This domain is one of the first planning models. It consists of a hand robot that can pick up or drop blocks for recycling purpose. Initially, all blocks are on a conveyor belt (or a table) as shown in the figure:
The goal is that the blocks are stacked as in the figure:
The hand robot distinguished between blocks on the belt or on top or other blocks. Then 4 different actions are needed.
Create a file called blocks.pddl and copy the following domain description:
(define (domain blocks)
(:requirements :strips)
(on ?x ?y)
(ontable ?x)
(clear ?x)
(holding ?x)
(:action pick-up
:parameters (?x)
:precondition (and (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty))
:effect (and (not (ontable ?x))
(not (clear ?x))
(not (handempty))
(holding ?x))
(:action unstack
:parameters (?x ?y)
:precondition (and (on ?x ?y) (clear ?x) (handempty))
:effect (and (holding ?x)
(clear ?y)
(not (clear ?x))
(not (handempty))
(not (on ?x ?y)))
(:action stack
:parameters (?x ?y)
:precondition (and
(:action put-down
:parameters (?x)
Do the following steps:
- Write the stack and put-down actions.
- Write the domain problem based on the situation of both previous figures.
- Run the planning model.
- Change the initial state to the following one and run the model.
(clear c) (clear b) (ontable a) (ontable b) (on c a)
- Modify the domain so it can consider types, i.e. block. Modify the domain and the problem in order to support it.
- Consider the object declaration:
(:objects C D E F B I J A N O K M P H G L Q - block)
and the goal declaration
(and (on Q N) (on N L) (on L O) (on O J) (on J H) (on H C) (on C E)
(on E M) (on M P) (on P A) (on A G) (on G B) (on B I) (on I K)
(on K F) (on F D))
Define the initial state that you want and run it.