This project is about selling cars. Features:
- AuthGuard and AdminGuard were implemented for the authentication and authorization handling
- Serialize decorator for serializing any type of DTO for responses
- Controller, Service, Repository architecture
- Cookies
- Unit and E2E tests in Jest
- Production, Development and Testing invironments (PosgteSQL for production, SQlite for dev and testing)
Car Pricing Project
- User sign up with email and password
- User gets an estimate for how much their car is worth based on the make/model/year/mileage/
- Users can report what they sold their vechicles for
- Admins have to approve reported sales
API: POST /auth/signup - create a new user POST auth/signin - sign in to a program GET /reports - get all selling reports POST /reports - create a report PATCH /reports - Approve or reject selling report