All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.4.0 (2022-12-20)
1.3.0 (2022-08-10)
- custom-sections: add the ability to include custom sections in daily notes (b6d729c)
1.2.0 (2022-06-06)
- native-notifications: added support for native vscode notifications (bc111eb)
1.1.3 (2022-02-22)
1.1.2 (2022-02-22)
- weekly note: fix how the weekly note template is loaded (27a773a)
1.1.1 - 2022-02-22
- Open daily note even if it already exists
- Fix invalid reference to copy-templates
1.1.0 - 2022-02-22
- Point out that notifications may only work on Windows
- Add command for generating and opening the daily note
1.0.0 - 2022-02-21
- Add existing features to the changelog
- Outline all of the features in the README
- Change format of daily note to improve format of automatic todos and log entries