- All your files will be interpreted on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
- All your files should end with a new line
- A README.md file at the root of the folder of the project is mandatory
- Your Puppet manifests must pass puppet-lint version 2.1.1 without any errors
- Your Puppet manifests must run without error
- Your Puppet manifests first line must be a comment explaining what the Puppet manifest is about
- Your Puppet manifests files must end with the extension .pp
- Files will be checked with Puppet v3.4
Project | Description |
0x00. Sky is the limit not | Sky is the limit, let's bring that limit higher |
0x01. User, Limit | Changing the OS configuration so that it is possible to login with the holberton user and open a file without any error message. |
Joseph Mahiuha - Mahiuha