Tests can be run in different ways
hatch test # Run tests whith your current python version
hatch test --python 3.9 # Run tests for python version 3.9
hatch test --show # See all defined test environment
hatch test --all # Run tests for all test environments
hatch test --coverage # Run tests with coverage
You can add arbitrary flags to pytest at the end of the command. For example to run the tests in debug mode use
hatch test --pdb
We use ipdb as debugger backend for autocompletion.
To check the formatting and linting run
hatch fmt --check
If you want to automatically fix errors that are fixable run
hatch fmt
If you want to run this command before each commit, please install the pre-commit hook
pip install .[pre-commit]
pre-commit install
You can also run the linter and formatter separately
hatch fmt --formatter
hatch fmt --linter
Please run
hatch run docs:build
To build and publish a package please use
hatch build
hatch publish -r test # test pypi
hatch publish # pypi