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gibran hemani edited this page Oct 20, 2024 · 35 revisions


Welcome to the Lifecourse-GWAS wiki!

This wiki will guide you through the Lifecourse-GWAS consortium analysis. Here, you will be able to find instructions for data preparation and access code to generate genome-wide association studies (GWASs) on time-varying phenotypes. We are collecting data on a comprehensive list of phenotypes every year up until 18 years of age and every five years after 18 years of age.

We have prepared the pipeline to minimise time and energy required by analysts to contribute data to the overall effort, ensure harmonisation across cohorts, and minimise errors. The use of standardised procedures across all samples is critical in order to increase the effectiveness of the subsequent meta-analyses that we be run internally upon receipt of these GWAS. Because there is always a chance of error, we may ask some analyses to be re-run. We encourage analysts to organize and save their scripts, files, and directories just in case a re-analysis is required.

This pipeline forms part of the overall Analysis plan. Specifically, it implements the per-cohort age-stratified GWAS studies that will contribute to an overall age-stratified meta analysis.

Imputed genotype data
Imputed genotype data
Genotype data QC and standardisation
Genotype data QC and...
Standardised genotype data
Standardised genotyp...
Genotype data processing
Genotype data proces...
Principal components (optionally provided by analyst)
Principal components (...
Sparse GRM
Sparse GRM
List of unrelated individuals
List of unrelated indi...
Phenotype data processing
Phenotype data proce...
Phenotype x age files
Phenotype x age files
Known GWAS hits
Known GWAS hits
LD Matrices
LD Matrices
PRS results
PRS results
Phenotype x age summary statistics
Phenotype x age summar...
Bias checks
Bias checks
GWAS analysis
GWAS analysis
Organised covariates
Organised covariates
Compressed GWAS summary statistics
Compressed GWAS summar...
Covariate file
Covariate file
Phenotype files
Phenotype files
User provided input data
User provided input data
Pipeline steps
Pipeline steps
Pipeline source data
Pipeline source data
Intermediate files (sensitive, not to be shared)
Intermediate files (sensitive, not to be shared)
Results files, to be uploaded to core research team
Results files, to be uploaded to core research teamText is not SVG - cannot display

Principles of collaboration

Please read the Principles of Collaboration here which details information about software and data sharing, publication and authorship, and extensions to the work.

Sign up

If you have a cohort that could make a contribution to these analyses please use the sign up form to register.

Contact details

Questions about this Wiki can be directed to:

The working group for this consortium consists of:

  • Grace M. Power
  • Genevieve Leyden
  • David Carslake
  • Eleanor Sanderson
  • Gibran Hemani

Lifecourse GWAS consortium website:

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