of this parser in or .
- Block parser for an indented .
- Base class for parsing an .
- Tries to match the specified slice.
- The parser processor.
- The text slice.
- true if this parser found a match; false otherwise
- A list of .
- Gets the registered post inline processors.
- A delegate called at inline processing stage.
- The processor.
- The inline being processed.
- The inline parser state used by all .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The string builders.
- The document.
- The parsers.
- The inline created event.
- Gets the current block being proessed.
- Gets a value indicating whether to provide precise source location.
- Gets or sets the new block to replace the block being processed.
- Gets or sets the current inline. Used by to return a new inline if match was successfull
- Gets the root container of the current .
- Gets the list of inline parsers.
- Gets the root document.
- Gets the cache string builders.
- Gets or sets the index of the line from the begining of the document being processed.
- Gets the parser states that can be used by using their property.
- Gets or sets the debug log writer. No log if null.
- Gets the literal inline parser.
- Gets the source position for the specified offset within the current slice.
- The slice offset.
- The source position
- Processes the inline of the specified .
- The leaf block.
- An inline parser for parsing .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to enable HTML parsing. Default is true
- An inline parser for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Descriptor for an emphasis.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The character used for this emphasis.
- The minimum number of character.
- The maximum number of characters.
- if set to true the emphasis can be used inside a word.
- The character of this emphasis.
- The minimum number of character this emphasis is expected to have (must be >=1)
- The maximum number of character this emphasis is expected to have (must be >=1 and >= minumunCount and <= 2)
- This emphasis can be used within a word.
- An inline parser for .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets the emphasis descriptors.
- Determines whether this parser is using the specified character as an emphasis delimiter.
- The character to look for.
- true if this parser is using the specified character as an emphasis delimiter; otherwise false
- Gets or sets the create emphasis inline delegate (allowing to create a different emphasis inline class)
- An inline parser for escape characters.
- An inline parser for HTML entities.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- An inline parser for .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to interpret softline breaks as hardline breaks. Default is false
- An inline parser for .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- An inline parser for parsing .
- We don't expect the LiteralInlineParser to be instantiated a end-user, as it is part
- of the default parser pipeline (and should always be the last), working as a literal character
- collector.
- Gets or sets the post match delegate called after the inline has been processed.
- A procesor called at the end of processing all inlines.
- Processes the delimiters.
- The parser state.
- The root inline.
- The last child.
- Index of this delimiter processor.
- true to continue to the next delimiter processor;
- false to stop the process (in case a processor is perfoming sub-sequent processor itself)
- A parser for a list block and list item block.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets the parsers for items.
- Defines list information returned when trying to parse a list item with
- Initializes a new instance of the struct.
- Type of the bullet (e.g: '1', 'a', 'A', 'i', 'I').
- Initializes a new instance of the struct.
- Type of the bullet (e.g: '1', 'a', 'A', 'i', 'I')
- The string used as a starting sequence for an ordered list.
- The ordered delimiter found when parsing this list (e.g: the character `)` after `1)`)
- The default string used as a starting sequence for the ordered list (e.g: '1' for an numbered ordered list)
- Gets or sets the type of the bullet (e.g: '1', 'a', 'A', 'i', 'I').
- Gets or sets the string used as a starting sequence for an ordered list
- Gets or sets the ordered delimiter found when parsing this list (e.g: the character `)` after `1)`)
- Gets or sets default string used as a starting sequence for the ordered list (e.g: '1' for an numbered ordered list)
- A parser base class for a list item.
- Defines the characters that are used for detecting this list item.
- Tries to parse the current input as a list item for this particular instance.
- The block processor
- The type of the current bullet type
- The result of parsing
- true if parsing was sucessfull; false otherwise
- Delegates called when processing a document
- The markdown document.
- The Markdown parser.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The reader.
- The pipeline.
- Parses the specified markdown into an AST
- A Markdown text
- The pipeline used for the parsing.
- An AST Markdown document
- if reader variable is null
- Parses the current into a Markdown .
- A document instance
- Fixups the zero character by replacing it to a secure character (Section 2.3 Insecure characters, CommonMark specs)
- The text to secure.
- The default parser for parsing numbered list item (e.g: 1) or 1.)
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Base class for an ordered list item parser.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets the ordered delimiters used after a digit/number (by default `.` and `)`)
- Utility method that tries to parse the delimiter coming after an ordered list start (e.g: the `)` after `1)`).
- The state.
- The ordered delimiter found if this method is successful.
- true if parsing was successful; false otherwise.
- Block parser for a .
- Base class for a or .
- Type of the parser processor
- Gets the opening characters this parser will be triggered if the character is found.
- Initializes this parser with the specified parser processor.
- Gets the index of this parser in or .
- Base class for a list of parsers.
- Type of the parser
- The type of the parser state.
- Gets the list of global parsers (that don't have any opening characters defined)
- Gets all the opening characters defined.
- Gets the list of parsers valid for the specified opening character.
- The opening character.
- A list of parsers valid for the specified opening character or null if no parsers registered.
- Searches for an opening character from a registered parser in the specified string.
- The text.
- The start.
- The end.
- Index position within the string of the first opening character found in the specified text; if not found, returns -1
- Initializes this instance with specified parser state.
- Unexpected null parser found
- or
- A block parser for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- A block parser for a .
- A singleton instance used by other parsers.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The default parser used to parse unordered list item (-, +, *)
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Default HTML renderer for a Markdown object.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The writer.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to output HTML tags when rendering. See remarks.
- This is used by some renderers to disable HTML tags when rendering some inline elements (for image links).
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to output HTML tags when rendering. See remarks.
- This is used by some renderers to disable HTML tags when rendering some block elements (for image links).
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use implicit paragraph (optional <p>)
- Gets a value to use as the base url for all relative links
- Allows links to be rewritten
- Writes the content escaped for HTML.
- The content.
- This instance
- Writes the content escaped for HTML.
- The slice.
- Only escape < and &
- This instance
- Writes the content escaped for HTML.
- The slice.
- Only escape < and &
- This instance
- Writes the content escaped for HTML.
- The content.
- The offset.
- The length.
- Only escape < and &
- This instance
- Writes the URL escaped for HTML.
- The content.
- This instance
- Writes the attached on the specified .
- The object.
- Writes the specified .
- The attributes to render.
- A class filter used to transform a class into another class at writing time
- This instance
- Writes the lines of a
- The leaf block.
- if set to true write end of lines.
- if set to true escape the content for HTML
- Only escape < and &
- This instance
- An HTML renderer for a and .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets a map of fenced code block infos that should be rendered as div blocks instead of pre/code blocks.
- An HTML renderer for a .
- Attached HTML attributes to a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets the HTML id/identifier. May be null.
- Gets or sets the CSS classes attached. May be null.
- Gets or sets the additional properties. May be null.
- Adds a CSS class.
- The css class name.
- Adds a property.
- The name.
- The value.
- Adds the specified property only if it does not already exist.
- The name.
- The value.
- Copies/merge the values from this instance to the specified instance.
- The HTML attributes.
- If set to true it will merge properties to the target htmlAttributes. Default is false
- If set to true it will try to share Classes and Properties if destination don't have them, otherwise it will make a copy. Default is true
- Extensions for a to allow accessing
- Tries the get stored on a .
- The markdown object.
- The attached html attributes or null if not found
- Gets or creates the stored on a
- The markdown object.
- The attached html attributes
- Sets to the
- The markdown object.
- The attributes to attach.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A base class for HTML rendering and Markdown objects.
- The type of the object.
- A HTML renderer for an .
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to always add rel="nofollow" for links or not.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A HTML renderer for an .
- Delegates to get the tag associated to an object.
- The object.
- The HTML tag associated to this object
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets the GetTag delegate.
- Gets the default HTML tag for ** and __ emphasis.
- The object.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A HTML renderer for a .
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to render this softline break as a HTML hardline break tag (<br />)
- A HTML renderer for a .
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to always add rel="nofollow" for links or not.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A HTML renderer for a .
- Base interface for the renderer of a .
- Accepts the specified .
- The renderer.
- The Markdown object.
- true If this renderer is accepting to render the specified Markdown object
- Writes the specified to the .
- The renderer.
- The object to render.
- Base interface for a renderer for a Markdown .
- Occurs when before writing an object.
- Occurs when after writing an object.
- Gets the object renderers that will render and elements.
- Renders the specified markdown object.
- The markdown object.
- The result of the rendering.
- A base class for rendering and Markdown objects.
- The type of the renderer.
- The type of the object.
- Gets the optional writers attached to this instance.
- Writes the specified Markdown object to the renderer.
- The renderer.
- The markdown object.
- An Normalize renderer for a and .
- An Normalize renderer for a .
- A Normalize renderer for an .
- A Normalize renderer for a .
- A Normalize renderer for a .
- A Normalize renderer for an .
- A Normalize renderer for a .
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to render this softline break as a Normalize hardline break tag (<br />)
- A Normalize renderer for a .
- A Normalize renderer for a .
- A Normalize renderer for a .
- A Normalize renderer for a .
- A Normalize renderer for a .
- A base class for Normalize rendering and Markdown objects.
- The type of the object.
- Defines the options used by
- Initialize a new instance of
- Adds a space after a QuoteBlock >. Default is true
- Adds an empty line after a code block (fenced and tabbed). Default is true
- Adds an empty line after an heading. Default is true
- Adds an empty line after an thematic break. Default is true
- The bullet character used for list items. Default is null leaving the original bullet character as-is.
- Expands AutoLinks to the normal inline representation. Default is true
- Default HTML renderer for a Markdown object.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The writer.
- The normalize options
- Writes the lines of a
- The leaf block.
- if set to true write end of lines.
- This instance
- A Normalize renderer for a .
- A Normalize renderer for a .
- A Normalize renderer for a .
- A collection of .
- Base class for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Occurs when before writing an object.
- Occurs when after writing an object.
- Writes the children of the specified .
- The container block.
- Writes the children of the specified .
- The container inline.
- Writes the specified Markdown object.
- A MarkdownObject type
- The Markdown object to write to this renderer.
- A text based .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The writer.
- Gets or sets the writer.
- if the value is null
- Renders the specified markdown object (returns the as a render object).
- The markdown object.
- Typed .
- Type of the renderer
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The writer.
- Ensures a newline.
- This instance
- Writes the specified content.
- The content.
- This instance
- Writes the specified slice.
- The slice.
- This instance
- Writes the specified slice.
- The slice.
- This instance
- Writes the specified character.
- The content.
- This instance
- Writes the specified content.
- The content.
- The offset.
- The length.
- This instance
- Writes a newline.
- This instance
- Writes a content followed by a newline.
- The content.
- This instance
- Writes the inlines of a leaf inline.
- The leaf block.
- This instance
- A blank line, used internally by some parsers to store blank lines in a container. They are removed before the end of the document.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Base class for a block structure. Either a or a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Gets the parent of this container. May be null.
- Gets the parser associated to this instance.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is still open.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this block is breakable. Default is true.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this block must be removed from its container after inlines have been processed.
- Occurs when the process of inlines begin.
- Occurs when the process of inlines ends for this instance.
- Called when the process of inlines begin.
- The inline parser state.
- Called when the process of inlines ends.
- The inline parser state.
- Extensions for
- Helpers for the class.
- Repressents an indented code block.
- Related to CommonMark spec: 4.4 Indented code blocks
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser.
- A base class for container blocks.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Gets the last child.
- Specialize enumerator.
- Repressents a fenced code block.
- Related to CommonMark spec: 4.5 Fenced code blocks
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser.
- Gets or sets the language parsed after the first line of
- the fenced code block. May be null.
- Gets or sets the arguments after the .
- May be null.
- Gets or sets the fenced character count used to open this fenced code block.
- Gets or sets the fenced character used to open and close this fenced code block.
- Gets or sets the indent count when the fenced code block was indented
- and we need to remove up to indent count chars spaces from the begining of a line.
- Repressents a heading.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser.
- Gets or sets the header character used to defines this heading (usually #)
- Gets or sets the level of heading (starting at 1 for the lowest level).
- Represents a group of lines that is treated as raw HTML (and will not be escaped in HTML output).
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser.
- Gets or sets the type of block.
- Defines the type of
- A SGML document type starting by <!LETTER.
- A raw CDATA sequence.
- A HTML comment.
- A SGM processing instruction tag <?
- A script pre or style tag.
- An HTML interrupting block
- An HTML non-interrupting block
- Base interface for a block structure. Either a or a .
- Gets or sets the text column this instance was declared (zero-based).
- Gets or sets the text line this instance was declared (zero-based).
- Gets the parent of this container. May be null.
- Gets the parser associated to this instance.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is still open.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this block is breakable. Default is true.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this block must be removed from its container after inlines have been processed.
- Occurs when the process of inlines begin.
- Occurs when the process of inlines ends for this instance.
- A common interface for fenced block (e.g: or )
- Gets or sets the language parsed after the first line of
- the fenced code block. May be null.
- Gets or sets the arguments after the .
- May be null.
- Gets or sets the fenced character count used to open this fenced code block.
- Gets or sets the fenced character used to open and close this fenced code block.
- Base interface for a the Markdown syntax tree
- Stores a key/value pair for this instance.
- The key.
- The value.
- if key is null
- Determines whether this instance contains the specified key data.
- The key.
- true if a data with the key is stored
- if key is null
- Gets the associated data for the specified key.
- The key.
- The associated data or null if none
- if key is null
- Removes the associated data for the specified key.
- The key.
- true if the data was removed; false otherwise
- An autolink (Section 6.7 CommonMark specs)
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is an email link.
- Gets or sets the URL of this link.
- Represents a code span (Section 6.3 CommonMark specs)
- Gets or sets the delimiter character used by this code inline.
- Gets or sets the content of the span.
- A base class for container for .
- Gets the first child.
- Gets the last child.
- Clears this instance by removing all its children.
- Appends a child to this container.
- The child to append to this container..
- This instance
- If child is null
- Inline has already a parent
- Checks if this instance contains the specified child.
- The child to find.
- true if this instance contains the specified child; false otherwise
- Finds all the descendants.
- Type of the descendants to find
- An enumeration of T
- Moves all the children of this container after the specified inline.
- The parent.
- Embraces this instance by the specified container.
- The container to use to embrace this instance.
- If the container is null
- Internal delimiter used by some parsers (e.g emphasis, tables).
- Gets the parser.
- Gets or sets the type of this delimiter.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is active.
- Converts this delimiter to a literal.
- The string representation of this delimiter
- Gets the type of a .
- An undefined open or close delimiter.
- An open delimiter.
- A close delimiter.
- A delimiter used for parsing emphasis.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser.
- The descriptor.
- Gets the descriptor for this emphasis.
- The delimiter character found.
- The number of delimiter characters found for this delimiter.
- An emphasis and strong emphasis (Section 6.4 CommonMark specs).
- Gets or sets the delimiter character of this emphasis.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is strong.
- An entity HTML.
- Gets or sets the original HTML entity name
- Gets or sets the transcoded literal that will be used for output
- A Raw HTML (Section 6.8 CommonMark specs).
- Gets or sets the full declaration of this tag.
- Base interface for all syntax tree inlines.
- Gets the parent container of this inline.
- Gets the previous inline.
- Gets the next sibling inline.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is closed.
- Base class for all syntax tree inlines.
- Gets the parent container of this inline.
- Gets the previous inline.
- Gets the next sibling inline.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is closed.
- Inserts the specified inline after this instance.
- The inline to insert after this instance.
- Inline has already a parent
- Inserts the specified inline before this instance.
- The inlnie previous to insert before this instance.
- Inline has already a parent
- Removes this instance from the current list and its parent
- Replaces this inline by the specified inline.
- The inline.
- if set to true the children of this instance are copied to the specified inline.
- The last children
- If inlnie is null
- Determines whether this instance contains a parent of the specified type.
- Type of the parent to check
- true if this instance contains a parent of the specified type; false otherwise
- Iterates on parents of the specified type.
- Type of the parent to iterate over
- An enumeration on the parents of the specified type
- Dumps this instance to .
- The writer.
- Dumps this instance to .
- The writer.
- The level of indent.
- if writer is null
- A base class for a leaf inline.
- A base class for a line break.
- A delimiter for a link.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this delimiter is an image link.
- Gets or sets the label of this link.
- The label span
- A Link inline (Section 6.5 CommonMark specs)
- A delegate to use if it is setup on this instance to allow late binding
- of a Url.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The URL.
- The title.
- Gets or sets the URL.
- Gets or sets the GetDynamicUrl delegate. If this property is set,
- it is used instead of to get the Url from this instance.
- Gets or sets the title.
- Gets or sets the label.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is an image link.
- Gets or sets a boolean indicating if this link is a shortcut link to a
- Gets or sets a boolean indicating whether the inline link was parsed using markdown syntax or was automatic recognized.
- Gets or sets the reference this link is attached to. May be null.
- The URL source span.
- The title source span.
- The label span
- A literal inline.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The content.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The text.
- The content as a .
- A boolean indicating whether the first character of this literal is escaped by `\`.
- Base class for all leaf blocks.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Gets or sets the string lines accumulated for this leaf block.
- May be null after process inlines have occured.
- Gets or sets the inline syntax tree (may be null).
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether must be processed
- as inline into the property.
- Appends the specified line to this instance.
- The slice.
- The column.
- The line.
- A link reference definition (Section 4.7 CommonMark specs)
- Creates an inline link for the specified .
- State of the inline.
- The link reference.
- The child.
- An inline link or null to use the default implementation
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The label.
- The URL.
- The title.
- Gets or sets the label.
- Gets or sets the URL.
- Gets or sets the title.
- The label span
- The URL span
- The title span
- Gets or sets the create link inline callback for this instance.
- This callback is called when an inline link is matching this reference definition.
- Tries to the parse the specified text into a definition.
- Type of the text
- The text.
- The block.
- true if parsing is successful; false otherwise
- Extension methods for accessing attached at the document level.
- Contains all the found in a document.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets an association between a label and the corresponding
- A list (Section 5.3 CommonMark specs)
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the list is ordered.
- Gets or sets the bullet character used by this list.
- Gets or sets the ordered start number (valid when is true)
- Gets or sets the default ordered start ("1" for BulletType = '1')
- Gets or sets the ordered delimiter character (usually `.` or `)`) found after an ordered list item.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is loose.
- A list item (Section 5.2 CommonMark specs)
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- The root Markdown document.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Base implementation for a the Markdown syntax tree.
- The attached datas. Use internally a simple array instead of a Dictionary{Object,Object}
- as we expect less than 5~10 entries, usually typically 1 (HtmlAttributes)
- so it will gives faster access than a Dictionary, and lower memory occupation
- Gets or sets the text column this instance was declared (zero-based).
- Gets or sets the text line this instance was declared (zero-based).
- The source span
- Gets a string of the location in the text.
- Stores a key/value pair for this instance.
- The key.
- The value.
- if key is null
- Determines whether this instance contains the specified key data.
- The key.
- true if a data with the key is stored
- if key is null
- Gets the associated data for the specified key.
- The key.
- The associated data or null if none
- if key is null
- Removes the associated data for the specified key.
- The key.
- true if the data was removed; false otherwise
- Store a Key/Value pair.
- Extensions for visiting or
- Iterates over the descendant elements for the specified markdown element, including and .
- The markdown object.
- An iteration over the descendant elements
- Iterates over the descendant elements for the specified markdown element and filters by the type {T}.
- Type to use for filtering the descendants
- The inline markdown object.
- An iteration over the descendant elements
- Iterates over the descendant elements for the specified markdown element and filters by the type {T}.
- Type to use for filtering the descendants
- The markdown object.
- An iteration over the descendant elements
- Repressents a paragraph.
- Related to CommonMark spec: 4.8 Paragraphs
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- A block quote (Section 5.1 CommonMark specs)
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Gets or sets the quote character (usually `>`)
- A span of text.
- Initializes a new instance of the struct.
- The start.
- The end.
- Gets or sets the starting character position from the original text source.
- Note that for inline elements, this is only valid if is setup on the pipeline.
- Gets or sets the ending character position from the original text source.
- Note that for inline elements, this is only valid if is setup on the pipeline.
- Gets the character length of this element within the original source code.
- Repressents a thematic break (Section 4.1 CommonMark specs).
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
diff --git a/packages/Markdig.0.15.2/lib/uap10.0/Markdig.dll b/packages/Markdig.0.15.2/lib/uap10.0/Markdig.dll
deleted file mode 100644
index b9f82d6..0000000
Binary files a/packages/Markdig.0.15.2/lib/uap10.0/Markdig.dll and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/packages/Markdig.0.15.2/lib/uap10.0/Markdig.pri b/packages/Markdig.0.15.2/lib/uap10.0/Markdig.pri
deleted file mode 100644
index ec87006..0000000
Binary files a/packages/Markdig.0.15.2/lib/uap10.0/Markdig.pri and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/packages/Markdig.0.15.2/lib/uap10.0/Markdig.xml b/packages/Markdig.0.15.2/lib/uap10.0/Markdig.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index c0beaf3..0000000
--- a/packages/Markdig.0.15.2/lib/uap10.0/Markdig.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5399 +0,0 @@
- Markdig
- An abbreviation object stored at the document level. See extension methods in .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Gets or sets the label.
- The text associated to this label.
- The label span
- Extension to allow abbreviations.
- Extension methods for .
- The inline abbreviation.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The abbreviation.
- A block parser for abbreviations.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- The auto-identifier extension
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The options.
- Process on a new
- The processor.
- The heading block.
- Callback when there is a reference to found to a heading.
- Note that reference are only working if they are declared after.
- Process the inlines of the heading to create a unique identifier
- The processor.
- The inline.
- Options for the .
- No options
- Default ()
- Allows to link to a header by using the same text as the header for the link label. Default is true
- Allows only ASCII characters in the url (HTML 5 allows to have UTF8 characters). Default is true
- Renders auto identifiers like GitHub.
- A link reference definition to a stored at the level.
- Gets or sets the heading related to this link reference definition.
- Extension to automatically create when a link url http: or mailto: is found.
- The inline parser used to for autolinks.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Extension for tagging some HTML elements with bootstrap classes.
- Extension for cite ""...""
- A block custom container.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Extension to allow custom containers.
- An inline custom container
- The block parser for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A definition item contains zero to multiple
- and definitions (any )
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Gets or sets the opening character for this definition item (either `:` or `~`)
- A definition list contains children.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Extension to allow definition lists
- The block parser for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- A definition term contains a single line with the term to define.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- A HTML renderer for , and .
- Extension to allow diagrams.
- Extension to allow emoji and smiley replacement.
- An emoji inline
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The content.
- Gets or sets the original match string (either an emoji or a text smiley)
- The inline parser used to for emoji.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets a boolean indicating whether to process smiley.
- Gets the emoji to unicode mapping. This can be modified before this parser is initialized.
- Gets the smiley to emoji mapping. This can be modified before this parser is initialized.
- Extension for strikethrough, subscript, superscript, inserted and marked.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The options.
- Gets the options.
- Options for enabling support for extra emphasis.
- Allows all extra emphasis (default).
- A text that can be strikethrough using the double character ~~
- A text that can be rendered as a subscript using the character ~
- A text that can be rendered as a superscript using the character ^
- A text that can be rendered as a inserted using the character ++
- A text that can be rendered as a inserted using the character ==
- Defines a figure container.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Gets or sets the opening character count used to open this figure code block.
- Gets or sets the opening character used to open and close this figure code block.
- The block parser for a block.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Defines a figure caption.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Extension to allow usage of figures and figure captions.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A block elemeent for a footer.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Gets or sets the opening character used to match this footer (by default it is ^)
- A block parser for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Extension that provides footer.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A block for a footnote.
- Gets or sets the label used by this footnote.
- Gets or sets the order of this footnote (determined by the order of the in the document)
- Gets the links referencing this footnote.
- The label span
- Extension to allow footnotes.
- A block that contains all the footnotes at the end of a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- A inline link to a .
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is back link (from a footnote to the link)
- Gets or sets the global index number of this link.
- Gets or sets the footnote this link refers to.
- A link reference definition stored at the level.
- Gets or sets the footnote related to this link reference definition.
- The block parser for a .
- The key used to store at the document level the pending
- Add footnotes to the end of the document
- The processor.
- The inline.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets the CSS group class used when rendering the <div> of this instance.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- Extension that allows to attach HTML attributes to the previous or current .
- This extension should be enabled last after enabling other extensions.
- An inline parser used to parse a HTML attributes that can be attached to the previous or current .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Tries to extra from the current position of a slice an HTML attributes {...}
- The slice to parse.
- The output attributes or null if not found or invalid
- true if parsing the HTML attributes was succsesfull
- Extension to generate hardline break for softline breaks.
- Model for a JIRA link item
- JIRA Project Key
- JIRA Issue Number
- Simple inline parser extension for Markdig to find, and
- automatically add links to JIRA issue numbers.
- Finds and replaces JIRA links inline
- Available options for replacing JIRA links
- The base Url (e.g. `https://mycompany.atlassian.net`)
- The base path after the base url (default is `/browse`)
- Should the link open in a new window when clicked
- Gets the full url composed of the and with no trailing `/`
- Extension for adding new type of list items (a., A., i., I.)
- Parser that adds supports for parsing alpha/roman list items (e.g: `a)` or `a.` or `ii.` or `II.`)
- Note that we don't validate roman numbers.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A math block.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser.
- The block parser for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Extension for adding inline mathematics $...$
- A math inline element.
- Gets or sets the delimiter character used by this code inline.
- Gets or sets the delimiter count.
- The content as a .
- An inline parser for .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets the default class to use when creating a math inline block.
- Extension for extending image Markdown links in case a video or an audio file is linked and output proper link.
- Options for the .
- Extension that will disable URI escape with % characters for non-US-ASCII characters in order to workaround a bug under IE/Edge with local file links containing non US-ASCII chars. DO NOT USE OTHERWISE.
- Extension to automatically render rel=nofollow to all links in an HTML output.
- Extension to a span for each line containing the original line id (using id = pragma-line#line_number_zero_based)
- Extension to enable SelfPipeline, to configure a Markdown parsing/convertion to HTML automatically
- from an embedded special tag in the input text <!--markdig:extensions--> where extensions is a string
- that specifies the extensions to use for the pipeline as exposed by extension method
- on the . This extension will invalidate all other extensions and will override them.
- Gets the default pipeline to configure if no tag was found in the input text. Default is null (core pipeline).
- Gets the self pipeline hint tag start that will be matched.
- Creates a pipeline automatically configured from an input markdown based on the presence of the configuration tag.
- The input text.
- The pipeline configured from the input
- A HTML renderer for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The options.
- An inline for SmartyPant.
- Converts this instance to a literal text.
- The options used for .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets the mapping between a and its textual representation
- (usually an HTML entity).
- Extension to enable SmartyPants.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The options.
- Gets the options.
- The inline parser for SmartyPants.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Types of a .
- This is a single quote '
- This is a double quote "
- Extension that allows to use grid tables.
- Internal state used by the
- Gets or sets the index position of this column (after the |)
- A HTML renderer for a
- This block parsers for pipe tables is used to by-pass list items that could start by a single '-'
- and would disallow to detect a pipe tables at inline parsing time, so we are basically forcing a line
- that starts by a '-' and have at least a '|' (and have optional spaces) and is a continuation of a
- paragraph.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The delimiter used to separate the columns of a pipe table.
- Gets or sets the index of line where this delimiter was found relative to the current block.
- Extension that allows to use pipe tables.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The options.
- Gets the options.
- Options for the extension
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to require header separator. true by default (Kramdown is using false)
- The inline parser used to transform a into a at inline parsing time.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The linebreak parser to use
- The options.
- Gets the options.
- Defines a table that contains an optional .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Gets or sets the column alignments. May be null.
- Checks if the table structure is valid.
- True if the table has rows and the number of cells per row is correct, other wise false.
- Normalizes the number of columns of this table by taking the maximum columns and appending empty cells.
- Defines a cell in a
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Gets or sets the index of the column to which this cell belongs.
- Gets or sets the column span this cell is covering. Default is 1.
- Gets or sets the row span this cell is covering. Default is 1.
- Gets or sets whether this cell can be closed.
- Defines the alignment of a column
- Align the column to the left
- Align the column to the center
- Align the column to the right
- Defines a column.
- Gets or sets the width (in percentage) of this column. A value of 0 is unspecified.
- Gets or sets the column alignment.
- Helper methods for parsing tables.
- Parses a column header equivalent to the regexp: \s*:\s*[delimiterChar]+\s*:\s*
- The text slice.
- The delimiter character (either `-` or `=`).
- The alignment of the column.
- true if parsing was successfull
- Parses a column header equivalent to the regexp: \s*:\s*[delimiterChar]+\s*:\s*
- The text slice.
- The delimiter character (either `-` or `=`).
- The alignment of the column.
- true if parsing was successfull
- Parses a column header equivalent to the regexp: \s*:\s*[delimiterChar]+\s*:\s*
- The text slice.
- The delimiter character (either `-` or `=`). If `\0`, it will detect the character (either `-` or `=`)
- The alignment of the column.
- true if parsing was successfull
- Defines a row in a , contains , parent is .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is header row.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- An inline for TaskList.
- Extension to enable TaskList.
- The inline parser for SmartyPants.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets the list class used for a task list.
- Gets or sets the list item class used for a task list.
- Extension that allows setting line-endings for any IMarkdownRenderer
- that inherits from
- A YAML frontmatter block.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser.
- Extension to discard a YAML frontmatter at the beginning of a Markdown document.
- Block parser for a YAML frontmatter.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Creates the front matter block.
- The block processor
- The front matter block
- Tries to match a block opening.
- The parser processor.
- The result of the match
- Tries to continue matching a block already opened.
- The parser processor.
- The block already opened.
- The result of the match. By default, don't expect any newline
- Empty renderer for a
- Helper class for defining Empty arrays.
- Type of an element of the array
- An empty array.
- Allows to associate characters to a data structures and query efficiently for them.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The states.
- Gets all the opening characters defined.
- Gets the list of parsers valid for the specified opening character.
- The opening character.
- A list of parsers valid for the specified opening character or null if no parsers registered.
- Searches for an opening character from a registered parser in the specified string.
- The text.
- The start.
- The end.
- Index position within the string of the first opening character found in the specified text; if not found, returns -1
- Helper class for handling characters.
- Class used to simplify a unicode char to a simple ASCII string
- Converts a unicode char to a simple ASCII string.
- The input char.
- The simple ASCII string or null if the char itself cannot be simplified
- A default object cache that expect the type {T} to provide a parameter less constructor
- The type of item to cache
- Helper class to decode an entity.
- Decodes the given HTML entity to the matching Unicode characters.
- The entity without & and ; symbols, for example, copy.
- The unicode character set or null if the entity was not recognized.
- Decodes the given UTF-32 character code to the matching set of UTF-16 characters.
- The unicode character set or null if the entity was not recognized.
- Source: http://www.w3.org/html/wg/drafts/html/master/syntax.html#named-character-references
- Helper to parse several HTML tags.
- Destructively unescape a string: remove backslashes before punctuation or symbol characters.
- The string data that will be changed by unescaping any punctuation or symbol characters.
- if set to true [remove back slash].
- Scans an entity.
- Returns number of chars matched.
- Provides a common interface for iterating characters
- over a or .
- Gets the current start character position.
- Gets the current character.
- Gets the end character position.
- Goes to the next character, incrementing the position.
- The next character. `\0` is end of the iteration.
- Peeks at the next character, without incrementing the position.
- The next character. `\0` is end of the iteration.
- Gets a value indicating whether this instance is empty.
- Trims whitespaces at the beginning of this slice starting from position.
- true if it has reaches the end of the iterator
- A line reader from a that can provide precise source position
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- bufferSize cannot be <= 0
- Gets the char position of the line. Valid for the next line before calling .
- Reads a new line from the underlying and update the for the next line.
- A new line or null if the end of has been reached
- Helpers to parse Markdown links.
- Internal helper to allow to declare a method using AggressiveInlining without being .NET 4.0+
- A simple object recycling system.
- Type of the object to cache
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Clears this cache.
- Gets a new instance.
- Releases the specified instance.
- The instance.
- if instance is null
- Creates a new instance of {T}
- A new instance of {T}
- Resets the specified instance when is called before storing back to this cache.
- The instance.
- A List that provides methods for inserting/finding before/after. See remarks.
- Type of the list item
- We use a typed list and don't use extension methods because it would pollute all list implemts and the top level namespace.
- Replaces with .
- Element type to find in the list
- Object to replace this element with
- true if a replacement was made; otherwise false.
- An implementation of for
- A StringBuilder that can be used locally in a method body only.
- Provides a string builder that can only be used locally in a method. This StringBuilder MUST not be stored.
- Extensions for StringBuilder with
- Appends the specified slice to this instance.
- The builder.
- The slice.
- A struct representing a text line.
- Initializes a new instance of the struct.
- The slice.
- Initializes a new instance of the struct.
- The slice.
- The line.
- The column.
- Initializes a new instance of the struct.
- The slice.
- The line.
- The column.
- The slice used for this line.
- The line position.
- The position of the start of this line within the original source code
- The column position.
- Performs an implicit conversion from to .
- The line.
- The result of the conversion.
- A group of .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The text.
- Gets the lines.
- Gets the number of lines.
- Clears this instance.
- Removes the line at the specified index.
- The index.
- Adds the specified line to this instance.
- The line.
- Adds the specified slice to this instance.
- The slice.
- Converts the lines to a single by concatenating the lines.
- The position of the `\n` line offsets from the beginning of the returned slice.
- A single slice concatenating the lines of this instance
- Converts this instance into a .
- Trims each lines of the specified .
- The iterator used to iterate other the lines.
- A lightweight struct that represents a slice of a string.
- An empty string slice.
- Initializes a new instance of the struct.
- The text.
- Initializes a new instance of the struct.
- The text.
- The start.
- The end.
- The text of this slice.
- Gets or sets the start position within .
- Gets or sets the end position (inclusive) within .
- Gets the length.
- Gets the current character.
- Gets a value indicating whether this instance is empty.
- Gets the at the specified index.
- The index.
- A character in the slice at the specified index (not from but from the begining of the slice)
- Goes to the next character, incrementing the position.
- The next character. `\0` is end of the iteration.
- Peeks a character at the specified offset from the current position
- inside the range and , returns `\0` if outside this range.
- The offset.
- The character at offset, returns `\0` if none.
- Peeks a character at the specified offset from the current beginning of the string, without taking into account and
- The character at offset, returns `\0` if none.
- Peeks a character at the specified offset from the current begining of the slice
- without using the range or , returns `\0` if outside the .
- The offset.
- The character at offset, returns `\0` if none.
- Matches the specified text.
- The text.
- The offset.
- true if the text matches; false otherwise
- Matches the specified text.
- The text.
- The end.
- The offset.
- true if the text matches; false otherwise
- Expect spaces until a end of line. Return false otherwise.
- true if whitespaces where matched until a end of line
- Matches the specified text using lowercase comparison.
- The text.
- The offset.
- true if the text matches; false otherwise
- Matches the specified text using lowercase comparison.
- The text.
- The end.
- The offset.
- true if the text matches; false otherwise
- Searches the specified text within this slice.
- The text.
- The offset.
- true if ignore case
- true if the text was found; false otherwise
- Searches for the specified character within this slice.
- A value >= 0 if the character was found, otherwise < 0
- Trims whitespaces at the beginning of this slice starting from position.
- true if it has reaches the end of the iterator
- Trims whitespaces at the beginning of this slice starting from position.
- The number of spaces trimmed.
- Trims whitespaces at the end of this slice, starting from position.
- Trims whitespaces from both the start and end of this slice.
- Returns a that represents this instance.
- A that represents this instance.
- Determines whether this slice is empty or made only of whitespaces.
- true if this slice is empty or made only of whitespaces; false otherwise
- Match a text against a list of ASCII string using internally a tree to speedup the lookup
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The matches to match against.
- Tries to match in the text, at offset position, the list of string matches registered to this instance.
- The text.
- The offset.
- The length.
- The match string if the match was successfull.
- true if the match was successfull; false otherwise
- Base interface for an extension.
- Setups this extension for the specified pipeline.
- The pipeline.
- Setups this extension for the specified renderer.
- The pipeline used to parse the document.
- The renderer.
- Provides methods for parsing a Markdown string to a syntax tree and converting it to other formats.
- Normalizes the specified markdown to a normalized markdown text.
- The markdown.
- The normalize options
- The pipeline.
- A normalized markdown text.
- Normalizes the specified markdown to a normalized markdown text.
- The markdown.
- The destination that will receive the result of the conversion.
- The normalize options
- The pipeline.
- A normalized markdown text.
- Converts a Markdown string to HTML.
- A Markdown text.
- The pipeline used for the conversion.
- The result of the conversion
- if markdown variable is null
- Converts a Markdown string to HTML and output to the specified writer.
- A Markdown text.
- The destination that will receive the result of the conversion.
- The pipeline used for the conversion.
- The Markdown document that has been parsed
- if reader or writer variable are null
- Converts a Markdown string using a custom .
- A Markdown text.
- The renderer to convert Markdown to.
- The pipeline used for the conversion.
- if markdown or writer variable are null
- Parses the specified markdown into an AST
- The markdown text.
- An AST Markdown document
- if markdown variable is null
- Parses the specified markdown into an AST
- The markdown text.
- The pipeline used for the parsing.
- An AST Markdown document
- if markdown variable is null
- Converts a Markdown string to Plain text and output to the specified writer.
- A Markdown text.
- The destination that will receive the result of the conversion.
- The pipeline used for the conversion.
- The Markdown document that has been parsed
- if reader or writer variable are null
- Converts a Markdown string to HTML.
- A Markdown text.
- The pipeline used for the conversion.
- The result of the conversion
- if markdown variable is null
- Provides extension methods for to enable several Markdown extensions.
- Adds the specified extension to the extensions collection.
- The type of the extension.
- The instance of
- Adds the specified extension instance to the extensions collection.
- The pipeline.
- The instance of the extension to be added.
- The type of the extension.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses all extensions except the BootStrap, Emoji, SmartyPants and soft line as hard line breaks extensions.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses this extension to enable autolinks from text `http://`, `https://`, `ftp://`, `mailto:`, `www.xxx.yyy`
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses this extension to disable URI escape with % characters for non-US-ASCII characters in order to workaround a bug under IE/Edge with local file links containing non US-ASCII chars. DO NOT USE OTHERWISE.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses YAML frontmatter extension that will parse a YAML frontmatter into the MarkdownDocument. Note that they are not rendered by any default HTML renderer.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the self pipeline extension that will detect the pipeline to use from the markdown input that contains a special tag. See
- The pipeline.
- The default tag to use to match the self pipeline configuration. By default, , meaning that the HTML tag will be <--markdig:extensions-->
- The default extensions to configure if no pipeline setup was found from the Markdown document
- The modified pipeline
- Uses pragma lines to output span with an id containing the line number (pragma-line#line_number_zero_based`)
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the diagrams extension
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses precise source code location (useful for syntax highlighting).
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the task list extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the custom container extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the media extension.
- The pipeline.
- The options.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the auto-identifier extension.
- The pipeline.
- The options.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the SmartyPants extension.
- The pipeline.
- The options.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the bootstrap extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the math extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the figure extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the custom abbreviation extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the definition lists extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the pipe table extension.
- The pipeline.
- The options.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the grid table extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the cite extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the footer extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the footnotes extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the softline break as hardline break extension
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the strikethrough superscript, subscript, inserted and marked text extensions.
- The pipeline.
- The options to enable.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the list extra extension to add support for `a.`, `A.`, `i.` and `I.` ordered list items.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the generic attributes extension.
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Uses the emoji and smiley extension.
- The pipeline.
- Enable smiley in addition to Emoji, true by default.
- The modified pipeline
- Add rel=nofollow to all links rendered to HTML.
- Automatically link references to JIRA issues
- The pipeline
- Set of required options
- The modified pipeline
- This will disable the HTML support in the markdown processor (for constraint/safe parsing).
- The pipeline.
- The modified pipeline
- Configures the pipeline using a string that defines the extensions to activate.
- The pipeline (e.g: advanced for , pipetables+gridtables for and
- The extensions to activate as a string
- The modified pipeline
- Configures the string to be used for line-endings, when writing.
- The pipeline.
- The string to be used for line-endings.
- The modified pipeline
- This class is the Markdown pipeline build from a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The read-only list of extensions used to build this pipeline.
- Allows to setup a .
- The markdown renderer to setup
- This class allows to modify the pipeline to parse and render a Markdown document.
- NOTE: A pipeline is not thread-safe.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets the block parsers.
- Gets the inline parsers.
- Gets the register extensions.
- Gets or sets the string builder cache used by the parsers.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to enable precise source location (slower parsing but accurate position for block and inline elements)
- Gets or sets the debug log.
- Occurs when a document has been processed after the method.
- Builds a pipeline from this instance. Once the pipeline is build, it cannot be modified.
- An extension cannot be null
- Delegates called when processing a block
- Base class for a parser of a
- Determines whether the specified char is an opening character.
- The character.
- true if the specified char is an opening character.
- Determines whether this instance can interrupt the specified block being processed.
- The parser processor.
- The block being processed.
- true if this parser can interrupt the specified block being processed.
- Tries to match a block opening.
- The parser processor.
- The result of the match
- Tries to continue matching a block already opened.
- The parser processor.
- The block already opened.
- The result of the match. By default, don't expect any newline
- Called when a block matched by this parser is being closed (to allow final computation on the block).
- The parser processor.
- The block being closed.
- true to keep the block; false to remove it. True by default.
- A List of .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parsers.
- The block processor.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The string builders cache.
- The document to build blocks into.
- The list of parsers.
- Gets the new blocks to push. A is required to push new blocks that it creates to this property.
- Gets the list of configured with this parser state.
- Gets the current active container.
- Gets the last block that is opened.
- Gets the last block that is created.
- Gets the next block in a .
- Gets the root document.
- The current line being processed.
- Gets or sets the current line start position.
- Gets the index of the line in the source text.
- Gets a value indicating whether the line is blank (valid only after has been called).
- Gets the current character being processed.
- Gets or sets the column.
- Gets the position of the current character in the line being processed.
- Gets the current indent position (number of columns between the previous indent and the current position).
- Gets a value indicating whether a code indentation is at the beginning of the line being processed.
- Gets the column position before the indent occured.
- Gets the character position before the indent occured.
- Gets the cache of string builders.
- Gets the current stack of being processed.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to continue processing the current line.
- Get the current Container that is currently opened
- The current Container that is currently opened
- Returns the next character in the line being processed. Update and .
- The next character or `\0` if end of line is reached
- Returns the next character in the line taking into space taken by tabs. Update and .
- Peeks a character at the specified offset from the current position in the line.
- The offset.
- A character peeked at the specified offset
- Restarts the indent from the current position.
- Parses the indentation from the current position in the line, updating ,
- , and accordingly
- taking into account space taken by tabs.
- Moves to the position to the specified column position, taking into account spaces in tabs.
- The new column position to move the cursor to.
- Unwind any previous indent from the current character back to the first space.
- Moves to the position to the code indent ( + 4 spaces).
- The column offset to apply to this indent.
- Opens the specified block.
- The block.
- The block must be opened
- Force closing the specified block.
- The block.
- Discards the specified block from the stack, remove from its parent.
- The block.
- Processes a new line.
- The new line.
- Closes a block at the specified index.
- The index.
- Closes all the blocks opened.
- if set to true [force].
- Mark all blocks in the stack as opened.
- Updates the and .
- Index of a block in a stack considered as the last block to update from.
- Tries to continue matching existing opened .
- A pending parser cannot add a new block when it is not the last pending block
- or
- The NewBlocks is not empty. This is happening if a LeafBlock is not the last to be pushed
- First phase of the process, try to open new blocks.
- Tries to open new blocks using the specified list of
- The parsers.
- true to continue processing the current line
- Processes any new blocks that have been pushed to .
- The last result of matching.
- if set to true the processing of a new block will close existing opened blocks].
- The NewBlocks is not empty. This is happening if a LeafBlock is not the last to be pushed
- Defines the result of parsing a line for a .
- A line is not accepted by this parser.
- The parser is skipped.
- The parser accepts a line and instruct to continue.
- The parser accepts a line, instruct to continue but discard the line (not stored on the block)
- The parser is ending a block, instruct to stop and keep the line being processed.
- The parser is ending a block, instruct to stop and discard the line being processed.
- Extensions used by .
- Determines whether this is discarded.
- State of the block.
- true if the block state is in discard state
- Determines whether this is in a continue state.
- State of the block.
- true if the block state is in continue state
- Determines whether this is in a break state.
- State of the block.
- true if the block state is in break state
- Delegate used to parse the string on the first line after the fenced code block special characters (usually ` or ~)
- The parser processor.
- The being processed line.
- The fenced code block.
- true if parsing of the line is successfull; false otherwise
- Gets or sets the information parser.
- A delegates that allows to process attached attributes
- Base parser for fenced blocks (opened by 3 or more character delimiters on a first line, and closed by at least the same number of delimiters)
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets the language prefix (default is "language-")
- The default parser for the information after the fenced code block special characters (usually ` or ~)
- The parser processor.
- The line.
- The fenced code block.
- true if parsing of the line is successfull; false otherwise
- Parser for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Block parser for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- A delegates that allows to process attached attributes after #
- Block parser for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- A delegates that allows to porcess attached attributes at time.
- The processor.
- The slice to look for attached attributes.
- The block.
- true if attributes were found; otherwise false
- An interface used to tag that supports parsing
- A delegates that allows to process attached attributes
- Base interface for a .
- Determines whether this instance can interrupt the specified block being processed.
- The parser processor.
- The block being processed.
- true if this parser can interrupt the specified block being processed.
- Tries to match a block opening.
- The parser processor.
- The result of the match
- Tries to continue matching a block already opened.
- The parser processor.
- The block already opened.
- The result of the match. By default, don't expect any newline
- Called when a block matched by this parser is being closed (to allow final computation on the block).
- The parser processor.
- The block being closed.
- true to keep the block; false to remove it. True by default.
- Base interface for parsing an .
- Tries to match the specified slice.
- The parser processor.
- The text slice.
- true if this parser found a match; false otherwise
- Base interface for a block or inline parser.
- The type of processor.
- Gets the opening characters this parser will be triggered if the character is found.
- Initializes this parser with the specified parser processor.
- Gets the index of this parser in or .
- Block parser for an indented .
- Base class for parsing an .
- Tries to match the specified slice.
- The parser processor.
- The text slice.
- true if this parser found a match; false otherwise
- A list of .
- Gets the registered post inline processors.
- A delegate called at inline processing stage.
- The processor.
- The inline being processed.
- The inline parser state used by all .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The string builders.
- The document.
- The parsers.
- The inline created event.
- Gets the current block being proessed.
- Gets a value indicating whether to provide precise source location.
- Gets or sets the new block to replace the block being processed.
- Gets or sets the current inline. Used by to return a new inline if match was successfull
- Gets the root container of the current .
- Gets the list of inline parsers.
- Gets the root document.
- Gets the cache string builders.
- Gets or sets the index of the line from the begining of the document being processed.
- Gets the parser states that can be used by using their property.
- Gets or sets the debug log writer. No log if null.
- Gets the literal inline parser.
- Gets the source position for the specified offset within the current slice.
- The slice offset.
- The source position
- Processes the inline of the specified .
- The leaf block.
- An inline parser for parsing .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to enable HTML parsing. Default is true
- An inline parser for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Descriptor for an emphasis.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The character used for this emphasis.
- The minimum number of character.
- The maximum number of characters.
- if set to true the emphasis can be used inside a word.
- The character of this emphasis.
- The minimum number of character this emphasis is expected to have (must be >=1)
- The maximum number of character this emphasis is expected to have (must be >=1 and >= minumunCount and <= 2)
- This emphasis can be used within a word.
- An inline parser for .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets the emphasis descriptors.
- Determines whether this parser is using the specified character as an emphasis delimiter.
- The character to look for.
- true if this parser is using the specified character as an emphasis delimiter; otherwise false
- Gets or sets the create emphasis inline delegate (allowing to create a different emphasis inline class)
- An inline parser for escape characters.
- An inline parser for HTML entities.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- An inline parser for .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to interpret softline breaks as hardline breaks. Default is false
- An inline parser for .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- An inline parser for parsing .
- We don't expect the LiteralInlineParser to be instantiated a end-user, as it is part
- of the default parser pipeline (and should always be the last), working as a literal character
- collector.
- Gets or sets the post match delegate called after the inline has been processed.
- A procesor called at the end of processing all inlines.
- Processes the delimiters.
- The parser state.
- The root inline.
- The last child.
- Index of this delimiter processor.
- true to continue to the next delimiter processor;
- false to stop the process (in case a processor is perfoming sub-sequent processor itself)
- A parser for a list block and list item block.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets the parsers for items.
- Defines list information returned when trying to parse a list item with
- Initializes a new instance of the struct.
- Type of the bullet (e.g: '1', 'a', 'A', 'i', 'I').
- Initializes a new instance of the struct.
- Type of the bullet (e.g: '1', 'a', 'A', 'i', 'I')
- The string used as a starting sequence for an ordered list.
- The ordered delimiter found when parsing this list (e.g: the character `)` after `1)`)
- The default string used as a starting sequence for the ordered list (e.g: '1' for an numbered ordered list)
- Gets or sets the type of the bullet (e.g: '1', 'a', 'A', 'i', 'I').
- Gets or sets the string used as a starting sequence for an ordered list
- Gets or sets the ordered delimiter found when parsing this list (e.g: the character `)` after `1)`)
- Gets or sets default string used as a starting sequence for the ordered list (e.g: '1' for an numbered ordered list)
- A parser base class for a list item.
- Defines the characters that are used for detecting this list item.
- Tries to parse the current input as a list item for this particular instance.
- The block processor
- The type of the current bullet type
- The result of parsing
- true if parsing was sucessfull; false otherwise
- Delegates called when processing a document
- The markdown document.
- The Markdown parser.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The reader.
- The pipeline.
- Parses the specified markdown into an AST
- A Markdown text
- The pipeline used for the parsing.
- An AST Markdown document
- if reader variable is null
- Parses the current into a Markdown .
- A document instance
- Fixups the zero character by replacing it to a secure character (Section 2.3 Insecure characters, CommonMark specs)
- The text to secure.
- The default parser for parsing numbered list item (e.g: 1) or 1.)
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Base class for an ordered list item parser.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets the ordered delimiters used after a digit/number (by default `.` and `)`)
- Utility method that tries to parse the delimiter coming after an ordered list start (e.g: the `)` after `1)`).
- The state.
- The ordered delimiter found if this method is successful.
- true if parsing was successful; false otherwise.
- Block parser for a .
- Base class for a or .
- Type of the parser processor
- Gets the opening characters this parser will be triggered if the character is found.
- Initializes this parser with the specified parser processor.
- Gets the index of this parser in or .
- Base class for a list of parsers.
- Type of the parser
- The type of the parser state.
- Gets the list of global parsers (that don't have any opening characters defined)
- Gets all the opening characters defined.
- Gets the list of parsers valid for the specified opening character.
- The opening character.
- A list of parsers valid for the specified opening character or null if no parsers registered.
- Searches for an opening character from a registered parser in the specified string.
- The text.
- The start.
- The end.
- Index position within the string of the first opening character found in the specified text; if not found, returns -1
- Initializes this instance with specified parser state.
- Unexpected null parser found
- or
- A block parser for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- A block parser for a .
- A singleton instance used by other parsers.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The default parser used to parse unordered list item (-, +, *)
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Default HTML renderer for a Markdown object.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The writer.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to output HTML tags when rendering. See remarks.
- This is used by some renderers to disable HTML tags when rendering some inline elements (for image links).
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to output HTML tags when rendering. See remarks.
- This is used by some renderers to disable HTML tags when rendering some block elements (for image links).
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use implicit paragraph (optional <p>)
- Gets a value to use as the base url for all relative links
- Allows links to be rewritten
- Writes the content escaped for HTML.
- The content.
- This instance
- Writes the content escaped for HTML.
- The slice.
- Only escape < and &
- This instance
- Writes the content escaped for HTML.
- The slice.
- Only escape < and &
- This instance
- Writes the content escaped for HTML.
- The content.
- The offset.
- The length.
- Only escape < and &
- This instance
- Writes the URL escaped for HTML.
- The content.
- This instance
- Writes the attached on the specified .
- The object.
- Writes the specified .
- The attributes to render.
- A class filter used to transform a class into another class at writing time
- This instance
- Writes the lines of a
- The leaf block.
- if set to true write end of lines.
- if set to true escape the content for HTML
- Only escape < and &
- This instance
- An HTML renderer for a and .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets a map of fenced code block infos that should be rendered as div blocks instead of pre/code blocks.
- An HTML renderer for a .
- Attached HTML attributes to a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets the HTML id/identifier. May be null.
- Gets or sets the CSS classes attached. May be null.
- Gets or sets the additional properties. May be null.
- Adds a CSS class.
- The css class name.
- Adds a property.
- The name.
- The value.
- Adds the specified property only if it does not already exist.
- The name.
- The value.
- Copies/merge the values from this instance to the specified instance.
- The HTML attributes.
- If set to true it will merge properties to the target htmlAttributes. Default is false
- If set to true it will try to share Classes and Properties if destination don't have them, otherwise it will make a copy. Default is true
- Extensions for a to allow accessing
- Tries the get stored on a .
- The markdown object.
- The attached html attributes or null if not found
- Gets or creates the stored on a
- The markdown object.
- The attached html attributes
- Sets to the
- The markdown object.
- The attributes to attach.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A base class for HTML rendering and Markdown objects.
- The type of the object.
- A HTML renderer for an .
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to always add rel="nofollow" for links or not.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A HTML renderer for an .
- Delegates to get the tag associated to an object.
- The object.
- The HTML tag associated to this object
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets the GetTag delegate.
- Gets the default HTML tag for ** and __ emphasis.
- The object.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A HTML renderer for a .
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to render this softline break as a HTML hardline break tag (<br />)
- A HTML renderer for a .
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to always add rel="nofollow" for links or not.
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A HTML renderer for a .
- A HTML renderer for a .
- Base interface for the renderer of a .
- Accepts the specified .
- The renderer.
- The Markdown object.
- true If this renderer is accepting to render the specified Markdown object
- Writes the specified to the .
- The renderer.
- The object to render.
- Base interface for a renderer for a Markdown .
- Occurs when before writing an object.
- Occurs when after writing an object.
- Gets the object renderers that will render and elements.
- Renders the specified markdown object.
- The markdown object.
- The result of the rendering.
- A base class for rendering and Markdown objects.
- The type of the renderer.
- The type of the object.
- Gets the optional writers attached to this instance.
- Writes the specified Markdown object to the renderer.
- The renderer.
- The markdown object.
- An Normalize renderer for a and .
- An Normalize renderer for a .
- A Normalize renderer for an .
- A Normalize renderer for a .
- A Normalize renderer for a .
- A Normalize renderer for an .
- A Normalize renderer for a .
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to render this softline break as a Normalize hardline break tag (<br />)
- A Normalize renderer for a .
- A Normalize renderer for a .
- A Normalize renderer for a .
- A Normalize renderer for a .
- A Normalize renderer for a .
- A base class for Normalize rendering and Markdown objects.
- The type of the object.
- Defines the options used by
- Initialize a new instance of
- Adds a space after a QuoteBlock >. Default is true
- Adds an empty line after a code block (fenced and tabbed). Default is true
- Adds an empty line after an heading. Default is true
- Adds an empty line after an thematic break. Default is true
- The bullet character used for list items. Default is null leaving the original bullet character as-is.
- Expands AutoLinks to the normal inline representation. Default is true
- Default HTML renderer for a Markdown object.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The writer.
- The normalize options
- Writes the lines of a
- The leaf block.
- if set to true write end of lines.
- This instance
- A Normalize renderer for a .
- A Normalize renderer for a .
- A Normalize renderer for a .
- A collection of .
- Base class for a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Occurs when before writing an object.
- Occurs when after writing an object.
- Writes the children of the specified .
- The container block.
- Writes the children of the specified .
- The container inline.
- Writes the specified Markdown object.
- A MarkdownObject type
- The Markdown object to write to this renderer.
- A text based .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The writer.
- Gets or sets the writer.
- if the value is null
- Renders the specified markdown object (returns the as a render object).
- The markdown object.
- Typed .
- Type of the renderer
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The writer.
- Ensures a newline.
- This instance
- Writes the specified content.
- The content.
- This instance
- Writes the specified slice.
- The slice.
- This instance
- Writes the specified slice.
- The slice.
- This instance
- Writes the specified character.
- The content.
- This instance
- Writes the specified content.
- The content.
- The offset.
- The length.
- This instance
- Writes a newline.
- This instance
- Writes a content followed by a newline.
- The content.
- This instance
- Writes the inlines of a leaf inline.
- The leaf block.
- This instance
- A blank line, used internally by some parsers to store blank lines in a container. They are removed before the end of the document.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Base class for a block structure. Either a or a .
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Gets the parent of this container. May be null.
- Gets the parser associated to this instance.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is still open.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this block is breakable. Default is true.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this block must be removed from its container after inlines have been processed.
- Occurs when the process of inlines begin.
- Occurs when the process of inlines ends for this instance.
- Called when the process of inlines begin.
- The inline parser state.
- Called when the process of inlines ends.
- The inline parser state.
- Extensions for
- Helpers for the class.
- Repressents an indented code block.
- Related to CommonMark spec: 4.4 Indented code blocks
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser.
- A base class for container blocks.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Gets the last child.
- Specialize enumerator.
- Repressents a fenced code block.
- Related to CommonMark spec: 4.5 Fenced code blocks
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser.
- Gets or sets the language parsed after the first line of
- the fenced code block. May be null.
- Gets or sets the arguments after the .
- May be null.
- Gets or sets the fenced character count used to open this fenced code block.
- Gets or sets the fenced character used to open and close this fenced code block.
- Gets or sets the indent count when the fenced code block was indented
- and we need to remove up to indent count chars spaces from the begining of a line.
- Repressents a heading.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser.
- Gets or sets the header character used to defines this heading (usually #)
- Gets or sets the level of heading (starting at 1 for the lowest level).
- Represents a group of lines that is treated as raw HTML (and will not be escaped in HTML output).
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser.
- Gets or sets the type of block.
- Defines the type of
- A SGML document type starting by <!LETTER.
- A raw CDATA sequence.
- A HTML comment.
- A SGM processing instruction tag <?
- A script pre or style tag.
- An HTML interrupting block
- An HTML non-interrupting block
- Base interface for a block structure. Either a or a .
- Gets or sets the text column this instance was declared (zero-based).
- Gets or sets the text line this instance was declared (zero-based).
- Gets the parent of this container. May be null.
- Gets the parser associated to this instance.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is still open.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this block is breakable. Default is true.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this block must be removed from its container after inlines have been processed.
- Occurs when the process of inlines begin.
- Occurs when the process of inlines ends for this instance.
- A common interface for fenced block (e.g: or )
- Gets or sets the language parsed after the first line of
- the fenced code block. May be null.
- Gets or sets the arguments after the .
- May be null.
- Gets or sets the fenced character count used to open this fenced code block.
- Gets or sets the fenced character used to open and close this fenced code block.
- Base interface for a the Markdown syntax tree
- Stores a key/value pair for this instance.
- The key.
- The value.
- if key is null
- Determines whether this instance contains the specified key data.
- The key.
- true if a data with the key is stored
- if key is null
- Gets the associated data for the specified key.
- The key.
- The associated data or null if none
- if key is null
- Removes the associated data for the specified key.
- The key.
- true if the data was removed; false otherwise
- An autolink (Section 6.7 CommonMark specs)
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is an email link.
- Gets or sets the URL of this link.
- Represents a code span (Section 6.3 CommonMark specs)
- Gets or sets the delimiter character used by this code inline.
- Gets or sets the content of the span.
- A base class for container for .
- Gets the first child.
- Gets the last child.
- Clears this instance by removing all its children.
- Appends a child to this container.
- The child to append to this container..
- This instance
- If child is null
- Inline has already a parent
- Checks if this instance contains the specified child.
- The child to find.
- true if this instance contains the specified child; false otherwise
- Finds all the descendants.
- Type of the descendants to find
- An enumeration of T
- Moves all the children of this container after the specified inline.
- The parent.
- Embraces this instance by the specified container.
- The container to use to embrace this instance.
- If the container is null
- Internal delimiter used by some parsers (e.g emphasis, tables).
- Gets the parser.
- Gets or sets the type of this delimiter.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is active.
- Converts this delimiter to a literal.
- The string representation of this delimiter
- Gets the type of a .
- An undefined open or close delimiter.
- An open delimiter.
- A close delimiter.
- A delimiter used for parsing emphasis.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser.
- The descriptor.
- Gets the descriptor for this emphasis.
- The delimiter character found.
- The number of delimiter characters found for this delimiter.
- An emphasis and strong emphasis (Section 6.4 CommonMark specs).
- Gets or sets the delimiter character of this emphasis.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this is strong.
- An entity HTML.
- Gets or sets the original HTML entity name
- Gets or sets the transcoded literal that will be used for output
- A Raw HTML (Section 6.8 CommonMark specs).
- Gets or sets the full declaration of this tag.
- Base interface for all syntax tree inlines.
- Gets the parent container of this inline.
- Gets the previous inline.
- Gets the next sibling inline.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is closed.
- Base class for all syntax tree inlines.
- Gets the parent container of this inline.
- Gets the previous inline.
- Gets the next sibling inline.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is closed.
- Inserts the specified inline after this instance.
- The inline to insert after this instance.
- Inline has already a parent
- Inserts the specified inline before this instance.
- The inlnie previous to insert before this instance.
- Inline has already a parent
- Removes this instance from the current list and its parent
- Replaces this inline by the specified inline.
- The inline.
- if set to true the children of this instance are copied to the specified inline.
- The last children
- If inlnie is null
- Determines whether this instance contains a parent of the specified type.
- Type of the parent to check
- true if this instance contains a parent of the specified type; false otherwise
- Iterates on parents of the specified type.
- Type of the parent to iterate over
- An enumeration on the parents of the specified type
- Dumps this instance to .
- The writer.
- Dumps this instance to .
- The writer.
- The level of indent.
- if writer is null
- A base class for a leaf inline.
- A base class for a line break.
- A delimiter for a link.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this delimiter is an image link.
- Gets or sets the label of this link.
- The label span
- A Link inline (Section 6.5 CommonMark specs)
- A delegate to use if it is setup on this instance to allow late binding
- of a Url.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The URL.
- The title.
- Gets or sets the URL.
- Gets or sets the GetDynamicUrl delegate. If this property is set,
- it is used instead of to get the Url from this instance.
- Gets or sets the title.
- Gets or sets the label.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is an image link.
- Gets or sets a boolean indicating if this link is a shortcut link to a
- Gets or sets a boolean indicating whether the inline link was parsed using markdown syntax or was automatic recognized.
- Gets or sets the reference this link is attached to. May be null.
- The URL source span.
- The title source span.
- The label span
- A literal inline.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The content.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The text.
- The content as a .
- A boolean indicating whether the first character of this literal is escaped by `\`.
- Base class for all leaf blocks.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Gets or sets the string lines accumulated for this leaf block.
- May be null after process inlines have occured.
- Gets or sets the inline syntax tree (may be null).
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether must be processed
- as inline into the property.
- Appends the specified line to this instance.
- The slice.
- The column.
- The line.
- A link reference definition (Section 4.7 CommonMark specs)
- Creates an inline link for the specified .
- State of the inline.
- The link reference.
- The child.
- An inline link or null to use the default implementation
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The label.
- The URL.
- The title.
- Gets or sets the label.
- Gets or sets the URL.
- Gets or sets the title.
- The label span
- The URL span
- The title span
- Gets or sets the create link inline callback for this instance.
- This callback is called when an inline link is matching this reference definition.
- Tries to the parse the specified text into a definition.
- Type of the text
- The text.
- The block.
- true if parsing is successful; false otherwise
- Extension methods for accessing attached at the document level.
- Contains all the found in a document.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets an association between a label and the corresponding
- A list (Section 5.3 CommonMark specs)
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the list is ordered.
- Gets or sets the bullet character used by this list.
- Gets or sets the ordered start number (valid when is true)
- Gets or sets the default ordered start ("1" for BulletType = '1')
- Gets or sets the ordered delimiter character (usually `.` or `)`) found after an ordered list item.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is loose.
- A list item (Section 5.2 CommonMark specs)
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- The root Markdown document.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Base implementation for a the Markdown syntax tree.
- The attached datas. Use internally a simple array instead of a Dictionary{Object,Object}
- as we expect less than 5~10 entries, usually typically 1 (HtmlAttributes)
- so it will gives faster access than a Dictionary, and lower memory occupation
- Gets or sets the text column this instance was declared (zero-based).
- Gets or sets the text line this instance was declared (zero-based).
- The source span
- Gets a string of the location in the text.
- Stores a key/value pair for this instance.
- The key.
- The value.
- if key is null
- Determines whether this instance contains the specified key data.
- The key.
- true if a data with the key is stored
- if key is null
- Gets the associated data for the specified key.
- The key.
- The associated data or null if none
- if key is null
- Removes the associated data for the specified key.
- The key.
- true if the data was removed; false otherwise
- Store a Key/Value pair.
- Extensions for visiting or
- Iterates over the descendant elements for the specified markdown element, including and .
- The markdown object.
- An iteration over the descendant elements
- Iterates over the descendant elements for the specified markdown element and filters by the type {T}.
- Type to use for filtering the descendants
- The inline markdown object.
- An iteration over the descendant elements
- Iterates over the descendant elements for the specified markdown element and filters by the type {T}.
- Type to use for filtering the descendants
- The markdown object.
- An iteration over the descendant elements
- Repressents a paragraph.
- Related to CommonMark spec: 4.8 Paragraphs
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- A block quote (Section 5.1 CommonMark specs)
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
- Gets or sets the quote character (usually `>`)
- A span of text.
- Initializes a new instance of the struct.
- The start.
- The end.
- Gets or sets the starting character position from the original text source.
- Note that for inline elements, this is only valid if is setup on the pipeline.
- Gets or sets the ending character position from the original text source.
- Note that for inline elements, this is only valid if is setup on the pipeline.
- Gets the character length of this element within the original source code.
- Repressents a thematic break (Section 4.1 CommonMark specs).
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The parser used to create this block.
diff --git a/packages/Microsoft.Xaml.Behaviors.Wpf.1.0.1/.signature.p7s b/packages/Microsoft.Xaml.Behaviors.Wpf.1.0.1/.signature.p7s
deleted file mode 100644
index ff562d6..0000000
Binary files a/packages/Microsoft.Xaml.Behaviors.Wpf.1.0.1/.signature.p7s and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/packages/Microsoft.Xaml.Behaviors.Wpf.1.0.1/Microsoft.Xaml.Behaviors.Wpf.1.0.1.nupkg b/packages/Microsoft.Xaml.Behaviors.Wpf.1.0.1/Microsoft.Xaml.Behaviors.Wpf.1.0.1.nupkg
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f1e8b2..0000000
Binary files a/packages/Microsoft.Xaml.Behaviors.Wpf.1.0.1/Microsoft.Xaml.Behaviors.Wpf.1.0.1.nupkg and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/packages/Microsoft.Xaml.Behaviors.Wpf.1.0.1/lib/net45/Microsoft.Xaml.Behaviors.dll b/packages/Microsoft.Xaml.Behaviors.Wpf.1.0.1/lib/net45/Microsoft.Xaml.Behaviors.dll
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ed8758..0000000
Binary files a/packages/Microsoft.Xaml.Behaviors.Wpf.1.0.1/lib/net45/Microsoft.Xaml.Behaviors.dll and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/packages/Microsoft.Xaml.Behaviors.Wpf.1.0.1/lib/net45/Microsoft.Xaml.Behaviors.xml b/packages/Microsoft.Xaml.Behaviors.Wpf.1.0.1/lib/net45/Microsoft.Xaml.Behaviors.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index ca36078..0000000
--- a/packages/Microsoft.Xaml.Behaviors.Wpf.1.0.1/lib/net45/Microsoft.Xaml.Behaviors.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2366 +0,0 @@
- Microsoft.Xaml.Behaviors
- Represents a collection of IAttachedObject with a shared AssociatedObject and provides change notifications to its contents when that AssociatedObject changes.
- The object on which the collection is hosted.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Internal, because this should not be inherited outside this assembly.
- Called immediately after the collection is attached to an AssociatedObject.
- Called when the collection is being detached from its AssociatedObject, but before it has actually occurred.
- Called when a new item is added to the collection.
- The new item.
- Called when an item is removed from the collection.
- The removed item.
- Cannot add the instance to a collection more than once.
- Gets the associated object.
- The associated object.
- Attaches to the specified object.
- The object to attach to.
- The IAttachedObject is already attached to a different object.
- Detaches this instance from its associated object.
- Encapsulates state information and zero or more ICommands into an attachable object.
- The type the can be attached to.
- Behavior is the base class for providing attachable state and commands to an object.
- The types the Behavior can be attached to can be controlled by the generic parameter.
- Override OnAttached() and OnDetaching() methods to hook and unhook any necessary handlers
- from the AssociatedObject.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets the object to which this is attached.
- Encapsulates state information and zero or more ICommands into an attachable object.
- This is an infrastructure class. Behavior authors should derive from Behavior<T> instead of from this class.
- The type to which this behavior can be attached.
- Gets the object to which this behavior is attached.
- Called after the behavior is attached to an AssociatedObject.
- Override this to hook up functionality to the AssociatedObject.
- Called when the behavior is being detached from its AssociatedObject, but before it has actually occurred.
- Override this to unhook functionality from the AssociatedObject.
- Gets the associated object.
- The associated object.
- Attaches to the specified object.
- The object to attach to.
- The Behavior is already hosted on a different element.
- dependencyObject does not satisfy the Behavior type constraint.
- Detaches this instance from its associated object.
- Represents a collection of behaviors with a shared AssociatedObject and provides change notifications to its contents when that AssociatedObject changes.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Internal, because this should not be inherited outside this assembly.
- Called immediately after the collection is attached to an AssociatedObject.
- Called when the collection is being detached from its AssociatedObject, but before it has actually occurred.
- Called when a new item is added to the collection.
- The new item.
- Called when an item is removed from the collection.
- The removed item.
- Creates a new instance of the BehaviorCollection.
- The new instance.
- This method evaluates operands.
- Left operand from the LeftOperand property.
- Operator from Operator property.
- Right operand from the RightOperand property.
- Returns true if the condition is met; otherwise, returns false.
- Evaluates both operands that implement the IComparable interface.
- Left operand from the LeftOperand property.
- Operator from Operator property.
- Right operand from the RightOperand property.
- Returns true if the condition is met; otherwise, returns false.
- A basic implementation of ICommand that wraps a method that takes no parameters or a method that takes one parameter.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The action.
- Use this constructor to provide an action that ignores the ICommand parameter.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- An action that takes an object parameter.
- Use this constructor to provide an action that uses the object parameter passed by the Execute method.
- Occurs when changes occur that affect whether the command should execute. Will not be fired by ActionCommand.
- Defines the method that determines whether the command can execute in its current state.
- Data used by the command. If the command does not require data to be passed, then this object can be set to null.
- Always returns true.
- Defines the method to be called when the command is invoked.
- Data used by the command. If the command does not require data to be passed, then this object can be set to null.
- Calls a method on a specified object when invoked.
- The object that exposes the method of interest. This is a dependency property.
- The name of the method to invoke. This is a dependency property.
- Invokes the action.
- The parameter of the action. If the action does not require a parameter, the parameter may be set to a null reference.
- Called after the action is attached to an AssociatedObject.
- Override this to hook up functionality to the AssociatedObject.
- Called when the action is getting detached from its AssociatedObject, but before it has actually occurred.
- Override this to unhook functionality from the AssociatedObject.
- An action that will change a specified property to a specified value when invoked.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets the name of the property to change. This is a dependency property.
- The name of the property to change.
- Gets or sets the value to set. This is a dependency property.
- The value to set.
- Gets or sets the duration of the animation that will occur when the ChangePropertyAction is invoked. This is a dependency property.
- If the duration is unset, no animation will be applied.
- Increment by Value if true; otherwise, set the value directly. If the property cannot be incremented, it will instead try to set the value directly.
- Invokes the action.
- The parameter of the action. If the action does not require a parameter, then the parameter may be set to a null reference.
- A property with could not be found on the Target.
- Could not set to the value specified by .
- Represents one ternary condition.
- Gets or sets the left operand.
- Gets or sets the right operand.
- Gets or sets the comparison operator.
- Method that evaluates the condition. Note that this method can throw ArgumentException if the operator is
- incompatible with the type. For instance, operators LessThan, LessThanOrEqual, GreaterThan, and GreaterThanOrEqual
- require both operators to implement IComparable.
- Returns true if the condition has been met; otherwise, returns false.
- Ensure that any binding on DP operands are up-to-date.
- Enumeration of different comparison operators.
- Forward chaining.
- Represents a conditional expression that is set on a ConditionBehavior.Condition property.
- Contains a list of conditions that gets evaluated in order to return true or false for ICondition.Evaluate().
- Gets or sets forward chaining for the conditions.
- If forward chaining is set to ForwardChaining.And, all conditions must be met.
- If forward chaining is set to ForwardChaining.Or, only one condition must be met.
- Return the Condition collections.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Goes through the Conditions collection and evalutes each condition based on
- ForwardChaining property.
- Returns true if conditions are met; otherwise, returns false.
- A behavior that attaches to a trigger and controls the conditions
- to fire the actions.
- Gets or sets the IConditon object on behavior.
- The name of the condition to change.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The event handler that is listening to the preview invoke event that is fired by
- the trigger. Setting PreviewInvokeEventArgs.Cancelling to True will
- cancel the invocation.
- The trigger base object.
- An object of type PreviewInvokeEventArgs where e.Cancelling can be set to True.
- Toggles between two states based on a conditional statement.
- Gets or sets the binding that produces the property value of the data object. This is a dependency property.
- Gets or sets the value to be compared with the property value of the data object. This is a dependency property.
- Gets or sets the name of the visual state to transition to when the condition is met. This is a dependency property.
- Gets or sets the name of the visual state to transition to when the condition is not met. This is a dependency property.
- Called after the behavior is attached to an AssociatedObject.
- Override this to hook up functionality to the AssociatedObject.
- A helper function to take the place of FrameworkElement.IsLoaded, as this property isn't available in Silverlight.
- The element of interest.
- Returns true if the element has been loaded; otherwise, returns false.
- Trigger designed to be bound to a data store property. Fires when the property changes.
- Represents a trigger that performs actions when the bound data meets a specified condition.
- Gets or sets the value to be compared with the property value of the data object. This is a dependency property.
- Gets or sets the type of comparison to be performed between the specified values. This is a dependency property.
- Called when the binding property has changed.
- UA_REVIEW:chabiss
- argument.
- ExtendedVisualStateManager is a custom VisualStateManager that can smooth out the animation of layout properties.
- With this custom VisualStateManager, states can include changes to properties like Grid.Column, can change element heights to or from Auto, and so on.
- These changes will be smoothed out over time using the GeneratedDuration and GeneratedEasingFunction of the appropriate transition.
- See the "VisualStateManager overrides" region below for a general description of the algorithm.
- OriginalValueRecord remembers the original value of a property that was changed in a state.
- A VisualStateGroup that can use FluidLayout or not.
- Visibility is shadowed by a custom attached property at runtime.
- A VisualStateGroup keeps a list of these original values in an attached property.
- For every state, the layout-specific properties get extracted and then are attached to the state. These properties are removed from the state itself.
- Remember the current state.
- The TransitionEffect to use when the state changes.
- The TransitionEffectStoryboard in use during the state change.
- The cached background in use during the state change.
- The cached background in use during the state change.
- The cached background in use during the state change.
- This is the set of elements that are currently in motion.
- This is the storyboard that is animating the transition.
- This list contains all the known layout properties.
- Stop the animation and replace the layout changes that were made to support that animation.
- Locate the transition that VisualStateManager will use to animate the change, so that the layout animation can match the duration and easing.
- The group in which the transition is taking place.
- The state that you are coming from.
- The state you are going to.
- The transition
- Remove all layout-affecting properties from the Storyboard for the state and cache them in an attached property.
- The state you are moving to.
- A Storyboard containing the layout properties in that state.
- The set of target elements is the set of all elements that might have moved in a layout transition. This set is the closure of:
- - Elements with layout properties animated in the state.
- - Siblings of elements in the set.
- - Parents of elements in the set.
- Subsequent code will check these rectangles both before and after the layout change.
- The control whose layout is changing state.
- The storyboard containing the layout changes.
- Any previous values from previous state navigations that might be reverted.
- The set of elements currently in motion, if there is a state change transition ongoing.
- The full set of elements whose layout may have changed.
- Gets a set of rectangles for all the elements in the target list.
- The set of elements to consider.
- The set of elements currently in motion.
- A Dictionary mapping elements to their Rects.
- Get the layout rectangle of an element, by getting the layout slot and then computing which portion of the slot is being used.
- The element whose layout Rect will be retrieved.
- The layout Rect of that element.
- Get the opacities of elements at the time of the state change, instead of visibilities, because the state change may be in process and the current value is the most important.
- The control whose state is changing.
- The storyboard with the layout properties.
- The set of original values.
- Go through the layout Storyboard and set all the properties by using SetValue to enable calling UpdateLayout without
- ticking the timeline, which would cause a render.
- All values that are overwritten will be stored in the collection of OriginalValueRecords so that they can be replaced later.
- The control whose state is changing.
- The Storyboard holding the layout properties.
- The store of original values.
- Take all the elements that will be moving as a result of the layout animation, and wrap them in Canvas panels so that
- they do not affect their sibling elements.
- The set of elements that will be moving.
- Take all the elements that have been moving as a result of the layout animation, and unwrap them from their Canvas panels.
- The set of elements that have been moving.
- Copy the layout properties from the source element to the target element, clearing them from the source.
- The source of the layout properties.
- The destination of the layout properties.
- Create the actual Storyboard that will be used to animate the transition. Use all previously calculated results.
- The duration of the animation.
- The easing function to be used in the animation.
- The set of elements that will be moving.
- The old opacities of the elements whose visibility properties are changing.
- The Storyboard.
- An action that will transition a FrameworkElement to a specified VisualState when invoked.
- If the TargetName property is set, this action will attempt to change the state of the targeted element. If not, it walks
- the element tree in an attempt to locate an alternative target that defines states. ControlTemplate and UserControl are
- two common possibilities.
- Determines whether or not to use a VisualTransition to transition between states.
- The name of the VisualState.
- Called when the target changes. If the TargetName property isn't set, this action has custom behavior.
- Could not locate an appropriate FrameworkElement with states.
- This method is called when some criteria is met and the action is invoked.
- Could not change the target to the specified StateName.
- An interface that a given object must implement in order to be
- set on a ConditionBehavior.Condition property.
- An action that will launch a process to open a file or Uri. For files, this action will launch the default program
- for the given file extension. A Uri will open in a web browser.
- The file or Uri to open.
- This method is called when some criteria is met and the action is invoked.
- Represents a trigger that performs actions when the bound data have changed.
- A binding object that the trigger will listen to, and that causes the trigger to fire when it changes.
- Called when the binding property has changed.
- argument.
- Called after the trigger is attached to an AssociatedObject.
- Called when the trigger is being detached from its AssociatedObject, but before it has actually occurred.
- Called when the target changes. If the TargetName property isn't set, this action has custom behavior.
- Could not locate an appropriate FrameworkElement with states.
- Allows a user to remove the item from a ListBox ItemTemplate.
- An action that will remove the targeted element from the tree when invoked.
- This action may fail. The action understands how to remove elements from common parents but not from custom collections or direct manipulation
- of the visual tree.
- An action that will change the value of a property from a data store object.
- This class is identical to ChangePropertyAction. The only difference is that the data store picker is loaded
- for this action.
- A trigger that is triggered by a specified event occurring on its source and fires after a delay when that event is fired.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets or sets the number of milliseconds to wait between ticks. This is a dependency property.
- Gets or sets the total number of ticks to be fired before the trigger is finished. This is a dependency property.
- Enumerates possible values for reusable property value editors.
- Uses the element picker, if supported, to edit this property at design time.
- Uses the storyboard picker, if supported, to edit this property at design time.
- Uses the state picker, if supported, to edit this property at design time.
- Uses the element-binding picker, if supported, to edit this property at design time.
- Uses the property-binding picker, if supported, to edit this property at design time.
- Associates the given editor type with the property on which the CustomPropertyValueEditor is applied.
- Use this attribute to get improved design-time editing for properties that denote element (by name), storyboards, or states (by name).
- Gets or sets the custom property value editor.
- The custom property value editor.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The custom property value editor.
- Helper class for managing binding expressions on dependency objects.
- Ensure that all DP on an action with binding expressions are
- up to date. DataTrigger fires during data binding phase. Since
- actions are children of the trigger, any bindings on the action
- may not be up-to-date. This routine is called before the action
- is invoked in order to guarantee that all bindings are up-to-date
- with the most current data.
- Ensures that all binding expression on actions are up to date
- This helper function ensures that, if a dependency property on a dependency object
- has a binding expression, the binding expression is up-to-date.
- Provides design tools information about what to instantiate for a given action or command.
- Gets the type that this DefaultTriggerAttribute applies to.
- The type this DefaultTriggerAttribute applies to.
- Gets the type of the to instantiate.
- The type of the to instantiate.
- Gets the parameters to pass to the constructor.
- The parameters to pass to the constructor.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The type this attribute applies to.
- The type of to instantiate.
- A single argument for the specified .
- is not derived from TriggerBase.
- This constructor is useful if the specifed has a single argument. The
- resulting code will be CLS compliant.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The type this attribute applies to.
- The type of to instantiate.
- The constructor arguments for the specified .
- is not derived from TriggerBase.
- Instantiates this instance.
- The specified by the DefaultTriggerAttribute.
- This method will use the VisualTreeHelper.GetParent method to do a depth first walk up
- the visual tree and return all ancestors of the specified object, including the object itself.
- The object in the visual tree to find ancestors of.
- Returns itself an all ancestors in the visual tree.
- EventObserver is designed to help manage event handlers by detatching when disposed. Creating this object will also attach in the constructor.
- Creates an instance of EventObserver and attaches to the supplied event on the supplied target. Call dispose to detach.
- The event to attach and detach from.
- The target object the event is defined on. Null if the method is static.
- The delegate to attach to the event.
- Detaches the handler from the event.
- A trigger that listens for a specified event on its source and fires when that event is fired.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Name of the event.
- Gets or sets the name of the event to listen for. This is a dependency property.
- The name of the event.
- Represents a trigger that can listen to an element other than its AssociatedObject.
- The type that this trigger can be associated with.
- EventTriggerBase extends TriggerBase to add knowledge of another object than the one it is attached to.
- This allows a user to attach a Trigger/Action pair to one element and invoke the Action in response to a
- change in another object somewhere else. Override OnSourceChanged to hook or unhook handlers on the source
- element, and OnAttached/OnDetaching for the associated element. The type of the Source element can be
- constrained by the generic type parameter. If you need control over the type of the
- AssociatedObject, set a TypeConstraintAttribute on your derived type.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets the resolved source. If is not set or cannot be resolved, defaults to AssociatedObject.
- The resolved source object.
- In general, this property should be used in place of AssociatedObject in derived classes.
- Called when the source property changes.
- Override this to hook functionality to and unhook functionality from the specified source, rather than the AssociatedObject.
- The old source.
- The new source.
- Represents a trigger that can listen to an object other than its AssociatedObject.
- This is an infrastructure class. Trigger authors should derive from EventTriggerBase<T> instead of this class.
- Gets the type constraint of the associated object.
- The associated object type constraint.
- Define a TypeConstraintAttribute on a derived type to constrain the types it may be attached to.
- Gets the source type constraint.
- The source type constraint.
- Gets or sets the target object. If TargetObject is not set, the target will look for the object specified by TargetName. If an element referred to by TargetName cannot be found, the target will default to the AssociatedObject. This is a dependency property.
- The target object.
- Gets or sets the name of the element this EventTriggerBase listens for as a source. If the name is not set or cannot be resolved, the AssociatedObject will be used. This is a dependency property.
- The name of the source element.
- Gets the resolved source. If is not set or cannot be resolved, defaults to AssociatedObject.
- The resolved source object.
- In general, this property should be used in place of AssociatedObject in derived classes.
- The element pointed to by does not satisify the type constraint.
- Specifies the name of the Event this EventTriggerBase is listening for.
- Called when the event associated with this EventTriggerBase is fired. By default, this will invoke all actions on the trigger.
- The instance containing the event data.
- Override this to provide more granular control over when actions associated with this trigger will be invoked.
- Called when the source changes.
- The old source.
- The new source.
- This function should be overridden in derived classes to hook functionality to and unhook functionality from the changing source objects.
- Called after the trigger is attached to an AssociatedObject.
- Called when the trigger is being detached from its AssociatedObject, but before it has actually occurred.
- Could not find eventName on the Target.
- An interface for an object that can be attached to another object.
- Gets the associated object.
- The associated object.
- Represents the object the instance is attached to.
- Attaches to the specified object.
- The object to attach to.
- Detaches this instance from its associated object.
- A Trigger that is triggered by a keyboard event. If the target Key and Modifiers are detected, it fires.
- The key that must be pressed for the trigger to fire.
- The modifiers that must be active for the trigger to fire (the default is no modifiers pressed).
- If true, the Trigger only listens to its trigger Source object, which means that element must have focus for the trigger to fire.
- If false, the Trigger listens at the root, so any unhandled KeyDown/Up messages will be caught.
- Determines whether or not to listen to the KeyDown or KeyUp event.
- Allows the user to use common touch gestures to translate, zoom, and rotate the attached object.
- Gets or sets a value specifying which zooming and translation variants to support.
- Gets or sets a number describing the rate at which the translation will decrease.
- Gets or sets a number describing the rate at which the rotation will decrease.
- Gets or sets the value indicating whether the zoom and translate position of the attached object is limited by the bounds of the parent object.
- Gets or sets a number indicating the minimum zoom value allowed.
- Gets or sets a number indicating the maximum zoom value allowed.
- Called after the behavior is attached to an AssociatedObject.
- Override this to hook up functionality to the AssociatedObject.
- Called when the behavior is getting detached from its AssociatedObject, but before it has actually occurred.
- Override this to unhook functionality from the AssociatedObject.
- Static class that owns the Triggers and Behaviors attached properties. Handles propagation of AssociatedObject change notifications.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether to run as if in design mode.
- True if [should run in design mode]; otherwise, False.
- Not to be used outside unit tests.
- This property is used as the internal backing store for the public Triggers attached property.
- This property is not exposed publicly. This forces clients to use the GetTriggers and SetTriggers methods to access the
- collection, ensuring the collection exists and is set before it is used.
- This property is used as the internal backing store for the public Behaviors attached property.
- This property is not exposed publicly. This forces clients to use the GetBehaviors and SetBehaviors methods to access the
- collection, ensuring the collection exists and is set before it is used.
- Gets the TriggerCollection containing the triggers associated with the specified object.
- The object from which to retrieve the triggers.
- A TriggerCollection containing the triggers associated with the specified object.
- Gets the associated with a specified object.
- The object from which to retrieve the .
- A containing the behaviors associated with the specified object.
- Cannot host the same BehaviorCollection on more than one object at a time.
- Cannot host the same TriggerCollection on more than one object at a time.
- A helper function to take the place of FrameworkElement.IsLoaded, as this property is not available in Silverlight.
- The element of interest.
- True if the element has been loaded; otherwise, False.
- Executes a specified ICommand when invoked.
- Gets or sets the name of the command this action should invoke.
- The name of the command this action should invoke.
- This property will be superseded by the Command property if both are set.
- Gets or sets the command this action should invoke. This is a dependency property.
- The command to execute.
- This property will take precedence over the CommandName property if both are set.
- Gets or sets the command parameter. This is a dependency property.
- The command parameter.
- This is the value passed to ICommand.CanExecute and ICommand.Execute.
- Invokes the action.
- The parameter to the action. If the action does not require a parameter, the parameter may be set to a null reference.
- This enumerated type indicates whether a FluidMoveBehavior applies to the element to which it is attached, or to the children of that element.
- "Self" is useful when there is a single element that should behave in a special manner; "Children" is useful when the same behavior should apply to all
- children of a WrapPanel or to the ItemsHost panel of an ItemsControl.
- This enumerated type indicates whether an element is identified by itself, or by its DataContext.
- DataContext identification allows movement from one data-driven location to another.
- Indicates whether the behavior applies just to this element, or to all children of the element (if the element is a Panel).
- Dependency property for the scope of the behavior. See FluidMoveScope for more details.
- Indicates whether the behavior is currently active.
- Dependency property for the active state of the behavior.
- Indicates whether to use the element as its own tag, or to use the binding on the element as the tag.
- Dependency property that provides the ability to use the element as its own tag, or the binding on the element.
- Extra path to add to the binding when TagType is specified.
- Dependency property for the extra path to add to the binding when UsaBindingAsTag is true.
- Identity tag used to detect element motion between containers.
- Private structure that stores all relevant data pertaining to a tagged item.
- Behavior that watches an element (or a set of elements) for layout changes, and moves the element smoothly to the new position when needed.
- This behavior does not animate the size or visibility of an element; it only animates the offset of that element within its parent container.
- The duration of the move.
- Dependency property for the duration of the move.
- Spawning point for this item.
- Dependency property for the tag type to use just before the object is loaded.
- Extra path to add to the binding when TagType is specified.
- Dependency property for the extra path to add to the binding when UsaBindingAsTag is true.
- Identity tag used to detect element motion between containers.
- Flag that says whether elements are allowed to float above their containers (in a Popup or Adorner) when changing containers.
- Dependency property for the FloatAbove flag.
- EasingFunction to use for the horizontal component of the move.
- Dependency property for the EasingFunction to use for the horizontal component of the move.
- EasingFunction to use for the vertical component of the move.
- Dependency property for the EasingFunction to use for the vertical component of the move.
- Remember the popup/adorner being used, in case of element motion between containers when FloatAbove is true.
- Opacity cache used when floating a Popup.
- Marks the animation transform.
- Simple helper class to allow any UIElements to be used as an Adorner.
- Repositions the attached element in response to mouse drag gestures on the element.
- Occurs when a drag gesture is initiated.
- Occurs when a drag gesture update is processed.
- Occurs when a drag gesture is finished.
- Dependency property for the X position of the dragged element, relative to the left of the root element.
- Dependency property for the Y position of the dragged element, relative to the top of the root element.
- Dependency property for the ConstrainToParentBounds property. If true, the dragged element will be constrained to stay within the bounds of its parent container.
- Gets or sets the X position of the dragged element, relative to the left of the root element. This is a dependency property.
- Gets or sets the Y position of the dragged element, relative to the top of the root element. This is a dependency property.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the dragged element is constrained to stay within the bounds of its parent container. This is a dependency property.
- True if the dragged element should be constrained to its parents bounds; otherwise, False.
- Gets the on-screen position of the associated element in root coordinates.
- The on-screen position of the associated element in root coordinates.
- Gets the element bounds in element coordinates.
- The element bounds in element coordinates.
- Gets the parent element of the associated object.
- The parent element of the associated object.
- Gets the root element of the scene in which the associated object is located.
- The root element of the scene in which the associated object is located.
- Gets and sets the RenderTransform of the associated element.
- Attempts to update the position of the associated element to the specified coordinates.
- The desired position of the element in root coordinates.
- Applies a relative position translation to the associated element.
- The X component of the desired translation in root coordinates.
- The Y component of the desired translation in root coordinates.
- Applies the given translation to the RenderTransform of the associated element.
- The X component of the translation in parent coordinates.
- The Y component of the translation in parent coordinates.
- Does a recursive deep copy of the specified transform.
- The transform to clone.
- A deep copy of the specified transform, or null if the specified transform is null.
- Thrown if the type of the Transform is not recognized.
- Updates the X and Y properties based on the current rendered position of the associated element.
- Check if one Rect is contained by another.
- The containing Rect.
- The contained Rect.
- True if rect1 contains rect2; otherwise, False.
- Transforms as vector.
- The transform.
- The X component of the vector.
- The Y component of the vector.
- A point containing the values of X and Y transformed by transform as a vector.
- Gets the transform offset.
- The transform.
- The offset of the transform.
- Called after the behavior is attached to an AssociatedObject.
- Override this to hook up functionality to the AssociatedObject.
- Called when the behavior is getting detached from its AssociatedObject, but before it has actually occurred.
- Override this to unhook functionality from the AssociatedObject.
- An action that will play a sound to completion.
- This action is intended for use with short sound effects that don't need to be stopped or controlled. If you're trying
- to create a music player or game, it may not meet your needs.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- A Uri defining the location of the sound file. This is used to set the source property of the MediaElement. This is a dependency property.
- The sound can be any file format supported by MediaElement. In the case of a video, it will play only the
- audio portion.
- Control the volume of the sound. This is used to set the Volume property of the MediaElement. This is a dependency property.
- When the action is invoked, this method is used to customize the dynamically created MediaElement.
- This method may be useful for Action authors who wish to extend PlaySoundAction. If you want to control the
- MediaElement Balance property, you could inherit from PlaySoundAction and override this method.
- This method is called when some criteria are met and the action should be invoked.
- Each invocation of the Action plays a new sound. Although the implementation is subject-to-change, the caller should
- anticipate that this will create a new MediaElement that will be cleaned up when the sound completes or if the media
- fails to play.
- An abstract class that provides the ability to target a Storyboard.
- For action authors, this class provides a standard way to target a Storyboard. Design tools may choose to provide a
- special editing experience for classes that inherit from this action, thereby improving the designer experience.
- The targeted Storyboard. This is a dependency property.
- This method is called when the Storyboard property is changed.
- An action that will change the state of a targeted storyboard when invoked.
- This method is called when some criteria is met and the action should be invoked. This method will attempt to
- change the targeted storyboard in a way defined by the ControlStoryboardOption.
- An abstract class that provides the ability to target a Storyboard.
- For Trigger authors, this class provides a standard way to target a Storyboard. Design tools may choose to provide a
- special editing experience for classes that inherit from this trigger, thereby improving the designer experience.
- The targeted Storyboard. This is a dependency property.
- This method is called when the Storyboard property is changed.
- A trigger that listens for the completion of a Storyboard.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Defines a transition effect shader that transitions from one visual to another visual
- using an interpolated value between 0 and 1.
- Brush-valued properties that turn into sampler-properties in the shader.
- Represents the image present in the final state of the transition.
- Brush-valued properties that turn into sampler-properties in the shader.
- Represents the image present in the initial state of the transition.
- A Dependency property as the backing store for Progress.
- Also used to represent the state of a transition from start to finish (range between 0 and 1).
- Creates a modifiable clone (deep copy) of the using its current values.
- Makes a deep copy of the transition effect. Implements CloneCurrentValue in Silverlight.
- A clone of current instance of transition effect.
- Updates the shader's variables to the default values.
- Gets or sets the Input variable within the shader.
- Gets or sets the OldImage variable within the shader.
- Gets or sets the Progress variable within the shader.
- Provides data about which objects were affected when resolving a name change.
- Helper class to handle the logic of resolving a TargetName into a Target element
- based on the context provided by a host element.
- Occurs when the resolved element has changed.
- Gets or sets the name of the element to attempt to resolve.
- The name to attempt to resolve.
- The resolved object. Will return the reference element if TargetName is null or empty, or if a resolve has not been attempted.
- Gets or sets the reference element from which to perform the name resolution.
- The reference element.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the reference element load is pending.
- True if [pending reference element load]; otherwise, False.
- If the Host has not been loaded, the name will not be resolved.
- In that case, delay the resolution and track that fact with this property.
- Attempts to update the resolved object from the name within the context of the namescope reference element.
- The old resolved object.
- Resets the existing target and attempts to resolve the current TargetName from the
- context of the current Host. If it cannot resolve from the context of the Host, it will
- continue up the visual tree until it resolves. If it has not resolved it when it reaches
- the root, it will set the Target to null and write a warning message to Debug output.
- The current version of the flow file schema.
- This number should be incremented whenever:
- A new _required_ field is added.
- The data type of a field is changed.
- The semantic interpretation of a field is changed.
- When upgrading the current schema number, you'll also need to take into account
- migration/upgrade strategies, and mechanisms for deserializing older schemas.
- In some cases, the same serializer data structure may suffice by applying different
- parsing validation rules. In other cases, a new data structure may be needed to
- deserialize the old format from disk.
- Represents an action that can be targeted to affect an object other than its AssociatedObject.
- The type constraint on the target.
- TargetedTriggerAction extends TriggerAction to add knowledge of another element than the one it is attached to.
- This allows a user to invoke the action on an element other than the one it is attached to in response to a
- trigger firing. Override OnTargetChanged to hook or unhook handlers on the target element, and OnAttached/OnDetaching
- for the associated element. The type of the Target element can be constrained by the generic type parameter. If
- you need control over the type of the AssociatedObject, set a TypeConstraintAttribute on your derived type.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets the target object. If TargetName is not set or cannot be resolved, defaults to the AssociatedObject.
- The target.
- In general, this property should be used in place of AssociatedObject in derived classes.
- Called when the target property changes.
- Override this to hook and unhook functionality on the specified Target, rather than the AssociatedObject.
- The old target.
- The new target.
- Represents an action that can be targeted to affect an object other than its AssociatedObject.
- This is an infrastructure class. Action authors should derive from TargetedTriggerAction<T> instead of this class.
- Gets or sets the target object. If TargetObject is not set, the target will look for the object specified by TargetName. If an element referred to by TargetName cannot be found, the target will default to the AssociatedObject. This is a dependency property.
- The target object.
- Gets or sets the name of the object this action targets. If Target is set, this property is ignored. If Target is not set and TargetName is not set or cannot be resolved, the target will default to the AssociatedObject. This is a dependency property.
- The name of the target object.
- Gets the target object. If TargetObject is set, returns TargetObject. Else, if TargetName is not set or cannot be resolved, defaults to the AssociatedObject.
- The target object.
- In general, this property should be used in place of AssociatedObject in derived classes.
- The Target element does not satisfy the type constraint.
- Gets the associated object type constraint.
- The associated object type constraint.
- Define a TypeConstraintAttribute on a derived type to constrain the types it may be attached to.
- Gets the target type constraint.
- The target type constraint.
- Called when the target changes.
- The old target.
- The new target.
- This function should be overriden in derived classes to hook and unhook functionality from the changing source objects.
- Called after the action is attached to an AssociatedObject.
- Called when the action is being detached from its AssociatedObject, but before it has actually occurred.
- Represents an attachable object that encapsulates a unit of functionality.
- The type to which this action can be attached.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets the object to which this is attached.
- The associated object.
- Gets the associated object type constraint.
- The associated object type constraint.
- Represents an attachable object that encapsulates a unit of functionality.
- This is an infrastructure class. Action authors should derive from TriggerAction<T> instead of this class.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this action will run when invoked. This is a dependency property.
- True if this action will be run when invoked; otherwise, False.
- Gets the object to which this action is attached.
- The associated object.
- Gets the associated object type constraint.
- The associated object type constraint.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is attached.
- True if this instance is attached; otherwise, False.
- Attempts to invoke the action.
- The parameter to the action. If the action does not require a parameter, the parameter may be set to a null reference.
- Invokes the action.
- The parameter to the action. If the action does not require a parameter, the parameter may be set to a null reference.
- Called after the action is attached to an AssociatedObject.
- Called when the action is being detached from its AssociatedObject, but before it has actually occurred.
- When implemented in a derived class, creates a new instance of the derived class.
- The new instance.
- Gets the associated object.
- The associated object.
- Attaches to the specified object.
- The object to attach to.
- Cannot host the same TriggerAction on more than one object at a time.
- dependencyObject does not satisfy the TriggerAction type constraint.
- Detaches this instance from its associated object.
- Represents a collection of actions with a shared AssociatedObject and provides change notifications to its contents when that AssociatedObject changes.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Internal, because this should not be inherited outside this assembly.
- Called immediately after the collection is attached to an AssociatedObject.
- Called when the collection is being detached from its AssociatedObject, but before it has actually occurred.
- Called when a new item is added to the collection.
- The new item.
- Called when an item is removed from the collection.
- The removed item.
- Creates a new instance of the TriggerActionCollection.
- The new instance.
- Represents an object that can invoke actions conditionally.
- The type to which this trigger can be attached.
- TriggerBase is the base class for controlling actions. Override OnAttached() and
- OnDetaching() to hook and unhook handlers on the AssociatedObject. You may
- constrain the types that a derived TriggerBase may be attached to by specifying
- the generic parameter. Call InvokeActions() to fire all Actions associated with
- this TriggerBase.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Gets the object to which the trigger is attached.
- The associated object.
- Gets the type constraint of the associated object.
- The associated object type constraint.
- Argument passed to PreviewInvoke event. Assigning Cancelling to True will cancel the invoking of the trigger.
- This is an infrastructure class. Behavior attached to a trigger base object can add its behavior as a listener to TriggerBase.PreviewInvoke.
- Represents an object that can invoke Actions conditionally.
- This is an infrastructure class. Trigger authors should derive from Trigger<T> instead of this class.
- Gets the object to which the trigger is attached.
- The associated object.
- Gets the type constraint of the associated object.
- The associated object type constraint.
- Gets the actions associated with this trigger.
- The actions associated with this trigger.
- Event handler for registering to PreviewInvoke.
- Invoke all actions associated with this trigger.
- Derived classes should call this to fire the trigger.
- Called after the trigger is attached to an AssociatedObject.
- Called when the trigger is being detached from its AssociatedObject, but before it has actually occurred.
- Creates a new instance of the TriggerBase derived class.
- The new instance.
- Gets the associated object.
- The associated object.
- Attaches to the specified object.
- The object to attach to.
- Cannot host the same trigger on more than one object at a time.
- dependencyObject does not satisfy the trigger type constraint.
- Detaches this instance from its associated object.
- Represents a collection of triggers with a shared AssociatedObject and provides change notifications to its contents when that AssociatedObject changes.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Internal, because this should not be inherited outside this assembly.
- Called immediately after the collection is attached to an AssociatedObject.
- Called when the collection is being detached from its AssociatedObject, but before it has actually occurred.
- Called when a new item is added to the collection.
- The new item.
- Called when an item is removed from the collection.
- The removed item.
- Creates a new instance of the .
- The new instance.
- Specifies type constraints on the AssociatedObject of TargetedTriggerAction and EventTriggerBase.
- Gets the constraint type.
- The constraint type.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- The constraint type.
- This class provides various platform agnostic standard operations for working with VisualStateManager.
- Transitions the control between two states.
- The element to transition between states.
- The state to transition to.
- True to use a System.Windows.VisualTransition to transition between states; otherwise, false.
- True if the control successfully transitioned to the new state; otherwise, false.
- Control is null.
- StateName is null.
- Gets the value of the VisualStateManager.VisualStateGroups attached property.
- The element from which to get the VisualStateManager.VisualStateGroups.
- Find the nearest parent which contains visual states.
- The element from which to find the nearest stateful control.
- The nearest stateful control if True; else null.
- True if a parent contains visual states; else False.
- A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc.
- Returns the cached ResourceManager instance used by this class.
- Overrides the current thread's CurrentUICulture property for all
- resource lookups using this strongly typed resource class.
- Looks up a localized string similar to Could not find method named '{0}' on object of type '{1}' that matches the expected signature..
- Looks up a localized string similar to Cannot set the same BehaviorCollection on multiple objects..
- Looks up a localized string similar to An instance of a Behavior cannot be attached to more than one object at a time..
- Looks up a localized string similar to Cannot host an instance of a TriggerAction in multiple TriggerCollections simultaneously. Remove it from one TriggerCollection before adding it to another..
- Looks up a localized string similar to Cannot set the same TriggerCollection on multiple objects..
- Looks up a localized string similar to An instance of a trigger cannot be attached to more than one object at a time..
- Looks up a localized string similar to More than one potential addition operator was found on type '{0}'..
- Looks up a localized string similar to Cannot animate a property change on a type '{0}' Target. Property changes can only be animated on types derived from DependencyObject..
- Looks up a localized string similar to Cannot find a property named "{0}" on type "{1}"..
- Looks up a localized string similar to The Increment property cannot be set to True if the Duration property is set..
- Looks up a localized string similar to The '{0}' property cannot be incremented because its value cannot be read..
- Looks up a localized string similar to Cannot assign value of type "{0}" to property "{1}" of type "{2}". The "{1}" property can be assigned only values of type "{2}"..
- Looks up a localized string similar to Property "{0}" defined by type "{1}" does not expose a set method and therefore cannot be modified..
- Looks up a localized string similar to The command "{0}" does not exist or is not publicly exposed on {1}..
- Looks up a localized string similar to Cannot find state named '{0}' on type '{1}'. Ensure that the state exists and that it can be accessed from this context..
- Looks up a localized string similar to "{0}" is not a valid type for the TriggerType parameter. Make sure "{0}" derives from TriggerBase..
- Looks up a localized string similar to Cannot add the same instance of "{0}" to a "{1}" more than once..
- Looks up a localized string similar to The event "{0}" on type "{1}" has an incompatible signature. Make sure the event is public and satisfies the EventHandler delegate..
- Looks up a localized string similar to Cannot find an event named "{0}" on type "{1}"..
- Looks up a localized string similar to Target {0} does not define any VisualStateGroups. .
- Looks up a localized string similar to LeftOperand of type "{0}" cannot be used with operator "{1}"..
- Looks up a localized string similar to LeftOperand of type "{1}" and RightOperand of type "{0}" cannot be used with operator "{2}"..
- Looks up a localized string similar to RightOperand of type "{0}" cannot be used with operator "{1}"..
- Looks up a localized string similar to An object of type "{0}" cannot have a {3} property of type "{1}". Instances of type "{0}" can have only a {3} property of type "{2}"..
- Looks up a localized string similar to Cannot attach type "{0}" to type "{1}". Instances of type "{0}" can only be attached to objects of type "{2}"..
- Looks up a localized string similar to Unable to resolve TargetName "{0}"..
- Looks up a localized string similar to The target of the RemoveElementAction is not supported..