If you want to troubleshoot a time intensive output and save the state you can leverage export-clixml. For ARM templates that would be
# Deploy actual arm template or time intensive task then generates an object to reuse
$Deploy = New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment ....
# save the state by serializing the object to xml
$Deploy | Export-Clixml $Home\state.xml
after that you can use the state.xml
to retrieve the objects and all of their properties.
# load time intensive object from serialized state
$session = Import-Clixml $home\state.xml
That will allow you to troubleshoot the output without rerunning the whole script until this point. In debug mode you are able to export the output of a script at runtime at a specific place and time, too.
# get enumerator from stored session output
$enum = $session.GetEnumerator()
# prepare custom object
$return = [PSCustomObject]@{}
# uses enumerator to iterate through the output
while($enum.MoveNext()) {
# get current object from enumerator
$current = $enum.Current
# add properties to object based on key and use the value as value value (see outputs structure in ARM) objects might need to be handled differently
$return | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $current.Key -Value $current.Value.Value
# return constructed object
An example implementation could look like the following code sample. However
function Get-DeploymentOutput {
Takes Outputs from Arm Template deployment and generates a pscustomobject.
Outputs is Dictionary`2 needs enumerator
Output value has odd value key again -> $output.Value.Value
[DBG]: PS C:\dev> $$Output.GetType()
[DBG]: PS C:\dev> $output
Key Value
--- -----
virtualMachineId Microsoft.Azure.Commands.ResourceManager.Cmdlets.SdkModels.DeploymentVariable
[DBG]: PS C:\dev> $output.Value
Type Value
---- -----
String /subscriptions/*/resourceGroups/*/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/*
if (-Not $Outputs) {
Write-Error "[$(Get-Date)] Deployment output can not be parsed ´n $Deployment"
else {
try {
$return = [PSCustomObject]@{}
$enum = $Outputs.GetEnumerator()
while ($enum.MoveNext()) {
$current = $enum.Current
$return | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $current.Key -Value $current.Value.Value
catch {
Write-Verbose "[$(Get-Date)] Unable to parse"
return $Outputs