In this project, you will host your app on AWS.
You should be able to:
- Access the API via the server URL
- Use the front end app normally
- Deploy changes made to the code to the server
- Use the database if at all applicable
You will:
- Create and access a new AWS account
- Create a new RDS database
- Create an EC2 instance (t2.micro)
- Access the EC2 instance via SSH
- Upload the code and start the server
We strongly recommend overwriting this
with a custom one. A custom README
will help you explain your project and reflect on your learnings.
As soon as you have set the server up and it is running properly, inform us. If everything is done properly, perfect. The server will be taken down and moved to a different platform for cost purposes, and it will then be able to be used by you for your portfolios.
Happy DevOping!
Drop-Dead Date: Monday 9 AM EST