Rationalism (理学), Heart Study (心学) #17
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= 格物致知 =
+ Comprehension Comes Understanding
+ Reason cannot be discerned without discerning.
+ Things without comprehension wouldn't be known.
无善无恶心之体: 有善有恶意之动.
+ No kind no evil the body of heart: Of kind of evil the move of will.
知善知恶是良知: 为善为恶皆格物.
+ Know kind know evil be the conscience: Be kind be evil both the Comprehension.
固知多行不义必自毙: 然善, 未必得善终.
+ Definitely know frequently practicing dishonorable must self trap: But kind, does not necessarily end in kindness.
+ What are kind evil?
善故善乎? 恶故恶?
+ Kind are necessarily kind? Evil are evil?
That cannot be proved: what difference does it make from mere baseless assertions?
+ 既无可证: 何异于妄论?
+ As no way to prove: how different from baseless assertions?
何以知其然? 无见其不然.
+ How to know it's true? Haven't seen it's not.
然其孰然? 无以知其然.
+ However it is true? No way to tell if it is.
When their existence made too little difference: they exist or not is made of little importance.
+ 其然无异: 其实无异.
+ Whose truthness no difference: Whose result no difference.
Justice, itself is sort of prejudice.
Just or not, is far beyond what's on the facade only.
Crime so flagrant, that no court could possibly judge: goes unanswered.
Both enforcers and legislators at the same time, meanwhile breaking laws meanwhile fixing laws on need.
不法法: 则事无常.
+ Not ordered by laws: then things inconsistent.
事本无常: 何以法?
+ Things by nature inconsistent: How to order?
Une loi de terreur, et des juges d'enfer.
+ A law of terror, and the judges of Hell.
Dans ce sénat sanglant, les tribuns ont leur voix.
+ In this bloody senate, the tribunes have their voice.
Tout dans la création, n'est pas humainement beau.
+ All inside the creation, are not entirely humanly beautiful.
Sens que le laid y existe à côté du beau:
+ Sense that the ugly there exist aside of the beauty:
Le difforme près du gracieux, le grotesque au revers du sublime.
+ The deformed preceded of the gracious, the disgusted on reverse of the sublime.
Le mal avec le bien. L'ombre avec la lumière.
+ The mal with the benign. The sombre with the luminated.
知美之恶, 知恶之美: 然后能知美恶.
+ Realizing the beauty of ugly, the ugly of beauty: then could realize beauty ugly.
天下无粹白之狐, 而有粹白之裘: 取之众白也.
+ The world has no fox pure white, but of furs pure white: taken from the various whites.
同则来: 异则去.
+ Same then comes: Depart then different.
情人如是. 君臣如是.
+ Lovers alike. Sovereigns Officers alike.
君君臣臣: 各安其序.
+ Sovereign Sovereign Officer Officer: Each resting the Order.
+ Sovereign Sovereign thus Officer Officer.
君不君: 臣不臣. 父子类如是.
+ Sovereign unlike Sovereign: Officer unlike Officer. Parent-child mostly alike.
六亲不和: 安又孝兹?
+ 6 affinities unharmonic: How again pious at?
国家昏乱: 安有贞臣?
+ State bemuddled chaotic: How of faithful Officers?
君虽尊, 以白为黑: 臣不能听.
+ Sovereign though Supreme, taking white as black: Officer shall not hear.
父虽亲, 以黑为白: 子不能从.
+ Parent though affinitive, taking black as white: Child shall not follow.
醒时相交欢: 醉后各分散.
+ Sober times each acquainting joyous: Drunk after each there depart.
永结无情游: 相期邈云汉.
+ Forever binding the tour emotionless: Each expecting immense cloudy abroad.
天人感应: 怪力乱神.
+ Heaven-human sensationalism: Bizarre power disorderly gods.
装神弄鬼: 三纲五常.
+ Feigned gods playing demons: 3 Baseis 5 Conventions.
神道设教: 假托圣名.
+ Divine path setup tutoring: Falsely rent Enlightened names.
君臣有义. 父子有亲. 夫妇有别.
+ Sovereign-Officer of honor. Parent-child of affinity. Husband-wife of each other.
+ Originally not of subordination.
+ Of honor thus Sovereign-Officer.
+ Of affinity thus parent-child.
+ Each cherishing thus husband-wife.
己所不欲: 勿施于人.
+ What self wished not: Inflict not upon others.
己之所好: 亦勿覆施.
+ What favored by self: Inflict not upon neither.
+ Self may take the Enlightened's practice as guideline.
+ May forcibly order the whole world to all follow?
+ Such the bemuddled Sovereign inconsiderate of the people's difficulty.
非人欲者, 伪君子也.
+ Dishonoring the people's wills, be hypocrites.
“伏想行春小队: 问花寻柳于风轻云淡之时.
+ Low reminding the Spring Tour squad: Searching flowers seeking willows at the windy light cloudy faint moment.
退而以文章斧斤尽发 朱 夫子 未启之扃钥.”
+ Returned and had articles axe thoroughly exhibit Master Zhū's unfinished key-doors.
Hugged beauty at hug, meanwhile making "Save Heavenly Justice, Perish Humanly Wills" so on:
+ 手揽美人入怀, 边作 "存天理, 灭人欲" 云云:
Kissing the beauty meanwhile denouncing which..?
+ 亲吻之而非议之..?
我若领夫子一游 Louvre: 不知何感想?
+ If I led the Master a tour of Louvre: Know not what afterthoughts?
褒衣长袖高帽: 大言说教滔滔.
+ Boasting suit long sleeves high hat: Big words tutoring endlessly.
存天理, 灭人欲: 之言不行奈何?
+ Save Heavenly Justice, Perish Humanly Wills: such words inapplicable so how?
Blindly following without consideration becomes dogmatism.
+ 盲从不思为罔.
Beliefs are not to be thoughtlessly applied.
+ 是理非无顾而行.
此亦 阳明 "格竹" 之非.
+ Such is also 阳明's "Comprehending Bamboos" 's fallaciousness.
越名教, 任自然.
+ Transcend Noble Tutoring, Let Naturally Will.
我所行, 皆我本心所好.
+ My practice, all my original heart so favored.
+ Though possibly with the general public's.
+ However still my own heart own interests.
+ Such honor not necessarily non-interests.
+ Such interests not necessarily non-honor.
不类 孟 子 言.
+ Unlike Master Mèng said.
心无是非利害: 随性而已.
+ Heart without right wrong gain loss: mere with the will.
从心所欲: 不论逾矩.
+ Follow the heart so will: without minding transgression.
四方上下曰宇: 往古来今曰宙.
+ 4 directions up-down be space: From past comes present be immensity.
宇宙是我心: 我心即宇宙.
+ The universe be my heart: My heart is the universe.
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