By the end of this class, you should be able to...
- Set up a project on the Firebase console.
- Handle data using Firebase Database using an example app.
- ☕️Swift over coffee by Paul Hudson and Sean Allen (also on Spotify)
- 🎙Swift community podcast
- ✔️Swift by Sundell
- ❗️Swift Unwrapped
- 🔥Fireside Swift
Firebase is an app development platform.
- provides tools to build high quality apps
- these apps can scale easily
It has products to:
- 📦store data
- 🚨handle notifications
- 🍷do A/B testing
- 📈handle analytics
- 🔑handle authentication and more.
The ones we'll learn how to use today are the Firestore Database and Storage. These tools will enable us to read and write to a database.
Watch intro video
What to use: Documentation link
Your task is to take the implementation of an app that's a photo journal and include Firebase to use their backend services.
- Starter Code: Link to repo
- Guided video to follow along: Link to Youtube