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d007b50 · Jan 11, 2024




Mandelbrot set computed from hardware


Implementation Done
Simulation Done
CSim Done
Synth Done
CoSim Done
Ultrascale or AWS F1

Building and testing

To run the cpp functional simulation

make mandelbrot.test.cpp

This simulation captures the data in the json actual.json, this can be plotted using the python script in the same directory.


The build_hls.tcl script can create a HLS project and run csim, synthesis and cosim.

The Makefile has a rule to create the HLS code from the Dahlia and call Vitis HLS with the build_hls.tcl script.

make synthesis



    * Version:        2022.2 (Build 3670227 on Oct 13 2022)
    * Project:        mandelbrot_prj
    * Solution:       solution (Vivado IP Flow Target)
    * Product family: virtexuplus
    * Target device:  xcvu37p-fsvh2892-2L-e

+ Performance & Resource Estimates: 
    PS: '+' for module; 'o' for loop; '*' for dataflow
    |                 Modules                 | Issue|      | Latency |  Latency  | Iteration|         | Trip |          |         |          |            |             |     |
    |                 & Loops                 | Type | Slack| (cycles)|    (ns)   |  Latency | Interval| Count| Pipelined|  BRAM   |    DSP   |     FF     |     LUT     | URAM|
    |+ mandelbrot                             |     -|  0.00|   141576|  1.416e+06|         -|   141577|     -|        no|  4 (~0%)|  280 (3%)|  5823 (~0%)|   13737 (1%)|    -|
    | o VITIS_LOOP_50_1                       |     -|  7.30|    74752|  7.475e+05|       292|        -|   256|        no|        -|         -|           -|            -|    -|
    |  + mandelbrot_Pipeline_VITIS_LOOP_53_2  |     -|  0.18|      288|  2.880e+03|         -|      288|     -|        no|        -|  275 (3%)|  4460 (~0%)|  11934 (~0%)|    -|
    |   o VITIS_LOOP_53_2                     |     -|  7.30|      286|  2.860e+03|        32|        1|   256|       yes|        -|         -|           -|            -|    -|
    | o VITIS_LOOP_77_4                       |     -|  7.30|    66816|  6.682e+05|       261|        -|   256|        no|        -|         -|           -|            -|    -|
    |  + mandelbrot_Pipeline_VITIS_LOOP_80_5  |     -|  0.00|      259|  2.590e+03|         -|      259|     -|        no|        -|         -|    20 (~0%)|     99 (~0%)|    -|
    |   o VITIS_LOOP_80_5                     |     -|  7.30|      257|  2.570e+03|         3|        1|   256|       yes|        -|         -|           -|            -|    -|


Solution          : solution.
Simulation tool   : xsim.

|          |          |             Latency(Clock Cycles)             |              Interval(Clock Cycles)           | Total Execution Time |
+   RTL    +  Status  +-----------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+    (Clock Cycles)    +
|          |          |      min      |      avg      |      max      |      min      |      avg      |      max      |                      |
|      VHDL|        NA|             NA|             NA|             NA|             NA|             NA|             NA|                    NA|
|   Verilog|      Pass|         140641|         140641|         140641|             NA|             NA|             NA|                140641|