If you have any trouble or need help while using SDK please contact support@macrometa.com.
The first step to start using GDN is establishing a connection to gdn.paas.macrometa.io. When this code executes, it initializes the server connection to your nearest region. You can access your Macrometa GDN account using several methods, such as API keys, User authentication, Token-based authentication (JWT). For this example the method used is API key.
from c8 import C8Client
client = C8Client(protocol='https', host='gdn.paas.macrometa.io', port=443, apikey='your api key')
A Collection consists of documents, and they can be local(only stores data in one region) or global(replicates data and maintains consistency across regions). Macrometa offers several types of collections such as Document Store, Key-Value Store, Dynamo Table and Graph-Edge collection. For this example we are going to create a Document Store.
client.create_collection(name='employees', sync=False, edge=False, local_collection=False, stream=False)
A document collection is a NoSQL database that stores data in JSON format (JavaScript Object Notation). Unlike traditional Relational Database Management Systems, document databases do not require a schema or a pre-defined structure with fixed tables and attributes.
See the complete example for this section here
Documents are stored in collections. Documents with completely different structures can be stored in the same collection.
Inserting documents in 'employees' collection:
docs = [
{'_key': 'Han', 'firstname': 'Han', 'lastname': 'Solo', 'email': 'han.solo@macrometa.io', 'age': 35,
'role': 'Manager'},
{'_key': 'Bruce', 'firstname': 'Bruce', 'lastname': 'Wayne', 'email': 'bruce.wayne@macrometa.io', 'age': 40,
'role': 'Developer', 'phone': '1-999-888-9999'},
{'_key': 'Jon', 'firstname': 'Jon', 'lastname': 'Doe', 'email': 'jon.doe@macrometa.io', 'age': 25,
'role': 'Manager'},
{'_key': 'Zoe', 'firstname': 'Zoe', 'lastname': 'Hazim', 'email': 'zoe.hazim@macrometa.io', 'age': 20,
'role': 'Director'},
{'_key': 'Emma', 'firstname': 'Emma', 'lastname': 'Watson', 'email': 'emma.watson@macrometa.io', 'age': 25,
'role': 'Director'}
client.insert_document(collection_name='employees', document=docs)
This example demonstrates how to retrieve a particular document with its _key.
Retreive an specific document with it's _key value:
client.get_document(collection='employees', document={'_key': 'Han'})
The update operation can partially update a document in a collection. The document must contain the attributes and values to be updated and the _key attribute to identify the document to be updated. For this example the email for Han will be updated.
client.update_document(collection_name='employees', document={'_key': 'Han', 'email': 'han@updated_macrometa.io'})
The delete operation is used to remove a document from a collection. For this example Han will be removed from the employees collection.
client.delete_document(collection_name='employees', document={'_key': 'Han'})
All the data records inside the collection can be removed by truncating the collection. In the following example all the data inside employees collection is removed.
In the following example, employees collection is deleted.
Working with data can be complex. CRUD operations usually need more logic or conditions to reach the desired results. At Macrometa the C8 query language (C8QL) can be used to create, retrieve, modify and delete data that are stored in the Macrometa geo-distributed fast data platform. Check out the operators and examples in Macrometa
See the complete example for this section here
Let's FILTER results by role and age and return a custom object using C8QL:
query = "FOR doc IN employees FILTER doc.role == 'Manager' FILTER doc.age > 30 RETURN {'Name':doc.firstname,'Last Name':doc.lastname,'Email':doc.email}"
cursor = client.execute_query(query=query)
docs = [document for document in cursor]
It might not always be necessary to return all documents that a FOR loop would normally return. In those cases, you can limit the number of documents with a LIMIT() operation. For this case, it will be used along with the SORT() operation. The first 2 documents are returned with the below query.
query = "FOR doc IN employees SORT doc.age LIMIT 2 RETURN doc"
cursor = client.execute_query(query=query)
docs = [document for document in cursor]
Another function usually used with LIMIT is OFFSET. The offset value specifies how many elements from the result shall be skipped. It must be 0 or greater. The count value specifies how many elements should be at most included in the result.
query = "FOR doc IN employees SORT doc.age LIMIT 2, 4 RETURN doc"
cursor = client.execute_query(query=query)
docs = [document for document in cursor]
Grouping results is a common operation when retrieving data. To group results by arbitrary criteria, C8QL provides the COLLECT keyword. COLLECT will perform a grouping, but no aggregation. In the following example let's group by age and return only the first name of the employee using the expansion operator [*].
query = "FOR doc IN employees COLLECT age = doc.age INTO employeesByAge RETURN {age, employee: employeesByAge[*].doc.firstname}"
cursor = client.execute_query(query=query)
docs = [document for document in cursor]
Macrometa SQL dialect supports DQL (SELECT statement), DML statements (UPDATE, INSERT and DELETE) and a subset of DDL statements.
Let's create a query using SQL syntax, you need to use the same execute_query as above, with the sql param as True
cursor = client.execute_query(query="SELECT * FROM {}".format('employees'), sql=True)
docs = [doc for doc in cursor]
The Macrometa GDN has a default limit on how many documents can be returned per query. Usually, the default limit is 1,000 documents per query (This default limit is subject to changes). The following method can be used to retrieve data from a collection in batches despite this default limit of 1,000 documents per query.
Note: Please make sure there is more than enough memory available on your system (RAM + Swap(if swap is enabled)) to be able fetch total size of the documents to be returned. This will help avoid any Out-Of-Memory problems.
You need to specify the collection name in the collection_name
The Macrometa GDN has a default limit on how many documents can be returned per query. Usually, the default limit is 1,000 documents per query (This default limit is subject to changes).
The following method can be used to retrieve all the data from any query via batches despite this default limit of 1,000 documents per query.
Note: Please make sure there is more than enough memory available on your system (RAM + Swap(if swap is enabled)) to be able fetch total size of the documents to be returned. This will help avoid any Out-Of-Memory problems.
You need to specify your query in the query
client.get_all_batches(query="FOR doc IN employees FILTER doc.email LIKE '%macrometa.io' RETURN doc")
A query worker is set of named, parameterized C8QL queries stored in GDN that you can run from a dedicated REST endpoint. The query worker will be created automatically globally and is available from the region closest to the user. Refer Query Workers
In the following example a query worker named insertRecord
is created which inserts documents into the employees collection.
# Query to be saved with bind variable `docs`
insert_query = "FOR doc in @docs INSERT {'firstname': doc.firstname, 'lastname': doc.lastname, 'email': doc.email, 'zipcode': doc.zipcode, _key': doc._key} IN employees"
# Query worker object with name insertRecord
insert_data = {
"query": {
"name": "insertRecord",
"value": insert_data_query,
# Create query worker `insertRecord`
In the following example query workers named getRecords
and updateRecord
are created.
get_data_query = "FOR doc IN employees RETURN doc"
update_data_query = "FOR doc IN employees FILTER doc.firstname == 'James' UPDATE doc with { zipcode: '33333' } IN employees"
# Query worker objects with names, getRecords and updateRecord
get_data = {"name": "getRecords", "value": get_data_query}
update_data = {"name": "updateRecord", "value": update_data_query}
queries = [get_data, update_data]
# Import query workers `getRecords` and `updateRecord`
In the following example an already created query worker insertRecord
is executed with bind variable docs
docs = [
"_key": "James",
"firstname": "James",
"lastname": "Kirk",
"email": "james.kirk@macrometa.io",
"zipcode": "22222",
"_key": "John",
"firstname": "John",
"lastname": "Doe",
"email": "john.doe@macrometa.io",
"zipcode": "11111",
# Execute query worker `insertRecord` with bind variable `docs`
client.execute_restql(name="insertRecord", data={"bindVars": {"docs": docs}})
Just like queries, query worker can also be executed in batches. In the following example query worker getRecords
is executed with batch size equal to 2.
# Execute query worker `getRecords` with batch size equal to 2
resp = client.execute_restql(name="getRecords", data={"bindVars": {}, "batchSize": 2})
# Get cursor id
id = resp["id"]
# Read next batch from cursor
All existing query workers can be viewed.
In the following example insertRecord
query worker is updated with a new query.
updated_insert_query = "INSERT {'_key': 'barry.allen@macrometa.io', 'firstname': 'Barry', 'lastname': 'Allen'} IN employees"
# Query worker object
updated_insert_data = {
"query": {
"value": updated_insert_query,
# Update query worker `insertRecord`
client.update_restql(name="insertRecord", data=updated_insert_data)
In the following example query worker, insertRecord
is deleted.
Example to get real-time updates from employees collection:
Note: Enable the 'Stream' parameter within the collection to get real-time updates if not already enabled
def callback_fn(event):
# Get real-time updates from collection
client.on_change(collection="employees", callback=callback_fn)
Stream can be enabled for a collection via any of the following:
- While creating the collection itelf by passing the stream parameter as true:
client.create_collection(name="employees", sync=False, edge=False, local_collection=False, stream=True)
- By updating the collection
as True after the collection is already created:
client.update_collection_properties(collection_name="employees", has_stream=True)
Streams are flows of data in GDN to capture data in motion. Messages are sent via streams by publishers to consumers who then do something with the message. Refer Streams
In the following example a stream named quickStart
is created globally (as local is set to False).
client.create_stream(stream="quickStart", local=False)
All existing streams can be viewed.
In the following example, a producer is created for global
stream named quickStart
# Create producer
producer = client.create_stream_producer(stream="quickStart", local=False)
msg = "Hello from user"
# To close producer connection use `producer.close()`
In the following example, a subscriber with subscription name topic_1
is created for global
stream named quickStart
# Create subscriber
subscriber = client.subscribe(
stream="quickStart", local=False, subscription_name="topic_1"
# Subscriber reading message
m1 = json.loads(subscriber.recv())
# Decoding the received message
msg1 = base64.b64decode(m1["payload"]).decode("utf-8")
# Acknowledge the received msg.
json.dumps({"messageId": m1["messageId"]})
# To close subscriber connection use `subscriber.close()`
A complete pub-sub example can be found here
In the following example, a subscription named topic_1
is removed from a global
stream named quickStart
(set local parameter as false if the stream is local).
Note: In case the stream is a local stream: Append
instead ofc8globals.
to the stream name. Set local parameter as true.
client.delete_stream_subscription(stream="c8globals.quickStart", subscription="topic_1", local=False)
In the following example, a subscription named topic_1
is removed from all global
streams (set local parameter as true to remove subscription from all local streams).
client.unsubscribe(subscription="topic_1", local=False)
In the following example a global
stream named quickStart
is deleted.
Note: Append
instead ofc8globals.
to the stream name in case the stream is a local stream.
Macrometa GDN allows you to integrate streaming data and take appropriate actions. Most stream processing use cases involve collecting, analyzing, and integrating or acting on data generated during business activities by various sources. Refer Stream Workers and Stream Worker Query Guide
Validate the stream worker for syntax errors before saving. To understand more about the stream worker definition please refer to the Stream Worker Query Guide
In the following example a stream worker named Sample-Cargo-App
with the following definition is validated.
stream_app_definition = """
@App:description('Basic stream application to demonstrate reading data from input stream and store it in the collection. The stream and collections are automatically created if they do not already exist.')
Testing the Stream Application:
1. Open Stream SampleCargoAppDestStream in Console. The output can be monitored here.
2. Upload following data into SampleCargoAppInputTable C8DB Collection
{"weight": 1}
{"weight": 2}
{"weight": 3}
{"weight": 4}
{"weight": 5}
3. Following messages would be shown on the SampleCargoAppDestStream Stream Console
[2021-08-27T14:12:15.795Z] {"weight":1}
[2021-08-27T14:12:15.799Z] {"weight":2}
[2021-08-27T14:12:15.805Z] {"weight":3}
[2021-08-27T14:12:15.809Z] {"weight":4}
[2021-08-27T14:12:15.814Z] {"weight":5}
-- Create Table SampleCargoAppInputTable to process events.
CREATE SOURCE SampleCargoAppInputTable WITH (type = 'database', collection = "SampleCargoAppInputTable", collection.type="doc", replication.type="global", map.type='json') (weight int);
-- Create Stream SampleCargoAppDestStream
CREATE SINK SampleCargoAppDestStream WITH (type = 'stream', stream = "SampleCargoAppDestStream", replication.type="local") (weight int);
-- Data Processing
INSERT INTO SampleCargoAppDestStream
SELECT weight
FROM SampleCargoAppInputTable;
# Validate a stream application
Create the stream worker with the specified stream worker defintion on the specified list of regions. If list of regions is not specified then the stream worker is created on the nearest region.
In the following example a stream worker named Sample-Cargo-App
with the definition specified in the validate stream worker example is created.
regions = []
client.create_stream_app(data=stream_app_definition, dclist=regions)
Enable/Disable an already created specified stream worker.
In the following example a stream worker named Sample-Cargo-App
w is first enabled then disabled.
# Activate a stream application
client.activate_stream_app(streamapp_name="Sample-Cargo-App", activate=True)
# Deactivate a stream application
client.activate_stream_app(streamapp_name="Sample-Cargo-App", activate=False)
Lists all existing stream workers.
An already existing stream worker can be updated with a new definition on the specified list of regions. If list of regions is not specified then the stream worker is created on the nearest region. Once updated you can enable/disbale the stream worker again as you want.
In the following example we update the definition of an existing stream worker Sample-Cargo-App
with the following and activate it.
# To operate on created apps, you need to create an instance of the app
app = client._fabric.stream_app("Sample-Cargo-App")
# Update the app using
updated_definition = """
@App:description('Basic stream application to demonstrate reading data from input stream and store it in the collection. Thestream and collections are automatically created if they do not already exist.')
Testing the Stream Application:
1. Open Stream SampleCargoAppDestStream in Console. The output can be monitored here.
2. Upload following data into SampleCargoAppInputTable C8DB Collection
{"weight": 1}
{"weight": 2}
{"weight": 3}
{"weight": 4}
{"weight": 5}
3. Following messages would be shown on the `SampleCargoAppDestStream` Stream Console.
[2021-08-27T14:12:15.795Z] {"weight":1}
[2021-08-27T14:12:15.799Z] {"weight":2}
[2021-08-27T14:12:15.805Z] {"weight":3}
[2021-08-27T14:12:15.809Z] {"weight":4}
[2021-08-27T14:12:15.814Z] {"weight":5}
4. Following messages would be stored into SampleCargoAppDestTable
-- Defines Table SampleCargoAppInputTable
CREATE SOURCE SampleCargoAppInputTable WITH (type = 'database', collection = "SampleCargoAppInputTable", collection.type="doc",replication.type="global", map.type='json') (weight int);
-- Define Stream SampleCargoAppDestStream
CREATE SINK SampleCargoAppDestStream WITH (type = 'stream', stream = "SampleCargoAppDestStream", replication.type="local") (weight int);
-- Defining a Destination table to dump the data from the stream
CREATE STORE SampleCargoAppDestTable WITH (type = 'database', stream = "SampleCargoAppDestTable") (weight int);
-- Data Processing
INSERT INTO SampleCargoAppDestStream
SELECT weight
FROM SampleCargoAppInputTable;
-- Data Processing
INSERT INTO SampleCargoAppDestTable
SELECT weight
FROM SampleCargoAppInputTable;
regions = []
app.update(data=updated_definition, dclist=regions)
# Update needs some wait time
# Activate the updated stream worker
Get the detailed list of smaple stream workers.
# Get stream application samples
In the following example, stream worker Sample-Cargo-App
is deleted.
# Delete a stream application